IreIand's Mοst Gruesοme Casе - The Sϲissor Sistеrs | TRUE CRIME & MAKEUP

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel welcome to another true crime makeup video today we are heading to ireland for today's case and today's case is the scissor sisters uh which is also been kind of dubbed as one of ireland's most gruesome crimes in recent history so um we've got a fun one today and i actually wanted to film this video weeks ago like forever ago uh you may have seen a comment from me like at the beginning of this year saying oh i'm working on an irish case it's coming very soon well this is today's case and the reason why it took me so long to film this video um is because at the beginning of the year i did like three female killers in a row and then i was going to do this one like after those and i was like hang on a minute i'm doing too many female killers at this point i need to take a break i need to step back from the female killers do a few male killers and then revisit so here we are even though i'm really annoyed at myself i should have really timed this better for some patrick's day because this case actually takes place around st patrick's day and that would have been really really clever of me wouldn't it but um i didn't and just before we get on to today's video i just want to thank you all so much for the response on last week's video which was nico jenkins because that case was a heavy case for starters but that case was so difficult definitely the hardest case so far that i've done to research and compile into a story it definitely took its toll it was so frustrating and stressful at times but i'm so happy that you all enjoyed it and it just made all of that hard work worthwhile so this case takes place in march of 2005 and i don't know why i don't know if it's just the cases that i'm picking but so many of them have happened in march what is in the air in march there are a few characters that i need to kind of do the background on so i'm going to try and do it in the least confusing way possible because i kind of have to just go through the background so you can kind of understand the story so i'm going to start with catherine mulhall which is like the mother of the family and she plays quite an important role so we're going to start with her now we don't know her exact age which i found really weird but she's in her early 50s around the time that this case takes place and she is married to john mulhall and together they have six children two of which are the sisters and uh one thing you should know about kathleen is that she liked to drink now i know there's such a stereotype is in there uh irish people like to drink and i know it's just a stereotype but this case definitely plays into that stereotype a little bit so yeah kathleen loved to drink and her husband john also liked to drink but he was very abusive just very physically violent just not the best husband i couldn't find anywhere whether he was abusive to the children i don't think he was i think it was just kathleen but still that kind of environment isn't exactly the best for children that is still extremely traumatic okay so now getting on to um the two sisters we're going to start with linda who is the owlist of the two sisters she was born in 1975 and around the time of the case um the offense she was 30 years old she had a history of alcohol abuse and just kind of taking different drugs and stuff and at the time of the offense as well she was addicted to heroin and she left school pretty early like she didn't really have any qualifications she was currently unemployed and she was actually convicted of theft when she was 18 years old but she didn't go to prison and i assume she just kind of got like some kind of community uh punishment or something like that she also had four children from a relationship and she was no longer with that man so moving on to the younger sister charlotte mulhall she was born in 1983 and she was 21 years old at the time of the case and she also had a little bit of a drinking problem and she also had a history of drug abuse as well and like her older sister she did have a couple of convictions for criminal damage and public order offenses but again i don't think she went to prison and at the time of the offence she was currently working as a prostitute okay so jumping back to kathleen now um the mom in the early 2000s her marriage to john was kind of on the rocks i mean i imagine it was kind of on the rocks for a very long time and they were kind of living together but kind of not it was it was a very weird situation and then in 2002 kathleen met a man called farrah noor and kathleen moves farrah into the family home while her husband is still living there so yeah they're not together they're still married clearly um i don't really know it seems so weird but kathleen moves her new boyfriend into the house and johnny's kind of like uh what are you doing so john moves out because he doesn't really want to live with his wife and her new boyfriend okay so kathleen's new boyfriend farah noor was originally born in kenya in 1965 and then he moved to ireland in 1996 when he was 31 years old now when he arrived in ireland farah actually said that he was from somalia and he was fleeing the somali civil war and he claimed that his whole family died in the somali civil war he was claiming to be a refugee of war which is obviously not true because he was from kenya so i don't really know why he said that now i really need to stress this but pharah is not a nice person at all he uh not a nice person okay he is an extremely violent man especially when he's taken drugs there are multiple accusations of assaults against women including sexual assault he actually has raped three women that we know of two of which were minors and one of those minors was also disabled and all three of the women that he raped fell pregnant from the wraith he was also very abusive to kathleen some of that abuse was also sexual so yeah i cannot stress this enough that he is not a nice person and some of these offences were reported to the police but he never spent any time in prison and it just frustrates the hell out of me how hard it is to convict anybody of rape and i'm not really sure if kathleen loved farrah or she just couldn't get away from the relationship because she was scared of him and there's one incident that happened that has stuck with me like from this case she phoned one of pharah's exes i don't really know why she phoned one of his exes but she did and the ex said you've got to get out you've got to leave him otherwise he'll kill you so that's why i say like i don't know if kathleen loved farrah or she just felt trapped and scared and she couldn't get out so it's now sunday the 20th of march 2005 and saint patrick's day is the 17th of march so it was the previous thursday but some patriots day is a pretty big deal especially in ireland obviously so the celebrations continue on for a few days so everyone was still celebrating st patrick's day on this sunday and in the morning of the sunday charlotte and linda are together and charlotte is trying to convince linda to have a drink to carry on celebrating to which linda does agree so they do start drinking and then they plan to meet up with kathleen and farrah i think i don't know if they want to meet up with pharah but pharah's just kind of with kathleen so linda and sharla are drinking they catch a bus into dublin and they're just walking around having a good time and then they meet up with kathleen this is not important to the story but i just think it's ridiculous now at this point they meet up with kathleen at mcdonald's i swear i don't know what it is mcdonald's comes up in so many of these crime videos now so yeah they meet at mcdonald's bloody how and the four of them go to an off license to buy some alcohol because pharah apparently drinks spirits by the liter i don't know how anyone could do that but apparently farrah does and it's too expensive to drink that much at a pub or a bar or anything like that so they go to an off license to buy some vodka and then they just head off on their merry way just drinking having fun messing around around dublin and they make their way down to the pier so whilst they are on the pier linda pulls out some ecstasy pills she takes one she also hands one to charlotte and kathleen sees them doing this and instead of being like horrified she asks for one and pharah to the relief i assume anyway of the three women declines one because he's very violent on drugs which is why i say to the relief yeah faris just quite content with just drinking his liters of vodka so this is basically how they spend their day and it's starting to get dark now so they want to continue the party have nowhere else to go so they head back to kathleen and farrah's flat and on their walk back farrah as you can imagine with the amount he has been drinking is pretty drunk and he sees this little five-year-old boy which he's clearly not thinking straight he runs up to this boy grabs the boy and starts saying kathleen this is my son this is my son this is my son and she's like no it's not sarah in his drunken state thinks that this five-year-old boy is one of the children that he fathered after he raped the child's mother it's not obviously and kathleen is getting so angry she's like no he's not you egypt i did not say that right at all egypt i'm sorry if any of you watching this are irish basically she said no he's not you idiot so kathleen and pharah get into like an argument they're creating a scene not that either one of them care but they're creating a scene kathleen is like put the boy down you're scaring him and pharaoh does eventually put him down but kathleen and farah continue on arguing they continue on arguing the whole way back to the flat and whilst kathleen and farah are arguing linda and charlotte are still with them but they're just kind of like what i assume they're not really paying attention to their mum and her boyfriend arguing they're just kind of like together having a good time you know so they arrived back at the flat kathleen and varys still like putting a damper on the party spirit so charlotte and linda put on a sean paul album it's just those little facts for me that they really stand out i don't know why when i read that i was like a sean paul it's like why does that even matter but it's things like that that actually stand out to me in cases so yeah they put on a sean paul album and uh they get busy um they get busy and dance i don't know why i'm finding this so funny this is not funny this is true crime and pharah is just in a foul mood so kathleen decides that she wants to change that and she crushes up one of the ecstasy pills and puts it in his drink i don't know why she did this we all know how violent farrah gets especially when he's on drugs but she did it and it did seem to have some sort of effect on pharaoh because he definitely cheered up if you want to say that however um he starts to be very inappropriate towards linda he starts grabbing her he tries to get her to sit on his lap he's just been really inappropriate he's been sexually suggestive he's whispering things into her ear she can't actually remember what he said but like she just knows that it was inappropriate and linda is trying to get him to like move get your hands off me and charlotte kind of sees what's happening and she's like get your hands off my sister you know kathleen sees what's going on as well and she's like what are you doing barry is just ignoring all three women he's just like i don't care what any of you are saying i want linda i mean i don't know if he said that but in his intentions he's kind of like i don't care what you're saying if i want something i'm gonna get it and then he says to linda you're a creature of the night just like your mom random thing to say to someone never actually heard anyone say that to anyone before i think he's insinuating that linda's a prostitute i don't know but this aggravates kathleen because she's like what and you could say that this is what makes kathleen really angry which i'm sorry this definitely portrays catherine's personality she gets more insulted when pharah basically insults her and not when he's trying to you know with her daughter that right there sums kathleen up in my opinion but anyway farrah doesn't like that kathleen is getting a little bit more angry and he starts making like threatening hand gestures he actually kind of does this like insinuating that he's going to like slit her throat or kill her or something kathleen and the two daughters like take him seriously and i i don't blame them he's a very violent man and all the while this is happening linda is still trying to like get free of pharah but he's still got his hands on her god knows what pharah's intentions are we all know what he's capable of and what he has done so charlotte goes into the kitchen she grabs a standing knife and returns and says to pharah one last time get your hands off my sister he still ignores her still doesn't let linda go to which charlotte gets the knife and slashes pharah's throat now if you don't know what a standing knife is it's basically a box cutter you know one of those knives that like is retractable like it goes into the little thing um so it's a very short blade very sharp but it's a very short blade so charlotte would have had to get quite close to pharah when she did that and it's nothing like what you see on tv or the movies blood wasn't like spurting everywhere pharah actually didn't know what was going on straight away and he actually gets up he finally lets linda go and he's just like stumbling around and it's at this point that kathleen turns to her two daughters and says to them kill him or he'll kill me now obviously they're all intoxicated extremely intoxicated without shallow vidal impairing their judgment on what was going on but i just feel like pharah has just had his throat slit yes he's not unconscious right now he's still like stumbling about but he's still being impeded you know like you can't just function normally when your throat has been slick you know i get that pharah's very violent stuff but at this particular moment was kathleen fearing for her life i just don't know and then i think okay maybe kathleen isn't fearing her life right there and then in that moment but maybe she thinks that the throat slit isn't like that deep like it hasn't actually done any damage it's just kind of bleeding a bit because he hasn't lost consciousness so maybe she thinks he is going to recover from the throat slit and when he does recover in his anger he will kill kathleen maybe that's what she's thinking i don't know what do you think i do just think it's very weird that a mom will say to two daughters kill him she's fine with her daughters getting their hands dirty but not her herself okay kathleen zafara does manage to say one last word because the throat slit actually has done quite a lot of damage it severed one of the main arteries and he did manage to say one last word before he stumbled backwards um into the bedroom like through the door into the bedroom and his last word is just kathleen but it's not kathleen i think he calls her kate or cat i can't remember his pet name for kathleen basically and then he stumbles back through the doorway um into the bedroom and then kathleen is right there again to hand her daughter charlotte a different knife because obviously the standing knife is not going to do the job properly and then she hands linda a hammer to basically finish pharah off obviously all of this happens very quickly it doesn't happen as slowly as i've just told it but whether how did kathleen get a hammer from hmm suspicious isn't it kind of like that hammer was there waiting so linda who has the hammer starts hitting pharah repeatedly on the head and charlotte who has the knife starts stabbing him repeatedly as well now it's not quite sure what happened like the two girls can't really remember exactly who started doing what first um because they're intoxicated and they can't quite remember and obviously all of the adrenaline running through them it's very cloudy like their memory of what happened but the autopsy showed that pharah was stabbed at least 27 times and had quite a few blunt force trauma wounds to the head which would have been from the hammer and i just want to preface this that whilst the two girls are savagely murdering pharah kathleen is just sat on the sofa without care in the world so after they finish brutally murdering pharah charlotte and linda start freaking out they're like what the hell have we just done like it starts to actually dawn on them and kathleen is just shouting get him out so the two girls move pharah's body into the bathroom so they've got to get rid of this body and what do they decide to do dismember him why so i don't know whose idea it was but the two girls get to work on dismembering the body and the only tools that they have to dismember the body are the knife the bread knife i don't think i stressed that enough did i it was a bread knife the char that was stabbing pharah repeatedly so she had originally slit him with a stanley knife and then she had a bread knife so yeah all they have to dismember pharah's body is the bread knife and a hammer bread knives aren't the sharpest knife and once again the two girls are dismembering the body and where is kathleen in the kitchen smoking like i swear mother of the year award that one not that the two girls are innocent at all but you know so they get to work on dismembering the body and they're just like hacking away at this body with no like plan at all they're just hacking randomly to try and break up pharah's body and they take it in turns with the hammer like smashing the joints and stuff and then with the bread knife trying to cut through bone and tissue it's just ugh it took them five hours to dismember pharah's body into eight different pieces and there was just blood everywhere the smell can you imagine the smell linda has actually reported that the smell was horrific and then in one final act linda decides to cut off pharah's penis saying that he will not rape anybody else again and she did this after finding out that pharah had also raped kathleen so after they finished dismembering pharah's body they placed the eight body parts into sports bags and just just random different bags and then they get on to the cleanup and then linda calls john their father i don't know if she was phoning him to ask for how she did phone her dad and told him what had gone on which he didn't believe her i mean why would you believe that it's a crazy story charlotte and linda are his daughters so he does go over i think he's just like concerned about them i think he probably thinks that they're on drugs which they are but i think he probably thinks that they're not thinking straight right now so he heads over to the flat and when he arrives at the flat everything he's clean everything he's calm and he's like they were joking he's not real but then linda took him to the sports bags and opened the sports bags and showed him can you imagine dad i've got something to show you he doesn't even know what to do he doesn't even know what to say he actually just runs straight out of the flat and he just decides that he doesn't want anything to do with this count me out i'm not doing it i know i'm your dad but i'm not doing anything about this leave me out of it so i'm just gonna go through the timeline of the events just in case if you're a little bit confused when everything happened and everything um so obviously they were out drinking on the sunday the 20th of march they head back to the flat when it starts getting dark around 6 p.m on the sunday the murder takes place shortly after they return i don't know the exact time but it's shortly after six o'clock the dismemberment took around five hours so we're technically on monday now in the early hours and it's really dark outside obviously and all three of the molehull women decide that this is the best time to dispose of the body parts so the body parts are all packed up all nicely in these sports bags and they decide let's dump the body in the local canal so when they get to the canal they look around make sure no one is looking you know even though it's the only others the morning sometimes there can be nosy neighbors and then they just open the sports bags and empty the body parts into the canal and they stay around to make sure that the body parts sink however they did decide to not put two body parts into the canal and that was the head and the penis they didn't put the head in the canal because they thought well if the body does get discovered if there's no head they won't be able to identify who it is and don't ask me why they kept the penis or they kept the penis back i don't know and i actually don't know what they did with the penis don't know maybe they just put it in the bin and they decide that the head needs to be far away from the body like it needs to be in a completely different place so they place the head in a backpack and they go to a nearby town and there's actually cctv footage of them just walking around this town almost window shopping at times with a backpack that's just so creepy isn't it because we know what's in that backpack they did have to get onto a bus to get to this local town with the head in a backpack imagine when you're on the bus people have backpacks all the time imagine sitting by somebody that has a head in their backpack i'm sorry that's just too much for me so before they actually decide what to do with the head like where to put it they realized that they're hungry so they stop at like a supermarket to pick up some food i'm sorry i just cannot get over this it's like who has an appetite to eat right now you've got a head in your backpack and you're thinking about eating but anyway they head to the sean walsh memorial park and this is where they decide is a good place to dispose of their head and they decide that the best place to put this head is to bury it under a park bench why would anyone think that that's a good place for stars i don't know so they get our knife and they just start digging away at the ground to put this head how nobody saw them do this i really don't know if you're wondering oh did they bury the penis with the head no like i said i don't know what happened with the penis i don't know what they did with it so now that they have disposed of the body parts they're terrified that they're going to be discovered so over the next few days after the murder all three of them keep going back to the canal just to make sure that nothing has uh risen to the top and i think he's invisible and everything is okay however body parts do start to float to the surface i don't know if they just go to that part of the canal because obviously the body parts could have gone to a different part of the canal i don't know and passersby of the canal do start to notice that there are body parts in the canal but they don't believe that they're human they kind of just thought that these body parts were like mannequin parts or props like some kind of fake body parts you know because it didn't look real the body parts didn't look human they had gone like a funny color but then 10 days after the murder a foot well a leg had floated to the top and this leg had the foot attached and there was a sock on the foot now there was just something about the way this leg looked it clearly maybe looks a little bit more real but the person that spotted the leg thought i need to phone the guardian about this i need to report this so that's exactly what they did so the guardi arrived and they're like holy crap this is not a mannequin this is not um a prop this is a human leg so because there is this human leg they think maybe the rest of the body is in the canal as well so they get a diving team down to try and fish out the rest of the body parts which obviously they do they find all eight body parts which is a complete human body um except the head and the penis now as you can imagine finding a body in a canal is going to cause a mayhem with the media which obviously it did the media was all over this there was so much public attention and what is the craziest bit about this is that there's footage of the canal and there's a little bridge over the canal and there's two women stood on the canal bridge guess who it is linda and charlotte i can't believe it it's like when the news was reporting on this crime the two murderers are in the footage in the news footage so initially the police thought that this was some kind of ritual killing because the penis was missing and because there was a similar killing to this like a dismemberment and things missing in london so they thought maybe these two are connected but they can't identify the body so they do release the images to the media in hopes that someone will recognize something because the body still has clothes on it so because the body parts had now been found in the canal linda is freaking out and she starts to panic about the head because she thinks if they find this head they're obviously going to know who it is and then it's going to lead right back to linda charlotte and kathleen so she starts panicking about the head so what does she do she goes back to the head and she doesn't just go back to the head she digs the head up so when she digs the head up she says a prayer over the head she apologizes to pharah i assume for what she's done and then she says that he didn't deserve this and that it should have been her mom instead which i found really interesting i don't quite know what she means by that like it should have been her mom instead like does she mean that it should have been her mom that was murdered i don't know i wouldn't have thought so you never know or does she mean that it should be her mom like suffering dealing with this because it does seem like kathleen is leaving all of the dirty work and the stress and everything to her daughters and so after she says the prayer over the head and apologizes what does she go and do she smashes up the head and she did take a full bottle of vodka with her to drink so it gave her the courage to do this because linda was really suffering from this from what i've researched on this case and what i know linda was really struggling linda really regretted what she had done there are a couple of conflicting stories about linda and what she did with the smashed up headpieces one story is that she took the headpieces and put them into different bins around the park and then the other story is that she took the headpieces and buried the pieces in a nearby field but still to this day the head has not been found so not much happens when the body parts are found because like the police um the guardian i keep getting confused um can't identify the body but six weeks after the leg was found so after the body was found one of pharah's friends is reading an article in a paper about the murder and the pictures are in the paper and he sees the t-shirt that was found on the torso and he's like i recognize that t-shirt that is the t-shirt that pharah was wearing the last time i saw him which was at the saint patrick's day celebrations so pharah's friend tried to phone up farrah just to see like hey you're okay you know um and farrah didn't answer so pharah's friend reports this to the guardi and the guardian obviously look into every tip that they get but this one kind of just made sense to them so they managed to track down one of pharah's children get the dna from that child and see if it's a match to the body and voila it is so of course because they now know the identity of the body it doesn't take the police long to find the connection to the mulhol women and all three of them deny having anything to do with the murder at first they're like i don't know what's going on but the police do arrest all three of them on suspicion of murder but because they're all denying it and they're not saying anything and the police other than their suspicion they don't have any concrete evidence at the time that they did commit the murder they have to let them go however a couple of weeks after the initial arrest linda again is struggling she can't cope with the guilt she does go back to the guardi and she confesses everything she tells them everything so after linda's confession they go to the flat they search the flat and they end up finding farrah's dna everywhere i mean of course the mess that was made after dismembering um they're finite traces of blood and stuff which is enough to arrest charlotte linda and kathleen obviously already got linda they arrest her they go and arrest charlotte but when they go and arrest kathleen she's nowhere to be found she's done a runner and the police can't find her but um we'll get back to that in a minute and as you can imagine due to the nature of this crime uh there was huge media interest in the sisters in the crime and this is when the two sisters were given the name the scissor sisters it's not really known exactly why they were called the scissor sisters because there are no scissors involved whatsoever so if you were expecting there to be some scissors involved and that's why they're called the scissor sisters um i'm sorry to disappoint you but they're not i assume they're called the scissor sisters because they cut up a body and their scissor sisters obviously is a catchy name yeah it has nothing to do with scissors or the band so linda and charlotte are both charged with murder of pharah but they both plead not guilty to that on the defense of provocation which means that they're basically not denying that they killed pharah but they're saying that it's not murder because they were provoked into killing him so they want the charge to be lowered to manslaughter however charlotte was found guilty of murder and she was sentenced to life in prison however linda's defense of provocation actually succeeded her conviction was lowered to manslaughter and she was given 15 years in prison and i don't know why linda's plea of provocation was successful and charlotte's wasn't i'm guessing it's because farrah actually had his hands on linda and was being inappropriate and god knows what he actually intended to do with linda that doesn't really make sense to me because it's like if your sister is being sexually assaulted is that not enough to be provoked into some kind of action but linda also fully cooperated with the investigation she also showed remorse for the crime and i think both of those also helped in linda getting a lesser sentence so finally in february 2008 two and a half years after she went on the run kathleen is finally located it turns out that she was actually here in england just kind of living her life she dyed her hair blonde she changed her last name and she was just living off benefits so when kathleen finally returned she faced multiple charges which included impeding an arrest because obviously she ran away giving false information about pharah's whereabouts also giving false information that would have led to the arrest of both linda and charlotte and also cleaning up the crime scene and for all of this she was found guilty but she only received five years in prison i'm sorry what five years i think anyway she should have gone way more than five years i think the police were even surprised about how little she got now this is just my opinion but i believe that kathleen played a way bigger role in this case than what we know of i mean she was abused for years so she definitely had the motive to kill farrah it was definitely a stronger motive for kathleen to kill pharah than her two daughters anyway and i feel like just the fact that she was just so calm through the whole thing like she just sat on the sofa while her daughters murdered her boyfriend i just have a sneaky little suspicion that this murder may have been planned i just feel like just because kathleen herself didn't murder pharah and apparently she didn't help in the dismemberment but who knows i just feel like she's the one pulling the strings you know so fast forward to today both linda and kathleen have been released from prison charlotte is still serving her sentence and from what i've read charlotte is definitely causing a bit of trouble in prison and it's not likely that she is going to be released anytime soon charlotte now hates her sister linda because linda got a lesser sentence than her and charlotte claims that linda played a bigger role than her so why did she get more in prison than her sister she also hates the name scissor sisters because she implies that she's a monster which she's not and linda also doesn't talk to her mom basically all three of them don't like each other and there's also one final tragedy that happened in this case so linda and charlotte's dad john mulhall did tragically take his own life he did hang himself in a park in december of 2005 after linda confessed to the crimes so for me i can't quite work out if this murder was planned or not i keep flip-flopping back and forth obviously this is all speculation we don't know it could have been a certain attack we could actually just know the story but i don't think he's too farfetched to believe that farrah was sexually inappropriate with both linda and possibly charlotte on multiple occasions prior to this night and we obviously know that he raped kathleen so i don't think it's too far-fetched to believe that all three women kind of got together and were like we're not having this anymore we need to do something about it and you know kind of plan to kill him you know and it's just the way that kathleen hands her daughters the knife and the hammer like it's just all planned thought out just the way that kathleen was just so calm about the whole situation like she already knew what was gonna happen because it was planned of course it could have been a sudden attack i don't know do i they were all intoxicated and this would have definitely affected their mind and how they went about things but i kind of think it was planned i just keep going back to that conversation that kathleen had with one of pharah's exes where she said if you don't get away from him he is gonna kill you so maybe kathleen thought that killing him was the only way she was gonna get free but instead of her doing it herself she left her daughters to do it for her um i don't know that's just all speculation we don't know but let me know what you think about this case let me know do you think it was planned do you think it was a certain attack leave me all of your thoughts and opinions down below uh let me know what other cases you want me to cover as well and i'll see you in my next video bye and yes i did do a green look because we did an irish case okay [Music] [Applause] do [Music] you
Channel: Danielle Kirsty
Views: 397,652
Rating: 4.839334 out of 5
Id: yquWn2JuBSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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