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Today we’re going to cook lamb legs in beer We bought a sheep, fat-tailed one Cut off back side Cut off its fat tail About 1.5 kilos Slice off excessive fat Cut off lymph glands Why don’t you pour me a drink to warm up We could’ve not drunk But it’s a good opportunity to have a drink Why limit yourself, right? For opportunities! Whoopsie! Looks like our baking pan is too small Let’s see what we can do I’ve found this tub I’ll use it instead of a baking pan Take some salt Pepper Will they fit here? Perfect! This tub is made just for this purpose Take a bottle of beer, half a liter Charcoal has burnt. Let’s spread them on both sides My wife has asked me to make lamb chops shashlik Let’s divide the front part from rib cage This could be used to make shulyum (lamb soup) Separate renal part Good lamb! The temperature in our oven is 280° C Couldn’t manage to reach the highest possible Our shashlik is going to be spicy Sweetheart, take salt and pepper home It’s getting hotter not only in the oven But in our yard as well The weather is so nice Even though it’s the middle of November the sun is still hot It’s interesting what the weather is like in your town Bee, get out of here! Pin the chops like this Do you want a piece, Phoebe? Here We’ll start with the chops Mmmm! Meat, meat, meat! Our shashlik is ready Let’s see what about lamb legs 4 hours passes since we’ve put our meat into the oven Let’s look The foil has ripped Let’s look inside Whew, yummy! If you have any kind of an oven at home It’s pretty easy to cook this dish Only 4 hours Salt, pepper, some beer and it turns out just great I want to raise this glass for everyone to have Caucasus health For our homes to prosper And our deeds to be wise and sensible Only bones for me They say the tastiest meat is on the bones No meat on these bones
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Keywords: Как, приготовить, баранину, в, на, мангале, духовке, баранина, баран, маринад, рецепт, пиве, приготовления, вкусно, вкусный, и, рецепты, мясо, запечь, свинина, фарш, курицы, домашняя, еда, домашних, условиях, запекаем, мяса, под, пиво, домашние, классический, блюд, блюдо, блюда, без, с, еды, доставка, георгий, кавказ, дом, сколько, простые, соусы, вкусные, самого, вкусных, своими, руками, сковороде, зиму, тушеное, какое, из, говядина, фаршированное, запеченное, картошка, по, кавказски, французски, запекать, фольга, духовка, видео, youtube, георгий кавказ, печь
Id: Pcr0jrdTWiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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