The KiIIer Grandma | ТruеCrіmе & Makeup

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel fingers crossed nothing goes wrong today because last week's video oh my god it was so stressful pretty much everything that could have gone wrong did so fingers crossed everything goes smoothly with this video so today we're going to be talking about the case of cynthia ceda barker i hope that that's how you pronounce her name but she also goes by another name she's also known as the killer grandma i know killer grandma two words that don't normally go together at least not in my mind anyway i mean i know anyone can be a killer i'm not saying that but it's just like a killer grandma i don't know it's just two words that just don't go together so that alone is pretty shocking but the police interview in this case has to be up there with one of the most bizarre police interviews i think i've ever seen is he alive he's not oh good good good good good good oh thank you the police interview was actually one of the first things that i saw on this case and because it was so bizarre i was like i've got to look into this case i've got to do a little bit more digging because i wanted to know why the how cynthia reacted like that in the interview because that is so bizarre she seems so happy about what she's done when i first started researching i was trying to find out okay so why is cynthia so happy about this murder but i couldn't find an answer to that question and as we all know here i like to dig into a case i really like to find out why i like to answer all of those questions i like to get into the criminal's mind and just kind of figure out what happened but most of the coverage on this case wasn't giving me the answers and it was so frustrating because i am someone that needs closure i need to know answers however then i came across a court document from 2018. that definitely sheds a little bit more light onto this case and i'm so happy that i found that because like i said i have to have closure i like to know answers so of course i'll share what i found in that court document in this video and you'll have to let me know your opinions on this case so anyway let's find out about cynthia ceda barker and find out why she reacted the way she did in that police interview and exactly what she did to become the killer grandma so cynthia was born on the 11th of february 1951 making her an aquarius now there's not much information on cynthia's background i tried to find out but i can't really tell you anything about cynthia's life when she was growing up as a child the only information i could find out about cynthia is kind of her situation around when this case happens all we really know is that cynthia was married and she had one daughter and her daughter does play quite a significant role in this story and cynthia's husband had passed away before the events of this case take place the events of this case take place in 2014 and at the time of the events cynthia is living with her daughter laura and also her son-in-law jawad laura and gerard had been married for 13 years at this point in 2014 and they had two children together a 14 year old boy and a 13 year old girl gawad also had two other children two sons from a previous marriage and one of the sons from that marriage was an 18 year old and he also did live in the house so this is a very very full house we have cynthia the grandmother laura gerard and then the three teenagers so as you can imagine this house is quite full it's very chaotic there's three generations living together with three teenagers but they definitely weren't uh pushed for size with this house this is a very fancy house that they're all living in their house is located in fulbrook california which i can't remember exactly how long but it's not far from la i can't remember if it's an hour or two hour drive from la but it's not that far just outside of la and their house is situated in a gated community and i've seen their house it is so fancy and the whole gated community i don't know all of these houses are just so big and fancy and there's all these winding roads and it's all really private it looks really nice with all of these green lawns and the houses are all on these um cul-de-sacs it just reminds me of gilmore girls where they say that the plural of cul-de-sac is calls to sat i don't know i feel weird saying calls to sack and i thought wow this is expensive like they must be pretty well off and they were well off i'm not gonna lie anyway you get the idea of where this house was located now don't judge me because i know some of you probably do this too but something that i really love to do is i like to go on right move i don't even know if you have right move outside of the uk i like to go on right move and look at like really fancy houses in all like fancy areas just to see like how much they are and like seeing the inside you know kind of living a little bit of a dreamland sometimes so i looked at this house because i thought bloody how this must be an extremely expensive house and don't get me wrong it is expensive but it is nowhere near as expensive as i thought it was like i thought this house would be like millions and millions of dollars but the house that they lived in was valued at 840 000 so yes still an incredibly expensive house and forty thousand dollars converts to around six hundred thousand pounds i don't know about the housing market anywhere else in the world but i know about the uk housing market and that house just seems crazy cheap to me like it's just so crazy how much more you could get for your money in the us i don't know if that's the case for the whole of the us i don't want to generalize because like i just said i don't know anything about the u.s housing market in the uk for six hundred thousand pounds you would still get a really nice house you would get a decent amount of bedrooms but you would not get anything that looks like that house that this family are living in as always danielle goes off on a little bit of a tangent in these videos but don't judge me about going on right moves looking at houses because i know some of you do it too so cynthia as we know is living with her daughter and son-in-law and she started living with them in 2001 because she had suffered a stroke and just her health in general started to decline and in 2001 this was just after laura and gerard got married so their newlyweds and then all of a sudden laura's mom and gerard's mother-in-law are living with them and that's not the most ideal situation for newlyweds but it is what it is they took her in because her house was declining cynthia's stroke did affect her speech and her balance and it also gave her gait disorder and i didn't know what gain disorder was so i looked it up but from what i could understand it affects the pattern of your walking that was just from my understanding and that's obviously a very basic explanation of what it is now as we know this house is very fancy and they have a granny flat in this house and this is where cynthia lives i act really considering she's a granny and this must have been like really perfect for cynthia because she had her own little space it's not like she was living in the main house so she kind of did still have like her freedom because she was living in the granny flat she was close enough to her daughter that if anything was to go wrong like her daughter is right there to help her now in 2001 cynthia didn't move in full time with her daughter she would kind of spend extended periods of time with different family members so she would spend like a couple of months with laura then she would go and spend a little bit of time with her niece and so forth she would kind of like go around family members so each family member could take turns looking after her and then give the other family members a break from looking after her so this is what cynthia was doing from 2001 she was just kind of like moving around family members now laura and gerard had very busy lifestyles i mean they're looking after cynthia a lot of the time they also have three teenagers that are living in their house and i couldn't find out what laura's job was she did have a job but i couldn't find out what it was and jawad worked as a real estate agent as well as being a coach for a local rugby team and he was also a military reservist i think these roles like the rugby and the military definitely i don't know if they affected his personality or his personality was just more suited to those roles but they definitely had an impact on jawad as a person the kids that played for his rugby team have described his coaching methods as very strict and he just almost had this like military which obviously he picked up from being a military reserve but he had almost like this military style and he was very very organized and these traits also carried into his parenting techniques gerard's sons have said that he would always push them to do more he would push them to better themselves and it was a tough love kind of approach they did say though that they could tell that it came from a place of caring and love but it wasn't exactly the easiest kind of style to live with johar just wanted his sons and the people around him to be high achievers to be better to strive to do better and one of his sons has also described him as someone that would do a lot for his family and a lot for the community but he could be kind of a difficult person to get along with and because of gerard's personality just his parenting techniques there was definitely a lot of tension in the household maybe more than usual i mean there was already going to be a lot of tension isn't there with three generations living in a house but there was a hell of a lot of tension between gerard and cynthia now cynthia was the polar opposite of jawad in her personality she was very laid back she was more charismatic she was more of like a fun spontaneous kind of character which was the complete opposite to jawad who was very organized very clinical probably wasn't the most spontaneous kind of character but they did have something in common they were both very strong minded and cynthia was just that typical grandmother that just says it how it is and doesn't really care so as you can imagine their two personalities clashed to say the least and they would argue about pretty much anything whether it was politics or something going on in the house but especially how gerard's children were being raised that was definitely a big source of tension however there were issues that went deeper than just simple personality clashes that caused tension between cynthia and gerard and that is because cynthia believed that jawad was being abusive towards laura and the children cynthia would often see bruises on laura's arm and she was convinced that gerard was the one that put them there like i said they argued a lot about how the children should be raised and cynthia thought that gerard was way too strict on his children and the way he disciplined the children was very military-like and he obviously got this from being a military reservist but this military style isn't suitable for children and cynthia disapproved of his parenting techniques but cynthia and gerard had their own problems between each other as well he wasn't just all centered around how gerard was treating laura and the children a big tension between cynthia and gerard was the fact that cynthia was a smoker and she would smoke a hell of a lot and jawad never let cynthia smirk in the house he was of the mindset my house my rules you're not smoking in my house which i don't think is too unreasonable i mean it is gerard and laura's house if they don't want people smoking in their house like they don't have to have people smoking it in their house jawa particularly didn't want cynthia smoking around his children which i can't understand so cynthia did used to smoke outside but this still used to annoy gerard to the point where if jawad was in the garden at the same time as cynthia smoking he would get a hose and spray her down you wouldn't just like jokingly like spray her a little bit like in like a jokey kind of fun way he would completely soak her and he would say things like if i see a fire i need to put it out obviously insinuating because she was smoking there was fire and he didn't just do this once he did this all the time and we need to remember that cynthia is an elderly lady you can't just soak an owl's early lady it's okay if you disagree with her smoking it's okay if you want her to smoke outside but she is an elderly lady and he is getting a hose and soaking her all the time and laura being the wife of gerard and the daughter of cynthia she would often find herself in the middle of their arguments and like i said cynthia was the kind of grandmother that just said whatever was on her mind and she definitely told laura how much she disliked gerard she pretty much told laura for their whole marriage how much she disliked gerard and how she thought he was evil now all of this arguing and all of the tension in the house was going on for quite a while however it definitely escalated in 2014 and it was around the january time when jawad hit one of the children and this was a turning point this is what made cynthia snap and this is what made her decide i want to kill jawad and she thought to herself that she had better prepare to kill gerard so she went to a shooting range to practice essentially and also buy some bullets now remember i said that cynthia would kind of move around and spend short periods of time with different family members while it was around the beginning of 2014 that cynthia was due to spend some time with her niece but after witnessing gerard hit one of the children she cancelled this trip and she was like i can't leave right now i need to stay in this house with laura and the children because i need to keep an eye on gerard i am worried about their safety i cannot leave right now so cynthia did cancel her trip and she decided to carry on living with laura jawad and the children so a few weeks go by and cynthia is keeping her eye on jawad and it's currently now february and it's actually the night before the events of this case take place and cynthia and laura are just in the granny flat where cynthia lives and they're just watching tv when one of the children comes running into the room crying and they start saying to their mom laura and this just breaks my heart they're crying and they're saying to their mom why do you hate me so much to let dad hurt me like this and just after the child said this to their mom jawad is at the bottom of the stairs and he is shouting and swearing at the child trying to get the child to come back and i don't know what happened this is all i know from this event i assume the child did go down i don't know but all i could find out is that later on that night jawad did break that child's computer and this was a form of punishment cynthia did not like this at all and i think it was this specific moment that pushed cynthia completely over the edge the next day is the 11th of february it's 2014 and it's actually cynthia's birthday and cynthia woke up to laura wishing her a happy birthday and she told her mom that she'd be taking her out for a really nice birthday lunch and she also gave her mom some money so she could go gambling because cynthia's niece for a birthday treat was actually taking her to a casino and cynthia had just woken up when laura went into the bedroom to wish her happy birthday so she was kind of like half asleep but she seemed pretty happy and she was like yay it's my birthday and then laura left the house for the day leaving just cynthia and gerard in the house on their own now also on this day it was laura and gerard's daughter's spelling bee at school and cynthia and gerard were planning on going to the spelling bee and i think they were planning on going together and when it was time for them to leave cynthia came down from her granny flat she was all dressed for the day but when gerard saw what cynthia was wearing he was not happy at all cynthia was wearing this like orangey red kind of skirt and she paired it with an la chargers football shirt and jawad just took one look at cynthia and said quote you can't go like that because you look ghetto like that he also said that she looked like a hobo and he was just laughing at her he wasn't being very nice at all like it's like it's her birthday let her wear what she wants to wear like does it really matter and naturally cynthia was upset about this i mean no one likes to be called names like especially on their birthday and she turned around and she started to walk away but gerard grabbed her and just started calling her names again and laughing at her just making her feel so small and this was the moment that cynthia just flipped she went back to her bedroom she went into her bedside drawer and she pulled out a gun now after she got her gun she made her way downstairs and jawad was already outside he was doing laundry and he had his back turned towards cynthia and cynthia just started shooting at gerard jawad immediately went down but the shots weren't fatal and he started to move towards cynthia to fight her off however cynthia had other plans and she just continued on shooting towards jawad until she ran out of bullets and i think at this point gerward had been shot five times so he was on the floor he wasn't able to kind of move around and when cynthia ran out of bullets what did she do she walked to her car where she kept her bullets and re-loaded her gun and all of this is happening outside and cynthia is a very slow walker i think most of the time she walks with a stick so it takes her a while to walk to her car and reload her gun and then walk back to jawad this is not a quick attack at all this is a very drawn out attack this attack happens over a long period of time but when cynthia returns to gerard he has managed to start crawling towards the house i'm honestly shocked that he is not dead at this point he has been shot five times when cynthia finds gerard on the floor starting to crawl back to the house what does she do continues on shooting gerard until again she runs out of bullets and blood is everywhere i mean gerard at this point has been shot 10 times so cynthia has run out of bullets again so what does she do she walks back to her car to reload her gun again i'm not making this up this is crazy and she is such a slow walker as well like she's just hobbling back to her car with this gun and just like slowly reloading her gun and then going back to jawa to shoot him more this attack is so brutal so okay jawad has been shot 10 times now cynthia has run out of bullets she goes to her car to reload again she goes back to find gerard and like i said amazingly jawad he's still alive at this point and not only is he alive he has managed to crawl back to the house he's managed to get himself in the kitchen and he's actually locked the door i truly don't know how he had the strength to do that but the locked door did not start for cynthia for long just started to shoot at the door to shoot the lock off and she did shoot the lock off and she made her way into the kitchen jawad is on the floor and we all know what she does she continues on shooting gerard until she runs out of bullets and when she's run out of bullets she says that ought to do it and then after she had finished shooting gerard that last third time she went back to her car and drove off now this attack lasted for 10 minutes like i said it wasn't a quick attack at all and i know 10 minutes doesn't sound like a long period of time but when you are killing somebody 10 minutes is a hell of a long time that is so much time to think about what you're doing there is so many opportunities in that 10 minutes to stop what you're doing cynthia fired a total number of 15 bullets three hit the kitchen door when she was trying to shoot the lock off the door and the other 12 bullets hit gerard and this attack was not quiet at all i know they live in a very fancy house on this cul-de-sac and the houses are quite far apart but a lot of this attack happened outside and the attack happened around 8 a.m and it was around that time where multiple 9-1-1 phone calls were coming in from the neighbors in the surrounding houses sheriff's communications dispatcher number 10 may help you i've never shot a gun in my life so i'm not an expert but i'm sitting here in my house and i heard four or five discharges hi i i was in my bathroom doing my hair and i could hear what sounded like gunshots and i opened my window and i hear it sounds like a man saying help me help me all right i just heard the shot again yeah there was some gunshots fired um about five of them behind my house and now i can hear someone yelling help me oh another gunshot another shot did i hear it another one three more okay okay and this person is screaming hell yeah you hear him is it male female it sounds kind of like a male but it could be an old female with a raspy smoke voice we've got several deputies on the way and why it's just so crazy that in these 9-1-1 phone calls you can hear the gunshots going off in the background like the people are just going another one there's another gunshot there's another one it's so crazy and this is not just one phone call as well you can hear these gunshots on these multiple 9-1-1 calls however even though these 9-1-1 calls were coming in before the attack was over the police did not arrive to the scene in time when they walked into the house they did find gerard on the floor in the kitchen there was just blood absolutely everywhere i mean there would be he was shot 12 times and very tragically gerard was pronounced dead at the scene as soon as the police arrived so the police immediately start their investigation they want to know what the hell has gone on in this house and they need to start contacting the family because they need to obviously tell them what has gone on but also we all know that murders most likely happen from someone you know so not only are they trying to contact the family to unfortunately tell them about this devastating news they also want to know where each family member is so they could rule them out as a suspect now the first person that they were trying to track down that they couldn't was jawad's oldest son the one from his previous marriage now this son was 18 years old and he was also a recovering drug addict and the family believed that there could have been some kind of altercation between the father and the son however he was quickly ruled out as a suspect and then the next person the police realized that they couldn't find was cynthia they asked laura like where's your mom where is she we kind of need to find her and cynthia was a creature of habit and laura was able to give a few of the places that her mother was likely to be now at this point i don't think the police suspected cynthia as being a suspect because the way the police see her they know cynthia was in the house at the time of the attack because laura said that her mom was still in the house police think that she could be a victim as well she could be hurt she could be missing god knows what could have happened i mean i feel like most people whether it's right or wrong i feel like most people would assume that she could also be a victim not the suspect where was cynthia you'd think that she had gone into her car and gone as far away as possible but like i said cynthia was a creature of habit and she just wanted to enjoy her birthday the first thing she did she went to a liquor store to buy some cigarettes and she actually treated herself to a better brand because it was her birthday and she thought treat yourself and then she headed to denny's for food she ordered one of her favorites bacon and eggs and then do you remember that i said that cynthia was supposed to be going to the casino with her niece well she did she didn't go with her niece she went on her own but like i said cynthia wanted to carry on celebrating her birthday as if nothing had happened cynthia had no intention of laying anything ruined her day not even the fact that she's just killed her son-in-law after she had finished eating her bacon and eggs she made her way to the casino where she gambled for two hours like how are the police not finding her she's a creature of habit she's going to all the places that laura said she would and then after gambling she went to her favorite coffee shop to treat herself to a coffee so laura did give the police all of the possible locations her mother could be and i'm guessing the coffee shop was one of the locations that she gave because the police did arrive eventually at 6 00 p.m i just want to point out that the murder happened around 8am cynthia wasn't fazed at all when the police arrived actually quite the opposite she was in a very jolly mood like seriously who is in a jolly mood as they're being arrested because i think at this point the police had figured out that cynthia was the person that they were looking for cynthia is just like so like jolly she's kind of has the attitude of like oh hi what brings you here like as if she's surprised to see the police and then the police take her in for questioning and now we're about to get on to the most at least one of the most bizarre interviews i have ever seen so the police start by telling cynthia what exactly happened at that house i think cynthia is kind of playing a little bit dumb well unfortunately laura's husband has passed away huh laura's husband was killed today he was killed when today we're going to answer some questions we're gonna ask you some questions because we're trying to figure out what happened today okay all right it's kind of acting like she just doesn't know what the police are talking about i feel like she's kind of like playing up to her age she's trying to kind of make out that she is old and she doesn't know what's going on she's also trying to act surprised at what the police are telling her and at one point she even tries to cry the police come straight out with it and just say what was your opinion of gerard what did you think of him so what did you think of him okay why do you say that that's the big thumbs down he didn't like him so mean to me and all of mean to everybody yes he is and i think the police change up tactics here figure out that she's not going to cooperate completely we kind of need to play up to her story and because of this cynthia does start to open up that she doesn't like jawad and her opinion of gerard and you can just tell that she's gaining more and more confidence as the interview is going on and she just can't contain herself for much longer so like i said the police are kind of playing along at this point with her and at one point one of the officers says to cynthia oh it sounds like someone needed to stop him like really playing into her narrative and i think it was at this point that cynthia was just like yeah me i did it i stopped him you can't go like that because it looks like you're ghetto in this anybody try to stop him get the ball it sounds like somebody had to stop him i did i did i was guilty somebody had to stop him i did okay is he dead you tell me you gotta be dead you think he's dead i hope so i think because of the way the officers were asking her questions like playing into her narrative cynthia thought that she was going to get praise for killing gerard and the officers were almost going to think that she was the hero of the story and after her initial confession she repeatedly asks the police if jawad is dead and after the office is confirmed to cynthia that jawad has died it's her reaction that is so shocking and something that i have never seen before did he say anything to you love you he said that to you yeah after you shot him you said grandma i love you yeah god damn did you check to see if he was good i didn't care is he alive he's not oh good good good good good good oh thank you oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh boy oh boy you don't feel bad about it no would you do it again yes don't worry a higher power to get today okay first time ever pray what you pray for hope guys like i don't even know how to react to that interview and at times i don't know if it was just me but you kind of forget the seriousness of what is going on you forget that she's actually just confessed to murder she definitely did not hide from the fact that she was over the moon that gerward was dead and you can just hear the lack of remorse in her voice she does not regret it the officers even ask her would you do it again and without hesitation she does say yes but on top of all of this what is even crazier is that cynthia's family so her daughter laura and her grandchildren are watching this interview behind that glass like can you even imagine watching your grandma confess to a murderer and reacting the way that she did like holding her hands up and after the interview was over the police did allow the family members to visit cynthia one by one [Music] i wanted to oh no oh my god birthday and laura was just distraught she was crying uncontrollably as you can imagine she's just found out that her mom killed her husband and most of the family that visited cynthia did hug her i don't know if they wanted to hook her i don't know what their feelings were towards her but the youngest granddaughter and you can't see her she's like just out of shot of the camera but you can hear her and she's crying and cynthia is asking for a hug of her granddaughter but her granddaughter is saying no you just killed my dad go kiss me my please and it really puts it into perspective like when a child is saying that it's it's horrible so cynthia is then taken into custody and charged with first degree murder so following the interview there were questions on whether cynthia was competent enough to stand trial i mean of course there was that was definitely not a normal reaction however she was deemed competent enough to stand trial and it was in the february 2017 that her trial started cynthia had already confessed to the murder so whether she was guilty or not wasn't really in question the question was whether the murder was pre-meditated and did the claims of abuse play into the reason behind why she murdered gerard the defense wanted cynthia to be found guilty of voluntary manslaughter not first degree murder because they said that she wasn't guilty of first-degree murder because she just snapped after witnessing all of the abuse that she had over the years she just snapped the defense presented witnesses that supported the claims of abuse one of these witnesses was the niece who had stayed over at the house several times and was aware of the abuse that was going on and another witness to the defense was actually laura and she supported the claims of abuse she testified in the trial against her husband gerard but the prosecution said that the murder was premeditated and it was done without remorse and it should be first degree murder not voluntary manslaughter they said it was premeditated because cynthia went out she bought a gun she went to the shooting range she went to practice she also bought bullets and this was like a couple of weeks before the murder actually took place so the prosecution were like it's definitely premeditated she did all this in preparation to kill gerard and also cynthia didn't show remorse we know she didn't show remotes in the interview but she also didn't show any remorse in the trial and again in the trial she's behaving so bizarrely it actually reminds me of isabella guzman do you remember that case because cynthia is just kind of like waving at the judge she's smiling which is not normal behavior when you're on trial for first degree murder gerard's sister provided a victim statement and she included 15 photos for the 15 shots that were fired every one of these photos epitomize him his family and his love of life she said that the photos highlighted the love that gerard had for his family and just the love that jawad had for life so the jury took into account everything in the trial the abuse everything and after two days of deliberation they decided that cynthia was guilty of first degree murder she had no right to become judge jury and executioner on the 23rd of march 2017 cynthia cederbacher was found guilty of first degree murder and at the age of 66 she was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 50 years before parole so everything that i've spoken about up until this moment is what is widely reported but like i said when i was doing my research i couldn't quite help feeling that just something was missing i just couldn't understand why cynthia committed such a brutal murder i think it's so brutal because she had to keep going back to the car to re-load over and over again that was such a drawn-out attack that is so brutal and then just the fact that she went on with her day celebrating her birthday and then when she found out that she had killed gerward she was so happy about it then like i said i came across this court document published in the october of 2018 and this document goes into so much more detail about the abuse not that it's justified but now a lot of things do make sense now i do need to give a disclaimer we are going to be talking about reviews in more detail not in a lot of detail but in more detail and i also need to give a disclaimer that this document was submitted by cynthia's defense therefore it is only cynthia's side of the story and we don't have jawad's account of the story he is not here to defend himself so cynthia is appealing her conviction and that is why this document was submitted because she said that she wasn't given a fair trial and her defense team at the time was just inadequate so this appeal document goes into so much more detail of the abuse so much more detail than what came out in the trial it said that jawad would often choke laura and he would also hit the children with his belt he would also verbally abuse the children as well just calling them names and also saying that the dogs were better than his children the document also went into a lot more detail of how gerard would treat cynthia now gerard would often turn off the hot water to the granny flat remember cynthia was living in the granny flat he would turn off the hot water and she would have to have cold showers he would also offer to like pick her up from the coffee shop that she always would go to but then purposely not turn up just leave her sat outside the coffee shop for hours sometimes in extreme heat or extreme cold he just wouldn't care he would just leave her outside and this was his form of punishment towards cynthia we already know that he would hose her down in the garden quite regularly but he also had this spray water bottle that he had for training dogs and he would often use this to spray it in the face of cynthia and the children so not only did this document go into detail on the verbal and physical abuse he also went into detail on how gerard would sexually abuse laura and i have not seen anywhere of any coverage of this case that has mentioned the sexual abuse and the sexual abuse allegations aren't actually coming from cynthia they're coming from the niece the niece would stay at the house quite regularly and there was one time where she walked past the bedroom that jawad and laura shared and she could hear laura inside of the room and she was crying and she was also saying get off me the next day she confronted laura about what she'd heard because she wanted to know what was going on and this is when laura opened up to her and told her exactly what gerard would do to her she said that sometimes at night gerard would choke her and hold her down until she passed out he would then sodomize her without her consent because this was the only way that he could gratify himself because he said laura was quote too loose down there end quote when the niece heard about this understandably she was horrified and the niece actually told cynthia about what laura had told her she was concerned about her i mean i can't even imagine hearing that about your daughter cynthia was so upset remember near the beginning of the story i said that cynthia was supposed to go to her niece's house for a short period of time but she changed her mind and canceled her trip well this is why because she found out about the sexual abuse like i said though in the disclaimer i don't know how much proof there is to these claims but i do just feel like if this is true it definitely fills in a lot of the blanks that i feel were in the story i feel like finding out that your daughter is being sexually abused doesn't justify murder i'm not saying that but it definitely makes more sense why cynthia reacted like she did why she was so happy in the interview that she'd killed him i suppose the question is not whether she's guilty or not we know she's guilty it's whether there was premeditation there or not i mean i don't think we'll ever truly know exactly when cynthia decided to kill gerard was it when she found out about the sexual abuse was it when she witnessed gerard hitting one of the children with her own eyes was it the night before the murder when the granddaughter ran up to the granny flat and said to laura why do you hate me so much to let dad treat me like this i don't think we'll ever know but to me anyway it does kind of seem like the murder was premeditated i mean she was going to the shooting range to practice and that was two weeks before the murder also if we look at the events of the morning of the murder it seemed like cynthia snapped after jawad insulted the way she was dressed i mean to me i don't think she killed gerard because he insulted her i don't know i mean i know no one likes to be insulted but it does just seem like quite a minor thing in comparison to the rest of what was going on i mean for all we know gerard may not have even insulted the way cynthia looked she could have walked down from her granny flat on the morning with the gun already in her hand but this case is just such a tragic case for everyone involved i mean laura lost her husband and her mother at the same time it's just so sad and cynthia without remorse without really thinking did take away her father she did take away her husband she also took gerard away from his family so that is the end of the case of the killer grandma let me know what you think let me know all your thoughts feelings opinions everything down below and don't forget to leave me k suggestions as well because i always want to know what you want to hear next and i'll see you in my next video bye [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Danielle Kirsty
Views: 394,305
Rating: 4.9318271 out of 5
Id: vJaFiphQdeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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