''Weird Shit I’ve Seen as a Marine: PART 3'' | NOSLEEP CLASSIC SERIES

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so last week I studied dumb a new series weird stuff I've seen as a Marine and I asked you to tell me if you liked it and if you wanted me to continue and the response was overwhelmingly yes please do so I'm gonna keep going the next part is out and here it is this evening don't know how many videos this is going to be but I'll keep going for as long as the author keeps writing them now normally when I do a series I try to keep everything in order and put all the parts together but for this one it doesn't really matter which order the stories are in so here's what I'm gonna do you get the brand-new story first up and for those of you that missed the first video well you can just keep listening after the first one's finished so you don't miss out on everything okay alright my dear friends it's time to sit back and relax with your favorite drink listen [Music] after Bridgeport we were given a pretty decent amount of time off due to various public and military holidays I spent most of it sleeping and drinking as well as indulging myself in the countless luxuries I've gone without what I was away in the mountains oh it was nice to finally relax and recover a bit however good things don't last long pretty soon we packed our bags grabbed heavy things and headed off into the desert we went through a few short that boring field ops you guys probably wouldn't want to hear about but this one in particular was in December and things are drastically changed weather-wise it was now winter in the temperature hover just above freezing ah the wind was the worst part you could wear five billion layers and somehow the wind would cut through all of him and slowly drain the heat from your body yep it was miserable for the first few days we did some live-fire training exercises the funnest part was probably when they had me blow up a piece of plywood riddled with nails labeled or to simulate a breach except someone cut the time fuse on the church a little too short and it went off just as I had gotten behind cover the riflemen flooded in through the smoking dust blindly and cleared the objective of those evil paper targets it was great our next destination after that was a giant ghost town in the middle of the desert now get this it is extremely detailed and built to simulate a real city in the Middle East when we got there it was pretty dark and the street lights were off we quickly grabbed our packs and found a vacant building to set up it it was pretty creepy because there were paintings on the wall furniture in every room there was even detailed things like an old computer or treadmill with power outlets it was as if they quite literally copied and pasted an entire town out into the desert hundreds upon hundreds of buildings complexes bazaars churches everything getting out of the wind given a few hours to sleep I figured I could get some rest in before the training scenario started the next day nope all throughout the night I was woken up the entire time by a constant banging noise I figured that the wind had picked up and there was a loose shutter or door somewhere nearby great I finally had enough and putting the foam air protection and we where when we shoot that worked and I slept like a log for the rest of the night the next morning we started the day just as the Sun was coming up he was still cold and windy and I wasn't really excited to eat an MRE so I just drank some water and basked in the early morning Sun in a desperate attempt to warm up pretty soon our next task was explained to us for the next few days we would build a small base in one of the houses and send patrols out into the city to look for insurgent fighters played by Marines there will be civilian actors playing out roles like the mayor local religious leader police chief and so forth then we were given some annoying laser tag system for our body and our rifle our rifles would fire a laser every time we fired a blank round and if we got shot by another laser the laser tag system would start beeping loudly and repeat our status either injured or dead it all sounded pretty cool actually we picked a pretty large three-story building next to a road and began fortifying our defenses first we surrounded the entire perimeter with tons of barbed wire then we blocked off all exits with sandbags and furniture except for one there was only one way to get in and that was right in front of a machine gun that we had set up on the floor above we blocked all the windows on the third floor and the stairs to get there with furniture just in case they decided to climb in somehow well they weren't allowed to anyway it was a world build defense and we were proud no one would be able to sneak in during the night my squad went out to patrol and look for bad guys while one squad slept one squad defended outcome all I can say is that it was super creepy and exhausting we must have walked for two hours and made it halfway through the town maybe when we finally got back from our uneventful Patrol we were told to sleep for a few hours sure enough I started to hear the same damn banging and this time it was loud it was like a dull thud on an old iron door slowly and methodically it never missed a beat a few of us agreed that we would find out what the hell was making the and put an end to it on our next Patrol I put my foam earbuds back in instead for maybe an hour or two before I was woken up by what sounded like a training grenade going off outside of the building oh great we're being attacked it's 2:00 a.m. and people are shooting at us and throwing fake grenades a few people's laser systems are beeping loudly and they are notionally bleeding out the rest of us are shooting out of windows and calling out targets the machine gun above me is raining hard brass down the stairs it was honestly great fun the insurgents eventually disappear into the dark and my squad is sent to pursue them we check the surrounding area but all we found were unarmed civilians they were pretty great actors I'll give that I felt extremely immersed in the situation when they told us they would only give us information if we gave them guns to protect themselves yeah not gonna happen on the way back to our base I made sure we did a quick check for whatever the banging noise that was keeping us awake all night was we tracked the noise to a building that wasn't very far away from our little base maybe two hours is over but blocked from our view here's the weird thing all of the windows and doors were covered with sheet metal and bolted shut when we got close the bang had stopped but we all knew it was coming from that building specifically unable to do anything we went back and posted up on various positions to pull up security so that the other squad could rest I got the short end of the stick and ended up on a window facing in the direction of the building before I relieved the guy standing there I asked him if he'd heard the noise from the building he nodded and said he'd heard it all night I felt like Edgar Allan Poe listening to the Raven slowly going mad by myself somewhere in my dreamy stupor I postulated that somehow one of the insurgents has snuck their way into the building and we're pulling some kind of psyops on us by banging away all night just as I passed this up the banging stops and I look like an idiot pretty soon the Sun came up the rest of the day was pretty uneventful we set up a few checkpoints and interacted with the locals gave them water ask them about the insurgents and so on typical role play fun once the Sun set we were again harassed by the insurgents but this time it was less fun besides that maybe three or four hours in the last few days it was over in ten minutes and in another Scott went out looking for them i sat down to try and get a quick nap in and then the banging started right back up I was getting pretty damn irritated at this point so I insisted on heading out with a few guys to check the surrounding buildings the building with the banging had no way of getting in so I got creative and thought maybe there was a tunnel we ran around to each house and kicked all the rugs around like some terrible guests and boom we found a hatch no we were told not to enter any of the tunnels because the fans they use for ventilation were no longer functional they told us we could suffocate but I didn't really think we'd use up all the oxygen in just a few minutes so we made the decision to go down we drop down and it was absolutely pitch black so we turned on our flashlights and proceeded forward to the end of the tunnel as we got closer to the ladder we heard something similar to the sound you hear when you turn a really old television on kind of like a mix between that and when your ears start ringing all of the hair on my body stood up there was a slight tinge of fear creeping up on me but I decided to ignore it and start climbing the ladder I opened the hatch and immediately began clearing the pitch-black room nothing I moved to other stairs while the rest of the guys flowed in at first I thought it was something breathing hard from the exertion but now I was sure of it I could hear the faintest whisper of someone saying we're in here coming from upstairs somewhere we moved tactically up the stairs in pairs and began clearing the rooms out when we got to the end of the hallway there was what looked like a kid's room and I went in nothing then the batteries on my flashlights started to fade outs impossible I just replaced them today and they don't drain that fast I think it was either the corner or the closet but I heard what sounded like a little girl's laugh more like a giggle I ran straight the hell out of that room and was met with several what the [ __ ] someone nervously asked if that was me I said no it wasn't and I made the executive decision that we were all getting the [ __ ] out of there all of us were nearly panicking at this point but we tried to keep it together long enough to get the [ __ ] out of that house we started to make our way back down the stairs when we heard the Laughing again as we approach the hatch we noticed that now of all times there was tons of furniture stacked on top of its desks wardrobes couches even a microwave pretty soon our flashlights all faded slowly out and we all scrambled towards the pile of [ __ ] the rest of the flashlights died out everyone panicked and started blindly throwing and shoving things out of the way the Laughing grew louder and more sinister like it was coming down the stairs after what seemed like years we cleared everything and open the hatch we jump straight down and scrambled back to the other hatch and through the tunnel we made it out and pretty much ran back to our little fort 25 meters away all of us were scared to [ __ ] and nearly woke everyone up with us stumbling around in case a lieutenant asked what had happened we told him and he wasn't really sure whether to believe us or not his only response was yeah I've heard some pretty weird stuff about this town and then he walked away we tried to sleep for the next few hours I went up to the second floor because I figured that was the safest I knew that I wasn't going to go to sleep with some creepy stuff going down next door but it was nice to sit down and relax around 3 a.m. I heard what sounded like someone running upstairs loudly no this is impossible because we'd blocked off the stairs to the third floor with the desks and couches so that no one would be able to get in from the roof a few guys were woken up I was sent to go upstairs to clear it out absolutely nothing none of the furniture had been moved oh I didn't sleep at all that night in the morning the townspeople began rioting outside of our compound it was peaceful at first but then someone with a backpack detonated an imaginary IUD despite our best efforts as soon as the ie D went off we took fire from pretty much everywhere and a lot of us were killed we were taught to go to an aid station all the way across the city to get revived I felt like a zombie from the lack of sleep and the countless patrols once we were revived we were told that our mission had changed we were no longer on the defensive but we will be clearing out a sector of the town as part of a larger force this will be our final event then we will be able to go home we got maybe an hour of sleep before the Sun went down and the offensive started it was pretty easy at first until we started to take contact from various buildings we cleared most of them and didn't find anyone except for a few open hatches we sat around in health security while they figured out what to do logically the people in charge of us concluded that the insurgents must have escaped through the tunnels even though everyone was told not to use them cursing under my breath asked was broke off when I followed my fearless leaders into one of the tunnels it was pretty simple but much longer this time when we got to the very end we climbed the ladder and tried opening the hatch but it wouldn't budge awesome so we headed back in the direction we came and just as my cynical self predicted the hatch we'd entered with was stuck to a few of the stronger guys attempted to muscle it open but he was like someone had put a huge boulder on top of it we tried our radios but they weren't working so we resorted to banging on the hatch nothing a few of the guys started panicking well all I wanted to do was go to sleep so I sat down and accepted my fate as I reconsider if I'd made the right decisions in life now I was never claustrophobic but right now I was stunned to feel like it was guys were still banging loudly and I started to filter the mouths maybe five minutes later we heard someone banging on the hatch we knocked back they banged again someone yelled we're in here we waited a few seconds for a response but what we got back still haunts me to this day it was the same dam a little girl laughter we'd heard the other night we all froze whatever was on the other side started to bang again slowly and methodically I felt like I was in a torture cell I tried my best to drown that sound out and think about anything else no one dare to knock again it must have been 2 or 3 hours I don't remember but it felt like an eternity before we heard footsteps I'm about everyone held their breath and listened we heard some furniture being shifted and a few curse words that quickly gave away their identity Oh other Marines finally soon the hatch was opened and before we were all even out of the tunnel we were all getting absolutely chewed out to shreds multiple higher-ups yelling and cursing the guys in charge of us were threatened with some punishments but I personally was pretty relieved to get yelled at and beat being stuck in there from what I heard they noticed we weren't part of the assault and assumed we were put out of the game they didn't realize until after they regrouped that we were still missing they got our last known location from one of the other squads he would enter the other tunnels near us and back tracked their way to us and glad that someone remembered where we were is a lot of the buildings at the same damn painter following that incident it was nearly morning time and we hung out until trucks came to pick us up and took us to base that was easily one of the more terrifying experiences because being buried alive scares the hell out of me to this day [Music] well another fantastic installment there and there are more to come I am promised so next week maybe we'll see another one of these about Deadman running I know I keep saying it but parts four five and six are fully written and are on dr. creepers vault and I think I need to get around to them sometime very soon but whether that's on Wednesday he'll not I still tell but I will be back on Wednesday regardless until then you all sleep safe join me again on Wednesday but for now I
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Views: 79,684
Rating: 4.8956161 out of 5
Keywords: best scariest most terrifying creepypastas 2017 2018, Top 10 scariest most terrifying creepypastas of all time, best new horror stories 2017 2018, scariest horror stories 2017 2018, scariest deep web stories 2017 2018, scariest body horror stories 2017 2018, scariest lost in the woods stories 2017 2018, scariest true stories 2017 2018, weird shit I've seen as a marine nosleep series, Weird Shit I’ve Seen as a Marine part 3, dr creepen marine stories
Id: 7rb5eNqANKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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