​@Octonauts - 🙀 Hungry Hippos 🦛 | Animals Takeover Month | Compilation | @OctonautsandFriends

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[Music] Shellington to Captain Barnacles I'm heading up the river on my research Mission I can't wait to observe the nighttime behavior of the African river creatures it is very exciting safe travel Shellington okay dashy let's power down for the night already on it Captain good night dashy good night P night quasy night [Music] captain [Music] oord to uh [Music] HQ octal who sounded the Octo alert it's sherington the alert's coming from the gut e Captain Barnacles to [Music] Shellington it sounds like there's a wild animal in there with it Shellington do you read me quasi peso to the gup a we're heading up the river to rescue Shellington we're picking up a signal on the gup finder Captain I it's the gup e for sure the gup e should be right here listen it's the wild animal and it's coming from over therei wait this could be dangerous we'll go together sh Captain quasi peso what are you doing what am I oh I must have fallen asleep while watching the nighttime creatures well next time try not to fall asleep on the Octo alert button uh oh so sorry it's okay we're just glad you're all right now let's head back [Music] home looks like it's going to be a beautiful day Maes sun is The Shining River nice and peaceful um maybe not so peaceful turn back while you hand some really scary guys up ahead H what sort of scary guys there's your answer Captain Crocs they don't come any meaner and scarier yes but the crocodiles seem to be minding their own [Music] business you better beat it here they come challinger over here something's coming hippes that's what everyone's afraid of those SK Wags look like nothing but big Slow [Music] Coaches sleepy Slow Coaches they're kind of sweet they might look that way but hippos can be very very dangerous yeah I see what you mean they're extremely protective of their territory in the river and do not like strangers those big teeth and crushing Jaws could certainly do some damage to the cops so how do we get past them very carefully Follow My Lead lucky for us they're fast asleep after a long night of grazing on grass I don't think so matey not unless they're sleep walking and sleep swimming that's exactly what they're doing since hippos are so heavy they sink to the bottom while asleep and then float to the surface every now and then to breathe and all without wake him up let's try to keep it that way incoming from above captain and another rising up from below you have left shington now hard right almost through the H Captain just a bit further and will have fre avoid contact Shellington all Runner left nice hippo there you go just a bad dream no need to wake up this is not good coming to our neighborhood we don't lock that wake me from my beauty sleep I this like that we're very sorry not as sorry as you're about to be yeah I don't think this is a good time to talk it over with them back up Shellington and now turn nice and easy okay let's move out slow and steady slow and steady isn't working so well Captain you're right Full Speed Ahead the hios have stopped chasing us but why have they stopped that's their territory this isn't and it's fairly certain that if we head back that way they'll attack again then it's best we wait till they leave the river those hippos can't stay there all day actually they can and often do really but they must take a lunch break no hippos are not interal feeders they eat at night in the jungle but stay in or around the river all day they do it to stay wet a hippo's skin may look tough but it's actually very sensitive to the sun if it gets too dry and hot it can be very uncomfortable then we should wait for Nightfall when the hippos leave the river to eat I don't think we can wait that long the gups have taken a lot of damage they may not be working by nighttime but the hippos are right there blocking our part how will we get past them let me handle that mes wo ah some get there you lazy lugs over here oh lazy oh let's show him to Lazy over here it's not even a contest you slow keep them busy quasi Shellington follow me shiv Me Whiskers these oversized skallywags are fter than I fall just about made it through captain that big rock should be far enough outside the hippo's home territory and that's where we said we'd meet up with quasi Captain I've lost my Rudder I can't move we need a toe line we're still in hippo territory I can make one from bandages great but you'd better do it fast we've got company toe line secure captain now let's get out of here quasi do you read hi hey in for our meeting up Place Captain really hope you'll be there hope I'll be there no Escape now yeah unless maybe you can fly great idea [Music] matey see later or maybe sooner better give a Full Throttle Captain those hippos can Mo faster than they look I'm so H the hippos have spent too much time in the hot sun their skins all dried out it looks really uncomfortable we can't leave them like that agreed any ideas peso I know a quick and easy remedy for hot dry skin mud so big for more are you want some more of V is you you don't know who you're messing with oh yes we do some very hot and dry hippos but don't worry we're going to fix that oh all love M everyone feel better ah yeah thanks for the M you're welcome matey now the next time you see me don't go chasing me around like that sorry we don't usually like strangers on our turf but I guess you guys are all Ro so how about we return the favor and cool you off you know what that does feel good cool as a hippo in mud fascinating those baby Gators must have just hatched are you sure we're safe alligators can be dangerous but as long as we keep our distance they won't bother us I don't know they look like big green swamp monsters to me oh they're not monsters quasi look how tenderly that mother Gator cares for her babies sh Me Whiskers she's eating one of them no that's how a mother Gator carries her baby she's returning it to the nest safe and sound I still think they might be Swamp Monsters come on it's getting late let's head back to the Octopod and get some sleep Oh [Music] Captain wow would you look at this place stay back here swamp [Music] monster shiver Me Whiskers a baby swamp monster I mean a a baby Gater that's me tail and I'm rather attached to it if you don't mind sorry Mister he'll look like a big fuzzy worm what in the seven seas are you doing here little matey I took a nap in the mouth of that big metal Gator thingy the gup K I guess the next thing I knew I was here what is this place this here is the Octopod and my name's quasi pleased to meet you I'm Nipper you sure are oh what's in here careful there that's here what's this for ow slow down Nipper I'll get Captain Barnacles and we're going to take you back to your mom oh can I stay a little while please pretty please I like it here well the captain is still sleeping I guess I can tell him when he wakes up yippee oh this looks tasty you must be hungry let's go and get you some breakfast let's see we've got Kel cakes kelp debabs and a big bag of Kel marshmallows Dipper where'd you go uh-oh have fast little matey what do you think you're doing sorry I didn't mean to scare him I just wanted a drink of water all right nippa now I think we better go and wait Captain Barnacles oh where does this go wait come back cool nothing like going swimming first thing in the morning hold on he can't give this pirate the [Music] slip all right M enough fun and games time to hey what's this do gotcha the open Ocean's no place for you nippa I can take care of myself I'm an alligator you're a little alligator and there' be plenty of big ocean creatures that love a tasty Gator snack did someone say snack like that one w I'm Coming For You Ry what's going on we've been swept away by an ocean current byy hang on I don't like ocean currents I want to go home pH you okay I think so but where are we I'm not sure but we better call for help quy to Captain burles come in Captain quasi is that you all captain and I've got a bit of a problem where are you quasi that's just it I don't exactly know but it's not a good place for Nipper Nipper who's Nipper a baby alligator of course a baby never mind just stay put quasi we'll find you Octonaut to the launch BAS [Music] Octonaut quasi and a a baby alligator are lost somewhere out in the ocean a baby what alligator his name's Nipper but how did you it's a long story matey the important thing is that we find them and bring them back I don't see them on the map he must be pretty far away quasi do you have any idea where you are where some where in a big Rocky Reef they're not alone there are a lot of hungry creatures out here and they'd all like a piece of Nipper hungry Predators aren't the only danger the ocean is made of salt waterer and Nipper is used to freshwater swamps without salt I thought alligators could swim in the ocean crocodiles can but alligators can't a Nipper is an alligator they're two different species crocodiles can get rid of the salt water they drink but alligators can't if alligators stay in salt water too long they get very very sick oh he's right I don't feel so good quasi get Nipper to the surface you must hold him out of the water hi Captain stand by W double [Applause] w see go snack see go snack I saw him first yeah back your Fe flying fil W won't my mama the surface is no good either Captain we need to get this little Gator to fresh water first how can we get nippa back to fresh water if we don't even know where they are actually there might be a way to solve both problems at once according to the map there are several freshwater springs on the ocean floor nearby fresh water in the ocean yes at these Springs fresh water bubbles up from the seaf Flor and Rises to the surface we don't know where quasi is but we do know where the Springs are if we Mark each Spring by putting colored Tracer diey in the water then quasi could see them from a distance and then all he has to do is take nippa to the nearest spring and keep him in the fresh waterer until we can rescue them exactly and the dye won't hurt any creatures living nearby NOP these Tracer d are 100% creature safe great idea Professor Octonauts to the guts dropping red green orange and yellow all the Tracer dies are in place just look for the bubbles of colored water eat snack out oh yeah got a moment too soon at first I see the red one that's a fresh water spring head towards it and we'll pick you up from there oh it's so far I don't think I can make it just hang on a bit longer matey I'll get us there out shark ooh a we snack for a big shark nothing's going to stop me [Music] shiv Me Whiskers we've got a real mob on our tail a real hungry mob aost if you want this little Nipper you're going to have to go through me that's hor snack time is over they're leaving but why because they're saltwater fish and the freshwat spring leaves a bad taste in their mouths here's something a little tastier for your mouth fish [Music] biscuits and don't come back you Skelly bites that's telling him quasi I'm feeling better already I think it's time we took you back to your mother thank you so much for bringing my dear little Nipper back I was worried sick man you should have seen it there were scary sharks and Eels and seagull but quazy and I we fought them off together we sure showed them so cool so still think that's swamp monsters nah they're all right in my pocket Nipper there you go little swamp frog good as you yeah thanks something must have scared him it came from over there ah now it's coming from over there what could it be if you ask me it sounds like a swamp monster I knew it follow him where'd it go whatever it was I think it's gone now wait a minute do you hear that is it the swamp monster no it almost sounds like singing flamingos but what are they doing Barnacles to Shellington come in Shellington any idea what these flamingos are up to head up down fting it looks like they're d these special dances are how flamingos Bond they dance to show they like one another and sometimes they seem to dance just for H there's more than just flamingos out there look the swamp monster that's no swamp monster Z Zig z z Oh it's a flamingo chick and he doesn't have the hang of it just yet look out um flamingos we are the Octonauts are you all right just a little tangled up right now I'm Flo how do you find our secret dancing Pond We Found You by following this little matey through the swamp Phil what have I told you about wandering off jeez mom I was just practicing my dancing look zigzag all right Phil why don't you go practice with your crash until dinner fine never wants to stay with his crash that one his crash that's what a group of flamingo chicks is called a crash they're safer if they all stick together oh can you untwist my leg Octonaut it's time to untangle excuse me now excuse me sir sorry [Music] madam he flamingo were more Tangled Up than I thought that's what happens when you have necks and legs as long as ours now who's hungry B dinner time hold on now where's Phil he's never late for dinner Phil Phil aast look at this M's Footprints Phil must have wandered off into the swamp again oh no it'll be dark soon and it's dangerous for him to be out at night we have to find him leave that to us Octonauts to the [Music] HQ o Lords a flamingo chick named Phil has wandered off on his own into the swamp jumping jellyfish it's dangerous for Flamingo chicks to leave their crash lots of hungry creatures out there might want him for a snack that's why we have to find him and fast before nightfall any clues as to which way he might have gone only these Footprints based on their Direction it looks like he's heading into the deepest part of the swamp and you know what that means Gator territory then there's no time to lose Barnacle out peso quasi to the gup k Octonaut keep your eyes peel still no sign of Phil Captain I'm not sure how much further we'll be able to go this swamp is very thick even for the cupc keep trying Captain we've almost got it look oh and bless you quasi it's one of Phil's feathers he must have come through this [Music] way there's another one and another I think our search will be faster on foot follow those feathers at this rate we'll Flappy flippers alligators quick over [Music] here looks like they're all napping captain Phil's Footprints it'll take too long to go around we need to sneak past the Gators without them noticing us but look at all that gloopy mud we'll be up to our necks then we'll just have to make ourselves a little taller don't wonder flamingos have such long legs that makes walking through the swamp easy as a pirate pie the that's what we Grandad calls kelp and Li of beans on to was he sh that was a close [Music] one look another feather Phil must be close come [Music] on there's something up ahead I hope it's not another Gator by the sound of it I'd say easy Phil it's only us oh pH hey guys what are you doing out here matey your mom's worried sick I was just practicing my flamingo dance and I was getting really good but then I got a little lost of Muddy and hungry it's dangerous for you to be out here all by yourself Phil come on time to head home I before we're spotted by any more of those big green g mudy Flamingo my favorite H wait that way leads back towards the gator Flingo and muddy but whatever those things are uh-oh this way they're gaining on us don't worry guys I got this one zig zag Zig do you really think this is the time for dancing matey just do what I do Zig z z Zig z z z z z z sick sick it's working see I told you I was getting a hang of it Z just a little further zigzag jum w sorry daters no muddy flamingos or Rock NS on the menu tonight here have some fish biscuits instead needs more money I think that's enough dance practice for one day I think you're right Phil now let's get you home oh than goodness I was so worried thank you so much for bringing him home safe and sound mom it was no trouble at all Flo you should be very proud of your son he's become quite the dancer hi if it wasn't for Phil's dancing I don't know how we would have escaped from those Gaters Gaters oh Mom check out my moves zig zag Zig that's the way flamingo dance k all day and come on guys zig zag Zig the way Flingo head up and down left and right day or night monkey with a tool belt Wazi sound the Octo alert Octonaut to the launch bang and got it
Channel: Octonauts and Friends
Views: 26,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octonauts, chico bon bon, peter rabbit, octonauts above and beyond, silvergate, barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, tweak, dashi, duck billed playtypus, cookiecutter sharks, immortal jellyfish, underwater, education, shows for kids, tv for kids, kids cartoons, adventures for kids, octonauts series 1, octonauts full episodes, octonauts youtube, octonauts episode 1, calico jack, spring missions, earth day, earth day octonauts, octonauts animals, animals for kids
Id: ZPnI0lz3iUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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