Nate Diaz vs Conor McGregor 1 | FREE FIGHT | UFC 279

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[Applause] all right gentlemen we've been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions touch gloves if you wish let's do this not a chance not a chance nate diaz conor mcgregor fight schedule for five five minute rounds here we go southpaw against southpaw well connor will switch back and forth left and right and there is one thing we also should consider and that is the wrestling of nate diaz which is very underrated his submission game is very very highly respected connor's movement was so brilliant spinning a miss made clinch where's the clinch [Applause] nate diaz has only been stopped twice in his career submitted years ago by hermes franca head kicked and finished by josh thompson that's it and this is his 30th pro fight 22nd in the ufc nice jab by nate and a good left hand over the top by connor connor the aggressor here early [Applause] one year eight months good left hand by connor younger than big brother nick nathan diaz biggest fight of his life [Applause] seems with conor every fight becomes the biggest of his life connor's looking looking for that left hand over the top nate's moving away and popping that jab looking for those uppercuts as well good move man by stockton zone [Applause] we'll be talking as much as throwing [Applause] both men will probably throw kicks without having to worry too much especially diaz with his great submission skills especially from his back good right hand landed by diaz a little short check hook mcgregor obviously trying to close the distance here again he winds up with that big uppercut and there's a hard leg kick by connor and a good little check hook by nate connor using different kicks already joe this place is awesome misha tate just won the belt and now how about these guys well one thing that nate has to be considering is the weight on his front leg he likes to stay heavy on that front leg and if conor keeps kicking it it could be an issue conor keeps going to that uppercut the left side keep an eye out if nate's going to get hit by it or if he's going to counter it effectively but he's looking for it a ton here early there you go right there trying to get nate leaning in joe [Applause] [Applause] couple good right hands in by nate diaz good head movement by mcgregor off the arms that time some blood on the right side of the face of nate diaz but both he and his brother joe they've got so much scar tissue they tend to bleed especially from that eyebrow area very easily and it's already bothering them couple good jabs there by nate good left hand just missed crowd loving it justifiable so another good left hand by connor that one glanded clean nate trying to become the aggressor here final minute of the first connor again sweeping with that lead uppercut [Applause] takes him down he'll pull guard joe and he is 30 seconds connor trying to throw down some ground and pound or just get out of harm's way [Applause] nate up against the fence spins good movement by nate here round one in the books [Applause] there's a nice left hand by connor and there's another one and there's another one and that was the one that really cut him yeah 15 straight wins for conor mcgregor 17 of 19 wins by knockout round two [Applause] keep an eye on the cut the right eye of diaz creative striking once again by mcgregor [Applause] [Applause] hunter does a nice job covering distance quickly joe guards in and out very well he said he didn't come here to take part said he came here to take over we didn't know it was going to be at multiple weight classes conor good left like advancing pretty much the whole fight john cavanaugh was telling him to show him the left hand he leans away from it and land the right uppercut [Applause] fatigue should not be a factor for either fighter nate training for the triathlon joe mentioned good left hand by connor connor pouring it on here there's that uppercut partner weighing in at 168. just missed that's the one cavanaugh was talking about clinched by nate good defense by connor a lot of blood coming out of that right eye [Applause] seconds into round two [Applause] connor's busting nade up which in the diaz world means absolutely nothing but he will fight until he can't fight any longer excellent exchanges here spectacular good stylistic match-up the stockton slap coming soon [Applause] strong jab by nate good head movement clinch [Applause] joe this is what the world was hoping for nice uppercut there by connor two of the greatest stand in the octagon and trade [Applause] nate diaz is making up some ground here in the second round big difference here is the only time [Applause] that's another connection diaz the couple of big punches that landed on mcgregor's chin now connor is it less than 100 oh my goodness combination nice knee to the body by nate as well nate diaz taking it to mcgregor here [Applause] nate right in front of his corner good shots landed by nate [Applause] jake shields richard perez and company again diaz connects connor comes back he caught him again with the right hook and another left and again with the combination and connor look out look out [Applause] one minute on the clock diaz gets the boat my goodness now he's got the best that's it he's got the chocolate he's down he's done it all over nate diaz beats conor mcgregor oh my goodness what a night ladies and gentlemen what a night submission win for nathan diaz wow [Applause] wow what did we say before this fight we have never seen connor overcome adversity and nate diaz has a legitimate high-level world-class brazilian jiu jitsu ground game and it was conor joe who initiated the take down there well he did it at a desperation too absolutely he was getting rocked he was getting hurt and nate diaz just dominated him on the ground wow man in the last hour partner the mma world became much more interesting we could barely even get it oh my goodness wow what a crazy night fight replay what a crazy night i hope conor mcgregor stays offline for a couple days [Laughter] here we go left to the body this is early in the fight there's a left hand there's a nice uppercut but boom there's one on the chin that stunned conor mcgregor and that's what started it all off we saw him wobble and we saw nate smile and here's nate on the ground just slices through him like butter gets the mount pounds on him connor's in deep deep trouble conor gives up his back nate sinks in the choke pounds on him again and just locks it in deep and nate diaz walks away with the biggest victory of his life covered in blood double bicep he couldn't be happier look at jake shields and krone gracie they couldn't be happier either unbelievable the black belt in gracie brazilian jiu jitsu in his 22nd ufc fight on 11 days notice has defeated the notorious conor mcgregor time for our official decision bruce buffer ladies and gentlemen referee herb dean has called a stop to this contest at four minutes 12 seconds of round number two declaring the winner by submission due to a rear naked choke [Applause] mate dior [Applause] great class by both men you just shook up the world how's that feel uh i'm not surprised [Applause]
Channel: UFC
Views: 35,379,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, mma, ultimate fighting championship, UFC 196, 2016, March 5, saturday, free, fight, fighter, bout, kick, punch, submission, finish, win, best, of, career, highlight, look, back, history, welterweight, division, opponent, matchup, performance, the, night, bonus, nate, diaz, conor, mcgregor, ufc 279, khamzat, chimaev, promotional, promo, octagon
Id: LPpqcvIlrhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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