Trenches News on Becoming FBI Informant, Taking Stand in O-Block 6 Trial (Full Interview)

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all right here we go today we have Infamous YouTuber trenches news who recently made headlines when he took the stand in the oblock 6 trial where they were all found guilty for the murder of FBG Duck welcome to Vlad TV shout out Vlad man glad to be here Vlad well it's your first time here I want to start in the very beginning so you're born and raised in Chicago what area I was born on the south side the low in 39th Street okay in the the Madden Park projects y Madden Park okay so you were raised by your mom and dad initially y uh but then at one point they split up yeah they split okay how many kids were there at the time when they split up it was me my brothers and then my daddy had about nine of us but my my sister's them was living with their mother so it was four of us in the house when the split happened okay and then when your parents split up your mom took it pretty hard yep she took it pretty hard man put pretty hard drugs you know how that go after that man when you just left with four boys on your own okay and what was it like to see your mom get on drugs and start going through that whole cycle it would at first like we didn't understand until stuff start coming up missing when [ __ ] start coming up missing man that's when we start understanding like where our game at where this at you know it start coming up missing and then um you know somebody said and explain to us like man it it ain't it ain't your mother fault man it's the drugs like the drugs taking over they explained it to us so after that we was like more aware of it and as I got grown I seen it like I I never hated my father for it for leaving cuz I understand that it's problems but like it it it started getting bad and then I start looking around and all my friends parents everybody was off drugs okay what drugs were was she on at the time um cocaine that was the that was the top drug of the of the around that time like in the 90s like okay so but even with that whole situation you were still going to school and you were doing well at school yep still going to school man there um one thing that I did appreciate about the game members then was the game members like if you ain't had no parents you still it still was rules like the community to whoop your ass like it was it was way different man it was it was more structure it was um like if you ain't go to school you wasn't hanging out you wern't selling no drugs you couldn't do nothing if you ain't go to school like it wasn't no hustling for nobody young or or carrying guns for a teenager back then okay and what was Chicago like in the mid 90s um it it was it was way more murd than it is now but people people who was people was getting killed like it was they hit they was hitting their targets it wasn't many civilians it wasn't many kids like it was probably like two three kids I could remember like dantrel Davis Eric Morris got dropped out the window I can't think about as many kids as now that's down so it was it was pretty it was pretty smooth man it ran on the on the coords like every you already had your murderers you already had your stickup kids everybody had a name already so you know everybody already had you know the titles in the label so we knew who was who don't mess with him he he killed people don't mess with him he do this you know so it was like already you know the the titles was already there well right what was the what was the story I heard it was like a big project like a big project tower that ended up getting torn down and then everything kind of got scattered after that yeah it was um actually we had three buildings seven walk UPS the walk UPS was three stories the um the buildings that I lived in was 10 stories high and then um 20201 it was only one building standing up and we and once they knocked down the buildings everybody went to 63rd um no limit um like different places like my block split up but majority of my block like half of them went into um parkway at the time it wasn't old block okay now you yourself when did you start getting mixed up in the streets um I'mma say Vlad I'mma keep it real with you Vlad when I got shot in my head I I when I was in college I I ain't started like I've been in the streets running around like running around Parkway and stuff like that but I ain't never had the oh I'm this I'm BD I'm this you know I ain't have to stand on nothing because it was already guys that was ahead of me who already put in r that I ain't have to do nothing I know it sound sound crazy but I ain't have to do nothing cuz my homies them is like the people before you died for it so you ain't got to do nothing so it was like that it was that type of situation so everywhere I went No Limit um the hundreds everywhere like all I got to do is say where I'm from or they know where I'm from and they be like oh leave him alone you know leave him alone he from that block we have more problems messing with him then you know stuff like that okay so tell me about the situation where you got shot in the head cuz it was at a a corner store right yeah I was at a corner store um I was I remember that day like clearly man I was come from college just got my check from the admissions office you know when you go to college it's like your social on the board to let you know your money there so um me and my cousin we was we was um our money was there we was excited we ain't never had [ __ ] you know that much money thousands from a school so we um decided to go to stores and then go home I had got my son that day and my son was a baby and I took a chance to leave him in the house you know what I'm saying people people will say like he oh he was a bad dead yeah I took a chance to leave him in the house on the couch by itself because I was trying to run to the storwise he was asleep but I asked the girl to watch him so I go to the corner store and I'm in line talking to the people man the guy came in there a little a little kid probably like 12 13 small and he stood behind me for a minute and I'm like you can go I'm talking to the girl and then next thing you know I get to run around the store like my head was cut off man I ain't going to lie I ain't know where it came from I ain't never did [ __ ] to nobody Vlad like Rob nobody disrespect nobody at the time like I was going to school like I was going to school to criminal justice you know business management that's why I was going to school but you know after that I was like [ __ ] I'm F to Rob every drug dealer I don't like drug dealers no way because my mom's all crack so I was like I'm going to start robbing people after I came from up out of that [ __ ] you know I was [ __ ] up after that but yeah I got shot in a Ben sto right down the street from where eeday got killed okay so a guy goes up behind you and shoots you in the back of the head how did you survived that um actually the bullet was was stuck like the bullet they he he shot me with a small caliber you know what I'm saying so the Bullet was stuck in there you know what I'm saying the bullet was just stuck like they was picking out fragments as I was sleeping [ __ ] my cousin then was in the hospital with me and um yeah it was a it he just he just came up from behind me and shot me man didn't know me from a can of paint man and the story get crazier than that Vlad they came up to me after when I was hurt after like after like 10 months I'm on crutches walking still in the same area and they told told me that it wasn't for me and that [ __ ] pissed me off that's what the robbery kicked in like oh man we sorry it wasn't for you I damn near died though you know that's how I was looking at it so the guy that actually shot you no some guys who was um with some guys who from the area some big guys yeah they came to me and told me that it wasn't for me it was for me a guy looked like me that from Over East that been doing [ __ ] to people oh so it was a case of mistaken identity y do you know who the actual shooter was no I ain't know him I he was a little boy like I ain't I like I when I moved over there uh when I moved over there everybody who stayed in my building was going to school with me it was like a grand through uh place called marville so mville was paying for our College you know what I'm saying and everybody who stayed in our building was like the mville people so I ain't under I ain't know nobody but them but the kids I went to school with you know I ain't know nobody over East at that time man okay but after they told you it wasn't meant for you it was mistaken identity did you know who the actual shooter was after the fact no I I never like personally no I never knew who he was like I seen him one time and [ __ ] but I ain't know who he was like I I ain't know like my cousin was like oh that that was the you remember the dude that was the dude who shot you he was trying to remind me like the dude used to be in the Nash and the little boy but I couldn't remember I couldn't remember like they try to refreshing my memory but I couldn't remember okay so he was never charged or anything else no never charged none of that I mean do you feel some certain type of way about it like do you feel like you want to get back at him at some point or maybe press charges against him or anything else like that cuz he shot you in the head for no reason um n i at this at this point like no it when it even when then I ain't know like I ain't I ain't um think about press charge like the police came to Jackson Park and ask me like what happened and [ __ ] I I ain't know you know what I'm saying I was in line that's all I could tell him like I was in line some guy came behind me he couldn't even pull a door to get out That's how little of a kid he was it was one of them big metal doors he couldn't even pull it out he couldn't even get the damn door open he couldn't damn near get it open and get out so he was a kid okay so after getting shot was it just a certain level of anger that you're like all right now I'm actually going to start getting in the streets and getting into crime yeah it was anger it was all anger man it was like um you know when you when you get shot man I tell people like this bro like you get depressed like people don't really like be want to be around you how they be around you when you got your on your two legs and healthy like people don't want to be around you bro I done been the wheelchair man and everybody left me man like everybody my friends the game members like who I thought was going to be there for me nobody was there when I got in the wheelchair so I I take everything like you know I take every nothing for granted now and I just stick with my family now like my family and my moderators and [ __ ] like that that's all that's the only people I talk to that's how I love you know at this point okay because I mean later on in trial they were saying originally you're part of the Black Disciples New Town faction yeah is that true I I mean you know they going to labor you from where you at anyway like from where you from like where you grew up up at they going to lab you ass anyway like I ain't never been to jail and told no police that I was a black disciple or none of that [ __ ] like they already knew you know you get you get locked up you get like you can get locked up in the tville area and they just G to say you GD but most of them guys in tville is BDS and Stones it's more BDS and Stones than GDs but everybody think they GDs okay so now you start robbing people and you're you're essentially doing crimes like what do you think was the most serious thing that you were doing during that time the most serious thing I was doing after I got shot just um just basically hitting licks for the most of it until like 06 and then like at the boot camp that's when I got out and was like um you know I I was I was I upgraded a little bit BL let's just say that man it it it was in court I had to say it in court too they asked me so I upgraded to you know playing with I already had a weapon on me cuz I was sticking people up so you know I just upgraded man it was a war going on with some guys called the hobos and I got my I I got myself involved in it man you know well when you talk about robberies they don't always go according to plan not everyone just gives up whatever you ask them for you know people pull out weapons people resist you know the things go bad so while robbing people what do you think was the worst situation you got into I I robbed it I robbed the project building man the extension man I went up under there my mama told me she was dope sick she told me she was dope sick and that she broke the line and ain't nobody they a't want to get her no no no [ __ ] to clean up up with her sickness so I had a shotgun and a golf bag I went up under the building with the golf bag up in there players stood by elevator and upped on everybody everybody against the wall they gave me all the drugs man I walked out there gave the drugs to my mama and everybody man I'm talking about my mom and her friend ripped the bags open they ain't even want to it was it was a whole bag of blows that time about they ripped that [ __ ] so fast it l like they ripped a whole every bag open they ripped it open and then the guys come out the building he robbed us I'm like hey look anybody play with my mama bro they going to die and I walked off on there thing they walked off and that that was the most serious [ __ ] that I had I mean I didn't Rob people and like they didn't seen me in traffic and shot I even had to run to the police station when one time robbing somebody like my sister was in a car with me my homie sister but this my sister in a car with me she picked me up I hit a lick I hit a l for 50k I'm in traffic and this [ __ ] right behind us on host there boom boom boom boom boom We police station right here on 78 we at the light on host police station right here I tell my little sister shooting that [ __ ] they going to have to come in there with us and shoot at the police too you know they kept it moving though after they shot at us I think that was the most dangerous [ __ ] that I put somebody in the position that they could have lost their lives too okay well this came out in court also so according to reports in 2006 you got arrested by Sergeant Ronald Watts who was a corrupt Chicago Police Sergeant yes sir tell me about what happened um so I had I had came home I had I was out in 06 I had they um you know I was doing my robberies that's where it started at with Watts I never knew Watts who Watts was until then like my mom and them know who watch is everybody cuz he from the low end too he just a police officer who was getting his ass kicked in school and then when he became a police officer everybody who was doing [ __ ] to him and treating him in high school he had a Vengeance so watch was like the the the the hobos he was like the hobo savior like if you get into the hobo anybody into he dropping addresses he robbing people with them like he doing he setting up like he telling them what people at pulling people over unarming them and then they come and Rob you like he was doing [ __ ] like that so I'm walking out my father house one day and the man pull up on me I had hit a lick though I had hit a lick I had rob somebody who was with the hobos and the man told me hey look you can get them their money back or you going to jail you going to have a better problem he going to put some [ __ ] on me you know what I'm talking about then I have problems with him ever since then man and then he even locked my momma up bro behind this [ __ ] he locked my momma up my mama did Vlad you can look up my mom I how you look up my mama so you can get on your platform and be like yeah his mama got locked up bro my mom was on dialysis when she went to the Joint the man couldn't get me so he had Lo put that [ __ ] on my mama 14 grams of heroin bro and my mama did went to jail did the time bro like for real she went to and that's how she got clean that's how my mama ended up getting clean off drugs right because uh Sergeant Watts was sentenced to 22 months in federal prison for stealing what he believed was drug money from a federal informant yep and after he got arrested prosecutors threw out more than 200 convictions that were linked to the unit that he was leading yeah he had a whole task force right he was also accused of extorting money from drug dealers at the uh ID Wells homes yeah and falsely falsely arresting people who wouldn't cooperate yeah that was him well and what they said was after that runin you had with Watts you became an FBI informant yeah yeah that's true okay so so so how did that happen that's true um I walked into the police station I walked into the police station tried to tell him like this man taking people money and [ __ ] and all that and one of the one of the uh commanders the district Commander told me he said you don't want to do this he said if you do this you might want to go to somebody bigger it was a white guy he said you might want to go to somebody bigger cuz he the governor of the lowend so hey look I've been to school before you know what I'm saying so I'm like [ __ ] what I do I call my teacher I tell my teacher like man I'm in the I'm in the streets I'm already starving but then I got to go against the drug dealers and him my teacher told me straight up like man call call the feds man the feds going to be able to do something about it and when I told them they was already on them they was already like investigating him you know what I'm saying so I just add a little spice to it man to get him to get him booked I don't regret it either BL I don't regret that [ __ ] either okay so your cooperation with FBI led to his arrest yeah well a part of it part of it it you know it was more people it was a it was a lot of people like out of 246 just imagine how many people made statements on them man you know before that okay so in 2008 that's when your mom end up getting getting locked up yeah I got I got arrested I got arrested too I got arrested before my mom got locked up like I was over there in the extension buildings with brick FBG brick me and brick was under the building watching them come up there and he come in there he said man you got something for me I said I ain't got nothing for you you say you going to jail then and then after that I reported to the FED again this [ __ ] harassed me and then that's when my mama went to jail and then he end up going to jail down the line later on though but yeah right your mom got six years for heroin possession yep six years man and Logan Correctional Facility bro yep right but fortunately during that time she end up getting clean her weight came back and everything else like that yep she got fat everything bro like she she ain't even want she ain't even want the watch money like she could have got the lawsuit money she ain't even want it she said that God blessed her you know what I'm saying so you know my mom ain't want and God blessed her man and watch he he he he he out of the system I just looked at like yeah you know God did do that for you Mom he cleaned you up okay and around that time you were staying at oock no I was I was on the low end I was on a low end still I was on the low end still I ain't go to the to well let me stop I've been on I've been on on 63rd since 2002 but I was moving around like I ain't just staying Parkway like I ain't start staying and Parkway to after we got into with the hobos to after my homies and them got killed 2007 2000 that's when I that's when I start really going in and Parkway 08 like [ __ ] like that but I've been over there I've been on 63rd both sides um vers both sides gyro and um O Block because my blocks was on both sides when the project buildings fell down half of my block went to gyro City through them blocks through Doug them blocks and half of them went to old block so I was never a i was never played both sides because I could go on both sides all my f all my project is on both sides like I never had a problem I never had to say I'm this or this to go on either side bro they already knew he from the lowend everybody from them communities from oock and from gyro most of them people are from the low most of them people all the kids okay so 2012 Chief Keef drops I don't like and that totally changed the Chicago scene to this day and you and Chief Keef actually knew each other yep yep Chief Keef man he he was a um he was a kid man like always smoking weed man always always high it don't surprise me he getting high now or he got a dispensary he always wanted to smoke he ain't never want to go to school so what I did about me coming from a project building him T Roy um a couple of them never wanted to go to school you can't stand outside if you if you not in school you know the OG's taught me that so I had to let them up my house while as they up my house they got to get on the laptop super munchers number munchers you know [ __ ] like that until school out you can't hang outside so you know that's why Keith used to come out my house a lot until my girl at the time said you know she ain't going to lose her kids for letting them up her house doing school you know so that's when I told Keith now just go to school or something man and he went to Front Street after that he start hanging over there every day all day well yeah I mean I don't like came out and then Love Sosa came out I remember Drake even tweeted about that's his favorite song and that that set off a whole new wave of fans and finally rich I think uh his his album comes out and uh things are just going crazy and everyone's now focusing on the Chicago hip-hop movement what was it like to see Chicago suddenly get this huge Spotlight man it it it it was a good feeling it was a good feeling Vlad like once I seen Keith like on the stage man I knew he was going to get signed after that man it was like 300 of them I think that I don't like when they was on stage at Adriana's man I knew they was going to get signed man it was so it was so lit throughout the neighborhood man and even with eeday and duck them beefs like they little back and forth it was no violence yet it wasn't really no violence it was just talking about girls and money and you broke and he broke so it was lit but the the deps just took the whole lit out the picture man it just it just took it it just took away from everything man the killings well around that time L JoJo started you know go viral as what we would call it today but back then that word wasn't there but he dropped the song BDK which stands for black disciple killer and I mean although this was a phrase that was used back and forth BDK GDK no one really made a song saying that and that set off a chain of events where little JoJo ends up getting killed did you know JoJo at all yep I met JoJo man I met Jojo I was at um behind the scenes at have it all I had walked down there cuz that that was on my block the block that I came from so I went down there and JoJo billion all them was out there and um when JoJo first made the BDK song man him and him and Li J rolled up on the porch like check out this new song when I heard it my first thing to tell JoJo like hey look little fella hey look you cold with the lyrics but you're going to have a problem bro because you're not just coming at lamron or L reesei you're coming at a whole nation I told him that like I don't know if nobody else told him that on that block but I told him that that day and and he was aware of he was aware of the problems but you know when you got people behind you yeah put that out put that out put that out they really don't understand the consequence that come behind that you know they don't be understanding man but I told Jojo he was a good dude though like I got memories of Jojo I I almost pull W on him I trying to play with him and he showed me his gun on me like he was going to shoot me and [ __ ] like it was crazy man it was crazy as hell I got memories with JoJo yeah I mean little JoJo was a little kid when he got killed I interviewed his brother swag daero and um yeah man it just sort of a sad story he was 18 years old at the time that he died you know and uh yeah just a lot of tragedy so 2011 uh Tuka who was 15 years old ends up getting killed at a bus stop did you know Tuka though yeah um yeah I seen Tuka a lot like the same crib the same house that I was in on roads um they my homie little sister C boss crazy shout out to him his little sister was TKA friend so yeah I seen Tuka a lot and I ain't never seen no killing in him okay and he was allegedly killed by OD Perry who later on is the you know the reason why it was called oock uh and you and OD Perry were friends yeah we was friends and they lying on OD man I got on the stand I'mma tell you they lying on OD OD ain't killed no T man oh everybody in the streets know that godamn it OD them a kill TKA everybody know this I don't know I don't know man it's it's like people just getting on people just doing interviews man just making up [ __ ] man like that's one thing about me I ain't gonna make up nothing OD he was a cool dude bro and all that [ __ ] bro but like he he he wasn't like what people be saying he is man like he ain't like he like he like that anybody could shoot but n he ain't killed to man he ain't killed Tuka he didn't okay so do you know who killed Tuka um everybody know who killed Tuka BL everybody in the streets know man everybody know who killed them man like it this hey look V one thing about the streets the internet might not know [ __ ] the internet night might be guessing the police might not know but anything happened in them streets man the streets know the streets know who did that [ __ ] and that guy still alive the guy still alive walking around breathing man okay so the guy who the guy who killed Tuka is still alive still alive man all right so we're not going to put out the name of who did it yeah because it's still it's still clearly an open case yeah cuz murder has murder has no statute of limitations okay well but when he was killed he was close friends with this girl named Ki and I interviewed FBG butter who's ki's brother and according to him in the stories that that were reported Ki saw the murder and you know a lot of this is a little bit fuzzy but they're saying that she killed Odie OD Perry in Revenge for tka's murder okay so did she see Tuka get killed yeah her no her it was her GI Joe L RP sa from jyro Ron bua from 600 bua D from 600 they Big Brother that's Ron on bro ronte it was a couple of them out there four grade couple couple of guys SE couple couple of the guys not SE from the O but SE from from our [ __ ] from jro a couple of the guys out there that's why [ __ ] knew exactly who killed to right away because it was so many people out that [ __ ] walked up and only killed to only shot to he was at a bus stop yeah he's at the bus stop they on a bus stop six [Music] deep okay because Bust Stop 6D gang well The Story Goes that she killed someone at 14 as revenge over Tuka that's what they say man OD got his [ __ ] like right well Odie Perry got killed at one point J they're saying that she was a shooter that's the rumor I mean it's it's footage it's actually it's it's a video of Odie Perry getting killed yeah H yeah and you saw it I ain't seen nothing man I just heard the stories bro okay like like with Ki man like I was there when she I was there when she died like I was I watched her I watched her take her her last breath before the ambulance man before she went to the hospital I was out there on the scene like Ki then ran around put a gun in the air chase people off the block but I ain't never heard she killed nobody man I'mma keep it real with you like you hear [ __ ] in the streets you know the killers you know what I'm saying like look B them they were Savages them them [ __ ] are savages you know what I'm talking about King V was a Savage like he ain't just rap about it he meant it you know what I'm talking no cha she that's why that's why she dead now man because people like Li JM and everybody else geeking them up oh she killed him but if you go back to a tweet all you got to do BL go back to a tweet man of this one guy man from M Mo man and he'll let you know stop claiming my work he he let the world know that [ __ ] back then when OD died he said hey look don't make me come on St Louis and blow that [ __ ] up man stop claiming my work so I thought the OD Theory been out the way you know what I'm talking about but they still keeping this [ __ ] going and keeping it going and keeping it going man okay because the stories about Ki are crazy they're saying she allegedly killed 20 people uh even butter you know told me that there was a situation at a party where she stabbed somebody up um I mean she had a pretty fearsome reputation especially for a young female I mean she was allegedly like 14 when she killed her first person and for the next few years she was she was a terror but you're saying she didn't kill anybody man I ain't heard that she killed nobody man I ain't heard that Ki killed nobody I seen her chase people off the block like I was out there when she chased Young Money Off The Block I was out there she put the gun there boom boom boom boom like I was out there like for [ __ ] like that her her telling people to move around like she had balls for a female you know what I'm saying but her reason for doing it was because none of the m wasn't going to do it like after little be died everybody like folded that's what she was saying she was like everybody's scared now that little be gone so I got to take over she felt like she had to carry the torch you know and that's what and and she gone now because she felt like she had to carry a torch as a female okay so you were there when Ki got killed and I interviewed FBG butter he was there as well he got shot in the leg I think okay so describe what happened all right so um we we was me Joe Jackson I called him Joe Jackson and um and a and a and a and a guy um and a guy was a driver you know what I'm saying we called him Jays or whatever you want to call him um he was driving us in a car and we were supposed to go and pick up Duck to go and do a song for Boss TR who who Dead who died boss TR he got killed so we it was his birthday so we was supposed to go and do a song for Boss TR Doug wood and we was picking them up and we riding down art as we riding down everard man I'm looking out the window and I see van Big A and T Roy in the cut I see them in a cut I tell the people in the car I just seen them I see them in a cut bro holl out the window and tell butter them man We R by the time we got the but in them man I'm talking about the the dude stepped on the gas man we went over the hump and just kept going bro and they popped out as we go over the hump they popped out and and started chasing butter butter ran down the street so as I'm seeing butter run the now the car park I get to run it back towards butter I have butter in the car I told the I told the hype to come back around the corner why I grab butter I grabbed butter butter got to me I had him on my shoulder his kneecap was blew off his kneecap was blew off I was arguing with butter like hey butter hey man go to the hospital bro he was like I ain't going to no hospital man I I I got a war I said is it a murder warn cuz if it ain't no murder one bro you going to damn near die he I'm going to the crib so I told them take me to the crib I I told him take to the crib they pulled off now Vlad this all I want to say Vlad you smart you intelligent hey look if I put you in the car right and you gone the the story is my ending right cuz I was there right I was still on the scene if you got if if if you got in the car that I was just saying that mean I was I was still on the scene man I walked down at the K man she was stretched bro she was stretched man holes everywhere bro her neck that was the first thing I seen was the [ __ ] in her neck bro on that that was the first thing I stood over told it going to be all right the police had duck them handcuff they said that duck was responsible for her getting killed they had duck um hammed up and then the ambulance came we left we end up pulling off man that [ __ ] was sad though bro I still think about Ki every time I see that [ __ ] bro okay so this is a little bit confusing because according to documents the Cook County Attorney's office said that King V was the shooter of Ki now when FBG bu made his statement and we interviewed him about this he said that it was a dark skinned guy with a mole on his face now you're telling me that you were there and King vau was there so who killed Ki uh hey look that's the person who I seen with with with a a weapon in they hand we rolled past he was in the cut down looking they way looking towards but them way that's what made me see them cuz I was looking I was we was just riding past and I seen them real fast and I know all of them they ain't having no mask or none of that you know I be over there I know they family so I'm like damn and then when they popped out like I just never said nothing who it was and then when it came when it finally like I got on the internet I'm like [ __ ] vanon gone he Von gone he always a men [ __ ] [ __ ] he did it he he was there I seen him do it you know what I'm saying but I never told law enforcement that he did it I never went to law enforcement and said King Von did it but people like I think but them and um a girl and somebody else went to law enforcement in 2014 and to I don't know if butter went but I know a girl like some paperwork came out where they said that van did it be before that then they still let V go to police so that's what you got to be talking about okay so you yourself did you actually see van shoot Ki when I'm I'mma tell you like this um Vlad I didn't see nobody shoot Ki but but like it it can only make sense man it can only it it only make it only makes sense man like all right the shooting started down here boom butter running down the street boom he go back and then it's over with you know what I'm saying I ain't see big a with no gun in his hand you know what I'm saying I ain't see him when we roll pass I I can see them clearly who got the weapon in hand and everything so unless both of them unless they got two different guns with the same shots it was only one gun Vine had it I know Vine ain't passing off no gun I know for a fact he not okay well if you're saying that Ki didn't kill OD Perry what exactly was the beef between King vau and Ki Oh She was bragging she was bragging about it see they never knew that they they they knew they knew that she didn't they knew that OD didn't kill Ki now I mean that OD didn't kill Tuka that was first of all so that was a smack to the face like a homie dead they saying they did and we ain't even do the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so that was a smack and then like I said I remember Li J 2013 Li J put a picture of butter and K with some with some beads in they hair the ram twins these the people who made O Block every since that day man they've been targets every since that day man butter got hit up like at least about butter got hit up on the porch with the Fredo and a cut story he got hit in the field got shot in the butt yeah butter got hit a whole bunch of times man since I that I was over there he got hit a couple of times man like behind that [ __ ] okay the the whole beef between King vau and FBG butter um was that cuz there was a fight on the bus that happened see it was before that see butter see butter butter been over there when I was when I was in when I was in Parkway butter was in Parkway before it was old block butter family from my block his mama from my block and his daddy from my block and his aunties from my block so when I was over there butter was over there with them you know butter been getting into fights with um all them butter then whooped a couple of them over there on they own block like we they came out there they like butter fighting but didn't put two-piece on them like he got hands he putting he he beating [ __ ] I can say that he whooping [ __ ] he done whooped a couple of them over there and then they then my guys was like man budy you you you whooping they ass and then you going back over here to gyro man it's like you starting [ __ ] you know what I'm talking about like you whooping they ass but you can go back over there and hang out we stuck with the problems over here you know what I'm talking about but yeah butter used to be over there running around he been getting into with King V before that bus fight but that bus fight when I heard van say out his own mouth after jumped on him every [ __ ] who touched me going to die on there and motherf just coming up like the reaper you hear me like for real like they say we give van more credit than what he deserve and all that [ __ ] hey look dude was like it and he was telling people over the Internet while he was doing this [ __ ] I'm a killer you know what I'm saying so why why I got to be the police if I if I'm breaking this [ __ ] down but he telling this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like that's all the bloggers doing out here they just breaking down the stories that these guys talk about well I mean years later uh trapo Ross did this whole YouTube documentary calling King Von rap's first serial killer uh did you watch that documentary yeah and I I love trib Lord r shout out to him um everybody be hating on trib Lord and [ __ ] they hate on the Europeans because they report about it bro all you got to do is do like they do and put PCT together and talk like people act like they can't do it but yeah CH trop l Ross like I don't know about all the bodies that he is but van claimed most of them [ __ ] bodies that TR Ross said he claimed majority of them man like TR Rous hit it on the head bro he hit he had that he did that one I ain't going to lie he did that one okay so based on what you know how many people did King Von kill of what I know [ __ ] more than five six that's serial killer if you killing people in a Ser see people thinking oh you got to kill now he killing people in the serious of events kill you this time then he killed another [ __ ] and he killing that's a serial killer he a serial killer if you think about it he is a serial killer okay so 2015 you end up getting shot again yeah what happened um I robbed somebody robbed somebody on the low end came back came back to get me I didn't Rob him at that time but I robed them years ago and so um person I was in the car set me up man the person I was in the car back do me thought this was my homie he didn't he didn't got some money from these people they didn't we we was going to a pill spot on 71st in Michigan and um I'm I'm I'm in the pill I I'm like I'm seeing this car following us man and I'm like hey bro K following us he like man you paranoid you tweaking off the pills man whole time I wasn't tweaking Vlad so I go in the peill spot come out come out and the killer emerged from of like the the shooter emerg he emerged chasing me I run I run as I run as F much as I can man and it was a Rena Center truck I jumped in behind it that was open but it was somebody in there in the Rena Center truck you know what I'm talking about when I jumped in the [ __ ] I'm thinking this like they they gone I ain't knowing that they behind some beds and [ __ ] and they sprayed up the the Renaissance truck and everything man and it was my family come to find out man years later man it was my family bro okay you got shot nine times yeah what what parts of your body all over all over majority of my legs inside of my legs that was the [ __ ] up under my nuts [ __ ] like that okay what happened after you got shot nine times wheelchair wheelchair um everybody left me Vlad um the girl who I was with I guess it was get back then it was get back back time you know I couldn't use I couldn't get up or use my you know what I'm talking about I couldn't interact with her sexually or none of that you know what I'm saying so you know she started doing her [ __ ] taking my money my mom would give me money on cash shop send it to me she'll go to the store never come back it it was all type of [ __ ] but I'm in a wheelchair V so you know people going to laugh at this oh she treated you hey look I was in a wheelchair my homie ran off with $100 my last $100 my homie ran off with he was supposed to go to the store to get some weed and some blunts and some food and this [ __ ] ran off he end up dying though months later he ran off with somebody else [ __ ] but them the things that you got to go through when you in a wheelchair when you in a wheelchair and you out here doing [ __ ] that's the things you got to go through and I promise myself if God let me walk again or if he let me get a breath up I'll never do the same [ __ ] that I've been doing never ever I went to jail came home and I stuck to the script on that thing well right that next year you end up doing four years in prison for battery yeah uh because of someone that was around during the shooting yeah yeah so what happened um so we had went up to a liquor store and we seen a person we seen one of the females you know I'm talking about who I used to mess with too who was involved with the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I got into it with her um threw her through the chip bag threw her through the chip ows and everything man and I went I went to go do my time I CED out for that [ __ ] I did my time man I did it you know what I'm talking about get it to me I CED out the first week too Vlad you can see it I like I went in there and copped out like I ain't stay in the county fighting no [ __ ] or none of that I'm guilty send me to the Joint I I I already got my plans together soon when I get out I ain't never doing the same [ __ ] that I ain't going through like I ain't never claiming no gang or none of that [ __ ] bro cuz nobody W there for me even the people I told the slide like I know who shot me bro I know what block shot me they was man leave that [ __ ] alone bro we already got enough going on in the streets so after they told me that I'm Like These [ __ ] Ain't Going to help me out of none of that they just left me for dead I get charg me to go to the hospital man you got $40 I'll take you to the hospital my leg bleed you know what I'm saying so that's why I just stay by myself now and I don't just me and my family and my mods bro like I Don't Want No New Friends okay so in 2016 you cop uh a fouryear plea deal y so you don't get out until 2020 yeah okay so while you're gone a bunch of [ __ ] happens in 2017 I do my first interview with FBG Duck and you and duck were friends yeah that was my boy man like we live together all that [ __ ] like people would never understand bro like brick was my homie though brick was my friend that's my boy duck his little brother though you know what I'm saying so when so you you know when brick went to jail like I was helping duck with the music getting him on the radio like all type of [ __ ] I was trying to keep duck out of that [ __ ] until brick came back home because I knew duck wasn't the street like Duck a street dude but brick is the street dude duck ain't the street dude like everybody be thinking like duck duck gon't step on you no duck too big and all that [ __ ] man duck a player but brick ain't no player like like Duck is you know what I'm saying so yeah I just started looking out for duck and trying to help him get on man when brick went to okay so I do my interview with fpg duck and in the interview we talk about how he got shot before how he got stabbed and I remember telling him in that interview man it's time for you to move out of Chicago and he would argue with me like n I'm good I know how to move I'm not moving anywhere no one's going to tell me where I need to go etc etc why stay in Chicago when these types of shootings are happening see what it is with me like I got more in Chicago probably than they got more in Chicago like it's [ __ ] that I gotta make sure I take care here first before I do anything like you feel me like and plus I ain't I ain't the type of [ __ ] that want to go move to another city cuz I don't I don't trust nobody you feel me I don't trust new people I don't want to hang around new people I don't want no new friends cuz I don't trust nobody [ __ ] Could Turn fake on you anywhere you can die anywhere you can get shot anywhere you feel me but it's just like in Chicago I know better you feel me like I know what to do and what don't to do and what not to do you feel me and I I I sincerely like the guy I thought he was a dope rapper I thought he was a dope person um the interview happens and then his brother FG brick gets killed the same year and this is who you were close to the murder of fpg brick did they ever find out who did it um they they actually closing in on it right now they closing in on it man that's like we talking right now they closing in on it okay all right well if we don't know who did it if no one's been charged we'll just leave it alone yeah okay so then in 2018 duck ends up having a big song slide that was like his first hit song and now he's starting to really blow up more you know musically and I think he signed his deal and everything else like that so we do a second interview and at this point M I'm congratulating him on on his success and then in 2020 duck drops the song dead [ __ ] where he disses the enemies he disses all his all the dead people that were his enemies when you heard that song and this is something that Chicago really unfortunately has to take credit for you know the whole smoking Tuka and everything else like that Chicago really created this and and other places like Jacksonville Florida picked up on it but you know when Doug dropped that song dead [ __ ] what did you think when Dro when Doug dropped dead [ __ ] I thought duck was going backwards I thought he was going backwards I even told Duck I'm like I'm like Duck why would you drop that out Chicago Legends like what made you man they stay talking about my brother the guys want me to drop this man the guy is saying I'm soft you know what I'm saying so duck had a lot of pressure not just from you know what I'm saying they wanted that [ __ ] out there they wanted the the duck they didn't want the Chicago Legends and and and for my proof you can go back to cash interview when they somebody asked cash about [ __ ] Chicago Legends and cash was like that's what duck doing you know what I'm talking about he doing it but you know basically I ain't doing it he doing that that's what he want to do you know so Doug got way vers songs than um dead [ __ ] too he got a lot of dis I think exposing me is worse than dead [ __ ] on on five dissing but yeah I thought duck was going backwards man I I was disappointed man cuz everybody who was in prison when they when they came in they say duck just made I'm talking about the Ops Doug just made Chicago Legend man he he he got it he got the city right now now the Ops was saying that and and only for him to drop dead [ __ ] man like I I I was disappointed man I ain't going to lie to you I was way disappointed well after that song dropped there was a rumor that King vau had put some money on duck's head I'd heard 100,000 I heard 60,000 i' heard 250,000 what did you hear man what did I hear and what did I seen well what did I hear yeah I heard I I heard somebody said a million dollars at first like somebody came up with a million dollars when it first came out that duck was dead oh they put a million on his head then it was $100,000 now it look bad because van then was passing out money on camera and [ __ ] so it do look way bad it look bad then like [ __ ] with me and you think vad what them jewelry going to think you know what I'm saying like that that's the thing about that but you know um the way what the way they ran down the stairs cuz I seen the video before everybody before you seen it before real star before everybody seen it before his the mama seen it I seen it you know what I'm saying and man they was thirsty man I don't even think they thought about no money man they was so [ __ ] thirsty down them stairs in the run to go and get duck man cuz if they was thinking if they have some money behind them you got a100 th000 or you got a million dollars bro you going to think we ain't going we ain't catching him on Old Street we F to catch him in the hood if you got paid for it but but if you didn't you just you just running down the stairs and going to crash out what they did they crashed out so I don't know about 100,000 well right on on August 4th of 2020 duck and a female friend of his was shopping at the Gold Coast and for those that don't live in Chicago the Gold Coast is essentially like the Rodeo Drive of Chicago it's all designer stores multi-millionaire establishments and so forth It's not the hood on any stretch of the imagination a bunch of guys rolled up on them open fire uh duck ends up getting killed uh another bystander ends up getting shot the girl ended up returning fire and uh it was just a total total disaster on every level when you heard the news that duck got killed what did you think when I heard the news that duck got killed I was pissed the reason why I was pissed is because I seen teasy I seen like after W before duck got killed I seen crack on live right before duck got killed crack was on live like it's about to be Duck Sauce all over downtown I'm on that [ __ ] arguing with crack as duck land as Duck getting killed on there there I was on there arguing with him like bro used to be over there with duck like y'all from the low end bro y'all from where duck Li family from bro like y'all weird that [ __ ] was weird to me man that [ __ ] was weird then Tey Tey like the same block that I'm from New Town is like fifth wood new town is fifth W fifth W is New Town like we under one umbrella you know what I'm saying so when teasy them did that [ __ ] they basically said [ __ ] me bro like [ __ ] him he his love for duck and all that [ __ ] that's how I took it on some real [ __ ] cuz they ain't got nothing to do with duck teasing them ain't got [ __ ] to do with ducking them beef or none of that you know what I'm saying that that they got going on but it was over a [ __ ] though that's what his beef kicked in with duck right because the story came out later that duck was messing with tez's girl true and I I guess that Tey went and called all the other guys and said that duck had like pulled out a gun on him and and tried to kill him and that's when they all squatted up and went to go get him but it was all essentially based on a lie it was a lie man um I seen a video of that too Tey was in a store and um when he called he he was in the store he called another member first before he called D thing and he called that member to get in touch with d thing and he lied to them he say that U Doug them chased him smacked him in the head duck had four Dudes with him which was a lie Ducker it was only him and the girl and then he said that he he didn't have a gun on him the gun fell down his leg cuz he telling his homies them that he ain't got no gun the gun falling down his leg on camera he they like you got a gun he like no I ain't got one then he went down his leg and grabbed it went inside his pan leg and grabbed the gun back up and put it on his waist and then D thing called and he telling D thing that duck right here and you know what I'm talking about he get off the phone and that's when that's when the muster got into play like everything start rolling o BL got called and everything after that well according to reports that came out later on you called the Chicago Police Department a few hours after duck got murdered I see that but they only they they they I called them I call them I like I don't understand this [ __ ] I called them right after Doug got murdered but they ain't come to see me to January February I don't understand that I mean I I I don't get that bro it's like a couple of loopholes in that [ __ ] but Kenny Mack was my he called me and told and and was like keep your head up testing the water like trying to test the water and see what I knew about duck duck death like to see what did they know that they did the [ __ ] and everything bro it was all [ __ ] up bro it [ __ ] my mind up bro like it [ __ ] my mind up so when they did when I when I did talk to them and they did show me everything and all that I'm like [ __ ] that's them you know okay so did you call the police after duck right not not right after dck got killed hell no okay 11 hours later we ain't even know we still thinking we don't know who did the [ __ ] 11 hours later don't nobody know who did the [ __ ] okay well then three months later King Von gets killed in Atlanta yeah which was totally an unrelated situation him and quand Rondo got into it uh you know he saw quand Rondo at a parking lot at a club he ran up on him started punching him a shootout happened Little Tim was somehow involved in it uh [ __ ] ends up getting killed which is one of V's guys one of your friends as well one of my friends one my Sal mate w i was my salate before I got out that was my salate Vlad [ __ ] was that was my salate man last conversation I had would before he left out man is don't hang around them dudes man all them dying I was in the sale hey look we was same deck everything TR Roy died HK died we was on we was in there together brick died we was in there together you hear me like he petting my back he crying and I'm petting his back and then I it came time for me to cry when brick got killed and Kobe got killed you know what I'm saying we was together bro that's my boy and I hate that he died with them bro with them little ass kids bro yeah I mean uh 100K track who I interviewed he ends up getting shot in the leg uh it was just a whole a whole train wreck of events uh when you heard that vgh got killed how'd you feel when I heard that van got killed it it was sad I ain't G to lie bro it was sad bro cuz I ain't got nothing to do with none of they beef you know what I'm talking about then Von gave me a lot of passes you know what I'm talking about like he gave me a lot of passes through that [ __ ] he could have killed me a couple times over there on that side when seeing me but he didn't on everything cuz he knew me when when I looked out for him when he first came O Block when he first came in park when his mama moved he remember that them them passes that I was kept on getting him getting them out of [ __ ] so he kept on getting me passes so I was I was kind of hurt but then you know what I'm saying like you can't bring him back I was relieved for the community man cuz he was over there torturing them guys man I ain't going to lie to you man it's it is what it is Vlad man like hey look some people need to be gone bro you know what I'm talking about in order for [ __ ] to get better he one of them I ain't going to Li to you he one of them man that that that dude man and he whatever he say he mean it man van is like that like can't nobody um try to downplay his [ __ ] or none of that bro he like that and if van was here right now and I got on live and say van you a [ __ ] you ain't like that all right wait till I catch you wait till I get up you know what I'm talking about like he de is he mean it bro so yeah I think it's a good thing man like like it's a good thing man that they gone bro like they was down here just taking people bro for no reason bro and then people be like oh that don't count he took a lame like what the [ __ ] this lame got family bro like you know what I'm talking about they be like he ain't kill nobody important boy he killed somebody you know what I'm talking about like they make up all the excuses man they make up all the excuses bro well I interviewed fug butter recently and he said that V was his favorite op and uh he was happy when when V got killed you were happy can kill can I say I was kind of happy no [ __ ] no seriously I was though it was it's [ __ ] up that you know what I'm saying unfortunately he did but I was happy as hell when I felt out V was there [ __ ] I cook for the whole day a lot of them was a lot of when he went to jail they were celebrating [ __ ] when he went to jail for the for the murder for the for the years they was over there happy they was happy than a [ __ ] man so thugs do celebrate people downfalls like they be on the internet acting tough but I just seen them pop bottles when D Rose got locked up for some innocent [ __ ] you know I'm talking about like I was over there I seen the [ __ ] like they that's why that's why I came out and it's like man we need to free D Rose he need to get up out there D Rose need to tell on somebody bro cuz I ain't no way in the hell I F to do 40 years and I know this [ __ ] out here who did the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like that's crazy bro call me what you want man call me what you want Vlad but I ain't doing no 40 years for no [ __ ] and I ain't do it and this [ __ ] outside [ __ ] around ain't get you no lawyer ain't doing nothing for you you know what I'm saying like that's crazy man well that same year you end up getting out of prison and that's when you started getting on YouTube and actually telling your story yeah 2021 after Doug death right and after V's death as well after Van's death yeah okay well that same year 2021 according to reports according to FBI agent Kevin oy said that you start cooperating and you would PID $25,000 over 15 installments for your cooperation in the investigation fpg Ducks killing he said you would provide background information reviewed surveillance footage and reviewed social media postings according to Doyle I ain't read no no social media post you know what I'm talking about like I a I don't know about no social media post but um the 25k like I told them a court man I I I turned around and Fa the jewelry show me a [ __ ] receipt with 25k on there show me a receipt on some real [ __ ] BL I could show you I make this [ __ ] off YouTube 25k a month you know what I'm talking about like months after months after months not just one month you know what I'm saying like I told them they show me the receipts that [ __ ] up them in there cuz the the thing I'm like they said they gave me $10 here they drove all the way down there with me to give me $25 and $15 here I'm like hell no bro like hell no then da Super Dave got the same amount of money as me and all that come on bro like no bro like I ain't going like that bro show me a [ __ ] receipt bro now they did they did they did when they when my address got leaked the newspaper they did um you you want relocation money you know [ __ ] like that but no bro they ain't give me no 25k hell no bro over no 15 installments and none of that when you see that [ __ ] and you be like damn they drove all the way down there so where he live at in Rockford just to get just to give him $10 just to give him $155 for a meal bro they was coming over with [ __ ] oh man we had to get him um $20 for a Wi-Fi bro like what like come on man this at the time I'm going crazy on YouTube what they talking about like I'm going crazy crazy crazy bro like money money money adding up you know what I'm saying like n they ain't give me no 25k though hell no ain't no 15 stomas or none of that [ __ ] oh okay because this later on came out in open court yeah it came out of open court and I I when it came out hey I face the jewelry hey the man told me hey can you face the jewelry and say this [ __ ] I turned around like this vad to the jewelry show me a receipt they lying on everything bro period it's in the transcripts show me a receipt okay so then on October 14th 2022 which is about two years and some change after Duck's murder five men from oblock get arrested C murder age 30 Los age 30 see thing age 22 muat 22 and Kenny Mack who's your former cellmate age 28 apart from Kenny Mack which of those guys did you know apart from Kenny Mack [ __ ] I I've been arrested for trespassing lordering with Los U see murder um [ __ ] a couple of I know all them involved [ __ ] all them involved except see thing like I don't know him I don't know see thing I don't know see thing and um I seen muop a few times that's it like I seen them on as a kid that's it all them remember all Li is under me all Li is like like young way younger than me so when they asking me questions about 06 like if you read the transcripts most of it is like asking me how was it was when I was in there you know what I'm saying how was they selling drugs when I was in there they weren't selling no drugs BL they ain't had no money they weren selling no drugs bro like like they the it was most of objections because like they it's irrelevant they asking me about new town and duck case you know what I'm saying they asking me about my project buildings and my dealings in Duck case you know what I'm saying my my me my my my shooting with the hobos and duck case like it ain't got nothing to do with duck case you know well then in April of 2023 a six member teasy gets arrested there was a seventh person that was going to be arrested uh zel MAA who ended up committing suicide no zel too Noah as Mama whole family that's T Roy cousin that's Lo cousin like all them all them on the case except Kenny Mack and Los I mean besides Kenny Ma and see thing and muwop all them got family that's that that's that's that's part of the dead [ __ ] song Los he got family Z got family uh C murder brother sherod so they they they had motive you know what I'm saying to do the [ __ ] that's they family that he rapping about you know and they could never catch him that was the chance that that was the chance of the lifetime I'mma say for them to get him well I mean these guys were known later on as the oblock six when you found out that these six guys were arrested for the murder of duck how' you feel first of all when I seen teasy on that camera him and man man I'm like [ __ ] them I'm I'mma keep it real with you man I said [ __ ] all them once I seen once they showed me that Fifth Ward was part of that [ __ ] the people who like once that ain't got nothing to do with duck you know what I'm saying like that's that's when I said [ __ ] them on everything I ain't going to lie to you I look teasing them right in their face at court he ain't even want to look at me he put his head down I'm stand at all them [ __ ] Vlad I ain't going to lie to you I I ain't got no love for none of them bro on S real it took s0 y'all eight80 of y'all to plot on one person like y'all need to be in jail bro like for real man like for real that [ __ ] hurt me though cuz teasing them like we from like the same [ __ ] block so where did it go wrong and then the phone call V this what pissed me off the phone call was to one of the older members from that block because they he said FBG Duck down here man they said who like eight times on the phone who FBG Duck the one who went to a world block who man the one who got the dead [ __ ] song who oh the one who um the one who supposed to killed OD the one souville rapper that's when they say oh you talking about Shea son you know what I'm saying like yeah so I knew it was one of them bro like they they some snakes man I don't give no [ __ ] teas he in jail where he need to be you know he love man anyway so he right what he need to be Los love man so he like what he need to be you know what I'm saying like they right I put him in a perfect spot BL I put him in a perfect spot man they they wanted to be there blad muop he should have never been there he was he was on fire he was Van died like before van died van was clouting him up so he was going to get on eventually he just he just ain't had of patience bro muap ain't had of patience bro well on October 10th the actual trial of the oblock 6 is about to start and you get subpoena into this trial why exactly did you become part of this trial I ain't even have to get on the trial I ain't even have to do it Vlad you hear me I ain't catch no case or none of that [ __ ] I ain't have to do it you know what I'm saying but I did it man because this enough is enough Vlad bro we lost everybody bro we lost everybody in the community Vlad like call they could call me what they want rat snitch and everything bro you know what I'm saying but the people who saying this [ __ ] look at them the everybody who call me this [ __ ] ain't got nothing you hear me so they they irrelevant to me like they ain't got [ __ ] broke starving gang banging them the people who worry about me snitching and study worry about like the community when I came mother V when I learned my literature paperwork whatever you want to say it was silence and secrecy that was the biggest thing that they taught you you don't get on no internet talking you don't get on no you don't be these people they telling about murders in their songs Vlad you a DJ Vlad you hear the [ __ ] clearly in your headphone they they rap about every murder that happened soon when something happen they claim it you know what I'm saying is that police is that police [ __ ] that they do they always so I I don't know I don't know Vlad but I'm comfortable in my own skin rat Master splend whatever they want to call me they paperwork will be out soon so you'll be asking them questions too cuz everybody who say something about me the zoos the TT naties TTI nauy from from the pop Austin um [ __ ] all them they paperwork came out they told on somebody you hear me so hey welcome to the community man you call me a rat welcome to the community once you once they find your paperwork man on there thing so we got two new inductees zoo and TT nauy they welcome to the rat Hall of Fame man on there thing well on the first day of jury selection the defense attorneys try to block you from testifying because you had made a video on YouTube that contradicted your grand jury testimony this is according to Chicago Tribune so you had testified you would recognize most of the defendants from surveillance footage but then the YouTube video said that you couldn't identify who the gunmen were and identified the gunman I could I never could identify the gunman like the Oak Street Scene nobody could identify them you know what I'm talking about like nobody can identify who was in who was who only way you was able to identify them when they came back when they came back and ran up the stairs that's the only way like you can't say oh that was muwop that was him that was him well now you can once you seen a video and you know everything but can nobody if anybody would have been in there but like oh that's him shooting that you can't identify them I could identify them on Oak Street I couldn't okay well defense attorneys also argued that your statements about becoming an FBI informant in 2006 uh and this was during a conference where the jurors weren present they basically said there was no documentation of your cooperation dating that far back and Cook County court records showed that that you weren't char with the crime in 2006 now the assistant us attorney Jason Julian acknowledged that the prosecutors had no corresponding FBI records for that year but he insisted that it wasn't surprising their crooked cop didn't properly record an arrest and Julian also noted that you had mentioned something similar to FBI agents and ultimately the judge Martha pack found that it wasn't realistically or feasible to delay the testimony yeah now no they came in there they didn't have hey look they was asking me about some [ __ ] that I ain't even know so look they came in there they found it they end up founding it they came in there muop attorney came in there and was like when did you say you got locked up and I told him and he was like yeah it happened yeah they seen it you know what I'm saying they they seen it but I don't know the the reports they could they they had but yeah muab Lya came in at doing a break he came in a room with me him and Jason and yeah they they they got it right they had got a right well right um so you end up taking the stand and uh agent Doyle they asked if he was concerned that you might be a little bit biased because of your friendship with duck and Doyle said yes so there was that uh when the lawyers started cross-examining you they were asking you if you were a snitch and getting paid to cooperate and everything else like that now what exactly was that about ask me was I snitching um and that's why I'm oh you know they gota they gota bash you they gotta ask you why you up here they got to go through all your cases you know what I'm saying like they couldn't just say they couldn't just say like oh man you got out of jail you got CAU with a switch and you got out of jail to do this [ __ ] you hear me I didn't have to take the stand Vlad I really didn't I could have ripped up to the pin and told him kiss my ass you know what I'm talking about that's the end of the day but I look at duck kids I look at everything man and I look at life from a different bro like hey look this [ __ ] got to stop one way or another bro if they are okay like the Ops say free them right they I know you heard a couple of FBG Duck friends saying free them right okay just say we free them tomorrow we free we free O Block five to six tomorrow what is going to do more murders more people they killing like come on man like it got to stop sometime bro like if y'all want y'all kids to live I advise y'all who pay the rent civilians who pay who paying who who who so who like it it it just it it mess up my mind bro cuz it's like like the civilians they they can't live bro but they the ones who work hard and bust their ass for their money we pay they pay taxes see I ain't never know how it feel to pay taxes V I never paid taxes before but now that I'm paying all these damn taxes from YouTube my books and [ __ ] I'll be damn you walk in my barers shop if you walk in anything and trust but you going to jail on that thing at you going to jail man well you talked about you know this on your YouTube channel you call this the trial of the century you said uh they subpoena me to court I've got to come here and tell them man uh ain't no more discrepancies I'm here long live FBG Duck yeah a Ain ain't no more discrepancies or none of that I'm here I'm here and all of them was looking at me Kenny Ma you was my S bro you was my S and you no duck this what hurt bro like man we was in a sale together hey look I almost got almost got jumped on for hanging with duck n being with duck around brick n and all that [ __ ] the BS try to come at me and I got into with a guy name stun and rap you know cuz I was like bro I ain't going for that you a homo so y'all talking about violating me for being with somebody who my family but you a homo you participa in homosexual activities you know so then they something hit the BS called me in the washroom Kenny M come in to washroom with me you know what I'm saying and then it was over with and and we end up getting into it we end up getting into it with a [ __ ] jumping we end up jumping and buring together I was feeding them my mama was sending money to his books and my books at the same time so we could eat it was like like what the [ __ ] bro like you going to have something to do with duck and you stayed over there with duck n and brick n before oblock like I I was it blew my mind bro it blew my mind bro and then Kenny M called me was calling me during the days after the murder asking me man what's up bro you you good man Doug let them [ __ ] get him like what type of [ __ ] is that Doug let them [ __ ] get them and you got them like come on bro like come on man like no you ain't gonna mind [ __ ] me man like it ain't it ain't it ain't going to happen man but I'm glad they where they at I'm glad they where they at bro like for real that was a crash out well when you were on the stand they asked you about the $25,000 FBI payout you said that you couldn't remember that uh I think you had mentioned that when you got shot in the head and messed up your your memory no I remember 25,000 if somebody gave it to me I was just telling them that [ __ ] like yeah my head must be messed up cuz I I remember V if you give me 25k I'm going remember it every dollar you hear me but it just got to [ __ ] it up when they was like when a when a when a prosecutor got to reading it out and he was like oh so they gave you $25 this day and they gave you $10 for gas they gave you $20 for Wi-Fi like hell no like I'm some crackhead or something hell no on there I was ready to pull out the 5,000 I had in my pocket Vlad just to show them I told him I said man look I done made over 400k off the internet you hear me like don't you dare like don't you dare I made out 400k I got a book out there I got YouTube I got all type of [ __ ] BL interviews merch like come on man don't insult me like that man well you were also questioned about working with FBI in 2008 and 2011 and I guess they were actually referencing documentation showing that you had cooperated uh during those times but you said you couldn't remember no all that time was doing a that 08 that's when my mama got locked up that's doing the watch [ __ ] like that's all doing that same time BL that's all doing that same time it started in ' 06 08 I got locked up again I got locked up for a lit a ling in a project building you can look it up V like this ain't [ __ ] I'm just telling you you can look it up 2008 I got locked up in the exes theb whales which is their projects by wats now by his team you can look it up on there thing every time he did something to me I went right back to them every time he did something to me I ain't GNA lie to you every time he said something to me his his his his his um officers cuz they had a whole team so if they [ __ ] with me I'm calling FBI man I did the same [ __ ] they was doing well I mean after they were cross-examining you you said you try to bash me but at the end it's not going to help you I told I told the lawyers that well you said that understand I told the prosecutor that right I said yeah I said he trying to bash me but yeah it ain't going to help you it Ain it ain't going to help you bashing me it ain't and none of this [ __ ] going to help you cuz I didn't really have to go up there see that was the thing about it I a have to go up there I was just being a man I was just being what you call a man bro like for real enough is enough I'm tired of this [ __ ] I know all sides people always ask me like would you would have helped C murder them if they was died I can't tell you that because they still alive but I know them I know C murder father I know Shah father you know what I'm saying like I know these people family like people don't know like I know some of these people families in real life like in real [ __ ] time bro like they don't know him they outside looking in so it just need to stop bro that old block [ __ ] they one block over from each other bro all them damn bodies bro you know like it it's messed up to me bro but long as we in a mind frame of you know killing each other is cool wiping each other out all the kids dead Ain't Nobody Got no jobs and no money like it it it's [ __ ] up well FG butter he took the stand in the same trial um and I I interviewed him about this he said on the stand that king vau killed Ki but then he kind of changed the story as well the whole thing was was real fuzzy and they said Wilton your your real last name yeah conceded an open court that King vau Superstar rapper alleged old black leader and killed his sister Ki by standing over her and shooting her repeatedly right that's what they said I said but then what I actually said what I actually said was man I don't know who I saw they say but you said I said no I'm a psych patient my lawyer told y'all don't talk to me yeah they never asked see that's one thing they never asked me vad they never asked me about no murders or none of that they never asked me about who killed who from either side or none of that [ __ ] they just specifically asked me about Kenny Ma and them guys them guys them five they never asked me about no other murders no no limits no none of that they just asked me about that [ __ ] well on January 17th 2024 the old block 6 were all found guilty in the murder of FBG Duck mandatory life sentences for all six of them they haven't been sentenced yet but this is what they're expecting to happen C murder Kenny M close see thing muop and teasy for unless something drastically changes they're all going to do life in prison when you found out about the verdict how'd you feel [ __ ] um I I felt like it's I felt like it's a relief to the community even though duck duck gone and everything but the thing about it see Vlad see what they what they don't what they not realizing is is I don't think that they just let what's her name get up there to get free hisself on on o block it takes two to tangle I mean we all smart man it takes two to tangle man so I don't think they just going to get o blocked and not go over there get the other side and they got one person from over there saying this [ __ ] okay so if y'all shot at them and your homie them killed them we got to go over there and get y'all you know so I don't I don't know I don't know like what what was I don't understand like what was Butter Part up in it if he was just like was it just get I don't understand it bro like I don't understand why he was up there anyway but I do know the feds they way smarter than what a [ __ ] uneducated person think they is and it's a loop like he like you doing that all it was was a process of a machine to start bro like I don't know though but yeah I think I think it's it's it's good though for that Community bro that Community need to heal bro from 60 or from 600 Mo all the way to oock Bro all them damn bodies man we can go along and see who all died and everything bro like people got to start having Hearts now bro it's about these kids living to me it's about you know people taking care of their family when I came up like I told you Vlad gangs were made to protect the community if you ask anybody who old bro they gonna say gangs was made to protect the community well these [ __ ] out of order cuz they ain't protecting the community they tearing down the community they killing the kids the people there robbery robbing [ __ ] and everything bro like and then they robbing civilians and [ __ ] I be watching the news people be running up on civilians with Choppers unarming them four Five Guys hop out one stolen car for one person like them [ __ ] need to in jail man on some real [ __ ] so that's my stance V that's my stance and you know you ain't no civilian if you ain't no civilian or no gang M trying to get out you ain't got to come on my page on everything you my page ain't for you well the feds made a statement after the conviction they said people have the right to go about their Liv the six defendant is accountable for a brutal murder that took the life of Carlton weekly working with our law enforcement Partners our office will continue to prioritize combating the unacceptable level of gang violence in Chicago all too often our residents are held hostage to violence and other dangerous activity in our city streets these convictions show there are very real consequences for murder in the city of Chicago today tomorrow and every day going forward and you know I mean we haven't had the final sentencing yet but essentially this story is over six people have lost their freedom for the rest of their lives their family are going to have to try to live their life without them what about rule 35 though which is I cuz when I when I was younger when I moved on 63rd I was a teenager they the building was getting Reco already this 2003 2004 the Kat building got Reco all them most of them got life too but most of them home a lot of a lot of them home except like two or three of them you know what I'm saying that came from under that [ __ ] that came out 10 years later so I I don't think that they'll be doing life I think they'll do like probably about 30 years if they tell on every skeleton tell on every skeleton that they know yeah I mean 30 years 30 years they'll come back in their 60s and 50s uh most of their life the quality part of their life they would have missed out you know all of them who have kids are going to miss out their kids growing up and it's over a whole bunch of nothing it's over [ __ ] you know it's over nothing iin lie going lie that [ __ ] over nothing Vlad yeah and uh you know honestly when I heard the news it you know of the murder it broke my heart cuz I am on camera on two different occasions asking duck to move out of Chicago and I watched that [ __ ] I watch both of them interviews man and duck duck duck it wasn't nobody from the outside bro duck knew that if he left without taking them guys bro it was going to be a whole bunch of [ __ ] talking behind that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying he already seen them like hating on him while he still here so if he would have left oh duck got his money and left us you know what I'm saying about I don't think it was duck was fearing like he moved somewhere else in it was going to be a problem I think duck didn't want to leave because if he would have left them guys bro everybody on the internet will be doing the same [ __ ] to him like they doing to Dirk Dirk ain't getting us nothing he he a lame he a goofy you know what I'm saying like you can't take everybody man yeah but he would still be alive because realistically when you have these types of situations these murders are crimes of opportunity you don't hear you know like for example I just interviewed King yella he lives in Las Vegas his enemies are not flying from Chicago to Las Vegas and hanging out and getting hotel rooms and trying to find him in a mall somewhere and and and catching him out there no they're only catching these guys because they're a few miles away somebody you know somebody texts them or drops their location or someone on social media says it once you move usually that story is over but some people don't want to move Chief Keef he moved he never came back you never hear of a Chief Keef you never hear of a Chief Keef show even in Chicago you never see a video or picture of him hanging out at Harold's fried chicken you know what I'm saying like he was smart and he's a multimillionaire living his life little Dirk moved to Atlanta in a big mansion he's happy yes he's done some shows in in Chicago but he doesn't hang out in Chicago like that anymore and duck could have been the same way man and really hurt me cuz I interviewed his mother I did her first interview after he died and you know she was in tears uh it was horrible she had lost three of her kids by that time so yeah man I mean you you were obviously a lot closer to him than I was I only did two interviews with him but I felt it as well and you know I'm sorry for your loss and ultimately people are going to criticize you for what you did but just like me people like to call me a snitch right like I didn't snitch on anybody but the internet has its way of embellishing things and creating these narratives and everything else like that I personally don't see a problem with what you did if you were friends with someone and ultimately that person was killed I don't see a problem with you taking the stand against the people who killed them would I have done it I'm not sure it really would depend on the situation but it's not like you were caught up in a crime and you told on a whole bunch of people to try to lessen your time you weren't facing in anything yeah I was facing anything you weren't facing anything you chose to do something that you felt in your heart you want to do and I don't personally have a problem with it and you know at the end of the day you're a man and you made your decision and I respect your decision yeah I just got to stay ahead man distance you got to distance yourself between you and the enemies man so now now Vlad I just make them you gotta take four tanks four five tanks of gas to get to my house man if you the Ops ain't got that money man so you know I'm good right now man well uh trenches News man I appreciate you coming in and congratulations on your YouTube channel you've taken a very different approach than a lot of people but ultimately the channels that do well are the ones that have unique approaches you're not going to do well by just copying what everyone else is doing so keep doing what you're doing man I wish you all the best yep I wish you all the best too and Shout out um 1090 Jake too man I appreciate him that interview cuz he usually bad people but he ain't even bash me man shout out to Jake bro that's what it is man until next time peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 348,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: LzW-w58iPyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 29sec (5369 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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