Strike Dagger Development History
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Channel: Kakarot197
Views: 157,475
Rating: 4.9472866 out of 5
Keywords: mobile, suit, gundam, kakarot197, gunpla, review, plastic, model, Strike dagger, slaugther dagger, wild dagger, strike gundam, buster gundam, aegis gundam, duel gundam, blitz gundam, strike, buster, aegis, duel, blitz, gundam seed, gundam seed destiny, dagger l, dark dagger l, n dagger n, OMNI, alliance, msgs, msgsd, dev history, neo roanoke, phantom pain, morgan, chevalier, never ending tomorrow, ps2, playstation 2, gunbarrel dagger, moebius zero, aile, aille, launcher, sword, iwsp, lightning
Id: GBuXbY7RjeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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