Every Jinora Moment Ever! πŸŒͺ | 50 Minute Compilation | The Legend of Korra

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it's so good to see all of you grand grand I've been reading all about your old Adventures I've been dying to ask you what happened to Zuko's mom well Genora it's an incredible tale Brendan you look old how old are you and why is it so cold in the South Pole can we make a campfire and all huddle around it and tell scary stories and make snowman and then can you make the snowman move with waterboarding and chase us wouldn't that be fun huh wouldn't it [Music] come on come on you may stay and train airbending here with me Republic City needs its Avatar once again yeah thank you you're the best yay Genora would you like to explain this exercise the goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them seems easy enough Genora will demonstrate air bending is all about spiral movements when you meet resistance you must be able to switch Direction at a moment's notice foreign oh he's cute Cora is that the handsome Firebender boy that drives you crazy does he drive you crazy in a bad way or does he drive you crazy like you like him oh oh hey Marco so how's it going with the tall dreamy Firebender boy you've been spending a lot of time together lately oh tell us all about the magical romance what listen to YouTube I'm not interested in Mako or any romantic stuff besides he's all into that prissy beautiful elegant rich girl but let's just pretend for a second I am interested in him what would I do oh I just read a historical Saga where the heroine fell in love with the Enemy General son who was supposed to marry the princess you should do what she did tell me she rode a dragon into battle and burned down the entire country then she jumped into a volcano it was so romantic uh no no no the best way to win a boy's heart is to brew a love potion of rainbows and sunsets that makes magical Castle in the Sky where they get married and eat clouds of spoons and new stars as ice cubes in their Moonlight punch forever and ever and ever the volcano is starting to make more sense to me now oh hey pemma uh how long were you standing there long enough but trust me I know what you're going through years ago I was in the exact same situation with Tenzin Daddy was in love with someone else before you that's right so what did you do well for the longest time I did nothing I was so shy and scared of rejection but watching my soul mate spend his life with the wrong woman became too painful so I hung my chin out there and I confessed my love to Tenzin and the rest is history wow you're finally here welcome to air Temple Island your new home yes welcome to my domain what are you sweet little monk child what's that fuzzy creature that is a fire parrot an arboreal mammal come into the bamboo forests of the central Earth Kingdom I'd be happy to show you to the men's dormitory I'm a boy good daddy you're home we waited up for you is Cora okay yes she's fine sweetie scared I thought she wasn't coming back but everything is going to be fine now I promise stay away from my dad's ex-girlfriend take these equal lists and lock them in the Temple's basement nice work kids [Music] come meet your new brother a brother well it's about time welcome I'm icky and this is dinora and Milo we have a super great family and we're so happy that you're a part of it what are you gonna name him can I pick we already chose a name Rohan follow me kids [Music] get them out of here we'll create a diversion let's go get your mother and the baby [Music] [Music] [Music] that gift is mine you don't even like to read yep those are the world's next generation of Airbenders this statue room that's right Genora the most sacred place in the entire Southern air Temple here you will find statues of every Avatar who ever lived where are your brother and sister [Music] Milo [Music] Genora were you and Melo teasing your sister again I don't know Maybe yes she ran away do you have something you want to say to your sister Iggy I'm glad you're back yeah sorry we made fun of you thanks want to play air ball sure yeah [Music] gotcha free foot come back [Music] [Applause] Genora there you are come on everyone's waiting were you playing with someone oh just some Imaginary Friends [Music] Cora what are you doing here laughs we could have tried a little longer [Music] come back furry foot hey Genora what are you chasing nothing Genora she's too young and untrained to have any knowledge about spiritual matters actually I think I do know where Cora needs to go to get into the spirit world and how would you know that my spirit friends showed me it's okay you can show yourselves wow [Music] [Applause] genar IES actually they're dragonfly bunny Spirits I knew it looks like she does know something about spiritual matters [Music] how long have you been able to do this I don't know I guess I've always kind of had a connection with spirits I think this one likes me are they here to help I think they want you to go down there I don't know the spiritual energy is historically strongest near the temple no offense but I'm guessing the spirits have actually been to the spirit world so I'm gonna follow them if we need to go to the Tenzin World we'll call you I think Dad's mad at me your father's not mad his Pride's just a little bruised since he isn't able to see spirits like you you have a natural gift that's pretty lucky you're the lucky one you actually got to meet the first avatar I know about a lot of avatars but I don't know anything about him is it even a him or is it her it's a him Avatar won he was amazing I saw how he became the first avatar by fusing with rava the spirit of light the Avatar's part spirit of course just like the statue what statue when we were at the southern air Temple I was drawn to this old carving I couldn't figure out what it was until now it was the first avatar when did this happen it was on the solstice that's the day I opened the southern portal whoa we're here are you sure these Spirits are leading us to the right place of course I just bloomed you with my life there are carvings on them this is an ancient Airbender meditation Circle there's a lot of spiritual energy in this place but it feels really strange we'll have to perform a spiritual cleansing ceremony Tenzin were running out of time if everyone could just be quiet and let me Focus Aunt Kaya is right I can guide Korra into the spirit world I'll be all right [Music] perhaps I will never have the connection with Spirits like I always wanted like my father wanted me to have it's okay Daddy I'm proud of you go close the portal we'll wait here and keep your bodies safe till you return we'll be all right [Music] the spirit world please come back soon isn't it beautiful just stick close to me okay this seems nice but you never know when we'll run into some dark spirits it's like it's made of jewels the spirits are so much more beautiful in their own world than they are at home Genora be careful hold on [Music] going a giant Claude sorry this is a residential area in case you hadn't noticed who do you think you are stomping through here like that I'm the Avatar The Avatar not impressed I'm trying to find the spirit portals I opened one I heard unalak did that no I did but well if you open it how come you don't know where it is huh because I was at the South Pole I don't trust her get out of my world we don't need you you don't belong here get away from me yeah did you guys see that she tried to bend at us in our own holes that hurts Cora stay calm your energy is upsetting them you only making it worse [Music] [Music] Cora where are you hello I'm lost can anyone help me furry foot is that you so good to see you again [Music] you're so big here I suppose you know where Cora is do you we were supposed to go find the spirit portals but I don't know how to find anything down here [Music] thank you [Music] it's like an awesome Tree House wait I've read about this place Grandpa Eng came here it's wonchitung Spirit Library [Music] wow I could just stay in here forever reading the last human who said that is still here I see that you have some knowledge of the past so you should know that humans are no longer allowed in my library get out I thought anyone could come in if they brought you some new knowledge those are the old rules besides what his little girl going to teach one Qi tongue he who knows ten thousand things well since you've been down in the spirit world the humans have invented radio yes I am well aware of the radio but do you know how it works of course I do there is a box and inside the box there is a tiny man who sings and plays musical instruments actually when we speak we speak in waves radio take sound waves and converts them into electromagnetic energy that is transmitted through the Spectrum all right enough I did not know this apparently I have been fed some misinformation about the existence of tiny men in boxes [Music] still I'm not interested in that human garbage now go away my grandfather is the Avatar and I came to the spirit world with the new Avatar to find the spirit portals I would think that you'd want to help me you came with the Avatar well why didn't you say so fine you may look around but don't break anything I'll know [Music] it's not in here either I have to find the portals core is probably waiting for me there right now I need to find a map that shows where the spirit portals are could you help me oh what thanks this is it the tree of time that's where Avatar won imprisoned vatu the elders believed that as long as the portals are closed during the harmonic convergence vatu will remain imprisoned in the battle between good and evil will not be fought again but if both portals are open Spirit energy is Amplified greatly during the harmonic convergence this energy will be great enough to allow vatu to break free from his bonds the material world will again risk being consumed by Darkness we have to warn Korra leaving so soon told me he had a visitor I had to see it with my own eyes I can't believe Tenzin sent his daughter here instead of coming himself what kind of a father is he better than you wanchi tongue how can you be helping him unalak has proven to be a true friend to the spirits unlike the Avatar why would you want to help vatu Escape he'll destroy everything don't believe everything you read why don't you come with me so you can do some first-hand research where's Genora [Music] no her spirit is trapped in the spirit world but she's going to be all right how could this happen it was all my fault I should have never let Genora enter the spirit world without me I couldn't protect her and I'm so sorry pemma I tried to save her but Unilock tricked me don't worry honey I'm not going to stop until our little girl is back safe with us what happened her soul is trapped in the spirit world oh my goodness how long has she been away almost a week I've tried to keep her energy flowing but I can feel her slipping away you're the only one who can help her now Mom how much longer can she survive like this I don't know but she's very strong to have lasted this long [Music] Genera [Music] foreign what happened I think our brother saved us dad you're going to be okay sweetie I'm here what happened the last thing I remember is dark Spirits taking me away you were trapped in the fog of Lost Souls but I wasn't going to let you stay there I'm so happy to see you Dad the world's in trouble what are you talking about how do you know I can feel it what happened it's Cora this light spirit will guide you out of the spirit world I have to go help you know I'll wait [Music] Mommy it's dinora she's beautiful what let me see be careful sweetie [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll see you soon dad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Graham I missed you what about Cora and the others don't worry they're all right Cora saved the world I don't get it I can Vanquish vatu but not a bunch of stupid Vines I'm sure you'll find a way get rid of them you [Music] huge but I look like it's airbending does that make him our brother well in a way all Airbenders are our family to my room because I like my personal space of course not but we might have to get used to not being the only Airbenders around anymore I hope we have enough for an army I want to be a commander like Uncle boomy error Nomads don't have armies Milo but maybe there will be enough to fill the temples again what's wrong Daddy I just wish your grandfather were here to see this will you be Airbender president no but I think the new Airbenders will need lots of help and guidance to understand what it means to be a part of our nation that's a big responsibility don't worry dad we'll help you I know you will you can release the boy into our custody [Music] thank you don't make me regret it welcome to the family little bro [Music] hi I'm Genora if you need any help with airbending I could show you what I know thanks that's real nice of you Genora we're leaving now Uncle boomi you've got to work on your stance changes Kai that was just really good thanks to Nora you're a great teacher hmm did I drop my wallet well technically the Earth Queen has a right to conscript your citizens what it's true guys what if Kai was spotted airbending he might have been taken too probably not he's surprisingly difficult to catch like a like a little greased hog monkey but what if he was don't worry Genora we'll find him we just need to figure out where to look I bet they're under Lake Lou guy what I've been reading some of dinorah's books the old dilee agents used to have a secret Fortress beneath the lake Marco's right it's the perfect spot to hide Airbenders and I know how to check it out without being caught I can project my spirit into it you mean that out of body thing you did to help giant spirity Korra you can still do that it's not as powerful as it was during harmonic convergence but if I can get close enough I think I can do it let's go get Kai out let's get all the Airbenders out if anything goes wrong come back immediately I will [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened what did you see the Airbenders aren't there it's completely deserted they're not down there Genora you've read all about bossing say can you think of any other places the Airbenders might be I guess they could be in the catacombs beneath the upper ring where the ancient sewers beneath the lower ring or the Maze of tunnels that connects the Rings together or they could be ah there are just too many places there has to be another way to locate them maybe there is how did you find me during harmonic convergence I don't know I just kind of focused on your energy I think our spiritual connection led me to you maybe you can find Kai the same way I know you two have a connection what do you mean a connection I don't know let me try [Music] Genora it worked how are you here right now it's a high level Airbender move with a little spiritual stuff thrown in for a second there I thought you were a ghost it's good to see you we've been looking for you and the other Airbenders we're going to get you all out of here where are we anyway underground somewhere other than that I don't have a clue I'll figure it out don't worry Genora thanks [Music] Earth Queen's Temple hi hey what are you doing here oh it's just that little Airbender girl came with the Avatar you shouldn't be walking around here all alone I'm not alone come on we're getting you out tens it's not gonna be happy about this then don't tell him how can I not this is too juicy thanks for coming to get me I'm really sorry about stealing your wallets and running away and getting you stuck on that train [Music] we can't stay mad at you yes we can I have a lot of money in that wallet guys come on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I guess I am as good as I thought [Laughter] [Music] I want to fly one of those Bisons I don't know we might get in trouble come on let's have some fun we'll be back before anyone realizes we're gone I guess it will be all right foreign [Music] look baby Bisons how come they're all on the ground airbrush and calves Can't Fly for a week or two after they're born so the entire herd will stay near the ground in the valley let's go see the babies be careful the mothers are very protective oh [Music] look how cute can I get out of there [Music] wow you really saved me down there you know you're an incredible Airbender well I've been training for a long time then why don't you have tattoos like an air bending Master my dad says I'm not a master yet you can do everything your dad can plus you have all those Purity powers if anyone's a master you are hey you want to sneak away and go check on the baby bisons you should be paying attention you're pushing too hard maybe we should give them a break Genora I have this under control I'm tired of all this complaining Genora take over does this mean I'm the master now yes just lead them through some basic exercises well since I'm a master when do you think I can get my tattoos what brought this on I was just talking to Kai and he was asking me so Kai what does he know about when you should get tattoos the answer is no you're just a little girl I'm not a little girl anymore I can airbend just as well as you I know everything about our culture and history and I have a stronger connection with the spirits than you ever will lead your own class sorry if what I said got you in trouble with your dad it's not your fault you just can't believe that I'm grown up now and I don't need him telling me what to do like one of his recruits I know something that'll cheer you up [Music] where did all the spirits go where are the babies what do these kids doing in my cap How Can you steal these Pisces they're in danger that's why they're worth so much the Earth Queen and her fancy friends pay big money for bison steaks and other weird meat I even heard she ate her dad's pet bear you're disgusting hey do that Spirit beaming thing you did to find me Temple for help I can't I'm all cramped in here and I need quiet and time to focus maybe I can send a message spirits I need your help go find you tell him we're in trouble no I don't think I should apologize Benson just wants to boss everybody around I'm too old for that oh let's face it I'm just not cut out to be an airbender well that's your opinion [Music] wait did Genora send this spirit is she in trouble [Music] they're so friendly now the bison are the original Airbenders they recognize their own kind [Music] I'm sorry for running off we're just lucky no one was hurt I know but I also realized that perhaps I was too harsh with you does that mean I can get my air vendor tattoos it's hard for me to believe that my little girl is grown up enough to have her tattoos but I promise I'll think about it fair enough yeah Genora look [Music] I guess everyone is growing up I can't wait any longer wait what are you doing whatever I can [Music] no [Music] your name will Echo throughout history Cora the last Avatar [Music] thank you did you find any way to escape no not yet but don't worry we'll find a way out soon they might not make it that long [Music] to do this on our own [Music] oh so you just called me over to attack me fine now nobody gets any water I don't know how we ended up here in daycare while everyone else gets to watch the Avatar being destroyed I can hold a bowl of poison hey what do you think you're doing [Music] blown out of the sky and fell hundreds of feet down a cliff don't you know it takes more than that to get rid of me you don't have to search for her I know exactly where she's being held there haven't been this many Airbenders in one place for a long time either we have power together hurry everyone form a circle follow me [Music] foreign you can save her the poison is metallic [Applause] [Music] [Applause] move forward today we welcome the first airbending master in a generation and I couldn't be more proud of my daughter when the existence of our people was threatened when the Avatar's life hung in the balance Genora never gave up hope thanks to her leadership I see a very bright future for the air Nation of course there would be no air Nation without Avatar Kora she opened the portals and somehow the world began Anew for us and she was even willing to lay down her own life in order to protect ours there's no way we can ever repay her for all she's done but we can follow her example of service and sacrifice so while she recuperates the air Nation will reclaim its nomadic roots and roam the Earth but unlike our ancestors we will serve people of all Nations working wherever there is corruption and Discord to restore balance and peace Avatar Kora I vow that we will do everything in our power to follow in your footsteps and bring Harmony to the world now let us anoint the master who will help lead us in our new path [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] were you able to get a read on cora yet no but once we're further out I'll be able to hone in on her spiritual energy we should be able to find her within a few days good luck and be careful remember Genora is in charge a man or girl even does have tatt oh now let's move out soldiers pepper yep yep [Music] wait I've been holding my pee for an hour if you get through the Cora tell her I said hi do you feel anything yet what's taking so long iki I can't concentrate if you keep talking why don't you go play with one of those spirits [Music] genera's Spirit powers are broken and she doesn't know where Cora is my powers are not broken I just need more than two seconds and some quiet it's just a photo of Korra at least it's something pretty neat huh she came by here about six months ago looks like someone just drummed up a good old-fashioned lead then where did she go oh I don't know but she wasn't looking too good Iggy this is all your fault what I didn't do anything exactly you need to start pulling your weight that goes for you too so-called leader remember when he used to be so nice and sweet no [Music] Hey where's all the food mom gave us I threw it in the river he did what was supposed to last us two weeks hey keep it down I'm trying to meditate yeah keep it down Iggy are you okay yep totally fine I hope you're hungry because we found some we found some berries because oh looks like you got some bad berries so much for living off the land they're fine I just ate too many of them because they're so so delicious did you run into iki while you were picking your poisonous berries no what did she run off or something I think so great now I gotta go find the Avatar and her this mission is getting worse by the day this isn't only your mission Milo I thought we were doing this as a family kamiki why did you do that we're saving you let's go I had everything under control I just found our food and I have an idea where Cora is you do then let's get going hold on sorry my brother and sister knocked you out nice chatting with you macaroon foreign there is an enormous amount of spiritual activity here but I don't feel Cora well that's what we get for listening to Iggy guys we just got here that's at least the ground I'm sorry iki but I'm with Milo on this I don't think we're going to find her here let's go pepper I don't know icky I still don't sense Cora well you haven't sensed her the entire time they've been looking for her next am I going to Mission it's going to be boys only just Pokey and me Cora I know where Cora is yeah I can't believe it [Applause] [Music] foreign but we never would have been here if it weren't for iki I never would have stormed off and found those soldiers if it weren't for Milo I was trying to toughen up these whities but I guess it was a team effort you need to come home Cora kuvira is taking over the Earth Kingdom you have to stop her I don't know I'm not the Avatar I used to be I can't even go into the Avatar State please Cora the world needs you back are you sure we should be going to saofu dad wanted us to bring you back to Republic City if kovir is heading to zaofu so am I she needs to know that the Avatar is back who Vera get away with this we have to go break out mom and my brothers you sworn oath of non-aggression when you became an airbender you can't just attack kuvira I don't care about the oath I have to save my family no Genora is right your mom attacked the camp kuvira was just defending herself defending herself she was going to attack our city I can't believe you're refusing to fight we'll go too no dad told us to find Cora and we found her now you need to stay safe come on let us help I can't risk anyone else being captured you can stay with Batar and Juan while I work this out with kuvira make sure they get back to Tenzin safely if anything goes wrong are you really ready to fight her just just stay back and let me handle this it's been a while but I got a lot of pent-up rage don't mess around kuvira is too good just go into the Avatar State and get it over with no I'm only going to use that as a last resort be careful [Music] I don't understand we got the poison out what's wrong with her [Music] I'm calling for help stunning work eki it hurts my eyes with its raw emotional power [Music] thank you ah pedestrian I already know what you look like on the outside I want you to show me the inner Milo help you have to get core and the rest of us out of here now hurry [Music] go opal get out of here we'll be fine just go I'll be back for you I love you guys there you are I just felt a weird surge of spiritual energy coming from the spirit Wilds something's wrong what is it are you okay it was kuvira I saw her taking Vines from the swamp it must be affecting our spirit Wilds I bet that's what you were sensing Genora why is she taking Vines whatever the reason I'm sure it's not good we have to tell riko this might help him convince the other leaders to finally take her down I'll keep looking for Ryu and the others foreign [Music] Cora The Vines they're taking me help [Music] oh I feel all spirity [Music] I'm so glad you're safe what happened how did you get out Cora saved us [Music]
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 653,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Korra, LOK, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Nickelodeon, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Leaves from the Vine, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Minecraft, Video Games, Gaming, Genji, Legend of Genji, Avatar Full Episodes, ytao_lok, Jinora
Id: nGAoQcX0NAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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