Episode 6 - An Open Source Domain Controller and Active Directory system with Zentyal!

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[Music] it's your open source Advocate and I'm back with another video and today I'm going to cover zential now if you've never heard of this it's really a nice piece of software and exactly what it says here it's an easy Linux alternative to Windows server so if you've been trying to run a domain controller active directory things like that and you've been kind of having a hard time with it or if you say to yourself you know what Windows server is fine but man I hate paying for per core per socket per this per that for you know everything that they just nickel and Diamond death whenever you want to run a Windows Server then zentia might be the option for you and if you're going to start a business on open source I highly recommend something like zential because it does give you that flexibility so I'm coming at this from the perspective of I'm the business owner I want to run my business on open source but you as a business owner may not be able to choose what your clients run and a lot of them are going to run Windows that's just what they get right out of the box unfortunately from every manufacturer in the world it's a Windows based machine other than Apple and when they have windows they're going to want active directory or you might want active directory or the client might need active directory in order to get things set up and to make it run smoothly and honestly to make it easier for you to manage now there are options that are Linux based like free IPA which is great but getting getting Windows to talk to freeipa is not simple it's not super straightforward it is a little bit convoluted actually so I think zential really kind of fills a gap today now the great thing about it is it's open source it's open source you can get it you can run it and you're going to run what they call the development version which is kind of the community version but if you want the commercial version and this is really serious when you're running a business you may need support you may want support from zentia whenever things aren't going the way you think they should when things aren't functioning right maybe you misconfigure something and you can call these guys and get some help they can help you they offer that you can absolutely buy that and when you buy that that supports the open source part of the software for people who are just coming up and trying to start using it so there's really a benefit to everybody across the board when they're when there's open source projects that have support offerings so I wanted to throw that out there I want to always make sure that you guys understand that free in the open source world does not mean like free as in free beer it means free as in the freedom to do something with software that you want to do you can change the software you can modify the software you can share the software so keep that in mind freedom is super important when it comes to software freedom but it's really not just free as in beer it's great that you can get it that way but sometimes it's better to pay for support it's better to pay to keep things running that you use every day as a tool all right so we're going to set this up now there's a couple of ways you can do this you can just get their ISO so you can come to their main page and you'll see the free trial stuff but if you go over here to the community you'll see here this development Edition and this is the place to download the iso now the iso installs the operating system plus the zential all together makes it really simple if you're going to install this on a virtual machine highly recommend this method um I did try to install this on an lxc container I was definitely having some errors and I'm not sure if it's just the way that I set it up but you can install it on top of an existing Ubuntu installation so there is that possibility they just have a script that'll install the stuff on top of Ubuntu for you it's not something where you have to wipe a machine specifically to install zentel and they have a script that does it so you basically go get the script and you can just run that and that those instructions are out there on this deal site as well but today I'm going to use the iso we set up a proximox server in the beginning of this series so we're gonna we're gonna use that thing so I'm just gonna go here to my test proxmox server I'm going to right click well actually just to get the iso and we've shown this before but you come here you can right click and then you can click on copy the link so you just click on copy the link and then you can come here and you want to go to wherever you keep your isos so in my case I keep it here in local and then ISO images ISO images and then I'm just going to say download from URL I'm going to paste in that URL and then I'm going to hit this little button here and it's going to go look and it's going to say hey I see this ISO is this the one you want and if it is then just click on download it's going to download it and get it set up now I've already got it so I don't need to go through that process but if you do pause the video go ahead and get it get it ready and then you'll have it here wherever you're putting your isos on your proxmox system once you've got that you can right click up here at the top and you're going to say create VM it's going to come up and ask you some questions what's the name of the VM we're just going to call this DC for now this is my domain controller you can call it whatever you want you call it Zendaya whatever you want to call it in fact let's just do that and make it easier to find it's ntl here there we go and then we're going to go to the next thing here it wants to know where am I going to get this image from so you're going to go to local in my case and then I'm going to drop this down it's going to show me all the images that I have and I want this one this is zential I'm going to click on it next we're going to go to system I don't think I need to do anything here everything looks fine on the disks I'm going to give this 64 gigs I'm not going to put a lot of stuff on this machine but if you're going to put a lot of stuff you might want to change this to something higher if you're going to put shared user spaces on this machine you're going to want to make this a much bigger disk of course so if you'll find the disks that you have space to do that with now you could also just Mount other disks and then set up user spaces but just keep that in mind I'm going to use my VMS because this is an SSD it'll be a much faster disk and then I'm going to just move on to CPU here so I'm going to give this four cores I don't need to give it much probably I don't even need to give it that much but we're gonna give a full course on the on the memory we're going to give this 40 96 on the network vertio is fine we're just going to leave that like it is and then we're going to confirm all of our settings make sure everything looks good and hit finish so that's going to create our new VM and it's going to be right here there it is it pops up once it pops up we're going to right click on it we can do start and then we're going to jump over here we're going to make sure it's highlighted it's going to go to the console for us so that's good it's already starting it's trying to load up all right so we've got zentil up and this is kind of what you're going to see initially so I'm going to make this full screen and my language is English you feel free to pick the language that makes sense for you but since mine is English I'm just going to leave it on that and I'm just going to click in there so that I have this highlighted so that when I hit the keyboard it knows what I'm doing I'm just going to hit enter and then right there I'm going to hit enter one more time just to get the the zintel install started all right again just pick your language and then make sure you pick the right region and again pick the right language English us and again I'm English us now you'll see it run through several installation steps it may take a few minutes so just be patient while it runs through these things so it wants to know for the host name what do you want to call this it Pros DC then I'm going to hit tab and enter for continue and the username for my account so I'll give it my username that I want you can do the same for yours and then hit Tab and continue and then a password for that user Make sure you type in a nice long strong password and then we'll tab over to continue and then we're going to type in that password one more time so it's going to try to detect your actual time zone so if you're putting this in like a virtual private server up in the cloud it may have the wrong time zone so if it's not the right one and you want it to be set to your time zone then go ahead and hit no and set the time zone but in my case it's correct so I'm just going to hit enter for yes I want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week I really truly enjoy it and I just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let YouTube know that I'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when I have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what I'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way YouTube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well I really appreciate it thank you again let's get started all right once it finishes you'll get this message and it's basically time to reboot so we're just going to hit continue once it reboot you're going to come to a screen like this and it's going to continue a little bit more installation configuration all right once the zintel install opens it's really a desktop so you can see down here we've got a little LX menu we can click and open and you've got normal system tools but it it automatically pops open your Firefox browser and takes you to localhost 8443 so you can access it this way you can completely work in this you can just click through the security warnings and work here if you want to you don't have to though so we can just go here to the LX terminal and we can do if config and in this case we got the IP address of 56 so we can just close this and we can actually just close the browser as well on the virtual machine and you can see there's a virtual machine desktop so we can go hit the summary kind of see what it's doing so you can see it's using a good bit of memory in this case but it's only willing to give it four gigs but we can open up our browser and we can go to our IP address at 84.43 and we want to put https in front of that and there's our warning which we know this is the machine we want to get to so we can just click through those and then we're going to use the username and the password that we set up during the install and then you're going to see a screen like this that says the initial setup is about to start but you've basically installed syntel you just need to run through the initial setup and configuration now so we're going to click on continue and when you first come in you're going to see a screen like this and it's going to say hey what are you wanting to use until 4. and there's a lot of stuff here there's a lot of stuff that you can install and configure and unpack so this thing really does a ton the first most major thing is the domain controller and file sharing now I just put out a video on email setup with calendar contacts cloud storage things like that with mail in a box but if you wanted to use this there is the option to do this as well now I've never tried to configure it on here I'm not sure what it takes exactly but you could check this box and actually get mail and some other things put in there groupware you can run this as a DNS server a DHCP server and a firewall so again everything you want to run you need to check a little you know click little thing to check it so when you click it checks when you click again it unchecks um now yours is probably going to be white I have the the blocking um the dark reader mode on so here this is what it normally looks like so this is probably what you're going to see so just be prepared that it's not going to be dark unless you have the extension set but this is what it looks like when it's dark then you have additional Services down here which there's a bunch so I'm not going to go through all of these right now but there's a lot of stuff that this this actual zintel server can actually do but the first thing we're interested in is domain controller and file sharing that's that's a great first step in really setting up a professional system that our users can utilize and that we can put to use with some of the other applications that we're going to be using out there so I'm going to hit next and it lets you know here's the things that I'm going to install in order to give you that capability so you can just hit next to start doing the install so again be patient because it takes a little while for it to go through this so now we're going to set up the network interfaces so in my case this is an internal Network at cze zero so I want to make sure that internal is checked if you're using one that's external to your actual Network then you would want to check that but most likely you'll be using internal once you've got that just click on next it wants to know whether you're going to use DHCP or static addressing completely up to you but since we already know what the IP address is of our server since we went and found that we can go ahead and set this as static and then we can type in what we have so the Gateway here or the netmask is correct and my Gateway is going to be dot one and my DNS server is also as I can set up uh my two so for DNS I'm setting up my two pie hole servers because that runs the DNS for my network so next is going to come here and say okay it's a domain controller but do you want this to be a the master main controller or do you want this to be an additional domain controller on the system so in our case we want this to be the master domain controller and it wants to give it the let's think of it a domain name of zentialdomain.land that's not what I want my my domain is Mac G Dash home.loke so I'm going to put that one and it gives you a little warning about changing the server name we're just going to click ok and now it's going to go through the process of getting all of that stuff configured so again just be patient while it goes through that so I've seen this a couple of times even during my practice where it'll be doing this part and it's it gets to the end here and it just says you know I'm saving the web admin module and it just stays so this has been going for minutes now it shouldn't take that long I don't think it seems to get stuck so just be aware if it does it's okay to basically kind of just back this out to the IP address and then just hit enter to kind of refresh the page try to reload it the server just may be stuck in a weird position or something so see it's trying to load the dashboard it's just not quite ready so once it loads the dashboard you should be up and running even if it didn't say it actually finished if it gets to the web admin module you should be good so one of the first things to do is go over here to network and then interfaces just make sure everything looks good on your network interfaces make sure that everything looks set the way that you wanted it if you don't you could have issues accessing the system later it should be fine but it's always good to check that just to make sure so if we start back here at the dashboard again you'll see that it goes out and it checks every time you load the dashboard to see if there's any updates and it'll tell you if there's any updates that are needed so that's kind of nice because you can click on the update section here you can see the updates that are here and it kind of warns you like hey you know this could break something so if you have the system in production you might want to be real careful about it but right now we've just started it up so I'm going to go ahead and run all the updates so it always gives you this warning the packages have been installed successfully but it says your web Administration may be unresponsive for a few minutes or a few seconds just because it's kind of refreshing things in the background so just understand that we're going to click ok and it should come back and then we can refresh to see if there's any packages that need to be updated so you can see right here it's trying to reload everything it's kind of waiting for the system to be back up and ready now once that completes we can go back to our dashboard and it's going to tell us that we don't have any updates pending which is great and we've kind of got everything ready now we have zential installed now there's a whole lot of modules that can be enabled and set up but first I just want to start with setting up our domain controller making sure everything's working and then actually opening up a Windows client and setting it to use the domain to log in so we want to have a user we want to have a shared space we want to have some things set up so we'll kind of go through that process and make sure everything looks good there but really zintel is installed set up ready to start using and it's got a lot of capability so I'm kind of excited about this piece of software for our business I hope you guys are too stick with me and we'll get into the domain controller setup so you're going to want SSH over to your server and then you're just going to do sudo apt update and then two ampersands sudo apt upgrade Dash y this is going to take it through a normal Ubuntu update and upgrade process I've found that there are some packages they just don't get updated during their installation process and I think that's what's creating this hang up with the web admin module so I go through this step and then once it's done I just reboot the server let it come back up and you'll see this little save button up here in the top right it's wanting to to save some changes to the web admin module or anything else that you may have changed in the system again if you click on this it's going to say okay we're going to try to do this go ahead and click save you can see if it'll go ahead and run through the changes that have been made so this is kind of what I'm talking about it seems like it gets stuck in the last step and I think it's really not like the web admin module specifically that's stuck it's just that it sticks on the last step of whatever it's trying to do I I don't know what it is about this version that that happens but I usually just go up here and get rid of the extension just go back to the port number and just hit enter and give it time to load back up it'll probably pop back up with the save button here because it it has something that it flags that it either completed or didn't complete but I just wanted to point that out it is kind of a weird Quirk that it has right now in this version I'm assuming that they'll get that fixed in the next version you got to remember this is the Developer Edition if you want to try out the commercial Edition they have a 45 day free trial you can try it and see how it works and how it functions as well once you get past those little quirks we get to this dashboard and you have a few things that should be set up if you kind of went through the domain controller setup in the Wizard if you didn't you can just do it in here as well so we'll go down here to domain and here you can see that it's got the domain that I've set so if you happen to see like it's not set here you'll want to pick you know domain controller and I'm going to make this a little bit bigger for the people on their mobile devices and then here you'll see the realm now if this realm is not your domain that you are wanting then you'll want to update these things and get it get it changed and edited so here it pulls out the domain name the actual net bios domain name now this realm is the one you're going to want to use on any windows or or Ubuntu machines for actually like getting to your login screens this is just the name that it gives it automatically the server descriptions ntl server it's up to you if you want to change it it's fine I mean it's nothing that you're going to use for anything then you can enable roaming profiles that means people who move from computer to computer can log in from any computer and it's going to set up their profile so if they have a similar Windows desktop experience and folder setup and things like that it's kind of up to you to do that if you have people who are moving around a lot it might be useful as long as they're not storing things on every single local Machine drive and it's all being stored you know maybe on your server on a share Drive probably fine if if really people aren't going to be doing that very much I wouldn't enable this it's just me and then it gives you the share folder uh Drive number or drive letter is H and then you click on change if you need to make any changes now if everything is set the way you wanted it then then you're doing pretty good the other thing we want to check is our DNS setup here so there's not a lot to set up but you want to make sure that you have that domain here in the domain section and just make sure that it's got a that it's got a row set and that is checked and then finally we want to go to the module status tab and make sure that your domain controller and all of these things are turned on enabled if they're not then you're going to want to enable them and go through the process of getting them enabled now I didn't have to do any of this this was already done after it came to the wizard I didn't have to go set up anything manually but I wanted to point out the locations where you would set that up if you needed to set it up manually once you've checked those items and everything seems to be set your network is set you know what your IP address is and if you'll notice I've redone this even since I started the video so I've got a different IP address that I set but that's neither here nor there then you're going to want to go to your Windows machine and set it up so what I've done as I've already done this but I'm going to walk you through the process at least of what you have to do to set this up so I'm going to show you first here on on the net admin so in zentia you need to set up some users and groups and we're going to go here to the users and computers section and we're going to click on manage now here you can see kind of a tree structure similar to what you'd see in a Windows configuration setup which is I guess to make it a little bit more comfortable for one thing now here you can see the win 10 computer that I've already used to log in once so it just automatically detected this I did not have to add this here manually what I did was I went and I made a couple of groups so when you click on groups because I have this zoomed in you'll see this plus the bottom and when you want to add groups you just click on plus so here we're just going to leave this as a security group we're going to click on the group name and we'll call this group name payroll and payroll and if you have an email that's a group email for them you can add that if not just click on ADD and then you'll have a payroll group here when you're ready to add users to the groups that you've created you'll click down here on users now you'll notice there's a couple of users that are defaulted in but I've added a few users over here myself so this first one that I added was domain admin so we'll set up one that's actually called full on full out domain admin so you'll want to add some kind of domain admin now your user is already in the system but it's a little bit different so you'll create a special user for this purpose so I'm going to call this domain admin with a hyphen there and then domain admin and description is optional if you want it and then give them a strong password so that they can get into the system and then we're going to do uh groups that we want them in and we want them in the domain admins group and we're going to click on ADD now you go back to users and this is where you start creating your users so for instance I created J userman and I put him in the developers group but we just created the payroll group so we'll create a user and we're going to call this person um H Mills and that'll be Henry Mills and he's in payroll and we'll give him a password Here and we're going to put him in the payroll group right here we're going to add him and now so if we go check out our users we'll see that we have Henry Mills right here and he is in the payroll group now in the payroll group we can go here and actually create a shared Drive location so we're just going to call this um the directory name we're just going to call this payroll we're going to add that directory you can see Henry's already in this group so it tells us the group share has been added for payroll great and you can do that for any of these groups so on this one I did not create a group share oh yes I did I created a group share that's called Dev share pretty simple and then on the admin group I don't have one yet but I have shares that are set up so I have Henry and I have Jay userman so I've got a couple of people and they're in a couple of groups and their shares set up for those groups and there's a machine that's already been logged in so once you've set up the users and the groups and the shares that you want to have you can now go over to your Windows machine all right so when you come to your Windows 10 machine you're going to want to set up the machine to be ready to be logged in from the domain now one of the things you need to do is actually set up some of the networking stuff so we're going to go to control panel there we go and here you can go to your network information and then I just go over here to the change adapter settings on the left and click on the adapter and then click on properties and if you've not done this before I mean it's pretty straightforward you're going to go in here and find TCP ipv4 and then click on properties and you can see here I've already set this as a static IP address and I've got the Gateway and the net mask there but this is probably what you're going to want to do if nothing else you need to set it at least with static DNS and what you're going to do is set your first DNS server as your actual zential server so this is the IP address of my zintel server you can set your other DNS server as any DNS that's on your network if you're using pi hole or something like that you can set that as your secondary DNS if you want to use cloudflare or but this first one needs to be your domain server but once you're done with that you'll click OK and of course go through the process of letting it update your your information for your IP information then click OK through all of these different things and then we're going to go here and open up the little file explorer and on this PC you're going to right click and click on properties it's going to open up a settings screen and then I scroll down until I see rename this PC with advanced in the parenthesis here click on that it's going to bring up your PC naming dialog here there's a change button here we're going to click on it and right here you can see that I gave this thing a different name so I gave it the name that I wanted for this machine so it's juserman Dash win10 this is going to be his machine so if this was somebody's laptop desktop whatever virtual machine if this is the only person who's going to use it this would be a good way to name it so you can tell whose machine it is it's up to you how you name this it doesn't matter this this name doesn't really matter that much but here you're going to see that it's going to have this checked you want to change it to domain and then you want to make sure you type in that domain that you have over on your zintel server so when we go back here if you'll remember when I went to my domains I have macg Dash home dot Loc that's what I typed in here on this on this virtual machines domain when you're done click OK it's going to spin for a second and it's going to prompt you for your domain admin user and and password that domain admin that we just created and the password and we add in the domain admins group you need to type that into the dialog that pops up and then you will be ready it'll it'll go ahead and if once you got that done it'll spin for a second it'll come up and tell you okay this thing should be on the domain you need to restart to get the settings that take effect so it'll pop up a little dialogue that says restart this computer to get the changes to take effect let it reboot once it reboots you'll be back at this screen most likely you can just swipe up or hit the space bar it might ask you to hit control alt delete to log in and you'll see this prompt for your local user just click over here and you can see here it already picks up my domain because I told it what the domain is in that dialog so now I can type in J userman and his password and then I can log in and you can see it goes and picks up his information from my domain controller so it knows that it's Joseph userman I didn't type that in anywhere the system went and got it from the domain controller now the first time you log in it might take a little bit longer but it's going to set up this thing for Jay userman now we did set up a shared drive so what we can do click on this PC and then if we click on the network it should start searching the network to try to find other machines on the network so this is kind of what we're looking for so you can see I've got quite a few things here and then what we want to find is backslash backslash it Pros DC and you can see as I type that so where I'm getting that name from we'll come back over here so if you remember I've got Mac ghome.loke as my as my realm my domain is Mac G home but then we've got this net bios computer name and that's it Pros DC that's the that's the computer name I set up during the installation wizard so that's the name that I'm typing in here to actually get to my network shares so you can see it's offering up some some share drives that I can choose from and it doesn't offer up the payroll drive if you'll notice because I ISJ usermen don't have access to the payroll Drive I only have access to this Dev share that I created so I'm going to click Dev share it's going to go I should have read write access let's see if we can create a new folder and this is juserman stuff there we go the folders created and let me save it that's great now I can always try to Traverse back to this location I can set up this location as an actual mapped network drive so I can say map this network drive I can give it a drive letter and I can say finish so now I can access this drive just like I would on any other drive just by going to this PC and then I'm going to have my mapped Drive letter right here I can click on it and then there's my folder with zintal we've set up a domain share we've set up a domain login and we've provided a share Drive location for our user that they can then map on their Windows machines our users getting logged in through Windows through the domain controller which is pretty great now of course you can just always go and do sign out and you can switch users you can do all the normal things you would do and really it's just gonna function okay we've got our domain controller set up I've shown you how to go and set up a Windows user to log in through the domain and how the shared folders work so now we're going to talk about Linux and in this case I've got a Ubuntu install and I've just run through the installer normally Ubuntu installer and I've gotten to this point here so we're going to go and type in our name and it will try to fill out some information here we'll change this name to something a little more useful okay so we give it a name we got a username here we put in a password for a local user but then you've got this checkbox down here that says use active directory so we're going to check that box and you'll see that it highlights the thing that says you'll set this up on the next screen so we're going to hit continue and right here it tells us here's the domain what domain do we want to get so I'm going to type in Mac G Dash home.loc and it says test connection and it gives us a little check mark if it's able to find that domain controller which is great now the domain administrator so this is the domain administrator account and the password for that domain administrator I'm going to hit continue and it's going to go ahead and do the normal install for Ubuntu so once this install completes we'll kind of check out how we can log in using active directory through a Linux install instead of through a Windows install all right after we've set this up during the install to use active directory there's still some steps that we have to do as a local user so we've created that local user account so we're going to log in with that local user account and I'll kind of show you what you have to change and it's very similar to what you have to do in your Windows machine which is make sure that your DNS depending on your operating system just find your network settings that it's going to differ depending on the on the OS that you're running but go to settings in this case and here we've got Network and here we can see we've got our wired connection when you click on the little gear icon on Ubuntu you'll see your DNS servers you need to make sure that your DNS server the first DNS server listed is your domain controller and make sure it's the IP address for your domain controller if it's not you can click on ipv4 type in the DNS servers you want and then turn off automatic if this is still on it's just going to pull whatever DNS servers are coming from your your router so make sure you turn off automatic so that it takes these click apply and then you just want to turn off the connection for a second turn it back on and you should be set whenever you open up settings again you should see the proper DNS server now as your domain controller once you've done that you can close out and you can go here and log out uh we'll log out and then when you come into your Ubuntu Server you can click on that little link underneath the name to go to a different login screen and we'll do H Mills at and then you want to type in your domain Mac G Dash home.loc so in Windows where you do the domain backslash username in this case you do username at the Domain so it's kind of like an email address even though it's not an email address press enter then put in the password for the user you're logging in and it should give you a little message that says it's creating a home directory for that user on this machine and then just be patient while it does that and it'll log in and now you have your normal startup kind of wizard for this new user that you can you know do all the things you need to do click through it everything like that and you're done now you're logged in as a domain user with a Windows domain on a Ubuntu Linux desktop so we've done it we've done it that way if you didn't do that setup originally in the installer getting this set up is a little bit of a different story I don't see a place in the settings to set up the active directory login information so there's a problem with that to me that you can only do it at at the initial install uh maybe there's some stuff that it has to install so it has to know like hey I have to install these things in order to set this up it'd be nice if there was a graphical component and Ubuntu to do this after the fact because if you have a machine that you've already got set up today you know it's it's not so easy to get that kind of really ready to be logged in through active directory there's a bunch of stuff you have to go install separately now so we'll cover that in a different video but now you see that we've got things running from a Windows side and from a Linux side on active directory and we were able to do all of that just because we installed zintiel and set up our domain controller so there's a lot of stuff that you can do here when you want to start doing like group policy and things like that there's some tools that you can install on one of your windows clients actually and when you're installing when you're logging into the domain admin you can then use those tools to push out group policies through windows to the windows machines and so on so there's a lot of stuff that you can do here I think this gives you a really easy low barrier to entryway to get active directory set up on your network and if you're going to be in a professional environment that's going to be really important and the ability to kind of have logins and control permissions and things like that is going to be important so I thought this would be a really good one hope you guys enjoyed this if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on the journey with us and I'll talk to you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 86,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, open source software, open source news, open source projects, domain controller, dc, active directory, ad, zentyal, freeipa, windows server, samba, shared folders, login, useers, groups
Id: RZfybZVE6Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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