Original Cabbage Diet Soup - Lose 1 to 2 Lbs. Per Day - Guaranteed

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welcome back to cooking around channel guess what i have another surprise for you what do i have for you today it's the original cabbage diet soup and guess what you can actually lose one to two pounds a day so let me show you how to get on this program and to make this okay look at all these ingredients and the main one here with the fat burner is the cabbage and we're going to beef it up with tomatoes and some type of beans green or white and i'm going to put this to make it hot and awesome spices of course some tomato juice and some other goodies so let's not waste any more time let me show you how to put this together and get you on that diet and here is the main ingredients and the secret to losing weight grab yourself a medium-sized cabbage and i want you to cut approximately one third or a little bit more if you're on the brave side and i want you to try to shred it as thin as possible or you can make it larger that's really up to you grab about two large fresh tomatoes now let's take the centers out now if you want to save in cups it'll be about two three cups of chopped tomatoes and just chop them up and of course you can keep the skins on or take them off that's up to you but there's a lot of nutrition under the skins so i like to keep them on now add about one to two cups of fresh beans now they can be yellow or they can be green add one to two red peppers or if you prefer green peppers and let's chop them up into quite sized pieces just like this two to three celery now if you had the cups you could add that in and the celery is also another secret which helps you lose that weight so try to put a little bit more in if you like add two to three stalks of green onions and these onions will make the soup a little bit sweeter and very nutritious now for me i like to use red hot peppers and also including the seeds and what does this do it increases your metabolism so you burn off more fat so if you can stand the heat then you will lose more weight but then again that depends on the hotness and how you like it get yourself a large pot and add about one to two tablespoons of olive oil but only a little bit do not over do this i like to add the hot peppers right now because i like it to mix with the oil and that way it will go more evenly in flavor around the soup now let's add the celery slices and the red pepper slices does this not look really really good now remember keep on stirring and stirring add about a quarter cup of tomato paste now with the heat on medium stir stir stir and stir now i'm adding the green onions and the tomatoes so let's get this thing going add your white or your green string beans and now here it comes the cabbage just pour it on just like this add three cans of tomato sauce and remember in the container there is more salsa wash it out with a little bit of water add two tablespoons of sweet paprika now if you want you can add more about two teaspoons of ground cumin and this will help you with the gas believe me we need it one teaspoon of hot chili powder but again this is an option but remember the more hot it is the better it is for you add two cubes of low sodium veggie stock and it has to be low sodium now let's fill up the pot with water and what i want you to do there's really no unique measurement here just get the water up to one inch up to the rim and start to stir again wow that looks really good so right now let's bring it up to a boil with the heat on high okay it's boiling now lower the heat down to low i want you to cover it and let it go for about 40 minutes okay it's been 40 minutes let's take a look at it oh my god is this not awesome so all you have to do now is have a light breakfast eat this for lunch eat this for dinner and voila the pounds will shred off so for now it is goodbye from tony and cooking around and i wish everybody good health goodbye now you
Channel: CookingaRound
Views: 285,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cookingaround, Magic Diet Soup, fast weight loss diets, losing weight fast, weight loss for women, weight loss diets, weight loss plan, best weight loss, quick weight loss, food for weight loss, weight loss plans, rapid weight loss, weight loss foods, diet soup diet, cabbage soup diet soup, diet with soup, fast weight loss, soup diet, safe weight loss, cabbage diet soup, diet cabbage soup, diet soup, how to lose weight, 3 day plan loss, mediterranean diet, keto diet
Id: ZbQevEiqHos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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