Исраэль Адесанья vs Пауло Коста: Полный бой

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[Applause] father's gone over the rules in the back there were no final questions from you blue there were no final questions from you red if you want to touch gloves do it now come out ready to fight if there is anything like the tension of a UFC Championship Main Event in professional sports I will take your nominations and this one in particular the consensus greatest two middleweights in the world at present Paolo Costa and Israel out of Sonya Costa closing in the plus 155 range Israel out of Sonya are you ready the champion and the favorite around minus 175 Palo Costa is in Gray Israel a lot of Sanya is in the black and gold befitting a champion oh strong leg kick from Izzy to start Costa waves him on both men just so comfortable in a fight some early leg attacks for Israel out of Tanya yeah and that's that's what Izzy's gonna do he's going to be smart and he's going to try to let Costa fall on his own sword and Rush In And then he'll look to counter with some of his strikes but right now he's smart he'll pick from the outside he'll attack that leg it's interesting to hear arasania's teammates and coaches talk about how much better he's getting in terms of his strikes and putting some power behind them you know about the kickboxing credentials and now 19-0 at his Mitch martial arts career Costa attacks that lead leg about a son you're pretty effective with those early low leg kicks about a minute gone by here in round one nice body kick lands for the Brazilian whoa looked like that was close to the solar plexus there beautiful body kick from Costa and I've said that in the lead acosta's got underrated kicks but is he doing a really good job of already chopping that lead leg of palacasta and Costa acknowledged that latest offering from arasania you think about checking some of those balls yeah yeah I would I wouldn't even want to check it I just wouldn't want to be there because you see he's precise with it he's hitting that same exact spot right on the knee every time you putting money in the bank early you already see the redness body kick from Costa on the counter right from arasanya looked like Casa was able to avoid that switch kick offering from out of Sonya arasania super efficient here early on not at all surprised to see these two combatants drawing back and forth Costa going hands behind his back earlier than I expected not to be recommended but uh you know the left kick is sneaky there from Costco and this is the patience I think we're talking about John from Costa he's not rushing in because he knows easy so well so good at countering sitting back and waiting for you to Rush In men under two minutes here to go in this round in Arizona's last defense against Joel Romero he was surprised to see Romero sort of flat foot is standing there not doing much already nine leg kicks have landed for the incumbent you might have checked that last one but those other ones are getting through they're doing damage even the cost is playing it off it does not mean they're they're not affecting him closes the distance quickly there appear to partially land and again good work on that lead leg of Costa see all the cupping on Costa's legs already is he going after them he's not an idiot if he sees a weakness he's going to come after and that's the safest bet right now especially early in the first round when cost is fresh air him down [Applause] in an outstanding striking flow early moving brilliantly first clinch situation doesn't last very long man is he looking really sharp here Landing those leg kicks sitting back Heaven told [Music] us yeah not his Norm you're normally very busy with this strikes but this does dovetail with what he said to us in our fighter meeting no need to be anxious or fast early five minutes down round one for the champion all right let's take a look here this was the story of that first round big leg kicks there from arasanya and you know stomping to the front leg then going to the roundhouse right on the knee on the calf he's really attacking the vulnerable Parts there there's a body kick from Costa that kind of Bounce Off The Hip that one lands Izzy catches it looks the counter good job from Costa pushing off and staying safe there that's what I need it's perfect trust in your combos when you get to the fence don't let him come and go his spear but all right here we go round two the Palo Costa Corner appeared to like the way he approached those five minutes 22 of 37 unofficially on a significant strikes in round one here we go round two it's starting to really get red on that leg that lead leg Apollo Costa this oh look at the bruising too it's not gonna help matters you wonder yeah it's like you can see each impact where it was landing and which ones like lower Shin mid Shin knee of where Israel is landing each one of those kicks arasania appeared an inch away from Landing that head kick Costa did not necessarily think so the poker face strong from Palo Acosta but he's not Landing anything yet he's got to close this distance he's got to let his hands go there's a nice leg kick there's another one but no no boxing so far really from from Paulo [Music] and look at that leg and he should attack the inside quite a few times now as well really mixing it up and for Israel he could do that all day he could sit out here all day and attack those legs head kick appeared to partially land the gamesmanship continues from Palo Acosta 90 seconds gone by round two pasta's still moving pretty well but [Applause] too many more of those kind of think they were expectant that Izzy was going to attack yeah in that way I mean 20 Lakers look at that 20 leg kicks landed from Mr Robinson and of course yeah of course it was expected but at some point you've got to try to address it you've gotta you've gotta go for it right and I and I'm not saying that's easy to do especially when you're facing such a diverse striker in Israel lasagna but at some point there's a beautiful body kick there's another one left hand switch stance there from arasania he's just so smooth not even open his mouth to breathe at all here almost Midway through the second round looking fantastic being a near perfect fight oh I got one I suddenly appeared to land but Costa was able to eat it [Music] yeah this is not looking good for Paula Costa he's getting picked apart here in this fight [Music] entered around that right eyebrow of Costo eats a jab there for matasanya who is firing on all cylinders tonight a gamemanship is slowing down a bit John you are right about that under two minutes here in round two and now arasani attacks the inside of that right leg that leg's that leg is trash absolute trash Costa's got to commit John if he wants to stay in this fight because Izzy will do this from the outside for the rest of this fight if he has to if he doesn't catch him in the meantime but now since he's been attacking the legs so much Izzy can afford himself now to take risks and start going upstairs because now he's got past his attention so much and then he's out and then he's going to go to the leg again knock down front of Sonia concentrating wow still Undisputed quick night at the office for the champion Israel adesanya too easy too easy he's too good wow I mean you look at Paula Casa you think oh he's got to go on with these dangerous strikes and Israel well let's take a look this is just beautiful work here boom right off the Dome I don't know how it cost to ate that one it's split them open though and at this point his legs are gone I mean he was trying to put on a good poker face but his legs were Trashed by Israel lasagna here look at that slip boom there's that slide back left hand right off the temple drops him and Israel goes in for the kill starts smashing him with hammer fist very similar to the Finish against Robert Whitaker here in the way that they end up in this awkward position ends up getting Mount though and you see you see how badly he wants to land those elbows with all the trash talk all the smack talk that's been happening let's take a look at the corners Eugene as his team losing their minds on that congratulations Israel Auto Sanji you look fantastic tonight brother so you are looking at the longest winning streaks in UFC middleweight history Anderson Silva entrenched there with 13 but adesani moving into a tie with Chris Weidman at nine and looks like a pretty good bet to make it double digits in his next fight one final time tonight here is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen referee Jason Herzog is called a stop to this contest at three minutes 59 seconds of the second round declaring the winner by TKO [Music] and still oh the Undisputed UFC middleweight champion of the world Israel the last style Bender honest best man in the world baby
Channel: UFC Russia
Views: 1,729,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, ufc 281, адесанья, коста
Id: XerNHSjKwB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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