KASM Workspaces | Streaming containerized apps and desktops to end-users | Proxmox Home Server

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hello everyone and thank you much for watching this is me Mr P and this is another episode in a prox smok's Home Server Series in this video I will show you how you can self host kasm workspaces chm workspaces is a service that you can self host and that service will allow you to stream containerized apps and desktops to a browser there is three price plans available for casm at the time of recording this video I'm going to use a community one which is uh as you can see is free it's Z a month and for home lab users I would say Community Edition is more than enough for you to use I've been using Community Edition Chasm inside my home lab for almost a year now and I've been using for my personal use and for my work mainly for work I'm using the V the cont containerized browsers like for example Chrome Firefox Edge to browser Brave just because I need to have a browser which is Cash clear no history no cookies brows owser to test websites for my work but for my day-to-day use I'm been using casm just to open let's say somebody sends me an email with a link or I receive an email with a link that I don't I don't not like trust the sender but send is a new into my address book or the link I never seen that kind of domain before so instead of opening the link on my main machine I can use Chasm to do the heavy lifting lifting and open that link inside isolate environment and check out and everything is fine I can basically use it then safely on my main machine I will show you how everything is works so let's start by setting up the chasm step one I need to get myself virtual machine or alxe container running for this video I will use alxe container but you can get all this working inside the VM I'll click on a blue button create CT and give it a name I will name this Chasm dyt I'm going to run this as a unprivileged container give it a password and everything else stays by default I got automated um automatically incremented 105 ID number as this this is the next one available under templates I will pick ubun to 224 lxc container template like I said you can use the virtual machine if you want you can create a virtual machine let's say to server virtual machine and use that under diss 8 gab is not going to be enough for Chasm minimum I would suggest to install 20 25 GB I'm going to go to 32 the size is the size the more size you will select here the more workspaces you will be able to create because each workspace that you're going to run inside the chasm will obviously require storage to store all the information so 52 I would say is the best option minimum best option to go for uh 64 is going to be obviously the better on my main prox moo server I'm using 64 GB and 44 GB already been used with all the workspaces that I'm using there CPU minimum is two I would say uh four is better but if your server don't have enough resources or you don't have any spare resources inside your proximo server two is a minimum RAM the more RAM you will assign the better because the chasm will run your isolated environments inside dock containers and dock containers loves Ram so the more RAM you will have the more let's say users will be able to utilize your Chasm workspaces all at the same time so 512 is definitely not enough I'm going to go with 2 GB but I would say actually 4 GB would be better to pick up swap is not really that important under networks I will choose ipv4 to be DHCP and obtain IP address from my DHCP server IPv6 is not that important for me DNS I leave all this to be using uh host settings under confirm it gives me a list of all the stuff I selected I'm just going to click Start after created and press finish and here we are prox almost created my lxc container so I'm going to close that click on the 105 which it says the km- YT actually I will quickly change that to say Yes Yes actually no no cuz there going to be then in numbering order before it was containers thirst nvms but now it's a numbering order so casm going to be at the end so first thing I'm going to log in and straight away I will check the IP address so I'm just going to do like this IP address 122 I will assign my tag to be 122 so now I know that for example Cloud flare dyt is 183 ending number the docker D is 157 so this is the way I utilize the tagging feature inside the proxmox 8.x so right now the container is running next thing what I'm going to do is I'm just going to quickly run apt update double m% apt upgrade so it's going to update first and then if once update command is successfully finishes it's going to go to next one and then next one will be upgrade so I'll wait for all this to finish and here we are my container is updated and upgraded so next thing we're going to go to this page this is the installation instructions how to install Chasm I leave a link to this page in the description below the like button so we can go on you follow the instructions is suggesting to download everything inside temp folder uh temp folder is a temporary folder that gets wiped and clear it every time you restart your system so in my case as soon as restart this container the temp folder will be deleted or content of the temp folder will be removed I I won't do that I'm just going to quickly go and double check my working directories root so I'm just going to leave everything in here just in case if I need to reinstall um or installation process will not happen as it's supposed to I will be able to quickly rerun this installation script again so next thing is a curl installed curl is not installed so I'm going to quickly install the curl if you're creating this inside a VM there's a big chance that curl is already installed if it's not just run PSE sudo app install curl and it's going to install curl for you so that's being unloaded so I'm going to run a curl command to fetch the installation script from AWS server press enter and all this is as you can see is 20 almost 26 megabytes in size so now I have this file next instruction in it is basically run a tar command using Flags XF and get specify the file and this command is extracting the content so I'm going to run this straight away uh originally I had just a zip file but now I have a folder as well I will navigate inside the folder and inside here is going to be a bunch of files next is is suggesting to run pseudo bash and installation script as I'm already logged in as root there is no need for me to put pseudo but if you're using a user not a root user or super user you need to put P sudo in front I'm not going to do that I'm just going to run install bash space install.sh and press enter it's going to ask me to accept the terms and conditions and I'll will press enter and installation starts during installation process for me it was at once one time it was the error popped up the error that was something wrong with installation so basically you just rerun the installation install.sh file again and the installation script will check what's been installed and will carry on where it's crashed another thing as a suggestion if you're installing this inside the Elixir container do not close this window because if you're going to close this window like for example I will do now it come back as you can see everything is starting from the top again as just refreshes the CLI interface at the end of the installation the casm install script will provide you with admin username and a password and the normal user username and a password and this will obviously will show up in this dashboard but because you're going to Flat you're going to switch the windows between this and something else and come back they will be basically screen will be cleared then you won't see it and while I was talking as you can see there's an error so I'm just going to bring back the installation command bash. install bash space install.sh press enter accept the terms and conditions again and now it's just going and checking what's being done and straight away continuing with pulling the docker containers that I required to set up all the chasm as you can see it's installing the casm DB now so back to my suggestion uh once this is running just leave this page open do not close do not refresh otherwise you you will not see the admin username and a password and you need that obviously to log in to kasm so leave that running because kasm will create a randomly km installation script will create you um a password admin password for you username uh user password and username is not that quite important because you can delete the username while you logged in as admin and create a new one most important is going to be making sure that you have all the details on the screen so we'll leave this running and I'll come come back when I will get all the credentials showing up on the screen and here we are these are credentials that I was talking about they don't fit in one screen so I'm just going to quickly lower the font size and I will just select all of this right click and copy and paste into a text note editor here we go so I got the admin password and us and login username Sav so if this page disappears for example like this as you can see is Dro back to the most last line and right now that's it the your credentials gone so to good basically get the credentials back you just need to recreate everything and start installation from scratch so IP address is 122 so if I'll navigate to 1921 16878 one22 and it needs to be https I will get the the SSL Error I'm going to click Advance I'm going to say proceed to the URL and this is the chasm workspaces so username was U admin atm. looc and I will copy the password that has been provided after installation and log in and this is the admin panel for chm workspaces straight away as soon as you log in Just click on the ID icon here at the top right hand corner on the pencil reset the password I'll paste the same password that got generated and I need to create a new one which needs to be8 characters some more and needs to be one uppercase letter one lowercase letter well it needs to be uppercase letters lowercase letters numbers and special characters like exclamation mark or something like that so I'm just going to reset the password once that is done I'll click on this click on access management users it's asking me to login because the password got reseted so for security reasons is logging you out and asking you to log in with the new password and this is the user that this gets autogenerated as well I'm just going to go click on this icon click on recycle bin and delete add a new user I'll create a new user Mr P and give it the password the password um password um requirement is the same eight characters more uppercase lowercase letters numbers and special characters there's a bunch of other settings that you can add like for example give it fill the address list address information for this user I'm just going to give it a username and a password I click save so now I have admin and I have a user so right now let's go and start setting up a workspaces if I click on a workspaces and I click on a workspaces this option right now I have no workspaces added so I'm going to click on the registry and the registry now this list is all that comes preconfigured or pre preon yeah pre-configured that you can go and install and if you click on the Registries there is an option to install Registries like for example Chasm Technologies if I click add new you need to paste the link to another registry that is compatible the um kasm workspace like for example Linux servers. they have a link to their registry that you can copy and pasting here and from 118 options you will have obviously more that you can pick up from from this I I do have a Linux server. register added but they what they offer pretty much is already exist in this list so I'm not I don't really like recommend well you can add the extra one but the benefit you won't get much benefit to adding Registries this is more uh useful if you have your own maintained registry where you have your own doc containers inside your own registry and you want to use them because they C custom made and with the custom settings custom functionality and Etc so this is the list that I can pick workspaces so I'll pick up a workspace for example Brave browser I'll click on that it'll say install and behind the scenes kasm is going and fetching the the brave browser dock a container and setting everything up for me if I click on workspaces as you can see Brave tile showed up and there is exclamation mark which telling me that image is not yet being set up I'll go back to Registries and I'll say say I want to have Edge and I want to have let's say one of the Ubuntu yes I do I I do I can run fully-fledged Ubuntu in this system as you can see you can have retroarch uh you can if you want you can install doom doom game yeah why not let's get that running uh blender audacity you can install Atom a IDE somewhere there was a visual studio code ID toour browser if you want Rina you can even have like a running if you want so once that is done let's wait for all these to get set up and while they getting setting up you can assign I'll show you how you can assign the external services so click on the sessions sorry no I click on the infrastructure and click on the servers this is where you can add the servers the outside service from your server so for example my proxmox is runs on 191 IP address so I'm going to give it a friendly name PVE YouTube simultaneous connections or sessions is how many simultaneous um con connections can happen to this workspace it's only me that's going to probably use like let's say it's only you who's going to use this so maybe two or three I always just put five just to be safe once let's say I open the this workspace that I'm about to create on this machine and I'll go to try to open another machine it's going to say that the session is already active you need to close it this before you can open the new one deployment zones I'm going to pick default you can always say assign more deployment zones pull is nothing there you can install kasm agent there's more information you can find here or online inside the casm documentation IP so it's going to be the IP address of my proxmox so 191 connection type will it be kasm VNC RDP VNC SSH as you can see you can RDP into a virtual Windows machine for example host inside a Microsoft Azure data centers and you can RDP from your Chasm I'm going to say this SSH default Port is going to be 22 username is root and a password if your s requires c key you can fill all this here I'm going to click save so now I had this one added if I click on the workspaces this is the workspace that I selected from the list Brave Doom Edge and Ubuntu I will click add workspaces select the workspace server friendly name I need to give it again so let's say what it was you can put the different name here that was added inside the server setup description proxmox Home Server series thumbnail you can copy and paste URL of the thumbnail URL needs URL needs to end with PNG jpeg yes I want to enable this uh workspaces server and this is from the list you pick up so you have a lot of servers here I'm want to pick this one up and that's it click save so now it says PVE YouTube shows up here if I click on workspaces as you can see there is an option for me to select I can see the brave Edge is already set up so while the other is getting set up let's say I'm going to jump straight into my SSH if I click on this style I'll have an option do I want to open a current tab new tab or window or new window I'm going to say new tab and why is uh don't want to do that have I messed it up yes I messed this up I forgot to turn basic details in there's an enable button the first one in the list that I need to turn this on now as you can see it says green now I can go to workspaces it shows up here and if I click on this click on this say new tab launch it and kasm right now starting SSH client for me that automatically jumps in into this uh into this um SSH connection to my proxmox it's asking me do I want to enable clipboard I'm going to say yes and the clipboard is basically you can copy and paste from the here into a way into a browser you need to first of all open the clipboard here write something here so for example uh let's put htop and now I can click on right right click on here as you can see it shows up htop and if I'll select this where is I'm located I'm located inside the root so I'm going to say touch subscribe I'll go into my proxmox instant select the proxmox node inside the shell same location if I list as you can see there's a subscribe button showes up subscribe textures up I'm going to remove that go back inside the chasm and list the content and it's not there anymore so this is the SSH session I can close it straight away like this I'm going to say I you want to close it you may lose all the that not saved I'm going to say say yes and now this container is still active as a connection to or the connection to SSH is still active it's not doing anything in the background it just the session is active for 59 or almost an hour you can increase that time how long this session will be active by going inside settings admin panel while you l in as admin manage user access management groups and and you choose for which group you want to go for let's say for admins we're going to click on this P this button and click pencil settings and I do think this is available in the list so I'm going to click add a new setting and I'm looking for which it says Chasm session live expire here we go this one and by default it is 3,600 seconds so I'm just going to add as you can see I I some some time ago I added like a bunch of zeros at the end so I'm going to submit that and the same I'll do for users click on there click on a pencil and then click on a settings users already will have that one um set up so I'm going to say start typing expiration and this is the one as you can see default value 3,600 I'm going to click on a pencil I'm going to say a bunch of more zeros at the end that's it so I'm going to click on a workspaces remove that delete let's launch the SSH again SSH is running come on I don't know why my proximo decided not to allow to connect anyway I'll demonstrate that with let's say a brave browser so I'm going to click on a brave browser new tab yes and kasm now starting the brave browser for me so as you can see started everything is working and let's say let's visit the website let's go for for example uh reddit.com it's opening opening a Reddit page for me if I'll close this page leave let's refresh this and now it says it will expire in 42 41 days and 15 hours as because I'm increased the time so let's close that CL that let's open for example uh Ubuntu let's open Ubuntu so we're starting the Ubuntu container desktop environment Ubuntu container and this is a fully working Ubuntu OS I can run signal remina as you can see off on only office worksuit uh Chrome browser I can do a bit of image editing using a OBS Sublime ID Zoom Visual Studio code and there's a bunch of other stuff you can run you can open a terminal and do all the things inside the terminal once you're done you can close that or you can click on this button and straight away delete the session jump straight to workspaces there's a bunch of other stuff as you can see streaming quality you can increase or decrease streaming quality depending on your connection to your server or internet speed if you're loging to this system from outside your network I'm just going to say delete the session so session is getting deleted let's close that and now if I refresh one of the sessions will get deleted I don't think it's I'm just going to force it anyway to get deleted here we go delete so all this set up done now what I'm going to do next I'm going to click on this I icon I'm going to say sign out from the admin and I will log in as a user let's log in as a user as a user will see everything like this there is an option for you to choose which user can see which styles for example as an admin I want to have access to SSH but I don't want to give this access uh SSH access to my proxo server for the user so there's options for you to filter down or be more specific who can who has access to what so I'm just going to delete the session so right now everything is running fine let's say I will open a page on this uh in this inside my laptop so I'm on Reddit and I'm let's say there is a link that I want to open it but I'm not sure if this link is legitimate if somebody sends you let's say an email with some sort of a link and you don't know you you're not sure if it's legit or not maybe there is a a let's say a Spam a hacker sending you a link so I don't want to open this inside my main system I want to open this link inside isolated environment inside kasm to do that you need to install extension so this is the Chrome browser extension store uh I'm I'm using this this extension that I'm about to install inside the Microsoft Edge as a Microsoft edges based on chromium so it's going to work as well so let's search for Chasm and first one it says Chasm open in isolation and click on that and we'll install yes so this is installed for Firefox you need to go to Firefox store to try to find it there I'm using the chasm mostly on Chrome browser and Microsoft Edge so this has been installed I can close that so step one and let's close a bunch of these windows right so I do have um Chasm running and I'm logged in as Mr P username and IP address is 122 so I'm going to right click on the extensions or left click on the extensions icon click on the three dots and say options and now I need to give Chasm your server URL I will leave https I'm going to put the IP address one 122 and next I can have option on the go or cast key I'm going to leave this by default use go I want this to be a new tab and on the advance options there's a couple of things you can select like search engine which one you want prefer and uh what text you want to replace as soon as this connects I'm going to click save option saved I'm going to close that close that and I'll back to Reddit so this is the link that I want to open it but I'm not sure if I should open it I'm not sure what's in behind it I'm going to write click and I have an option right now says opening Chasm I'm going to left click on that and is asking me to select the default option so while I'm logged in as a user so for example if I close that you can do the same thing from here or SE or do this on a first run on a Chasm and this is what is asking you is to select your default workspaces as you can see so to automatically open my user settings so same as I click on a user and pencil then go on the settings default workspace I need to select um which one Edge let's say Edge is going to be my default workspace if you have Chrome workspace setup done you can select Chrome browser if you want so this is I'm going to select that I'm going to say yes and now let's go back to the Reddit right click on this link and say open link in Chasm it doesn't work always on the first click I'm going to right click again and CH choose Chasm and now what's happening is the chasm extension connects to my Chasm server orasm lxc container it's automatically logged in as a user Mr pie so it automatically logs in and starts Microsoft Edge container for me so this is all that that website that was behind this link when I finish with this link and I'm happy about it like I got all information that I want I can delete that delete that session close this tab and keep going through Reddit or emails or whatever you found another link let's say where is it let's find another link somewhere here we go another link I'm going to right click Chasm as you can see doesn't work always at the same time at the first so I'm going to open this link inside the casmus opening inside isolated uh environment I'm going to I'm going to just close that s away and as you can see the chasm shows up here okay our workspaces that are active shows up here let's go for example to Reddit let's go to Samsung Dex sub group let's click on that by the way if you are fan of Samsung Dex as a desktop environment with this that is available on the Samsung Galaxy phones not all of them or most of them available you definitely need to go into this group you will find a lot of help here and a lot of people that quite they happy to use something deex and it will give you a lot of advice what you need to get if you want to connect for example Dex Samsung device to ultra to a external monitor to use it so let's go find the link let's find the link anyone post any links here we go there's a link I'm not sure let's say again if it's legitimate or not I'm going to open up inside the chasm it opens up and let's say for example this link is actually malicious there's something behind this link as soon as you open it it's going toload all the crap all the all the hack stuff let's say will try to infect your computer what is going to happen now it's not going to infect your main machine it's just going to mess up this container and if I'm just going to say delete that and this say and this container with everything was was done loaded it just disappears now for fun I'm just going to go and open Doom so starting Doom container for me and here we go Doom is running I'm just going to close that come on where's my mouse here we go I want a new game yes yes and that's it and I'm playing Doom inside chm workspaces using the uh the container so kasm automatically set up a container for me it set up the Doom container set up everything and started streaming that to my browser I've done playing let's say I win this game I'm amazing inside in Doom I'm going to just delete the session and that's it obviously all the saves and everything and everything else just gets deleted so Chasm is an amazing system that you need to have inside a home lab for you can you can have a lot of fun with the casm you can have a lot of work spaces set up um like I said I'm using kasm for my work I have a bunch of browsers actually the for my I'm using every single browser that is available inside the list of the workspaces install because sometimes I need to test the website not in Edge but in in Brave one thing that I wish that there was an option for me to select here is Safari but uh oh well thank you Apple I can't have a safari here but I do have everything else pretty much running on my main I do have a file brows file Zilla Firefox like I said all the browsers selected I do have zoom installed sometimes I need to connect and just participate inside the conference call as via text not just a webcam and audio I'm using all the chromium and Chrome browser a lot of things I have on main one but this is yeah this is the casm workspaces as I said in the beginning of the video they are free Price plans and Community Edition Community tier price plan is going to be uh why is there error because it doesn't exist anymore and Community Edition is definitely going to be more than enough for you to try out if you find this very helpful obviously you can go and install this let's say in a small business environment and obviously pay I think is $5 a month to have all the features and I gave you a demo how to install the select the server to allow the outside connections but as you can see you can install the docker agents and pool setup pool setup zones a lot of a lot of configuration here I leave a link to all the all the pages that I demonstrated showed you in this video in description below and I link you I will put a link to the casm you Channel where they're posting how to videos how to do this or that inside the system I found these videos quite helpful they helped me to set up quite a few things inside my main Chasm environment anyway I I think I'm yapping too much thank you much for watching and I'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: MRP
Views: 5,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use samsung dex mode, how to use samsung dex, how to use dex, how to use dex mode, samsung dex tips and tricks
Id: iElZfERLK48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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