£80 Million Coke Deal Gone Wrong: Frank Stedman

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literally while the doors open haircuts stopped above my kid's mum's house and she's looked to me and gone that's for you and Eve and I'm like it might be how do you get caught up in an undercover 80 million pound cocaine's thing yeah I've been doing drops like all over the country you need to hang about you're gonna get good money this job and I was thinking they already get good money so I wonder what this is you sent something come on top tell me that whole day the day of the job is literally overnight it all just unravels job's gone over he's gone leave the country on the run I went flew to Thailand I hate it and I was in my pants like baseball cap on head down thinking I'm gonna get jumped any moments of facial recognition and that got out of car Perpetual white van pulls in Casey gets out the van and I'm not joking with lot tires and my face dropped and his face drops and he's uh yeah Frankie welcome to show mate it's Dodge thank you yep very much looking forward to this one it's an interesting one yeah some store you got mate yeah a little bit isn't it um let's roll all the way back where did you grow up and how did you get caught up in an undercover 80 million pound cocaine's thing oh do you know what I was brought up in Little Town Epping which is in Essex lovely Town loads of money in that area and uh not where I lived I was in little Council I stand a little Council ash tree it's they probably in that street everyone probably owns their asses now but it was a down the bottom of our road like a social club and the football pitch where the local football team played I dreamed of playing for and then I played for him and I was like Fort Wayne oh Lindsay Street it was like Sandy Lake yeah run down as a kid you think one day and a play for them so yeah so weekends like my dad would take us down the social club would just be at home one or six kids like three bed house but yeah it was do you know what the cats lasted years ago that were built with the bigger Gardens and the rooms are bigger not like that or everything's tiny but yeah just a nice little town in Epping one of six but four brothers [ __ ] around at school missed about so you know ended up being a bit of a we were we were pretty wild because down the end of our road was Farmers fields and Forest as far as you could see so we were like not wild as in like misbehaving well but just like free spirit kids sort of thing me and my brothers I'm closer with I've got an older brother and then two brothers who are the same age and uh yeah just started going out and nipping and then started going on a night out and I don't drink I have a glass of wine or something now and again I don't drink never done gear or anything like that so someone would ask one of like well-known not well-known Brothers but it's a small town they've been really small and let's say you know do you know anyone can get anything and I knew somebody from that world and it's just snowballs like that I just you know a couple of mates getting a couple of wraps or things like that and then you you know you start when someone asks out you can quickly get it and then people think hold on a minute and then the people I'm getting it off for like oh this bloke's getting a little bit busier and then they you know you get a few tests or whatever you know beer at this time and I'm always there at that time and what sort of age were you when you started this starting to happen do you know what I'll probably maybe light tanes and then but I had my son when I was really young yeah so I I sort of knocked it all on the edge light chains tell me a couple of years I was doing that and then uh so I was 20 when my son was born and then you know I started scaffoldings and you've got to get a proper job and uh once like so I'm traveling into London on the train and then I think like we've got a house my kid's mum at the time she had a flat before I met her and then that deposit paid for a deposit for the house that we lived in and then you know you've got to grab up and pay bills and I was thinking [ __ ] I'm on apprentice wages and paying bills and it just you know just think something's got to give and I remember still to this day blue striped Tesco food coming out of Tesco's [ __ ] trolley full everyone's looking at you so now you think oh man everyone's looking at the trolley like blue stripe food I know you shouldn't think like that but that's what I thought and I remember walking out thinking [ __ ] this not doing this no more and then I literally made cut the phone calls and then I started doing it again and then within I reckon within from that time six months maybe a year maybe no so my daughter so my daughter was born so she's one yeah maybe a couple of years doing it for myself and then you just get the phone called you fancy this job so how long will you scaffolding for and gone straight straight and narrow so I would scaffolding from the age of 20 and I got arrested at 25. okay so scaffolding for like four years I didn't even give it a good shot because if I you know if I stayed in scaffold him and I become a scaffolder which I am there yeah oh God just got back to and uh you would have been earning money enough to to you know you're like you you you're walking through the train station like pushing people through the things you've got to squeeze through yeah and all the ladies try to pissed at me saying oh patty sandwiches traveler we we paid our bills you know odd me and the kids mum were like passing ships I'd come home she'd go work and then uh I remember running to remember Benji's in London it was an old-fashioned coffee shop and I used to go and get um all the sugar just [ __ ] neck the sugar just to get a bit of energy because I just started this job and it's so physical but it suited my personality to this physical like all the lads haven't laughed in a chart you're Outdoors so it wasn't as if like I'm living on the streets [ __ ] struggling but it was just hard but just trying to make ends meet and in the back of your mind thinking oh no I was serving up a little bit of gear earlier I could do a couple of errands here and there we'll get the same money I was doing work in five hours 12 hours a day yes five days 12 hours a day so it was scaffolding and then it was listen you know I learned a couple of hundred quid on the side yeah and then that'd be right because that'd just keep you know keep me above water get some food shopping and things like that and then uh it just snowballs down what was the point where you were like hold on really I can't carry on doing this I'm crafting I was getting up at seven in the morning yeah all day yeah getting home [ __ ] not seeing my wife not really seeing my kid what's the point of me hold on I could actually earn a lot more money by serving up a little bit and what normally happens is we all know you serve up a little bit you might ask for one geez it comes back his mate wants free juice before you know you've got a quarter in for someone before you know before you know what you're thinking I could actually replace my job here by doing this yeah it got to that point okay okay we're observing so that took me a year got to that point where I'm thinking right I'm earning that at scaffolding earning exactly the same out of it but the thing is I was I was getting home from work running their Marines sort of thing and then getting home still in my scaffold I was going to bed and getting up in the morning because I suppose it's gray day I could have maybe chucked one in or whatever but I was still my money was going up a little bit with scaffolding but you know you're talking 20 years ago yeah so like when people say 60 pound a day and all that that weren't bad 20 years ago but now you couldn't even [ __ ] get a McDonald's could you yeah but how old are you today 39 39 yeah and you got you got Nicks when you were 26. 25 okay so you were scaffolding for four years when was the point when you're going I'm Gonna Knock the scaffolded in knock it on the end now and actually go down the cocaine route and actually earn more money for Less hours yeah so my me and my kids mum split up and it was uh you know nothing nothing bad happened on either side just [ __ ] had enough each other you know too much pressure and then uh I started scaffolding I was living at a mate's house and I just thought you know what I've got nothing to lose now and then literally I give up scaffolding and within a week I was probably earning you know a grand a week myself and then just got the phone call to say do you want to do some bigger drops but you've got to drop that out so you say you've got the phone calls you get the phone call from someone you know or is it a friend of a friend a friend of a friend but I know of them it was in that world you know like you all sort of uh clock each other yeah yeah yeah okay yeah and I know I knew exactly who it was and do you remember what that phone call was that first phone call yeah just uh I want to have a chat I want to come and have a mate and I was just like yeah fair enough from my area yeah okay and then Essex and uh and then just went and had the mate and then pulled up to the meeting and think [ __ ] what you know what you're in two minds what am I doing here yeah and then yeah and then I was offered up like you know job opportunity as such and and there was off like you know minimum was a week and what I took scaffolding a whole month and it was more than what I was earning out of doing it myself and it was a little bit like not like a job it sounds [ __ ] silly but it was a little bit light we'll tell you what to do and you get your ideas at the end of the week instead of doing it myself yeah getting pubs Club because I used to I never really went out didn't go Pub in you were you were you using yourself no so no booze no no I don't drink I drink don't agree with me okay I went out partying when we were younger like Lads drinking but that I think that was before so before having my kids in you know 17 18 and then when I was asked literally not going out on the end when I when I got with my kids mums about I was only drinking then anyway and you know all my me and my brothers were in their pubs yeah in epine and one of my oldest brother I always knew I could drive for ripping and popping a pardon me being so you were banging on them take away getting Nick somewhere you're bang on the ball you weren't using you won't have didn't have your mind all over the Gaff you had a straight mind to go I know what I'm doing yeah it wasn't a conscious yeah and like I'm right I'm not gonna drink I'm not going to do this just I think it was my character suited that yeah do you know what I mean at the time what did he offer you in that first meeting just said you want to do do you want to do a delivery job do you want to do more uh big like bigger drops and it'd be really good money enough and what did he offer how much it was it was at the start yeah it's not a drop it was at the start it was like a I give you it like cut the ground awake yeah and then from there depending what you do and where you go and I wasn't you know I didn't ask questions I just said [ __ ] yes straight away because we we had no money my family had no money as kids and when someone offers you that amount of money and it's I think the Institute I've done absolutely [ __ ] at school and I think even now all this time like I was looking for job recently but we'll get to that and uh steal that insecurities there like you know I ain't gonna be able to do a decent proper job and uh and the scaffolding I feel quite hard work and then uh he offered me that he offered me the job you know you'll be driving every day you were driving every day you're taking packet packages around dropping off picking up dropping off or just dropping off dropping off picking money up and then dropping off okay and then dropped off uh were you driving around in your motor yeah I used to hire cars were you changing number plates and different drops you get complacent no I hired a car yeah from uh like a Car hire in place what was it called the biggest one Enterprise yeah and I'll just ring them up with a couple of weeks when I swap a car yeah okay which is funny because uh later on I'll drop the phone down and [ __ ] uh drying outside when all this [ __ ] happened not having a clue the police went back and um interviewed a Car Hire place because my one of the car hires was used in this and they said oh we thought we watched him drop a [ __ ] down the train [ __ ] good criminal hold on camera when you were only going higher cars it doesn't really matter if you're hiring cars not were you whacking it in your name this is the thing you can't people think like you're gonna get a car change the number plate do this if you if you don't look like a straight goer you're gonna get pulled over all the time yeah that's what I that's what I was told your cars you're high with your name yep yeah yeah I picked them up with my driving license and a friend of mine I give him cash who didn't have a clue I just said I was working for cash give him cash and he bought them on like he hired him on his credit card he got [ __ ] raided off the back of it as well okay really nice okay so what's that how long were you doing that for then a year a year so I was doing it for myself like four years I dabbled a little bit when I was younger and it sort of give me that little uh this might be and I ain't slagging no one off but then they're not brain surgeons these people I'm looking up to people driving Lamborghinis and Ferraris and Range Rovers thinking oh I could do that yeah you know why can't I do that feature and subconsciously probably thinking that and then you know I I don't I wasn't surrounded by criminals as a kid and there was no in my family like a lot of these people get involved in crime it's probably following the footsteps of their like Lewis you've had on here following the footsteps of their dad mine wasn't like that it was all glamorized in my head from a films and it was just purely money yeah purely you know you just I do not want to be [ __ ] skin anymore and how long did you how long were you doing it for the bigger drops yeah the bigger drops and did you know what the bigger drops were or were you just given the packages were you just take that to eight weeks yeah pick that up from there trouble and you did and you knew these packages were getting bigger and bigger as time went on well there was always in bags and things and this job I knew it was serious because there was just a bit more seriousness around it and it was you know you need to hang about you're going to get good money this job and I'm thinking [ __ ] me I already get good money so I wonder what this is and I know it was big like this I'm not sitting here like playing Mr I didn't know how I was doing I knew what I was doing yeah I knew what I was involved in but like a lot of people would say you know what are you doing it for like later on in in the story but it's you know they you get in with these people and then you're making loads of money and you're in like a closed Circle you think you are you think you think you're in a closer and you think you're living a life that no one else you're in a bubble yeah and I was literally I I I'd have my mates from school and then I'd have my little mates uh bloke because I never dealt I could have walked past the top light and not even known in Epping or whatever so I dealt with one bloke he gave me my jobs for the day and then I went and picked it up and is that the same bloke you first met who he passed you to someone else yeah I don't know how it works but it's all I I learned a hell of a lot more in prison talking to everyone and um looking at my paperwork it's just a hierarchy yeah you know everyone's a buffer ain't they and how long I'm interested in this 12 month period you're dropping off earning a pound note a couple of Grandy a couple of grandia every every couple of days or whatever it was you got bigger and bigger the packages what's the point when you knew it was all come on top the actual job just were you sensing you sensing something the only paranoia kickings go someone follow me no I was told I was told by by somebody's been bugged or no my car's been no I was told by somebody in it in that in in that little world that this job this like this job ain't right big job okay and I was like you know you just think well at the time this is my job and I'm getting paid for it so I'm gonna I'm gonna do it but I was just told that something ain't right and I didn't listen who told you something went right someone close to you yeah who knew these people and gave you that not family clothes but someone I've known for a long time okay give me the heads up giving you what do you remember his words these things just completely stay away from it this stinks wow and I sort of looked and said like I can't yeah it's like you telling me it yeah but I work for you yeah and imagine me coming back to you and saying I'm not you can't tell them people I'm not doing this they've organized it but I don't know how long these things take and you turn around South and fancy it today let's say you [ __ ] kidding me you know you get sacked with a black eye yeah did your gut feeling ever since anything no but when so the day of the job is literally overnight it all just unraveled the dad and so yeah I've been doing drops all over the country give me examples and drops around the country from where down south yeah like deep down south all the way up to Northampton Birmingham yeah it's a big big well so when you were when you were driving did any paranoia kick in at all if I get pulled over now what I don't know whether it's me being I don't know thick they uh I treated it as a job I was very cool one side of the the most stupidest thing uh all right so I used to go all the way deep deep down the south of England whereabouts up past Plymouth and all that yeah and uh I would uh fill my car up stop at a petrol garage that I knew on the way that didn't have cameras an old-fashioned one where the old bloke comes out and then that would get me back not before I've gone and got McDonald's I can't remember exactly what it was I've went out my mates or picked my kids up one night so I wasn't living with my kids when I got McDonald's done something else I [ __ ] broke down and I could see the motorway I don't know you're thinking [ __ ] I'm gonna run out of petrol and I'm cheating myself and I've looked at looking it wasn't a motor it's an a road so it might have been is the a39 or something down that way and I'm looking thinking oh no I can see I can in the distance probably two miles away and a five uh fire engine to pick me up took me to the petrol garage what are you doing down here I'm thinking my accent ain't nothing [ __ ] and I was like I'll just come down see a couple of mates and they're like oh all right all right and then they've drive me back to the car and I put the Petrol in my car and that was I was thinking [ __ ] like be cold be cool but you know I think it was just the night before you got caught no no like you said and this was a bit okay these are the times when you uh your bum's going a little bit but the night but so these are the signals that him up him up there is giving you a little warning yeah yeah there's a few things going on there if I was older and not so I'll tell you probably greedy naive naive yeah naive if I was brought up around criminals yeah I probably would have seen the effect because you know you are you know you're thinking I'm not going to get arrested or all that you know and I do think if I went all the way back to school and somebody come into this what I'd love to do it's somebody coming to school and sat down with all the naughty kids there's so much talent wasted it is normally the naughty kids yeah all disruptive ones are the ones who have got the creative minds they reckon they're businessmen they're not um yeah they're not they're not being stimulated enough so for instance but if uh like an elite spot a fan when I was in prison like how fit a body can get I was I doing spin spin classes passing out waking up on the floor and things like that things that lie only athletes do and um anyway yeah so tell me you had a few warning signs here tell don't go and don't do this job with some extent so when I'm done it so today before what date was this this was I'm I think 21st of April 2009 21st of April 2009 you were 25 years old 25 and you sent something come on top tell me that whole day yeah so so I've got the phone call Stanis today I'm hanging about I've been told to hang about soda jobs today you're going to pick some money up we're going to pick some bags up I found out it was money afterwards you're gonna pick some bags up make the keys in fading boys so I've got the phone and boys gone in there's a really nice Bakery there gone in the bakery to get myself sandwiched because I knew it was going on a long drive didn't know where I've just told you going up north it's all a need to know basis on that and I was told I'm gonna follow a car so I've gone in the bakery walked in the bakery is a bloke sitting in the Windows like bay window and he's got outdoory clothes on he's got memory old camera bags that were square and he's got that on the floor Now quickly Glimpse and you're paranoid yeah not paranoid to a point where you won't leave the house but you're looking about it walked in and a woman behind the counter said it's definitely fight all these things women behind the counter said uh not that acted on it women behind the counter said uh um does anybody want anything else like implying someone that overstayed their welcome this is what I'm thinking in my head and I'm not I'm not like sharp in the way of academically but my brain's always going so I've walked out got my sandwich all that because I thought I'm not going to stop on the way just in case do as your child follow the car walked out and glimpsed his coffee cup and genome and coffee's been in the cup for ages and there's like there's foamy scummy around it Glimpse that I thought it's been there a long time these are like you know they're milliseconds and I quickly glimpsed him up and down he had a skin colored earpiece in his ear and then uh I thought [ __ ] so I'm In Too Deep now I'm going to pick the money up I've got round to the bloke some bloke to see all the cars got out where were you boys still in Essex tiny little village and uh it's such a little village they don't know street lights there's a thing that phone boy's not allowed to eat like it's that sort of village and um he's give me two spaghettium bags I put them in my boat and he said just follow me so we drove so say the bakery is like there and drove around to the pond area where I met him as we turn around to go back out it's sort of like I'd say a couple of miles from the M25 wolfen Abbey and then uh matey from the bakery standing at the um Pond now one with earpiece in a [ __ ] flat and like orange jacket but I told the Geezer when I picked got the bags off of him I said to him listens you know I've been told this is a bit dodgy this job I've just seen some of Canadians don't worry about that we're going up north and you know and you think you know been in that world long enough now and you sort of know Essex that part of Essex not like everything everyone in Essex is up to no good but that part of Essex and you were you think well maybe it ain't for Me Maybe it's for this is the night Evie and maybe the the um not being guided I'd say um you know it might be someone else in this area so I've just uh got in a car followed him all the way up pulled in the car park and then I parked they're at their chat so they've gone and met these two gazers these two geezers get at this Land Cruiser are rough looking gazers I've been waved over drove over next to him got her and um as I'm getting the bags there the two gazers in the northern accent were like [ __ ] like swearing and I've been on enough enough mates in in that world like people just talk normally as your kids blah blah blah while you're around him God knows what over to each other it's it's sort of dumb obliviously to maybe not make everyone shoot himself and uh these blokes are swear enough quickly glimpsed them and and they're not wearing because if I've ever got like trainers or jeans or a nice watch something you don't you know you don't only people you know God knows people get into that world and not buy themselves something like that I just thought they look rough but I've never really met Northerners and I just thought they might be just rough Northerners they look the part like look like the typical gangster which is probably uh ironic now and then um I've handed them over they're all like chatting away got back in my car drove off and then probably so that's pontefract Castle so that's how far away it was where's that in the country so it was above leads okay so I've gone back yeah it was good good few hours so coming back uh I've looked and for I'll get some petrol so pulled in to this petrol garage inlades did you when you hand it over did you take a load of though as well no no nothing but it wasn't gear so I've handed over bags which were I found out late it was 328 Grand it was a part deposit so they've got to give them a little bit of money because no one's just getting around you over [ __ ] loads of gear so it's a park deposit to say like keep your eye for the bargain so you were driving from Essex up to Leeds with 328 000 pounds your car and you didn't know what you're carrying no I I I knew it weren't gear and I I had a rough idea it was money because the way the job was now if I'm ever dropping gear off you just drop that off but I've just told you know this is a bit it just had a bit more seriousness around it this job and it was a bit of a bigger job didn't sort of realize that how big but I know a lot you know by The Cars people drive and all that you know you think there's big money in it if you didn't know what was in it did you open the bags of a little look zipped up was it what was it a sports bag inside so two Hessian shopping bags yeah with beer cans in them on the top beer can just beer can boxes in them so what's happened is they've opened the beer can boxes took the beer out put all the money in and put um in the nose back up again close it back up and put four cans of beer in because when I used to do it it'd be hidden in things like shopping because if you get random Paul they go through your bow Glimpse and then carry on and then you're shopping but if you're getting properly pulled over it doesn't matter if it's [ __ ] I don't know up your ass yeah they're gonna find it yeah yeah so it was just a random sort of thing so yeah I've just uh two Hessian bags with beers in and uh this is I've seen my paperwork the photographs for it the beer can and all the money was stashed in four four beer can boxes wow no yeah so you so you dropped off you fought nothing of it you had another you had another gut feeling you're thinking oh there was a couple of yeah I've been told it's a bit of a dodgy job yeah I've seen that thing in fading boys but do you know what yeah did you drive that naive and go I'm okay well no so another thing so Sam just quickly it's that being naive you sort of look up to these people so when they tell you gospel now it's not for us you think what eight for us they're organized that they have company they know what they're doing yeah and then um pulled in a petrol station so we're coming back from public parcel in Leeds pulled in the petrol station and then uh pulled over blokes pulled in behind me the silver car bloke I followed up there and he said are you doing I said I'm just gonna get some petrol so I don't know when the next petrol station is NightLight I think just under half a tank and I thought if I fill up I can get home he's gonna I'm gonna get a drink and um got out of the car Perpetual white van pulls in geezy gets out the van and I'm not joking Dodger not as close as we are but we lock tires and my face dropped and his face dropped and he was uh the bloke from fading boys it was the undercover offset from fading Boys in that calf and like honest to God I would lay anything down and it was him and I've looked at him and he's looked at me and I was like [ __ ] so I've gone running in a picture station quickly and said that's the geyser from the calf earlier and the bloke's gonna [ __ ] get away from me and I'm you know when you're flapping around I'm flapping around the shop like picking up drink putting it back so I thought what do I do so I went into the toilet I've gone into the toilet and I've sat in a toilet I'll just sit in here because after not knowing anything about that world I thought I'd get arrested then maybe yeah I don't know and as I got in the toilet I thought right hold on the petrol station's here with drove in and the toilet saying is a window so I thought oh I'd stand on a toilet and there's a little toilet window and I could see the exit going out I need to know that quick like geographical thing that you get hold on a minute looked at and I could see the exits I've watched silver car gone I watched the van gone I thought right pressure off and no I don't know what that is but I just thought oh I'm all right now gone and paid by petrol got in the car drove back got back to my flat well where I'll stay in and run the bloke that I normally talk to told him blah blah blah and the [ __ ] I said you I think you're imagining it sounds like but even then I was just like all right fair enough and uh you know you I I was in I was in too deep to step out there's no way in a million years I could have said I don't want to do this no more lads because they'd be like are you kidding me and realizing what I've got nicked for like they were stuck him right up the right up the chain really well just like local drug dealers what they were doing I knew I knew it wasn't because how far I was driving sometimes but um yeah and then a couple of days passed and then a really weird thing happened when I I used to get my kids on a Wednesday so I think that happened so the Wednesday after that happening I took my daughter to play school high Beach and it's not but it's like a Forester really Ancient Forest and uh everyone goes there when it's sunny park the car and have Barbecues in the back of the van so anyway and uh took my I still remember now I took my son and daughter there so I had a daughter as well with just with the same woman and um she was like one and the somerset I still remember it the sun was set in it was really nice they were playing with each other like nicely as brother sisters do not fighting and I was sitting on the log and my daughter come over and I was crying I still remember it and she said um what's the matter Daddy my son was a little bit older so he would have sort of clocked out I said I've got a bit of hay fever and I just walked off because I knew then I [ __ ] up from that from that day before I just know and then Wednesday after so this marries up with my paperwork but I don't know I don't know whether this is true or not but the Wednesday after I've got my kids I used to having weekends and a Wednesday night to take him for dinner in the summer it'd be nice you could take them for an ice cream and that and then uh I was coming home from Harlow to wolfen Abbey I was living in Harlow and Morphin Abbey and that is probably 15 miles I don't know don't know exactly say a 20 minute drive maybe a bit longer I'm driving and I'm driving around I've looked and I'm like an helicopter up there and I was a little bit and it was a couple of weeks after that job happened and in my head if you do a crime you get arrested straight away yeah that's how I think I used to think so I think I've got away with it nothing always an helicopter up there and I thought I think for me carried on driving and uh I'm still looking I think I still behind me and I'm in Epping there I feel right fair enough I thought you know I've never flown in helicopter but I'm sure they're [ __ ] faster than that I'm in traffic carried on carried on I'm asking my son it sounds scummy really I'm asking my son Louie look at it back window is that helicopter still there and he's like yeah Daddy nothing's [ __ ] because and then I've got into all for now up Shy Away which is near wolf and Abby it sort of dips down into the forest and now I've got to disappear and I thought oh weren't for me got to the kids mum's house but not knowing that dips down the helicopter must been behind the forest I found out since in prison helicopter can watch you from like three miles away pulled up to a little cold yourself pulled up to my kid's house got the kids there got them in um in their house and said goodbye literally while the doors open I got stopped above my kid's mum's house and she's looked to me and gone that's for you and it you [ __ ] idiot and I'm like it might be and she thought what I'm like it might be I like something's happened I didn't tell her that I [ __ ] up racing I just said Something's Happened and um so yeah so she said that and as she said that four or five police cars shut the um Colby sack off all jumped out and I'm thinking I'm not getting arrested beating up whatever in front of my kids so I've stepped down their steps and gone everything all right I'm slowly walking towards him but I'm not like trying to look aggressive I don't know it's all subconscious and they're sort of shouting at each other then one bloke's chatting and then I'll save that thing all right and then one of them shared it I couldn't hear what they've shared but I was panicking and the black's gone oh no reason no reason um have you seen someone covered in blood like he was making up on the spot and I was like uh no no we haven't and uh he's got oh all right then all right and then they've got in their cars and drove off in the helicopters took off looked in my paperwork years later a Wednesday night about seven o'clock which is the time I should drop the kids off um someone's gone to pick the drugs up so the money I've dropped so somebody's gone to pick the drugs up and that um that night that that time when somebody's gone to pick the drugs up they've called it off somebody said something came right and called it off and it was a Wednesday night about seven and it's roughly it was roughly around the time I dropped the kids off I don't know pinpoint but our fault you know maybe that was my time I'll be able to Nick me because I was still in that same car and that's that's when I went to the uh went to the next day I went to the car people I said I want to swap cars because that after that helicopter fingerful now this you know if I swap cars I might get next well I [ __ ] idiot and then that's when uh the police went to the to the car hiring place enterprised and said oh yeah we thought he's a bit weird he I can drop the phone down and so you accidentally dropped the phone down there no I can't no so I changed car yeah and the phone that I used for that job that I was using like you'd swap phones all the time all the time you swap phones one time went in into a phone shop with a geezer that was not on the payroll but you know and I come out of a bin bag of like mobile phones imagine you know imagine seeing that yeah and uh and I got rid of the phone down down the drain and I see see me do it so they clocked you throwing the phone down the Drone Enterprise when the album went there because I got arrested in a hard car from a friend a friend of mine hired a car for me I gave him the cash and he got [ __ ] well I guess that he got raided and all that [ __ ] and um yeah so they said yeah that we thought that was a bit suspicious so the week went past you've done a drop 328 the weird deck lots of things out yeah but the free up the guy who you followed up there in the silver four by four said that was the case of earlier with the earpiece on he didn't react kindly to did he no who was he he was just a bloke I don't know he was a bloke who I think called it all on I don't know what's we called it on just to make sure the money did get dropped yeah but he didn't want to do it himself he got you to do it yeah so I think I limited the risk of him getting pulled over but because that's what I thought I thought if he's gonna sign play surely take the money so who knows but he was like get away from me it wasn't it didn't it wasn't like in a way of like [ __ ] off he's like right get away from me yeah sort of thing like and then uh yeah so then and then you come back down you thought the helicopter was after you well I I found this that years later reading my paperwork yeah I thought oh [ __ ] that helicopter was probably three because that's the similar night but then did you do any other drops after you got the paranoia kick in did you do any other drops after did you go right I did I did one thing and picked some money up from a bloke you know much I think it was like 20 30 grand I picked up from the bloke because he was at a certain place and he couldn't leave it and I'll be sort of near and there but it was all it was sort of a small place to start I don't know whether it was a week or two weeks and then someone went to pick the drug up the second time and that's when the [ __ ] [ __ ] hit the fam so tell me the day when the [ __ ] hit the fan so the drugs the second time somebody's gone to pick up the drugs whereabouts were they uh um Leicester Leicester way okay and supposedly all these phones turned on in his car park in uh because you know people say um oh don't take don't take your personal phone with you and all that but my Barrister told me like they'll just say you've used a pay as you go yeah like like what the [ __ ] so they reckon all these phones got turned on in a car park in um Northampton or somewhere like that all at the same time and they reckon the phone two phones were hitting the mass a foam masks are exactly the same speed driving up the motorway so they've sand that these two phones were next to each other in the car so things like that is just through the cell site and and then uh the place and then some Black's gone to pick the van up someone picked the car key up they didn't know that was a black with a hat on baseball cap on and then another bloke has picked the van up with the drugs in he's got in the van [ __ ] turned the key and drove off and they reckon they took the um they reckon they've took the what's it called the immobilizer out so the van shouldn't have started but in a man's mechanic said if it still had life in the battery it would have started so he's driving down the motorway with [ __ ] well what it was it was 299 kilos of Coke in the back of the van and a place of could have just lost it because he's driving down the motorway so this is I've read in the paperwork uh the arm place of pulled a van over and jackknife to Lorry to to not jackknife roll up Paul De Laurie told him to pull over to block the motorway because if he got away imagine him getting away with that the police they'd all get [ __ ] sacked and this was soccer serious organized crime agency The Best of the Best I think they're the National Crime agency there yeah all hand-picked imagine them like some [ __ ] couple of idiots getting away with so where were you at the time when you knew this happened well did you not know this has happened so I got I was in Epping and I got a phone call saying that job that you've done recently has gone over so the job that you drove up the money to they were bringing the gear down so that money was a part payment yeah and then what's happened is somebody's gone to pick the drugs up to bring them back bring it back down to Essex that's what I realized from the paperwork and you when you got that phone call job's gone over and I'm like what does that mean he said well we're [ __ ] and I've gone right what do I do he's gone I can leave the country I don't know so I'm like [ __ ] went around my mate's ass and said like a job I'd done a little while ago I think one of my really good mates are told like really really good mate I told him that like I used to give him not that not details but say a lot of things on the other day I said remember what I said the other day it's gone over so what you can do I said don't know I said [ __ ] no it's gone around and I had some money saved up you know I I was living on a mate sofas for a little while when I split over the kids it was only a year if I'm splitting up with a kid's mom for a year and then I I was living in like a mate's flat and I just said like I've got to go and then that was it I didn't tell me I told my family I [ __ ] up and uh you told you did your did your mum and dad appear with your wife no I wasn't with anyone there but did anyone know even your ex-wife or your ex Mrs did she know what you're up to they knew what I was doing for a job yeah yeah okay and your mom and dad and people like that yeah it was sort of like uh I'd say to my mates or I'm going to work next I'll [ __ ] off I work yeah but they sort of know okay I was I was I was a you know an adult supposedly an adult was 24 25. did you get blase with it I was I was always where I didn't drink and smoke and I was always on time that's what pretty much all you can do I didn't go out drinking giving it the beginning nightclubs didn't go around telling everyone trying to be this you know big wannabe gangster are literally who I am now is who I was then but just a bit [ __ ] wiser now so so you had the phone call didn't even notice what was the time period between when they got a tug and then you got the phone call of then you get in the Target that day I think that I think the job went over yeah because all the in in that world you have a couple of cars didn't you follow like um in front and behind the car and then one down the road and that somebody's rang up and said he's gone over at night I think they tried to one of them tried to smash into one of the police cars one got away I think is what I was right uh in the in the paperwork and then obviously someone's made a phone call not the bloke in the banks he's got a [ __ ] gun he said probably and uh someone's made the phone call saying it's gone over and then we've just told it's gone over no details I was told it's gone over pretty much not you're on your own but pretty much gone and then did you go wrong I'm going out of the country where did you fly to well no so I I went on the run I told them I'm gonna go on the run for a little while wouldn't stay the hotel locally and then I thought well what can I do I'll go down to Cornwall and I'll live like a bit of a beach bum you know young people down there went to Cornwall and didn't realize how much of a night like how much police are in Cornwall gnocchi and all that and young kids just getting randomly searched and thought can't do this so I ended up thinking right what do I do what do I do and I thought I could go over to Europe and then I'm thinking will there be a European Warren and I'm I didn't know how much was involved and it probably was what it was European one and then uh I think what do I do what do I do so I thought I'll go I went to Canterbury thinking I'll go on the train to France lost a light [ __ ] myself lost my bottle but what do I do now so I went to um I went over to hollyhead and then from hollyhead I went to Ireland and in my head I'm thinking if I fly from Ireland the English think their English place I've got get all the way to Ireland to Nick me I've already taken off I'm thinking if I flew from stance to Tafe it's all ready for you and this is because I didn't have a criminal background these are the things that I thought yeah well I'm thinking you know you're watching tele you're thinking things throwing up when you're on the run like you're doing nothing anyway sitting on a beach planning planning planning film what do I do yeah and then so I got over to Ireland and then I on a ferry and then I sat at the airport to the last moment and I flew to Thailand because I thought I went to Thailand thinking more so the beach man thing I thought I could go to Thailand and live on nothing blend in yeah and you know just be a proper Backpacker yeah so yeah went on the Run uh well on the run I went flew to Thailand [ __ ] hate it hated it I was just do you know what I was never paranoid doing that job I've done like things that were dodgy never paranoid doing that job and I was I was paranoid after the job's gone over because I thought the place are watching every movie like when I went to Ireland I had to go through liberal Street train station now Houston is here to get a train up to hollyhead might have been Houston and I was [ __ ] my pants like baseball cap on head down thinking I'm gonna get jumped any moments of facial recognition and that because it was it was in 2009 but all that was out there and uh yeah went to Thailand Thailand and hated it was lovely country about three months I think three months so I went to Thailand and I come back June and I think this job so I dropped the money off sorry March and the judge got picked up early April so there was a couple of weeks Grace and um yeah so it was June when I got arrested so April May jumps yeah about three months what was the value of all the drugs that got there pulled over so they said it was a hun they said it was 80 million pound street value so they they work it all the way down but to that sort of level I don't know it could have been 10 mil or something like that to that level but uh and then in Thailand were you were you there three months were you thinking I just want to get back to England hopefully they've forgotten me or were you speaking to people back home going no what's going on what's going on do you know what I made a conscious decision of not ringing home and talking to people because imagine like my mum's house or my kid's house getting ready by the police and they [ __ ] boat your door down didn't they and they've got a light at a place it's scummy in it even then I know what I was doing in that job but I sort of knew it wasn't me as I know it sounds silly but not I was the split personality but I was thinking I want money I want money I could do this for a while and then I could go and do what I want to do sort of thing but uh you know it's just uh and then what made you come home so I was I was out there hated it and hated it and then I rang home so I run home twice while I was out there I rung to say listen I'm in Thailand and I was like what the [ __ ] and I'm like I've I've had to go on the run I'm in Thailand and I said what's happening I said listen there was a big big jobs gone over and I know it's a big job it's not that big yet and um like everyone's gonna get nicked and they're like okay fair enough blah blah blah wrong the second time and around my kids and their mums come on the phone we didn't really get on and she's come on the phone and I thought for her to come on the phone something's happening she's gone you're my Sven who um rented the coffee has been raided and he lives in probably one of the best routes in Epping but not like flashy like Posh old money yeah I think summon opposite of my own's a massive theater in London not a proper place [ __ ] booting their door in and all that and uh I was like [ __ ] and he's the fellow you gave the cash to to rent the girlfriend oh mate it was my mate you know and I like like I lied to him [ __ ] did you [ __ ] me and I just said Can you hire a car for me thinking I was doing nothing wrong just a prick really yeah and uh and then uh he's got raided and I said to Mike I said to my kids mum like will you bring the kids up to see me in prison if uh I come back and they're like you know you might not go to prison I said listen they've raided that house we might not go to prison for a long time anyway said yeah said I don't want to sway your judgment and all that but Louis my son Louie hates Ernest my son Louie was she said he was looking out the window and me and my son was Inseparable even like when me and their mum wasn't together year before this happened we was Inseparable and uh she said he was looking out the window and he said what's happened to my dad where's my daddy gone I think give me a lamp there and I'm just like what a scumbag so I said I'm coming home and uh I didn't tell no one didn't tell anybody that are in that I've completely cut ties with one in that old world and just come home I was on the Fly I've got a flight from I had a load to Thai bar I mean it's [ __ ] mad I'd like a million Thai Bart on me or something gonna when you get arrested you've got money on you they put it on your campaign Shay in prison and like I've got a campaign sheet with like two grand on it and prisoners hand it out so they're telling everyone oh he's got two grand on he's can't ancient it's all [ __ ] bollocks but so you think when you were in Thailand and you were thinking I want to come back to England you're thinking just arrest me we're thinking just to arrest me because I can't carry on on this so I did think like that I was just thinking I was on the airplane there was always a glimmer of hope thinking you know I might not get arrested or stupid it's not hope I don't think it's stupid it hopes a nice word isn't it not getting arrested today so I'm thinking I might not get arrested but I might get arrested uh you know nothing bad might happen just didn't really uh probably didn't think about it I'm quite good at not not thinking about things and getting on with you know I've kept my call with that Bloody fire engine thing and other things I've done just kept my coach treated it all like a job never panic and then um yeah sort of coming back on the airplane there's a woman next to me and there's a little young Australian lad like my age I'm telling him where to go go and watch Wimbledon because it's coming up and all that and um women next to me chatting away just nice and everyone it was a long flight because I remember we didn't stop off so everyone was shattered and then we've got up and I'll listen to I was listening to Classic FM when we landed because it was the only thing and it was the English Country Garden still remember it and as said can everyone so we've all it's all stopped you know everyone gets up does that level sorry okay and um they said uh can everyone get back down sit back down please health and safety reasons oh can everybody sit back down in their own seats for health and safety reasons and I thought two two minds again this is it and then I think we might not be but I've been on enough flights I don't sound like a [ __ ] idiot didn't I but there's always that or it might not be step back to anyway our own seats and the blokes go I watched it I don't know I've looked up and two armed police have come on the airplane but they're airport place and then two like well-dressed people afterwards and they're talking to the air hostess and they're pointing over to my bit and I'm like walking down the aisle and I think yeah this definitely me definitely me and they've literally the airport police has stopped there and said are you Frank steben I said yeah I am and they're like you're next and I'll Thinking Inside yeah no [ __ ] yeah yeah and I've stood that up thinking about let's go and the one behind's like get back in your [ __ ] seat and I'm like what my bag's up there [ __ ] myself do you know you're thinking of I've just [ __ ] myself I hope no one smells it it's poor Australian guys it's like fat and and there's women and there's people screaming on the airplane now yeah and I'm like and the soccer agents put their hand uh put their I don't know whether it is it military and plate they put their hand on his shoulder so he lowered his gun I just saw her hand come on his shoulder it was a woman's Soccer agent and a man soccer agent it like smartly dressed it took me off the plane and stopped at the end of the plane and then handcuffed me and then stood me there and walked everyone past me and they said just wait a minute and I'm looking at the floor thinking oh god well you know coming back from Thailand God knows what people think yeah I've smuggled a [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know got one in my bag up in the top thing like that and uh not in my luck it wouldn't be a [ __ ] and uh yeah so you know just I'm looking at the floor now feeling like [ __ ] really I'm thinking [ __ ] and then we're walking out and I've heard him like radio through you know we're gonna take him out the front and I said I'm not telling you what to do but I think my kids are out there and my mum because I said who's gonna come pick me up and I said if you can this is my flight if you can't I'll hang around for an hour and I'll get a thing and I said I'm not sure he's going to answer right at the airport Place wrap your coat around you because I didn't have my coat on in the airplane wrap your coat Ranger and I was like and a soccer agency one minute and he called the airport police bloke into a room the airport please come out his [ __ ] face as well like it's been told off by the edmaster he's gone now we're going to take the outside door and I sort of looked at the soccer bloke and give him a nod and then later on call me what you like after all the interviews like three o'clock in the morning the soccer agent who'd done that who was interviewing me and all that is him and a woman he uh I said I found out through my Barrister my kids were outside and I shook his hand said thanks because that's [ __ ] traumatizing a few kids there imagine coming out well you're doing I was my it's my mates like my son was at an age where he weren't an idiot how old was he five my daughter was like one that my son was like sharp five-year-old yeah from a young age you wouldn't even have to hold his hand at a road yeah no I I so I uh try and tell like my son he's educated because he's been through it or with me really like they was uh walking to visits and they'd know to put their my mummy's sale they go in and put their arms out and put their feet up my daughter used to come running in and go to the like playground bit but like this is what I try and say like to these young Lads now every time you turn the [ __ ] nose on something bad's happened and this is what really happens it's none of that bollocks I'm getting loads of money I've got Range Rovers I've got this I've got that you've got to get through all that [ __ ] and imagine not going to your brother's funeral and our family are really tired yeah we imagine not seeing your son and daughter grow up yeah grow up yeah so the lessons out there anyone listening to this if you are getting caught up in this one this is what happened this is what happens this is like a normal lead scaffolder yeah selling a couple of grams well known in your area yeah and that this is literally hair easy I'm not saying I was dragged down that path because I knew I was going to uh no you made it you've made your own decisions yeah what I've learned learning from this is you didn't know what the consequences are no adult guidance no in the way of like not um like my parents my I was one of six kids my mum is the best strongest woman you'll ever meet yeah but she's bringing up six kids and the school I was not at school so I was dyslexic and in them days you're told to sit at the back of the class and yeah but nowadays you might get so you were there you got nine years you did four and a half years you said a minute ago I just want to roll back that but you're in uh you went to belmarsh yeah what's the difference between the wormwood scrubs and belmarsh worm and scrubs is um there's a lot of um [ __ ] goes on in women scrubs is in like prison like aggro and all that but there's uh it's dirty it's old dirty prison and uh but Bill Mast another level the [ __ ] pressure every time the door opens the Bell goes off you banged up and uh the one time it screws this guy's a big African blokes wrapped his hands up attacked a screw they couldn't get him off he's bit the screws cheek off and the screws are booting him and booting him to get him off and then uh I'm like they're [ __ ] voting him and you can feel the pressure of all the prisoners pushing forward because in in in um belmarsh is like a central Hub thing there's like Spurs off like wings but they're Spurs and um we've all been banged up and then the screws come to my door screwed up got on with him and thought it was a nice place what did you say Steadman and his [ __ ] screws behind him with blood on him I was like nothing yeah but of course I saw nothing but going back to the cat eye they so when I got Aid that so your visitors get vetted so that goes so you you write a you write say I want Dodge uh to come and visit me your dress that gets sent to the home office home office since it's a local police local police come around and interview you in local please send it back it takes ages I'm luckily luckily within like a couple of months after me getting my brother died my kids and my dad got um just because the police luckily was in the area I got um okay to visit but my mum and sister weren't okay to the next Christmas how many how long have they got until can I visit you once a week when you're on my mind yeah when you've got your nine years how many times I let a video about when you're when you're convicted it was like once or twice a month you get a visit but um and that's when when I got convicted I was so we got put we got cat Aid into Bill Marshall in our case we got moved to Woody and we got put in the high security unit model and that was [ __ ] like like the weirdest place I've been it's really calm not you walk into prison it's just noise and doors and clinking and you sort of like fill out ownership in there well when is this trip so uh Bronson was in the AAA unit next to us and the cells are small in this room not the sales the yard cage roof and everything can you you like and you're in a it's I don't know where it's called a close supervised Center or unit but it's a it's a prison within a prison in belmarsh where there were like the highest ones in the country are this is the second one and it was like um who's in there two gazes Hitmen in there that were um just remember years ago the motorbike has shot them up while they're driving yeah shot another motorbike gang or something they was in there a couple of lads who've done like really bad Robin someone got killed some X copper in there who got done for a ship capsized in the [ __ ] God knows how much he was in their life has in kilos and every time it washed up on the coast he was getting recharged and he was a police officer but just found that world more than either money or just found the world better I remember his name no no don't can't remember his [ __ ] name and that he was a how did you feel in there though like you're a normal lad from Essex do you know what I've got on with people I took people face value yeah so I got on with people really quickly and I think birds of feather do flock together in there yeah so I hung around with people that were like me [ __ ] me is a lot of like there was a lot of people like me in Loudon Grange where I spent a lot of my time at like that's probably one of the better prisons to win and the good laughs I had all like blokes but uh I got on with older people but I think so I was lucky so I get a [ __ ] but I was lucky because they put a big a on your door you got a single cell then you're not sharing a sale like when you first get into worm and scrubs you've got like 10 blokes in a dorm so people sort of left me alone I looked like a [ __ ] little Fanny but people left me alone thinking why is he a cat and Pete would ask me and I'll just say because of the you know dropped a bag of money off in a case and that in that case there's so much drugs and money involved that they're saying I've got funds to break here but obviously with me but with certain people that he's named it in in that world like a massive drug case like that did you ever have the fear laying at night going someone's going to attack you for some reason no I no because I was in single cell a hell of a lot of my sentence you know when I went to I went to an open prison and so Bill Marsh was the worst as in pressure and then you were walking around the yard on a Sunday afternoon and you've got your eyes open and all that but once you get a little gang of mates like when I was in Loudoun grounds you've got a little gang of mics and you're just in your little bubble but I went to an open prison and it was a really bad sex offender one really bad and it's the only prison you sign a bit of paper saying if you bullying sex offenders but historic ones like blokes have wrapped there was a bloke in there normal looking bloke fit looking bloke Raptor go up in cling film okay done what he's done with her for four days wrapped in cling film put her in a loft and that and you're sharing like dinner tables with these in the open prison and that's the only place I thought to myself [ __ ] and when you go to that place you're in a dorm straight away what you're in a dawn with these people in the open prison you're joking but I was told you go to the open prison or you wait so I've got my d-cat this is so you're allowed to go how long did it take you to get your dick I've got it relatively quick I got it with 30 months got my daycare and I was in Loudoun Grange because I was loud and grandchildren but the super enhanced wings and then I was opening a super enhanced prison in Woolwich so it was piloted and I I didn't misbehave I'd laugh in a joke but I didn't do drugs didn't doing like do any Dodge stuff I didn't fight I just played football yeah like and really enjoyed and I think like Scott all our coped in school like having a laugh and a joke and I was one of the better footballers yeah not by any means the best some of the [ __ ] footless in there yeah one bloke will play football with his manager used to run used to go to the nightclub just so he could keep an eye on him to take him home because he was that [ __ ] good and he didn't support the football team it's mad I don't know yeah and uh there was times like in there and I just thought to myself [ __ ] you know this is about a bloke used to give me tuna wraps and I was a gym only in there and she'd make me tuna wraps because he was um worked in a kitchen so I'd open the fire exit sneak him in the door get my tuna wrap it he'd train big Jamaican geezer squatting 300K you know invite me around for a cup of tea I'll go around these have a cup of tea didn't think nothing of it and then a few little stories and the screw I got really pale with the gym screw in there because I got soapally with people in there and it come out he was a rapist come out he [ __ ] uh got touched some kid up and all that and I thought [ __ ] but they offered me going back sorry they offered me I can go to this open prison which is dodgy the prisoners told me not the Scrooge told me that's a [ __ ] prison but it was in middle of nowhere in Lincolnshire on a farm Countryside of Fajr I can see it was like paradise but I'll be out before Christmas on my first home late three-day home leave just before Christmas and I thought I can't what I need what I can't part with him yeah not to see my kids so yeah you know what [ __ ] idiot yeah and then the next move they said might be in three months time so you might not get to see your kids because you do a three month flight and you might get to see your kids for another six months so I thought I'll go to the open prison see how it is and I liked the surroundings loads of wildlife there so I thought fine I used to do laps of the prison got really Polly with a bloke from Lincoln who's died now but he uh he like he was an old time like robber Armed robber thing and and uh like proper and uh yeah he's just uh but that prison was like people friending yeah and they were just bad rapists and it was [ __ ] I met um a bloke he'd done he was one of the first people to do the graph robbery he was a Serbian geese engineering you're sitting there talking to someone you think this is a [ __ ] serious bloke yeah like no hesitation whatsoever that was in loud and Grange and um and I'm shouting across the thing to him I said well I tell you what [ __ ] you can go and Google me you can't you can't let's go and Google you and he's like put his head down yeah you [ __ ] idiot but if I didn't say that he would have like he would have end up rather beating me up or you know you just got off you've got to front things which was such a [ __ ] [ __ ] way to be but how are you earning money in there you're working there so Jim aldley was the best job because you do the um you do the weekend shift and we'd all so say for instance we'd all have to work weekends and a screw wasn't in so you'd all tick yourself in but we had a little thing one bloke go and sit there they weren't allowed to use the weights weekend but all the other stuff one bloke would sit there and it'd be your weekend sit there and you tick everyone else in so we're done like 30 quid and on family family send your money in but you don't need a lot of money in there but the town visit things like in the end I was in a house shared house with a screw in there and other prisoners on the prison ground with a kitchen and that and they're rehabilitating you to learn how to get back in society and I I done really well because I was like I went from six different prisons segregation to Supra like the super max the prison within a prison and then a daycare all within four and a half years but he was just behaving I just behaved I didn't take the piss uh no screws were there was good screws and bad screws but at the end of the day it's their [ __ ] it's their house you can't yeah you can't do anything and were you counting down the days did you know you're doing four and a half years did they give you a date a deadline they say you know what that's the date you're going to be leaving yeah yeah so you get a bit of paper with uh how many days you're gonna do how many weeks how many years and that's the day you're getting out so luckily for me I know if I don't [ __ ] about that's the day I'm getting at but there's there's IPP sentences now where people don't know when they're gonna get um they get an ipp4 it's a bit of a it's a it's I think it's an American thing IPP it was in know what it is but it's basically saying they're not going to give you they give you they give you five years IPP yeah and then after the five years they start look about getting you out of prison but you're you're in a b cap yeah so it's gonna take you years to get to a Decat and get out yeah but yeah it's like an indeterminate I don't know and what's when you got out tell me that feeling of when you what was it was it the big day you knew you were getting out was that yeah I was starting the daycare and I was uh didn't really sleep and then my sister was coming to pick me up with my kids and my brother you know you'd see it happen now and again you think oh that's me soon and uh because I'm going out now I was going out for a good just over a year on home leaves and things that I wouldn't have met my misses now I didn't go to prison so good things do come out of it I went I was staying at a friend's house to one who got raided I stayed at his house when I got out and uh it was another guy standing enough to do a prison he was just standing there and his girlfriend's sister is my misses now she's turned up to your sister and I thought she's nice yeah so yeah those good things do come from you've got to look at the silver Islands but yeah that day of actually getting out it was like the first time leave was hard yeah because everyone wants a PCR I want to see my kids and I'm driving around all these different places it was driving me around my mate was I think come to see that one that one that one and then my kids are getting ready set enough and when I went back I thought oh man I should have spent that with my kids but then the second one I'll say to everyone I'm not doing nothing I'm spending it with my kids but it was um actual getting air and the release it's it's just as scary as well like my mum said uh used to side spit I used to go around my mum's I'll stand at a mate's house and I'd go around my mum's and watch her tell her kind of live and watch a tele and then when she'd come home from work and all that I'll say see you later and go back home and she supposedly said to like my brother and sister's like what the [ __ ] he's coming around watching my teller yeah then just going home and they're like always institutionalized properly yeah probably still thinks it's in prison and I I went back to scaffolding really quickly and then uh thought well this ain't for me do you know anything I've been everything I've been through I feel like I'm going backwards not not thinking you know if I stayed at scaffolding and never went to never got involved in crime the house that my bought with my kid's mum I know we split up but that that I think I looked a little while ago and it's like 380 Grand imagine sitting in there with 300 Grand in your pocket yeah like this is what I try and say to people you think it's that that that world there's no good comes from that well everyone glamorizes that world yeah and everyone I've met have all been banged up and left but nothing nothing and everyone gets banged up everyone whoever you are yeah I met Geezer when I was in prison big guy big drug dealer he had four million pound cash around him when he got knit and they just [ __ ] took it yeah simple as that what lesson frankly if you can give to anyone who's listening to this what what life lesson what life lesson can you give no one listen thinking about maybe they might be in it now yeah they're thinking about doing it to one more of a pound note it's it won't ever last nothing lasts you'll be chasing they're in it for money and [ __ ] money's Infinity she'll be chasing it forever and I've I've had a friend who's been shot and you know and Marco D's got 28 years so if I carried on like being honest when I stepped away after didn't get arrested and all that probably not and then what you know what am I doing like a couple years down the line I've moved up the chain and then you're looking at 30 yeah and then your kids and your grandkids are growing up literally having a life without you yeah but it's you know I it's hard to say because you don't know people's upbringings to you A lot of these you know some kids brought up with criminals random he's going to be a criminal but just uh the [ __ ] if you if you wanna not go to your brother's funeral if you want your kids to grow up with that without their dad there like my daughter burnt her hand on a on a Thing Once and come into a prison visit what can I do nothing girl when I was going back off home loaves you've got a you can't be a dad you can't be a son you've just gotta be and all that [ __ ] happened with my brother I put that so deep deep down in me I've probably not dealt with it to this day just pressed it and then 10 years down the line recently the other year I've had a [ __ ] heart attack through an infection and then I'm looking to do other jobs because I might not be able to go back to scaffolding and a criminal record criminal record and I'd done some antiques on the side of scaffolding and then my mate's on a program I'm BBC and I've us I said I'll put a good word into my you know because I've had the heart attack and they've said are they we like you and I chatted to him and they said uh I told him about the criminal so we can't have you on there as a dealer and I just think you don't realize all them years later still [ __ ] you up luckily touchwood I'm fit enough to go back and without hesitation my boss Martin and his son Archer have said come back to work brilliant no [ __ ] questions asked come back to work and I've been back to work a couple of weeks doing all right yeah good for you mate do you know what's interesting is that when you're involved in this it's not you getting banged that one getting a nine I'm doing four and a half is the knock on a fit for your kids for your mum and dad for you when you're coming out can't get jobs again because of that have you ever thought about a lot of people do change their names afterwards because like you said a minute ago you're going Google yeah I've asked Google to um take it down they said it's in the public interest yeah okay so and you're and your and your license as well would you ever change your surname no just leave it as is no you know up doing these I'm owning what I am and if someone you know I I never really so when you come out of prison you don't really like talking about it yeah and then I remember sitting in hospital when I had the heart attack through an infection I remember sitting there thinking watching the nurses thinking like man that's a job you can go and make as much money as you want but now that is so and I thought I need to do something no matter what do I want to help people and then I've got chatting to my the prison screw rung him up how are you and he's all tending back my heart and all that because we used to train together got to a point in that prison with all the sex offenders that I was training with him and prisoners go why are you trying to reveal myself because I know what he's in for yeah I've had like four mates who have ended up being like God knows anyway and then he said why don't you start he knew somebody done podcasts he said why don't you do that he said because you're so passionate about it yeah you know this is luckily I'll see it coming the only good thing I've gone through all this [ __ ] and I don't want no one to feel sorry for me because I put myself there but I will see it coming a mile off with my son yeah I mean my daughter's boyfriend my son's mate I will see it coming a mile off and I'm strong enough and can own it enough to go and tell a bloke stay away from my [ __ ] son I don't give a [ __ ] who you are so you know I'm not a fighter and all that but I I you know I can look like easy in the eye and tell him yeah and you go back to changing the name of that no it it has made me I am today I've regret it massively because I didn't go to My Brother's funeral I put my family for Ma after my brother died my parents come and visited me my mum and dad which is really rare because they've been split up for God knows how many years and Dodge they aged overnight when I mean aged I looked at him and I was like [ __ ] me they look like my grandparents and they wasn't together so these are the things I lost the truth yeah of what really that's what I'm liking with this conversation it's pure truth the only reason I mention that certain things I keep hearing other people do changing their surname but I think you're coming from an angle going I did what I did yeah I'm a normal kid yeah there's lots of normal kids out there about to get caught up in any of this stuff I'm just letting you know that you will not come out without being banged up no yeah these guys have like they've been shot they're being killed for nothing yeah these gangbangers all showed each other in London it's for nothing for a postcode if what's interesting you look back and go you know anyone looking this guy oh yeah Frank got caught with you know he passed on 328 000 pounds and he got yeah they got caught with 299 kilos yeah but actually your little part wasn't a big part on the whole the whole thing you know when you look it like that but you've had a big punishment for it but it's due punishment I think I was lucky because my Cody's got 28 years dropped to 23 years like the main conspirators and a couple got off but I just paid the massive price that's what happens you play with fire you get burnt Frankie where can people find you Instagram um I've got one of them LinkedIn things but that's on my Instagram as well but it's just shooting things down Instagram handles called uh Frankie St so Frankie with an ie st-10 yeah it looks like Frankie established his and when I've done it Frankie I've got to say I really do appreciate you coming yeah yeah thanks for having me yeah and I I really like your honesty and hopefully a lot of people listen to this will learn lessons from it yeah hopefully they will yeah you're a good man Cheers Cheers [Music] thank you
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 197,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carlton Leach, crime, criminal podcast, crime podcast, nightclub, boxing, bodyguard, London, police, gun, Dodge Woodall, James English, Dodge Woodall podcast, gangster, drugs, mystery podcast, mystery, sas podcast, gangster podcast, true crime, Essex boys, rise of the foot soldier, truth, James English podcast, Shaun Attwood, criminal, fighter, west ham, hooligan, football hooligan, West Ham fight, hardest man, strongest man, toughest, toughest prisoner, England, Britain, Frank Stedman
Id: gaBvzT-vSwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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