The Ultimate Forest Escape - A Spectacular Treehouse Airbnb

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when it comes to very special places to retreat and get away it does not get any better than a tree house and today we're about to visit an incredible airbnb home amongst the forest canopy and meet the woman who made it all possible [Music] hi sue how are you good bryce how are you i am very well thank you and i am super excited to see this amazing treehouse of yours yeah it's beautiful um it's a very special place in the world i think it sure is and the land that we're on here as well is also something just so special these beautiful towering trees around us what a spot it's stunning you know there's not many places that you can be amongst amazing old trees and yeah it's special and of course what better way to take full advantage of it than building a treehouse absolutely up here we're up at the height of birds and you know you get really intimate with the birds you can see them feed each other it's yeah it's stunning beautiful so how did this place actually come about so we bought the property 20 ish years ago and it was a dream of my ex-partner and he had a childhood dream wanting to build a treehouse and there was always this natural clearing here and this is how it happened and now he's on to another project and i couldn't bear to let the land go so i bought off him fair enough too i can certainly see why you did and so many of us have that childhood dream of building a tree house but so few of us actually get to do it i love that your ex managed too it's wonderful i'm so happy for them too yeah and of course you're now running this amazing treehouse as an airbnb can you tell me how that came about well with having the property i felt it needed to be shared it's such a stunning location brings in extra income and there's actually real joy in sharing it and giving people this experience and you're quite close to the city here as well so it's such a magical place for people just to get away and actually immerse themselves in nature absolutely and i think as you know the drive out here is so stunning in itself absolutely and of course you're also really close to the ocean here aren't you exactly yeah manuel's three k's away there's a beautiful low tide walk not far away and it's great and of course vineyards who could ask for more exactly yes and the construction of this treehouse looks really unique can you tell me about how it was built so it's an octagonal shape and first thing that happened were helicopters a helicopter came in put one pole in at a time the deck being built and then all the materials laid by helicopter on the deck because we didn't want to make a big path coming down so it's always got that special private feeling and yeah that was the best way to keep it wow and that must have been a huge task because we are quite high off the ground right now aren't we we are we're 14 meters above the ground and we're on a slope going down so we're still higher at the front end that we'll see soon and beautiful timbers used in the construction here yeah this is um the windows have got a cedar all um handmade of cedar and the outside is all macrocopper and it just fades and ages beautifully it certainly does and then of course you've got this wonderful pathway leading up to the house and a full wraparound deck again to really take advantage of the wonderful views absolutely great for views for wind for birds for sun you know you can always find a sunny spot or shady spot that's great and i absolutely love the geometry of this treehouse as well because having a shape like this really does help it to blend so much more into nature absolutely and from every window and every angle you see something quite different you know you can be inside but you'll actually feel you're outside yeah you're warm you still feel immersed in everything don't you well the outside of this treehouse is just so cool and i cannot wait to see the interior can we check it out yeah let's go let's go oh now this is seriously nice so much really beautiful timber in here yeah the smell's stunning and it's warm the feeling i get in here is safe secure it's solid it's so well insulated yeah and just the panoramic view through each of the windows is magic i know look out there look at the curry tree it's stunning it really is and there's also a real sense of spaciousness standing here as well how big is this structure so we're eight meters across and i think with having all this height too it makes it feel endless absolutely the high ceiling really does help with that and then of course the unusual geometry in here provides for these wonderful shapes with the rafters yeah definitely the workmanship is outstanding on the ceiling we have lawson cyprus and on the walls we have macrocopper and the floor we have quella beautiful yeah so it's all natural wood and then the lovely fireplace to keep us warm i know i love that place yeah and i always have lots of firewood in it and um yeah it gets really cozy in here very nice and then of course a lovely comfortable couch what a spot just to sit back relax and read a book yeah it's lovely also folds out as a sofa bed so often get mum dad and kids in as well and yeah that works out really well beautiful and then the bed over here as well what a place to wake up and just look out onto that view definitely i love it of course the bed's also a natural fibre bed beautiful linens and yeah it's stunning very nice and then of course you've got this table here and i really like the way that it's been lifted up so that you can just perfectly see out the window yeah no it needs to be um this height so you can sit there relax and look out the window and of course it can roll outside so it butts up to the balustrade so you can have dinner out there looking out over the forest what a good idea and then of course over here we have the kitchen and wow this countertop is just exquisite yeah it's waiheke aggregate from the quarry and yeah it's got that proper waiheke color it definitely looks like something very special and i love that it sort of connects it to this land as well very much everything's been crafted so beautifully it certainly has it definitely keeps in with the timber theme of the rest of the house nicely and then of course the kitchen once for nothing you've got all the necessary appliances here yeah you can definitely cook whatever you want to it down here is great absolutely and it looks like you have built in a lot of storage into this kitchen too yeah there are lots of drawers and a beautiful talented craftsman made the drawers and what i wanted to create down here was a really natural soft feeling environment and the fact that all the the is handmade goes with the same reason why i have no tea bags it's all tea leaves and local coffee i try and use everything local as possible that's just so nice because doing that really does just go that extra step towards giving your guest a truly special and local experience yeah definitely and i've had so much feedback about all the details and i know how important it is in creating this place i wanted to create it so if i was to come here and stay the things that would make me feel special when i was staying here that's what i've wanted to create yeah and i think you really can see that in everything you've done in here thank you so we've got a lovely lounge area the bed beautiful kitchen but i do not see a toilet here ah the bathroom yes it's this way aha no way yes way oh that is just too cool oh this really is so neat especially with this other layer here it feels a lot like a playful yeah it is i i totally get your feeling um it's inside still yet outside we've got these two doors that go out here into little balconies and yeah it's really nice that is really neat and then of course here you can see one of the main supports of the house right yep these are the poles that got dropped in by helicopter to form the foundations of the property wow you can really see how solid this is yeah and then through here is the bathroom yeah the idea is that you can shower amongst the trees absolutely yeah and again what just really strikes me in this room is all of the timber yeah there's lots of timber um yeah i love the dark floor and contrast with the pine walls um yeah it's lovely and what a magical place to just lie back and have a bath yeah i reckon and the water out here is beautiful there's no chlorine in the water it's all natural spring water the louvre windows here as well that's an extra nice touch because again it just sort of adds that level of connection to the outdoors all about the connection to the outdoors everything's about connecting with outdoors yeah and i'm surprised to see that you've even managed to get a flushing toilet up here yes a full septic system just like being in a hotel in a way it's got a um a worm smart septic tank so just works like a normal property nice and easy so for how long has this house been completed it's been completed about two and a half years now right and the construction of the treehouse actually took place over quite a long time didn't it yeah it was over 10 years and that was due to finances and trickiness of building and yeah yeah absolutely i mean looking at this you really can tell that this is a labor of love it is it's a definite passion project yeah for sure so to that end what was the cost that was involved in realising this place so my ex definitely not a bookkeeper however i would say at least a hundred and eighty thousand easily i could see how the budget could meet that and go far beyond and this is such a project to eventually realize this is a really wonderful accomplishment thank you yeah i'm very proud of the results it's amazing and how long have you been hosting on airbnb now so it's been about a year and a half and yeah it's easy with hosting with airbnb it's given me an opportunity to change my career and i actually do work less i make as much as i used to make and with the reviews it actually gives you confidence that you're on the right path and it gives me a great sense of joy and accomplishment when i see people leave and they're a lot happier and more relaxed and you also run a massage therapy business from this property don't you yeah i do i've had a beauty therapy business for 15 years in the main village and now out here i offer treatments to guests and get other therapists in and couples massages yes really nice and what would you say your absolute favorite part of this tree house is i think it's the stillness the quietness the nature the looking for the life in the trees yeah yeah they escape when i'm here i feel totally cocooned from the world i feel connected and with nature and also in with myself and it rejuvenates me and grounds me and and i think it's such a gift that i can share it with other people through airbnb well so what you have created here really is just magical when you talk about that sense of stillness and serenity i completely understand because being here right now i can just absolutely feel that so thank you so much for sharing it with my pleasure thank you what's been created here with this treehouse really is just something very special especially being nestled in amongst this beautiful forest it really does feel like you're in a completely far away place the world today can just be so hectic and busy and it really is nice to know that there are special places like this that you can retreat to and thankfully there are wonderful hosts like so who make all of this possible [Music] i want to say a huge thank you to airbnb for partnering with us on this video it's always just so special for us to visit these truly wonderful and unique getaways i am always just blown away at the wonderful spaces that people create but also the generosity of the hosts that let people stay here and who share their world with others if you have a really special place and you think you might be interested in becoming an airbnb host yourself make sure you find out more by clicking the link in the description of this video
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 821,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living big in a tiny house, tiny house, airbnb, treehouse, small spaces, unique airbnb, alternative building, living big
Id: c6-KwycL3hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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