Камару Усман vs Колби Ковингтон: Вспоминаем бой

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[Applause] what i expect and easy to fight hard i want you to fight clean keep yourself protected when i say stop you stop if you want to touch do it now god bless oh man i think i need a xanax or something hey listen who beat kamara he's got a loss like who in the world beat kamaruzma he got choked earlier covington like these [Music] [Applause] out of the south post dance in blue usman in the black and gold befitting a champion opens up orthodox here tonight oh nice high kick by usman good kick to the body by colby i was very interested to see if colby would actually just take the center and starting to fight with that same place he fought robbing [Applause] physically looks like a bigger man [Applause] good kick to the body by colby and a good left hand covington threw 541 strikes over 25 minutes against robbie lawler that doesn't even mention the 20-plus takedown attempts [Applause] good right hand by usman good job [Applause] oh another good right hand camaro pretty sharp with his hands early on kobe's throwing and winging usman's very patient looking at finding the shots [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good right hand by us good kick to the body by kobe and here's that pace nice right hand over the top behind the ear lands for colby yeah good climbing right yeah good right hand by usman oh they're getting after it i mean right away no feeling all processing these boys just went and started fighting [Applause] us switch stances [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] yes this is the type of place covington wants to set keep an eye on usman's left hand he switched stances right after he threw a left hand he may have heard it because he's not throwing a lot of them right now and he's jabbing now with his right hand good left hand by colby [Applause] three minutes have gone by here in round one you can feel the tension in the building [Applause] and to this point these guys haven't let you down they haven't disappointed went right away and started getting after it in three minutes in you're in a competitive first round [Applause] good straight right from usman 90 seconds in the round [Applause] [Music] [Applause] covington is landing some real good shots in these exchanges man real good shots oh see a good start for covington busy accurate [Music] [Applause] covington just tries to overwhelm you [Applause] another good shot to the body by usman [Applause] [Music] back to southpaw [Applause] inside leg kick for colby [Applause] incredible output over the first five minutes nice straight right hand by kamara usman colby slips the punch lands a big left hand jab by covington jab by covington jab by usman hey man set up is good close first round very good there's nothing wrong you do good listen when you when you jab when you jab hey set up your kick and don't hang in there the body should work hey put a little bit more pressure your left hand your jab is one he doesn't have more than that we're going to break you know on the second round you're going to break him yes let's lose him all your job okay red de la cruz getting us started for round two dc the eustman corner with a pointed message there but obviously they saw what we saw on that body shot that got colby's attention oh absolutely they saw it right away they want kamara to throw the jab it's working but they want him to go to the body more what's interesting to me is that these guys postured and talked about wrestling all week and nobody even attempted a takedown in the first round [Music] [Applause] boostman has never been taken down in his ufc and career only been taken down once pretty impressive stats look at the output of the first run i think both these guys do over 100 strikes oh both fire to the body stinging yeah he's having success when he leads with that right hand covington with a big shot with his left [Applause] it's the body work man he's really working the body body [Applause] covington appeared to land some blood on the bridge of covington's nose [Applause] good left hand covington perhaps with a window of opportunity here good inside low kick [Music] [Applause] there's that front kick again and a good right oh man good shots by both men wow oh my goodness incredible striking action musk oh good [Applause] good popping jab by colby and another one by usman [Music] usman the slightly more efficient striker covington has been busier already coming up on 200 total strikes thrown vegas crowd getting behind covington nice shot to the body by camaro [Applause] oh stay it touched down there tomorrow away from the corner hold there take your time stay where you are no coaching come on listen listen listen [Applause] it [Applause] on the beltline i think um close though very close i mean it's possible that it shoved the cup into [Applause] yes thus far [Applause] a large part of covington's ability to wear people out though it's from the wrestling and he doesn't have that reducement he cannot just go out there and wrestle camaro so i don't know if he can be as effective trying to roll out whose mind if he's just striking well the pace that kobe can operate on is pretty extraordinary the question is can camaro keep up with that pace just striking over three four and five two yes and [Applause] right now kobe is out oh good shot to the body usman's trying to land the harder shots [Applause] [Music] back and forth another good shot of the body that might have hurt him yep that hurt that body shot hurt covington similar reaction when he got touched by that body blow in round one now [Applause] scintillating action through 10 minutes there's that popping jab from kamaru and here's a nice right hand by colby caught camaro on the chin good jab by colby they both exchanged jabs and here's the end of the round right hand over the top by colby i need you to break his wheel we're going to do right now on the third round we're going to break as well he's almost breaking he's really can't handle anymore okay breathe for me one more time yeah sometimes downstairs also with that kid he's not trying to go down take some water this is a very close fight conan silvera wanting covington to try to break kamuru's will here third of a possible five rounds tonight problem with that thought is that usual has that beautiful shot to the body that covington hates and because he's a south paw usual is digging out like an uppercut it's usually the kicks in those positions but it's the right uppercut of usman that's giving them problems and there's that front kick to the body as well [Music] good knee to the body by uh loads up on a left hand just out of range [Music] [Applause] covington not quite as active here a minute into round three [Applause] and that's because of the lala fight he was dictating everything right the wrestling the striking in this fight it's so competitive and so close and he's taking damage from usman [Applause] well usman told us thursday it's easy to have endurance when you're doing what you want to do and to your point dc hasn't been oh big right hand wow and then a good kick to the body as well and a nice jab by colby just keeps on coming if covington's going to have a chance here he's going to have to just try to overwhelm us usman's a much better striker you can tell he's just more skilled and more developed to this point [Music] [Applause] i mean i'm not saying have a chance in terms of him not winning but for him to win it's got to be on a ton of volume he's got to really put out a lot of effort if he's going to beat his mind because if he looks pretty this is the camaro's advantage and usman has matched a lot of that volume tonight under three minutes now in round three well he's shutting it down he's shutting it down with the harder shots that front kick to the body [Music] and again because of the fact that he's not afraid of the wrestling [Applause] nasty right hand of the body i mean usman must have some crazy power because every time he hits covington to the body he gets a big reaction from him well he's so physically strong i mean [Music] [Music] [Applause] gusman's last three fights have all been five rounders all have gone the 25 minute distance very comfortable fighting 25. that front kick to the body is money in the bank and he keeps throwing it and keeps digging into colby's guts and that is going to take a lot of the wind out of his sail he's slowing down you can see it i'd like to see his output this round of the post around one and two he's still in phenomenal here yeah for sure he still has tremendous heart but that front kick to the body and those hard body shots like right there i mean that is really taking a lot out of them there's the jab colby's struggling in this round and settling in defensively as well starting to read covington's punches better [Applause] dc you asked for the round three numbers at least in terms of the lands eastman 11 coming tonight [Music] oh again kobe's having a real hard time with that and you see him dropping his hands if usman fakes that right hand of the body then comes up with a high kick a high punch through the first two runs kobe ladies 75 strikes this round he's landed oh [Applause] time can't we go back stay there stay there stay there stay away from your corner kamaru doctor come here colby over there over there let's see if we can actually [Applause] no question about that one [Applause] he said he's all right he's got his eye open the initial shock of it is going to slowly start to wear off hopefully [Applause] god don't let this fight be stopped from that [Applause] physician okay look at me relax back to the good no injury desire thank you very much tomorrow you can see perfectly well thank you mark goddard one of the best in the business and we are back underway late here in round three 30 seconds to go [Applause] every time they come together this one's throwing that right uppercut to the body huh [Applause] let's go there's that front kick again [Applause] covington is saying he got poked but that was clearly a punch that looked like a straight right hand right on the button the knuckle might have gone into the eye though breathe for me forever but that's totally illegal all right hold it so we're going to we want to go to the end you got two more rounds i need you 10 minutes all right i need 10 minutes hold yourself 10 minutes you have when you listen let's start wrestle a little bit let's get him a little break his will on that wrestle thing come on breathe for me yes and i need you to do it again yes yes the production seems to have isolated the shot that may have broken his jaw let's take a look at it right now [Applause] oh yeah oh yeah right on the button yeah that easily could be it one more time look at this you can't listen your mouth's got to be closed when you're in there punching man you take a shot and that mouth's not completely clenched you will break your jaw nice job by the crew to find that shot we have arrived at the championship rounds conan silvera wants covington to wrestle we'll see if he can follow through there's that front kick to the body again oh he's hurt [Applause] tomorrow recognizes it just a matter of how much can kobe take with that broken jaw yeah usman's building i mean usually still building right now he hasn't slowed down he's still going forward he's still as tight it's going to be on it's going to have to be uncovered to change something like that [Applause] whoa both guys throwing everything hard here [Applause] you got to give it up to colby with a broken jaw still swinging for the fences there's that right to the body again by usman there's the front kick [Applause] the right side of covington's face really starting to swell up now it's the jabba usman fantastic jab but kobe covington has no quit in him man this dude is going forward still trying to fight and just eating jabs on what is likely a broken jaw [Applause] again digs up body [Applause] once again osman pointing those toes right to the midsection of covington a little stumble for most men after that right hand from colby [Applause] oh big uppercut from colby i mean this is a great fight man incredible fight as advertised [Applause] zero take down attempts on either side and covington showing the heart of a champion here in lane a lot of big shots with a broken jaw it looked like it was going completely sideways for covington and now he's fighting the probably the best one since the first or the second [Music] hard to keep track my man it's so crazy in here oh my goodness what a fight [Applause] two minutes now to go in round four slowing down a little bit oh good dig to the body [Applause] there's that front kick again that is such a big factor in this fight usually is the one now putting up the output covington is not matching it towards the end of this round he's had a couple big moments but over the majority of iran it's us montana leading the engagements [Applause] but in these exchanges like that is when covington has a ton of success [Applause] beautiful inside leg kicks by colby camaro pops into the jab [Applause] i mean both of these guys are so tough just incredible neither man wanting to be denied tonight first undisputed title defense for roosman first undisputed title shot for covington listen to me listen to me come here come here please come here listen i know it's krt we know we're in a fight we're going to keep it clean you understand okay no more timeouts let's go fight 30 seconds to go [Applause] beautiful jab from usman 20 seconds in the round [Applause] with all these power shots being landed amazing we don't have a knock down yet [Applause] oh 20 minutes down five to go i mean we might be two two going the field we very well might be he might have won that round oh my goodness sit down sit down [Applause] the only thing i need you to do is just to breathe i need you to relax i need you to relax like that breathe for me i'm gonna give you some water come on that's fine and i want you to listen what am i going to tell you but i need you to open one at least one eye for you you have five minutes five minutes he's not gonna take from you do you hear me you look at me right now you know what i mean you won the round [Applause] five minutes buddy stay strong seems as though the kamar usman corner has finally got him the message that covington's jaw could be broken what a couple of absolute warriors and this is a rivalry that likely is not going to end tonight fifth and final round to determine the welterweight champion i mean these two are the best wealth weights in the world unquestionably and this might be the round to determiner yeah i mean we don't know we don't we have no idea but colby could have won that last round i mean you don't know how rounds 1-2 that was so even [Applause] covington landed 80 punches in the first two rounds you know like how do you score those this is a close fight very close fight [Applause] [Applause] usman does great work with that front kick but sometimes when he goes to engage covington is catching him with that right uppercut colby with a big shot and the chin on oozman is something else oh man both of these guys didn't really take a shot because kamal's landed some big shots too and he's taking some big shots from covington [Applause] [Applause] has gotten away from the body work a little bit here late he's got to get back to that body work if he's going to keep coming tonight like that [Applause] this is a very close final round folks a lot of folks felt like this fight was destined to go the distance and may be destined to play out on the feet because of the wrestling credentials on both sides henry who's asking tomorrow to go forward he understands that you got to be the one given the visuals in this fight especially in round five [Applause] [Applause] good high kick by colby blocked left hand covington has outlanded eastman 130 to 116 unofficially [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] final two minutes of a title fight he'll be talking about deep into next week and beyond [Applause] crowd trying to urge covington on here left-handed right hand by usman [Applause] gusman's got him hurt bad the blood's just leaking out of his mouth now oh stiff right this is what you want to see from a champion in round number five him pressing him landing him trying to play [Applause] that's it finishes colby covington that has got to feel good that is how you finish a fight as a champion the nigerian nightmare fought like a man who was not going to be denied what a series of shots to end that fight [Applause] unbelievable kamala usman fought like a champion the champion that he is and gotta finish that's crazy and how crazy is that if colby's jaw was broken how crazy is it that he endured those last two rounds and all those shots with a broken jaw let's take a look at the first knockdown boom just a cannon straight down the middle sits colby down kobe's in survival mode here and look at the second one boom now usman's seeing everything now kobe's in big big trouble here boom staggered hammer fists [Applause] good stoppage i mean he's down there holding with the damage that he'd taken to that point that was a great stoppage i mean great performance by kamara usman kobe is upset but i think that was a good stoppage at 4 10 of round five it is the fifth latest finish in ufc history it'll be interesting to take a look at those judges scorecards but usman made sure to keep those scorecards out of the equation tonight just an incredible triumph for an incredible man 15 straight wins for kamara usman a perfect 11-0 in the ufc and now just one win shy of tying george st pierre's record for consecutive welterweight wins just a herculean effort on both sides tonight but kamar usman gets it done one final time tonight here is bruce buffer ladies and gentlemen referee mark goddard has called a stop to this contest at four minutes ten seconds of round number five declaring the winner by gko and still the undisputed ufc welterweight champion of the world [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: UFC Eurasia
Views: 9,354,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, ufc 268, усман, ковингтон, полный бой, вспоминаем бой
Id: WaNhcOML4nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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