Zabbix - Open Source Monitoring System | Proxmox Home Server Series | Proxmox Home Lab

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hello everyone and thank you much for watching this is me Mr P and this is another episode in a proxmox Home Server Series this is a part two of me showing you how I am monitoring my proxmox cluster in a part one I was talking more about the hardware and the hardware I'm using is elron 5 in capacitive touchscreen monitor and I was showing you how I designed and how it's mounted inside my prox Moos cluster in this video I will focus more on zabic zabic is the allinone open-source solution that lets you monitor anything and they're right with zabic you can monitor pretty much anything you want you can monitor servers you can monitor websites you can monitor devices you can monitor the any kind of telemetric that the device has or tracks zabic will capture that telemetric will capture all the ones and zeros and it will display in a graph this is the simple graph that I created for this video where it's just showing the current time showing the nas storage usage so right now it sits at 84% in storage and Nas is using 4% of CPU this is by the way signology so the zabic can connect to signology and this is the proimos cluster my main proximos cluster uh containing free nodes alrais serus and Lich alrais as you can see doing a double job is doing 45% CPU utilization Lich is 2.3 and serus is is really serious by doing 4.5 or so and the RAM usage here showing as well zix allows you to monitor a lot and a lot of stuff I mean they are right on the website you can monitor anything if you look at the download section you will see the setup process of the zix first time when I looked at this uh I thought it's going to be a bit of complicated complicated task for me to handle and it's going to take quite a while to get everything set up and running but honestly it takes 10 maybe maximum 20 minutes to get zabic server running so for this video and for me to show you how zabic server set up I have two VMS set up inside my proximo cluster one is called zabic dyt this is where the zabic server will live and another one is called svm so this can be any kind of Linux drr as long as this allows you to install zabic agent packages you can monitor you can monitor Linux Mac OS Windows websites and pretty much everything else um Under the Sun can be monitored by zabic so first thing we need to get everything running I'm going to use Ubuntu a server BM for this video but you can pretty much install zabic onto a lot and a lot of operating systems distro as you can see here Ubuntu Seuss Rocky Red Raspberry Pi Oracle Debian sent OS Alma Linux and Etc I'm going to use obuntu and next thing you need to make sure that you select the right OS so let's jump into the obuntu BM and I'll show you how you can get their OS version a correct to make sure that you're going to use correct OS version I am already connected via SSH into z-t and once you set up Ubuntu U Ubuntu any other Dr first thing what you need to do is obviously do update and upgrade so I'm going to quickly do that okay nothing is needs to be updated and upgraded great so like I said first of all you need to know what kind of OS version you are using to do that and you don't need to typ type cat cat space SL Etc SL os- relase and it's telling me that I'm using 2204 so I need to go back into a zabic page and need to make sure that I'm going to use 2204 version I will install server front end an agent I'm going to use my SQL database and it's going to run by Apache web server and this is the steps you need to take you need to copy paste these commands into the um into your server into your VM where you want to install zabic server and everything is going to be installed automatically First Command you need to basically do is obviously update and upgrade and then if you look into the downloads page which is this you need to copy this command so let's copy this command go back and I'm going to write sud sudo because I'm logged in as a super as a user you can run this via super user I'm just going to run via user and now what I'm need to do is copy the command copy paste that command and press enter and what is doing is downloading all the packages that will allow um us to include zabic repost into our system let's go back to this copy next command again PSE sudo copy copy paste the command in press enter and that's it unpacking zabic release setting up zabic release so that means that's it a zabic release for buntu 2204 has been added and next command is just update so I'm going to write Pudo appt update and right now at the bottom you can see couple of more extra lines showed up than we weren't seeing before so next thing is a bunch of stuff to be installed so let's copy all that and write let's clear all this P sudo and then paste the command and it's going to install zabic server myql which will allow zabic to communicate with a MySQL server it will install zabic front end PHP files that will show us the zabic dashboard and all the web UI zabic Apache configs to allow us to set up this web server and zabic SQL scripts it will allow us to copy already preconfigured database configurations into the myql that we will install next and then zabic agent which is just going to be agent that runs inside the same VM where the server will run because it will this way it will allow zabic server to monitor itself and that's it all that in I'm just going to go put Dy at the end because I want to get how to accept all the prompts and go if you can see this showing up on the screen that means that you installing or you're trying to install that not supported version for example you you are using obuntu 204 but trying to install 2204 you need to make sure that you select the right OS version from this list so right now what I'm going to do I'm going to leave this running and I'll be back when everything is installed installation finished so let's check the next step we need to do the next step will be connected to mySQL but one thing you need to make sure that make sure you have a database server already running this is a quite crucial um Step because first time when I was installing this I missed this part and I was trying to connect to my SQL to set everything up and I was a I wasn't able to do that because I there was no MySQL installed so to install MySQL server inside your zabic server VM need to type pseudo because if you're using user or you don't need pseudo type pseudo if you straight away doing via root sudo app install MySQL Das server enter and it's going to say that nothing to be installed because I already installed my SQL Server prior to this video so make sure that my SQL is installed and once you everything is installed all the stuff is installed for MySQL server you can go and go and use the next command which will log in by root but right now if I'm going to run this it will not work because I'm user so I need to do sudo and then do MySQL D root that means log to mySQL using root uh root user with a password if you don't know your root password you just go back into a command prompt just clear cancel the previous command to do that is contrl C and type pseudo space Su you will be changed into a root and now just type pass WD to means that password change the password give a new password I just going to click exit because I like to do everything by a user instead of root and now I can go and run this command which was pseudo my SQL D- root DB enter enter the password for the root user and here we go I am inside the MySQL this showing this indicates that I am inside the MySQL connected to my SQL not the Linux CLI so next command do not copy this front bit it's just showing indicating this commands needs to run inside database you just copy this part start with create database and Etc one thing please note with copy and pasting the commands into a SS SSH client that commands will be triggered automatically like for example if I right click and there's a command in there is a chance it's going to be triggered automatically right now it's not done that right now I'm not sure why but usually when I paste the command into a into my um SSH client commands gets triggered automatically and already initiates it there is no need to press enter after the command and next command as you can see it says create user let me zoom in a bit create user zabic so this command will create a user zabic inside the Local Host identified by password if you don't want to use password password you copy this command into some sort of a text editor change the word password into a password that you want to use and then copy the command um don't mind to use password as a password as this is a demo video so I'm just going to paste it in yes I can right now go and change that but I'm just going to go and press enter so right now the user zapex is created with the password password next command grants all the Privileges to U zabic user inside zabic database so we create a zabic database we created the zabic user now we're giving zabic user all the Privileges inside zabic database so let's copy this command go back into a terminal and we're going to press enter and that's it query okay everything is working fine next command is going to set Global log bin trust function creators so all what this does is one it means is turning off the security of the database and what I mean by that is allowing all the data to be written inside the database without validating the user and Etc so we need to do that because of the next step so first we're going to turn all the all the um security you can call security is more is a bit more broader than security but you can think this is security off so we're going to press enter on that and next command it says quit you can write exit or just type quit quit and then semicolon enter so we go it says buy and I'm back in CLI let's clear this to clear the screen by the way of the of the of the SSH client just press contrl L to clear the screen let's go back into the commands so next thing on zabic server host import initial schema and data so we're just going to select all this just do not copy the hashtag this just shows indicates that you need to run this inside the Linux CLI where my SQL is showing that you need to run this inside the database CLI so we're going to right click and I need to put sue. front and what is right now doing is going to pseudo zcat zcat will decompress the server. SQL Dogz file and pipe the data into our MySQL using this preconfigured setup bya user zabic with a password into a database zix if I press enter it's going to ask me for password and this is the password for the user zabic we created here as you can see this one I left it as a password if you change that you need to enter the password that you change here but this is the password we need to enter so in my case it's just going to be password press enter and now wait and once all this is finished you will not get any kind of confirmation you're just going to be taken back straight into a Linux CLI the de compression of the server do SQL Dogz file and then pushing data into your MySQL server should not take more than 3 minutes I would say 5 minutes maximum if it takes more than 5 minutes there is something wrong with your setup anyway we back into a Linux CLI so let's go back into our um setup process and after this command we need to go and log in back into MySQL so that's what we're going to do now we're going to go and type pseudo MySQL space- root space- P passwort of your super user or root user and now inside SQL we need to go and paste the command that we copied before but right now before it was one now is zero this means we're turning on the security that's done we just type quit and that's it and we're back into a Linux Li and then is asking us to go and configure the the database connection to do that I need to type pseudo Nano SLC SL zabic for/ zabic and in here what we need to do we need to look for the line which is going to say DB password if you're using SSH client you can uh SSH program to connect to this server by SSH you can press contrl W to start the search and I'm just going to put DB pass enter and this is the line we need to make sure it's active by removing the hashtag and password was password this is the password that you changed if you set up here I left password is the password but if you change that this is what you need to enter here contrl x to close y to write enter to confirm and that's it zabic instructed or zabic configured to use the right password to connect to database and the last thing what is asking us to do is system CTL restart zabic server zabic agent and Apache 2 that's what we're going to do now so I'm just going to paste this command in obviously I need to do sud sudo in front because I'm using R rer user and I'm just going to press enter that's done next I'll bring the Sim command delete the word restart and write enable and then enter and that is it and I can dble go and double check if I delete enable and type status and let's delete everything and just leave zabic server as you can see at the top it says active active and it's running it means zabic is working so now let's make sure that I know my IP address of this VM which is ending in 146 I can go back inside the browser open a new tab and type my local IP address followed by 146 enter and I will be greeted with the patch default page that means the patch is working but where is zabic zabic dashboard can be accessed by adding sl/ zabic at the end press enter and here we are we are welcomed into zabic 6.4 from a drop down I can leave English or I can change to GB I'm going to change into GB default language click next step and it's showing exactly check the prerequisits and I can see everything is okay green okay green okay green next and this is where I configure the connection so Local Host for database is fine Port is fine database zabic zabic user and a password is going to be password in my case obviously if you use the different setup process changing the password here this is going to be a password need to enter next step no thank you Chrome browser I don't want to remember this I'm going to name this zabic YT default time zone system that is fine and default theme from Blue I will change straight into a dark mode click next step and it's telling me prein pre-installation summary everything looks like Okay click next step and congratulations you have successfully installed zabic front end finished and that's it I'm right now greeted with the login prompt default user is admin with a capital A and a password is zabic sign in and that's it we are inside the zabic dashboard for me to do a video showing you how to configure everything what you need everything inside the zabic it will take days to do CU zabic is so powerful you can like I said you can you can monitor pretty much anything you want the same thing what they say on the screen on the on the homepage you can monitor anything you want with the zabic so to show you everything what zabic can do it's going to be days and days of video just to showing you everything what I'll show you is just how to include the one agent how to automate agent Discovery and how to create a simple dashboard so first thing let's create ourself a new host or add a new host to add a host into a zabic dashboard for you to monitor you need to click on a data collection on the left hand side and choose host and right now as you can see it says zabic server currently is added and is enabled and it's working availability zbx means there is a zabic agent running and agent encryption is currently none so if I'll click for example on items and it will show me what zabic tracking or what zabic is tracking using the zabic agent and it's tracking a lot and a lot of stuff as you can see there's a bunch of stuff is being tracked if I go back and I'll go on the triggers it will show me what happened with the recent what happened and what's got triggered and what kind of data got pulled from the zabic using zabic agent graphs it just is going to show me graphs what kind of graphs is set up in this system Discovery is showing what is discovered about this zabic agent and to see what it's actually doing I can click on a monitoring host and then this is the same showing up but right now I can click on a graphs and it's showing what is happening with the zabic agent it's showing the storage of my VM that I'm using for zabic server Linux CPU jumps showing what is happen with the CPU uh CPU by the by the times there different resources and more and more and more and more and more data showing up here if I go all the way to to bottom as you can see displaying 20 out of 20 stuff and some of the some of the monitoring systems that you will set up will do more than 20s will do it's going to be like six seven pages showing up at the bottom you can change how far you want to go by last 2 7 days 30 days 2 years back you want to see last 5 minutes or you want just see what's happened today what's happened this week last one day I usually have M set on 5 minutes or 10 minutes or 15 minutes sorry just to see what's happen so as you can see CPU was fine and Sun it just went slightly up and a bunch of other stuff happening on here so okay all fine all good but so at the moment we have only one agent or only one monitoring point so to add another one like I said you need to click on a data collection host create a host give a host a name I'm going to call the Su VM for host name visibility name this is going to be this showing up here so you can leave this a su VM or can you can name rename it and then I'm going to just say add by agent so interface agent and now I need to add IP address I'll go back to my proxmox click on the VM that I'm going to use to monitor let's click on a console and let's check what is IP address of this this is 81 so let's go back into dashboard and I'm I'm just going to put my local IP address followed by a21 everything else you can leave by default zapex agent and server communicates VI Port one50 so leave like that and that is it I'm click add uh groups yes I need to add the groups select the group and what that will be that's is going to be a virtual machine you can select applications databases hypervisors if you're for example monitoring prox MOX a cluster like I do so you can add as a hypervisor Linux I'm going to say I'm monitoring the virtual machine select click add so right now some BM is been added everything is showing up here except is saying that availability is not available because zabic agent has not been detected inside this interface IP address Follow by one5 so we need to go and install zabic agent inside this VM so I'll jump back into my SSH client click on a new tab and this is the svm U some some VM VIs machine that I will use for this straight away if you setting up something up I suggest straight away to do app update and app upgrade just to make sure that everything is okay so let's quickly do that I will update and upgrade the system let's see if it's oh I need to put sudo here as well my bad so that's it uh everything updated upgraded let's check if this VM gives me option to install zabic agent to double check you just type pseudo app search zabic and it's going to give me all the packages that I can install with the w zabic so we don't need server no proxies no no no we need this we need zabic agent and that's what we're going to install contrl L to clear the screen pseudo appt install zabic agent enter so right now we need to go and configure zabic agent to talk to a zabic server to do that you need to type pseudo Nano SLC zabic for/ tabix agent and if I scroll down I'm going to find the part of the code on here which will say I do believe passive monitoring let's just keep passive checks related this is what I need I scroll down I'll find this line which it says server I need to delete that I need to enter the IP address of my zix server just going to double check the IP address which was 146 so I'm going to enter here 1921 68 17 146 and if I scroll down a bit more I will find option which says active checks and it's going to ask me for server IP address as well so I'm going to enter this one here now and I'll explain to you the difference between them 146 the difference between active and passive is the passive monitoring is means the zabic server will constantly asks the data from zabic agent where active checks is Agent will send the data to a server server will not ask them as soon as the agent is up and running it's going to send the data active checks is more is more useful for laptops like for example I have my Dell XPS 15 laptop with a Linux Mint installed and I set up that to be my active checks that means once my laptop is on and it's connected to our Internet it's just going to send the data where passive it means the server will ask for data I suggest to change the change IP address next to a server active and server passive on in both places uh you don't know how you're going to set up in the future so you just change in both places so once everything is changed I'm going to press contrl X to close y to write enter to confirm so zabic agent is set up now I need to restart the zabic agent to forcing forcing zabic agent to use most recent configuration files we just did to do that I need to type pseudo space SL Etc init.d init.d Z i- agent space restart enter and now I can double check by typing pseud space system CTL status zx- agent. service I can see it's running so if I Jo jump back into my dashboard right now let's wait for a second or so for this to kick in I'm going to refresh a bit more a bit more and just need to wait for zabic server to detect that this agent is up and running I forgot to mention one thing I don't think this Zex will change change into green because we haven't told the zabic server what to ask of the zabic agent to do that once when you click on a data collections host you click on the name of the host that you want to track and inside here next to templates you need to add the template if you click select it's going to give you another table if you click select again it gives you an option what you can track if you select templates and then it's going to give you a list of all the stuff you can go and track inside well using Z server and this list is quite lengthy and you can add even more to this list if you go to the page that I will leave a link in description below but basically this is a zabic Integrations and it's going to gives you a list of everything you can track you can track Chrome you can track Cloud FL and keep going Ambi you can track somewhere there supposed to be I can see signology or supposed to be signology grafana G and much much more and this list is not all there's a very very um active Community behind it which allow which creates amazing and amazing scripts for the zabic to use to monitor stuff and that list that the community created is even longer what you see here on the screen so with zabic it is right you can pretty much track and monitor anything you want so let's go back in here and now I'm going to click on this deselect and I'll will write Linux if I type Linux okay it doesn't found this way let's go back and type in here Linux so now I type Linux is goes and searches any template that has word Linux and I'm going to use Linux by zabic agent there is no more passive because Linux by zabic agent just defaulted to passive which this one is means active where no where the the um Zex agent will push the data I'm going to choose this and I'm going to say update and now let's see what's happening so far it's got 43 items if I click on the graphs this is the graphs is pulling from and now if I click on a monitoring hosts and now I need wait to see if zabic to turning into green color and it means the connection is established and here we are in literally like 5 seconds after I stopped talking the zabic turned into green and I'm showing that right now it has 43 items pulled if I click on this I can see that zabic server requested for CPU idle time 10 seconds ago and it is 9.96 25% there's a bit more showing up so system name is sbm system local time system boot time and everything else you can set up a lot and a lot of stuff you can monitor to show your dashboard how how long the system was up okay the Ping the speed and everything else in between so if I click on a monitoring and host I click on the graphs and I can see that right now it's pulled the data about storage or almost finished pulling data about storage it knows that is one drive so showing my drive here but still waiting for data to be fetched if I scroll down a bit I can see there's a bit of showing about CPUs already it's showing about total memory and everything else and right now it's found 13 and this number will go until the sabic server finish asking zabic agent to give all the list of stuff that is is okay it's going to monitor so it go back so it's still 13 if I refresh this page it's probably going to it should go a bit up but right now from 48 is up to 67 so we're just going to go and and and happen automatically and this is all what well and good as you basically added one host what if you have 10 different things you want to monitor in your home lab 20 50 you don't want to go and manually add every single host one at a time zabic server allows you to do that all automatically and that's what I'm going to show you next to automate all this detecting host thing what you need to do you need to click on a data collections Discovery and click on the local network this will be created by default if I click on this so this is a discovery rule called local network this IP address is entered by default you need to amend this to match your local network my case I need to change from 0 to 178 so my local network IP addresses are all 192168 178 do something so I said that scan all the IP addresses between 1 and 254 up update interval 1 hour is not not that great I'm going to do 5 minutes for example I think I can do 2 minutes or one minute actually do one minute I set up five minutes I think one minute should work fine as well and how it's going to check it's going to check if every all the devices has zabic agent installed but so far I installed Zex agent only on one device so what I need to do I need to remove that and I need to add the checks so I want to I want zabic server to go and check all the devices that's currently connected to my home network and check if they have option for http P Port if they have option for example for receiving ping if they have option for example SSH into them do they have option to FTP so you can add all these so zabic Ser will go and check it will find a device I will check can you do Port 80 can you receive ping can you do SSH can you do FTP can you do this can you do that and if one of them will say yes it will be added automatically into your hosts list I'm going to click here enable at the bottom and click update so the rule is updated now we need to trigger or set up the trigger that will trigger this rule as soon as or what the we need to set the trigger that will trigger the add host automatically once this rule is met to do that I need to click on alerts actions Discovery action create a new action I will name this Auto add to hosts hosts condition I need need to add condition we say Discovery rule select local network so this trigger will do uh will create an action on the condition if this Ru is get triggered so local network under Discovery rules will be triggered it will go and do operation which is add the host add and add that and this is enabled if I click back on a monitoring and host I should see more stuff showing up on this list if I done everything correctly so let's wait for a second or so to see if that happens and here we are as soon as I press refresh I get my fritzbox fritzbox is my router obviously this IP address starts with one so it's detector one what is doing now the the zabic server it goes and checks IP address ending with two IP address ending with three with four with five and it's go all the way up to IP address ending of 254 and will add all the devices as soon as it detects so frit box um accepted one of the requests SFTP ping or a port 80 and as soon as one of them was true came back with the result true is been added I'm just going to leave this running like this cuz I don't want to start showing all my stuff that happens in the in my home network but on my main Pro zabic server I have a bunch and a bunch of stuff already showing up here so right now what I'll do I'll jump to the next thing which is the dashboard zabic server comes to preconfig to preconfigured with this dashboard but I want to change this dashboard slightly or create my own new one so I'm going to click on the old dashboard here at the top create a new dashboard and we'll name this zabic YT YT uh lesson for example default page display period I will say 10 seconds so that means that it's going to go every 10 seconds refresh the data on the page apply and that's it this is my blank canvas where I can go and start adding stuff let's say at the top right I want to add a clock and I want to have this digital and I want clock to refresh every 10 seconds for some reason I want to to have a date and if I click additions I want to have the time to be in the light green color and this needs to be bold and 24hour format is fine do I want to show seconds uh yes I can I don't mind click add and now if I Mouse over I get this dragging Point drag points I can say that will be fine here uh no that's this is fine so this is the clock on this side let's say I want to add the let's say top host so this is a bunch of stuff you can as you can see you can add you can add graphs you can add map you can add web URL you can add URL straight into a website you can monitor websites if the website up and down and a bunch more I'm going to click top host I will name this um let's say BMS refresh interval 10 seconds and I you can add host by the actual uh group so I'm going to say everything that's inside group virtual machines will get added I don't need to specify the host I'm fine just specifying the group and then I want to do a columns so First Column will say name and next is going to say from item value I'm going to say display host name add if I click add it's going to say nothing because I need to have two columns so I'm going to say next column will be um what's going to be next column let's say CPU let's say CPU okay item value is fine what item value I'm going to add CPU and now in here I need to pick CPU Linux CPU utilization because I'm using I'm going I'm tracking Linux BM I need to choose Linux CPU utilization or I can go and uh I think it should allow me to track a bunch of stuff so from some VM this VM sends this data and if all the all the virtual machines sends the same data you can use one of them to specify what you want so I'm just going to clear that close that I'm just going to say I want to track CPU utilization do I want to show as it is just the number value or I want to show indicators and I want to show indicators I want to say base color basically it's always green everything is fine CPU can go from zero literally nothing has been used to 100% Max two decimal points that is fine or can I say one threshold so always going to be green color unless it reaches 50% which the color will change let's say into yellow if this reaches 75% of CPU utilization is going to change into orange and if it's goes let's say above 80 it's going to be red and click add add and that's it this is my graph showing up so basically because I chose two decimal points one decimal point instead of two I'm just going to change that to say three decimal points apply so basically this VM doing nothing is doing 0.033% CPU utilization and it's showing green color as this is a base color but then is color will change depending on the um on the uh what's on the fresh CL I set up so let's say I don't want 50 I'm going to say 50 so if you're using half is going to be 50 if you're using 80 it's going to be red color and that's the sit here I can add it something else name CPU let's say I'm going to add RAM I'm going to add RAM so going say R uh actually no not Ram let's say memory so I'm going to say memory available memory and yeah how much memory he got left threshholds I don't going to see set I'm going to say as it is that's fine add so here we go so sbm is using 0.25% CPU and it's 89.1 n% Ram free and this is how you keep add and add and add more dashboards into this list and that's it this is the zabic server and how zabic can allow will allow you to monitor pretty much anything you want from your home lab thank you much for watching I hope you enjoy this video and I'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: MRP
Views: 4,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zabbix, zabbix - monitoring, zabbix server installation, proxmox cluster, mrp, proxmox home server series, proxmox home lab, monitor your home lab for free, best monitoring service for home lab
Id: WBiSL6Lq8Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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