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alright guys Wes here welcome back to the channel and today we've got some news to talk about four Zelda tears of the Kingdom as you guys know this game was way better than any of us expected it to be and I could not be happier about it I'm gonna go over some new leaks that were found in the game files as well as a new duplication glitch for 1.1.2's update after breath of the wild changed the way we looked at Zelda games and open world sandboxes as a whole and a lot of fans were concerned that Nintendo may not be able to fill their boots with this sequel but tears of the Kingdom blew all of my expectations out of the water and judging by the review scores and sales numbers I think it's safe to say that the Gaming Community as a whole agrees the sequel quickly became Nintendo's fastest selling game of all time and moved over 10 million units in just 3 days which is absolutely insane especially for a game that was released on only one system Nintendo surely has some big plans for the future of Zelda and in this video we're going to go over some of the rumors as well as new leaks and evidence that point towards a Zelda tears of the Kingdom DLC announcement in the very near future real quick guys do me a favor if you would like to win a PS5 and giving one away for 120 000 subscribers members if you'd like to enter all you have to do is subscribe to the channel comment your Twitter handle and then tweet me proof you're subscribed I've got the full details in the pinned comment so first and foremost let's go ahead and talk about the new duplication method that was discovered in tears of the Kingdom that may get patched in the near future but is incredibly valuable for current players to take advantage of players may have known about the original duplication glitch that was supposed to have been patched with the latest update but funny enough there's actually a new duplication glitch that's even more efficient than the original so there is a certain spot on the map that you go to as you guys can see in the gameplay right here but basically by angling yourself correctly in this cave and positioning your character between the depths and the not depths area you could draw a five shot bow and equip your diamonds or any other material that you could fuse to something before shooting them the projectiles will get stuck before falling down and boom you just duplicated a bunch of diamonds or whatever resource you choose just be sure not to hit the projectiles while they're stuck because they will destroy them before they could fall back down and be recollected again this glitch will likely be patched out by the next major update but it still works at the time I'm making this video so be sure to take advantage of it before Nintendo catches on and fixes it with the next update now if you're looking to continuously use this duplication method or you're still on a previous update then I think it's totally worth turning off the automatic updates or just playing the game offline so the game doesn't update so you could use the duplication glitch on whatever patch you're on until your heart's content now on the topic of the unintentional tiers of the Kingdom content a group of data miners recently discovered two unused paraglider Fabrics hidden in the game files of Tears of the Kingdom that looks pretty sweet the two Fabrics are called Princess Zelda and the Gerudo King Fabric and the game file seem to suggest they're unlocked with the amiibo compatibility but the amiibos that would seemingly unlock them don't actually exist which could tell us a bunch of things and the game files say that these Fabrics correspond with amiibo codes 1049 and 1050 but as of recording this video neither of those codes actually have a figure which seemed to suggest that Nintendo is planning on releasing new amiibos based on tears as a kingdom in the near future which I think is awesome news now another possible takeaway from these unreleased paraglider Fabrics is a DLC release Nintendo does like to release amiibo's alongside new game content with their already being digital content within tiers of the Kingdom that correspond to unreleased amiibo codes it basically confirms that at least two more amiibos are in the works but this could also mean that Nintendo is planning on releasing those amiibos alongside some kind of tiers of the Kingdom DLC because otherwise it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense obviously Nintendo is going to want to keep releasing amiibos but it also seems a little bit strange for them to just hot Drop two new amiibos out of the blue which leads me to believe that these new figures are going to correspond with some kind of DLC announcement or they're going to be revealed at an upcoming Nintendo Direct now as for when that announcement will be I do have a theory there's currently some rumors floating around the Nintendo is going to be holding a direct presentation in July or possibly at the end of June given that just about every major game company is holding some kind of presentation during the Spring and Summer this makes total sense to me personally Nintendo likes to do things their own way so I don't think they're gonna do a direct presentation too close to everyone else's but July sounds like a pretty solid time to say something about what they're up to now funny enough I think that July would be the perfect time for Nintendo to do some announcements primarily because if you look at the history Nintendo announced their switch OLED model in July and they also announced the switch light model in July as well so if they don't do a direct presentation in June rather they do an announcement of some kind in July then that would be a great time for them to announce let's say a new console alongside a general direct showcase where they also reveal DLC for tears of the Kingdom or possibly just these amiibos we also have to remember that tears of the Kingdom has only been out since May 12th so obviously it's still very early for Nintendo to be making any kind of major announcement whenever it comes to DLC or just extra updates and content even amiibos for that matter I think July is a solid time for Nintendo to make some kind of announcement for a new console but I just don't think that that's where they would do an expansion or any type of DLC content whenever they give us an announcement for the first DLC I think that's where the two amiibos will also be announced at the same time as a way to keep the hype train rolling I don't think the DLC will actually launch until late 2023 or even be unveiled around the time of the game awards if you look at the history Nintendo won game of the year for breath of the wild and that's also where they announced and just straight up hot dropped DLC 2 for breath of the wild so I think if history repeats itself then we're gonna be eating really good around the time of the game awards but as I said before I could totally see Nintendo announcing a new console with a new update to tears of the Kingdom that optimizes the game with that console and then alongside that console announcement they announced these new amiibos but they could just be waiting until the game awards or whenever they decide to announce DLC this does raise the question of size though some have suggested that tears of the kingdom is already too big of a game and there isn't really much a DLC could add to the experience that would be beneficial many open world expansions bring new areas along with them and obviously with how massive Zelda's current game world is that might be a bit of a tall order honestly I don't know how much extra world could even be added to tears of the Kingdom at this point point and I'm worried about potential technical issues that could be introduced with that as the game doesn't really run amazingly as it is but don't get me wrong Nintendo has worked some magic to get this game running as consistently as it does on a 10 year old SOC in the first place but adding more to the map might push things a little too far however I don't think that that means DLC is any less likely or any less of a good idea the expansion pass for breath of the wild was wildly successful get it see what I did there and I think with the ultra hand ability and fuse they could add a ton of new building items they'll expand how we play and interact with the game right now in all honesty I think they've already planned out the expansion and it's really only a matter of time before we get the update like I said I don't necessarily think that here's the kingdom expansion needs to be map based at all in fact I think most players would prefer it if the DLC was more focused on the story and expanded upon the aspects of the game that is already there here's the kingdom of story wasn't as involved as some other Zelda games which is fair enough I personally love the story I felt like it was such a poetic ending and I would not trade that for anything but with how much this game expanded the gameplay and gameplay loop as well as the open world to explore a paid expansion could be the perfect opportunity to expand the world we're running around in and give us some more lore personally I'd be perfectly happy with that ultimately though there's always room for more content in a game like this because it truly is an open World sandbox game but I still think Nintendo has to be careful with how they do it here's the kingdom is already on the edge for being a little bit too big for the average player and while people like you and me may love the massive size of the game as well as the depth Nintendo might want to tread lightly when it comes to actually expanding the scope of the game and that's not even considering the possible technical limitations that they may run into if that's the route they choose to take another way the expansion can be worth it other than just expanding the map could be with some new crafting items or just a deepening of the game's mechanics the crafting system was an awesome addition to the game and it's a technical Marvel that a system like the Nintendo switch was able to handle it on top of the gigantic open world map so making it even better could be a nice way of making the expansion worthwhile there's obviously the challenge aspect as well where if you remember the first DLC of breath of the wild we got the trial of the sword so I think something like that in this game would work really well maybe have it in the depths this time or even just in the sky with a set of new expansion Islands it's like just a giant challenge where you can increase the energy of the master sword but I also think making some kind of expansion exclusive items would be a nice way to encourage people to Fork over the money and if Nintendo did that on top of some new story elements they could easily make this one of the best expansions in gaming history it'll have some pretty big shoes to fill considering the master trials and the Champions ballad were some amazing content but I think the tears of the Kingdom could take it to an entirely new level Zelda tears of the Kingdom hasn't even been out for a full month at the time of this video's production and yet it's been making some insane waves throughout the industry and has already cemented itself in gaming history not only is it a massive financial success but it's a huge technical achievement considering the hardware that it was built for and Nintendo is going to keep the hype train rolling over the next few years similar to how they handled breath of the wild but what would you like to see from a Zelda tears the kingdom expansion what are some ways you could see Nintendo expand upon the base game yeah guys that's gonna wrap it up with this video if you guys would like to enter the giveaway for the PS5 all you have to do is subscribe comment your Twitter handle and tweet me proof you're subscribed I've got more details in the pinned comment also I'm going to be streaming the Xbox game showcase if so if you guys would like to watch that it'll be happening this Sunday as I'm recording this video on 6 12 of 2023 and if you're still watching this video right now I really appreciate your support thank you all for watching and until next time this has been Wes and I'll talk to you guys again soon [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: WesNemo
Views: 140,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom, breath of the wild 2, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, legend of zelda, zelda totk, tears of the kingdom gameplay, zelda tears of the kingdom leaks, zelda, nintendo switch, zelda totk news, zelda tears of the kingdom rumors, zelda totk leaks, zelda totk update, zelda tears of the kingdom update, Zelda Totk Dupe Glitch, 1.1.2 Update, best dupe glitch, zelda totk dlc, zelda totk expansion, Zelda totk Expansion Pass
Id: qA2heWGdLGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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