Why I MOVED OUT of my TINY HOUSE & What's Next!

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Hey guys, Jenna here. It's been a long time since I've done a vlog style post. And so I'm going to give you some updates on what's going on in my world. First of all, let me just do a short recap on my story behind me is my tiny house. It's 160 square feet, depending on if you count the lofts or not. I built this house with a bunch of help from friends and family in 2014 And um, I lived in it with my ex-boyfriend for a little while, and then with myself and my dog after we broke up. And. I'm not going to really touch on that, even though that is probably the most like commented thing that I get is why did you guys break up? First of all, it was in 2016, so way over it guys. Second of all, things happen, you know, and it's just the way it is. I will say that I did pay him for his half of the tiny house. Cause we built it together. We decided on a price. I paid him monthly installments for a whole year. So anybody who says I stole or took the tiny house or took advantage of him is completely wrong. And we made the decision together that I would be the one that continued on living in the tiny house. I lived in a tiny house alone for a while until I met my husband Nabil. And then we decided after dating for about a year that I would move in with him. So like I've said on here, I don't know how many times I don't actually live in this tiny house anymore, but people still get confused. So, um, here I am saying it once again, I own and built and lived in this tiny house, but now I just use it as a vacation home in an Airbnb and you guys can come and stay anytime you want. I'll put a link to my Airbnb in the description. So another one of the questions that I always get is why did I move out of my tiny house? So when I bought this tiny house, I wasn't really thinking way far ahead. My whole goal was to pay off all my debts, my student debt, that all happened. I saved a bunch of money and it really did accomplish all my goals. And then I continued to live in it for a while. Cause I just loved it. Then I met my husband, who's six foot six, And that's one reason why we don't live in my tiny house. He actually doesn't fit. I'm. Not saying you can't live in a tiny house. If you're super tall, you totally can, but you need to design the house for that. And Nabil has been in hundreds of tiny homes with me. And I've dragged him all over the U S doing my tiny house tours and he's gone to lots of different festivals and there are very few that he actually fits in. So he bangs his head a lot when we're here, you know, he's like a good sport about it. And you know, he's just a positive person. So he's, he's fine with it, but I don't think he'd want to live in it full time. And I would never ask him to live in it full-time The other reason is that an appeal has a 460 square foot house in Seattle. And so he already lived tiny and that made me feel good and attracted to him and happy about, you know, moving from 160 square feet to 460 square feet. I still consider 460 square feet, pretty tiny. And I think most people would. And finally, the last reason why I no longer live in my tiny house full time is because I always knew I wanted to have kids one day. And, um, I didn't build this tiny house thinking that I would ever have kids in this tiny house. I know a lot of people do. I cover them on this channel. I think it's great. If you can live in a really teeny, tiny space with kids, and I think you need to design the space for that. I don't think I could remodel this house and live in it with kids comfortably. I think I'd go insane. That's me though. Everybody's different. And I have a huge amount of respect for the people who can live in their tiny homes or buses or vans or whatever with their kids. I just don't think I could. And so when Nabil and I got married, we knew that we weren't going to be able to live in the tiny house with our kids. It just made more sense for me to move in with him than for him to move in with me. And that actually brings me to my final announcement. The plan that I had for my life was to become debt-free to own a house. This was the first house I ever owned now, Nabil and I own his house together. And to start a family and I'm 34 and all of those things have happened. And a lot of it is because I decided to build a tiny house when I was 26 So, um, dreams do come true guys. So one final thing, we're actually remodeling Nabil's house right now, the 460 square foot house. And we are blowing down walls and making it more open concept. This house is a hundred years old. It was literally built in 1920. So it really needed a lot of TLC. Mom and dad are working hard, mostly dad. Okay there, you'll see this one day and see what we had to do for you. So we are remodeling that house, getting ready for baby and maybe even talking about adding on an addition. So that one day a little one can have their own room. We're spending a lot of money doing that and we can do that because one reason why is because I'm debt-free. Hopefully. You guys will have some comments for me, I'm sure there'll be some negative comments about how I've sold out. And I moved out of the tiny house. I never said I was going to live in this forever. And I'm not saying we're going to live in that house forever. People change your life changes. And with that, you better change too otherwise you're going to be miserable. Why don't you let me know in the comments, if you'd like to see some updates on my 460 square foot remodel or what else you'd like to see from this channel? Because I'm always wondering what you guys want to see next. So, uh, I hope you guys enjoy the little update that I've just given you and, um, come back for more videos every single Friday.
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 720,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, tiny house, Tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, jenna tiny house, jenna tiny house boyfriend, tiny house relationships, tiny house breakup, tiny house pregnancy, jenna spesard, jenna kausal, tiny house life, living in a tiny house, tiny house for sale, moving out of my tiny house, tiny house fail, tiny home, small house
Id: AQvS5z4VyMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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