The Open Source Software I use in 2024 - Part 2

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[Music] it's your open source Advocate and I'm back with another video and today I'm going to continue talking about all of the open source software that I use on a regular basis now I did part one last week so if you haven't seen that make sure to go back and check it out I'll have links in the description this week I'm going to go over a bunch more of Open Source software that I use on a very regular basis it may not be daily some things are kind of automated stuff so they run but it's open source software nonetheless so I wanted to go through that let you guys see it maybe I'll have something that you haven't seen before or something that will Peak your interest and make you think hey maybe that would work for me as well and definitely all my videos that I have telling you how to get these things set up or installed if I have one I will also have Linked In the description and in the show notes if I make any show notes but probably this will just be one with the description uh but I hope you guys enjoy this I think you're going to love it and this is a 2024 Edition I love making these videos they're so much fun and it's so much fun just to go through all the stuff that I'm using so out of the gate mail in a box is definitely one of the ones that I use um I've I've been running it five or I don't know four or five years now it's really great it's a self-hosted email system and when you set it up you set it up on your own system and really it's a set of scripts that goes and gets things set up for you postfix and your your doocot and all the other things that you need to have a mail system running and it gets all that stuff you know kind of synced up and it walks you through the process on a nice little Wizard and then it helps you get all of your other records your DNS records you need set up going um the hard part about it these days is if you want to run your own mail server it's hard to do on a VPS it's not impossible but VPS providers generally block those ports because they've had so many people come and start up a you know an inexpensive server set up something like mail on a box spam a bunch of people and then shut down the server and then that that IP address is blocked by the spam filters forever unless they go to the trouble to take it off there and they got tired of doing that so um they've kind of blocked those ports if you have your account with them for like 60 days or longer sometimes they'll they'll go ahead and say yeah you can you know start using it but I'd say it's probably not worth it these days if you have a static IP address that's a public IP address at home and your ISP does not block those ports you could run something like that at home if you want to there's other ways to do it as well but um I do run it and I like it it's got a lot of really cool stuff so mail in a box has email it also installs a nextcloud server and sets up your calendar and your card DAV and some file storage and things like that which is pretty nice it does not set up the entire Suite of nexcloud it just sets up the things that it needs for you to have those extra features which is pretty cool and I kind of like that um it's pretty nice so if you haven't ever checked out mail a box I will have a link in the description just beware you want to really check out your service make sure they allow it and then make sure the IP address is in our block list and you want to have a static IP address you're going to do mail before I continue with the video I just want to say thank you so very much to my patrons over at patreon to the people who pay me a little money through PayPal I just cannot tell you how much it means to me patrons you guys are awesome I mean just that that you want to support me on a monthly basis means so much to me I cannot tell you how thankful I am and and how great it is that you want to support me in making this content I hope this content gives you something all the time I do my very best to give you the best information I can about the most awesome open source projects out there for the people who pay me something through PayPal I mean really and truly it just makes my day to see something come through like that it just makes me feel so great and I just truly from the bottom of my heart thank you so very much you make this such a great time and honestly the money you guys pay me go back into the hardware that it takes to run this channel to the digital lotion droplets that I use to run this channel to the different different services that I'm using to to run this Channel and I'm paying back into open source you can go to my website you can see a table of where I'm paying and what I'm paying and and really and truly it's because of you guys that I'm able to do that and so we are all supporting open source together so thank you so very much if you haven't already done it make sure to go down and click that Thumbs Up Click the subscribe button so you'll know when I put out new videos it helps me it helps the video get discovered it helps the channel get discovered and I truly appreciate it thank you again now let's get started the next one that I do is jitsy meat so this is the actual public jitsy meat it's meat. jitsi um you can 100% self-host jitsy meat and I do I just didn't want to put it up here but jitsy meat's awesome if you've never tried it it is a public meeting place with audio and video chat and then it's got a chat room in it so you can do text chat and it's got all kinds of cool controls just like you would have if you're doing a an online teams meeting or a zoom meeting or any other kind of online meeting slack meeting that kind of stuff jitsy meet's great and a lot of the open source projects have Integrations to be able to create a room it's really easy you actually just create a link and you know send people to it and it creates a room for you and you can just add something to here so if I wanted to have a meeting I could do meet. jitsi Brian's meeting slash it's going to take me to a room that's called that it's going to say hey I need to be able to use your microphone and it's going to tell me you don't have a camera hooked up which I don't once you allow the microphone you'll get here and you'll see you have different controls for things but you can put in your name and then you do need to sign in so Jizzy meet used to be a no signin system you could just start a meeting share the link with your friends they could all join it was great except they got unfortunately a bunch of people who were using the system for bad things as people tend to do so they created a registration system and at least one person has to log into the room as the monitor or the administrator before you can do it so if I were to click this right now it would see it says waiting for the moderator and you have to log in so if I don't log in it's just going to sit like this until somebody who's logged into jitsy meet or you know logs in now you can log in with your GitHub or other kind of credentials you don't have to use the jitsy credentials but you do have to log in to use it but it's open source you can run it yourself and you don't have to use the login stuff you can set login stuff up if you want to it's really nice and it's it's actually very performant it runs pretty pretty well pretty great I really like it's you need the next one I do is discourse if you've ever been to a a forum in the last probably five or six years it's probably been something that looks similar to this you can kind of lay these out a little bit different you can do different things with them but discourse is really a nice Forum system but it can also be a documentation system it can be a form of a Wiki if that's what you want you can kind of create different categories and you could create a Wiki category that is only for you to write and add in but other people can read it you can do all kinds of really cool stuff with discourse it's a pretty awesome piece of soft sofware but it is definitely one that takes a bit more resource than than some so be ready for that but I use this for my my Linux users group um we post our stuff we post when our meetings are going to be and things like that but you can see sometimes I remember to go post things and I'll post news articles or different different information uh learning about Linux all kinds of things you know it's a Linux based open source based Linux users group so that's what we like to read but this course is amazing you can get in everybody can create accounts you can see the different things people post you can go through and look at other things that are related you can see the different stats I mean it's really it's a nice system if you've never logged into one it's it's pretty amazing so if you ever come across one of these forums pretty great and pretty easy to use so the next one here is rock store so if you saw my ug green Nas review I did that about oh a month ago now maybe um it's a really really nice uh network attached storage system that's been created by ugreen it's kind of a new space for them uh but they sent me one to review and I thought okay I want to see if I can put something else on it and I didn't even have to crack crack it open or mess with the warranty of the hardware anything like that um I just installed another SSD and then went into the BIOS and told it to boot from that SSD and installed rockstore on it and rockstore is pretty amazing open source software it's a Nas system and you can see here what's going on with the discs and you can change which disc you're looking at to see what's happening with them and then over here you can look at your pools and your capacity that you have for your storage and you can see a lot of different information that's going on in the system you know Network usage and memory usage and CPU usage and everything like that and then you've got a ton of different controls related to these different dropdowns up here so you can look at your storage areas you can go see the system information you can check out different information you can do maintenance and things like that in it and then you've got some rock ons is what they call them these are really Docker kind of containers that they've set up I haven't installed any yet but if you go look they've got quite a few it's kind of like a painer type thing where they've got this particular setup you have to do to get them working but they've got a pretty good list here I mean I'd like to see more for sure but I think that's based on how many users are using it and how many people people are building rock on for them but it's a pretty good list I mean it's not like it's a small list of things you could run but when you get ready you say you find one uh let's just look at openvpn right here you click on install it's going to come up and it's going to run you through a little wizard to ask you like where do you want this to run what port do you want it to run on those kind of things click next it's going to ask you for a little bit more information you know so uh server address what do you want that server address to be you'd click next and then it would go through the process and yeah it's pretty easy to get them installed and up and running you just have to kind of check out the documentation about what you need to do to make it run and and it and it does it's really great um they've got some support different things you can do to get some support Community Forum as we've talked about so yeah I I like rockstore it's pretty easy to use it's pretty easy to navigate um setting up your shares and things like that is pretty straightforward this to me this is where ug green should have headed to say hey we need something to run our Nas system on they should have started here and then kind of built out more stuff on top of it if that's what they wanted I think they' have been a little better off to do that instead of trying to create their own operating system out of the gate but yeah I think I think rock store is amazing and open source just absolutely cool I like it a lot the next one we're going to talk about here is open wrrt so this is what I run on my router here at home and this is what I run on all of my hotpots throughout the house so I've got my main router which is actually connected to my modem and it's an it's an x86 PC it's running openwrt and you can see it's barely using any resources at all here it's got just a little bit of stuff going on here it's not much and then we've got my my ports that I've got connected up now it's got more ports than this I just don't have them connected but you can see I've got eth zero it's a 1 GB port and then I've got eth one even though it says no link it's actually connected um and then we've got these things down here with a little bit of IP address information and then I've got all of the machines that are connecting and pulling addresses through DHCP I've got a lot of things on my network don't worry I know and then here's IPv6 information for the ones that are getting IPv6 and then as you go through if you've never checked out uh open RT it's got a ton of stuff in it so you can do routing you can check out what your routing is happening here you can go to your firewall and see what's going on with the firewall so this is the firewall logging not so much the setup that's somewhere else this is really the the status Pages you've got a system log so you can see what's happening in the system log you've got your different processes that are running in the system and you've got actions you can take on those processes so very very clean nice way to do that and then you've got your realtime graphs and these things will start up and start you know showing you different information as things are going on on the system and you can switch kind of what what things you're looking at so here's the traffic grph and you can switch which which which port or item you're looking at when you do these so you see my ezo got a little traffic going on it there um so really pretty nice system there you've got your system Basics so you can see all your system information set up your time zone that kind of stuff and then you've got administrative stuff here where you can set up your SSH um you've got all of your different settings and things like that you got backup and restore which is an incredible tool backing up your system when you've got it set exactly the way you want it and be able to restore it when something goes wrong is just a super powerful thing so even in your router backups are super important you can set up scheduled tasks so um I've got a scheduled task that says reboot this machine you know every so many days um it just reboots the router just to make sure things are running smooth clears out the cach that kind of stuff um then you've got your interface set up so here you can see I've got my main land and I've got several VLS that I've set up and the same way over in these machines so this is my one of my wall plates I've got three different wall plate um Wi-Fi hotspots that also have Poe they run off of Poe and then they have three three ports each I have them set up for the same vlans so if I go in here and check you know show you that you can see I've got the same set up for the vlans so these things just run off of the VLAN trunking that I do from the main router and then my VLS I can connect to with Wi-Fi so really powerful system and really great I've got a whole set of videos I've done on this stuff alone so I definitely suggest you check it out but open WT is incredible it's been Rock Solid since I did those videos it's just been a really like a beast just running like crazy pie hole so I do run pie hole on my network I usually run two versus a pie hole but I've been kind of Shifting things around on my network so right now I've just got one running um if it goes down it's pretty easy to spin it up I've got a a snapshot of it already that I can spin up a new one from if I need to but yeah py hole is great because it looks at the web pages you're visiting and it and it sees like hey I see that you're trying to send a bunch of information over to these advertisers I'm going to block that I'm going to block these little pop ups that come up from these advertisers so it can really clean up your browsing experience it can speed up your page load times because you're not loading up a bunch of advertisements in the background sometimes you know they'll say hey we notice you've got some stuff that's trying to hide ads it really help us out if you wouldn't do that um it's up to you if you decide to turn it off but I I use it I think it's great and it blocks a lot of stuff on my network so it makes it a lot easier so I use pie hole for my DNS on my network and everything goes through my pie hole and you can kind of see the stats there uptime Kuma if you've never seen this one this is an awesome awesome tool so there's all kinds of other tools that have been out there forever but the guy who made this he made a really great tool here because it tells you here's my service and it goes out and it lets you tell it how to check that service in different ways so you can pick different ways that you check that service like here my my email server is up and running I can tell it to go check my wacamole server I can tell it to go check invoice ninja my my Discord server for my Linux User Group my jitsy meets for my Lin User Group my mesh Central server every everything that I'm running that I'm really worried about is it up and running when I need it this goes and checks and green is good red is bad now if you're color blind it also tells you up or down and if it's down you want to go fix it if if you see red over here at this right end then you have something that's down but it also sends you notifications that's one of the most powerful pieces of this P piece of software right here it is just amazing so if I go here to Trillium notes so my trillum notes for whatever reason when I restart the hardware even though the docker tries to start it doesn't start up trillion notes correctly and I'm not sure why uh but sometimes it'll go down and this thing sends me a notification to say hey your Trillium notes is down and it sends it to me through rocket chat I can go over here and just do what I have to do to restart triller notes and it's back up and running again um it's very minimal effort for me and it does exactly what I needed to do you can see the status progress of different things I usually stick right here but then you've got these settings and over here in the settings you've got this notification area so you can set up your notifications and in this case I use U notifications through a web web hook that goes to my rocket chat I love I love uptime Kuma it gives me all the information I want to see it lets me know what's happening and it notifies me when things go down it's really a a great system I've just been enjoying the heck out of it and and I've used it a ton and it's come in super handy for things just like when trillum goes down or when the other day everything started sending me notifications that all my services were down I was like what is going on well I migrated one of my um domain names from one registar to another and that that migration went well and everything ran for a few days like like no problem so I thought everything worked fine what happened was it was all cashed so it ran fine and then when the cash updated when it when it transferred over it did not get the new registrar's name server so nothing was working so I had to go fix the name servers but I had to do a little bit of hunting to to to kind of figure that was the problem but yeah um super super great I love uptime Kuma next up is jelly fin so a lot of people use Plex some people use MB I use jelly fin because jelly fin kind of follows through with what Plex and M initially kind of promised uh Plex initially promised hey we're going to make this open source it wasn't at the time but hey we're going to and then people got in it got in it got in it and they really liked it they like it that's fine you pay for it that's your business um I didn't appreciate that they never went open source that that really bothered me uh MB kind of did the same thing they're like well we're going to split off because Plex didn't do it we're going to we're going to make our own thing and we're going to be open source and for a while the backend was open source and now I think they've closed sourced it as well maybe I'm wrong but they never fully open sourced it and group of them split off and made jelly Fin and they said we're going to make this open source and they did from the first day and it's been open source since then so I'm super happy with it it's had a ton of work done on it over the years and it really works pretty flawlessly I mean I use this thing on my computer I use it on my phone I use it on my tablet I use it on my Roku I use it on my Apple TV I mean I have just so much great experience with jelly fin I think it's just been really terrific um they've done a ton of work they've got a ton of clients out there I'm sure Plex may have more MB may have more I don't know but um there's enough clients that most people I would guess 99% of people could be very satisfied with the experience you get from jelly fin I really I really just enjoy it it's super super great um had a had a ton of fun with it so that brings me to media and media management so I do use some media management software so this one is sonar and this manages all of my television series so as I buy DVD sets and things like that or if I record something this helps me manage it so that I can watch when I'm ready to watch it uh radar helps me manage my movie stuff so I've just got one movie pulled up here it's a it's really you know a nice system and it helps you manage all your movie stuff and get everything named correctly so you can get cover art and stuff like that from the internet which is great and it keeps your movies you know on the right right place so I love I love that kind of thing for it uh Cubit torrent I I use Cubit torrent it's great so if you want to download any kind of Linux uh software the fastest way you can do that is to use a torrent client like this and it you know almost every Linux distribution out there has a torrent version that you can get and then this thing will pull for multiple people at once and it'll come down like lightning um you can always download it from them directly but they're using a mirror or something like that and it hits their their service account and it costs them money over time for all those downloads and all that transfer so I try to use Torrance just because it does split that across the community a little bit more and people can share and things like that navad Drome is my music player of choice now this uses a subsonic API um or or yeah I think it's it's subsonic is the API that it's using not air Sonic um but you can use a mo a mobile player to hit the server so this is really the server here's all my kind of albums they're all broken up U but you can split things out by albums by artists by song and then you can go in and kindy of create playlist you can see here I've got different playlists that I've created so if I go into to my hair rock playlist you know I've got quite a bit of stuff on here it'll play for a while which is great got a hip-hop playlist that I've created over over time I don't have everything on it yet I've got a second rock playlist it has a lot of the same songs from the first one but rearranged and then I've got a few different ones on it as well um so yeah I love it because I can just go into it with my with my mobile app and set that up to my to my air to my headphones or whatever and when I mow in the yard I can have music going or listen to a podcast or whatever I want to do it's really really a great way and I love the application the developer has done a ton of work on it it's getting updates pretty regularly so I really like that so this is invoice ninja um I have one client but I do invoice them so I was using crater invoice I really liked it but for whatever reason the development on it just stopped and they didn't continue it and it kind of broke so I just couldn't use that anymore I was kind of sad because it did everything I needed it to do it was really cool uh but I switched over to invoice ninja I got it running I did a video on it a while back um it's pretty great software as well it's got a ton built into it the invoice ninja people have been working on this for years it's it's it's very mature product it's really great um but yeah you can see I've got just different things that I'm doing uh and I've got different billing and graphs and things that tell me information about the you know what I'm bringing in which isn't a ton but it's okay I've just got the one client but eventually I'm hoping to have more clients and uh I'll be using something it'll probably be invoice ninja to do these things but yeah I think it's a terrific tool it lets me send them a bill lets them pay me lets them let me you know let's it tells me when they've paid me I can go and Market as paid depending on how I get the payment all that kind of stuff and it kind of keeps track of my finances and you can also go in and put in expenses and do a whole bunch of other stuff that'll help you at tax time so really really terrific I think it's I think it's a great tool invoice is awesome the next tool I want to talk about is called Terminator and this is a terminal emulator and it's really great so if you see I've got this thing broken out into different Windows this is all one window okay so I've just told to split up my my panel into different windows and you can do a lot in these things now I usually have the font blown up so if you do control shift plus you can bring up the font really big or you can do control minus and bring it back down pretty small it's up to you wherever your vision is comfortable for me I usually have it a little bit bigger than what you see over here for sure but you can do a lot in these things and you can put a lot of information in these things you can be running multiple tasks and it makes it really nice cuz you're not switching windows or tabs or whatever it just lets you see what's happening when one thing finishes you can go deal with it and you can move around complete with the keyboard you can jump around with the mouse it's up to you how you do it um but yeah you can split this up as many times as you want to it doesn't really care you know you can split this one horizontally and then this one vertically and then you can just do all kinds of crazy stuff so you can put this one vertical and yeah you start to get a lot of little open windows but you can do a whole lot of things depending on your visual Acuity you could do a ton on a really big monitor with something like this so Terminator is a really top-notch terminal app I use it a lot I usually have it installed on every Linux system that I have a graphical user interface for because it's just so useful um Tabby is another one I don't actually have Tabby on this machine but it's another really great terminal emulator that I use and I I just one of the it's got some really great features like um saving little Snippets of stuff that you want to do and just typing in a you know a command that makes it run that snippet it's great um so Tabby is another great one but yeah Terminator is awesome so next up I have open media Vault now I use this for a for a client um they have a pretty nice server and I've got them set up with open media Vault for their storage and I've set up some samba shares that I use on their network with all their Windows machines and their Windows VMS and that way they can store stuff in the share and then they can just jump to a VM and it's right there they can pull it up and use it they can move things between their different different machines pretty easily they can share things across it's a really nice setup um I I think uh open media vault's a pretty great piece of software I think this is open media Vault 5 there's open media Vault 6 I haven't tried it yet but it may be better um open media Vault 5 is working just fine for them and they're still getting OS updates and things like that on the debn system underneath um Docker still gets updated dock you know portainer gets updated so um I use a few Docker containers and portainer through open media Vault for them as well uh to run some different services for them so yeah I mean super super great I really really enjoy open media vault as well and so next up we've got libbre office now I know a ton of people love Microsoft Office they think there's nothing better than Microsoft Office I would say that office is just a very overproduced office suite I think it has for for 99.999% of people I would guess that they use about 5% of what Microsoft Office can do and I would say that any other office suite on the planet would absolutely work for them including lib office and lib office they would probably use 7% of what lib office can do um most people just are not power user they don't need all of the tools in the world that you can have on these different office suites but libbre office is an extremely capable extremely powerful office suite it has got a ton of tooling and power behind it and the team behind it is constantly updating it and making it even better and the best part is it works really tightly with nexcloud you can use the collabora version which is the online version of libbre office with nextcloud which is amazing and really and truly Libra office is just incredible like spreadsheets everything else just works like you would expect it's very little that's ever too different from what you get with Microsoft Office but yeah Libra office is is awesome if you haven't checked it out in a while you should definitely go check it out because it's great it's open source okay this one is called xpipe I I did a video on this one a while back I really like it it is a great way to connect to your Docker system it it just lets you jump in right to the terminal for your Docker host or you can go into your Docker containers and click on it and jump into the terminal right in the container if you ever tried to write that command to jump into a Docker container to do something inside the container Docker ex- it container name /bin/bash and then got a message say no bash this doesn't care it just goes in and it says let me figure out what it needs you click on that terminal and it opens it up and you're inside of this Docker container at the command prompt and you can do what you need to do and you can do this for all of your different servers you can do this for all your different Docker servers you can see that it's got Docker support it's also got lxc container support as I recall it's got some really really great tooling around it xpipe is amazing if you haven't seen it go check that video out if you're somebody who has to jump into and out of a lot of different servers and services all day long in the terminal especially this is a tool that you might want to have in your belt it's really great I think it had a little memory leak and one of my one of my viewers wrote to me saying hey like this thing's got a pretty bad memory leak all I could tell him was hey you know go tell them at the project and and see if maybe they'll fix it he went and reported it and he told me they fixed it I mean that's the great thing about open source how how are you going to tell Microsoft I think you might have a memory leak in Excel and they're actually going to go do something about it within a week never you are never going to see that I promise you unless it is a critical security flaw it is not going to get touched if it's a critical security flaw you might get an update next month it is just not something that happens whenever you're talking about closed Source World unfortunately but I can tell you right now that's a amazing that this person said I found a memory leak gave them the information they needed and they fixed it in less than a week that's awesome that is the power of Open Source and this is an awesome tool all right we're getting down to the last couple here so this one is rust desk if you haven't checked out rust desk if you've ever tried to use a team viewer or any desk or any of the other you know premium type systems that you don't know who the heck is using is running the servers or how they're doing them or where they're or what they're watching whenever you're doing things with people this is a system that you can use the rust desk servers if you really want to but they run those servers more as like a demo they want you to go get their software and run the server yourself they want you to get it set up to be secure and then they want you to share this with your clients tell your clients I'm going to get you to go get the rust desk client they're going to open it up you're going to tell them hey I'm going to help you run through a couple of settings real quick and that's going to get you connected to me and then when your rest Des server is running you're going to get this little ready and you're going to get this little ID now if you try to hit my ID you won't be able to because I'm running this on my own domain with my own special key even if you got on my domain you would still have to have the key to be able to reach my machine so it's a nice secure way to connect to your clients to help them out with desktop support so my client calls me and says hey I can't get this thing to work or hey my system froze up I don't know what to do or hey I've got this giant full screen ad that I can't get rid of I can jump on Rust desk they can give me their number I can store number if I want to I can create favorites whatever I want to do and when I hit connect it's going to prompt them it's not like I just log in it's going to prompt them to say hey Brian's trying to connect to you and they're going to go yeah I just asked Brian for help go ahead and let him in if it pops up and says hey Brian's trying to connect to you and they weren't asking me for help and they haven't talked to me in a week they're going to go no and then they're going to get on the phone with me and say what are you doing so it's a really really cool system I really like it and if you check out their warnings I mean just so much great stuff they're working on the whing support it's been working great for me by the way thank you guys from rust desk doing an awesome job this is this is an incredible tool it's a super powerful tool they have some premium features that you can pay for but the community version is awesome I got to tell you right now they've got some great premium features and if you're somebody who does support all the time it might be worth it to you to go talk to them and say hey I'd like to pay for your premium version I think you've got the tooling I want and I promise you it's going to be more affordable than team viewer or any desk all right last but certainly not least is veloren now I did this video probably more than a year ago at this point but I love this game this is a game where I can host the server myself it is a game that is a voxal game so if you've played Minecraft you know what voxal is um this this game is just absolutely incredible so this is the startup screen this kind of is where it will tell you you need to update your version the server in the background is running Watchtower and it's running in Docker so Watchtower keeps the server up to date most of the time once in a while I got to go do it myself but most of the time it catches it but when you hit launch it's going to go out there it's going to start up the game here we go now this is my daughter trying to play on my server here but if I go and log in with mine I think it's oh look at that so it's telling me right now okay this is great it says hey you might want to update your game client it's it was updated on 52 and the server was updated on 424 so really I don't need to update the client I need to update the server the server didn't get the updates that's what I'm talking about so this is where I would go back and open up xpipe and I would say hey I need to go update that server I go in and real quick just run the commands to update it be done with it and move on with my day and in about 10 minutes we're going to be playing voran because I I build my own world in voren which is awesome um that's a little bit more complicated but very not super difficult uh but yeah I mean vorin is such a cool fun game we just run all over this crazy world that I build and we we fight and battle and fly and have fun and just do all kinds of crazy stuff and just it is so much fun um if you haven't seen my V video I will have it linked in the description as well but such a great game if you haven't played it and you if you are like me and you're worried about your children playing on other people's servers who you don't know and you don't know what kind of person they are and you don't know who who's out there on the internet I mean the internet's great but it's also full of not so great people um so I don't want them to have to run across that so I run the server myself we play it here on my own land and uh I feel much better about it plus it's a great time for us to have family time because we literally sit around a table and each have our machine and we play and we talk to each other and we we form you know Str IES and we do all kinds of great stuff and have such a great time so yeah love this game it's a it's a terrific project that is the video for this week guys and that is the end of the 2024 tour of all of the open source software that I use on a regular basis I hope you enjoyed it I really hope that you found something you haven't seen before something that piqued your interest something that reminded you you wanted to go back and check it out it is just so much fun for me I really appreciate it if you find something new drop a comment let me know about it if you like this video please like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along in the open source Journey with us and I'll talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 55,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, self, hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, linux, macos, windows, microsoft, ios, pi, raspberry, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, command line, terminal, interface, network, networking, news, projects, mail-in-a-box, jitsi meet, discourse, rockstor, openmediavault, omv, truenas, synology, qnap, openwrt, dd-wrt, pfsense, opnsense, cisco, linksys, netgear, tp-link, uptime kuma, pihole, jellyfin, plex, emby, qbit, navidrome, airsonic, subsonic, inovie ninja, xpipe, rustdesk, anydesk, teamviewer
Id: Pc6gs_IPnoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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