Zabbix - Open Source, Self Hosted Server, Network, and Device monitoring system with power!

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[Music] it's your open source Advocate and I'm back with another video and today we're going to talk about xavix now I've covered a lot of monitoring systems in the past and I've covered check MK I've covered a few others but xavix is one that's been brought up multiple times on my comments from other people wanting to see me do a zabix install and as I was watching some other channels and looking at some stuff uh mark from one Mark 50 reached out and said hey you know what I found this awesome piece of Open Source software and I was just so excited to hear that because I watch his Channel all the time he has such great content I really enjoy the stuff that he has and I've learned a lot from him over the years so I was like yeah let's do it and he said well I want to do zabix he says I want to cover some monitoring and getting email notifications things like that he said but the install is just really long and he says my channel is just not generally about super long content and he just he was so complimentary of the way that I do the long content so I was really really just pleased that he wanted to do that with me so today I'm going to go through how to install and set up zabex on a server and we're going to use Docker and Docker compose because the zavix people have gone to a lot of trouble to give us some really great Docker and Docker compose files so I'm going to use that to get xavix set up and running today and then I'll help you get one system up and running for monitoring just to kind of show you how it works and what you have to do but really you're going to want to you're going to want to jump over to Mark's Channel and check out his video about how to set up monitoring and how to set up your email notifications and things like that because I think that's where you're really going to get to the point of the power of zabix and what it can really do I'm going to show you a very manual method and his method is going to be a lot better so definitely you want to go check out his video you're going to want to see what he's showing you so we're going to get into the install right after this I want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week I really truly enjoy it and I just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let YouTube know that I'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when I have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what I'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way YouTube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well I really appreciate it thank you again let's get started so if you know what zabix is it's really a monitoring system for your network for your servers for your various machines out there to kind of keep an eye on what's happening on your network and identify problems and then go and fix those things it's really an incredible piece of Open Source software and it's just absolutely amazing you see here Dell I can I mean so many places that really trust it so in T-Mobile you've got Salesforce I mean just it's an awesome list of people that really trust them but look at this monitor anything so this is really cool start looking at network monitoring server monitoring Cloud monitoring I mean all of the things you can do with some of their software I've shown you in the past so it's really a great system and it's really awesome and it's not super difficult to get set up but it definitely does take a little bit of time and effort and it's not really time to set it up it's really just time from my side to kind of learn what all I was doing so I'm going to share that with you guys to try to save you some time today so we're gonna go and we're gonna jump over to their Docker Hub area and I'll have these links in my description and in my show notes for you guys but here in the zabix docker you'll be able to find a whole lot of files now you'll notice they have these different Docker compose files here and if I zoom this out I'm going to zoom it out for just a second you can see more of the file name but you still can't see the whole thing so if I leave it zoomed in where some of you guys on the mobile devices can probably see it better if you hover it you can actually get this little tool tip that lets you see exactly what the name of it is and you can kind of decide like which one do I want to install and for each one they've got one that's latest and then they've got one that's local latest so once you find the one you want you're going to want to jump into that file and grab it you're going to want to pull it down so what I did was I actually just pulled it down to my server I pulled down the whole repo and then it's got everything we need because we also have this section up here called EnV vars and if we click into there you'll see there's a bunch more files now these are all files with a DOT on the front which means they're hidden files when they come into your Linux system but you'll want to make some modifications to these files because those Docker compose files reference these files for various configuration options which are going to want to you're going to want to use these things because it keeps you from having to put it in multiple places inside the compose file and it keeps you from having to make sure everything matches correctly so you kind of set it once and then you know it's going to be the same no matter where because you'll just use this shortcut for it so I'm going to go back over here and first thing we're going to do is we're going to set up a server so I'm just going to SSH over to one of my servers all right I'm logged into one of my servers and I'm going to just go into my Docker folder so I keep everything under a Docker folder if I spell it correctly everything that I like to run I like to put under a Docker folder and that way everything is kind of running in one place and I can just back up the entire Docker folder and all of my Docker stuff gets backed up at the same time I don't have to worry about backing up individual sections or files or folders things like that so from here I'm going to do git clone and then I'm going to grab the information from that repository so we're just going to go here to the top of the repository we're going to click on this little drop down button we're going to click on this copy right here just to copy it to our clipboard we'll go back to our terminal and we're just going to paste in that repo address and hit enter so what this is going to do is it's going to pull down that repository and it's going to create a new folder for us so we can just do an LS again and you can see right here is our xavix Docker folder that we just copied so I'm going to seed into zabix docker all right I've cleared out the terminal so it's easier for you to see I'm going to make this just a little bit bigger still we're going to do an LS and you'll see right here we've got all of these Docker compose files and I know this is a lot to look at but the one that we're going to use today is going to be the docker compose version 3 Alpine MySQL latest now if you have a preference for a different base OS if you prefer like a Ubuntu OS or Centos OS then feel free to use one of these other images you don't have to use the Alpine but this one is really small and really compact that's why I like it so I'm just going to use that now this local one if you see local in the name that means that it's going to try to actually do a build so instead of just pulling down the repository images that they already have set it's going to try to build them on your machine so if you'd prefer to build your own you can definitely use the local but today we're going to use the latest right here so that's the one I want to use so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to copy that so they give you a command on their on their site that says you can use Docker compose Dash F and then give it the name this entire name that you want to use and then up Dash D it to me that's just too much I don't really want to do it that way I prefer to have a Docker compose.yml file that the system just knows use that file if it's there so I'm just going to copy this one and that keeps me where I don't modify this file at all I'm just going to if I make any modifications it'll be to my copy so I'm going to do CP Docker compose and then version three I just I just tab to complete and then I'm going to call this Alpine and then I'm going to do my SQL and latest so I've got that and I'm just going to call that Docker hyphen compose dot y ml there we go now if I do an LS you'll see that I should have a new Docker compose dot yml file which is right here see it was not up here before so we're good I'm going to clear that out and now we're going to move into the environmental variable file real quick so we're going to do CD EnV vars and if I just do LS you notice there's nothing that's because again these are all hidden files you need to do ls-a and I like to do ls-a-l because it shows me everything in a list and I can see the names of the files what the permissions are everything like that you can just do ls-a instead and it shows them this way it's kind of up to you how you look at them it doesn't really matter um it's just just a habit for me to do it this way but what I want to do is I want to look at each one of these and I want to look inside of them and see what variables that may be there that I need to change so the first ones I notice are going to be MySQL password MySQL root password the root user is set to root by default so I wouldn't change the root user but on the MySQL user you may want to change that because it's default to the xavix and the same way if you're going to use postgres instead of MySQL make sure you jump in and change the postgres user and the postgres password and then we'll get up here to some of these other files and kind of take a look at those and see what we need to change as well so first up we'll just do Nano dot MySQL and we're going to do password right here if I type P there we go and you can see that's a pretty weak password we don't want to use that so what we're going to do is you can just type in a random generated password you can use something like bit Warden to generate a password for you it's really up to you but you want to use upper and lower case letters and numbers and you really want to jump around the keyboard and just go kind of crazy here and put a bunch of different information so that you're not just kind of making it a really simple pattern for someone you want to make a nice long password like that we're going to hit Ctrl o to save just double check and make sure we don't have any special characters in there it's not that you can't use special characters but sometimes you need to put quotes around the password if you're going to use special characters once we're happy we can hit Ctrl X to exit that one we've done the password next we're going to do my sequel uh and we're going to do the root password there we go and we're going to do the same thing so this is a really weak password so we want to erase that and we want to get something more more powerful in there nice long strong make sure there's no special characters that might throw things off and then we're going to hit Ctrl o to save and control X to exit once again and then finally that MySQL user so we're going to do Nano dot my sqluser and I'm going to use my name you can feel free to leave it as xavix if you want to but I'm going to use my my name here so I'm going to control o and and then control X to exit you can use your name you can use whatever you want uh really just don't use root that's a that's kind of a reserve name and and then you can use whatever name you want to so we've set those variables that's great the root user like I said I'll just show you Nano dot MySQL root user is set to root you want to leave it that way you don't want to change that from root because root is the root user in MySQL so we'll clear this out we'll do an LS again there we go so we've got a few more variable files that we want to check out up here for sure and kind of make sure we've got everything set that the way that needs to be some of these may have stuff that's commented out that we don't want to change some may have may have things uncommented that we want to look at or things that we want to uncomment so we need to look at each one and just kind of go through this slowly so we're going to do just start at the top nano.env agent uh if we get a space there we go and you can see here everything is commented so this little hashtag in front means that the line is commented out but you might want to look at these things and see is there anything here that I feel like I need to change so right here the xavix server host is gonna it's just set as a savic server you can change that if you don't like that name but for this one I don't think there's anything here that I need or want to change right now just want you to be aware that these variables and these files exist and know like hey you may have to get in here and check something out or change it or make a an edit if necessary so we'll just go right down the line to the next one here NV DB MySQL so this one I don't think we need to change anything because they're already saying hey use that thing you already sent for the user and the same thing here use that thing you already sent for the password use the MySQL root password so they're already kind of setting things up for you the mySQL database name is going to be xavix by default so again I don't think you need to allow uh empty passwords so you could put that as faults but I don't think it'll it'll allow it anyways so we're not going to put an empty password and then the mySQL database is going to be called zabix so they have it here twice I'm not sure why but you could uncomment one or the other or you could set one to something different and just change out the comments as you need to but I think everything in this file is already set for us since we set our other environment variables we're probably good to go so we're going to x out of that one and again nano.env and DB MySQL I don't think we need to worry about the proxy but we can look at it so again this is going to use the default values that we've already set up so we're going to save this with Ctrl o and Ctrl X to exit and then nano.env underscore and we don't need to do the postgres SQL so we can skip PG SQL and we'll do Java so right here there's really nothing for us to change if you need to change your Trace levels this is where you would do that so if you're having problems with somebody says hey we need to get some logs so you can uncomment this line and then set this to one of these values that's up here above it and you should be set so nothing there to do we'll just Ctrl X and then one more time or here we go nano.env underscore PRX I'm not sure this is a proxy I'm sure everything here is commented out by default so I don't think there's anything we need to change right now so we're going to control X and then nano.env underscore PRX underscore MySQL and there's only one value there it's commented out we'll just leave it as it is and then nano.env underscore PRX underscore SQL Lite three and again only one value there nothing to change nano.env underscore SRV so this is the server so these are server environments this is probably a good one to check and make sure everything looks okay at least as far as I can tell everything's going to be okay if it's uncommented we'll definitely want to look at it so zebex Java Gateway enabled true that's fine zabix start the Java polars equals five that's okay so enable SNMP traps is set to true that's fine the SNMP stuff is simple Network message protocol so that's how things can communicate so if a device has SNMP capabilities on it you could get data from those devices through SNMP and that just helps xavix collect more information so we'll just leave that like it is and we'll continue down now there's lots and lots of values here so if you know what these values are and you're like hey I want that one you can come in and again uncomment these lines and then turn those two on set them to whatever they need to be you know true set the values wherever they need to be things like that so definitely come in and check these out because they can be very useful so everything there looks okay we're going to hit Ctrl o to save and control X to exit and nano.env underscore web so we're gonna check out the web stuff so zabek server name so right here it's called composed installation it's kind of up to you how you want to name this thing I'm not going to really change it right now but you could just give it a different name if you want to I mean composed installation is just them saying hey this is what it's going to be called so the zavic server host is zabix server we didn't change that earlier so we'll just leave it like it is as we continue down nothing else is uncommented so we should be good to go Ctrl o just Ctrl X just to make sure we didn't make any changes there and then finally the web service so nano.env underscore web underscore service and again it's just the the xavix allowed IP which is xavix server so we're going to leave that alone that's fine there's nothing nothing to change there there are some other options here if you want to allow some other things you can set up your TLS cert files you can set up basically whether it's encrypted or not you can do a timeout for three minutes you can do a listen IP so the timeout is defaulted at three minutes as far as I know but you could change this to say let's just say five minutes um and then the listen IP could be a different one so we could uncomment this and just say it listens for everything on every channel it's kind of up to you how you do these things but for me I'm going to leave it for now just while all the defaults because we're in a learning mode as you get more comfortable with xavix and as you learn more things about it you can come in and make adjustments to these things and then just run the docker compose up Dash D command again to get those things to kick in basically so for now we'll we'll kind of leave this I change that to five we'll see how it goes I'll save that one we'll clear that out do lssal one more time I think we've hit all of the files at this point that we need to hit so we should be ready we're going to just CD and go back one level here CD space dot dot and we're going to look at the docker compose file so if you look at this there's a lot of stuff in here and we need to kind of go through it just so you understand what it's really telling us so first thing it's going to do is the zabix server it's going to pull down their alpine 6.2 latest it's going to basically Port map these just 10 0 0 51 to 10051 you've got this volume called Etsy local time you want to just leave this as Etsy local time and then Etsy time zone FC time zone they're both read only it's just mapping your local time and your time zone from your host machine into the docker container you've got this dot slash zbx EnV so according to their documentation this is a folder that gets created at runtime so when you bring this thing up it creates this folder and it's going to set up this user live VAR live I mean all these different little folders that it uses for different things so it's going to set all these things up so really there's nothing here that we want to change or mess with and it's already setting everything into dot slash for us the only thing is keeping out is this slash Etsy time zone and you can't set that as dot slash or it won't find it it won't work so just leave those alone next thing it has is these utilities it says it depends on my SQL Server which we expect that's what we want to use and then the networks are xavax net backend and then you have some aliases xavix servers xavix server mysqls Avic server Alpine mysql's epic server my SQL Alpine so it sets up several aliases for you as you come on down it's got another Network that is xavix net front end then it's got some devices that are just commented out so nothing for us to do there you have some system control items here which is net ipv4 IP local Port range 1024 through 65 000. so as you continue down we have a few labels that it sets on them as well and then you get to the next section so that was the zabx server this is the xavix proxy for sqlite 3. again really nothing to change on any of this these are all pretty well set um your Port mappings if you have something already using Port 1061 on your host or 161 you'll want to change that other than that really nothing to change here again these uh deployment resource limits are not going to get they're going to be ignored as we move down we get down to the xavix proxy for my sequel again if something's using 171 as your Port you'll have to change this one but other than that again you should be set so continuing down you'll have resources that are going to get ignored when we get down to the web Apache MySQL you'll see here it's pointing 8081 on the host to 8080 on the container and 84.43 to 8443 on the container if 8443 or 80 81 on your host is already in use you're going to have to change these for this section so the zabix web Apache MySQL section you'll have to change just keep that in mind we're going to go look and see if we need to change those in a minute as we continue down again nothing related to change on most of this it's already set we set it in those other files here we've got the nginx web service for MySQL and here you see 80 is pointing to 8080 so we're pointing from 80 to 8080 inside the container and from 443 to 8443 inside the container so again if 80 and 443 are already you in use on your host you'll have to change these as we continue down you'll see a lot more stuff and again nothing that we have to change none of this stuff has to be changed we're coming on down we've got to the zabix agent so this tries to run its own agent inside of itself and attached to itself this is where I ran into a little bit of a problem with the docker compose side um the agent could never attach to itself but I think there's some weird firewall stuff happening that maybe the xavix people haven't really worked out yet either so I've seen a lot of questions about it one guy said I had to take down the entire firewall but if you ever do Dr compose down and then bring doctor pose back up it brings the firewall back up in in the way if you just do like a doctor pose up in place well it's already running it doesn't do that but if you ever bring it down and back up it definitely sets that firewall back up so if something just depends on if you want to chase that down and mess with it or not so zapix Gateway again checking for 152 as a port if it's open or not you'll want to just make sure you need to change that if you if you have it already in use and finally the last port is 162. if that's in use on your system you'll have to change that Port but I think that's a port for standard uh monitoring so you don't want to mess with it too much if you don't have to finally 153 for the zabix web service and then you've got a few things down here that it defines out for the MySQL service elasticsearch is completely just not even in play at this point you could uncomment this if you want to use elasticsearch but I haven't done that so far um everything everything works without it so didn't even mess with it then you've got your networks your volumes and your secrets all defined again if you're going to use those certs those those client keys this is where you would set those up so that you can have everything ready and running for that as well so now that we're through all of that Docker compose we've kind of checked it we need to check our ports and see what's in use on our host so to check our ports this is the command that we're going to use we're going to use the command sudo space lsof space hyphen I space hyphen capital p space hyphen in space pipe and then we're going to do grep and then listen in all capital letters and when you do that it's going to show you all of the ports that are in use and it's going to tell you what's using those ports so over here you can see pretty much everything is using my Docker is Docker using my ports and then Sudo is using my port 22 which is my SSH but here we can see all the ports that I have in use and none of these ports appear to be the ports that I actually need in order to run xavix which is great that means I don't have to go in and change anything in the docker compose but if we did see like for instance Port 80 here I would just need to go change Port 80 inside of there on the left side of the colon to some other port if we saw 80 80 here I would again need to go change that to some other port I have 80 86 8086 I have a few but I don't have any that I saw that were inside of that that particular Docker container so I think we're good I'm gonna do Docker hyphen compose up Dash D I'm gonna do two ampersands Docker hyphen compose logs hyphen f so this is going to pull down all of the images that we need it's going to start those images and that's really this one and it's going to keep all of that running in the background and then the next thing is going to do is going to show me the logs for that so after I quit out of the logs this stays running that's the reason that I run it this way you could see the logs by doing just duck compose up and stopping right here but then when you when you cancel out of it you're also stopping all of your Docker containers so I do it this way just so I don't have to kind of go through the second step of starting them again all right it looks like it's up and running I didn't see any errors or exit codes so let's just jump back over to our browser and open up a new tab and we'll go to our host IP address here and again this is running on Port 80 unless you change that Port now if you change that port for the nginx section then that's the port that you want to put here in the URL after your IP address so your IP colon whatever report that is and it says database error it may still be set up the database we'll just give it a minute and see if we can reload it here all right here we are we've got zabix up and running now I do have this in dark reader mode so just be aware of that yours may not be a dark screen but you want to use capital a d m i n and then z a b b i x for the password now of course you'll want to go change those defaults right away there's a lot of stuff here so I'm going to go through as much of this as I can as quickly as I can so the first thing you're going to see I'm going to zoom this up a bit so first thing you're going to see is that there's an unavailable one this is that zabix agents that's running inside the container again there's something with the docker firewalls that kind of keep this from getting detected for some reason but we'll kind of go through that here in a minute so when you first log in the first thing you'll notice is you're going to have your time set over here again this is kind of enlarged so it's cutting it off but you do have this little gear icon and you can click there and change the settings for that once you get the settings screen up you'll see that you've got a lot of options here so I'm going to switch it over to analog instead of digital so you can kind of switch back and forth here and when you do apply you'll see it turns into an analog clock that keeps track of your time as an analog clock so a few different settings and you'll notice you have that gear on each of these sections so you can drag these items around to move things around on the dashboard and then you can also have you also have tools to set up these items for your dashboard and kind of make the thing you can kind of create this dashboard the way that you want it to be and you'll see you get a little handles so you can resize different sections of the dashboard so there's a lot you can do with the xavix dashboard just right out of the gate now one of the first things you should do is over here on the left panel come down here to the user profile section and you're going to click on the profile part we're just going to say leave page we made we drag things around so things we change stuff it wants us to to save those changes but since we're not so we didn't really make any changes we're okay I'm going to click on change password I don't like the default password of zavix so I want to make this something a little bit stronger and I'm going to repeat it and then in your language settings you can change those things under on your time zone again you can change those if you need to but we set that in the actual Docker compose file so you shouldn't have to do anything there you can set an auto logout time so if you don't want to have some of your administrators if you're setting this up for a business especially being just turning it on and leaving it on forever and never logging out of it when they walk away from the machines you can set this to Auto log out after 15 minutes if they're not actively using the system so you can check that box and then you can set this time you can set it shorter longer kind of whatever you need you've got a refresh for 30 seconds automatically and then how many rows per page you can set that as 50 you can set that higher just depends on what you want to do so I'm just going to keep all the defaults and I'm going to hit update right here I'm going to click on don't save and now I have a new password that I'll use the next time that I log into the system under monitoring itself you've got the dashboard but then you've got a lot of other sections here that you can click on and get more information about the system now again I'm zoomed in so if you zoom out to fairly normal size you'll see you get a lot of room for for rows and things like that to grow in the system I'm zooming it in just so you guys can see the interface but here you get a list of problems you can see a list of your hosts that you're monitoring so again we have the zabix server but you can see that it's got some red there which means that it's not being detected properly so that's why it's showing up on the problems tab as well the latest information is always a useful page so you can see all kinds of information that's been going on to the system so if you want to see things in maps you have that option as well and then Discovery so this is one that I'm not going to cover but Mark is going to cover over at one Mark 50 so definitely go check out his video that goes along with this once you've got this installed and you're ready to start doing some discovery of servers he's going to have a video to help you get through that process when you move down to Services you can see the different services that you're monitoring again this is all about monitoring and having information and collecting information use service actions you can see SLA options just so many different things there you can see an inventory so you can see an overview and you can see your host so again right now we have the zabix server we haven't added any other hosts and then finally you have reports so you have system information reports scheduled reports so you can schedule reports that'll go out I think Mark's also going to talk about this availability report the triggered top 100 so if you have triggers that are running on the system to detect certain things or when certain things happen you can see one of the top 100 triggers that you used you have audits you have the audit log of what's happening in the system and you have notifications so as you get into configuration this is really where you're going to start configuring up the different things you like about the system or the way that you want the system to run for you on xavix so the main one is going to be hosts but there's a lot of other things here that you can check out and kind of see what's going on there's a lot of reading involved in order to understand how everything can be used and how powerful this is but the more you get into it and the more you set up the better it is for you to use and continue using As you move forward so that's really the great thing about something like xavix the parts you're going to be interested in is hosts so the whole idea of a monitoring system is that you want to monitor different hosts on your network the host could be a server the host could be a network device the host could be all kinds of different things but the first thing you need to do is actually add the host into the system so we're going to kind of do this the manual way as I said before so we're going to go up here and we're going to click on this button that says create host in the upper right it's going to give us this form and we're going to give it the host name so the hostname for my server is bia.macg Dash home.loc I can leave that in here for the visible name as well I don't have to change it but you can if you want to on the templates you're going to want to add a template now the nice thing is they have a bunch of built-in templates so my templates I'm just going to start typing I'm going to type in Linux and you'll see it gives me a drop down it gives me everything that starts with Linux so they have this one that's kind of a general catch-all called Linux by zabix agent so I'm just going to click on that one you see it adds it now you can add multiple templates for what you want to actually check on certain servers so if you didn't want to use all the ones that are under this you just want to do CPU and temperature and memory you could just set several different templates and those would only be the things that you get on the host groups it's a required field I don't really have any host groups yet but you can click on select and use some of their defaults or you can add new ones if you want to in my case this is a Linux server so I'm just going to click on checkbox and I'm going to click save and then right here on the interface I need to add an interface so I'm going to add it as an agent because I know I'm going to go install the agent on that device I'm going to give it the IP address of that server which is 192.168.10 Dot 209 and the DNS name again I could put that if I want to use the DNS name instead of the IP address but in this case I'm going to make sure IP is selected and then 10 10050 is the port so I need to keep this in mind if you change this port you also need to change the port on the agent whenever you install this for the hostname it needs to match on the agent for the IP address it needs to make sure it's the right IP address for that server now you can put notes here it's not required but you can so this is my via prox Mox testing server okay if it's monitored by proxy I don't have any proxies so it's not and then finally whether or not it should be enabled and I do want it enabled so I'm going to click on ADD and you'll see now I've got this second agent that I've set or the second oh this host that I've set up now if I go back to my dashboard you're going to see that it doesn't detect anything new it doesn't say hey there's two hosts here it just sees the one host because it's still just looking for that xavix agent that it knows is running somewhere and it's just not getting information from I haven't set up the zapix agent yet on my server so that's the next thing I need to do now that I've set it up as a host under configuration I'm going to go back over here to host now that it's here I need to go set up the agent so now you can get the agent from lots of different places but usually it's in the repos for your OS so in this case I'm just going to open up the terminal again I can just control C out of this we know zapix is running I'm going to clear this out and I'm going to exit from this machine I'm going to SSH over to my proximox server that's running so we're going to do apt install zabix agent just like this now you can put hyphen y just so it doesn't prompt you but if you don't it's just going to prompt you to put yes it's going to install the xavix agent it installs the zabiskagentd.conf right here so this is important for you to know that it's there we're going to go and edit this file in just a minute and then you've got this service that it creates called the zabix-agent service and we'll have to start that service and enable it first we're going to go modify the zabx agent file so this is ABX agent.d right file so we're going to move down through here and look at a few different things that we need to check out it's got a PID file already set there's nothing for us to do here it's got the log file set again nothing for us to change there we're going to keep moving down you'll see the log file size 0 that's fine just leave it as it is we're going to keep moving down and we're going to look right here at the source IP we're going to put that as we want to make sure that matches what we put into the host entry inside of xavix now on this section that says option server we're going to come right down to here and we're going to look at what it has in the entry and it shows right now that it's the Local Host we don't want that it's not running on this machine as a local host we want to put in the IP address of that server and we're going to put in.10.42 that's where that server is running now you can put this in cider notation if you have extra servers that are running but you can see here what it shows you so 0 24 I mean those kind of things so again list of comma delimited IP addresses optionally Insider notation so optionally or DNS names of zabix servers so right here we've got the IP address of our server that's great on the listen Port if you'll remember that we did have that as the listen Port that it was running so I'm just going to uncomment this it's 10050 and it tells you right here what the options are so we had it as one zero zero five zero that's great so again listening on just means it's listening for any IP address to be calling out to it or do anything so we're just going to uncomment that and leave it as it is now we don't have any pre-forked instances of xavix Agents right now we're just going to leave that commented out here again we're just going to put in the IP address of our server so make sure you know which one is your server and which one is your agent machine now we've got an option for the host name so remember what we said we called this via.mac G home dot loc so we want to make sure that that's correct we're going to save just because we're a long ways down in this file now I don't want to mess something up I think everything else in this file is probably set the way that it needs to be I don't think we have anything else that we need to do so they do have aliases that you can set timeouts that you can set and remember we set that time out before we can change this right here to be five minutes three minutes I think it defaults to three minutes but we're it's already commented out so it should be set now if you're going to give users privileges to do extra things on the systems this is where you would Define the usernames who have those privileges in this case they default to xavix but you may have a different user that you've created that is allowed to do that and you would want to set that here and then make sure you've got that set up correctly on the xavix server as well okay I think we're pretty good I'm going to hit save one more time control o to save and then enter control X to exit now we're going to go start the zabix service so we're going to go system CTL start agent and then system CTL and we're going to do enable xavix agent and we just need to give it a second and then finally we'll just do a check of it to make sure it's running so we'll do status and what we want to find is that it says active so that's a good thing we should be set and we're going to go back to our monitoring and our databases now this may take a minute to get an updated version of what's happening or what's monitoring so there's two there's two things here and we can see that it already is picking up on our server all right so it took just a minute and once the agent finally kicked in after we made all of our changes then it sees it now so you can see here we've got some different values here on our different graphs or and we've got one showing available again the xavax agent inside of the container not showing available and we can see kind of what's going on so that's great so we can look at our problems and again we know it's the zabix agent inside of the container that's creating a problem so we can kind of get in here we can click and see different information we can take actions we can do a lot of things so we've got our first system up and running with hosting and then we can see the graphs so that's always something that's useful for people a lot of times you can kind of see what's happening as far as what's being collected so you can see information about your various systems you can see where certain Maxes and mins are falling things like that the system doesn't do a lot this is just a testing system that I use for various things so you can see there's not a lot going on on it I've got another system that I set up in my actual testing so it's actually running on the be a proxmox server and it's checking for my Aria server which is also a proximox server that I set up today's system on again you can see that I'm monitoring these systems and you can see my dashboard for things that are happening you can see all kinds of great information and then we can actually go down to our host section again and if we click on Aria here we can check out the graphs and we get a little bit more information at least we see a few things kind of happening on our host system which is great now I just restarted this uh this zavic server a little bit ago so you're not going to see a ton of information but you can see there's a little bit more happening on that server which is kind of nice so we get a little bit more detail of course the more servers you add the more information you add from your network the more things that you monitor if it's out in the cloud if it's on your local network if it's on another Network that you've got a VPN to it doesn't matter it really becomes a great system and it's just super that this software is freely available open source and anybody can get a hold of it and use it and modify it and make it better so I hope you enjoyed this if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on the journey with us and don't forget to jump over and check out Mark's video over at onemark50 I will have a link in the description and the show notes to his video as well so that you can go see how to set up some really great monitoring and make it much easier than that manual process we just went through as well as getting some email alerts and things like that [Music] thank you
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 56,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, digital, ocean, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, open source software, open source news, open source projects, zabbix, monitor, monitoring, nagios, checkmk, cloud, services, applications, network, detailed, in depth, alerts, alerting, notifications
Id: ec2G1PeLS5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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