Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom High Level Combat Explained

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previously we uploaded a video showing off high level combat and tears of the Kingdom you asked how to pull some of this off so we'll break down exactly what happened behind the scenes and give a couple gameplay tips along the way as well we first started off fighting a flux construct to preface this fight several flux construct Arenas and tears of the Kingdom take place in Low Gravity locations and these moon jump locations change movement in combat quite a bit so let's watch this first part then go back and break it down oh from the beginning to dodge the flux constructs punch we pivot Shield jump to get out of the way she'll jump into Dodge attacks is fairly straightforward walk in the direction you want to dodge jump then press ZL and a together but by pivoting by pressing R beforehand helps us by making link face the enemy properly while doing so otherwise you often just face in the direction of the shield jump making you waste time turning the camera back around so instead Jump Then R to Pivot forwards then ZL and a let's move after any Shield jump pressing y will spin your Shield which I'm gonna be honest is mostly just for style points but also helps me visually time what's coming up next then comes a bombshield launch landing on the ground with a bomb fused to your Shield will launch you Skyward and is exponentially more powerful during low gravity so much so that for combat I often go too high so here I hold R to heavy dive to literally air break myself mid-air to stay a tad lower to the ground then pulling the paraglider and switching to a cannon fused Shield while Shield surfing points the cannon downwards making an aerial bombardment flux constructs are very weak to explosive attacks so even if the shots aren't a direct hit to the weak spot it can still knock them apart pretty easily after a couple more attacks the construct heads for the skies and level 3 flux constructs fly super high up fortunately rocket Shield surfing in low gravity is pretty overpowered once gives decent horizontal distance but canceling that with b and re-rocket shielding gives link much more vertical momentum instead combining this with low gravity the full Glide suit and tapping are for a light dive gives link absolutely insane momentum and movement mid-air this on its own is extremely useful for traversal as well foreign and his Squad Who start off by throwing a boulder this as you can see can be recalled for a moment then ascended through the timing and aim of ascent is a bit tricky but it is totally possible backflipping into bullet time and firing off a Dazzle fruit first causes the entire Squad to drop their Shields and making follow-up shots a lot easier we then approach them head on and do something kind of confusing first we use the rocket Shield pretty simple but once we reach the peak of our Ascent we hold five bombs this will drop them directly out of Link's pocket and cause them to start Falling Towards the ground but in superhero fashion we immediately heavy dive to beat our own bombs back to the ground we paraglide the split second before we touch the ground to not damage ourselves although with the upgraded wingsuit that doesn't really matter then bring up our shield and perform a shield block reset against our own falling bomb explosion it's pretty hard to see here but let's go over what a Shield block reset is it's a combat technique that carried over from breath of the wild in which you jump into any attack while shielding which pops you up into the air resetting your jump and giving you the ability to jump again just high enough to enter bullet time so one more time quickly we rocket Shield up drop the bombs quickly dive to beat our bombs back to the ground and shield block reset against the bombs that are falling above us this whole sequence is called a dive bomb SBR we then throw nadra's Boomerang which freezes targets and Rocket Shield jump over the enemies so it comes back around to freeze them on the return back killing several of them off-screen then like before we bomb Shield launch again but do something a little fancy at the end for a split second we tap r to light dive tap b to cancel the dive then hold y to charge jump attack backwards if you've watched tears of the Kingdom speedruns this is actually a speed run strategy called mazdor jumping where doing this gives massive backwards momentum in the air doing this with the Glide set however massively increases the distance causing link to fly backwards at incredible speeds far enough to go all the way back and slam on the remaining foes what the here again we Face Off against the boss bakoblin and a squad of a goblets as same as before we do a pivot Shield jump but with a wing Shield which gives us a much higher Shield jump high enough to do bullet time on flat ground then we use the multi-shot Great Eagle bow with time bombs this great Eagle bow however is glitched to have five shots instead of three using a glitch called weapon state transfer unfortunately I won't go into explaining how you do it because it's fairly complex and there's multiple methods across multiple patches but just know that it is possible this is extremely useful because for the price of one time bomb multi-shot bows actually spawn all three or five bombs essentially duplicating your own bombs making a massive pile of ticking time bombs so this is totally possible with the vanilla 5 shot Savage Lionel bow as well using a rocket Shield will get you out of Harm's Way and above the fight to rain hell on the enemies on the way back down foreign [Music] this is when it gets a bit tricky in this clip we quickly Parry then shock the moblin with an electric weapon we do this because a moblin's head is held high while shocked which is actually incredibly important we fuse an ice Key's eyeball to our Arrow then fire right at the moblin's chest there's a lot of things going on here so let's start with the bow the bow we have here is a royal guards bow a low durability but powerful single shot bow but in this case this bow is a times 5 multi-shot Bow using the glitch we mentioned before side note bows that are not supposed to have multi shots but are forcefully glitched to do so makes the multi-shot extremely wide this can be used in our favor the second part of this is a special ability with keys eyeballs a Nifty combat technique called keys orbiting if arrows are shot near an enemy's head at certain angles and distances it will home in on the head for the headshot but miss it and fly around the back side of the enemy to orbit back around for a second helping this can set up some really neat combos to have delayed attacks come several seconds after shooting your initial arrows so by firing the glitched Royal Guards bow at this distance with the moblins held up high from the shock damage and firing at the moblin's chest the middle Arrow directly hits the moblin freezing it while the two left and right Arrows fly past still aiming for the head and instead orbit back around the back side of the moblin as a second missile volley you can see it start to come back around at this part here we then throw the farage reaper to make ourselves empty-handed allowing us to use an optional technique gained in a side quest called the earthquake technique this home's in on opponents and knocks them up for extra damage while this is all happening the keys orbiting arrows start to arrive and land on the moblin at the same time making for quite a scene of the moblin getting bombarded by attack after attack the final Arrow comes in to finally freeze the moblin and we go for a simple bomb Shield launch and slam back down to finish off our foe foreign [Music] foreign this short clip on this Lionel starts with a random two-handed jump attack which is then stopped with the ability menu then switching Shields to suddenly enter bullet time this is l cancel the base technique of the infinite High glitch to cancel most animations by bringing up the L menu then switching Shields this lets link cancel the slam attack while being up in the air to use bullet time instead and headshot the Lionel but on our way up we switch to a rocket Shield which moves us just a tad closer towards the Lionel and go into bullet time headshot slam yada yada side note though generally when shooting from above tapping R to start diving then pressing ZR for bullet time will give you this diving shot effect not only looking cool but also giving you a slightly better picture to see opponents [Music] huh in this final clip we're gonna see some repeats of previous techniques we Shield block reset against a Lionel's attack to get bullet time headshot it then Keys orbit a couple times like before just with fire key size instead we run back to do a familiar pivot Shield jump but this time with rocket Shields and it gets a bit more specific Shield jumping forwards with rocket Shields is easy there's enough momentum for a link to keep his shield surfing but when pivot Shield jumping backwards with rocket Shields there actually isn't enough momentum to keep link standing on his shield therefore not enough time for the Rocket Motors to spin up and turn on so in this case you have to Shield spin by pressing y to force link to stay on the shield giving time for the Ruckus to ignite and sending link on his way it's neat that in this case you have to use style in order for this trick to work then switching to a bomb fuse Shield midair will do the regular bomb Shield launch which then pops link up into the air for bullet time all while the orbiting key size arrived to bombard the poor Lionel over and over then most players know that you can mount headshots on lionels and get a couple free extra hits in finally we shoot another volley of Time Bomb multi-shot arrows like we did in a previous clip as we Dismount the Lionel then not to get ourselves killed we quickly fuse one of them to our Shield so we can bomb Shield launch above fun side fact about these multi-shot time bombs each one is fusible and easy and cheap way to get a bunch of Time Bomb fused shields in a row after the final bomb Shield launch we dive in and go for the final kill shot with some bomb arrows hopefully you learned something in this in-depth breakdown of some interesting combat Tech that can maybe spark some ideas of your own because that's what this game is all about sharing ideas with others and building upon them for unlimited creativity if you enjoyed this let us know with a like and of course for everything else tears of the Kingdom keep it here on Gamespot [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 535,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the legend of zelda, tears of the kingdom, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom combat, open world, action, action rpg, link, zelda, gaming, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: eM88KYxs4DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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