SYNC Proxmox backups to BACKBLAZE using RCLONE | OFF-SITE Backups | Proxmox Home Server Series

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hello everyone and thank you much for watching this is me Mr P and this is another episode in a proxbox home survey Series in this video I'll show you how to set up Arc loan inside NFC container on proxmox and then how to link our clone to a backblaze data center to backup your proxbox backups off-site so let's begin for this example I have a proximox setup running here so I have a two containers one is called top civil Galaxy important VM self-hosted lxc so two containers and one virtual machine and they're getting backed up into a ZFS pool so we'll click on here ZFS box as you can see there's a couple of couple of the backups already showing up here ZFS is just basically ZFS created inside the proxbox as you can see I have CFS running I think it's 120 gigabytes each Drive if I'm not mistaken and basically it's a mirror ZFS linked to a proxbox and it's been used to obviously store ISO CT templates Etc and obviously backups so we're going to set up our clone to back up the proxmox backups to a back Blaze so basically you need to follow the three two one rule when you're talking about the backups you need to have free backups on two separate media and one must be off-site so three backups of some device some some things so in this case it's going to be VMS I do have actually not that enough backup though but for this tutorial will be fine you usually on my main proxbox I am keeping five previous days so retention five days so it's a five backups and obviously one of them is being kept on a normal storage unit and then obviously I have going to back Blaze so I decided to create this video to show you how easy to set up and get this going so let's start setting up so like I said two containers one VM one template and they're getting backed up to easyfs let's start by creating ourselves lxc container we're going to use the standard basic Ubuntu Galaxy container I also I will start creating one but let's if you don't have Alexi container setup or template and loaded that is I read it in a video how to set up Galaxy template exec container templates how to download the template for boom to how to basically clone what is the cloning of a template etc etc all this you'll find in the video and the video link to that video will be in the description below below the like button and if I remember I will put the card up here now to show up and basically take you to that video and you will know everything you need to know about how to set up Alexi containers and obviously downloaded templates Etc so let's start creating one let's create the template Galaxy container for my art load I'm going to click on a created CT it will pick the next number that is available incrementing from 100 actually no it's not passing 101 so it's 100 101 and 102 so next one will be 103. you can put whatever number you want here as long as this number is free so I'm going to use 103. now I'm give I will give a host name and the name to this container in my case it's going to be our clone YT this container needs to be privileged that's why I I take it I am I'm not selecting a privileged container next let's create a password something something that you will remember to punch in I'm just going to put something very easy for me to type and the templates this is the location where I store my container template so I'm going to use this and I will use Ubuntu 2204 and and the disks location is local your location might be different depending where you're storing the M disks in my case for this example is going to be local and eight gigabytes is plenty for this video that's what is going to happen we're gonna have Mount pointed ZFS ball to this to this container so not VM to this container and then we're going to think straight to a backbase so this container will be almost like a middleman just passing the data between the ZFS and that place and mice versa so eight gigabytes is plenty for CPU One Core is enough and number eight 512 megabytes to run this content is plenty but just for setup purpose I I would like I would suggest to increase that to one gig just all the installation everything will feel much snappier when you set up this it's a one gigabyte instead of using half a gigabyte of RAM Network I need to select DHCP for ipv4 because I want this container to receive AP address automatically from my DHCP server I will I will do nothing about iip IPv6 because I don't use them DNS domains you can leave this as a host so if you fancy you can just enter the for example the um decal flip in my case I'm just going to leave whatever host is using click next I will not start this container after create so I'm not going to select this I'm going to click finish so right now proxbox is creating this container for me let's wait for a second or two to get this done here we go so here we go 103 container has been created that is great now we need to mount Point ZFS pool or more specifically one data set to this container if I click on my proximox node and select shell and here if I type let me actually go this way and if I type Z at best list it gives me information about my ZFS pool and all the data sets so first one is my CFS pool name tank and then I have data sets one is data I might store photos documents etc etc on here and the next one it says proxbox and the proxbox if I navigate to this data set stores my backups my Snippets and the templates isos and container templates so most important one out of these three folders for me to backup is buy backups inside the dump folder I don't care about the Snippets and templates isos like if I'm gonna lose ISO I can I can go and download Linux Mint ISO again so it's not a big deal but if I lose the backups I'm screwed if I need to restore my proximal from fresh if approx notes let's say my proxbox computer dies tomorrow I'm I lost all the backups I don't really care if I lose all the isos because I can I can get them again with no problem at all so we need to go and pass this this folder so if I'm going to go this in this folder we need to pass this folder into my our clone YT container so I'm just gonna copy this location because I will not remember if well if you remember you just retype everything in and now while we are still inside proxmox node inside shell we need to navigate to the location which is oh actually edit the file sorry it was gonna we're gonna start with Nano text editor Nano slash Etc PVE slash lxc slash nmld number of the container we want to edit in my case it's 103 so I'm going to type 103 Dot and if I press tab it's auto complete so we're going to edit 103 container configuration file and this is what pretty much proxbox needs to run this container all those all the instructions what the proxbox uses to start this container so what we need to do will go above go on the line with net press enter and above it we need to write mp0 so Mount point zero we start with the ID number zero semicolon slash and it was tank proxmox dump so I remember the location so this is the location on the host so we want this actual location to be passed into the container with the location of Mount Point destination equals MNT slash let's call this tank for example so it's going to be tank proximal dump actually no less delete this I'm going to write proxmox backups and that's what's going to happen so it's going to mount Point into this location once you get done all once that's all done Ctrl X to close it gives you messaging save modifications yes and enter to confirm and right now I can start the container by right click and right here or I can go and write PCT start 103. and press enter and right now proximal initiates the 103 container to start so while it's starting I can quickly go into the resources and just validate that this is showing up here and if I done something wrong as soon as the container starts if this Mount Point command line is something you entered in correctly it's going to show straight away the errors within the first two three seconds in a boot time so right now it's asking me to login default username is root and the password is going to be this that password that you entered here while you were creating containers so right now that's done let's double check if I definitely can see the proxbox backups within this container I will navigate to change directory to mount Pro smoke backups and if I list I do see all these files she has showing up so this is my all the backups and logs and everything for these three containers 101 102 and 10 sorry 100 101 and 102. I'm not sure why they are not in order here anyway so this is the location of all the files that basically is inside ZFS pool under data set proximals backups and that's what it is here let's double check if our clone installed I get the message saying our problem is you can find the code okay so I need to update an upgrade test okay so let's run upgrade and update it's suggesting to run sudo but because I'm logged in as root I don't need to write sudo I'm just going to write straight away apt update double Ampersand I have to upgrade Dash y I'm just I'm just daisy chaining two commands and basically in the in a nutshell this command will only run if this command is successfully completes so press enter and right now Ubuntu or basically um all this is gonna go and automatically download the new update the packages download the new packages and once right now download is going once the download is finished it's going to automatically extract everything and apply all the changes so I'll leave this running I'll be back when all the system is up to date so I have everything up to date so what we're going to use and we're going to use this program or this service called arcload our clone is a command line program to manage files on the cloud storage and you can connect a bunch of stuff to it I will show you when we will come to the article configurations there's a bunch of things you can link to our clone to get the things downloaded uploaded and synced in ETC so let's double check if the art loan is installed if I write our clone it says Arc loan is not installed we need to install one so we're going right apt install our clone and it's going to install now so that's it we have our clothes installed double check if it definitely our code is installed we can write Arc loan press enter if we get a bunch of text showing up this is our clone help help help manual kind of thing so you can see oh there is our clone sync that's the one that's actually one we're going to use make sure make source and destination identical modifying destination only so this is what we're actually going to use but there's a lot of things there's a art loan LS to list The Stuff Etc so right now we have our clone setup done before before we start our clones configuration for the bad place we need to go and set up the back place first inside the back blades we need to create the bucket to have a backbase account is free of charge so I'll leave a link in description below for you to go and register we're going to use B2 cloud storage so right now give me a second for me to log into the system and here we are I'm logged into my backblaze B2 cloud storage dashboard if I click on the buckets it should show me my galaxy bucket this is my main galaxy bucket where I stole my main proc smoke backups as you can see at the moment is 333.2 gigabytes oh that would be funny that was free so it would be free free point free anyway so this is where I store my main proxbox backups so right now what we need to do once you create an account and Etc we need to create the bucket we're going to click create the button we need to give a name to this bucket and bucket name needs to be unique across entire backblaze system as far as I understand because if I'm for example I'm going to write our clone and if I'm gonna say I want to create this bucket by clicking this icon leaving everything by default so I'm going to say also clicking this button leaving everything by default when I click go this gives me a bag it gives an error message that is already new so some somebody probably somewhere already used this as a name so let's go and use Mr P arclone why not let's say let's look at those there is only one Mr P out there so it's going to be Mr P Dash our clone files in a bucket are private so that's fine public email verification required so I don't want them to be um public what that means that I can share the link that people will use that link directly to my package to download that file and I'm going to leave this private default encryption I'm going to leave disabled and don't really care to upgrade I mean I encrypt my proximals backups Etc this is more for like a top security kind of things and object locked the security featured they can provide data immutability by restriction the file from being modified or deleted so let's say you upload the file and it can be changed for a week and you can't delete four weeks I'm just gonna say private disable and disable and press click the button create the bucket but it gets created and this is my Mr P Dash Arc loan bucket and right now that's where my proxbox backups will go first one for me to actually use this bucket I need to create what they're calling the programmer application key and the key ID to do that I need to click on application keys I'll scroll past all my master stuff and right now here we go your application key below is the key that I'm currently using for my main proxbox make sure this data is secure and you're not share online so I'm gonna blow it all this out well instead what I'll do now is just gonna click add the new application key click on that name of the key I suggest to give a name for something that you will remember two three months later why you created this application key in my case I'm going to write Arc loan YouTube video so I'll know that this is created because of the upload YouTube video access to the buckets is give you a lift up all the packets you have in my case I have two galaxy bucket which is my main Galaxy proxmox server by the name of Galaxy I'm just going to choose Mr picloan and I'll give access to this key to with the read and write permissions to this bucket and everything else by default I don't really care to change if you have applied prefixes Etc I'm just going to press create the key and right now this gives me the two ID numbers two unique keys please keep them safe while you're setting this up if I'll refresh this page or I will close this page I'll come back to the same I will close the browser and I'll come back to this page these keys are gone so what I'll do now I'm just gonna copy them from the screen open the text editor and I'm just going to plunk them inside there in case if I lose them and right now let's go back to a proxbox here we go we are back inside LFC container with The Arc loan um stuff installed let's start setting up the my atom configuration to the remote they're calling remotes and remotes is basically each Cloud destination so let's write for example Arc loan list remotes and it should say you know found the okay list it gives me error because nothing is there okay so we have no remotes at all so let's start setting up art loan space config enter and straight away it gives me the first question am I setting up a new remote I want to set configuration password or I want a quick quit configuration I'm going to press n because this is the way n is I'm going to say no I want to set up a new remote to press enter name of this remote so something simple let's say I'm gonna put um bucket oh actually what we're gonna do back Blaze back Blaze so I'm going to name it back Place press enter and this is a list of all the stuff I can link to so I can link to I can link the error code to one feature Amazon Drive backblaze B2 that's the one we're gonna use LED number is five it can go to box it can go to Google Drive for photos I actually do have our clone set up to Google Drive setting them I'm going to Google Drive is a bit more steps than doing back blades because you need to go into Google Cloud console you need to activate Google Drive API under your account you need to create the credentials to this API get API authentication key etc etc and once you get all done you need a separate machine preferably in Linux with the display where you will punch a specific code which will generate another code which you need to copy paste into here there's a lot of basically back and forward stuff where backblaze it's just two keys copy paste and job done let's go through the list and Microsoft we can go to uh put a dot IO you can go to open drive etc etc and somewhere I saw HTTP connectivity and there is I even a command where you can paste can't even speak to a way you can pass the URL to our clone which will download let's say you have a URL to ISO file or pop OS you can pass that URL into our clone article will download that for you so the ID number that we're going for is 5. so let's Click Five here press enter and it says I need to enter account ID or application key so let's go back to a browser I still have that thing running here so first is this one so key ID is going to be my account ID so right click paste enter enter the string of application key let's go back to page and this is application key right click copy go back here paste enter and right now it says permanently delete files on remote removal otherwise hide files enter the Boolean value true or false press enter by default is false and basically what that means that I'm setting up this connection between our clone and one word backplace if in the future I will delete this connection using Outlook config that what the system needs to do it needs to go to backlase and delete everything one is to go to backblaze and re and hide the files so pick which one you want in this case I'm just going to say default which is false which means do not delete and now it says do you want to go and edit Advanced config file and config stuff I'm going to just pass that I'm going to say no press enter as this it says default and now it says okay so remote config back base this is your ID numbers is this is all correct and if I press enter it's going to pick default which is yes when I say yeah it's correct enter and that's it and it says currents remotes backblaze B2 and what else I want to do with this content it I'm going to say Q for quit and press enter and I said we're done with article config to check if the remotes actually connected I can write our clone list remotes one word and here you go back Blaze and at the end is semicolon please make sure that you enter semicolons in a command or in commands that we're going to type because I've been I've done so many times where I forgot to enter semicolon but this is important to enter and sometimes the Linux and specialist container for me personally is not autocomplete when I press tab so I'm I'm forgetting to put the semicolons during the setup but anyway so what we're going to do now we're going to go back inside the back place we will go into our buckets and right now I should see a bucket Mr Peak loan I'm gonna click upload and unload and here we go here we go we have this one here so this is where the files will show up once our clone is happening let's go and move the file so inside the root folder let's navigate to a root home so clean this what we have here we have nothing so we're going to create a file which is going to be it stop scribe Dot txt and I need to put something in here the back Blaze or aircon will not send the empty files to your backblaze so you can have a million files if they all zero kilobytes none of them will reach backlace is Click see that so I right now have a file which is very very small and it's called subscribe so right now what we're gonna do we're gonna try to send this file into the back place I'm going to say art loan our clone sync we're going to use sync command now we need to put the source source can be a folder or file so my case it's going to be subscribe the file for subscribe.txt file space and destination backblaze press tab this time is auto complete so sometimes it doesn't and now name of the bucket in my case it was MRP so when I point punch Mr PA on MRP and press tab give a second or two because it pings back Blaze and comes back and says is that exist MRP something yeah is this autocomplete and I press enter and feels that nothing happened but actually in the background it sent the file so if I go back to browse click on this and right now in a matter of couple of seconds sometimes this actually takes up two or five minutes or so but right now we need to give a second or so for this to happen so if I click a browse at the moment as you can see it says zero and this still showing my 353 gigabytes so let's wait for this to show up here so while this is happening I can go back here and right now it's basically sending I do have option to send data back and forward let's say I sent the data to my backblaze and I have no option to check in the browser I can check using the command line art loan LS backblaze name of your remote in my case backlist and name of the bucket in my case is Mr P and here we go it's 18 bytes subscribe dot txt file as you can see browse is still not showing up because our bad blade sometimes in a background especially on the website does some things checks Etc so it's not going to show up straight away but inside the a row is actually showing up here it's not going to show up here because it's still there's still indexing Etc to show on a website but I can confirm that file has already been sent because once I run this command which is list all the content of this location it says that it is a file already here to delete the file from Outlook I need to write a art loan delete backblaze so name of remote Vista p slash subscribe press enter and I send a command from this term from this area Alexa container into backblaze bucket saying okay I want to delete this if I run if I run command like this it will wipe everything under this TP so which ends up being a root folder which is a bucket so okay this goes back and forward everything is great now let's send a couple of backup proximal backups to my tag place bucket my profile backups lives here so it's under MNT proximox backups so what we're going to do now we're gonna go and write the command which is going to be um let me make a bit more space so Arc loan sync I'm gonna say everything inside mount proximox backups space needle remote dash dot or sorry space Dash capital P capital P is for more let's give you more information exactly what's happening if I run like this without capital P it's just gonna line I can even show it to you you're just gonna sit like this until it's done so is this working is it not working actually it's hard to judge so I can run the same command with capital P at the end press enter and now what's going to happen it's going to show me all this detail exactly what's happening so we're sending five gigabytes of data to my back Blaze bucket says that ETA is around 12 minutes and is going for a bag with blaze allows you first 10 gigabytes to be free so this five gigabytes is way below 10 gigabytes so I'm doing I'm uploading data well technically I'm not uploading data for free anymore because I already have 300 or so gigabytes sitting in there sitting in here as you can see so it's technique is not not no longer free for me but for you if you're just a first time user it's going to be free for you to play around plus backblades only charges like 0.005 dollar cents per kill gigabyte so it's it's I for my proxbox I think I'm paying like four four point five dollars four dollars fifty cents for my full Master proxmox backups which is almost like 500 gigabytes anyway so this is running great so let's say you want this to be automated and this is where we're going to use a Cron first I want to show you a couple of things that we're going to put in a chrome to explain to you why I choosing these kind of things I'm going to go to Data Center and I'll click on the backups so right now backups is set to run at 9 00 pm I'll change that to be as in at midnight so let's change that to be midnight so here we go come on okay it's a because zoom in it's a bit I can't see the buttons to clear okay so the proximox backup runs at midnight so please note that so midnight the prox mobs size the backup and depending on amount of DM simultaneous you have it might take 10 minutes it might take 50 minutes so I suggest to monitor the backup log for a couple of couple of times so for example if I click on this I can see that it started at 9 pm which is actually at the time of recording I'm recording when I was three minutes past nine so it's literally just done the backups so it started at nine pm and finished running when is the last date timestamp so while it's like done all this in in a minute or two are you sure yeah it's about a minute it took a minute to back up all these three examples in my main proxbox it takes about 45 minutes to complete everything so in my case let's say I started back up at midnight it needs one hour to complete so I want our clone to run a command automatically on Chrome let's say at 1am or more safely at 2 am so give two hours for proximately to do his thing and then do a single backups to the other clone to the bad place so we're gonna go to our clone we're gonna close this down so it starts at the midnight and we need to go and sync it but when you're keeping a retention of the backups and if I go back up here back to a data center backups select the backup click edit and the click redemptions retentions are now set to two if you set to five so obviously if if you'd back up all your VM select containers and that all that totals up to let's say 200 gigabytes you multiply that by five you have a terabyte of stuff but do you really want to send all the tensions all the versions revisions of that backup to back base you probably want to send the most to recent or maybe my most recent one so that's what I'm going to show you how to get that set up because pretty much that's how I do have on my main proxbox so if I go here I will say okay so if I go click here and the proxbox I have two versions I have a let's say here we go I have a version from yesterday and I have one version from today I do want to sync the live yesterday's version the most recent one is fine by me and the difference between them is 24 hours so please note that so I'm gonna go here I'm gonna say rsync or our clone sorry sync dash dash Max Dash age equals 24 hours not really and what I'm gonna do four hours four hours and I'll explain to you why I'm doing four hours but I mentioned 24 hours and I'm gonna say what I'm thinking Mount proxbox space back place Mr P folder here we go does it all fit on a screen recorder yes it does so our clone will sync every file that is not not older that four hours if I'll run this command on Crone at 2 am and it counts back four hours is going to be 10 pm previous day which is way within the range of when the proximal does the backups so that means that all the backups that happen four hours prior running this command on Chrome will send the backups to the back base so if you have 5 or 10 most recent backups for one single VM and you want to send most two let's say I want to send two only two on them so if I go back here I'm going to say okay instead of I'm going to say 24 hours so it makes back to 2 A.M previous day if I'm gonna add another I'm gonna say 21 hours so that will cover the most too most two recent backups if I have five backups to change I hope I hope that makes sense anyway so let's say I want to backup only the last most recent one which is done a two to Mid midnight but then running this clone at 2 am which we'll cover that so if I'm gonna go here I'm gonna at the end I'm gonna put Dash capital P which is because of zoom in you sort of uh formatting this goes one key press enter so when I was going and only backing up 2.3 gigabytes but previously when I was running this it was 5 gigabyte because this was covering everything but right now it's covering just I have because I do two retention so that's what's happening so when I was running so I'm going to close that Ctrl C to close we'll bring back the same command I will copy all that and say copy and now I have this command for me to use so now what we're gonna do we're gonna run a command called Cron tab space Dash e press enter and then I want to choose this says easiest Nano I'm going to press one and press enter and this is the file when you instruct the Crone to run a command or set of instructions depending on the time before you do that I suggest to double check what time and date your system is set to which in my case to do that you need to run a command I do have a cheat sheet here which is double check the time here with time date CTL and right now as you can see it's set to UTC and it says it's actually 8 PM but in UK right now is set to should both to be 9 pm so it's up to you you can always deduct one hour when you're sitting on Chrome's depending on your time zone but I suggest to run the command which is time let me quickly do this time date CTL set time zone time zone and my in my case is Europe London and now if I run the command right now it's set to Europe London and this time here is correct as you can see local time right now is 9 pm and UTC time is actually 8 pm so right now the crown will run properly so let's clear all that and run Chrome tab space Dash e and if I go down at the end one thing I like to quickly change here is a bit of the formatting let me quickly grab that down here here we go so the way Chrome runs is you need to specify minutes hours day of the month month and day of the week so zero minutes 2 A.M in my case it's gonna be zero minutes 2 am I doing this with these um tabs because I like to space everything also with more stands out so in this case it's going to be like okay so let's quickly do this I'm going to say here we go so hours I want to go here day of the month when I go here and command I want to go here so it's going to run at 2 am day of the month Asterix means does it matter does it matter and the week it can be Mondays Thursdays Sundays for example I'm just going to say every day of every week of every month at 2 A.M and initiate the command which is this and this doesn't fit because the format formatting but if I zoom out a bit let me try to squeeze something all this in please I hope you can see this so this is the command we're running so Arc loan sync maximum age four hours etc etc from where to where and it's Dash B so right now is gonna be almost 11 so if I'm going to do 11 21 and if I put date as you can see 20 seconds remaining if I put H top I don't have a h top running but I have to install let's quickly install H top if I quickly install H top H top let's see so what's the time now let's see if Micron starts if a phone starts H stop will show you a bunch of lines showing up for the article here we go as you can see our clone usually does five consecutive of things so five things in one go so as you can see there's alcohol showing up a bunch of times and this is right now indication for me that our clone KRON started is actually doing the thing so our column is running uh if I do uh what's that thing is called sort by F6 I think is bit memory here we go so it's our clone just taking over all the pro over services and it's just going for it if I click on a summary as you can see right now we am using half a gigabyte of RAM and one CPU but I set 512 megabytes of ram will be fine because it might take a bit longer but I'm gonna run this overnight so I'll just a second part of the night so it's not a big deal if I'm gonna take a bit of time so that's running let's close that down let's clean it and delete all this so right now I want to show you what if let's say your proxbox died crashed Etc you need to get yourself back up and running so you create yourself Alexa container you've set up your Arc loan you give a new create a new application key to the same bucket that you had before and in my case let's say I'm gonna go to uh location which is where is my subscribe txt is and I want to send the file back from backblaze into here first of all I need to figure out which file I want to send so Arc loan LS backblaze Mr B ottom and then enter so let's check what I have so I have all these files showing up here what is located as you can see there is no more subscribe to txt because sync is sends the data to the bucket and then checks what the destination has that source does they have and then deletes inside destination so mirrors destination exactly how the source looks like so if you delete that let's say if I go to ZFS which is hiding here if I'm going to go here and I'll say I'll delete this on the next sync it will delete inside the um inside the bucket inside the back base if that file is still there so go back here so let's run the command again I want to download for example this file this is very important file my proxmox died or installed and I can do nothing until I get this file on my system so I'm just going to copy this because I'm not going to remember everything what it says here so right now the root home folder has only subscribed so how to get this going okay so we're going to run Arc loan so right now you can run sync or you can run a command Cloud clone it's just going to clone it and that's it it doesn't care if the source file has difference between destination it just sends the data and no deletions where our Sim does the deletion so in my case I'm just going to run sync and again because I'm just going to use one file so sync and now Source will be actual bad place so it's going to be back place Mr P and now I'm just going to paste it in make sure that this exists I can delete couple characters at the end press Tab and see if this autocompletes as you can see it's Auto completed I don't think that's all going to fit on the screen so apologies for that and now where to go which is quite simple it's just a root folder let's actually minimize a bit so arcs clone sync this file or this Source it can be file it can be folder to this location and I want to see The Happening press enter so for now list the content of my root folder this dot L here we go this is a file I just pulled back from the back place and I'm I'm I can I can carry your restoring my proximate stuff so backups inside the back place like I said at the beginning of the video you need to follow three two one rule with the backups free backups on two separate media one must be off-site and this backblaze is completes my three two one rule I have three backups on two separate Medias and one of them is off-site which is the back place and I think that's it there is a by the way if you go into our home page which I better I'll leave a link in the description below if I click on the commands click on Arc loan there's a bunch of commands you can run a couple of them we already use like for example um what is it you go outload sync we use that Arc loan LS which lists the objects are clone delete which deletes there's a bunch of commands like send the article command to a backbase and delete every single folder that is empty this is quite useful because you don't want to keep them going there move it Etc it's a bunch of and a bunch of stuff it's happening there and for back Blaze if one click on this you should see a couple of folders showing up here I don't know I'm not sure why it's not showing up it's still probably still doing resyncing because like I said it's not always shows up here straight away but it does says that I've been I used almost two gigabytes of data even this doesn't show here but for me if I write iclone LS backblaze as Mr P bucket I do have some stuff lives that lives inside the bucket inside the back place anyway thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this quite lengthy video been recording for 40 minutes anyway I'll see you in the next one take care
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Views: 3,211
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Keywords: mrp, proxmox home server, proxmox, rclone, backblaze b2, rclone setup with backblaze, backup rule 3 2 1, self-hosting, home lab, home server, how to self-host
Id: TxwHxW62S6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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