Zero Points Cabbage Soup | Weight Watchers Cabbage Soup

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[Music] hey there today we're gonna make a soup that has been around forever it's low fat it's low calories it's healthy and surprisingly filling since all it contains is vegetables today we're gonna make a soup that's known by at least three different names i call it weight watchers cabbage soup it's just cabbage soup diet soup the great thing about this soup is you can pretty much put in any vegetable you like whether it be carrots and onions or maybe you don't like one of those and you use zucchini maybe use yellow squash this recipe is totally customizable to what you like i'm jamie with savory savor i share gluten-free recipes tips tricks and resources to make your gluten-free lifestyle easier so let's get started on this soup okay y'all to get started on this soup let's go over the ingredients real quick and we will get cooking so i've got two carrots that i've peeled and i'll dice those up two stalks of celery that i'll peel that i'll trim off and dice up one large onion will peel and dice one bell pepper any color you like red yellow orange green diced up three or four cloves of garlic that we're gonna mince up you can't have cabbage soup or weight water soup without cabbage so this is about one pound of cabbage i usually use a third to a half of a small head of cabbage for a batch of it we're gonna chop that up for some more tomato flavor or some tomato flavor i'm going to use one can of diced tomatoes these have green chilies in it so it's going to give it a little bit of heat for me but by all means use regular diced tomatoes use stewed tomatoes use italian seasoned tomatoes whatever kind of tomato you want some people actually use a can of v8 you could also use that for some tomato flavor in it there's a lot of recipes with that in it for seasoning i'm gonna use a couple teaspoons of italian seasoning because it has a little bit everything in it so it's a one shot deal we don't have to get a bunch of different spices i like heating mine so i'm going to add a little bit of crushed red pepper you can leave that out if you don't like the heat i'm going to add one bay leaf for our broth i'm actually using dried bullion today this is orington farms beef bullion it is gluten free so i will link below to that so we use this a lot a lot of times i'll use the gluten-free uh thing similar to better than bullion or i'll use broth so use beef broth chicken broth vegetable broth if you want it vegetarian anything you want there at the end just for some freshness freshness i'm going to stir in a little bit of fresh parsley so we'll do that at the very end so let's get started so over on the stove i'm going to put a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a large soup pot and i'm going to turn it over medium high heat and then what i like to do is as i finish dicing up something i throw it in the pot to start the cooking process and once everything's in the pot we'll bring it to a boil and cook it until the vegetables are tender so let's get started with that all right guys what i'm gonna do is i'm going to chop up the veg and just push them off to the side so you guys can kind of see how i chop it up you pretty much want everything close to the same size so it all cooks at the same rate there's our carrots our celery i just like to slice down the middle and then if there's part that's wide and we'll give that a little cut for our bell pepper a little piece of one in the fridge it was left over so we'll chop that up and then the way i like to cut a pepper is a lot of times i just go down to the middle and then i'll just rip the membrane out get rid of the seeds and it's ready to go it's all cut up and then i'll all i have to do is give it a chop and it's ready to go okay guys i've got a couple tablespoons of oil heating up so i'm gonna put all that in there and let it start and then we'll keep moving with the onion and the other items i like using this bench scrape to move things because i can get a whole bunch of vegetables on one scoop and just move it over and dump it [Music] okay let's move forward with our onion i've got it peeled i just like to cut it in half and then i tend to cut along the ridges in the back or close to those all the way across and then i just cut it like that the other direction and it all diced up for me [Music] we want to mince up our garlic but we will add it just before we add the cabbage and everything because it just takes a minute to cook we don't want to burn it okay for our cabbage i'm gonna take out the core and then i'm just gonna cut it into big pieces so and cut it down there [Music] and that's ready to go so let's move over to the stove and we'll move forward with the soup okay we're over at the stove we have our onion celery carrots and peppers in here and they have started to soften so we're gonna keep adding our ingredients got our minced garlic that's going in there we're going to add a teaspoon or so of salt we can always add more later quarter teaspoon or so of black pepper add in our bay leaf i'm adding a couple teaspoons of italian seasoning i'm going to add in a little bit of crushed red pepper for some spice for myself i'm going to add in my canned tomatoes all right guys now i'm going to add in my cabbage let's give that a stir and then we'll get our broth in there now your broth is going to vary i usually just fill up the pot so i know i'm gonna at least probably have four cups in there and then it'll be another two to four cups to bring it to the top so once we get the first batch in there we'll see what we need from there so use whatever the ratio is on your bullion if you're using it we can turn it up to almost a high because we want to come to a boil that was about two more cups of water we can always add more if we need to but remember the cabbage and even the other vegetables that you started sauteing are going to put out more moisture so we may not need any more water or broth so now what we want to do is we want to bring the soup up to a boil cover it and cook it for 20 to 30 minutes until everything is nice and tender we're gonna put the lid on and we'll be back to show you what it looks like when it's done okay guys it's been about a half hour our soup is done so let's take a look at it you can see it's thickened up some at this point you could actually add a little more broth or water if you wanted to i'll do that sometimes to make to stretch it out a little bit it's got plenty of salt in it so we don't need to add any more of that between the bouillon and a little bit of salt we added so i've got some chopped parsley i want to add that in i do that off heat so i'll usually turn the stove off and then stir it in and then serve it up that just gives it a little more green let's see how hearty that is so it's going to be nice and filling even though we don't have any kind of protein in it let's dish it up and give it a try here's our steaming hot bowl of cabbage soup or weight watcher soup or diet soup whatever you want to call it make sure you pull that bay leaf out of there that's in there when you're dishing it up the soup is cooked really well there's a little bit of crunch to some of it but nothing that's makes it raw by any means it's been cooking for 30 minutes now it's got a ton of flavor because of all those vegetables and that volume that we used the herbs in it the spice i can taste a little bit of that from the tomatoes that i used as well as the crushed red pepper so that's a nice touch if your family likes spice i usually get i don't know what's that four meals out of it at least uh inexpensive to make healthy if you want to add beef to it by all means add some ground beef to it or some ground turkey to it cook that up in it and you actually get the protein out of it guys i hope you enjoyed this recipe i hope you give it a try please remember to like and subscribe so you don't miss any other videos thanks for watching and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: SavorySaver
Views: 266,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weight watchers cabbage soup, weight watchers cabbage soup recipe, zero points cabbage soup, weight watchers cabbage soup with v8, soup, cabbage soup, weight watchers recipe, gluten free, cabbage soup for weight loss, cabbage soup diet, cabbage soup recipe, diet soup, zero point food, weight loss soup, weight watchers soup recipes 0 points, weight watchers soup, weight watchers soup diet, weight watchers soup recipes zero points
Id: DyLkEdVSMnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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