Why MS Got Smaller And More on GM II Vs. GM Custom [Question of the Week]

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[Music] hey guys Kakarot 197 again with another question of the week and today we'll be answering two questions why did mobile suits get smaller and I will also be elaborating a bit more on the gym - so the first question was asked by Gabriela Gonzalez why were mobile suits getting smaller as the universal century timeline went on and this is again one of those questions where there is a real-life explanation and an in-universe explanation so the real-life explanation is going to be very similar to an older video I did which was why model kits in the 90s got so bad I'll have that linked right there and also have a link down below so the thing is first of all mobile suits got bigger before they got smaller and both of those trends coincide with trends in the Japanese economy so during the 80s when mobile suits got bigger Japan had an economic boom it was going out of control and that is what we call a bubble economy and that bubble popped in 1999 or in 1991 depending on how you want to look at it and that is also at a time when mobile suits suddenly got smaller so in terms of model kits having a smaller model kit means that a Maalik --it of a higher scale will be small or relatively speaking so to put that into perspective if you buy a Walmart 44 scale new Gundam that would be roughly the same size as a 1/100 scale f91 model kit or victory Gundam model kit but for the consumer it looks bigger on the box because it's 1/100 scale even though it's actually not really that big so in rough times that can definitely make different the consumer feels like they're getting more while they're actually getting less and now we move on to the in-universe explanation so in the early universal century from the one year war two sharks counter-attacked we have an increase in mobile suit size and this was a time that Mobile Suit development was really exploding especially Zeta Gundam and double Zeta Gundam was I'm even read in one book it was the Cambrian explosion of mobile suit development and it was going so fast reactors simply could not keep up so the way they kind of counteract that that was by simply making them bigger bigger bulkier more powerful and as a result mobile suits had to get bigger too well to incorporate them and then when you have a bigger body just everything kind of scales with that and you end up with a bigger mobile suit and then after sharks counter-attack and unicorn mobile suit development kinda starts to stagnate and slow down so now the reactors have the time well reactor technology has a time to catch up and become smaller more compact and then we get those small nimble mobile suits that still have enough power to power all of their beam weaponry in f91 and in victory Gundam and another reason for this was smaller mobile suits were simply easier to produce they were cheaper to produce so there is definitely a push from the militaries to get these miniature mobile suits as well and then on to the second point the gym - and I actually had to rerecord this part because I found some new information which I also posted about in a community post on my channel so two weeks ago on the question of the week I talked about which mass production Federation unit got better than the Gundam like at which point it was and my answer to that was the gym - which most people seem to agree with but then the thing that was a bit more controversial so to speak was when I kind of went along the gym development tree and yeah at the gym custom the gym quele and those were seemingly phased out by the gym which would then make sense that the gym - was in some ways better and the thing about that is I am a big fan of the gym custom so I would definitely want to say that those machines were better than the gym - hi Zack and then also to gal Baldy beta the problem was at least at that time I didn't really have any concrete evidence that could tell me that both the gym custom and the gym quele were better in fact most of the evidence that I could find pointed in favor of the gym - and another issue is that some people said when you look at the anime the gym custom obviously performs better than the gym - but the problem wid comparing animes is all of their performances of the Mobile Suit performances are relative to only that anime for example when you look at mobile suits in victory Gundam which should run circles around anything from Zeta Gundam their performance on screen doesn't seem that different from what you can see in Zeta Gundam especially if it's like some of the really well animated scenes from the new translation movies that animation looks really awesome and those battles look really awesome but like I said obviously anything from victory Gundam should be better than anything from Zeta Gundam and the gym - and the gym custom don't really appear in the same anime yes the gym custom was seen in the new translation movies but you can only see it taking off and being recovered a little bit later you don't see a gym custom really fighting with anything Zeta Gundam era so that again doesn't really give us a good grasp of how good the gym custom is you also don't see is like leading other mobile suits into battle that it would suggest that it's a commander Mobile Suit so when we look at the facts first in terms of specifications it seems to favor the gym - so the gym - is better in terms of generator power and sensor radius one thing about hat as well is we know that it's better than the gym custom but the gym quelle we only know that it's sensor radius is better than the custom so but even though it's better it's probably not still quite as good as the gym to sensor radius and then the gym custom and the gym quelle both have better thrust than the gym too and on top of that when I had a look at this book here the MSN jacoub in sake on page 75 it unfortunately says on the entry of the gym to that spec wise it is better than the end type being the gym custom however even though it says that it still kind of leaves the door open because it specifically says spec wise and this could that mean that the gym custom could have certain advantages over - Jim - that aren't really obvious on paper but that would give the custom the edge over - Jim - hi Zac and so on and that then brings us to the reason that I had to rerecord this video I found that evidence in the Anaheim laboratory log they have an entry on the gym custom and there they say that the gym custom was in fact used by tau G as a commander unit or that it was favored by commanders and they say it in like a broad sense so it doesn't seem to be a situation as with and like the one year war where certain Zeon ace pilots would prefer there's a cou one over the like objectively better Zaku - it really seems to be that the gym custom was at least at some point one of their good commander units and that would then seem to suggest that the gym custom even in the grips war was still a very well performing machine now I do want to say that it doesn't really tell us like what squadrons they were commanding whether they were commanding Jim - Zorn emmos or radiuses but I think we can safely assume that they were commander units during the grip swore that they were at least commanding Jim to squads which I think would be a really cool thing to see just seeing the gym two squads being led by Jim Customs which would then mean that one of my other favorite mobile suits Jim quell was also superior to the gym too and in my extension too - hi Zack which is something I am very happy about which that means that they were still able to kick ass during the grips war so then that's all for this question of the week let me know down below what you thought of the things I discussed if you have questions you want me to answer also leave them down below and one thing you might be wondering about is I am wearing a Kakarot t-shirt oh yeah one more thing I want to mention is that you might have noticed that in the second part my camera stopped having issues with focusing on the background that is in the past few videos I have been trying to like try out different autofocus to see if it could fix the constants like focusing on the background cuz like my face was okay but the background not so much and then I kind of realized that whenever I was using my hands to explain things which I do quite a lot whenever I would do that it kind of goes like over my face or like it thinks it needs to focus on my hands and then it unfocus on the background so I've just switched over to manual focus for the question of the week videos so that issue should not be completely solved anyways that's all for this video as always a big thank you to the page on supporters I hope all of you watching have a great day and stay safe and I'll see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Kakarot197
Views: 69,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile, suit, gundam, kakarot197, gunpla, review, plastic, model, qotw, question of the week, gm custom, gm II, gm quel, rgm-79, rgm-79n, rgm-79q, rms-179, rx-78-2, UC, universal, century, UC 0079, UC 0083, 0083, Stardust memory, zeta gundam, zz gundam, cca, char's counterattack, javelin, jamesgun, nu gundam, zaku III, heavygun, barzam, bubble economy, crash, 90's, 90s, 1990, 1991, lost decade, AEUG, titans, efsf
Id: XLiBrOfwFkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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