America Is Falling Get a Residency In Africa See the Scenery of My Drive to Zanzibar Immigration

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okay shalom shalom I'm on my way down to immigrations in Zanzibar so I'm trying to uh obtain my residency so I'm going to let you get some of the view as I drive down to down there two immigrations let me get this all right for you right now I'm leaving flum toown this morning just stayed here last night let me get let you get a view see some of the scenery all righty hopefully that stay let you see what I see you know all righty mother Africa be calling it's your brother Bessel yahuda Israel also known as Eric hit that like button hit that like button see they out here doing a lot of work over here trying trying to uh get this place finished up this it's going to be a massive it's a massive project and uh actually that's what brings me here this place FBA Town although I right now I'm not living in F town again you watching my videos I just I tell I I let you know that I I'm oh man I'm hitting all kinds of buttons so yeah trying to adjust sorry about the adjustment but anyway of the camera what you see so yeah I'm here I mean I'm I'm not living in fumba town I visit here now stayed here for 3 months and uh but you know because my Apartments haven't been completed I don't see why I should be paying rent to someone else you know what I mean when I got an apartment on the other side of town that I'm that's free for me because it's paid for and it's completed so I come here to visit now until my apartments are ready and uh I stay up in p on the other side of the island you see it you know I'm on the beach all the time up there you know it's really nice so it's nice here and it's nice there too you know so I got the best of both worlds especially when they complete my Apartments but hang in there with me I'm on my way down to immigrations and see what's going on I put my paperwork in well you call it paperwork but I did everything over the computer and I've been down to immigrations on several occasions and I've been trying to get them to you know push my thing through you know because you know I'm trying to have long and be able to stay here long long term without having to you know keep on leaving the country and coming back in cuz every 90 days you have to leave the country every 90 days um if you want if you just have a a multip a multiple entry visa and that's that's the most popular Visa that people get is a tourist visa so you know I try to um I try to go ahead and knock that thing out so that way I can get residency so I I done dted all my eyes crossed all my te's they didn't sent my stuff back on numerous occasions I done did everything that they ask for now so what's the excuse I've been waiting now for like almost two months yeah mon and a half two months I don't know but anyway I'm going to go down here I want to see what's up so uh roll with me as I drive down here yeah these uh these asbar roads boy I tell you they can uh they can make you work some of them you know so you trying I'm trying to uh preserve my axles on my car you know this this this this vehicle I need this this vehicle hey look and listen to this one of the local guys he his hoes everywhere right there I'm talking up one of the local guys I met young guy he was he was uh driving for you know drive me around as a taxi so I he I guess he would rent a vehicle and then he would uh taxi it out after he rented it so anyway he uh drive me around so you know it got expensive for me I thought it was kind of like ridiculous to keep on spending all this money and travel cuz I I I got to go places you know so then you got to pay them for their time because like if I go to the beach mean I you drop me off you got to come back and get me or you going to sit there and wait so you know I got to pay you know even though the m is not that expensive but it it adds up after a while so I was like and then some of them tried to go up on me they was asking for too not this guy but they were asking for too much money and I knew they were taking advantage of me because they knew that I had an American accent so I went on and purchased this vehicle I got start driving anyway this this young man who I you know him driving me around he know he's no longer driving I guess he's not renting the Vans to drive right now he gets in touch with me and he tells me yeah um Kaka he's telling me I I need to use your your your your car to take care of some things you know and uh you know I was like wow that's a lot to ask I'm just going to turn my car over to you I thought that was funny though because you know I had love for him but I'm not this is my only horse right now right I'm not turning my horse over to you so anyway I'll give him a ride here and there but he wants me to give him a ride like an hour and 15 minutes away even at night and all that stuff I'm like man I'm going have to hurt your feelings cuz I can't see at night and I guess I can let him drive too but what if he hit a pth hole and break my axle or something you know what I mean I I don't really want to do that so anyway I'm going go down here to immigrations and uh hopefully you get to see the views of everything that's going on on my way check it out check it out check it out hit that like button y'all mother AF be calling your brother betel Yoda Israel also known as Eric give me some love hit that like button button hit that like button hey and my Char Hill Family on here come on now you know well I grew up in Baltimore Char Hill yeah I grew up in the project somewhat you know and uh you I want y'all y'all got to look out for me y'all got to spread this share it like it hit that like button subscribe you know uh come on now won't hurt you hit that like button check out the scenery right here in Africa Zanzibar man I like Zanzibar I'm go other places I went to Kenya as you can see some of my uh video my videos my previous video as I was in K I like Kenya too but I'm I Kenya I like really like Kenya so um probably go there back there do want to get get around want to get over to G get over to the west side of Africa I plan on you know y'all willing getting that done I I want to see my brothers and sisters over there in Ghana just doing it like I want to meet Alita Alita is Israel and I I like to meet um let's see what's my man um can't think of his name right now what's wrong with me but it'll come to me I want to meet you know some of the YouTubers that's over there that's doing it I see him as family I follow them I have followed them and um so hope they all start checking me out I actually would like to to uh get with some of them and let them come and stay with me at my apartment and then I go over to Ghana and stay with them you know what I mean I show them around over here in East Africa on the east side and I'm talking about oh the guy remember zock I love zock I love his Spirit you check out his channel I do love his Spirit you know I I just like how I just like how he his intro too you know how he just says uh got to get that wisdom got to get that knowledge got to get that Divine understanding that's my man I love his dude you know so I haven't met him I would like to meet him and uh I just like his spirit so so uh he's over in Ghana and uh he's doing his thing over there he loves Ghana he's getting married so I I I like to check out his YouTube channel it's many others one of my favorites my man who really uh one of the first that I was following you know he he interviewed me go black to Africa go black is the man go black has uh definitely did his thing over here in the motherland and what he has inspired he has inspired a lot of people to uh return to the motherland and even myself you know I I got you know a lot from just watching him this brother I had it in me anyway you know I had the desire I always had it when I was young I just knew that you know um you know that U America America was not my home you know um it's just it's still in us it's still in us you know what I mean because it's in our DNA you know it's like if you take a lion out of his uh natural Hab habitat you take him out of out of the Jungle if you want to say the jungle but you take him out of there and you let him mate and then he produce Offspring The Offspring never been to the true native land of that uh lion which would be in somewhere in Africa put them in a zoo take them up they all over in America and everything right but let me say this to you don't you not think ever believe that that cat the ones that was born in captivity that never seen their Homeland don't you never think that the inst think of their Homeland is not still in them it pops up it pops up is there so that's how that's how we are you know some of us you know we just like you know we just got a feeling that it's like you know um the the land that I'm born in is not n native to my spirit so you know and that's a good thing so check out the scenery uh this morning watch yourself on that scooter yeah so I got another month and I'll be back in the US got to return and uh so it'll be it would be 6 months in the motherland when I returned that I I I had got the opportunity to be have a 6mon run how good is that you know a 6mon vacation in the motherland how blessed am I man some beautiful people my brother Max over there and his wife and his family man what a what a good person praise yah he he knows who he is Hebrew Israelite obeying those Commandments the brother is striving brother Max love to you brother he calls me big brother it's it's an endearing term because it's funny because I do I I refer to my Elder Brothers it's the same thing and I'm like when I got here and he start calling me that I was like man it's like he's in my head because you know I have you know older brothers that I look up to the older men and I called them old as I am but some of them older than me I call him big brother and this this brother just came out and start referring to me as Big Brother you know I'm a little older than him and um and I said wow he sound just like me so we got a lot common and uh brother's over here doing his thing he is on to come up you know working on all things that he's going to do here in this motherland regard regarding business and opportunity the brother is bright I listen to him talk I watch the things he do and uh most important though is is that he understands that he is the one of the chosen of Yahweh and uh he's he's living it you know he's he's he's living it you know he and his family so anyway shout out to brother Max much love to you my brother we going to do this thing together you know what I mean so whatever he needs or whatever I help him and it's vice versa so yeah anyway um yeah so what you think hopefully you enjoy the scenery maybe it's early in the morning you don't have nothing better to do you said let me check out brother Bessel Yehuda Israel find out what he's doing over in the motherland you know so there you go let you see some more scenery and oh yeah another thing shout out to my my my big brother we Clos some age he got about two years but that's my brother they call him Doc it's the a I ain't put his whole name out there call him doc Anthony that's my brother everybody know who he is yeah me and him man we've been rolling since I was probably like in the third or fourth grade and it ain't been no stopping ain't going to be no stopping we going to do this thing till the caset drop you hear what I'm saying so shout out to him much love to him we talk all the time you know since I've been over here I only changes our physical distance but other than that we keep communicating that's with love and friendship and Brotherhood is all about you know he was always positive about me doing this thing right here you know even though that's not his thing you know uh coming to Africa right now he probably want to visit but just to come to live you know he's doing his thing in his family but you know he's all positive with me yeah bro basically do what you do what you love you know what I mean so that's type of person he is so anyway still got to duck a few PES while I'm talking man yeah so anyway getting there it's a little ride got some I got a little I got a little less than a half a tank of gas it's good and it's a lot of riding on this uh this island this island is not it's it's I mean you know it's seem to be big to me because I mean it takes a long time to get the places long rides so it's not small to me it's big I have not even tapped into a lot of the island but is so we're going past uh the airport over there where that fence is you can see it's like a fence but airport is back over there somewhere right here you know if you you can look at this and it's undeveloped in many areas you know like it it's not like you know like America it's sidewalks everywhere and uh buildings are pretty much finished and and I'm and I'm not you know I know we have the uh slums in America where you know it gets uh dilapidated and in in places in rugged I'm just speaking of nice places like this right here someone would say wow this is like you know his country is not really uh finished right develop but let me say this to you some people say ah you know I don't look good you know but I see Beauty in not necessarily the buildings I see beauty in the land the buildings are put up and buildings can be taken down but the untapped land and uh the scenery you know what I mean you can you can do a lot I love the the just the trees and all the greenery you know and the things that come from the Father the nature not the things that men have messed with I like the idea that you could just go out on any day and just go pick some fruit off of a tree and eat it right there right there just eat it right there come on now I I love that like and it's and it's like natural you know what I mean it's not plant that's what's amazing over here in Africa right you could go and you could plant a tree you can do that you can plant a tree um in uh Africa you I mean in America you can plant a tree and um you know grow different things right and that's good I carage that but over here they are like trees that that are just naturally just there you know they came nobody planted them you know just nature I like that I like that and then I love eating off of them and I love to just go and eat off the trees and don't even wash the fruit or whatever off just go ahead and eat it because it has a natural like when you don't wash it off there the fruit has natural things that protect it natural coats a natural coat on it that protects it right and um you eat that and it's helping your body too right so I mean it's it's right there in the tree what's what can get to it no pesticides none of that kind of stuff you know nothing so you just eat it and and it's good for you you know I like doing that yeah and I have done it I kind of lost a lot of weight being over here you know I'm smaller you know in my size but that's because I'm eating foods that are that are not um pumped up with steroids and different different things that I don't know about you know this this food is I'm eating a lot of natural food and so now my body is like you know is I'm more healthier I feel great I I could get bigger if I eat more and you know pump myself up but I would definitely have to eat more because I'm like eating well I'm eating a little less too because I don't know you probably really I think and this could be just me but I feel like the food over here is kind of like it's more satisfying when I eat it lasts longer I'm not constantly needing to eat so you know I don't know what's going on with the foods in the US as far as like is it something they put in it to make you just want to keep eating or whatever because you probably just eating dead food that's a lot of times you know so your body is not really getting what it needs it's like okay you you you are you satisfy your hunger and you eat all right and then but you don't know that the food is dead from the chemicals and all the stuff they did to the food is really eat dead food so your body is like it gets satisfied right away but it is not getting everything it want so you got to constantly eat your body is like still hungry when it shouldn't be like right away your body is hungry again when it shouldn't be and that's that's probably based on just eating dead food you don't even know it you know the food is does not have the the live nutrients in it and so that's why you probably had so many people obese and and got all these diseases and different things you know and eventually all of us you know will have to deal with something over there because they have allowed the the the FDA has allowed any and everything to be put in the food like like they they now what allowing uh them to take animal cells let the these companies that take animal cells and grow meat in the lab off the animal cells now when you get to that point the you know it's over with a society is over with when you when the government allow such a wicked thing how do you how do you justify that and and basically you know I did a video on that you could check back too it was a good video um in my YouTube channel I mean how do you justify allowing a company to make me off an animal cell and grow meat you know if the meat is growing soon as you eat it it's going to be in your your body you are what you eat so now all your organs going to probably start growing like your heart like your liver like like everything you know what I mean so so now the government allows this so so now think about this now let's go here think about it the only reason why they would want to grow meat in a lb is because what they're trying to do is greed Corner the market meaning that if they growing meat in a lab and they're selling it right then the farmers are now who you know people who you know raise chickens and do stuff like that think about it they are now going to be put out of business because they can grow meat in the lab and grow it quick that means they don't have to worry about you know Farmers they got to like uh feed feed the flock you know they have the the animals have the grads need a lot of land and different things like that to to uh to grow right and so but hey if you going to do if you going to uh do that let let the animals be going into uh I mean let the meat be made in a lab then you don't have to feed the animals you don't need a lot of uh uh you don't need a lot of room for for uh animals to graze or anything like that it's it's cheaper so you can produce meat quicker and at a cheaper cost and so but at the expense of the people you know what I mean and so therefore it'll be killing us but yet they're making money but they did let them do it they let them do it you know FDA approved it I'm here at immigrations I'mma walk up I'm I'm I'mma let you see it but I know they're not going to let me bring this camera inside so let me uh I'm I I'll tell you what happened when I come out but uh let me let you see what it looks like immigrations oh man let's get out of [Applause] here that's immigration's right there you can see that sign right there let me there it is right here all right move up so there it is immigrations that's that's the office right here and yeah so let me go in here here see what I can get done all right so I'll be back with you soon hold on brother brother Bess yah Israel also known as Eric I'll come back after I go to immigrations so I'm in immigrations right here the immigrations office give you a sneak peek sneak peek at the immigrations office I'm on my way out and uh yeah so I'm on my way out let me cut it off before they get there [Music] okay okay family I just left the immigration's office and uh yeah so didn't work out in my favor so far because their computers were down so I couldn't really get any anything done but I did uh the the immigration officer that was uh communicating with me he had a positive vibe the brother just said you know take my number whatever call me and I appreciate that cuz he showed me he turned the computer around and show showed me which he did not have to do that the computers are down so anyway um I'm now on my way headed headed up to my apartment and it's a long ride y'all it's a real long ride um it's in P it's on the other side one of another part of the island so here let me let you get some of the scenery again we're going to roll we going to roll get this scenery up in here some of the scenery let's get started Let's Get It Started mother Africa mother Africa be calling it's your brother b y Israel also known as Eric I know this I'm making noise with this camera trying to get it done yeah there we go get back out here oh you go driving and driving is not for the for the Fain of heart I'm telling you driving here is serious you know so I'm backing out now trying not to tear something up you know got just scraped up the front of my car backing out I knew it was going to happen It's just tough tough tough I hope it lasts let me turn around got to get it got to get it got to get it got to get it got to get it here it come all righty yeah check out the scenery right ahead I don't know if you can see it but as I'm going straight you'll see these apartments right here it's like they look like gray have a denzy look like a molding look these this is government housing and this is how it looks up here in xan bar let me see drive by the side check them out this is how they look right there right there that building that's one of them it's one of the buildings that's government housing over there so they do have government housing here really don't feel like taking this ride it's a long ride and I'm hungry so might get something later on today well me take a and get some breakfast little later this ride is at least an hour it's from where I am at least probably about an hour and 10 minutes hour 15 minutes maybe hour 20 I don't know it depends on on how things go with respect to some traffic so I was uh the terrain was pretty rough on this this trip but uh it still is but not as bad now because government laid down a new road and some and and one of the locals showed me how to navigate around a real rough terrain so the you know he took me to some better roads get where where I need to go so I mean I appreciate it he he helped me out I mean because that's like it's a fight it's been a fight you know going up and down these roads but he the way he showed showed me which no one else has shown me even the drivers when I was getting rides like you know cabs we call them cabs in the US but anyway when I was getting their drivers to drive me back and forth they didn't even know this they didn't know about these the these back road at least I don't think they did because they were dealing with the terrain you know the rough terrain and I'm like why wouldn't you just do this but that new road wasn't up yet but still the new road doesn't take you the entire way so you still would have to go through some of the old roads so but this one uh local showed me all that the new road inhal and other roads that I didn't know about back roads everything to duck a lot of the like pot potholes and different things like that so I appreciate the brother for showing me that he's a good brother too I like him he does work for me does good work builds things for me he built me a um I'm I'll show it to you he built me a sofa uh and it's a a um sofa bid he built it told me I'mma stay up I'mma stay up all night or whatever something like that he said I'm I'm going to do it quick and he did it delivered that delivered that thing to me I think he took maybe like two days to do it two days well two days to build it it took him some time to get the material so you know but once he got the once he got the material I think it took him like two days very talented maybe I'll let you meet him yeah so check out the scenery it's going to you going to see some real Beauty once I get like on the main roads and stuff for like these New Roads oh man unap Beauty I mean just ah unbelievable you know I I'll show you you'll see that's the zbar like Internal Revenue building I just passed that right there too I had to go in there before as well I'm all over this place boy Bessel yahuda get also known as Eric I mean I do stuff I'm everywhere I came here hey I consider this my home my home so I go out and I get it get it done I do things you know in life you have to uh you know do do your dreams you know as long as they're good not anything that's detrimental do your dreams don't be afraid you know don't don't be locked in to what you know everything you were born into you know like it's more more in the world it's more to the world a whole lot more to the world and you you have to you know you know not be afraid get out and do stuff you'll find so much peace I believe you know you'll meet a lot a lot of people interesting people that uh give you a different perspective on life Sometimes good sometimes bad ain't always good but you learn from the bad you know it's as well as you can learn from the good you can learn from the bad so yeah check out the scenery back down down near that airport again so all this spot right here you already seen so I won't I won't I won't bore you you saw that coming when I was going to immigrations now I'm returning but when I get to I'm when I get to roads that you haven't seen I'm going come back in and let you see the travel the beauty and uh as I travel to my AP so hold coming back time just made a up because the days don't feel long enough and I'm tired of wasting time what if Now's the Time to just try to fly and I don't want to say that I wasted my life when I could have found what was waiting for me what if this not what I'm thinking it could be much more than that and what if I need to give up on Fear about something I never had maybe I'm just Teri but they tell me a caterpillar T into a butterfly
Channel: MotherAfricaBeCalling
Views: 668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PI8vRC65CN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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