Zaku II Development History (Ground and Marine Units)

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[Music] following Zeon's invasion of earth development of Zaku specifically for use on the planet was a given using the already tried and true Zaku to f-type as a basis various ground and marine units were developed starting off with the ground units we first got the MSO 6j Zaku to ground type visually it was very difficult to tell the j type apart from the f-type the only way to do so was to look at the verniers or the lagg they're off since they were useless on the J type they were removed resulting in a lighter machine to other improvements for the ground pounder were an upgraded reactor to better deal with gravity and better environmental isolation this also gave it limited underwater capabilities weapons on the other hand were identical whatever the F type could use the J tab could also use although there are a few weapons that are more synonymous with the J type because they were more commonly used on earth these were d like mad at triple missile launchers and the Miguel atop cannon as supplies were getting stricter on earth several Zeon engineers came up with the idea that the main cannon of the Megillah attack would work pretty well as a heavier artillery weapon and since most lockers on earth for probably J tags by this time the weapon seems to be mostly linked to them nowadays just as the f-type the J type also featured a number of variations the first one was a minor upgrade in the form of the JC type and again the unit is visually mostly identical to its predecessor the only ways to distinguish them is that some units were known to use a spike shield on the right shoulder and that their standard-issue paint job was slightly different other than these minor visual differences the unit featured better thrusters and an overhauled cockpit it was now moved to the middle of the body had its ergonomics improved and also had additional screens another variant was known as the je type but at the moment very little is known about this unit all records seem to have been lost and we currently only know about the head of unit so as far as the head goes it had a wiper for the mono eyes shield to improve its all-weather performance a bigger upgrade was the MS o 6g Zaku to high mobility ground type when the goof is being developed Zeon ik engineers realized that one of the biggest improvements were the leg mounted thrusters so plans were made to retrofit these thrusters onto j-type suckers as a result the G type had unmistakable goof esketh eyes that also allowed for the elimination of the external power pipes of their obvious differences were a new shoulder shield a very goof esque shoulder pauldron and a high-performance backpack that wasn't par with the JC type and also included a powerful antenna all of this made the g type into a highly mobile machine that was one of the most powerful ground units of the one year war for weaponry it could again use all of the standards or equipment but it would be mostly seen with either two giant bazooka or an upgraded version of the soccer machine gun that now also had a barrel shroud however shortly after this powerful Zaku was rolled out development of the goof was completed so after only 50 G types were produced production shifted to the goof still they were popular and one customized unit would continue to see action after the one year war after it was purchased from the black market this unit was initially known as as aku to high mobility type Dean West custom and after being damaged it was upgraded into the MS o6g Zaku to high mobility ground type plus R type legs plus VF custom arm I think the upgrades speak for themselves a more specialized version was the MSO 6 DS aku desert type and this time telling it apart from the regular Zaku was quite easy aside from the stronger armor it also had dust proof joints and the regular backpack was now replaced with a heatsink esque radiator backpack to make up for the loss of thrust auxiliary thrusters were installed on the waist and the legs that gave it better mobility on the vast savannas and the deserts that it would be operating in in terms of weaponry they could again use the regular Zaku weapons but they would be almost exclusively seen with a specifically designed lightweight version of the soccer machine gun for heavier firepower done they could be equipped with a rat's Ripper three tube missile pod on the left arm shield and they rats Ripper p3 twin tube missile pod on each side skirt originally two versions of the Zaku desert type were produced the twin rod antenna version and the single blade antenna version both received an initial production run of 43 units and later a second production run of 28 single blade antenna units was approved this resulted in a total of 114 desert types produced at the California base that were then shipped to various fronts in Africa the single antenna units were most famously used by the Garibaldi team in the Gambian Sahara and a twin antenna units were most famously tested and used by the caracal unit who operated from the Libyan desert to the west bank of the Suez Canal while it's not known exactly when the desert types were rolled out it was at the time that the goof is already in development it has also been suggested that the second run of the desert saw Cruise was slightly improved with a better cooling backpack wider armour materials and redesigned dust covers then after the one year war some of these units were further upgraded by Zeon remnants into the MSO cigs the desert Zaku although despite sharing the same model number and a very similar name the desert Zaku was quite a radical departure its armor was overhauled it was outfitted with even more sand filters for ambushes in the desert and the generator was now replaced with a significantly more powerful one despite supposedly being made with parts stolen from Federation basis they all have a surprisingly uniform look with the exception of the desert Zaku used by desert Rommel also they can use jet skis as in skis with jets on them one of the main reasons that the Earth Federation was able to stay in the war was thanks that her absolute air superiority throughout all of the one year war with Zeon's only fighter being the less than ideal Dopp another solution was needed to combat the Federation's fighters and bombers this and resulted in the MS o6k Zaku cannon type again developed at Zeon's california base the K type was unfortunately less successful than the D type this was mainly due to a mid development shift of focus after witnessing the power of the Federation's gun cannon it was decided to turn to K type into an anti Mobile Suit artillery unit rather than an anti-air unit for this purpose it was then fitted with a new backpack that featured two big gun rocket launchers and a single 180 millimeter cannon this thing had enough power to tear through an enemy mobile suit but the recoil also unbalanced the Zaku itself however it seems that the need for an artillery support unit was greater than the balance issues even though official records showed that only nine units were produced many more units have been spotted throughout the years both during and after the one year war and these were all equipped with a variety of standard Zaku weaponry in addition to the already mounted weaponry typically the units had a single antenna but there was also a version with a twin blade antenna such as ace pilot Ian Graydon's unit because of the way the antennas looked this version was nicknamed the Zaku cannon raveh type one cool feature of the Zaku cannon was that its backpack was quite modular the big guns could be removed the 180 millimeter cannon could be replaced with a 120 millimeter Gatling and the whole backpack itself could also relatively easily be replaced with that of a standard J type vis then also meant that the opposite was possible resulting in the MSO 6jk Zaku half cannon and of course this unit was again developed at the california base this unit was quite literally a standard type with the K times backpack and shoulder armor while it could technically use the 180 millimeter cannon it presumably stuck with the 120 millimeter Gatling since the recoil issues would probably be even worse on a regular Zaku a final unit that was developed from the J type was the prototype goof but for obvious reasons we won't be talking about that in this video [Music] instead we're moving on to the Marines awkies dubbed the MSO six m1 Zaku marine type this Zaku was the first ever true amphibious mobile suit but it wasn't necessarily the first successful one the marine type was merely an f-type with waterproof seals on the joins a slightly different head that now also had Vulcan guns and hydro jet engines on the back the arms and the legs originally five units were produced and sent the deceased serpent submarine squadron for testing but these machines proved quite unsatisfactory they were on streamlined sluggish underwater and their waterproof joints simply weren't quite waterproof than in terms of weaponry they would typically use the Sept walk gun standing for submarine rocket and 2 for tube 240 millimeter rocket pods but despite their shortcomings their story didn't end here two more units were produced their model number was changed to MSM a1 and they were distributed to various submarine squadrons fortunately for them new marine units were already looming on the horizon and the sevens aquamarine types would be mostly relegated to data gathering but again their story continued after the war the federation requisitioned these failed marine units and began to incurring with them resulting in the MS o 6m marine hi Zack and while they looked identical to the Saco marine type they were quite different on the inside depending on the account these units either use a high Zac generator or used a full-on heizak prototype interframe especially in the latter case that would suggest that these units far surpassed the original units these would then be further developed into the rms 192 Zaku Marine er unfortunately the Federation never got to use them as they fell into neo zeon hands when they invaded the earth another development of the Zaku marine type was the MSM Oh to hydrotest type this time developed by Z Onix rival is a mod it had a nice arsenal of weapons but it still lacked in underwater performance and even out of the water it wasn't the best and that is all for this episode of development history of course there are still many more Zaku's to cover so be sure to stay tuned for similar content and consider leaving a like while you're at it as always a big thank you to the patreon supporters I hope all of you watching have a great day and I'll see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Kakarot197
Views: 77,944
Rating: 4.9658728 out of 5
Keywords: mobile, suit, gundam, kakarot197, gunpla, review, plastic, model, Ms-06J, MS-06, Zaku II, ground type, marine type, MS-06M, MS-06M-1, MSM-01, MSM-02, MS-06JC, 08th MS team, OVA, UC, universal Century, 0079, MSG, MS-06K, Zaku Cannon, MS-06JK, Zaku Half CAnnon, Ian Graden, Gouf Prototype, Gouf, MS-06D, Zaku Desert Type, Desert Zaku, Desert rommel Custom, MS-06G, Zaku II High Mobility Ground Type, RX-106, RMS-106 Hizack, MS-06Je, Marine Hizack, ZAku Mariner
Id: 7NtJCUfdyt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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