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foreign just when you thought tears of the Kingdom players couldn't get any smarter this clever engineer has discovered a way to make gears while all this bill does is turn a fan I'm sure we're gonna see some pretty spicy stuff soon the biggest function of gears in any mechanism is giving energy a way to travel from one side of the build to another or make it change directions as this build is doing here today it turns a fan tomorrow we get better functioning walkers [Music] this is one of the coolest hover builds I've seen yet Rockets lifted into the air and the hoverplay keeps it at the same level this kind of vehicle would work really great if you don't need to go up and down a lot [Music] thank you [Music] at first you might be thinking oh this is just a regular hoverbike I've seen this well that's what I thought too but then I saw this guy and realized I kind of got Rick Rolled foreign [Music] this is a very practical build for those of you who need to grab a bunch of naturally growing flowers grasses or fruits that grow on the ground there are two swords stretching across the wooden rectangle and the back bar catches any harvests all in all 9 out of 10 tractor it didn't have any Canon so we did have to deduct the point [Music] do you ever wish that you could Harvest fish just like that tractor Harvest Grain now you can just pump the Water full of electricity this shocks the fish to death they float to the surface and then you just catch them using the front of the boat [Music] foreign the build up for this vehicle made me really excited to see what it was now I'm just very disappointed especially since it doesn't even work [Music] you and I see three trees but this engineer sees an opportunity to remind the yiga clan that we are not afraid to use the nuclear option [Music] and while I'm sure there's a more efficient way to get that high up in the air this is still a really cool multi-stage rocket build [Music] foreign but this tricycle is built not for Speed but for insanely sharp turns [Music] never worry that you're gonna run out of battery while flying through this guy with this build you can extend that time to basically Infinity since you're not standing on the glider [Applause] thank you [Music] icy prime meat has a new function in tears of the kingdom it now acts as a small frictionless wheel allowing you to zoom at Mock speeds but also not allowing you to stop foreign [Music] this engineer made a battlemech that truly makes moblin's pick on some on their own size my favorite part is the stabbing arm that has an electrical spear attached to it [Music] oh yeah you've ever needed a little bit of extra protection in the abyss then this tank is for you keeping you safe inside a little box some lasers and cannons will make short work of any enemies you come across oh [Music] foreign this is one of the most insane designs I've ever seen with one flick of a switch the spring activates and Powers the propellers on the side allowing you to turn your car into a helicopter at will insanely clever and I'm very excited to see what other mechs are created using this design surprisingly we haven't seen too many water builds and I'm assuming that's because not much of the game is played on the water but it's still something to be investigated this particular build has an option for two speeds one with a single fan on the back and another with a big propeller on the top activated with a similar concept from the previous build [Music] ha ha ha ha [Music] I think we've all been here some korok wants to reach his friend but lil bro is too lazy or tired or whatever and now it's our problem well guess what rockets and bomb flowers thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: ZELDA WTF
Views: 48,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, zelda totk, zelda totk highlights, zelda gameplay, zelda totk building, new zelda, zelda build, vehicle, zelda totk funny, zelda totk moments, zelda funny moments, zelda funny, zonai builds, zonai devices, zelda nintendo, zelda 2, zelda totk gameplay, zelda breath of the wild 2, the legend of zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, breath of the wild, breath of the wild 2, zelda builds, zelda vehicles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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