Octonauts: Above & Beyond - 👀 Lost Bats Search 🦇 | Compilation | @OctonautsandFriends​

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hello anybody home who wants to know why are you poking around my home we were looking for you actually to make sure you're safe is that rain I've been hoping for rain I need a paddle of water for my babies babies here they are that's amazing tiny crab I have to carry them around like this until I find a little puddle of water I have to be born in the water but after they grow up they can live in the sand like me oh no but this is too much water my home is going to Flat don't worry I've got you it's it's not just raining it's flooding you'll better get to Higher Ground right away come on into the Terra it's really coming down now I can hardly see you're doing great sis we're almost to the higher ground oh no hold on W it's some River it's one of the things that happens in a Flesh Blood and one of the reasons they can be so dangerous water is rising all over wait aren you going the wrong way it'll soon be the right way I promise hold on everyone time to Glide woohoo we're slid in activating gripper [Music] feet good thing you two turned up when you did my borrow must be flooded by now never am made it up here without your help thank you it stopped raining oh now that puddle is just the right size the perfect spot to let the crab lits [Music] loose thanks for showing me this cave rer I'm excited to test out my Wonder cam in all these narrow tunnels that's why I called you in dashy I'm hoping your camera can help us get a better look at some strange markings I've found on the cave wall up there it's almost like someone was carving at the sides of the cave is that an earthquake sounds more like like elephants elephants are they coming into the cave better duck out of sight so we don't spook them in this tight spice okay everyone it's safe follow me and stick close are you sure there aren't any hungry Predators hiding trust me Kato I've been leading our herd into these caves for years now let's get to [Music] work their tusks are making those gashes in the wall but why are they doing it maybe if I get a closer look we can figure it [Music] out what was that Predators everyone let's move out wait we're not Predators we're the octano and we're just exploring this cave oh okay stand down stand down we were just admiring the marks you make on The Cave walls why do you do it we elephants need salt to stay healthy in this part of Africa the only way for us to get enough salt is to dig for it in caves like this incredible but it's dangerous we are not used to being in such a tight space wait I hear something oh no hius well well looks like [Music] dinner everyone stay calm please keep still it's too crowded in here for a stampage c run look out m oh c my leg I don't think I can walk looks like you need a medic yes but we'll have to get past the rock slide first can you elephants dig your way back out we're good at mining salt but digging through that much Rock could take a really long time shiver Me Whiskers it's dark in here I'm getting hungry bony Patty I'll uh save it for later which way should we go I say go with the floor if the wet's not this way we come back and try the other way no no no matey let's do this the pirate way a pirate charts a course and sails straight for the I'll go this way looks like it's decided then you and I will go down this tunnel I'll lead the way we know this weter lives in the dark so he could be anywhere quasi pie I forgot to tell you something about cave wers don't startle them if you do they're likely Shellington we're so deep underground the radio on the Octo watch won't work did you see that say what I'm not sure it could have been a weter or maybe a spider a spider um new plan you lead the way from now on are you afraid of spiders me whatever gave you that idea [Music] Pony hello I don't suppose you're in trouble are you you mean apart from dangling off a ledge uh no I don't think so I've got you matey oh sweet that was a close one ah there you are as I was saying cave winterers are likely to jump out to anyone who surprises them yeah sorry mate we kind of the jump first and ask questions later type of weather no worries me hearty that's the pirate way too all right back into the dark for me so long well looks like we just went on one big wild weter Chase all the wers we found seemed okay to me but that bird definitely told me he saw a wetter in trouble wait what did that bird look like um let me think uh Pink legs black wings and a thin Bill the Black Wing stilt that's the one and they only live in an area near Lake Tasman which means we've got to go right back to where we [Music] started much better thanks for bringing water tweak a Shucks peso it was a GED and so is this here Fanon machine thanks my arms were getting tired just doing my job dashy speaking of which I'll pull the Octo out of this Muk F than you can say bunch of munchy crunchy carrots all right tweak give it a go come on T good one you got [Music] this I know activate leg [Music] extenders a thanks peso I'm feeling much better now I'm going to hunt for food I'm not sure that's a good idea Sheila you should rest some more so you don't get overheated again don't worry we flying folks moms are [Music] tough flying fox mom's a tough flying fox mom's a tough at least we're not sleeping around anymore but now the suction from the gripper feet is pulling us down into the muck I'm not sure how long we can keep digging the legs out if the gripper feet could slash through the muck maybe we could get this thing moving for real I just needs some tools from the octar and oh me my what's wrong Twi it sounds like a bad shy flippers Sheila could be hurt we have to help her but how the Octo Ray still stuck and the terrab one will never get to her in time maybe there's another way ow my wings hurt fly fing Fox [Music] yummy grab on [Music] Sheila I didn't know Penguins could fly we can't but twe's Fanning machine sure helps well but I think we might have too much weight now don't worry I've still got one good Wing left it's working told you flying fooks Ms are tough to the oct wow look at that I'm captain bonkles I like to go with the flo above and beyond
Channel: Octonauts and Friends
Views: 51,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octonauts, octonauts above and beyond, barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, tweak, dashi, calico jack, octonauts full episodes, octonauts youtube, octonauts episode 1, octonauts season 5, octonauts season 6, octo agents, paani, professor natquik, ryla, ranger marsh, skeleton coast adventure, shellington, octoray, brand new gups, Terra-GUP 1, Terra-GUP 2, new octonauts, Terra GUP 3, Terra GUP 4, Terra GUP 5, adventures for kids, GUP-H, earth day, lost bats, fox bat
Id: TB_Krscd14c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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