Octonauts - The Amazing Water Skaters | Compilation | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] what's our mission today captain i'm ready for anything shiver me whiskers what's that big green thing some sort of humongous blob monster heading towards us i'm tracking a large mass of plankton to see how wind and waves affect its path a massive what plankton that large patch of plankton is actually made up of teeny tiny little things uh oh yeah you see there are little animals and little green plants in the plankton but what's our mission captain well the plankton is our mission for the next few weeks you mean we're just going to sit here and watch little bits of green gunk we can learn big things from little things quasi i like how to go stir crazy with your tail stuck in one place um quasi i think tweek could use some help with the cup ex i got eggs well now you're talking i don't know quasi it seems to me you're better at wrecking gups than helping fix him oh come on matey what have you got to lose a gup please all right follow me what do you need me to do drive the tank up the side of an undersea volcano see how fast the glider can fly upside down no you want me to just sit on the octo ski you can try to get it going after i clean all the plankton out of the engine don't worry i'll get us started [Music] [Music] but how do i get it to stop quasi to tweak come in a high octapod anybody ah no problem me pirate senses tell me the octopod's just a little bit back that way okay a lot of it back left right skate left right skate ah see monkey's uncle it's a bug walking on water okay not just any bug my friend i'm a sea skater call me strider the only insect who can live on the ocean all the time amazing but true i've got these little waterproof hairs on my legs that let me walk on the waves yeah that's a fancy trick for someone so little hey i may be little but i do big things ah quit showing off you're not the only one who can walk on water oh yeah this is my wife sally hiya sally's a she skyter all the she skaters are bigger than the e skaters if you're so fast how come you haven't found any food we've been looking for days but there isn't any and the babies are hungry what do you see skaters eat ah we like to eat this floaty green stuff hey that sounds like the plankton my friends the octonauts are looking at it's a big green all you can eat floating feast and it's right over that way i don't know i usually find the food what do we got to lose ready kids well i hope you know what you're doing okay here we go left right skate there right okay not yet i can't get him on the radio or the gunfinder don't worry tweek we'll find him this isn't the first time quasi's been lost at sea captain the wind is picking up and causing some really big waves [Music] it's getting rough out there that big patch of plankton [Applause] [Music] to the launch bay [Applause] octonauts quasi is lost at sea and every door on the octopod is jammed with plankton oh no quasi's out there while we're stuck in here hmm any luck opening the octo hatch tweet no we gotta unjam the octahedge before about that me hearty i didn't see you there because you said don't stay little and no i mean yes coming through left right left right [Music] [Music] who can [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] captain i found the octoski but i'm tracking a really big wave and it's heading straight for quasi let's go [Music] activate glider hang on kids okay sally time to bubble up time to one bubble up remember those little hairs i told you about when the water gets really rough it helps us do this so we can breathe even if we go underwater amazing well i don't have a bubble but you're welcome to take shelter in my octoski all aboard it's okay hon i'm good i'll save them don't be scared kids i've got you is [Music] ah there's nobody here hey are you calling nobody oh hello um who are you never mind that these wives are getting too big my husband and your furry friend are in danger what makes you think [Music] what a long day i can't wait to get back to the octopod to get some rest don't worry peso we'll be home in no time it just so happens that i know a super secret shortcut through a mangrove forest turn left up here captain something's not right here the mangrove forest is completely flooded he's right captain here's what the mangrove forest used to look like and now it's almost all underwater we'd better take a look around and see if any creatures need our oh we'll swim the rest of the way peso [Music] looks like it's deserted [Music] we should all stay alert let's spread out and check for creatures aye captain [Music] no creatures here captain all clear over here too [Music] no creatures here either octonauts let's move out [Music] what's going on hello what are you doing in here flappity flippers quasi peso open your helmets quick now don't worry we just need to open our helmet so we can get you back in the water forget about it this water's too deep for us and we can't swim too good but you fish what kind of fish doesn't want to be in the water ain't it obvious we're mark skippers mud skippers that's right we can breathe air so we spend most of our time on land that's what we need that's where we live and that's where we eat there used to be plenty of around here but now it's all underwater oh so that's why you hitched a ride in our helmets with everything flooded we can't stay here there's hardly any mud left yeah if we don't find a new place we're done well why didn't you say so we'll help you find a new home mate you'd do that for us watch the catch there's no catch at all with the octonauts helping sea creatures is what we do okay okay but it's not like we need help or nothing of course not but you'd be doing us a favor if you let us help you well since you put it that way sure why not [Music] octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts we need to find a new home for our friends the mud skippers mud skippers eh fascinating i've never seen one up close they'll need a place with lots of mud there's another mangrove forest nearby captain this one's not flooded there should be plenty of map there if we leave now then we should be able to get there by tomorrow morning hey don't go out of your way on our account or nothing oh um we happen to be heading that way anyway what a call winky dink i asked you what are the odds tunip let's prepare a nice muddy space for our guests in the garden pod dashie set a course for the mangrove forest already on it captain [Music] i think you'll be all right in here mudskippers ah the mod's a little lumpy but uh i guess it ain't bad i skipped and worse good well uh we'll see you in the what morning the world [Music] captain what's that horrible noise i'm not sure peso it sounds like it's coming from the garden pod what's going on just solving a situation here by mud wrestling it was in my mind your mud forget about it it's my mud now i'm not listening talk to the fish [Music] easy mud skippers we just wonder [Music] they're heading for the hq here's the mud in your eyes the highest gets all the metal himself you're on check this out these mud skippers are having a rumble over the mud and they sure fight dirty of course i should have known mud skippers like to have their own space and they often fight over it there's only one way to settle this we'll have to separate them until we reach the mangrove forest in the morning [Music] quasi scoop up some mud and head for the game peso you take some mud to the launch bay and i'll head back to the garden pod hey that's my mud come back sorry about this [Music] is everyone comfortable now sure am thanks to peso i've got this whole place to myself oh yeah quasi said the mud is all mine my name is mud captain mud uh let's get some sleep now we need to take you mud skippers to your new home as early as possible tomorrow morning [Music] now this is what a mangrove forest should look like quasi peso let's spread out and find some nice mud banks for our friends you gonna let him water you around like that well he is the captain says who you're just as good as he is him oh don't make me laugh quasi here should be in charge forget about it the captain here is the toughest guy around oh well you know besides me of course [Music] i don't want to do that find by me who needs those yo-yos am i right or am i right just keep your eyes peeled for some mud matey you can count on me [Music] see anything yet i see a seagull and another seagull and i see a crab and a lobster and a big old crocodile and a bunch of shrimp wait what was the last one the shrimp no the one before that oh that was a crocodile oh crocodile i've got a giant crocodile we're on our way hey you want a piece of this big [Music] [Music] he's leaving [Music] the sucker on your bin is healing nicely nora now let's see if you can use it to stick to something i hope it's working i have to be able to sit to bake a fish that's how i hit rides all over the ocean now what can we practice on oh i know oh you've definitely got the sticking part sorted now let's practice the unsticking part i i'm trying but oh i can't don't worry i'll help [Music] nora has vanished and i'm afraid there's no sign of her on the fish tracker we need to find her captain she could be stuck to something dangerous and not be able to get unstuck don't worry pacer we'll find her dashi sound the octoalert octonauts to the launch bay [Music] octonauts we need to find this missing fish she's a remora who goes by the name of nora nora there amora hey she was last seen by peso near this trench and then she disappeared without a trace so we've got a little fish who's disappeared in a big ocean what other clues do we have matey no other clues but the sucker on her fin is hurt the longer she's out there the more danger she's in yeah what about agreed i've never seen that before we've never had to use it before you think he'll get the signal he'll get the signal who care what signal i don't hear anything hold on quasi i expect he'll be here in five four three two one harry the harbour seal at joel's service octonauts meet my old friend and ace detective harry thanks for coming harry after all the times you've saved my seal skin barnacles i owe you one or two peso why don't you tell harry about our case oh right well let's see wait let me guess what we've got here is a case of a missing fish a patient of yours perhaps how did i know that swimming towards the octopod i found this thread special type only used to make bandages so i figure you must be a medic i am yes i can tell your heart's beating fast so i guess you're worried which means this patient of yours is in trouble what kind of trouble well you contacted me so obviously they're lost or missing oh you're good i always find my fish the fish we're looking for is a remora named nora but i'm afraid we don't have any good clues for you oh harry can find clues that the rest of us can't it's all in our whiskers that's because harbour seals whiskers are so sensitive they can detect the slightest ripple in the water made by any fish and track it for a hundred miles wow now then how about you take me to the last place you saw nor other amore this is the spot my whiskers are picking up uh big fish fast-moving passed right by here and now i detect a little ripple from our little fish that's probably nora the big fish and the little fish moved on together from here can you tell which way they went harry according to my whiskers they went this way follow me chat yes there's definitely a big fish and a little fish in there let's take a look it's a big fish and little fish all right but it's not nora it's a cleaning grass and a shark hey big guy you want cleaning you must wait until unfinished shark yeah take a swim harvest you come on harry oh this won't take long uh yes excuse me we're looking for a missing fish and we'd like to ask you a couple of questions i don't like questions hey please the shark he needs to relax yes yes but i'm just wondering if you've seen hey we'd better stop that shark before it takes a bite out of harry [Music] easy now don't chomp my friend i'll take it from here now don't move till i'm finished cleaning your teeth you must relax [Music] everyone all right thanks for saving my sale skin barnacles but it's a good thing that shark chase is over here or i might have missed this my whiskers are detecting more ripples i'd say these ripples were made by a big fish and a little fish excellent my dear peso and our trail leads us to a little hole in the sand exactly this little hole was made by a big fish with a pointy nose now i'm starting to get that picture the big fish with a pointy nose takes a dive down towards the sea floor but he's not alone somewhere along the way he picks up a little fish now we've got a little fish stuck to a big fish with his nose stuck in the sand the big fish breaks free but the little fish is still stuck to him and they both went that away better follow them before the trail goes cold peso go with harry we'll catch up at the guppy remember we're on the lookout for a big pointy-nosed fish with nora attached yeah they definitely came this way we're close peso very close ah are you all right fine just running out of air harbor seals have to go up to breathe every 30 minutes hold on i'll just grab a quick breath oh no eh shrimp what was that let's make sure peso and harry are all right snapping shrimp they make those loud snaps to defend themselves shiver me whiskers they've knocked out harry and pacer attention snapping shrimp we are the octonauts and we're not out to harm you would you please stop snapping so we can help our friends oh sorry we always snip first ask questions later you know all right everybody stop sniffing [Music] are you all right peso i'm fine but where's harry he was knocked out by those snapping shrimp just like you oh no [Music] he's okay but he needs air right away captain we need to get him up to the surface to breathe understood peso you pull quasi we'll push [Music] how do you feel yeah i feel ready to solve this case come on chaps okay peso we've got to follow these ripples [Music] there's our big fish with a pointy nose that's a sailfish but where's nora let's go okay leo everything up here looks good now let's check your tentacles checking checking still checking just one teeny tiny tentacle to untangle this won't hurt a bit they're all better oh you are the best doctor in the whole ocean let us stingers seem to be working just fine i'm so sorry i love to just argue but it never seems to end well it's all right leo i'm wearing a sting proof suit besides you're a lion's mane jellyfish it's what you do ah you're right is how i protect myself and my friends [Music] if any big fishes but that one there try to eat my friends i give them the old rapper isn't that right guys that's right leo and you're always giving us food we couldn't be happier which one of you fish would like a checkup and a sticker [Music] okay tuna we are officially done fixing up the bubble engine let's fill her back up with water [Music] now remember when the water reaches the laundry jack it close the front door easy as fun but first let's make sure the area outside the octopode is all clear no creatures in the area we are all clear ready [Music] swim to that big rock as fast as you can [Music] we're gonna close the door [Music] we got a situation down here what kind of situation [Music] wow what just happened sorry big fella we sort of kind of sucked into the octopod but we're going to get you and your tentacles back into the ocean but what about my friends those little fishes are in the big danger i must live here at once oh leo stop you'll hurt yourself aso's right please let us help you and your friends okay but please be leo quick don't seem to bother him will you stay here and keep leo company leo on my honor as an octonaut we will get you out of here peso sound the suits [Music] [Applause] [Music] octonauts these tentacles belong to a lion's mane jellyfish named leo he's stuck in the bubble engine and everywhere else of course tentacles this long could only belong to a lion's mane jellyfish lion's manes are the largest jellyfish in the world as long as a blue whale their tentacles often provide protection to smaller fish oh no dogfish those fish are in serious danger without leo around we need to act fast our mission is to untangle these tentacles and protect those fish captain it's been my experience that tentacles untangling tentacles is never a good idea i'd have to agree but i could protect these fish i don't have stinging tentacles but i do [Music] shoot ink okay professor but please be careful of course captain hey so you're an expert at wrapping and unwrapping bandages any tips it's all in the flipper the tickles but what if you don't have any flippers then it's all in the wrist oh [Music] sorry leo try it again quasi but this time take a deep breath and make the following sounds [Music] well i'll be a sea monkey's uncle this is kind of fun does she would you like to give it a try tweak where might those fish be out of our way that's our lunch and it's getting cold i'm a dumbo octopus to be precise and i must insist that you seek lunch elsewhere or what or i'll be forced to use my tentacles on you you're no lion's mane jellyfish pills don't sting now out of our way [Music] [Music] your turn octonauts the hq is now all clear let's spread out and untangle the rest of the octopod um [Music] inkling how's it going out there well captain we're surrounded on all sides by dogfish i'm not sure how much ink i have left we need leo out here and first understood tweak tentacle report please the sleeping quarters are all clear as are all the shoots and working areas all that's left is the bubble engine that's the tangliest tangle of all octonauts this will take all of us working together no captain it's too complicated it's not even in the book i need to do this [Music] we've just got one last tangle to take care of and it's a big one tunip i'll need you to step outside [Music] you can do this [Music] you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 2,763,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark
Id: 3iDhCE2Vv94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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