Plumbing A House With Pex-A (DIY Expansion Pex Installation)

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[Music] [Music] we just got done doing all the plumbing underneath all the drain lines we're gonna start on Tech's supply lines yeah so really yeah techs for all of our supply lines we're using Tech's a which is an expansion so it takes an expansion fitting which means you actually expand the pecs and then put it around the fitting and it shrinks down over it so we use that for everything so what we're going to do is go through around all of the half-inch lines for the upstairs bathroom to where they meet and then run all the three quarter-inch lines for the upstairs bathroom and then just work our way around the house doing half inch and then three quarter inch we started up in the upstairs bathroom we started running all of the supply lines through the floor and walls into where their final resting place was going to go these are all the supply lines for the toilet and then the shower and the shower upstairs we're actually going to have two showerheads so we need three colds coming out of that wall one for the toilet to finish ours and then two hops one for each side of the shower that was the easiest thing I've ever caught so there are a couple of reasons we weren't with pecks instead of running copper or that's really the only other option there is I guess there's like CPVC which is basically a PVC made for drinking water but for copper we would have had to make 90-degree bends everywhere with a fitting and we also would have had to solder everything together and honestly doing the pecks is a lot easier than soldering there's a lot less joints in the wall that can leak and so on like that so for someone who's doing it yourself maybe have a remodel or maybe you're building your own home or tiny house Texas definitely the way to go like I talked about a little earlier there's a couple of different types of pecks there's actually three pecks a xB and X C I have no idea what that C is how about pecks a is made as I talked about for the expansion fittings and then pecs B is for all the crimp rings so if you're gonna have crimp rings you have to use pecs B and if you're gonna do the expansion fittings you have to use pecs a the reasoning behind that is because pecs a always wants to return to its initial shape which is why the expansion works is because you expand it briefly and then it always wants to return back to its initial size so it's always squeezing down on those XP has memory to it so when you crimp it your crimping down on it it will hold that memory where if you tried to crimp X a that a will always be pushing up against that crimp ring or whatever you're using to crimp it down on that fitting always trying to break away from that crimp ring so you have to use the pecs be for the crimping and the PEC C for the expansion okay yeah you can take it back yeah so they're a little less yeah after running all of the half-inch lines for the upstairs we then moved to the downstairs bathroom so this is us putting in the half-inch lines they go to the sink the toilet and then the tub shower that we're gonna have in the downstairs bathroom cool after that downstairs bathroom we then moved to the laundry room the final thing we had to run water to downstairs was the kitchen we're not doing a dishwasher or a ice hookup for the fridge and honestly using pecs adding systems like that is so easy being able to get into the crawlspace that were just not worried about it hot or cold first take it back so okay no go okay hold on okay now go what go yeah that's good okay yeah good yeah so like I've talked about before we're using pecks egg and one of the things about Peck say is its expansion pecks meaning that you don't crimp rings on to the fittings you actually use a tool to expand it and then you slip it over the fittings and one of the things that does is it keeps the inside diameter of the pipe the same as the inside diameter of the fitting so when water is going through a fitting you're not constricting the water down even further you have these sleeves that go over it they have a little stop on them we'll put one on each perfect and then for a half-inch you do four to five times and you want the pipe to be seated all the way down to this shoulder right here put it in expand it put it in further expand it three four and then we'll unexpended take it shove it all the way onto our fittings and we'll hold it there for a second so it grabs but that's it it should slowly constrict around this fitting this little sleeve I think is just to give it extra strength because it's basically a little tiny piece of pecs a so like even now like third type so yeah so there's a couple ways you can plumb a house there are a couple different systems one of them is called a manifold where you have home runs for each of your plumbing fixtures so each faucet gets its own hot and cold home run to a big manifold that has a bunch of outputs on it the way we did it was kind of like a branch system which is where you have a main 3/4 inch line that branches off to all of the different household items that you have except when we got to the bathrooms we used manifolds for that so the upstairs bathroom has a manifold and the cold has a manifold as well as the downstairs bathroom hot and cold both has manifolds [Applause] Thanks all of our wires come out wires all the stuff comes out through there and then our hots connect there the colds all connect here and we have one that comes out into a plug because we're not using five we're using four what we will do is we'll put insulation around the hots in the cold probably just to keep them all more separated since they are very close together the next thing we did is secure all the sub outs for all our hot and cold lines you can get pecs to copper stub outs that way maybe your plumber is a little more familiar with how to like attach a valve to a copper stub out so you can get just copper stub outs like I said that attach to PEX however since we're doing it all ourselves we just use these like 90 degrees support bends so what it does is you put the pecs through that hole tighten down that purple ring and then that 90 degree bend or curve in the white part of the plastic supports the pecs that way the pecs doesn't kink or anything and then you just screw that to the wall and then your stub out won't move and you can't push your pecs back into the wall accidentally so as easy as PEX is to run all around your house using that manual tool was pretty hard in the crawlspace where it was all over my head it's not an easy motion to make and you have to put quite a bit of force in it to expand that three quarter inch pecs just because the wall is so thick however if you didn't want to use all that effort to expand it they do make like electric pecs expanders the wall to Milwaukee have some they're just like $400 and not worth it if you're only doing a small project like we are however otherwise I think this is a pretty bulletproof method of plumbing a house and then these are the two manifolds that we used for our downstairs bathroom so the next pipe you're going to see is putting in is known as like a hot-water loop so it goes from the tee of where the cold water will go into the hot water heater and that's just going to make a loop around to where the hot water will enter the system and that way when we pressurize the system we only have to pressurize it in one spot and that loop will link the hot and the cold together they come in from our hot 3/4 we go to our little manifold we're not using these two and then bathtub sink same thing with our cold we go in toilet bathtub sink we're not using that last one but that's all of it down here on this side this is where our hot it's gonna come from our hot water heater this is our cold such as will come from the pressure tank and then this is our hot so we'll go the hot water heater we're coming out from three-quarter inch to half inch to go to our laundry machines we come down and this is where it breaks to go to upstairs and then all the way down there is the sinks so that's the hot we just have an elbow on it and then for the cold will come out with half-inch go all the way and go the sink which we haven't done thanks for watching guys I hope this gave you an idea of how we ran the supply lines for our house using pecs a like I said I think it's a really bomb proof system and it's a lot easier than using copper or CPVC where you have a lot more joints a lot more fittings and kind of have to like be a plumber when using copper because you have to solder everything together it's just a lot harder in my mind so hopefully you like this make sure to give us thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and subscribe if you wanna see more
Channel: Poots Pastures
Views: 139,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pootspasturea, pex a, pex-a, pex a vs pex b, pex a expansion tool, pex a installation, installing pex, diy pex, using pex for shower, using pex for bathroom, installing pex water lines, expansion pex, using expansion pex fittings, which pex to use, how to stub out pex, pex stub out, using pex for the whole house, diy pex installation, how to install pex, apollo pex-a, apollo pex, pex-a installation how to, pex vs copper, pex crimp vs clamp, pex crimp vs expansion
Id: KY6y64ylODI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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