Yung Joc on Diddy Lawsuit, Cassie, Meek Mill, BMF, Tasha K, 1090 Jake Diss (Full Interview)

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here we go y'all the dynamic duo back at it yo I got my brother in the building Atlanta's own Mr Young Jock Jo what up kid what's up pris what's happening what up what up yo jock I'mma tell you something I I'm so mad we didn't do this interview yesterday like like we sat down yesterday we would not have to discuss the elephant in the room and this is territory I hate to step on my word because there's so much history with this guy but did he both of his homes uh the one in La the one in Miami right was simultaneously raided by Homeland Security right yeser yesterday afternoon mhm uh reports are coming out that it could possibly have something to do with sex trafficking but who knows if there's any um relevance to that yet we're all waiting to see um what the official cause for the raids were but I'mma just let you step in here all right it's real easy though it's just kind of simple um no charges have been brought up as of yet as as we're speaking as at at this moment as we're filming this now by the time it this airs I don't know but let's just speak transparently and candidly about it okay when you start thinking of your your Weinstein and your Epstein right they were not exempt from the government probing looking searching to see what they could find because I a lot of allegations out here right all right now me these rumors that have been circulating for have along now the last two to three years all right let's say this now here's a mogul uh this guy is uh from the music industry um now you could say multimedia Mogul you know what I'm saying because he's coming from so many different angles um he's not exempt we're talking about Diddy he's not exempt as far as hey we need to probe that a lot of allegations coming out um H this is a $30 million lawsuit it wasn't necessarily him who executed that and just went ahead and settled that was the insurance from the companies that he was a part of Boom stepping down from these companies here we go boom all right now these other allegations are coming out this new guy what's his name Lil Ron L Rod Lil Ronnie whatever he's saying a lot of stuff he's coming with a heavy one too he probably felt like yo I'm a cash out I'm get a payday too because he was around so much stuff his ears were probably privy to a lot of conversations I'm not going to say he was in the midst of these alleged things but if he has any you know any like just information and on the side of Diddy them if they know it he probably felt like yo they was going to try to keep him quiet too going to cash him out too that hasn't happened so now I feel like it's to the point where it's like okay you know cassid don't made some allegations they talked about the phone they talked about the this information that she had from Kim you know um all these different things so I think that it was coming sooner or later with all these big allegations and these big lawsuits that the government say hey we are not doing our due diligence by not probing at least to say we stepped in to see if that was anything that was actually true about his allegations so um let's just be for real once that came out I'm pretty sure they got rid of anything if it was anything to get rid of in this in this in this space because it was a little foggy out here for my boy so I don't know man you know everything's come out you know I seen they raiding the homes what do they found they ain't said nothing yet so we don't know we just it's all speculations oh he fled the country speculations they had the man seen the man walking around the airport while they saying he's over in Antigua but then if you look at the map of the jet the the course it shows it came from the West Coast landed somewhere around in the it looked like it could have been the Georgia Florida area then it took on off the Antiga who knows maybe he was getting dropped off in in uh was that where was he opaka Okala what was he at I don't know they said it opal opaka some somewhere okay so maybe he was dropped off in opalak and his jet went on to where it went but you know it's a lot of speculations right now um I just think at this point in time it's just it's just crazy how everybody just jumps on the bandwagon to you know kick kick a person wi it down and and I think that's the part that kind of uh that that burns it out for you because everywhere you look somebody's got a joke even now when we talking you know you say pause and like no no it's no Diddy like come on my [ __ ] like h n it's crazy um that like legitimately paus has transitioned to no Diddy like it's it's it's bananas out here but I'm I'm going to tell you something um it's bananas out here really jock we gonna do this Let It Go be you you you gonna hit me with the no ddy no I ain't say nothing I just was I just want to make sure I heard you right because uh all right so yo I'm going tell you real talk like first and foremost um we ain't going to kick this man when he down um that that we're not going to do uh it's it's unfortunate because with with you know let's just keep it a 100 puff is Puff is one of the great ones um he he he really is what he has and I don't I don't have any knowledge of any of the things he's being accused of and truth be told we don't even know why they raided this man's home right right we we we don't know um and I'm not say and to your point he's not exempt but before the world just tears this man down understand you know this is somebody you almost can't listen to the last 25 30 years worth of Music everything in our culture within those years or so much of what's within our culture from Fashion to uh how Executives look and how they move we can trace this back to this man and that bad boy Dynasty and um you know I I wish him and his sons the best I look at his sons as family yeah um you know and I'm sure you do too see seeing that them boys was in handcuffs you know it that hurt my heart like from a personal standpoint so you know I I I really do pray that everything works out on his behalf if there's something there than him like anybody else they they deserve to to to have Justice taken out on them but until we know the facts it really it seemed like seem like he pissed somebody off man let's just let's just keep it pu pu puff been pissing like like you know puff been pissing people off for years he is one of the the the celebrities that you love to hate and that go from the dudes in the barers shop to his peers because he been doing it on such a big level for so many years so long yeah somebody hit me this morning you know we we uh calling just asking you know our listeners you know what are you think you know if he pissed somebody off what do you think he did to piss somebody off somebody was like well you know he pissed the people over at War off when he was doing a joker and then he said what he said about that I'm like okay all right conspiracy theory all here you go I said give me another conspiracy theory and somebody was like what's the brand what's the what's the company behind sarak and all that di how do you say diio diio diio I said you know what he pissed them people off it's a lot of money was a lot of money settlement was coming they were looking for a settlement and the old Cassie thing popped out before it could happen then that happened afterwards and after that happened now it's like yo we got to hit him again why we know he got the money so I don't know man and then who knows you know you know cuz I was asked about it and and and I was very honest you know you got to think when I when I came into the whole Bad Boy camp I was like the little brother I was like a baby brother compared to the cats who been there before me you know what I'm saying correct my predecessors you know you know the cats who might have seen things early on from a younger Diddy you know what I'm saying um and I'm not saying nobody seen nothing but you know people make the allegations or whatnot um so when I came into the house I ain't see none of this activity and I was around for a minute and I was in some very nice exclusive parties and situations at his house and all that and I and I never seen any of this type of stuff that I'm hearing about um so for me you know some of them might look at me like well you just don't know I don't know how they feel but you know I don't want it to sound like I'm just Pro Diddy like no he couldn't have did any of this because we all human and you know we some of us a lot of us a lot of people have skeletons in their closets but I I just never seen signs of that from them I never seen any of this type of activity so when I'm sitting back it's almost like I don't even know the man because I'm sitting here listening like huh what the what why I a't see none of this [ __ ] you know what I mean that don't mean it was happening you know it's just like the movie True Lies you know M yep yep you could be living right next to a spot a whole you know whatever and and I know it so we G to see how it plays out I'm pretty sure it's going to unfold even more rapidly now that the federal government is involved you know what I mean yo I'm I'm going tell you something and you know I speak to my brother and and he been a barber in the Hood um my brother Mark you know pretty much his whole life and you know how the barers shops be they be talking and brother Mark he he been loving and hating on Diddy for years for as long as I can remember but to your point you know no matter how many allegations have come up for for however many years I'm somebody who has been close in very close proximity to this man right um you know outside of running the promotion Department uh you know I was on the management team tour managing and Road managing this man for years I have you know I I've I've checked him into hotels and I woke him up at the strangest hours you know with with with going in the room I've never caught no comprom inter you got to interview you got to do radio you got I have never and I've been telling now is it possible sure it's possible you know we we we don't know the entirety of people right right but what I can say conclusively and honestly I've never caught this man in no compromising positions okay let me take that back I have caught this man and I got to choose my words wisely especially considering the climate with women how about that uh but I've never caught him in any other compromising positions that I would say that was some relevance to these rumors right not to not to say that it it can't be but real talk I'm I'm standing here just like you standing here as I can only speak from my point of view yeah it's kind of crazy I just know I know you know I know the Diddy that I know I don't I don't know this version that people are talking about you know I mean think about it I remember having a song knock it out first thing first I like all kind of hoes some go to Spill and some dance with no clothes mama name me jock cuz I do the damn thing when I throw the dick they come back like boomerangs when P when when he heard that he was like no Playboy you know you clean cut you know you putting the brand on your your back you know we like upper echelon you know Playboy like you like the mace of the South you know we cleancut over here we ain't going to be disrespecting no women and all that and I was like all right well and so when he told me that was gonna make my album I was like look look look I hear you but I'm I want to show you some videos of me doing this AC cappella and I want you to see how the women reacting he hits me back like yo like hey that's what you want to do play boy you know I see your vision from that angle I just want to make sure you protected because you know we trying to do we Kings over here and I remember him telling me that and he said only because you got the women that's supporting what you doing I'mma let you put it on the album you know what I'm saying so if he' have been like just a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] just like y [ __ ] hell yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] these hoes like he wasn't that and it's too many times where he's just like yo play but I want to make sure we always in the positive light I'm like hey so when I hear certain [ __ ] I just it just does not register but again let me tell you something I've had homies I never seen them do anything wrong that one time they did something wrong I wasn't there I wasn't around I didn't see remnants of it feel remnants of it hear remnants of it but that doesn't mean they didn't do what they may have done you see what I'm saying in this situation you know like I said you just got to kind of wait for it to play out man I I know this is probably one of the most trying times of his life and his career n i mean well I think it is um for sure I think it is I mean and this is a guy who has been through all kinds of battles but at this age um when when your reputation your paper your livelihood your legacy is on the line oh man you know uh that this has got to be the living definition of a nightmare like this man is living a nightmare right now so you know for for any for anybody who uh has been affected if if if it's relevance and Credence y i I hope Justice is serve but if it's but if it's a case that you know where we know far too often in our culture people just pile on you know people people see an opportunity for a money grab I I I I just don't think that that's cool especially when you talking about a man's livelihood yeah okay yo you know an interesting um verdict came out and I don't even know if it was a verdict but a judge ruled that one of Diddy's accusers can't remain anonimous anymore you know so was a female I I don't know somebody somebody came out yeah I feel like I heard it was a female can't be Jane do I mean I just think it's it's just what it is I think right now and you spoke about it earlier um because we talked about a few weeks ago I think is is is like you said hey look pressure's on pressures on them you probably ain't really got much to worry about as far as any type of retaliation if you feel like you scared or in fear your life I think like the the the the the microscope is on them so hard that yo people have cuz here's the thing like it's so unfair that like I can come out and make action a about you and nothing involving me or surrounding me is affected in a sense because I remain anonymous but what if I'm lying then what what what if I'm embellishing what if I'm embellishing hearsay you got to get what I'm saying the the people when you get to remain anonymous it's like nothing nothing from your end is affected and I just think it's so cuz you know we supposed to be innocent into proven guilty but we know that's not the case it's guilty until proven guilty yeah people once they once people hear rumors they kind of just riding with it like I don't know cuz people wouldn't be saying it if it weren't true let's stop playing that's a lie right there to even say that it's a lie right there bro it's a lie right there but you know before we move on just real talk can he come back from this I'm I'm G say this I think that this man has definitely stood in the face of adversity many times in his career um this man has showed you what perseverance looks like um he showing you what dedication determination all of that looks like I I just really feel that you know this come across where it's it's and it's and it's not like if he's not pinned with no charges or nothing like that and he walks I definitely believe he could come back I mean they he just not a hide and tuck your tail kind of guy you know what I'm saying and I feel like if anything if anything if he can definitely um uphold his innocence as far as what he declares he's himself as innocent then I don't see why he couldn't you know cuz at the end of the day you know a lot of us are adults a lot of us are mature even though we we want to act immature and like I said we see something we start joking and kicking the man while he down say something yo bro I'm about to come over like oh no Diddy like you know all that [ __ ] is just getting out of hand cuz I'm talking to somebody other like no did he I'm like what and I was like oh these [ __ ] tripping you know what I'm saying cuz it happened so fast the culture moved so fast that I think that people are mature enough to once they kind of get tired of it then you start sitting back and realizing like yo I seen a lot of these other people man with a lot of these same type of accusations walk free they still or they just kind of fade the black you hear nothing else about them something happens other events happen other things happen and you hear nothing else about them they live their life Scott his his black man though I mean hey I'm again I'm not saying that he's innocent because I don't know who who his victims are if he have real victims I've heard of him I know Cassie has definitely declared herself as a victim this cat Lil run whatever running he's declared himself as a victim but outside of the people I know of I don't I don't know I just I just pray it plays out the way it's supposed to for everybody involved that's how I keep that's how I'm going stay neutral yeah I you know I got to ask you why why do you think there are not more of these conversations going on and what I mean by that is you you are not are speaking from the perspective of people who knew him know him right um been in the Inner Circle for years made money with this man why you know puff puff has been around around for a long time and he and he made money with a lot of people he put a lot of people in position uh this guy's No Angel by no stretch of the imagination but at the same time you know it was it was all good just a week ago when when people was able to get in his section in the club and pop bottles with him when you know he was putting people on it was good then why why don't you think more people are coming out and just having this type of conversation where yo I'mma give them the benefit of the doubt I really didn't see it I don't know like I can't say that it's not true but I can only talk from my point of view and say I didn't see it public opinion can foreshadow everything public opinion can foreshadow one's truth of the matter you know what I'm saying my truth of this matter is hey I never seen him do anything but public opinion could say hey man it's a lot of people saying this boy was out here Wilding yo whoopy whoop I hear what you saying Jo then then the [ __ ] hit you with the sound like you just covering up you know even on my morning show M Nik like oh you know something what you don't want to tell I'm like I don't know [ __ ] dog so I even had to tell her this morning like we had to have a sideway hey can you please quit saying that cuz I don't want to I don't want to put s that out there into the universe and that becomes public opinion that oh jock know something jock was around no I don't know nothing cuz I'm one of them straight up ones I'd be like yeah but a wild I ain't saying he did all that but w wow I mean we know this man has lived the life he's lived the life so many of us have dreamed of you know you talking about the top of your top of your [ __ ] you know so I just think that again public opinion can silence um one's truth sometimes you don't because it's like right now you just talked about a section right now if I saw Diddy out at the club right we never had a bad moment right um and I saw him and like y jock what up n come up you know something in you because of public opinion and what's going on you gonna be like damn [ __ ] is this is this going to be a bad look for me is it gonna feel some kind of way if I don't come over there will he understand if I don't come over there how people gonna take it if I come over there I'm over there just like hey now I'm on the front of people magazine like you know so you got to understand that like again public opinion is really something else man and I think that that's why some people feel that this could possibly be a big smear campaign cuz let's just think we already been talking about the woes he's been having the troubles he's been dealing with with the lawsuits but then now just just a day ago we see from a helicop bird's view the bird's eye view from the helicopter Chopper number nine is hovering over dly Diddy's a estate or mansion in LA or did's estate in Miami Star Island and wow they're bringing people out in handcuffs I mean what does that mean what what does that mean what what does it mean it just further puts a negative filter over his name his brand his legacy because now you like oh the feds involved this [ __ ] must be for real I know a lot of people that got raided by the feds and the FEDS didn't find nothing they walk free so but again once the minute you saw the Fed was involved you like but I don't even call my phone I don't even want to be seen with bro I can't even be playing bro got them people on you know what I'm saying so I don't know we just got to see how this [ __ ] play I wonder if this was HOV this was Drake if this was you know I got to believe that more people would be standing up you know and and at least giving them the benefit of Doubt like right now people would like yo I don't even want to touch that subject for all the reasons you just said yeah so it's just interesting to me you know whether is the dudes behind the scenes that this man uh either positioned or or put checks in their pocket or celebrities that everybody knows that he made sarck ambassadors um PID them millions of dollars you know help spread the wealth like I don't see one person like not even one you know saying yo dog you you ain't even got to tell me cuz guess what you know many people done stop me and said that [ __ ] to me like bro you like one of the only people kind of spoke up like positive on his behalf and I'm like hey I don't get caught up in the public opinion of people because I've been I've been on the other side of it you know what I'm saying I hey man I I've been in the news you know I've I've I've been I've been sitting in my truth accepting my truth knowing my truth and watching it play out being sensationalized all over the media you know what I'm saying all that [ __ ] all wrong like just wrong wrong wrong you know what I'm saying so it's certain things man that you just have to you know trials and tribulations you know I hear people say that word a lot but I don't think people really understand that [ __ ] until you in a position and you don't know if you coming to going you don't know if you dead or alive you know what I'm saying I'm going just keep it real and right now with the level of heat that's on this man head right now a lot of people feel like they ain't got to say nothing it's like [ __ ] it's going to play out how it's going to play out a lot of people feel like they ain't got the power to help him no way you know what I'm saying well I do think people have the power to help them and and it's something as simple as you know having conversations like this where yo I'mma give you the benefit of doubt you innocent to proven guilty well yeah simple as that those are conversations that's like a character witness conversation but if they ain't got the power to to to pull the feds off of them if they ain't got the power to back the media up off of them if they ain't got the power to make people coming forward with allegations to stop coming forward and just be quiet and fade the black then they kind of like what we going to do what I mean I think that's a cop out jock I do I think it's a cop maybe you do but I you know even if you do feel that guess what and I'm not and I'm not even me cuz not saying that people have to do this I'm not I'm not saying people have to do this talking about him but there's a lot of people out there who have found themselves in the worst times of their life you know everything that they work for and this is people who are not in the public eye I'm I'm I'm going through it right now A Kind word means something I'm praying for you brother or sister means something right now you know PE people are are are very fickle like like you know good when you good unless you talk to unless unless you talked to Sean yourself and he told you ain't nobody reached out to him then I can't say it and I don't think you have the power to say that that's real no one has done that because a lot of people will do things in silence you understand what I'm saying it's like on the public opinion side of things I mean I want to be out here saying yo I talked to Puff today I told him just keep his head up pray everybody going to be all right [ __ ] Ain't doing that but a [ __ ] might pillow talk with his old lady and be like yeah I reached out to to to didy today yeah you know [ __ ] was he was in a faat mood and I just went ahead and told him I got his back if you ever need me hit me you know we don't we don't know that so but on the public side of things just being like right hand in front it don't seem like it's too many people like is is walking in arms with him except for his kids and his family you know what I'm saying and you're right I haven't seen one maybe you have I haven't seen one but with the exception to and you sitting down and having a you know this conversation I haven't even seen this happen I mean cuz you got to think like even guess what you know people keep asking me what you did y'all cool y'all good y'all cool I'm like why y'all keep asking me that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is y'all ask me that for I mean cuz you was like the one who kicked this [ __ ] I Ain kick off [ __ ] I ain't make no alleg allegations against the man when you the one was talking about the [ __ ] with him and Cassie I'm like [ __ ] this man was with his lady and he saw a look that he wanted for his lady that was it nothing he like [ __ ] you GNA cut your [ __ ] house [ __ ] gonna be big Trend tomorrow take that like it was nothing like that [ __ ] the [ __ ] walk told lady Baby W I want you to W yeah of course I was like damn you GNA cut your hair like this girl got this pretty ass hair why would she do that but then when she did it I was like ah it added that edge it was it reinvented her it was a whole it was like a a little joke to the culture women went to side of their heads and it's like when you saw the woman with that with that side of the head shade it was like a it was like a sense of Liberation almost you know opposed to people trying to say oh he was a manipulator and a controller and he he you know he put his you know he he put under this H but it seemed more to me like [ __ ] it was like look show that you free she did that [ __ ] it was like a it was a reinvention of Cassie so I don't know kidrick Lamar he um it feels like he dissed Drake and jcole um on that Metro booming and future joint like that okay you know he he came out with a lyric that people was very surprised at you know F sneak dson talking about um that song that Jay Cole and Drake did together the firsters shooter first and foremost did do you know anything about a sneak disc on that song man I'm going to say this man whenever I listen to rap we always hear stuff that sound like oh what he saying oh who he talking about and then you're like oh we start making these speculations and once you speculate then rumors arise amid the speculations um let's be for real I mean these [ __ ] can rap rap for real for real they don't give a damn and right now with the way the way hip-hop kind of suffering like [ __ ] nigas probably feel like we got to do something to wake this thing up now you know some of them who don't feel like they suffering like a Drake it's hard to say Drake is suffering or Kendrick is suffering or jcole is suffering you know it's kind of like they kind of like the big three you know what I'm saying but at the end of the day it this [ __ ] sound crazy but it sounds orchestrated it feels orchestrated you know I saw the comparison with the track listing um from both albums you saw that yep it like slimed out slimy in you know evil twin what my twin whatever just the the way the track list and sound it sound like they it sounds it's almost just like too perfectly laid out for me not to see it and for people to not Point certain things out but at the end of the day if they is beef a I don't see now one of them getting down in the streets for real so it's just a entertainment thing and you know hip-hop was based on that so let's not get our draws in a bunch let them do what they do and see if they can recitate this thing you feel me cuz now it got you like I want to hear what they talking about now we tuned in cuz you ain't tuned in you over here got down you here off you got caught up on sex red [ __ ] you trying to see what the ho [ __ ] is ain't even looking for bars no more [ __ ] looking for the hoes like [ __ ] what the hoes you heard that [ __ ] Co say what yeah I love jcole but man why the hoes like [ __ ] [ __ ] These Hoes is rapping and got on chains bigger than the rappers and they got they ass out and these hold B fooot [ __ ] on internet Instagram for free [ __ ] don't give a goddamn what the [ __ ] talking about right now and it's so crazy because if you okay y' I was having a conversation with some kids right this group on mentoring and uh all they was asking me is about either the female rappers or the young young young rappers like the upand cominging rappers you know it was like cats that I may know a song or two you know they talking about the new cats is coming up I asked them about it Drake they like uh d e commercial he commercial I'm like I mean yeah and but that's he's one of the greatest to do this [ __ ] yeah but he he okay what about jcole now jcole might get a little more like respect for the young I'm talking about hood while I'm at in Atlanta these young hood hood cats jcole might get a little more respect cuz jcole don't really do too much commercialized [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you ask about Kendrick they like all Kendrick but these young cats they talking about what a hoes they talking about spinning the blocks and all that so I really do feel like your J CO's Kendricks and your Drake got to do something to resuscitate like this quality of music that is it's there but it's being it's being overshadowed by all this other nonsense and [ __ ] that's going on you know what I'm saying and I'm not talking about just the female [ __ ] I'm not calling this that [ __ ] nonsense I'm talking about this [ __ ] where it's all killing killing killing triple cross double cross spin the block shoot your whole family up then P the god down casamigo on your dead body type [ __ ] like we got to get away from some of this [ __ ] man and and really figure out how to focus on just making good music and giving out a better message cuz right now man [ __ ] crazy out here nah it's different kid it's crazy out here speaking of beef and women Megan a stallion and you know her and Nikki was going back and forth and and it got kind of like Nikki was like yo yo go dig up your dead mother you know Megan is like yo these hoes ain't scared of Megan they scared of Megan's Law referring to Nicki's husband yo it's different again you know there used to be boundaries there used to be certain parameters sh don't cross you don't you don't indulge in certain activity certain foolishness uh well now we living in the age of you know who can move the needle the hardest the fastest the longest and that's what it is it's it's it's it's it's a we're trying to see who has the biggest shock value who can hit who could hit the culture with the most shock that's what's happening that's exactly what's happening right now just I really be sitting back like d they whing hell you talking about digging up somebody Mama [ __ ] I just saw Charleson white talking about Gilly son being killed and I that [ __ ] blew me away I was like damn whoa he was like [ __ ] you know you you can't you know you can't even pick up the phone and call your son that [ __ ] blew me away I was like what the [ __ ] like look I call my son he called his son I was just like what and and and it was such a shocker to it felt like I was almost at the point of normalizing it like you know that's what he felt like I ain't even mad about it type [ __ ] and that's kind of we're starting to normalize delusional man some of this [ __ ] we we allowing to happen and we're doing is so delusional man and it's kind of starting to feel normal you know it's like oh okay oh 15 kids got blew up for real true what you eating for lunch like like like it's going to be to that point if we don't figure this [ __ ] out because everything is happening nobody's like there's no censorship it's like there's no censorship and even even even even even worse than that there's no Guardianship and I really feel like a lot of our quote unquote Guardians are being silenced you know what I'm saying somebody like a diddy could have came in like yo yo yo you know we got to you know remember when he came and said yo vter die yep behind the G and Trapp or die he took that [ __ ] and he took that [ __ ] and turned it and cleaned it up hey voter die [ __ ] was around like voter die you know like vter die [ __ ] like we trying to get a black president type [ __ ] you know what I'm saying it's certain moves that don't look like they being made no more for for this generation come these other Generations coming up it's just not the guardianship is there is not there the governing is not there for real I a even lie to you we missing a lot of that [ __ ] in our culture right now agreed because I'mma tell you right now boy my mama died in August but I don't give a [ __ ] about now want of need nobody no rap [ __ ] no R Beef N that man you go playing with with that you cross that line you cross that line is is but they probably had to put me in a padded room cuz you couldn't even play with me like that you couldn't even play you we I don't even got no words right now I just felt my heart rate go up my head start hurting on the left side this side start pounding that [ __ ] just really did something to me the thought of that [ __ ] so somewhere there we got to figure this [ __ ] out because the this clout is a drug people we've been saying it but it's it's more than just a drug it's like the clout give you that Adrenaline Rush that just you know you done did some wild [ __ ] or said some wild [ __ ] to provoke some wi [ __ ] it just give you that rush and that Rush feel like power I think people chasing that that that that rush and that power man more so than the clout yeah I couldn't agree with you more you know matter of fact they might be chasing that clout just a little bit more jock like because what comes with clout what here's what I always tell people I get young cats I always hey man what what what would you tell the up and cominging artist I would say recognition then acknowledgement right in order for you to get recognition what does recognition means someone recognizes you your brand I.E you know your emotion you have to be recognized in order to be acknowledged right yeah get on the elevator right now somebody get on elevator with you and let's say you get on elevator with Warren Buffett one of the richest men in in the world you get on the elevator with him and you don't even know his Warren Buffett you can't even acknowledge Him you just how you doing you might not even say [ __ ] but if you get on there you know it's Warren Buffet you might be like oh wow Mr Buffett it is a pleasure and honor to meet you and you never know what doors that can open so let's be for real clout brings on recognition and if I could recognize you then I can acknowledge you oh that bro over there who did woop [ __ ] the woop oh that's the one who did such and such and such oh that's the one who [ __ ] wo the wo baby mama oh that's the [ __ ] who SP the block and killed them 13 black kids over there for such as you see what I'm trying to say so I think yeah yeah yeah clout is what it is like [ __ ] is chasing clout but what happens with the clout some people trying to make money off the clout you got more kids want you ask kids right now what you want to be for a living a influencer yeah okay what's your career what's your career path YouTuber influencer they're not saying uh I want to go into mass communication masscom they're not saying I would like to be a reporter a anchor man anchor woman they're not saying that they saying YouTuber vlogger influencer [ __ ] that's what they want to be yeah it's a different world that we live in 100% stay I mean because there's a lot of beef going on right now I mean hip hop has almost become synonymous with beef uh academics and me went back and forth did you see that exchange I think Meek Mill put it out there that you know he wanted to start a podcast who got a check for him or something like that academics replied I got a million dollars Meek kind of felt like he's offended like yo bro I got more paper than you like what are you talking about well hey you put it out there Meek put that out there you know sometimes we have to learn like I think I think we get caught up again public opinion me probably felt offended that you even said something like like quit playing with me almost like you trolling but what if what if academics was for real that's his Lane that's the only reason we know him I never heard him DJ does he DJ for real truth be told I never matter of fact I don't even see turntables that's what I'm trying to tell you bro he don't even have that recognition and acknowledgement we only recognize academics for being a podcaster right yeah that's see I he DJ AC I never seen [ __ ] DJ I never seen him in front of a turntable I never seen [ __ ] Rock a club or part that don't mean he don't do that so I'm going to acknowledge him as a podcaster a influencer a YouTuber a vlogger a streamer whatever but check this out when you put that type of [ __ ] out there you really can't get mad at how somebody respond to you cuz what if academics really can't get me a mill I finding me I'm seeing Meek do a lot of talking these days cuz you almost got to you almost got to you got to talk you got people got to know where your head at for you to stay relevant out here let's be for real if you ain't dropping Superstar smash smash smash records and doing smash movies or whatever Superstar Hooper smashing the baddest chick whatever like you gotta you got to you you got to be a part of it and I think that I think me be having some good points sometimes and I think just be being Meek sometimes so you know that's no dis or no offense you know but don't get mad at the man for saying he got a me bring me a million academics I don't be [ __ ] with some of the [ __ ] academics be doing some of the [ __ ] I've been like okay he was on part but most of the time be like man bro just be going left with this [ __ ] he stay in that little godamn spot where he at he protected he talk [ __ ] so I think me should go on and do a podcast though [ __ ] for real no I think he should I mean you know he he do he do a lot of talking as you said um people would listen to this man whether you agree with him disagree with him he's one of them dudes that when he talk people pay attention so you know you go with the [ __ ] nah yo CZ I can't I can't I can't get past this like we talk about Meek Mill and talking Meek Mill want everybody else to stop talking like Meek want people to stop asking him if he's straight like this man is going on a public campaign to say I'm straight I understand I was named in that Diddy lawsuit but please don't think for a minute cuz again man I just told you recognition and acknowledgement oh I recognize that people are saying Meek is doing something and people are acknowledging that and it's just it's just so crazy like all it take is a rumor dog and that [ __ ] is running they running with that [ __ ] all it take is a rumor bro all it take is a rumor one rumor what a [ __ ] just not [ __ ] with you and put that [ __ ] out there let them put it out there with a skit or do it the right way or make a mean that [ __ ] going to stick Bo that [ __ ] going to ride until you until you do something that overshadows it by 10 times yo but I me I mean you've been in the public ey for the better over 20 years now so somebody like Meek Mill why does he even respond like real real talk like why even get breathe life into this thing you know who you are yeah but a lot of times man let's be for real if you're being paid okay let's say if you making a living off of your integrity you're making a living off of your credibility it's not like Meek has his super huge corporate job and he just goes and sit in his corner office and he doesn't clock in because he has this crazy ass salary and he gets to go in and just do his job and go home at the end of the night to his family it don't work like that this man gotta take like somebody book him that mean people want to got to want to see him and when you start F tarnishing someone's image likeness you know what I'm saying the Integrity when you start playing with that you start playing with they bad so if this how this man eating we ain't just talking about publishing because you gotta wait on Pub checks you gotta wait on that [ __ ] we talking about n got a touchdown in the city and people got to come out and [ __ ] with you and rock with you you know like don't play with that don't play with the Integrity of my brand so I get it you know it's amazing because some people will tell you no just be quiet let it blow over let it subside and everything will be fine but then in our culture you trying to teach us from this side of things but you got to step in our world [ __ ] over here like BR [ __ ] ain't saying nothing must be true you telling the [ __ ] don't say nothing because then if the more you talk people G to believe it's real why give you like what you say why give it life [ __ ] I ain't giving it life these [ __ ] talking about it they giving it life every time I go somewhere I see some [ __ ] I'm just chilling I'm sitting here with a fine ass broad and she just like like what oh no what what you laughing I want to laugh too what you laughing at your ass godamn B what memes and things like [ __ ] nah like it's just it's just what it is like I get it like some [ __ ] just don't want to be played with it's just too many times I mean you know what I'm saying I give you a perfect example watch this Jamie Fox we just talked about him a few months ago right he was off the scene we heard he had some type of medical emergency nobody knew what the [ __ ] it was and [ __ ] was like oh n this that he never said nothing for so long but that's different it was just something saying that he had a health scare a medical emergency right but let it had been some [ __ ] where he was accused of doing something that could really tarnish His image that [ __ ] would have had a press run so [ __ ] hard You' have thought he was running for president that [ __ ] would have been on this [ __ ] ballot with goddamn Trump and goddamn Biden niggaer you thought he was running for president you know what I'm saying Jo can I say something yeah this your this your platform this your [ __ ] he he he literally you you're off on that because he at the same time that oh he showed up on a yach [ __ ] he showed up on a yach once or twice hold up at the same time everybody else was getting hit with these sexual um allegations M Jamie Fox got one too he he got one too him New York mayor Eric Adams yeah I a hear nothing about Jamie but but but the point he speak out about it no that's that's the point he Let It Go like I'm not even going to address because they didn't put enough fire on it let [ __ ] has still been pushing that [ __ ] he would have he would have had no choice you talking about a oneand done type oh you know speculations that there could Poss posibly be charges filed or law litigations coming and lawsuits against it was all over it was it was across CNN you talk you done sat down so many times you ain't never bring that [ __ ] up with me did you did you no and and the reason I didn't hold the reason I didn't list see and this is just me okay I I I don't walk in your shoes right I walk down the street don't nobody know who I am M y'all are in the public eye but I believe that there are certain celebrities certain celebrities that people I'm not going to say people don't want uh to see them win but they can't wait to see them lose people Jamie Fox is he's a love guy right he make people happy he make people smile something like that come out about him people are more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt right but there's other celebrities the minute that something come out it [ __ ] you on your own cuz you got you got you got people who already Envy that's a such thing as envy and jealousy you you do what you doing so special outside of me [ __ ] I look just as good as you [ __ ] [ __ ] I say some way more player [ __ ] than you say [ __ ] I shouldn't be in your position you got that men and women but I'm talking about what I'm saying is see you you kind of you just on pad that that [ __ ] was no big thing about J Fox as far as the the sexual allegations the sexual got a lawsuit just like everybody else he got a lawsuit but but is that [ __ ] on the Forefront are we talking about it it's kind of It kind of came went swept under the rug is what I'm saying and it may have come out a time because he didn't address it he didn't address it Jack no he let it go no that ain't just it it came and it went had that [ __ ] prolonged had that [ __ ] prolonged he would have had to say something after a while what I'm saying that [ __ ] came and went Sometimes some [ __ ] could come it's like dodging a bullet my [ __ ] [ __ ] shoot your [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] [ __ ] everybody everybody cool all right cool let get up out of here boom boom boom nothing but if one of them bullets hit you [ __ ] you got to address that [ __ ] boy you got to go get me some bandages [ __ ] get me something [ __ ] I'm I don't want to die I don't want to bleed out [ __ ] even if I go to the hospital some get me some help get let's address this wound that [ __ ] like he ain't get hit for real he ain't going through no Bill Cosby [ __ ] [ __ ] like what I'm talking about Bill Cosby was loved too and adorned by many [ __ ] I'm talking about this what you talking about that [ __ ] was just like even you talking about I'm I'm damn there want to grab my phone and Google it like what when what what did they say I I don't really know that's all I'm saying I'm not saying he's exempt from any of this [ __ ] I'm just saying the difference is sometimes when we back to the whole situation top talking about Meek sometimes certain [ __ ] when it hit a certain way that's like [ __ ] taking direct shots at Meek [ __ ] is making jokes and memes about a [ __ ] and this is amongst your peers like you you [ __ ] you you you on a tour [ __ ] in the concert you walking down the hallway you hear [ __ ] talking about yeah that [ __ ] Meek I heard that [ __ ] Meek got done got that thing tooted up what [ __ ] you don't even want to be played with [ __ ] so stop you going you going you going to say something but these allegations that you talking about like with Jamie that [ __ ] was we I Ain know nothing about it me you ain't even talk about it we talk about everything we didn't that's what I'm saying now had we came on here and I'm talking about it you got booy talking about it [ __ ] godamn they talking about it them talking about it Candace on saying some [ __ ] about it Donald Trump well you know Jamie Fox she's a funny guy but hey like [ __ ] [ __ ] gonna have to say something but if it ain't really like directly like like a a wound [ __ ] you could kind of got enough money just shut up let that [ __ ] clear CLE clear up you know blow over so you know I don't want to get too red up because you know I get a little adamant about certain [ __ ] cuz I I know what it feel like you know I'm just saying I know what it feel like when [ __ ] saying crazy [ __ ] about you and you like what [ __ ] you looking around [ __ ] like what what you gota sometimes you got to just let it go but Meek one of them cats Meek like he High strong already like [ __ ] what he he ready to go [ __ ] Philly [ __ ] [ __ ] what [ __ ] [ __ ] get [ __ ] get high pitched and everything [ __ ] be ready to go like [ __ ] who you talking about [ __ ] come C my block cuz you know what I'm saying [ __ ] Ain't with that [ __ ] so yeah it's 2024 it is taking into consideration everything you just said this a we we we not living in the same world that we lived in 10 15 20 years ago is is it is it the worst thing is it is it career ending does it does it take money out of people's pockets if there's some Inu windows and rumors going on about them that yo here's the thing here's here's what people have have learned to understand perseverance when you see somebody persevere when when they when they persevere through [ __ ] you just be like it damn make you say I guess that [ __ ] wasn't true brother didn't let that [ __ ] stop him that didn't break home because here's the thing the information the way we we we receive in information the way we obtain retain generate information is so fast my [ __ ] that by the time you get something remember you say hot off the press hot off the press you be like oh [ __ ] by the time that [ __ ] hot off the press that [ __ ] already lukewarm down there because as it's coming out we got some whole other hot and spicy [ __ ] coming right up coming up D this [ __ ] ain't even got down it Ain it went it ain't last long enough to really take some people out certain [ __ ] C so so so much news coming out I give you perfect example last night boom yo yo yo they raing didy oh that's the biggest thing tomorrow sh gonna be crazy crazy crazy [ __ ] 2: in the morning you look up you're like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] something happened with the [ __ ] the [ __ ] went to sleep in the boat or something the [ __ ] the [ __ ] lost power in the boat boom knocked the bridge down the Baltimore [ __ ] what people di what biggest thing just that fast [ __ ] called my station this morning say a conspiracy I think somebody somebody's trying to cover up the Diddy [ __ ] they paid the man to knock the bridge down so it'll be I like get the [ __ ] out of here but then you you you kind of step back you be like [ __ ] I watch the movies now you know [ __ ] might pull some [ __ ] off like that in a movie what was the show uh uh uh uh what was it scandalous Scandal yeah what about it what that was a TV show with my girl right Scandal yeah Li a PO that's some [ __ ] she would have did you know what everyone is hot this is this cannot be this cannot be the top story tomorrow all right we're going to need you to pull together and make some things happen all right listen there is a situation taking place down the street what we're going to have to do we're going to have to infiltrate that make that the biggest thing okay how are we going to do it you know what I don't want to know make it happen I'm counting on you that's how some [ __ ] be on TV right so we hear somebody say that [ __ ] about real life [ __ ] like nah [ __ ] you tripping damn [ __ ] make you start thinking because cuz it's so much [ __ ] that's that's possible now man you talking about AI generated [ __ ] now [ __ ] AI can take a story and flip that [ __ ] 4,500 times before you can flip that [ __ ] once so so and I know that sound like I just jumped but what I'm saying is it's so much [ __ ] going on to people don't almost know what to believe anymore the [ __ ] could you we could see somebody get shot po oh then [ __ ] like but is that [ __ ] real that [ __ ] AI when you got to when you start having a balance like that was something just don't convince you 100% And you like well I'm 50/50 that [ __ ] might be real that [ __ ] might be AI because guess what this morning when we play what we just talked about we played the [ __ ] Kendrick verse right everybody like everybody's like where Drake verse where Drake verse well I got a drake verse you know why you know why they my producer didn't want to play it on the show today because when you read the comments everybody say oh that's AI generated sounded like Drake and the [ __ ] was snapping crazy but Drake can't even get the full benefit of the do he can't even get the credit for coming back with a hard verse cuz [ __ ] is saying it's AI generated so some [ __ ] I don't even know no more dog even when they said I'mma keep that one to myself but yeah all I'm saying is man sometimes you don't know what's real and what ain't so a lot of people are starting to feel that because you know you know you you remember few years back it was it was said that by a certain Year everybody would have gotten their 15 seconds of Fame because of social media right so imagine anybody who's gone through uh a situation in their life where they have been um alleged to do something where somebody made false claims about him or put fake news out about him the Deep fake news about him whatever whatever after why so many people have felt like a celebrity who's caught in a bad end of the stick and what I mean is is if after you had so many people who've been accused of something or who who's been lied on or rumors have been produced out of the rumor mill about him after a while it starts to make you look at the news differently it starts to make you look at the way you take on the information cuz you start being like well [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] was saying I had did this night I I didn't even get shot [ __ ] said I got shot in the leg now [ __ ] was shooting at me while I was eating a leg quarter at the cookout [ __ ] said I got shot in the leg because I dropped the leg quarter and it put the little barbecue sauce on my thigh [ __ ] thought I got shot in the leg but I was tell n [ __ ] was shooting while I was eating the leg quarter just that fast the rumors out [ __ ] shot the leg so I think that yeah rumors can take people out but I think in this day and age man it kind of just plays out a little differently now so much more information is coming out so fast that you'll forget about the harsh [ __ ] that just came out yesterday cuz today some more crazier [ __ ] came out times three you know um I can't disagree with you at all I can't and I guess we'll just leave that there let's go to a light up matter of fact I was going to go to a lighter topic but let let let me keep let me keep the spotlight on jock for a second 1090 Jake yo that [ __ ] funny as [ __ ] all right I mean me and you we we had one of our conversations you swing on you he got off me and got on you he tried he [ __ ] that he want to take my credibility he want to call me gay and want to get you fired he yo he tried to team up with Vlad he want your spot my boy [ __ ] he's I guess applying that putting out information and exposing people is what police does and that's what you do as well yeah then he got to be dumb as [ __ ] cuz I mean I'm literally reading public record but um if that's his take on it that's his take on well he also said that uh he looks at you as a Caren type for telling on people that's been telling on people yeah I mean I look at him like he gay as a [ __ ] I mean you remember the head thing that he did like the people I know ain't looking at him like he whatever the [ __ ] he think he is so if that's what he want to take it I I don't know that's his opinion I guess you can't you can't get big and not have opinions about you from all from all sides it's just it comes to the territory yeah who who interviewed him I don't I don't do interviews with him myself this is sea press one of my interviewers yeah my name been brought up a couple times by him cuz I actually commented on one of his interviews and I said the second I hear his voice I turn the [ __ ] off cuz he just talks so [ __ ] much and uh he's brought me up a couple times in interviews and every time he's brought me up it's been in a negative light so I just I take that into consideration when uh when my name gets brought up by the same interviewer and the people he's asking me about just so happen to say some negative [ __ ] I don't know if it comes from that comment or what but you want me to go just in on it you I just gave you the alley cuz I'm keep list listen listen I'm going to just keep it a whole 100 with you right boom we sitting around a circle me and my guys we good every time a [ __ ] pull up if every time he pull up his whole concept is to discredit [ __ ] in my circle I got an issue with that now somewhere that he might feel like well I'm doing your Justice hey but hold up bro follow the [ __ ] back for a minute because every time you come around you trying to expose somebody after a while I'm not going to take it as you doing it in a I'm I'm doing it for the greater good of humanity no [ __ ] you you really coming around causeing conflict you getting [ __ ] killed around here playing listen to his name it's Jake what we call the police Jake if if I was doing the movie right now I might be like I might just improv a littleit like 1090 Jake over just cause [ __ ] I don't have no issue with t0 Jake I don't even know the [ __ ] I really I to be honest with him at one point I kind of appreciated that he was kind of bringing [ __ ] to the to the Forefront a little bit just kind of keeping [ __ ] on they [ __ ] but dog if that's your whole move to discredit and dis Manel after a while I'mma start feeling like you you you might as well be the police you you need to go get a job with the FBI [ __ ] you need to be with CIA cuz you good you T9 Jake hey hey look what a which camera I look in godam hey man look at the end of the day I just said what I said about you I gave you a taste of what the [ __ ] you do what you're known for I don't know nothing else you known for but poting [ __ ] out do does he do anything else other than that cuz I don't know this kind of like the academics thing he say he DJ academics but that [ __ ] don't do nothing but talk all day I don't know what 1090 Jake sta I don't know if 1090 where he come from I don't know if that's the prison said he was locked up here I know he did some time in prison so in prison he probably kind of he probably gained immunity from getting his ass whooped because he could find out who was snitching and who snitch and [ __ ] probably protected him I don't know this [ __ ] story I really don't give a [ __ ] to be honest I don't have issues with people so when you come with that extra Rah I'm cool on that cuz I'm G be cool headed and you never know how I'mma come you never know how I move so I don't care about no threats I don't care about none of that [ __ ] you can't discredit me boy I've been around way too long y your whole your whole position is to discredit [ __ ] so I'm not surprised you didn't hit me with enough hard enough [ __ ] to make me feel surprised because this what you do now the end of the day I don't even know the man I really don't as I told you once upon a time I was like Dam I appreciate homie keeping [ __ ] straight a little bit but after while you start coming around like a probation officer [ __ ] like a parole officer right when a [ __ ] trying to stand up and get it light straight you come out oh well well I know y'all [ __ ] with such and such but here this [ __ ] rap sheet this [ __ ] snitched this [ __ ] had three bodies they really wasen his it was his cousin he took the rap for it he got scared when he realized we GNA get 38,000 years the [ __ ] decided to snitch [ __ ] you might well be law enforcement dog what we doing you might be law enforcement cuz I don't know him to be honest with you that [ __ ] really got me on my PS and q's so when I see white boys who I think look like him I they be like hey Jo what up I be like what the [ __ ] what what's your name Logan Oh I thought he make sure I thought your name was Jake or some [ __ ] like that what's up my boy you want to take a picture all right cool CU I don't know where he coming from I I really wouldn't even for real for real my boy got a little he got a little he got a little bravado about him you know what I'm saying like he that he a tough guy cuz he dead time in prison but nobody give a [ __ ] about like none of that I don't I ain't never I always ran by myself you ain't never seen me run with no celebrities even [ __ ] when I was signed with Diddy Bad Boy [ __ ] I ain't never ran with no other celebrities for real for real I always stood on my own so all that tough talk man that [ __ ] it's cute I mean it goes good with what he does I don't do all the tough talk it don't support what I do I'm a happy I live my life my kids be with me so I don't want no beefs or no issues with [ __ ] I can't afford that I don't want lose none of mine to no no no [ __ ] somebody said in the streets you know what I'm saying I had plenty rap [ __ ] diss me plenty dog and then they find their way back to be like bro you know I ain't mean it like that boom truth it ain't really a truth CU it ain't like we beefing it ain't like it's no War I just be like d that's that's the best you could do go low and try to undercut me and take me out like that that's that's it I'm still winning I'm still eating we both still eating but I ain't have to do what you had to do Ain have to step to your stoop to your level to succeed I'm able to stay where I'm at and still go up so when it come to to 9 J man hey man that man don't want you interviewing nobody he definitely don't want you interviewing me um and you know all the extra [ __ ] he trying to say oh we know you gay and all that man go watch out and find something else you got you got to come more clever than that because you just got to come more clever than that you that's the only thing you can do to discredit me cuz you can't pull no paperwork on me that [ __ ] work for these bad ass tough ass spin the block ass rap [ __ ] who got these charges and these pining charges and these [ __ ] out who got snitching under their name I don't got none of that [ __ ] associated with me because gu what I'm smarter than the average belt I ain't getting jamed up on no dumbass [ __ ] cuz i't no dumb ass [ __ ] 1090 Jake and if you see me or if you like to uh please come on my morning show young jock in the streets morning take over you can catch us every morning 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. uh nationally syndicated too so it'll be a good look 1090 Jake I would love for you to come on there and we make up because guess what ain't no future in US beefing because I don't got [ __ ] to say when it come to that [ __ ] so just let that die um you know he he he playing a dangerous game irregardless like just on a on a more serious note yeah you you can't you can't be accusing dudes of snitching you can't be accus using dudes are talking and you ain't got no paperwork to back it up so I I think dude you know I mean and I'm just saying this from from the standpoint I don't want to see him nothing happen to this man words is words but you playing a dangerous game with he know that he know that you you don't even have to get the calm Tone and say the [ __ ] and that [ __ ] know what the [ __ ] he doing he don't care that's his claim the fame at the moment he got a nice chain he getting money off of this [ __ ] people want to hear him talk and a lot of people probably don't say nothing back to him because a lot of the people he addressing probably do got [ __ ] [ __ ] attached to their name and they like he already going this far I don't want him to go no further truce I don't I don't [ __ ] what what what you going to go say about me I would laid on my AMX payment one time like what the [ __ ] I don't know [ __ ] I don't got no I don't got [ __ ] out here in the streets I'm smarter than that I'm smarter than that you got to go you know they say you got to know what demo to entertain I'm not of his demo you can't entertain me and I'm not gonna entertain him and it's that simple I'm not doing [ __ ] in these Street I love the I love the the the the game a long long time ago I've been on for 20 years [ __ ] I look like talking about some dope [ __ ] I look like out here attaching myself with [ __ ] doing all this dumbass [ __ ] I got kids in college now [ __ ] I'm a grandfather now [ __ ] what is you talking about [ __ ] I ain't make grandfather [ __ ] I need to drop the whole young off my name so what the [ __ ] I look like beefing with a [ __ ] who push paper on [ __ ] like hey y y'all like his music but this [ __ ] done snitched one time like [ __ ] watch out follow the [ __ ] back go to sleep well he could say that you was about to get your ass whipped by Saucy Santana Oh that [ __ ] wasn't going to happen cuz guess what cuz hear the thing even with the [ __ ] with me and Saucy that was so funny man you know how many people came out was mad at me cuz I said what I said in the interview with you I'm not I am entitled to be who the [ __ ] I am period if I don't feel comfortable doing something I'm not doing it you how manyan time people don't call me say hey bro we want to book you for this it's goingon to be out here you know what I'm saying you know gang territory and [ __ ] but you gonna be with us I might not feel comfortable I might not do it if some atheist book me right now hey we don't believe in God but we love your music we [ __ ] with you we want to book you for a show if I don't feel comfortable [ __ ] I'm not going it's just that simple so it is what it is and again Saucy Santana for him to be a gay man and be able to say Hey you entitled to your opinion that lets you know all that was some [ __ ] man I had all kind of people wanted to Blacky W hot my show My Morning Show I'm like for what cuz I'm uncomfortable doing something I don't I don't know just just like right now do how often do Christians go and visit a a a a Buddhist temple you know what I'm saying how often how how often does a Christian man go to a Catholic Church you know what I'm saying how when was the last time a free person decided they want to just go and walk through the jail to take a tour through the prison for a Scared Straight program I just want to go see [ __ ] you ain't if if you're not comfortable with doing that that ain't your thing that ain't your thing so it is what it is at the end of the day man shouts out to everybody in the world I don't give a [ __ ] what you do what you believe in man just don't cross me and we good you know Vlad sat down with booy as he always does and booy was like yo he the only one speaking up for straight people he's like the well at the time he felt like that he he felt like that I speak up for I speak up for straight people all the time I speak up for straight people all the time hell but I have spoken up for gay people before because at the end of the day listen human rights is what it is human human rights is not determined by a color human rights should not be determined by sexual preference or sexual orientation human rights is human rights bro you know he was talking I know he was talking about the [ __ ] at Planet Fitness yeah that was [ __ ] up that was [ __ ] up that was [ __ ] up it was it was I spoke out about it on my morning show I did I thought it was crazy I thought it was absolutely absurd I feel like if if you're going to have this whole this open world policy create a space so it's no misunderstandings and no mishaps cuz I can't I I I mean I couldn't lie to you you know that that was a woman who walked in there and saw this man shaving he does not look like he identify as a woman but just because he doesn't look like that to you does not mean that's how he feels on the inside you see what I'm saying so at the end of the day if it was me and my daughter came out that bathroom it's a man in a shaving I'm not g to say I gonna go in there and do nothing to him but I probably would have had to be like yo I'm not just taking no picture I'm calling a meenger hey what going on we going to have to document this [ __ ] cuz what is that and to be honest with you I might not even be pissed off if they was to cancel my [ __ ] subscription my membership because guess what right now I don't feel safe in this situation I I don't feel safe I don't feel safe for my daughter or in little girls just walking in there you know what I'm saying it's just one of them things cuz cuz imagine the the troubles or the issues that would happen if a woman walked into the men's restroom and she just looked like a just a fine ass woman and and she just in up combing her hair ttties out she just combing her hair man hey I'm I'm s I'm I'm a man them look like yours just imagine the problems that come with that [ __ ] so it is what it is cuz you know I don't be want to get caught up and go down the rabbit holes cuz I've done it a few times on here and I think that's why I continue to come back because some kind of way it happens but that's me being transparent and candid at the end of the day booy booy know I love him but he not the only person that advoc at for heterosexual people and just because I advocate for heterosexual people does not mean I'm ever against homosexual people let me say that is it safe to say that think it's sayfe I hear this [ __ ] tomorrow oh my God you know what I'm saying so because I love everybody dog I do I really [ __ ] do I really do I really do yo uh Nick Young just stay just staying come on you know on the whole Saucy Santana thing for a second Nick Young and Gilbert arenus they was having a conversation and they was talking about Saucy Santana twering Nick Nick Nick and Saucy is good friends from what I understand he said Saucy was a little was a lset about that like yo how you how you gonna get on that show and talk about me talking I mean it listen at the end of the day it's no different like first time I met Saucy Santana I was I was um escorting C to the studio for him to jump on her record right and we spoke you know it's moments when he kind of man up but he's still who he is like you know you know when you when this mono and Mano he kind of he's still true to who he is but you I can see the difference in the level up at that moment like let you know I fight godam you know what I'm saying and so for us to be cool cuz even he said in the scene like yo we was cool like we never had no issues so I was just wondering why would you say something like this I don't have anything against like I said him and so I understood where he was coming from but I understood how it happened with Nick Nick like yeah he was asked a question he said what he said about like Saucy Santana a cool person cool friend or whatever your boy didn't know about who he was or he acted as if he didn't know and that's why Nick was like oh man don't look him up you gonna say something funny so he that was letting you know like Nick wasn't even on the [ __ ] niigga just like all right man like come on don't even do all that because I already know what's gonna happen they met it appears that they met on the set of uh College Hill correct and they had to be roomies in that dorm okay cool yeah cool right then that moment you might be like all right man bro cool he just this is his lifestyle but in all actuality yo he's standing on the business of what he believe in he's successful he's adamant about loving the people he love and that's what it is you can respect that right so he knew that your boy was gonna laugh about the [ __ ] your boy started laughing about the [ __ ] and it put you in a position where you like oh man I knew this [ __ ] was gonna happen don't necessarily mean he laughing at Saucy Saucy has some words fire back like Nick you know godamn you know I ain't with the [ __ ] you know we supposed to be cool we we we kind of we kindy of kicked it off on some some cool [ __ ] cool by y you saw what your man did what's his name Gil yeah Gilbert arenes he went back he thought about it he said I don't want to take on this problem I don't want to be counseled or I don't want to be looked at like I'm bashing but can I laugh if something funny to me can I laugh think about it he saw a grown man twerking with a beard up a godamn fullback with a beard lashes lip gloss Nails that's not just something you see every day so he found it funny he was truly who he was he laughed about it okay Saucy got back Saucy got on his head talking [ __ ] you know what he did he pulled Olivia pop his down so switch gear yo I did see man you know I ain't going to lie if I seen him twerking and Meg twerking I'm probably going to tip Saucy what Saucy do oh okay baby daddy send me a cash app zel he turned that [ __ ] around but see that's the that that that thing him doing that the average cat don't know how to do that because when that [ __ ] flip on you you trying to I'm standing on B I said what I said now you want to get mad CU people now he's just like all right cool I know how to play I know how to play yall game I've been around long enough been had money been around [ __ ] that's like this and I had to work with them because it what yeah I tip you yeah we cool yeah yeah yeah the boy could twerk now how you gotta do make people laugh think about it that's why comedians are able to get away with so much [ __ ] when you laughing haa throw a little truth in take that with you little snapack you know what I'm saying that's just what it is but yeah I did see that I thought that was very clever of Gilbert I saw it I was like tell me if you saw Playboy cardi that picture of him and I don't know if this is AI generated or what but I mean the man was wearing a thong and I get that that males are now wearing what is it fingernail polish they painting their toes men wear they wearing dresses what is your I mean is there line is is everything just completely blurred in 2024 like man I think people have come to the realization that they're trying so hard to be themselves that themselves being yourself comes off mediocre so people are trying their best to push beyond their normal range or the their their limits they they're trying to defy the their own realm of self-expression so they're going a little further to show that I'm different I'm truly trying to be different you know what I'm saying and I think with a cardi to be honest with you I'mma just say this because I don't know C like I met him I met him at Red Zone one time I think it works for him I think he likes the controversy because he knows how to navigate in that controversy it's no different than what we talked about with Gilbert the way he was able to come back I tip Saucy and Saucy like oh baby daddy that's knowing how to navigate you got to know how to navigate and I think that um when you find your Niche your lane whatever you want to say you know your space your place um um you go with it I think that's what card's doing because a lot of a lot of the things when I'm around especially younger people women younger guys and women when they talk about cardi they always be like yo cardi like they might say something I heard song like this you see what he had on you see what he was doing how he was looking like so that's really what's working for cardi in a sense I'm not saying he done make good music I'm not saying he's not successful at his art and his craft I'm just saying that he knows how to navigate through his controversy and that's what sells for him so yeah I saw I saw another video he was playing with his ha and rubbing his [ __ ] I was like Dam I looked away for a minute I looked back I said that [ __ ] cardi play by cardi that [ __ ] damn near cute the way he was moving he got to move me [ __ ] was cute you know what I'm saying I a never was just look to no [ __ ] like that [ __ ] kind of cute or something I get how you can get away with it you got to put the a something like this [ __ ] kind of cute or something the [ __ ] really had like let's be for real dog the [ __ ] had the gestures and the movement down to a size the way the [ __ ] was doing his eyes the way [ __ ] was [ __ ] had his slow motion I was like damn man he doing this [ __ ] better than a lot of girls would be trying to do it so that's his thing man Coco do you find Playboy cardi cute I I can't wait for this segment to drop you don't know how Google Playboy cardi see let ask my daughter let ask my oldest daughter because she's of that age group you know what I'm saying for me when I see it I'm just like maybe he is but who am I to judge who who he is or what he does I I'm not here for that I got I got limited time on Earth I don't want to spend my time judging [ __ ] to be honest with you I I want to spend my time enjoying the fruits of my labor the fruits of my loins you know I want to live I just want to leave a legacy I don't really have time or make time to judge people so so with the makeup is it makeup or you just saying he looks made up what are you saying it's make it look like makeup like from the picture that I'm seeing so in this day and era you're junior in college you seeing a lot of that now is that is that the look that's the look that's the look they walk around campus like that all is that attractive to you are you attracted to that no I'm serious I know I'm your father I'm asking you a question you okay cuz some people are I mean you know it's it's it's a little different these days I mean CZ cuz let's be for real if you look back at some of the things that we was doing we was the way we was dressing y'all y'all the kids be laughing at us the same way we looking at y'all like what the hell is y'all doing it's it's no different you know it's just now we have social media um we have the internet so we're a bble to kind of mix and and and mingle and Infuse a lot of the different things from different cultures the Arts the lingo the the food the the way of life the expression and all of it kind of gets mixed in this Melting Pot you know what I'm saying I remember used to go to the West Coast you knew a West Coast [ __ ] you you saw Dicky suits you saw long high top tube socks and and and and Chucks you know what I'm saying it was the way a [ __ ] wore his hair it's a certain look about it like [ __ ] mix with a little more Latin like Mexican like [ __ ] got a little look the skin color a little different [ __ ] like jawline a little different you know what I'm saying then you go down to New Orleans and [ __ ] look different [ __ ] slug the [ __ ] out [ __ ] is [ __ ] got a certain look [ __ ] shade their face clean [ __ ] Ain't wearing beards in the oil you know why it's really hot and and muggy maybe maybe you know [ __ ] hold their mouth like this you know why they hold their mouth like this [ __ ] cuz it's muggy it's stuffy than a [ __ ] out there [ __ ] it's the humidity make a [ __ ] feel like ah [ __ ] when you see a New York [ __ ] [ __ ] is why [ __ ] hold their shoulders together so close and move so fast you know why you want to know why cuz it's cold [ __ ] and it's a lot of people so [ __ ] cold and don't want to move too much you hit nobody it's cold [ __ ] so you be talking to New York [ __ ] [ __ ] talk fast [ __ ] move like this and you know [ __ ] [ __ ] talk a certain way like why y'all turn your mouth to the side cuz it be cold [ __ ] see they breath coming out [ __ ] direct their breath when they talking to you so the breath don't hit you you know it's just different things man I just be on my other [ __ ] some sometimes okay that was a nice little [ __ ] like [ __ ] like I just let you go with it this [ __ ] over here writing notes he like I done found out my wife I I thought that I thought that Vlad TV bring me on Vlad TV because I say good stuff I done figure it out because theyve been saying why Vlad don't never interview you and I done finally figured out because Sean PR is my therapist that was hired by my wife and I just found this [ __ ] out he over there right now okay this [ __ ] will go off on a tangent throw it up and lay up and he gonna run with it so you my therapist all right this sh this [ __ ] is good it works for me but this is therapy thank you I love these conversations thank you okay we GNA go to a lighter note come on let's go uh Mike Tyson no versus Jake Paul Come who you got huh who I got who does jock have we going on the record with this I believe let me tell what I believe I'm G be honest with you I believe it's got to be a real good fight it's an exhibition match but it has to be a really good fight arlingon Texas right July yep okay I really think it's gonna be a good fight here's the thing Mike Tyson pushing 60 years old he's got to move the [ __ ] out the way it's over with right um no Legend wants to go out on the bottom you always want to go out on the top but you also don't want to go out when the guy who made be the next up and coming people are rallying to get the money cuz he's got to be the person to carry this torch in a sense and not I mean hey I walked in the barber shop my dog Shaq told me he love Mike Tyson he said Jay Paul gonna whoop Mike Tyson there my D didn't even let Shaq cut my hair for the day I like man you out your goddamn mind if you think I'm going to let you cut my hair with them hands that's going against M but then again I got to think and I said [ __ ] man we don't know how this [ __ ] going to go Mike Tyson I ain't never seen Jake Paul smoke no weed Mike Tyson got weed and Vapes he got his own lines of this [ __ ] so I don't I don't know he still move aggressive than the [ __ ] I know I know Jake Paul got to feel some sense of like hey this this goddamn Mike Tyson Mike Tyson hit that goddamn boy with one of them godam you know I'mma tell you something going down he going down but then tyon gota be careful too now Jake Quake his ass with one of them godam hello you ain't see that bit coming get rattled enough and that young ass boy get on his ass you can't bite that white boy now you gonna get some charges you you B that goddamn white boy you want to that yeah going got you kiss godam charged but I don't know who you think going to take this fight how you think it's going to play out you know real talk I'm always gonna go for Tyson that's number one I'm always gonna put my money on Tyson but you just bought up for anybody who I mean we old enough to remember when Tyson was really out here taking dude's heads off that that Tyson don't exist no more for anybody out here who's nostalgic and and and they want to see that Tyson this man Tyson smoke weed Tyson has been in therapy for years that Killer Instinct that that dog that Beast Within that made him Tyson he's been using the last 25 30 years to get rid of that guy Tyson's a whole new dude Tyson cry now Tyson sit around and he super intellectual and calm I don't know if he can conjure that person up in 2024 my boy when that dog in you just cuz it ain't Bing every day don't mean that [ __ ] won't wake up one day and say that's a big dog why you crazy as hell but let me say this let me say this let me let me quit talking [ __ ] let me say this I'm 44 right and there certain [ __ ] I can't do as well as I used to just simple [ __ ] that that's exactly where I was going with it simple [ __ ] [ __ ] when I walk in the club when I walk in the club my son coming up with me the young boys coming up with me they walk in shoot shoot shoot without even looking Step Up on boom boom be on the goddamn section quick I have to take my time when it's time for me to walk in and get in section I like all right let me make sure I do this right I can't afford to fall I go all right all right cool [ __ ] right here okay cool I try to make it look cool and [ __ ] because I really don't want to exert too much energy I can't afford to fall I don't I ain't never broke a brone let me not I ain't never broke a bone in my life and I ain't trying to I be thinking about [ __ ] like that you know when you get older man [ __ ] change man that godam godam J H Tyson one good ass time and wake some [ __ ] up in that [ __ ] y'all be talking about Bo get him out of there he F to kill that white boy get he on JK y'all be like yeah he done SN that I'm telling you now you all right all right y'all better have a par of M Ring Side I know they be anyway but Jake hit his ass the right way and don't have him look at him and give him a look like yeah [ __ ] ass CU you know you could look at somebody and re right now I can look at you if I look at you like right here you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] ass n weak at me you know what I'm saying if Jake Paul just look at Tyson and it look like he like lame man that [ __ ] might wake some he might just go hit his head with the Fist of Fury I don't know I'm just talking [ __ ] right now cuz I got you can tell what I get excited about I'm actually excited about the fight no I'm I'm I'm going tell you I'm going tell you and this as real as I could put it come on Tyson wasn't just a brawler he was a professional boxer who understands the sweet science of boxing not the sweet s with that being said Tyson pushing 60 and it's something about that old man's strength like old men just got a different level of strength so he still got them heavy Paws if he connect it's going to be a problem body blows body blows yeah body blows and the one thing about it whever he hit Jake at we gonna be able to see where he hit him at that [ __ ] gonna start he GNA start changing colors that [ __ ] go to from from that [ __ ] like pink and that [ __ ] go red then when that [ __ ] start turning purple in them spots that that's blood that mean he he [ __ ] connecting and and and when you if if you if we get to that in this exhibition match we G to know that old man strength is still alive and it is not to be played with absolutely and and I ended on this and the reason I bring up that he understands the S science a lot of people thought his brother Logan Paul had a chance against Floyd Mayweather he might be bigger you might be a little stronger but that boy Floyd he I mean I mean he's the epitome of the sweet SS Mike Tyson he understands boxing and you see how it turned out for them boy just want them boys just building a legacy man it don't matter to them hey them boy could take some blows and you know they g go in there they gonna fight It's Entertainment a nobody else talked about going to no ring with Tyson I don't who else who else you who else who else you know R this more talking big cash money talk I'll fight Tyson just who just I'm I ain't heard nobody you heard somebody else no I mean first and foremost Tyson Tyson is at an age and he's at a point in his career it take a check to get him back in the ring so I don't know what this man's purse look like but he understand them Paul Brothers they gonna bring the fans out they gonna bring the pay-per-view out and I'mma get a nice payday so that's first and foremost well they better be careful cuz I hope they don't have to bring a p Bearer out for one of them brothers godamn cuz they got them Tyson I'm telling you now now listen been smoking their weed you know they got the fitting all in the weed and [ __ ] I just hope he don't get a you know I'm just saying I'm just saying godam I'm tiing click out godamn knock that boy head off that boyy head Landing somebody on their front row lap that [ __ ] gonna be a that sh be tragic well I'm with Tyson all day there's a new season of BMF out that being said Big Meech he got something like 32 months cut from his sentence he's getting out in 2025 you're from Atlanta we know BMF started in Detroit but their home base what they're known for is you know the whole Atlanta thing that they took to another level did you ever have an opportunity to chill and hang out and party with them dudes yes yes and that [ __ ] was different that [ __ ] was I never seen that like that [ __ ] in my life but like I'm saying for real because like I remember the first time I was hear I was I remember the first time I was hearing about him like who y'all talking about big who who I know like n you don't know you too young you don't know I'm like who he is and I just never forget going to uh Magic City with my brother Chino Wingo from jaged Edge I think Alan AI might have met us there meech was there and when he was walking in they were like that meech right there I was like this the [ __ ] with all the money right here okay look like he just cool man I never forget them bringing out that money man bringing up that that tray and them n busting down them goddamn ones and they wasn't even popping the band they just was I'm talking about fast ball pitching them and hitting them Danel in the here B I was like God I hadn't seen that before they was doing different kind of [ __ ] bro they was like them [ __ ] would come in and buy B the bar so if you wanted to buy anything you had to [ __ ] with them you had to pay them to get you some something to drink it was just different [ __ ] I remember going to goddamn Jazzy te seeing just different these [ __ ] pulling up in all these [ __ ] exotic cars it was crazy um rest in peace to my girl man juice and Aunt BMF man you know juice was juice was my dog and Juice used to like me man and Juice has always kept me kind of plugged in and I just remember going to New Orleans I think it was for Essence F not was it Essence I think it might have been Essence I can't remember what it was but we went to New Orleans and uh I never forget it she was like I want you to come down with us we gonna kick it Mee doing a car show I was like a car show man I got out there seen all them goddamn maybacks and Phantoms and lambs and Escalades and just cars and I and I never forget this I like Dam bro I like [ __ ] ju saying got she might try to see if we can sign with meech I never forget this [ __ ] and my brother was like he like but he has to be out of here he like but the [ __ ] in these streets for real he like look over there across the street it was a cemetery across the street I never forget this [ __ ] I looked over there gotam white boys in the cemetery like to here big professional cameras I'm talking about the feds was watching and I was like Oh and it wasn't long after that they got busted so I I saw that [ __ ] I I saw how them [ __ ] was running the streets it was crazy it was just crazy because you never seen nothing like it you know you when you comeing down 75 75 85 and you see that godamn c you know JD had to so so de welome to Atlanta billboard that was big for us that was like Dam you coming from the airport that the first thing you see down there like damn they black people getting money in Atlanta right and JD JD was almost this color like a neon yellow kind of [ __ ] type BMF got the one that was like three times the size of JD that sat right behind it and that [ __ ] said BM black m family the world is I ain't going to lie to you when I saw that sign I was like oh the [ __ ] going to jail I'm like either these [ __ ] is the feds or they really don't give no F cuz I'm like but that's a big ass billboard and these [ __ ] walk around with these t-shirts and chains on that was a billboard and you would see people slow down taking pictures cuz you had seen nothing like it you can't you Ain too many more cities you going to go to and the D boys got Billboards I a never seen no [ __ ] like that in my life dog [ __ ] we at birthday badge [ __ ] meet don't pull the helicopter over Birthday Bash that [ __ ] just dropping out flyers for his party and [ __ ] and it's like a helicop [ __ ] hold on who the [ __ ] I'm waiting for them to get into the season where they start showing out the wild in Atlanta because I think that's what's going on in this season now right they they come to the city what boy yeah yo it was just some moments man it was some [ __ ] you never seen and then not only did they just have the money but they also had they had a face you had meets right then you had your J B you know you know you had blue D Vinci like I you seeing these [ __ ] for real like right there but then them [ __ ] had Jeezy one of the coldest dope boy rappers that we ever heard that [ __ ] had signature ad libs chill that's right like I mean the [ __ ] really didn't have to rap the [ __ ] could have made a song called ad lives and [ __ ] we was going to s him cuz most real Street [ __ ] really had like ad Master P had that [ __ ] Jesus said yeah chill let's get it the [ __ ] had atls man and and the the [ __ ] was talking that [ __ ] so good he was just rapping the [ __ ] was saying [ __ ] whole car strapp and they ain't talking seat belts so you had this [ __ ] who was on the Forefront like oh this [ __ ] give you chills when he talk this street [ __ ] cuz he so convincing then it ain't like let me investigate you ain't got to investigate this [ __ ] is moving with [ __ ] that got Billboards and dropping [ __ ] Flyers over concerts out of helicopters and you go to a [ __ ] birthday and a [ __ ] got lions tigers and giraffes [ __ ] somebody going to jail somebody got do man let me tell you something man I ain't never seen no [ __ ] like that I ain't never seen even when I got on and got around Rich [ __ ] I still ain't seen some of the [ __ ] like I seen with these [ __ ] man you don't know what it's like to just watch a [ __ ] buy all the ones in the club how if you need ones I got to go to the wait a minute hold on I can't get a th one they bought them all out excuse me let me ask you a question how many one them [ __ ] buy got like 200,000 one they going to throw $200,000 in here tonight and by the time you look up you can't see the flow even [ __ ] who ain't even really got on a BMF t-shirt them [ __ ] holding two bottles type [ __ ] like who who who giving the okay these [ __ ] gotta be printing this money somewhere the they not selling dope they printing money and we believe it [ __ ] that's that was a hard time to try to be a parent and tell your child don't follow in this foot these footsteps that was one of the hardest times to tell a child not cuz a [ __ ] like man [ __ ] with y'all time I don't want to be [ __ ] but what them [ __ ] doing it they made it look So Glam glamorous they made it look so like I had never seen nobody be considered a dope boy or plug and moving like this I I thought them [ __ ] was was killing the Pablo Escobar or something like them [ __ ] was really feeding the streets man Atlanta had a bag dog you never seen no [ __ ] like that them [ __ ] and when them [ __ ] got knocked you could feel it [ __ ] dried up for a minute [ __ ] was like [ __ ] really went to robbing out this [ __ ] cuz it was like damn [ __ ] we can't we done created his lifestyle all this good money this money done dried up these [ __ ] locked up [ __ ] Ain't supplying no more of this work [ __ ] [ __ ] was crazy n that movement was different brother way different it it was different for anybody who lived through it had an opportunity to experience it that was that was balling I mean it's a under statement to say it was Balling on steroids that was Balling on I mean I don't even know if the word is made up yet like they they was they was somewhere different with [ __ ] that was accelerated flexing premeditated balling that [ __ ] was accelerated bro I'm TI I never seen no [ __ ] like that that first time when I seen when listen when I seen puff I was with JD Jermaine dpri nitty Miss B right Megan Good was there with us [ __ ] we had Visions [ __ ] I watched boys in the hood walking that [ __ ] with BMF Baby D did it and I was like this [ __ ] got to be a moveie this got to be a move it's no way these people got this much money then when you look outside and you see every car cost three 4 500 600,000 and it's 20 of them so when [ __ ] talking about forers back to back switching lanes you like it like somebody just dropped them [ __ ] out of nowhere like them [ __ ] weren even kids before like them [ __ ] was born rich and just just born as adults and just just sprinkle the hood with some of these rich ass [ __ ] and just let go crazy sheit was amazing okay um yeah let me go off on the whole tangent about this because you stay going off on the tangent these [ __ ] was rich I got I got to reel you back in cuz there's a lot of people who didn't see that [ __ ] they heard of it was a lot of hearsay and now they watching this documentary trying to see you because they didn't really see it they could talk about the words BM but when you out here you seeing that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was just like nah that [ __ ] was like them [ __ ] was like a championship team you know on a team win a championship they do a parade they go out for after party after the [ __ ] [ __ ] just go in everybody gonna blow some money every time them [ __ ] went I look like they won a championship amazing that's a great way to put it real talk that's a great way to put it every time that they went out it looked like I remember being down in um and and I got to switch topics but I'mma just thr this I'm in going just like you going down to Miami One Year my brother you talk about a convoy for threefold blocks of exotic cars like straight exotic cars that stretch for about four blocks with one team driving slow up and down ocean it's like yo come and just like you I've been around very very successful people the the level that they Flex on it it was just different it was um you know and this is not hyperbole you know how stories over years they take on lives of their of of of their own and you know it becomes something more than what it was in real time everything you're saying is factual everything you saying like this is is not embellishment they did it different Tasha k y claims her step sister trapped you m by having a child any truth I was dealing with this young lady during the time I had a situation you know I was I was kind of in that in a in a blind spot dealing with Kendra I didn't know which way we was going to go I was just kind of like I had known this woman I you know wasn't even trying to lock in or nothing on nothing that she was cool I never had touched her she never said anything sexual out the way to me vice versa and uh I was dealing with some things I was going through a I don't even know if I want to use the term depression because I wasn't depressed but I may have been on my way that some things I was dealing with mentally family spiritually just all them all and um so yeah life happened uh had this child you know I had to keep it a secret because I I really didn't know if it was my child or not I just you know man Kendra's back together I'm losing my mind I don't know what the [ __ ] to do I'm getting gray hairs I'm trying to do everything everything I can um and it happened so it takes two to tango so you know I don't I don't know if Tasha K wanted to just put this negative light on this young lady because she don't they don't like each other but the interesting thing is I remember when she started snooping around she was saying all these different names and making all these allegations then the night of my wedding had already spoke to my wife well she's my wife now I spoke to Kendra I said Kendra you know I do still want to marry you and I I cannot move forward as a man um without coming clean and being forthcoming about the situation there's a child and I want to I want to let you know I want to give you the opportunity to decide if you still want to go forward because this is a very um big turning point of your life and mine as well and I I just cannot be so negligent to not give you the opportunity to decide if you want to move forward with this or not and just I already felt low about the situation because I am hiding a kid um I felt ly about the situation because maybe I didn't you know make the best decision at that time in my life I'm at of just at a low and here I am in the church telling my wife as we're having um premarital counseling and she decided that you know we we would have to work on some things and I agreed and I was up to the challenge and she was up for the challenge and we moved forward so here we are the night of our wedding right right before we say our dudes Tasha k this woman decides to leak this story to the shade room so by the time before we can even say I do people in the audience like oh [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] godd damn what the [ __ ] is this is this real I don't know goddamn hurry up and say I do so we can talk about it let's get to the reception and U so it's very interesting and that night I did speak to Tasha K I did I did I did speak to Tasha K via Instagram and I was just like man it don't make no sense how people really uh how people really just be trying to cause issues for people man and get in your business and and [ __ ] [ __ ] up whatnot and know it is what it is I don't see her name coming up but then Tasha K recently came out because she saw me on Vlad speak about her you know how that [ __ ] go people get upset oh you had ner open your mouth about me say all these things and I did I said what I said because I didn't [ __ ] with the way Tasha K tried to handle [ __ ] I felt like that was really um it was just really lame of her but this how she get paid this her world she ain't no different than 1090 Jake she found what work for her and that's how she paying her bills right now I think when we had our conversation I think when we had our conversation uh she already knew the whole cardi B thing was looming so I think when she thought about she said what if I'm goddamn wrong so she retracted and the [ __ ] came down that's why you didn't hear about it much all right so she recently come out doing all this boasting she said that you know this young lady is her steps sister and they used to keep her kids she Ain never have a kid she spoke about some [ __ ] about you know she had something to do with the death of her kid's father and she's just spewing out all this this this this this evil [ __ ] man this toxic ass [ __ ] and she kept saying how you know they step sisters where is the story just to be real clear real quick uh glow father married Tasha K's mother but they they didn't have a relationship at this point they they weren't talking they you know she had never really even rocked out with Tasha K and so I believe what happened was Tasha k wanted to be a part of the mix like kind of like probably with a pure heart at that time like you know you my you my sister you you know how people be like I want to [ __ ] with you but then in a sense you like she not rocking with her own father so why is she going to rock with anybody associate with him you know I go sometime like look I don't [ __ ] with him so what am I gonna [ __ ] with you for and I think that's what created that turmoil between them so I got a text message right here this is so funny February the 10th 20 15 this is from Tasha K hey glow can you call me my mom is freaking out your dad is fine is really Petty but she is my mom and I want her to stop worrying anyways I hope all is well with you and the babies so you can see that she's trying to be it's that's like a olive branch like I'm trying to extend this love to you that was February 11 no response February that was February 10th February 11th she says also I've been meaning to talk to you about this I sort of know a little bit about your history nothing bad anything I would be honored if you were to share your story on my radio show I see how much you have worked hard to get to where you are if you're interested which I really hope that you are please consider talking with me about doing a full show here is my website for reference Health real Beauty boom May 28 2009 that was what 15 hey glow it's your steps sister Tasha add me on so apparently they weren't rocking you get what I'm saying they weren rocking they you a't know you didn't know this woman for real and I can go into more of it I just choose not to um but man again [ __ ] Tasha maybe I should she gets real nasty with her she'll swear she dropping all the jewels and [ __ ] when she really be with the [ __ ] anyway you could tell from these messages she don't even know the girl she don't even know they never rocked out you know she was talking about how they was keeping her kids how this girl almost died on the table just doing a lot of this and I think what happens is um she probably see well okay the card B lawsuit wasn't that bad I was able to escape all I got to do is just not sure where I'm getting money at what they gonna do cuz she want a lawsuit you know what I'm saying it's so much I can put out there about this lady I don't even give a [ __ ] about it it don't even it don't even make sense you know what I'm saying and with the lawsuit she got coming up she got two coming I don't even got to speak about it we'll be on here talking about it again so I might as well just let it Fester do what it do what it does and then when it's time to talk about it we will because I can't even get these other two messages to pull up but yeah Tasha K that's that's what it is I I honestly think that she actually had a pure heart and wanted to be you know consider to the family with glow and her family and I think it just didn't manifest and over the years she's just been hating on the girl all right you you know something Dre and Michelle 39 years old been dating NBA baller jayen green 22 years old and they recently made the announcement that she's expecting his child a lot of people have opinions about this considering she has a 21 year old what's your thoughts on this I don't got no thoughts on to tell you the truth sh he grown Ain she grown he grown NBA baller hey just because they her son and his her son and this young man is close to the same age they they might not be the same they might not be the same mentally they might not be the same financially they might not be the same spiritually at the end of the day grown is grown cuz let me tell you something when I was 17 I was knocking down women 35 36 years old by the time I was 19 I was knocking them down 45 so what I I mean for so for me I'm always be like what is everybody in the upro about because people want you know what it is it's people like damn older [ __ ] let some of these young [ __ ] go out here and trick them out the bag [ __ ] you done had your time in the sun that's what it is for real for real at the end of the day you know it's like damn [ __ ] leave something for us broke [ __ ] you already got you know like [ __ ] like for real for real the end of the day she doing what she wanted to do and and and and it ain't like she conned him out of nothing she ain't did she con him out of something cuz older guys do it all the time older guy this is what happens it's no different than you rushing to become an adult as soon as you become an adult you be like damn I should have I want to go in reverse this [ __ ] real it happens the same way with men and women that's why by the time an older a younger man he chasing an older woman but as he goes as he's chasing an older woman as he gets up at Agee his age scaling for her goes in the in the reverse almost it's like [ __ ] I need a younger chick cuz this she sting her way she don't want to listen to her [ __ ] she about trying to tell me she trying to act like my goddamn mama at least I get some kind of Authority or some type of I'mma you know you want to ask me questions cuz sometimes you know with an older man older woman older woman can't tell the older man [ __ ] and the older man can't tell the older woman [ __ ] cuz they both think they know everything so a younger woman like a younger man because she she a woman's n natural nature is to nurture so she get that younger man she could kind of nurture him she could kind of school him and he GNA listen a little to he going to listen to her a little more like she might say look don't spend your money on that I know you want to get that car that car how much $700,000 for a Lamborghini that's that's cool baby why don't you do this w't you go over here it's apartment building over here that's you should buy that I know it's in the hood you don't got to be there buy that [ __ ] renovated out they don't they want $800,000 for it they they want 3 million for it you going to spend $ 800 cash put this $ 800 down on that byy that renovated rent it out you might not need the money now but let that money accumulate or or let one of your family members this like you know older woman might tell them mad so I ain't mad at Dre do your thing baby but that's what it is people feel like oh she older she done put that that good whooop [ __ ] on him and make him go in his bag and would have been no different if she was messing with him a guy look older or her age with the bag if he in there and leave that DNA what you think going to happen nothing same [ __ ] ain't nothing no different I see older men with younger women all the time nobody say nothing about that so what's the problem you got a problem with it no I don't um I don't you know you you raised some real good points this is men have been doing this for years but always when I was younger I went up the older women that's what I wanted I wanted a old then she bad like [ __ ] like well look at that she sitting on the sideline you out here balling hooping you and she paying attention to you like oh God that TR for him his age think about when she came out what sh 10 years ago 10 11 years ago when she really had hit was popping and like man I remember I remember my label coming to me saying yo I think we should put Drea in your video I was like oh yeah I like let me see Dr let me see the what you talking about I was like oh yeah she is like okay hell yeah she was popping she was popping so a young [ __ ] think about 10 years ago when that [ __ ] was 10 looking at this beautiful ass woman like godamn it she ain't aged much from when he was 10 now he Big 10 he big 20 and he he standing up on him when that when that meat get hard he want to he want to he want to put it somewhere and he looking at the thing he been looking at for the last 10 years of his life now he could touch it I can M she want she look I'm exchanging up she going with me she she she saying okay to what I'm hell yeah she tune that [ __ ] up when I tell her to man please everybody who talking [ __ ] about D just [ __ ] the [ __ ] down and let her live her life out because see where look good now whatever got to come with that [ __ ] down the line ain't none of y'all going to be there to goddamn advocate for her whenever she going through the [ __ ] and the trials and tribulations of the decision she made today all right so let that person be focus on your own [ __ ] self that's what I say agree you know something Jo it seemed like every time I do an interview I got to talk to you about this YSL RICO case going yo this this thing is a freaking circus bro did you did you see that witness they had up on the stand that legitimately was like yo y'all got some water cuz I'm high thirsty yeah little par throat yo look I'm you couldn't even make this up [ __ ] I need some water yeah I saw him hell yeah I saw and I thought that [ __ ] was brilliant I was like ah this [ __ ] came in said hey man I Ain don't even lie but can why can I get some water something I'm high [ __ ] and when you high like that if he was truly high in real life when you high like that you don't care about nothing you not trying to hide that [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm high I'm about to die can I get some water yo that [ __ ] I just was like I just feel like the judge what is it EUR Glanville Glanville hey hey your honor if this get to you man I think somebody gonna send this [ __ ] to I just know My Heart of heart if this get to you man man you gonna need a real long sabatical and this [ __ ] over you going to need to go get you some real RNR and just chill the [ __ ] out for a minute CU this is a long ass case and you seeing some [ __ ] we ain't never seen you got [ __ ] High you got you got this a state with this [ __ ] High you got [ __ ] get up out the back of the courtroom walk and give a [ __ ] some pills the [ __ ] you got a [ __ ] here playing dumb on the [ __ ] stand I I mean I mean godamn Glenville you hey but but I know you G I know you be [ __ ] up the COS Amigos at the end of the night that [ __ ] I know I know this this this this this tribe been going on so long they say J Glenville don't even be wearing no full outfit under that road no more he just get out the bed that [ __ ] he come the man [ __ ] that [ __ ] I need get out of shower and whisk that [ __ ] [Laughter] on this goddamn case man I ain't see no [ __ ] like this man I'm like what the [ __ ] going on Jo if if if they told this to you if you didn't see it with your own eyes you would be like yo get the f out of here like I don't no way well you know what you absolutely right and but but but but here's the thing you couldn't describe it there's no way you could even describe this to me if I didn't see it correct because they were like yeah man the man was high on the stand he said he was high so you telling me the [ __ ] said while he was in court he needs some water cuz he High [ __ ] no ain't saying no [ __ ] like I wouldn't believe it I wouldn't believe it none of us would believe it it would be impossible but you know who I got to take my hat off too H just in the in the in in the midst of it all Thug he been having the same facial expression through all this [ __ ] from when he was skinny Thug till now he fat Thug like he don't had the same face press th don't even do nothing move it eye left and right every picture they draw a th he all out him then got down the two attorneys D the goddamn courtroom arguing and [ __ ] J Glenville gonna snap out on one of the I'm telling you n but yo I know he going the defense attorney your honor I said I'm not I was talking before he interrupted me he like man but yeah but look but but but godamn it look when he said when he said the [ __ ] look I said what the [ __ ] I was in the courtroom that day he said the [ __ ] look now I done told both of y'all to sit the [ __ ] down and and quit you know he he know what to say and quit bringing up he want to say bringing up this stupid ass [ __ ] he like quit bringing up things that I've told you are inadmissible you keep trying to introduce it to the court the court does not want to be introduced I said oh this [ __ ] is personifying the courtroom as a person the court does not want to be introduced to no new [ __ ] and no new evidence we got 338 Witnesses [ __ ] don't bring now hey tell them we sold lot the judge say we sold out don't bring no more no no more no more witnesses in here this [ __ ] not got out of hand yo but do you understand defense attorney said did this trial will be going on until 2027 with the amount of witnesses they got how much you want to bet this is already the longest trial in history I know in history of Georgia but wait but wait wait wait wait wait I'm willing to take a bit I bet you judge Glenville sit behind that goddamn Podium with some Gucci flip fop I bet you that [ __ ] back I bet you he probably ain't got no socks on he probably rubb the [ __ ] out of the toe I know he [ __ ] in my goddamn because that's probably the only thing make him feel comfortable he probably back there [ __ ] them toes up you ever put your toe between the hey man I'm just sitting here looking I'm like damn day in day out he gota sit here and listen to this [ __ ] he gota listen to this [ __ ] he gota he got to take objections or sustain objection like it's a lot man judge judge I just want to tell you uh uh come to Baloo on Tuesdays every Tuesday we be hosting know I'm saying we got free hookah judge know I'm saying we got good price you come down there judge Glenville I'mma hook you up with whatever B you want I'm G give you I'm G give you one time one I give you I give you two Tuesdays I'm going [ __ ] with you that mean that's two bottles there two sections and I say two hookers I know you need I know that [ __ ] tired of this Cas he had the how he had the how gotam praying like hell somebody just say [ __ ] it you yeah I mean um something tell me we gonna be discussing this case for the next year we won see I know he tired of this [ __ ] I'm tired oh my goodness all right imagine how you think Thug feel how you think how you think Thug feel Thug feel like I'm coming home that's what Thug feel like like y'all keep wasting the state's money I'm coming home all right your man Kanye West he got the number one song again I mean is there any stop in this dude has Kanye proven that he cannot be cancelled I think I think when you talking about an artist who is phenomenal as a Kan Kanye West you know you know most artists to maintain that Superstar appe they have have to be running um all cylinders have to be running you know at maximum capacity that be running on all cylinders and I think that Kanye is one of those people it's about timing for him you know he just hit y'all with the Super Bowl commercial he's like what the [ __ ] I'm going to pay all these high paid actors and all this money for a production company to produce my commercial when every day I promote from my phone so he did his commercial from his phone and paid guess I'm assuming the $7 million for the Super Bowl L he like y'all [ __ ] crazy then what he did instead of putting the money into the inventory what they would probably normally do they put the money into the commercial and they let people it's just like a drop ship almost so they didn't put the money up Upfront for the [ __ ] clothes the merchandise once you ordered it then you find out you had a two a two week wait so you not he done spent instead of spending the money on the commercial he spent the money on the commercial just to to show the Comm just for you to see that [ __ ] just for your viewership during the Super Bowl right then you turn around and you like oh yeah yeah okay oh it's a sale boom I'm GNA order this and I'm G order that well when you ordering this and ordering that that [ __ ] don't even exist yet so you done gave him the money you done gave him his reup money without product and he done basically said thank y'all I'm G take the profit over here I'm G take the little bit over here the little the little the little principle to get you your [ __ ] there you go genius phenomenal right boom and he turned around and he dropped this new song what's the new song called Carnival and I ain't taking no shots cuz the song jamm but you know what that song sound like shag West shag West how you say that [Music] [ __ ] it's the same [ __ ] I said oh brilliant magnificent I mean he's just doing what he do sometimes you just can't be scared some people get scared they don't know what to do they overthinking I think Kanye just like [ __ ] it go I done I I done hit go so many times that it's it's muscle memory just like go go and that's how you got that's how you got to be man anybody successful will tell you you don't have to put out the greatest product because everybody doesn't purchase your product because it's the greatest product they're willing to purchase your product because it's the most consistent product that they can get their hands on you get what I'm saying yep Waffle House is not the greatest meal in Atlanta at 2 in the morning but it's consistent you know them godamn them hash brown gonna be crispy to crunchy you know that [ __ ] waffle with or without pean going to come off that [ __ ] a little warm like it going to be warm you know that chicken milk you know that Patty milk you know that Texas milk that Grill going to be hot it going to have the right amount of Grease the right amount of salt and you can put as much seasoning and whatever sauce you want to put on it it's consistent because you know what you know it's going to be open whenever you need it to be open when everything else Ain't So I think that's what kany has been killing y'all at well I'm sorry let me not use that word he's been killing [ __ ] cuz he ain't killing nobody he's just been giving y'all that drip that y'all would to pay for because you can get it consistently you know this guy to your point he I mean for the last 20 plus years this guy has been incredibly consistent in in so many areas uh fashion music production like this this dude has not took his foot off the gas but it's just interesting you know to think he's one of the few people I've seen that it almost feels like he's dodged being cancelled now it remains to be seen if he's ever going to do business with corporate America again but if I'm a bet man I'm saying he is because the proof Corporate America don't care about nothing but the bottom line perod they they can act like they give a crap about morality they can act like you know we're we're socially conscious they're businessmen no and if this guy has still that that mest touch he still has people who will buy into him somebody's going to be willing to do a deal with this man um yo did you see that interview that he did that he was like yo he created every style of music in the past 20 years I definitely saw that agree or disagree or or was Kanye off his meds that day no I just think he was he's you know Hey cuz you know booy Ste then had to get some checking on it I think Kanye was more so saying that he's been able to be in every one of those generous he's created that music I don't think he he can't me that he created that sound he didn't mean he created that sound he was able to create music in every genre get what I'm saying absolutely so he didn't cre like he may not have created snap music but during that era he might have created a record that felt like snap music in that era he ain't create that I know he tried to say and I heard it I heard the way he retracted it with Boo and all that respectfully but yeah you got to get them talking it's provocative you know what I'm saying like sometime you just got to know trolling sometimes you got to know what pushes the button sometimes you got to know what a real viral payload looks like or how to create a viral payload you know I know how to right now if I want to get y'all talking especially on this platform on I know this I know certain [ __ ] that's going to come back when I say it soon as I say when it come out my mouth me even joking about the judge I don't want no smoke judge Glenville but me joking about him I know [ __ ] gonna say something about that [ __ ] they gonna be like this [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] said that [ __ ] naked under that Rob and and then I as myself do I ever want to I don't mean to offend nobody because I'm not trying to be offensive but that man might be with No Nonsense that [ __ ] might piss him off then the day I'm standing in front of him for some simple ass misdemeanor [ __ ] pray to God I never had to he like yes young man you're the young man who joked about me being naked do you think I would ever do such a thing you s like I shouldn't even said that Jud but you do got on some flipflop you do though tell you let me see okay okay you got on the look at now okay you know what I'm saying so I think it is what it is people people know how to push buttons that's just like your lady your lady know what to say he's a m that pushing envelope say to make you scratch your head and vice versa it ain't no different with some of these artists and people like a Kanye that's what he doing he got you he got people moving off of the vibrations of his vocal cords and whatever he thinks he said y'all go with it did you happen to catch that interview with Safari where he confirmed that Kanye was asking for thre with Amber Rose and Nicki Minaj all right so I I start watching I had so much going on man I didn't get a chance to get through it but what okay to Kanye's credit to Kanye's credit I don't think he knew that Nikki was Safari's girl so they was in the studio or something and Kanye kind of was like yo can you hook that up damn that's that's a hell of a blow man but you know homie wasal he was getting dealt a lot of them type of slaps to the FAS because it wasn't like public knowledge you know he was like the homie they was in the group together and they were still rocking so it didn't seem like that was his lady man you know what I mean that had to be terrible though cuz you know they out here they want her you know you got one of the baddest to ever do it and [ __ ] is at her neck and her back her neck and her back I'm tell you [ __ ] the top what mean Nicki Minaj [ __ ] like yeah [ __ ] I got Ember RS right here like I would love to you think you hooked that up n [ __ ] yo can you imagine Kanye sliding off to the side like yo I don't really know you like that but you think you can hook that up the nerve of you [ __ ] the audacity no I can't hook that up [ __ ] wrong with you man and I don't even know and here's the deal you know Nicki's person I don't even know if Safari was allowed to tell like the industry yo that's my girl like people knew but it was never no public declaration at the time well you know I I I went through something very similar you know what I'm saying a lot of times you know I think that's why you know I try to make myself uh no matter what I got going on with my ex-wife I try to be as reasonable with her whenever we have communication about anything involving our kids because I feel like I didn't give her the best of of of that space during our marriage because I was out here telling the world I was single you know I had to tell the world I was single the label was saying please don't say that you married like you so young you're going to kind of just turn people away nobody's going to want to it's like you're a married man like you're already established there's nothing else to do you're married and you're rich now like so you know I would always say I'm single as a $2 bill but it's even though it's one bill it's still two so it still was saying I was married but it's just a single bill because when you become married two becomes one so it was kind of like my own little like yeah let see who going to catch it nobody caught it just kept riding with that [ __ ] and it was very unfair to my my ex-wife you know it was very very unfair to her because just imagine like like she grinded with me she slept on the floor with me you know we we did different [ __ ] we you know it's funny the same story we worked at Ruby Tuesday on camp Camp Creek I had the weed I was selling weed but I was also the bartender and a and a and a and a waiter you know what I'm saying and nobody knew that we was married so I always told people we was cousins she told people we was cousins so girls was coming to like oh I want to [ __ ] your cousin [ __ ] was you know it's just funny like like girls was telling not even the girls I remember these two two two gay dudes that worked in the kitchen they was telling her I might try that she like oh for what you know I don't know how that's gonna go [ __ ] coming to me like Hey by your cousin got a fat ass Bo [ __ ] put me in put me in the game coach I'm saying like [ __ ] this my wife but I can't say that cuz that's our secret you know so I can imag imagine what Safari was going through and this is Nicki Minaj so this this this Kanye West trying to get your girl [ __ ] so imagine everywhere she go it's a [ __ ] lurking with that bag that he ain't have trying to get your girl that's that's that's hardcore You Know Jack this this is I I feel like like we just had a breakthrough moment in therapy like earlier you said that this is therapeutic Fe it is and for for you to sit there and see Life Through The Eyes of your ex-wife and take full accountability for what you did wrong in your relationship and understand it from her point of view I got to tell you jack I am so proud of you that that was I'm sitting here and like looking at you like yo this a grown ass man right here jock done learn from his past mistakes and I see you with the with the with the with the band on your hand right now as we speak and I didn't well ban in my first marriage and I I know you did so I mean you was there it was a lot of times you was there you saw him just trying to behave be this good guy I got all this ass being thrown at me and I'm seeing her like damn I really want to be able to Flix for my wife but I can't you know so I I I I it's a lot of times when I sit back and you know we would have those moments where she be upset or feeling some kind of way and at that time I didn't really get it I'm like it's all good we good but I'm like n man that's a part of that's that's a part of what come with it it's almost like having a beautiful wife but you blind [ __ ] you can't even see her it's kind of like damn it's [ __ ] up like it's a good thing that you got her but you can't see her so the world never really saw who the love of my life at that moment in my life was and and I you know I know it's some some probably some moments where she felt like I didn't give her um I didn't give her the fair share of of her just doe you know it was moment she probably wanted to say hey it's my husband or she wanted me to say hey this my wife and it didn't happen and now here I am oh this my wife I'm on TV would her and gotam we gotam shucking and driving and [ __ ] and she just like damn I didn't get that opportunity we had a beautiful marriage we we made some money we had a good lifestyle but you still think back and it's like that's cool but some of that [ __ ] just be like damn and I find myself even more these days I wake up and be like damn I ain't never think about it from that point of view I didn't allow myself to see it from that point of view because I expected that person to see it from my point of view and that's why this is therapeutic because I've learned a lot just just in talking about um topical things and and worldly things and you start looking at yourself and doing a self assessment and bro you start realizing like damn I ain't have to do that I ain't have to say that or I should have did this or I should have said that or I'm glad I did this I'm glad I didn't do that or I'm glad this was said so kudos to the good for you session good for you good for you evolution of jock good for you appreciate that let's go back to Hip Hop for a second come on Dr Dre M he recently did an interview and he said Eminem is the best MC ever Point Blank period now before I get your thoughts on that understand Dr Dre's lineage Dr Dre come out of NWA I mean ice cube was writing for most to that group and is one of the bad like that that is a sick MC right there ice cuute yeah Dre got Snoop Dre Dre Dre them pulled 50 Cent Diamond album 50 Cent up out of Queens he know a thing or two about MC's for him to to categorically say that this young man from Detroit Michigan white boy at that is the dopest MC Point Blank period what does that say to you it says to me that's his opinion he's willing to stand by his and stand on his opinion that's what it says to me um because we don't know the Feats that Dr Dre dealt with producing these other talents we don't know I mean you know we could conclude that they were dopee you know your snoops your 50 Cent your ice cubes we can conclude that they were dope and are still dope and have been dope in our in our culture um but what may be Doper is to see somebody could take a topic that has no no space in the conversation and make it a part of the conversation maybe he could see somebody who could take a look in the mirror and make a whole song dissing themselves and it still be a hit see we all Define things differently you know he could say this this the greatest person ever because this the person who Rose to fame the fastest that I ever dealt with had a ride as long as most of them consistently we don't know you know what I'm saying he he came at a time when Dre was already like super established you get what I'm trying to say think about think about when Dre was dealing with you ice cubes snoops they was I mean Dre was Dre but Dre was coming up with them Dre was rapping to and [ __ ] remember yep absolutely chronic you know Snoop they was rapping you know deep cover you know all this [ __ ] murder was the case so you know at that time he was still Dr Drake but he wasn't the Dr Dre he would later become and in that point of him becoming the Dr Dre he come you know M kind of came left fi [ __ ] wern't expecting it he came fast boom pause next thing you know he was a instant icon he got to a pinnacle probably possibly faster than any of those other acts that he had dealt with so in his mind why he considers him one of the greatest or the greatest to his world how fast we made money and how long we've made money and the type of money we've made you kind of get what I'm saying I do and and you're coming from it from a very interesting perspective because the way I took the comment and I understand and you're absolutely right let me start there the way I took the comment was no different than I mean there's always the debate who are the greatest rappers of all time Jay is always in that conversation notorious biig NS Tupac you know I didn't jiss yes J Theiss right and and I'm so happy you said J Theiss shout out to my brother jiss um top five dead or alive Rock him to your point I didn't look at it from the perspective of he found produced and work with all of this different talent and through his vernacular yo they're all great but the way that this guy moved in the studio as quickly as he put songs together money we made the type of money we made as quickly as we made it he is the best MC of all time and that's that's a that's a that's a different perspective him being the architect him being the producer him being the guy behind the guy so great point you made right there you know speaking of a different type of money cardi B she did an interview and she she claimed she made in excess no somebody mentioned $80 million and cardi essentially was like yo I made a lot of money kind of like I touch that type of money in my career she's like I've made a lot a lot of money you're an artist is it possible for somebody like a cardi B it's not like cardi B's been around for 30 years it's not like cardi is it possible for cardi B to reach levels that she touch 80 mil yeah yeah hell yeah because when first and foremost if you could just factor in her L her contracts her initial contracts for signing let's just say if you just say her album deals let's just say that's 10 even though it's budgets she it's still the money she she she created enough hype and propaganda around herself for these people to put this type of budget up to put that budget up and it's associated with your name that's like you made that money I made this label cut these checks for me okay now let's say when you start talking publishing that that half of that [ __ ] all you need is goddamn five hits you can start seeing the millions of it you know what I'm saying one big hit she [ __ ] Diamond yes Diamond that's 10 Platinum yeah then we start talking touring like what car they be making the show 200 250 I don't know she she let's say she getting a quarter a million four shows she made a million dollars that's four shows that's four shows we ain't talking about features commercials endorsements I do one endorsement deal that one endorsement might be $4 million we just ain't heard about it type [ __ ] you know what I'm saying she got endorsements dog like I don't you know it's the interesting thing is we hear millions and think man it's impossible [ __ ] Ain't yes it's it's not impossible I want to I you know I want to see I want I wonder how much money I've generated in my career over 17 to 18 years because I made a lot of money just on publishing shows shows shows publishing other artists being put out doing TV radio endorsements features yo that money of course she ain't been out as long as me but I done wear through some some some money dog I done seen some money that money add up that money add up yeah yeah and you know truthfully speaking I knew the answer to it um now that don't mean she's sitting on 80 million liquid no no no but I mean who know we we don't goddamn know that girl might be the goddamn [ __ ] was saving her money you don't know I'mma tell you something people don't understand how much money is made when you get a hit record your like your life change with a with a hit record get a hit record and and and see the type of money that start rolling all of a sudden now get a few of those get you 10 hit records like come on yeah get you 10 hit records and see how life looks very different talking about charted records we ain't talking about just Hood hits we talking about record that have charted you getting Platinum plaques on it you got plaques on the goddamn wall you got commercials you got endorsements you got touring [ __ ] like it is so much money in this [ __ ] yeah n it's a lot of money yo did you happen to catch that interview Shannon sharp did with Steve Stout yeah when they were riding in the car yeah it was one part of the interview I want to touch on essentially Steve Stout you know he spoke about the breakup of Rockefeller records you know I don't want to put words in his mouth but I'll surmise what he said basically Dame Dash didn't grow as the company grew as Jay-Z grew Dame didn't and that's what caused the breakup and Dame responded you know to Stout essentially saying that Dame blew his career what's your thoughts on that you know I think Dam's wherewithal was there I think he knew what he could blw blow he knew he knew what could happen but I think when you're a warrior you know think about it if I'm on the front line and I'm fighting I know my life is on the line there could be a victory I could win but I can also die I'm put my life on the line and I think when and I say that to say that you know Dame knew they needed those companies because they was using their resources okay y'all got the talent you got a business strategy but you're using the resources of these companies they know that but in his mind those companies needed them more than they needed the companies cuz there more compan out there with resources than it is a Dame and a Jay out there you see what I'm saying so y'all could be replaced we can't be replaced and I think Jay-Z looked at it like May more so possibly like yeah that's cool but yo these [ __ ] is is is I see them move I'mma finesse them I'mma I'm I'm I'mma have their positions I'm G work my way we gonna work our way up through here and these [ __ ] going to be eating out of my hand and I think that that D was putting that pressure down on these these these these entities so hard that it made Jay like look like yo this ain't like nah [ __ ] like it's almost like we riding in the car we both on the we both on the same [ __ ] we trying to get there and then when the car get pulled over by the police I'm cool over here how you doing office hey what' you pull us over for then the homie come out out the side like what the [ __ ] you pulling us over for [ __ ] you see we we got we got business to take care [ __ ] like whoa whoa whoa on no I know but we we got business like he stopping us he could he could have stopped anybody why he stop us oh chill yo officer respectfully we're on our way to a function is it anything is my license my and officer like he looking past Jay-Z over there looking at Dame like what's up with your man your man F to get you jammed up that's kind of you know what I'm saying cuz you know I interviewed Dame um recently and D was saying some real [ __ ] but I can see with his energy he's so passionate and just so he want to get it out that he like [ __ ] what you talking about because what I'm talking about is more important and I think a lot of times that that may have hindered some of the growth cuz I'm not going to say the growth wasn't there you know what I'm trying to say it may have just h hindered some of the growth you know that's all I mean at the end of the day I I think that Steve stop said some real [ __ ] I've heard Jay-Z say some real [ __ ] I've heard Dame say some real [ __ ] um and it's just interesting especially when you hear coming from a Steve St because Steve sty like a he's a great liaison he's a great middleman he know he can see what what goes and what don't you see what I'm saying he put [ __ ] together you know and so it's like he probably looking like yo Jay-Z is a good fit in this corporate space Dame is a good fit on the independent space you know what I'm saying it's kind of it's just kind of what it was I mean you know I hate to see the demise of any any any of our peers or or or or our Founders what have you um but sometimes my demise is going to be more beneficial because it's educational at the same time you get what I'm trying to say like you could learn a lot from the way Dame was handling [ __ ] if you just Google Dame and some of the [ __ ] he would handle how he would handle some of this [ __ ] even now with the latest situation he got you know you could learn a lot from that you know he had his shares in the company the last little shares of Rockefeller and his name those should have been probably put in a trust or some type of holding you know what I'm saying because now that other lawsuit went through and they like yo he like I ain't got the money to pay they like but you got that [ __ ] stock over you got that you got that stock in that company over there give it up we want it if that was in in a holding or a trust they probably would have had to give it up you see what I'm saying so you could learn a lot from that I'm not g to say the saying you could learn a lot from a dummy because I don't want want to look like I'm I'm I'm um disend Dame or even calling him a dummy but that's just what comes to mind when I hear that you could learn a lot from a person's demise and I just hate to see it but at the same time you know when you're a med student and you you you going to be a doctor what do they study on what do you mean what do they study on what do they study on the human anatomy a person who has already met the demise correct yep kadava you already dead you done already went through the process of life now it's death and now I got to open you up dissect you and find out how [ __ ] work I don't even got to find out how it work because I know why you're dead more than likely so when I open you up all I get a chance to do is see what it looks like yeah them analogies be coming out of nowhere nah good analogy is a good analogy and it's so crazy man you live long enough you know you g to see some things like what we're seeing you know what we're seeing with with people who were legitimately on top of the world people who I mean you just can never tell what's going to happen tomorrow man it's as simple as that you know some of the stuff that we're witnessing today if you live through that era you could not have imagined that this is how some people's Fates were gonna turn out for Better or For Worse yeah you assigned to the label at the same time the ban Making the Band Dion from Making the Band well I was like right after them okay but did you did you know them dudes I met I met a lot of and I call them dudes but shout out to Babs Bunny uh because because it was not just guys Babs was in the group Sarah was in the group s yeah I I met I met majority of them yeah okay well you do know that there was one who was the more Ray gay guy and his name was Dion shouted dialogue he said that the Dave Chappelle skit effed up his career is do you think it's a shred of Truth to that statement yeah there's a lot of Truth to that statement because are you serious well because it made it see here's the thing some of the very things that we consider Essentials or essential or we consider Necessities uh may have only been once they they weren't considered essential or Necessities at the time you know what's it called when you just uh what's the word I want to use you're commodity but you're just a you know like you go and buy something you're novelty right certain are Novelties you know and then one day you look up and it becomes something essential I'm trying to think of a a concept that I want to tell you something that was once just it was something they was just doing and it be like I'm pretty sure like when you think of certain foods we eat now they're considered Super Foods when Once Upon a Time they were just a novelty you know what I'm saying it's like pomegranate oh it's pomegranate then they look and they do the research like oh my God pomegranate is now considered a superfood because it has all of these antioxidants and fighting powers and in and that's it's like you got to eat pomegranate like but once upon a time was just some fruit you know what I mean um and what happens is people have to see what it is and if they need it or not I think dialon if he would have maybe it was a novelty it was a novelty when they made the joke about it d d di then Sam your favorite top rapper D D D D D right and it was funny now had he had the right team around him at that time or if he was in the right space if he was in the right mental space he could have turned that novelty [ __ ] to a necessity meaning he could have made it where and when I say that you know somebody say well how he been a necessity hey I don't know but if he could have turned that [ __ ] around where it work for him and he was able to show people how to turn [ __ ] around and make it work for you now his whole his whole Twist on it could have worked it's just like I talked about the gilber arena [ __ ] earlier he was going to had an issue with the whole LGBT community going on his head and counsel him he said oh yeah if it was a twerk off between sausage and tell and Megan stay I don't know who I throw my WS on SAU be twerking I might have threw my WS on oh I love you baby daddy send me that zound just that fast he turned it around now if people watch that enough that becomes a necessity it becomes a central way to do your PR you you you throw a campaign go wrong when you got to throw a campaign the real line your [ __ ] it's like a front end alignment gotta get that [ __ ] back in your lane if donon could have showed us how to do that then he probably would have taught a lot of [ __ ] how to stand up in the face of adversity you see what I'm saying I took the long way to get there but but if you get it you get it I ain't going to explain more if you get it you get it I'm telling you that [ __ ] what I just said made sense I'm even having to convince myself that that [ __ ] made sense you know [ __ ] yeah here's the only reason you know I I I don't think and this is just me man my brother D Dave Chappelle skit was funny it was but Dave Chappelle he had a skit about Rick James he had a skit about your boy from the south Prince um Lil John why like like that helped boost yeah those guys uh and I'm not GNA say their careers but it help put them back in the public eye like see the people that he spoke about were notable uh entities as well already like that you cannot negate that they were notable entities you talking about was notable okay you worked at Bad Boy tell me a dialon single I can't tell you Dion single hold give me a little John single give me a prince single but I can tell you he was notable enough for them to make a skit about it yes it was biger time it no that was the times that was just the time it was it was it was in the it was it was it was topical at that moment but but when you talk about a little John Le John was a notable entity already no you're comparing apples to to bananas right now how explain because because it's it's no if if if Chappelle is doing sketch comedy right right right he's finding his inspiration from all sorts of plac so some of the [ __ ] may come from some greats already notated valuable artists who've created have dominated have done that been celebrated then o has a bin that he pulls out of that's topical that's tring just topical right now corre correct and Di was in that b correct resp and that's why and this is why I say I don't believe that that sketch killed their career I don't well because that became more notable than the actual entity the sketch became more notable than his viability as an artist his brand the sketch was that's BS [ __ ] come on what killed your rapping career huh what killed your your rapping career as as a young yes I [ __ ] killed my rapping career I sto rapping [ __ ] I stop putting out music stop there stop there that's the point I chose to do that okay no no no you're missing the point you just said the answer make hit records keep making hit records and it doesn't matter you stay relevant you stay topical you stay in the public eye as they did not make more hit records if they had one hit record I agree with you on that but again that's what I said the man's that skit them laughs about that skit were more notable than anything he had done at that moment that's what I'm saying and you no no I now I give you perfect example me when I press my goddamn hair mhm that could have been bigger than anything else I had going on at that moment because I wasn't dropping music but because me myself knew how to play off of that I was still on TV at the time so that [ __ ] just made it even that much more like whoa the [ __ ] this boy doing because I had a platform to show what I had going on as well now if I was in on TV and I was making music at that moment then that would have helped with the music you're right if he would have said oh these [ __ ] talking about me I'm on TV people saying my name but I need to make a [Music] song you know maybe that's what so I I think we're both saying the same thing it's just we took a different path to get to that point to say hey yo you saying no it didn't do nothing to him it did it could have broken him it could have killed him the very source that creates that entity the life of the entity he is the dam that's deep hold up whoa whoa whoa that's deep right there cuz that [ __ ] probably killed him yeah that's deep right there that [ __ ] probably hurt that [ __ ] probably hurt like for real yeah that's deep but but you know and and and we got a few more things to go over and I definitely want to get as much in as possible whoa but if I go ahead tell me no what no what a know that no what no face no case my Bo no no no no let's kick a man when he down jock after that whole spill earlier let's go kick a d right there what bro yeah here we go spill on all three all right crazy the the bottle L is make hit records period do do do great things I don't care what it is that you do whatever great at what you do agree and it's the same reason why Kanye West has the number one song right now yeah period just be great at what you do Chris Brown and I consider him one of the young greats he recently got banned from the NBA Celebrity Game do you think this man should still be paying you know for the past documented abuse with uh Rihanna you know it's interesting because I don't know if it's just that though what else could it be Chris Brown stays he's like hibernates damn near he stays off the radar Chris Brown is is is is is a person who has never stopped making hit records we spoke about just now correct he stayed true to his craft he's continued to own his craft as an artist and as a professional artist okay now you know there were other relationships because I was just like I didn't feel like it was fair either for bro like damn like the man like God damn like this [ __ ] who done did time for worst [ __ ] and came home and they back popping with no no hoes B almost you know what I'm saying um but I think there were other things that he had other challeng is with you know um you know when they was saying hi you know you know he was trying to call him stalkerish with kuchi and I'm not saying he did any of this I'm just showing you like how people continued to notate things that was going on well after the the incident with him and Rihanna it was other situations where they tried to make it seem as if he still had a little bit of this um aggressive behavior you know and I'm not bringing this up to put any negative light on Chris I love Chris you know and I understood what happened with him because if you really break down that whole story between him and rir it was really interesting and I'm not going to get into that but I do you know ask like at what point will he be able to truly just come from up under that in a sense because that that has been a they they've definitely um continued to keep that dark cloud over some aspects of him as a as a man and as a as a um and somewhere you start asking like Dam he's already paid his restitution huh he's paid his restitution to society in a sense you know um but then Rihanna is still here let's let's keep that but but Rihanna's not even addressing this Rihanna's a married woman she has two children but she ain't got [ __ ] to do with none of that no more she don't moved on I know but people still will hold on especially when that person is still viable in here it's like well we can't be loyal to you and loyal to your once you know the word I want to use and I'm not going to use it because I I don't want to put that out there on that boy you know what I'm saying I feel like that man done he done suffered enough you know he just got it to where he can go do you know shows in other countries and [ __ ] like you know what I mean and it's just to that point like yo that man is one of the best to ever do what he does he's one of the greatest he's one of the greatest of our time for me I'm speaking for me and I watch it I've seen it happen I've listened to conversations I've been around some some big people then and now and this conversation has come up a lot of times and some of the people who you think would be in his favor are not in his favor like damn for real and you try not to get in some of these conversations cuz sh yeah I I am who I am but some of these rooms I be like damn what did I do to get in this room today that is I'm I'm not saying like how did I get here I'm saying what made these people say hey pull up today was it meant for me to be a part of this or to just hear this and witness this I don't know so you know I wonder too like how long is it going to before he can just truly spread his wings and be from up under the guys of that black C Cloud yeah I mean you know I I don't condone what he did I mean was he was a very young man not not to make an excuse for him how long ago was to your point how long ago was it what is that that's got to be 13 years ago now it's got to be I'll look it up but um the bottom line is I believe in second chances I do I believe that this man has paid and I also believe that he is an extraordinary talent and you know something for me I respect what it takes and I don't care we we you know you and I often talk about artists and public figures but do you know how hard it is in whatever you do to number one reach the Pinnacle of your chosen industry but number two to consistently deliver day in day out year in and year out for years and years and years and years and when I see people who they continue no matter what comes their way to deliver at a high level you got to give them the respect you have to yeah and and I just wonder what point is this man just going to be able to be celebrated yo you made mistakes you nobody's taking that away from you but we got to kind of give it up to you you have been one of the most consistent and talented dudes you know in the last Chris Brown's been around now for how long would you say in 17 years as long as you have was he was he was he here when you got in Chris Brown was out before me yeah yeah this guy's got 20 years in this game or something yeah definitely easy because I remember reading about him I remember seeing him as as a younger younger younger younger kid remember even by the time I got on and meeting meeting M dukes and everything like oh [ __ ] like I'm G to be doing some work with Chris Brown type [ __ ] yeah yeah I don't know you know and and you know he's he's penalized in 2024 by the NBA after first being invited to be in that um celebrity game so I don't know you know and by the way the Chris Brown incident with Rihanna that took place in 2009 a legitimate 15 years ago Jonathan Maes his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabari I think is the way she pronouncing her name she's suing him for assault and defamation so the man just was found guilty a couple of months ago for assault now she's suing him I believe that this is about money at this point I think that you know because he's already been found guilty criminally so now this is about restitution what she goingon to get him for the man that lost all his deals he done lost hell of money the beat money the Marvel [ __ ] who who he was just supposed to be playing Dennis Rodman what what what is she doing we provoke that [ __ ] man [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] out of here but that's that's that's that's that's a person who don't know how to leave well enough alone her like and I'm not blaming her about anything but that's just like yo come on fall back fall back fall back you know you you already killed the man the man you you already killed the man now what what you going to come back and soon him for for him trying to get you to [ __ ] up off him so he can get the [ __ ] away from you that's crazy it's kind of like it's interesting because you know in OJ's case no OJ wasn't found guilty but the family was able to come back and get him on a $5 million civil suit H how how is that I wasn't found guilty of the murder but I'm found guilty of possibly being the reason she was murdered in this case yo I'm trying to get you the [ __ ] up off me and I'm found guilty of assault because I actually grabbed you and tried to push you in the car so I could get away from your ass cuz [ __ ] I know you crazy now I'm charged I lose all this money my notori my notoriety is [ __ ] up now you gonna come back and sue me somebody got to learn a lesson somewhere somehow I just don't know I just what can you say what you can say is that this quote unquote justice system is flawed is flawed as a mother that's what you can say yeah definitely say that you know this man this man and here's the deal I don't know Jonathan major from a hole in a wall U maybe he got what he deserved you know he he he was out there with a white woman talking about he want a woman more like ketta scottt King like brother you are so confused and so out your mind but I saw the same video I mean we we weren't in that courtroom but I did see that same video you saw and the fact that this woman was putting her hands on him took the man's phone and all he's trying to do is get her off up off him and in the interim her hands gets bruised and because of that he's found guilty of assault I I almost don't even know what to say this this system sucks yeah maybe he's maybe he didn't have the best attorney you ever notice sometimes you know it's it's different you know attorney is not like your Barber beautician your Barber your Barber or beautician you got a few times to figure it out and be like uh either they make me look great or just make me look mediocre or just don't do it for me you got one time to figure out with an attorney you see what I'm saying you you go to trial that [ __ ] hey you don't know if you gonna come out looking good or looking like [ __ ] so when it come to an attorney man you got to really choose carefully cuz another attorney could have probably gotten walked in there and got him off all that [ __ ] yeah but that's the thing about hindsight it's 2020 brother hey I know it well Jack it's been my pleasure um you know this was this was at times a little tense at times it was eye opening at times it was thought-provoking but I'll say like every other time it it it was my pleasure I look forward to when we sit down having these conversations I can't wait till the next time likewise brother IR sharp IR until the next time prayers it's love my brother One Love
Channel: djvlad
Views: 186,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: ODx8C0eOEmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 58sec (11218 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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