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hi everyone and welcome back to my channel and welcome to another true crime and makeup video where i'm going to be doing my makeup and talking about a true crime case at the same time and if you're new here please subscribe that would really mean a lot to me because i try and do these true chroma makeup videos as often as i possibly can all of the products that i'm going to be using today will be listed in the description box so let's just jump into today's case now this is a crazy one i never actually heard of this case before i saw i do my research so you guys will have to let me know in the comments if you've heard of this case before this case is on a real life murder house and it's actually one of the houses that american horror story the first series which is called murder house and it's actually one of the houses that american horror story took inspiration from for that first series they took inspiration from like three so-called murder houses and this was one of them and i just thought that was really interesting and when i was doing my research i could really see like the similarities and like what they had been inspired by because obviously they were inspired by three so not everything in series one happened in this case you guys know what i mean but i could definitely see the similarities which i just found really really interesting so just like a quick little summary of american horror story the first series i'm not gonna give any spoilers don't worry but it basically is a family moves into a house that has a very like long history of murders that happen in that house and there's like very like weird strange things that have happened in that house and when the family move in as you can imagine it's a murder house it's a haunted house strange weird things happen um and yeah that's pretty much a very very brief summary of the first series so on the 6th of december 1959 in los feliz california dr harold perelson who was age 50 returned to his wife lillian who was age 42 and his three children judy aged 18. joel aged 13 and debbie aged 11 and he returned home and lillian the wife was just cooking dinner she was also wrapping some christmas presents it was the 6th of december so like coming up to christmas it was just a regular evening nothing out of the ordinary nothing strange and the children um later on in the evening went to bed and they were shortly followed by um harold and lillian harold didn't like go straight to sleep he actually um did a little bit of bedtime reading and then obviously after he'd finished reading he went to sleep and uh he woke up at around 4 30 a.m sorry i got to brace myself for this um he got up and went and got a hammer yeah randomly half four in the morning he got up and he went and got a hammer i'm not making this up like halfway like he didn't go to the toilet like a normal person he went and got a hammer harold reed turned to the bedroom with the hammer he stood over his sleeping wife and struck the hammer down on her head just once but he did it with so much force that that one blow was enough to kill lillian she was actually knocked unconscious so the initial blow didn't kill lily and this is what the police found out later in the autopsy however it had caused so much damage and there was so much bleeding that lillian died of affixation which means she drowned in her own blood it's just absolutely horrible so after harold struck lillian he just left her there i think he thought that he'd killed her straight away he just left her in the bed just laying face down um where he walked into his ensuite and walked from the ensuite straight into his eldest daughter's bedroom who was judy she was 18 remember and he struck her in the exact same way but unlike lillian this one blow didn't knock her unconscious it didn't kill her she woke up and she screamed bloody murder i mean i think we all would she screamed the house down and the scream woke up the other two children in the house remember debbie and joel it woke up both of them and it also woke up the neighbors in the surrounding houses that's how loudly she was screaming now harold reacted in a very bizarre way like it it's i still can't get my head around it now how he reacted so whilst judy was screaming harold very calmly i don't know so bizarre he very calmly said quote lay still and keep quiet which obviously judy didn't do this and somehow i don't know how but somehow julie did manage to get away from her father and she fled from the house and she went to get help she went to a neighbor's house but the first neighbor that she knocked on the door uh the neighbor was awake however they could hear the commotion going on and they were so terrified themselves that they didn't answer the door they didn't know it was judy they didn't have a clue what was going on i mean can you imagine hearing all of that as a neighbor and then somebody knocking on your door while banging on your door you would be terrified you wouldn't know who that was you wouldn't want to look out the window either just in case that person saw you so the first neighbor didn't actually answer the door so judy moved on to another neighbour's house which belonged to a man called marshall ross and thankfully he answered the door and the police were immediately called bear in mind at this point judy had been struck multiple times with the hammer she was bleeding profusely i cannot even imagine like what was going through that neighbor marshall ross's head i just can't even imagine what he would have been thinking meanwhile back at the perilson household um the two younger siblings are still in the house and they had been woken up by judy screaming and they went to investigate and they did come across their father harold and he said to them very calmly again he just seems very calm throughout this whole process he said to them quote go back to bed this is a nightmare and obviously the children didn't believe him because they knew that they were awake now at this point like he's just told his children to go back to bed i don't know if harold was planning to kill his entire family at this point i don't know if he almost didn't want them to be aware of what's going on which is why he said like go back to bed this is a nightmare but he said it a bit differently to that but you guys know what i mean like i don't know if he wanted them to just go back to bed and pretend like none of this was happening while he was carrying out these gruesome murders or and i don't know if this is even what he would be thinking but this just kind of popped into my head was he so sick that he wanted to kill his children in their bed like did he have this thing that he wanted to kill his family whilst they were sleeping while they were in their own bed because obviously he killed his wife in that way he attempted to kill judy in that way or he may not have even been planning on killing his children or maybe he was planning on killing the other two children but because judy had fled and interrupted his plan maybe he was having second thoughts i don't know this is just kind of like what goes on in my brain okay so jumping back to judy and the neighbor now marshall ross he was so brave he went over to the perelson household i don't know if judy had told him about her younger two siblings and he wanted to go over to the household to help out like to get them out to help them he was very brave and he went over to the perelson household where he was confronted came face to face with harold i just i can't even imagine being that marshall ross he's just answered the daughter judy who is covered in blood and has probably told him that her father has tried to kill her also telling him about her mother because before she fled the house she had run into her mother probably to see what the hell was going on and she found her mother dead in her own bed so can you imagine what marshall ross is thinking right now he's heard this from judy and now he's gone over to the house and he's face to face with harold who is also covered in blood from his wife and from his daughter and still has the hammer in his hand he's a very brave man that's all also and again harold reacted so bizarrely to the neighbor he very calmly said to the neighbour quote go home and don't bother me like there was just like some kind of little dispute going on between neighbors yeah again i just kind of want to like pause for a second and kind of just i don't know just almost process what the hell has gone on because a lot has happened right now i just don't understand like the way he reacted to the neighbor just the way he's reacting to everyone in general to be honest i don't get it he doesn't seem angry at all he doesn't seem like he's lost his temper he doesn't seem like he is in like this murderous rage and he's going around and killing everybody he just seems so calm and collected like if he was in a murderous rage and he was interrupted by the neighbor like you would think that he would react in a more violent aggressive way so after this little interaction with the neighbor marshall ross harold went back into his ensuite bathroom he went into the medicine drawer he pulled out nem butyl nambutol don't really know how to pronounce that but what's new um which is also known as death in a bottle so very lovely name there and side note that was actually the drug that killed judy garland and marilyn monroe and it's basically just like a sleeping aid um it was like very easily available in the 60s but because it's so dangerous i.e the name death in a bottle uh yeah it's now illegal in most countries but if you hadn't guessed uh harold is trying to commit suicide and the nem usual probably would have been enough however he just wanted to make sure that he really wasn't going to wake up he didn't want to take any chances as well as the nem butyl he also swallowed 31 pills thought to be codeine and then from his ensuite he walked back um to his bed lay down and just waited for the pills to work now i've just got a little thing here why 31 i know that's very weird that i've picked up on that but why 31 that would have taken ages to count was that the actual like magic number if you will so it took 15 minutes for the police to arrive remember that the neighbor called the police and the police found harold covered in blood which was from his wife and daughter and they also found that harold still had the hammer in his hand the hammer was still in his hand i just don't get this right okay so let's let's break it down right now yes he had the hammer to kill his wife and attempted to kill his daughter but then he went to his bathroom to take some pills to commit suicide which meant that he would have had to put the hammer down to take the pills um because he had to count out 31 pills didn't he uh so then he picked the hammer back up so he took the pills and he picked the hammer back up went to his bed and just laid down with the hammer in his hand just don't know why he picked it back up why couldn't he have just left it where he put it down i don't know like i i don't know if i should be focusing on that like when i was doing my research there was nothing like that said that that meant something i don't know i just kind of feel like that's weird does anybody else so anyway the police found him with the hammer in his hand and astonishingly harold was still alive um these tablets hadn't worked that quickly but he was barely breathing and he just wasn't gonna make it like he would have died before an ambulance got there so when the police were obviously at the house they did find a copy of dante's the divine comedy on howard's nightstand and this was the book that he was reading before he went to sleep i didn't have a clue what this book was and it seems like a pretty famous book so i don't know if i'm just really stupid that i don't know what it is but first of all it's not a comedy don't let the name fool you but doing my research i've got to say i was very confused for a very long time i'm still confused now about the book it's not the easiest book to understand but i just should let you know it's very heavy reading not the typical book one would read to try and fall asleep to like it wasn't like harry potter or anything it's basically a 14 000 line poem he describes a man's journey through the afterlife where he visits hell and heaven now the book was open to a particular passage and i don't know if this passage means anything but i will read it out because i think it's kind of interesting so it said quote midway upon the journey of our life i found myself within a dark forest for the straightforward path had been lost end quote i don't know if this passage has any kind of significant meaning i mean he was reading it before he went to bed maybe he just got tired and put the book down open to where he left off or maybe he just didn't have a bookmark i don't know but that passage and pretty much the whole book really talks about a man who's a little bit lost midway in his life and he's in his 50s in this book and obviously harold's in his 50s so i don't know if harold may be related to that passage in particular or just a whole book in general i don't know but yeah he was reading dante's divine comedy which um look it up if you want to it's a head scratcher it's very difficult to understand so what drove harold to murder suicide almost a double murder suicide so let's just like kind of take a trip down memory lane so harold was born on the 1st of february 1909 he was an aquarius and he was born in new york his parents had settled in queens new york they were both immigrants from eastern europe and he grew up the eldest of four children he went on to attend medical school and after he graduated and became a doctor he did move to california just because it was easier for him to get a job in california than it was in new york and when he was in california he did land a job at an inglewood physician's office and while he was there he published several papers on neurology and then later on he became a cardiology professor at the usc school of medicine he also met his wife lillian and obviously had three children but there wasn't really much information of like when they met where they met or anything like that but he was very respected in his field and with all of this respect with all of the success came a lot of money which is how they were able to buy this beautiful home in las felice california now this was a beautiful home they actually paid 60 000 for it which would be half a million dollars in today's money which is a lot of money and it had 12 rooms it had magnificent views it had a staff quarter um not that they ever used it but it did have a staff quarter it even had a ballroom yeah unlike the very top floor there was a ballroom and there was a bar there was everything this house was huge and it was so beautiful it was the family's dream home it was in a very wealthy area as well and the situation of the house it was like on a gorgeous hillside now harold was known as an injection specialist whatever that means um and in 1938 he had filed a patent for a device of his own invention and it was called the magic syringe i don't know if that was gonna be the final name but that's what he was calling it then but you know when you have an injection and there's that little glass bottle that has that seal over it and the person giving the injection puts the needle through that seal to draw the liquid out to give you the injection well that's basically what harold had invented so he filed the patent for it in 1938 and it took him a total of 11 years to completely develop and make this product so after the 11 years of development he entered into a verbal agreement with someone called edward shustak and he was going to be like the business side of the agreement he was going to market the magic syringe he was going to be all like the marketing business side and then harold was obviously the inventor so they were going to split the profits 50 50. and howard really thought that this magic syringe was going to be a huge global success especially with the help of edward and harold had invested a lot of his own money into this project he'd invested all of his life savings and he was really banking on this magic syringe being this huge global hit um however edward had other ideas edward had no intention of splitting the profits 50 50. edward shustak wasn't even his real name he was a complete con artist nothing about him and nothing what he had told harold was true he was planning on just running off with as much of the money as he possibly could so harold did manage to take edward to court and he was demanding a hundred thousand dollars in damages for the fraud and harold actually did win this case i mean i can kind of understand why he did win this case and was a complete con artist um however the court only awarded harold 24 000 which was less than the money harold had invested into the project so he was still making a loss so at this point uh the perilson's financial situation wasn't the best three years after harold got screwed over by edward judy which was the outer daughter she got into a car accident and her two siblings were also in the car where she collided with another car and all three children were injured in this accident now the other driver of the car does claim that judy was in the wrong and the accident was her fault however harold was having absolutely none of this and he ended up taking the other driver to court for carelessness and negligence and miraculously again he won this case um harold was demanding as damages 20 000 each for his daughters and then 10 000 for his son harold was demanding a combined 50 000 for this accident however just like the first uh court trial the court didn't award the full damages that harold was demanding and they only awarded enough to cover the medical bills now like i said the financial situation of the perilson family wasn't the best and there's no evidence of this however i do feel like harold was like trying to profit off of this accident that his children were in and i feel like harold um he had kind of like it seemed to me anyway it kind of felt like he was overspending a little bit like remember they bought that amazing beautiful home he was banking on that magic syringe making him really rich but he was spending as if it had already came out and was already making him rich i think he was really hoping to recover some of those losses from this court case and also just before the 6th of december which was the day that the murder and attempted murders did take place the daughter judy had written to her on and said quote my family are on a merry-go-round again same problems saying more is only tenfold end quote i think it's safe to say that she was 100 talking about the financial situation and i think this is just like a really good example of you never quite know what's going on behind closed doors never judge a book by its cover because harold perelson to the outside world was a very successful very well respected doctor i think a lot of people would assume that they were pretty wealthy so those are all of these significant events if you want to call them that led up to the 6th of december so it's just like wow out of all of that could have possibly driven harold to commit those horrific acts so dr david adams is a specialist in family side is it familicide i never know how to pronounce that so dr david adams says that a man that kills his wife and at least one child is normally an older gentleman normally in their 50s harold was 50 is normally an average of seven years older than their spouse harold was eight years older than lillian and they are normally very invested in their public image if there is a risk that this image will be or has been harmed they suffer i just i found this so weird they suffer a narcissistic injury i had never heard of that before have any of you i've never heard of a narcissistic injury before um but that's apparently what these men suffer when their public image has been harmed i shouldn't laugh it's not funny but i just i've never heard of a narcissistic injury in my life before um and then dr david adams says that they murder as a form of damage control and i think we can safely say that he was invested in his image i mean just look at the house that he bought and he probably technically couldn't afford that house was in financial difficulty who knows like was the house going to get taken off them i don't know but i think it's safe to say that he saw anyway he thought that his public image was going to be harmed or had already been harmed we don't know and if we just take a look back to the crime i think this just really explains how harold was so calm and collected i mean just look back at the language that he was using he did seem strangely and weirdly calm throughout the whole thing and it did just seem like he knew exactly what he wanted to do he knew exactly who he wanted to murder he wasn't on that murderous rage i've got to do some research on that narcissistic injury unfortunately i think we all know or have known some narcissist and i want to know what this narcissistic injury is like i want to know so you probably think that oh this story's over now no what happened to the house after is like just as strange and bizarre and i think what has happened to the house after the crimes is almost what has made this case quite infamous so since the murders the three children have never been heard from since it's thought that they have changed their name or just moved out of the area in 1960 the house in las vegas did go on the market and it was sold at auction to a couple named emily and julian enriquez but bizarrely they never moved in they never did anything to the house they never changed it they never renovated they never redecorated don't know why they bought this house all they seemed to do with this house was use it for storage which it's that that's kind of expensive storage so because it stayed exactly how it was it was like this preserved crime scene it did become a source of fascination for quite a few people though unsurprisingly the house did attract some visitors so when people started to trespass that is when some paranormal activities started to be reported and it did seem like it was a real haunted house and it has been reported that a christmas tree still stands like it did when the murders happened and there's even apparently at least there was then anyway presence under the tree from when lillian was wrapping the presents now oh my god how creepy is that a woman has also been seen in the window like a ghostly figure and this is thought to be lillian and also i think what's really really weird is that randomly sometimes the security system will just go off in the middle of the night and i know that that obviously also could be trespassers but he also might not be the trespassers and there was this woman that did um want to go explore the house when she opened the door the security system immediately went off but at the same time wait for this this is so so weird at the same time as she opened the door and the alarm system went off she got bit by a black widow spider why wasn't i there so not only that when she returned home her own security system just kept randomly going off for no apparent reason and she felt like the ghosts of the los felice house had followed her and were almost punishing her and almost trying to put her off going back to that house after the couple that bought the house from auction in 1960 and they had it in their possession for over 30 years and upon their death in 1994 it did pass to their son who again didn't move in and then in 2016 he also passed on and the house eventually went on to market after nearly 60 years after the murder and it was still almost perfectly preserved and it quickly sold for 2 million dollars to a couple and they have all of these plans for the house they're going to redo it in the way that they wanted they were really excited they didn't seem to be bothered at all about the history of the house and all the paranormal activity and the murders and anything like that they were bothered at all so then why didn't they move in either they didn't move in after three years they decided to abandon their mission of renovating this house and they put the house up for sale again no one seems to want to move into this house and i don't find that a coincidence and interestingly the house was sold in october of 2020. we'll see if anybody moves in now i can't imagine they will now it just seems to me that the ghosts and the spirits of the lost felice house are trying to stop anyone from moving in from trespassing it just seems very weird doesn't it and if you've watched american horror story season one spoilers here so yeah don't want to spoil anything um if you've watched that first series you know that that is basically how the series ends all the ghosts group together and they don't want anyone else to move into that house because of how cursed it is and how many murders have happened so did you pick up on any other similarities to the first season of american horror story i'm interested in hearing what you found similar in american horror story and this case let me know in the comments so what i picked up on the similarities between american horror story in this case so ben the main man in american horror story is a doctor harold is a doctor um in american horror story the wife of vivian whose name is quite similar to lillian just wanted to put that out there she dies violet also dies in american horror story and judy nearly died in this case ben also at one point wants to commit suicide and obviously harold did commit suicide also the previous owners of the murder house in american horror story died of an apparent murder-suicide which i kind of found interesting yeah those are the similarities that i found and i could definitely see where american horror story had taken their inspiration from the los feliz murder house but let me know what you thought in the comments down below and that is the story of the los feliz murder house the real life american horror story murder house and i'm so curious to see what happens with this house now because obviously it's just been sold i'm definitely going to keep an eye on that let me know what your thoughts are in the comments down below don't forget to leave me case suggestions because i'm always open to suggestions and yeah give the video a thumbs up please subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you in my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Danielle Kirsty
Views: 443,960
Rating: 4.8961539 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, american horror story, mystery, conspiracy, los feliz mansion, los feliz murder mansion, case unsolved, LA crime, mystery paranormal, Dr harold perelson, perelson family, buzzfeed, la murder house, murder house, ahs murder house, real murder house, real murder house los angeles, real murder house american horror story, real murder house in california, true crime and makeup, true crime makeup, beauty district, unsolved mysteries, bailey sarian, eleanor neale
Id: HFx5-SN_6no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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