Йоэль Ромеро vs Пауло Коста: Вспоминаем бой

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Kinda crazy how well Yoel did in the 3rd round throwing volume and not loading up on huge power shots after 10 minutes of slugfest.

He’s got some weird form on his punches but damn are they pretty effective.

👍︎︎ 612 👤︎︎ u/clemball2000 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Noooooooo one of the only fights that I wanted the UFC to put up and it's not available in Australia :(

👍︎︎ 130 👤︎︎ u/RusticTomcat 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Honestly, what the fuck is Yoel Romero made of? Despite being incredibly conservative in all his other fights, here he is tanking monstrous body shots from Costa, throwing more offense than I've ever seen him cause he was forced to and not looking nearly as gassed as he has in some other fights. Just weird af

👍︎︎ 103 👤︎︎ u/fireman464 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Natty Bowl 2019

👍︎︎ 79 👤︎︎ u/HowBoutYouGetThe 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not available in your country..

👍︎︎ 336 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow! Didn't know Costa helped in the Cuban Missle Crisis. Talk about a patriot!

👍︎︎ 106 👤︎︎ u/Rexhinald99 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Post USADA scary

Gets me fucking hyped everytime.

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/Sab44 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

3rd round Romero is no joke 😛

👍︎︎ 226 👤︎︎ u/FirstLeutenant 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can’t believe they still claiming Romero is 6 foot

👍︎︎ 191 👤︎︎ u/Winter-Law 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
UFC fight pass TPA device II premiere translates absolute Nazi attorney review FC ETA C to to so forgiveness material registry supremacy chassis follow Cheney [Applause] ha ha [Applause] now introducing suppose final artist [Applause] three launches he's had six people waiting for Edwin half pounds lining Florida by Cuba presenting the 2000 Olympics freestyle silver medalist in the world soldier of God [Applause] whoa [Applause] big assignment for what the best in the business Jason Herzog Britney mama thank you dear hello pasta and Yoel Romero initially linked to fight at UFC 230 last November that did not happen it is happening here in now tonight's fight clock is brought to you by motel agree for those with a fighting spirit Romero is in red on the South paw stance pasta go on with Adachi is in black [Applause] Yoel has been spending some time doing taekwondo straight too various explosive movements early out of both athletes posture try to close the distance now [Applause] it is amazing how green hosta was when he showed up on season 3 of The Ultimate Fighter in Brazil he's hurt we knew back in forth just dropping each other multiple syllables twice Austen to the body now good kick to the body thereby cross them things both these guys too so much power [Applause] two went in with an elbow will Mero able to avoid it count left there from Yoel [Applause] marriage is so fluid we never run over the activities a piece of granite before it's crazy [Applause] you're three minutes to go pasta keeping the pressure like rolls and then comes back at the left double left [Applause] oh you tagged into that right now good kick to the body will seems to be eating one and then trying to fire back after eating it and sig nation hard shots to the body too foster boy when I stopped raising the guard there this is a high pace first round Oh who the god nice knees to the body back off [Applause] [Applause] Jason Herzog Rd has acknowledged that it was accidental as many of you know Romero has up to five minutes with which to recover yeah right on the [Applause] and Tails in you at home it is delayed yes there's a little bit of a beat and then [Applause] it's also a nice break this actually helps the fans because you got two guys that have hoped getting their energy back it's both extremely strong that's a good way to look at it really it's good for both guys you're gonna see a crazy rest of this round after this five-minute break is out cuz I'm sure your hair probably take at least three minutes of it he's gonna take all the time he needs he'll probably take all five minutes he's gonna stand up I'm sure he's okay he's gonna he's in pain but I'm sure he's gonna be okay he's got a look at ya what are the rules on Thai Cup so you love to wear a steel Thai Cup in an MMA fight yes all I way that seems so crazy to me that that's still me because Prizmo provides an unnatural fulcrum for armbars until you kick it you're kicking men up and kicking out all right [Applause] we go back one or two minutes here to go in round one Romero slips pasta closes the distance on these women seems possible that inside leg kick basta has worked the body to great effect tonight as Romero goes hi Romero such a weird style is so loose and then he explodes [Applause] [Applause] romera seems have a hard time excluding it slipping around yeah that's a good read oh man through the body shots by coaster oh wow the ability of both of these men to eat these power shots sitting this close is absolutely incredible to be around to tell you what anybody thought polar coaster did belong here all those questions have been erased no pun intended [Applause] hook it's crazy to me that America just throw one shot at a time and land because of how quickly is in the way he hides everything these really throwing combinations at all know the pressure of Kostas I saw something pretty incredible to watch I mean Jesus all over your life is keeping it on it Oh Romero doing a nice job rolling with some of these pasta offerings his mouth is open though and it looks a bit fatigued he can always explode but he's happy to hear this flight is hydrated by body armor sport water the water made for athletes fine body armor hydration at circle-k good that good the champion Goods champion very good very good breathe breathe keep your pure power these are allowed you feel your power the first get him when he's in the fence here's a big left eye power co so look at that right on the chin rocked him and hurt him a right hand by Costa but now Costa gets dropped it was really looks like he was more off-balance than anything but yo el connects there with the left hand I mean wild exchanges and Paul Costa ripped to the body to kept the pressure and there ul comes up the middle with a flying knee and then catches some of the right hand as well too so wild wild [Applause] round two on the way ll Romero Paulo Kosta wonder if and when we will see Yoel utilizes wrestling we have a siege a post office back longest UFC fight for Costas 7 minutes and 38 seconds he hit so hard and his pressure is just incredible gonna be just constant smothering the toes to the body now going I again beautiful leg kick hard leg kick the Oh switch stance immediately then he goes to the body Nemiroff bold character since 1872 Nats hook to the bodies nasty the oels looking for openings here but they just don't seem to be there [Applause] the allows footwork also count all over the place and I think that is just dealing with the pressure that cost is putting on what action on this road we watch the wrestling that's how we moved and then he adds hands and other movements whitney's kicks butt Holocaust is just pouring the heat on them y'all it seems to be eating it and just almost like the rope-a-dope but it's right now he's behind on the number so he's better start firing Tsukasa has advanced 51% of the time the thing about constant so terrifying is his durability as well Uriah hauled him in was hard shots and he barely seemed to notice and he's enormous for the wait cause I grew juggle for me it's the size and the power that he hasn't he doesn't get that tired yeah that's what that's what amazes me about trust he doesn't look too bit too tight well I talked to Wally dish Merrill about his work ethic he said it's just incredible I mean all the guy does is train yeah he's got some Tony Ferguson qualities right six seven hours straight and now we're seeing y'all like laying little things here in there he's got that right jab he's flicking out he kind of ate some of the bigger shots earlier in this round from Acosta [Applause] Romero has certainly had a pension for the rally in the past as we acknowledged off the top tonight close to take another breather here what's a lot of offenses thrown and his guys still standing right in front of them jab by yo and he's not over committing to anything he's just touching yeah yo has beautiful men's feet just beautiful speed period he's just very experienced Joe he looks calm cool collected he is eating more shots right now that Kosta but Romero disputed that that was an eye poke Jason Herzog tells them to keep fighting under two minutes here to go in the round this is the longest UFC fight now for Kosta [Applause] sheeeit non-stop movement and now you're seeing the hands on the waist Acosta so long as he's never gone romera now disability he never really stops his movement doesn't lets it flow through both these guys are landing on each other will reset they're from pasta big deep breath he comes in tonight off of the best weight cut of his pro career abhorrent to his coaches Romero look to just weather that early storm but he's behind on the numbers right now so I think he's down two rounds he's gonna have to really pick up in the stay round and stylistically he has intended to do that in the past so I'm curious to see what he does to make up the difference because it cost his pressure and his offense has just been a little bit much right now it's completely in this fight Oh a hundred percent it would appear to be the pressure fighter here yep you're breaking down slowly but certainly you're seeing the pressure release of pasta and Casta has stayed committed to the body throughout this fight it doesn't seem to have necessarily taking its toll on Romero you're well caught in that upper trap and incredibly Romero as he goes for the takedown in kennel has been to a third round in his last 10 fights he will do so again here this fight is hydrated by body armor sport water the water made for athletes wine body armor hydration let's go Circle K can't feel better in this let's go careful careful let's go sit down listen you gotta finish look at them now I'm gonna finish chopping down below big body kick here that you'll see from Kosta ouch nice right hand left hook lands and then you see y'all Romero here with that left excuse me right straight left jab left he goes left jab and then eats a body shot they're both these guys are letting it all hang out this third round is everything for both these guys whoever wins this round wins this fight Rattray is brought to you by p3 the official protein snack of the UFC Center explodes here for these two world-class mixed martial arts athletes Holocaust and Dracula Marilyn read less than five minutes to decide this one now [Applause] Romero twice touches the inside that lead leg of Costa whose volume has waned in the second half of this flight left and adds to y'all there I've been a big factor the fact that you all took them down at the end of the second we may very well see him try to do that again to that in this third that's what's going to be huge there's a beautiful kick to the body in another part retreats mouth wide open whose eat knows it big shots Kostas honor show any other that sneaks them in on you well what hides it is the stance which move it backwards the hands are down he pushes the leg everything starts to look the same and then he comes down the middle there so it's the boat equipment i purely it hides his strength [Applause] no I just think it was bigger standing out chalo cost maybe to catch a breather [Applause] this is three fingers one moment once again this is for the fans [Applause] Duncan will come here for the dancing yeah right because it's like you wanna use the handout it's not like yo I'll move forward and poke them in the eye okay okay yeah well Sam was out strategy's not supposed to have an outstretched hand do that take a moment you cannot put your fingers in the diet yeah no more no more break Mero thumbs up and a smile kind of love it and and what part from from these two gentlemen do not know pokey you know picking in the groin all right three and a half now to go [Applause] six throw around finishes for Yoel Romero tied for the top alcohol time the UFC this has been a big round for him obviously in the past [Applause] nasty right hand over the top love the bodywork pasta is two and a half minutes left and that's when things really start to get hairy in the third round at rest definitely help guys though for sure I'm just amazed at yo elves not trying to take him down a lot of energy to shoot especially last time the time to shoot wife's nap cost Paulo can rally here shot by Romero with that right hand guard right on his face [Applause] Oh [Applause] good left hand says come get some got that his role on at this point numbers very close slight edge in terms of significant structure Yolo Romero [Applause] still anybody spiked less than 90 seconds now to go [Applause] those are the best punches the last [Applause] slowing down finishing around strong as the better less than a minute to go in a fight that has certainly lived up to the hype and then some we have a middleweight title unification bout of course in October but tonight's winner will factor prominently in that mixes as 42 years old [Applause] headshot eats it fires right back the balls I've ever seen Romero's women adore the humans ever walked here to straighten up his chakras absorbs and [Applause] I since I'm strapped huge dick the other hook we tried to reverse it they get back to your feet and to take out the pasta excuse me take down the moon final seconds of this one [Applause] basta go to 15-minute distance mix muscle-ups whoops that was that was one of the rare after all the height just amazing incredible [Applause] Paulo Kosta came in 12 and oh trying to get what would be far and away the biggest win of his professional life this flight replays brought you about never alcohol character since 1872 and will look back through some of this Kosta left hook just floors Romero Romero comes back with his own got the rope-a-dope here trying to wear out cost up on the fence big knee up the middle through the guard Acosta follows up with some big punches beats Kosta up on the scramble lands a two three nice body kick lands to the ribs of Romero eats them all these guys just trade back and forth two threes big right straight by y'all another body shot by Kosta just trying to take the air out of Romero and a beautiful run through power double to end the round there and here's the third round here Romero really pouring it on cost to say nope and then keeps getting punched nice uppercuts landed for y'all the left and uppercuts were the biggest ones and this head kick was so close but y'all eat sit like some cookies moves on falling both fighters seemingly believe they have done enough to win the fight tonight these fighter snaps crotch about PokerStars now profound the great online poker experience in the world take on the best to win millions of prizes every day on PokerStars head strikes decided advantage for Yoel Romero Paulo cost of course work in the body very well a knockdown on each side Kosta advanced more often than not Yoel Romero was not given credit for that final takedown by our statisticians unofficially one for poor on his takedown attempts here tonight some huge scorecards coming your way here the official decision brought you by Metro by t-mobile catch all the action with Metro by team almost knocked out coverage and unlimited data with the decision now is through sucker gentlemen after three pounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision all three judges for this contest 29:28 for the winner [Applause]
Channel: UFC Russia
Views: 3,902,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, коста, ромеро
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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