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Angelina! Watch the mutton So that the cats don’t snatch it away Wow! There were a lot of comments on my last video that I talk very little It happens that one talks a lot and does nothing and the other doesn’t say anything but does a lot of things Too many words are always a disguise for lies I want to raise this glass of homemade dry wine to doing everything we say we’ll do To you, my friends! Let’s work If I need to talk, I’ll talk! Today I’ll dress out this mutton With an ethnic Yakut knife “mansi” It’s multifunctional If you are interested, I’ll leave the link in the description One of my followers has given it to me Remove the lymph nodes And we’ll bake this rib cage in an improvised tandoor It’s almost ready for it Valeria, sweetie, put the potatoes into the pan This dish that I’m going to cook in a cauldron is called kazan-kebab It generated a lot of hits on our Instagram page That’s why we want to show a more detailed version We’ll need 4 kilos of potatoes and 4 kilos of meat. Mutton is the perfect match for this dish As you see we put the potatoes on the bottom And put the meat on top Salt it well And add 2 liters of sunflower oil Takes some time to pour Put the plate on top And then lid it This dish is being cooked on a high heat For forty minutes I understand that not everyone has the opportunity to buy this kind of tandoor that is why we are showing you a DIY option for cooking meat Although you can always use a promo code 507 and have a discount on this kind of tandoor in the internet shop Shelkoviy.put So click on the link in the description Half an hour later we have this beauty Let’s wait some more Forty minutes past Let’s see if our dish is ready I hope we didn’t overcook it The smell is divine! I mean whew! The potatoes got soaked in mutton I told you this knife is multifunctional It cuts the greens too Let’s see what we got here I think it needs 40 more minutes So that it’s thoroughly baked Look what a yummy thing we have! Angelina, bring some kaimak! Some more meat for you And your plate A piece of meat… You gotta eat it all! Sweetie, do you want some more meat? OK, this one Well, I think it’s ready Although it took a long time to bake It looks wonderful Perfect crust! Let’s try and take it apart with our hands This one’s OK Simply wonderful! I literally ripped it apart Here’s to honest and modest people All the more there are not many of us left To you, my dear friends! Turned out very tender Have some. Aren’t you full yet? No Then share this meal with me Mmm! The cord has been baked well Look!
Views: 11,006,321
Rating: 4.8552623 out of 5
Keywords: МЯСО, В, ДУХОВКЕ, ПО, французски, картошка, мясом, свинина, рецепт, из, свинины, духовка, шашлык, блюдо, пошаговый, маринад, молочный, продукт, быстрый, вкусный, без, купить, вкусное, мяса, сыром, салат, тушеное, на, сковороде, рыба, говядина, грибами, запечен, запеченное, горшочках, помидорами, мультиварке, пирог, курицы, сырое, пошаговыми, приготовление, сочное, куриное, фольге, крабовое, луком, как, приготовить, кролика, пирожки, запеченная, сколько, жареная, жареное, вкусная, запекать, георгий кавказ, видео, YouTube, суп, тандыр, казан кебаб, ASMR
Id: MxfRhANT0uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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