Free Fight: Jon Jones vs Alexander Gustafsson 1 | UFC 165, 2013

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Damn I miss Gus. Deserved hof fight

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sal21G πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Decisionbot Jones Gustafsson

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/failbears πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The rematch was one of the biggest letdowns of all time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/imnotsteven7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still my boy 😭

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anotherMiguel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wanted Gus to win so bad and was fucking enraged when Jon got the decision win.

But after rewatching the fight a few times through an unbiased perspective I think Jon really won.

Can’t say the same for the Reyes fight. I tried watching a few times thinking my dislike for Jon may have clouded my judgement, but no. Reyes won that shit in my eyes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yoyomamahh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

fuck, gus was so god damned good that night

jones the piece of shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlckMrkt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was and still is the best fight I’ve ever watched live. Legend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wakeuphicks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Amazing fight probably the best that happened in that division i think jones barely won it and then somehow embarrassed him in the rematch which made him the goat imo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Swimdemon91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
to check yourself at all times obey now commands all times if you want to touch girls touch him now step back good luck to both you John Jones and Alexander Gustafsson for the UFC light heavyweight championship of the world Big John McCarthy our referee [Applause] here we go the champion in the black trunks the Challenger in the blue trunks quickly he throws a kick nice inside leg kick to start off by Gustafson Gustafson has a lot of power in his right hand right away it's already interesting seeing the distance seeing that Gustafson can close the distance in a way that we've never seen in a John John's fight before John switches his stance then throws the spinning back kick and John gets the clinch but can't hold on to him you asked me earlier Joe is anybody else perfect with their takedown defense and yes that man John Jones the champion has stopped all 16 of his opponents takedown two towns I should have been able to answer that question I knew it was coming up John was very relaxed he had nice spinning back kick to the body that's a second spin nice kick there the elliptical kick to the thigh and the front leg side kick to the thigh as well John has really started to incorporate that a lot into his game and it's a very frustrating kick to deal with but Gustafson answers with some kicks of his own it stops you in your tracks literally you nearly torque your knee both the front leg side kick and the elliptical are very controversial too because they hyperextend the knee if they land correctly but so does a leg lock you know I mean the idea that those should be illegal I think it's pretty silly Jones as you've said many times uses them better than anybody yes and there's a nice inside leg again returned by Gustafson wild Carter's days rest and by Gustafson of John Jones so far they have kept it on the feet which is what Gustafson wants he feels he can out strike the champion who was in the southpaw stance again nice kick to the body by John gustafson changes levels the Gustafson is a very sneaky right hand mic and if John is standing flat-footed the Gustafson finds an opening this could get interesting you recently saw Anderson Silva defeated by Chris Weidman Silva and had been a perfect season right hand that's what I was talking about there it was they glanced it didn't land clean but that's what Gustafson's looking for now she's slipping to land that sniper shot there's nice inside leg kick but Gustafson Jones was in attendance that night there's the right hand again there's a bit of an adjustment period when you're dealing with a guy who's got to reach like either one of these gentlemen did this may be the first time they've faced a guy who can do what they're used to do it yep John Scott John is cut over the right eye Gustafson with that big right hand [Applause] the subsonic in pushing forward you seem good striking by gustafson here good movement good strike it spins again caught him in the midsection spinning back-kick and there's that elliptical kick again [Music] [Applause] Bechet it goes hi Gustafson appears to be very comfortable here in the first of the combination by Gustafson 90 seconds on the clock is Nick in the lane over the tops knock it over the shoulder it's quick [Applause] nice leg kick by John and in return by Gustafson Gustafson said he would have the speed advantage Superman punch well Gustafson does hasn't is very induce hands the way he throws his hands is the way a guy who's been throwing boxing techniques his whole life throws up yep see the blood will went down the right side of John Jones inscription with the takedown take first time in the US here by Gustafson that's incredible back to home that's all that time spent with Phil Davis and the members of the Lions MMA [Applause] although he got poked he got poked know [Applause] we can only hope this is nothing Jones gets taken down for the first time in his UFC let's take a look at the replay here yep one figure crazy on that deep you Gus ups in this kind of blinking a little bit but not too bad I think it's gonna keep going here we go and Big John said to both fighters Joe you're both sticking your fingers out let's keep an eye on it let's watch it well they're both used to using that excellent reach advantage and holding guys off yeah spinning elbow by John John's really starting to get aggressive now kick to the body now Jones looks for the takedown he's got Gustafson up go second to the round big elbow big elbow the champion is cut the Challenger is set for round two the light heavyweight belt is on the line there's a nice inside leg kick by John when Gustafson defeated Thiago Silva in Stockholm Sweden when he was in the main event first event in Sweden look at that ghost the judge say snap to him that of anime early chance to leave a bar Wow Gustafson avoids that's when people really started to say this kid is special and he matches up physically with the champion Jon Jones I'm a very impressive Gustafson so far Mike but the fight has just begun John ducks under gets the clinch can't take him down we usually ditch that clinch that Grieco going and you're going for a ride Jones has had five takedown attempts stopped by Alexander Gustafson [Applause] and one of the differences is in their approach is that Gustavsson is much more light on his feet he bounces around a lot cuts angles left and right a lot bit John's got to really get out of the way this guy's that's one thing they talked about in the camp Joe is these angles of Alexander Gustafsson look at that haymaker over the top and the Gustav Daluz trial ago right his the way his hands move minimal effort they just fly off the shoulders Jones has never been knocked down or submitted he nice kick John can take a shot yep guarantee that we saw that in the load of a cheetah fight' the Auto tagged and cleanly with a straight left and John felt that was an important moment for him because he learned he can take it singing again and again with that side kick to the thigh and another question is with the way gossips and moves will he be able to keep clear continue that for five rounds especially where those pictures by yes good point and constantly hitting that elliptical kick that hyperextends the knee goes high big connection for Jones stuff that one now John no is the Gustafson it's thinking of taking him down oh wow just missed with the counter and he's winging that left hook and that nice jab as well those boxing skills [Applause] over the top two minutes on the clock here in the second and Gustafson does have an amateur boxing background defeated the Swedish national boxing champion in all the interviews working our way to tonight Gustafson showed a ton of confidence nice leg kick there set quite simply I can be John Jones any day so far he is right in this fight [Applause] Jones misses with the right let me get too happy to end but look at this caught the leg John rolls under tries to get a hold of them now he's got a clinch get the hands behind the hips how about the takedown takedown defense of Gustafson amazing that's what you get when you train with Phil Davis here six four six incredible absolutely incredible that's a huge story in this fight it really is [Applause] Gustafson with the right again nice right hand and a nice leg kick by John again with that inside leg kick stats are very even less far in the striking Department and both connected there [Applause] oh hi nice Africa my customs and man Gustafson seems to have the advantage with the hand techniques Mike John has been throwing some really nice kids that one checked but Gustafson seems to have the hand speed advantage here final seconds of the round [Applause] 9 flight winning streak for John Jones the longest active at 205 5 and all wishes current or former champions chasing down for the first time inside the Octagon earlier tonight he's still having a bit of a problem with that right eye the cut above it but from a very early punch from Gustafson there's that kick again and as John continues to land these hard leg kicks Oh big combination yes of sin but right over the top and a right uppercut what I was saying is that those kicks are going to take away some of the movement and some of the movement is what has been a key to the success of Gustafson and as John continues to pick away at that leg we see him being a little bit less nimble every time those kicks land checked Gustafson remains engaged lot of kicks and good success with the kicks for John Jones though the spinning back kick to the head and umber a second takedown defense by Gustafson really impressed with that aspect of his game and that is look at that jab to the body and then up high and that's something that he really realized he needed to work on his grappling and that's why I came to Alliance right hand over the top after the field Davis fight he knew that he had a hole in his game and he knew if he wanted to compete with the best fighters in the world he had to make the move to America and go with the top camp and not much better than Phil Davis to work on you're wrestling with Oh high kick again uppercut level changes by Gustafson third round this has been in John's side the most he's ever been hit inside the Octagon by strikes and the most has ever been hit clean but he keeps on coming nice kick to the body there by John and returned by Gustafson inside leg kick by the Swede and then the real question becomes what happens as this gets into the championship round since Gustafson prepare for that he's never been there before good uppercut a good right hand behind it by Gustafson big jab now to the body mixing things up nicely with the hands gustas energetic connects just past the midway point of this championship fight the key to John's attack has really been the kicks in this fight that's where he's been the most successful nice elliptical chick again hyper-extended me [Applause] switches it up he's looking for the left kick now Oh when with an axe kick man and to the body [Applause] kicks in the body hard kick in the ass Tampax left that kick was hard Mike and he see gustafson tickets a big deep breath there yeah john has grown some really good kicks in this fight that's the first time you see Gustafson open his mouth wide and take big deep breaths kick jab for the champion switching his stance a lot tonight he's looking for that left kick again every time he does that when he goes southpaw [Applause] stuffed gustafson one of three with his takedown attempts good hands again he's fine and John Jones his face 45 seconds look at that most man Gustafson retreats due back to the center of the Octagon excellent footwork by Gustafson look at that combination and their jab and an elbow Tom's looking for that spins yeah yup there's the elbow look at that Gustafson grabs ahold of him can't get another one nope amazing that the takedowns in this fight have been gustafson final seconds of the third check that kick [Applause] we are headed to the championship round Jones went five rounds in his defense in Atlanta against Rashad Evans he went into the fourth round with rampage and into the fourth round with Vitor Belfort but those were very different fights it was a very different field of those fights this is a very competitive fight and there's a nice left by John is the first time Gustafson has gone into the championship rounds and there's that big right hand again it's a very different fight than those fights because John was in complete control of the Rashad Evans fight by the time it got into the championship rounds and the ram-paige fight both those fights he controlled the distance and utilized the strikes but in this fight he's the one who's been getting tagged I mean look at their faces John has two swollen eyes big cut over the right eye here's a nice right hand by John and he can't get up hold the Gustafson which is really crazy to see and there's another thing to consider and that is the toe of John Jones that was badly injured in the Chael Sonnen fight I know he had a lot of time to recover but how much of that injury is still lingered good point I was wrong a lot of ticks though Joe he has without a serious injury nasty look again with that right hand the Swede you know when you see fighters into the Octagon you never know what kind of injuries they're carrying with them and almost all of them have something wrong with them come fight time there's a nice jab by John and said physically that gustafson matches up better than anyone who has ever fought John Jones before and the combinations he's throwing just so loose right to the body left up top but we wondered could he handle the brilliance of the champion and thus far the answer is yes and then some statistically he has the lead nice leg kick by John I would imagine that John has the leg kick advantage or the kicking advantage that correct yes but an overall strikes its gustafson nice straight jab by Gustafson there's a nice inside leg kick by John and another but you know we're in the fourth round now I mean something's got to happen here 120 significant strikes landed by the Challenger damn beautiful left the most impressive thing has not just been the striking of Gustafson but his ability to stuff the takedown yep in that slipping gentleman let go a jade Han teeing off and John's got the clinch here let's see what he can do with it a lot of time to work he drops down he's got his hands clasp together let's see the defense of Gustafson can he spread those legs gonna get that base wide he come amazing amazing and that cut is sneaking into his eye badly not only does he avoid the takedown but those vicious elbows in the ground and pound of John Jones [Applause] look at the cut over the eye of John Jones and that punch landed early Joe in the first round of the fight and that's got to be impairing his vision a nice left hook in a jab smooth boxing by Gustafson and still moving very lightly on his feet and again with the right hand to spot here's the takedown attempt against stuffed one more time Wow despite the fact that he took all those leg kicks he's still moving very well nine for nine and another one he goes up high takedown defense has been perfect for Gustafson he stuffed all nine of Jones's takedown attempts [Applause] nice left by the champion the Gustafson takes it well two steps in with an elbow 45 seconds left in round 4 John woods for the spin [Applause] the kids a nice out of the bottom well that might have heard a that did Joan - there's a vicious knee and a vicious heltah 30-second swims in the random tussle instead of trying to escape Gustafson stuffs the takedown even won't hurt amazing 20 seconds [Applause] and stays had his 10 with a big elbow watch the clock closely Gustafson is hurt and he loves to spin again justice ins busted up now final seconds of the round flying me Gustafson is going to survive incredible fight incredible play who would have thought we'd be going into the fifth round and John Jones might have to take Gustafson out to retain his title they are on their feet here inside Air Canada Centre Toronto Ontario Canada fifth and final round wow what a fight Jones draws blood and at the end of the fourth and we have no idea if Gustafson has fully recovered Gustafson Wilson in some serious trouble towards the end of the fourth he got that left to land early nice right hand in the left behind it by Gustafson gustafson counters changes levels Nadia and go to the inside leg one kick two punches [Applause] both men busted up this has been an incredible by a heavyweight title fight one of the best of all time the Gustafson lifts the tape shows all nice uppercuts four minutes remain nicely by the champion Superman punch and when John looks with that right leg forward look for the kickoff the left [Applause] gustafson without right-handed Ginjo he's looking to go high with that kick nice elbow steps in with it quick uppercuts by the Challenger John's lips are swollen up to now Mike look at this Gustafson looking good takedown those punches of gustafson are busting up the mouth of john jones live right by John [Applause] today's just this one young lady on the tenth attempt Jones gets the takedown but he's exhausted Mike he's got to pass this car to do some damage and Gustafson is scooting back to the cage how much does John have in the tank now Gustafson right on speed incredible and John's taking some big deep breaths here as his Alexander Gustafsson John spit some blood out of his mouth there Mike midway point of the fifth and final round the UFC light heavyweight tail is on the line big head kick and Gustafson just hate it yep [Applause] [Music] McCarthy warning them to close their hands Gustafson with a kick Nestle's in his presence hands on his hips like he was exhausted another head kick the system might be in trouble Mike two minutes on the clock Gustafson looks like he's barely keeping it together with the way he's moving another big kick from Jones look at he's trying to make it look like he's okay but I don't think he is I think he's absolutely exhausted here but still manages and stuff to take down look at how he's moving away it's a couple punches on both of these guys are pushed to those bit in this punch from Gustafson what an incredible fight 90 seconds on the clock and is Alexander Gustafson ahead on the scorecards he's may very well be Mike the big round for John was obviously the last round good light that might be the only round he's won what an incredible title fight John may easily be winning this round there too Mike so all he would need was one of the previous the first three one minute remains another head check so you want to be an ultimate fighter what a fight forty-five with Jones trying to make history tonight can pull it off down the stretch if he can really put something together to take this round thirty seconds ahead kick again Gustafson missed with the uppercut I'm amazed at gustafson ability to absorb that head kick [Applause] and an incredible Baba 15 seconds less of sins got a gene on him man 10 seconds he does something with a trip they're gonna go the distance wow what a fight unbelievable what a fight that might be the greatest title fight in the history of the light heavyweight division for the argue I have no idea who won incredible history on the line tonight John Jones trying to defend for the sixth consecutive time but Alexander Gustafsson was outstanding Wow and landed nearly 200 significant strikes what an incredible incredible fight and there's a beautiful left hook by Gustafson and there's a left by Jones and there's the final takedown where Jones finally got him down and here's a head kick blocked by Gustafson so many head kicks by Jones not one of them put Gustafson down absolutely incredible fight with the official decision here is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision the judges for the contest 48 47 48 47 and 49 46 for the winner by unanimous decision and the undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion of the world Oh [Applause] he said Laura Guertin here tonight in his toughest challenge yet
Channel: UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship
Views: 7,085,914
Rating: 4.6547084 out of 5
Keywords: ufc, free, fight, jon, jones, alexander, gustafsson, first, ufc 165, 165, 2013, full, highlights, toronto, canada, mma, ultimate fighting championship
Id: en4hR34Bl8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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