Corey Holcomb Speaks on Dating | 60 minute Interview SuperCut | BigBoy30

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how can you do a big boy 30 special edition and not have Corey hulum in the neighborhood if you ask him about dating Corey will speak his mind about dating if you don't believe me let me take you there right now this is Corey hul speaking his mind on dating you've been warned I always tell guys you have to go for the cute girls in in real bad financial situations I know I got a homeboy he a drag queen uhhuh he works at the airline and sometimes I need his hookups is it cheating because you got more than one woman you don't mind a girl not loving you for who you are I'm not here for that in my opinion I don't mean this disrespectfully I just don't believe there's a lot of mentally stable women in this world if you bold enough to tell somebody who you are and they still around you then they can't be looking at you like you foul I've told you who I am big boy in the morning all right it is going down man we got our good friend Cory hul up in here Cory I'm almost nervous when I talk to you you know what I'm saying I got this man are you in a relationship yeah yeah I'm married sometimes right sometimes bro now what does married sometime mean man you know we get into it but we got more like a realistic type of thing you know we don't always have to sleep in the same room just we live there all right you know I got some rules that I feel like I could sell to most couples now let me tell you man now I'm in you know I'm married I'm about seven years married I have two kids you know what I'm saying now is there anything that you could tell me from now or is there anything that you could tell people either don't do it or do it this way well I always tell guys you have to go for the cute girls and in real bad financial situations cuz some girls just don't know a l I took the other day I took this girl she you know she's real poor I took her a Red Lobster she like I heard about this never find out who your man really is it can destroy everything really though you say never find out I tell like my sister was telling me about I think he cheating on me I was like is he good to you well you won so you telling your sister it's okay for her man to cheat I think it I think it's unrealistic to tell like women that you love like your sister your daughter whoever oh man you need to get away from him if he going to be out here cheating cuz that would make most guys a hypocrite right it really would you don't want it to happen to your family member but right right right right right right you doing it anyway right like if somebody walked up to like if my wife brother somebody was like hey man you out here cheek now I be like do you want me to follow you for a week leave me alone buddy you not now is there anything as far as like man should a man and woman be married Bro yeah I think you should lock somebody down like if you if you got a girl you dealing with and you spent a lot of money on her right you deserve to be the only one that she with right let me ask you this man is there something called friends with benefits yeah okay cuz we have listeners here that say that they're best friends and I swear up and down that Ferman has smashed Laura is their f is can a man and woman just be friends come come on come on up here Lord them two right there behind you can a man and woman just be friends her and where's the other guy fir is right here with the go no they can't be friend go ahead now man he going to try to smash man come on let me tell you so I had a woman who was my friend and I lived with her and nothing ever happened but if you saw her it would all explain itself like she was just good for the rent everything everything thing basically explains itself for the most part like I say every once in a while you'll see one of them situations when you be like I can't figure that one out yeah but that when you like man he ain't touching that man and you know what she was a really good person and she never came at me cuz I act like I had a girlfriend you said you act like yeah I didn't never want nothing to happen where she would come at me cuz I knew she was lonely I live with her I see her all the time so I had like this little Rena girlfriend you know what I mean you're known for keeping it real and putting women in their place is Instagram a lie to the fellas out here well I know by working on a couple of movie sets and TV show sets they have some amazing makeup yeah man like you literally spray paint a face where you can't really tell how someone looks till they get out the shower or where they wake up in the morning that's when you find out how somebody really look not like I care anyway because I'm not going to stick around right I don't care how you look hey man there's one thing that that I don't know how to bring this up man but it's kind of like a the type of thing when you see a guy out with a girl and she's not attractive it's like all the real players know what's up right right she keep right oh yeah she looking out she working the airline she got she got buddy pantes and something you know or her dome game is ridiculous you know what that's that's real right there oh you got to understand I got an elderly um lady friend like that how old is she she old man old I ain't got no business going over there is she over 50 yes sir is she over she not over what elderly age what is what is the age where she not 70 80 Cory you playing right hey she's happy with me I'm happy with her she not you haven't mess you not touching no lady that's like in her 70s or anything it's 72 old yeah no not too old but I'm just asking you I never asked her age uh but I know she's elderly cuz sometime when she say my name she say Cory so I really don't know her age right but do you think she over 60 she blowing out 60 candles all I'm saying is she be like I see you later cor how do you guys get around the Instagram cheat well I I I feel like Instagram is easier to get caught on right uh Twitter is the best place to cheat because they got the DM box Yeah a different DM yeah and you can um send people um hope right through your text so so but how do I catch him how do you catch your man yeah if he's cheating on like Twitter well do you have access to his codes and stuff no I guess I need that first that's a real player right there right yeah so so should women and men be concerned if they don't have the significant others passcode I I mean like it's kind of it's it's really thirsty to try to get somebody else's passcode when I see guys on their um Instagram and Twitter and they got a picture with you know him and his girl on there I know she run that's what heeds his and he has to grab his wife hand and walk I know she run cuz he didn't want that every show that's why you have to act crazy with your woman from day one so after a while I'm just saying like it's like I used to do this thing where I used to um call my girl the b word oh wow and you know it was really she didn't like that at first but if you stick with it right eventually they be like I hate when girls say I'm not about money that make me spend money on you right right right like just to Pro wrong right and then they always say you did that cuz you my friend I like that make you feel better huh man and when you think about money I don't want to play people out man but but just look at so the celebrity relationships yeah you know what I'm saying money and power I'm not going to say anything you know if you do it without money you have to put so much effort into that person that you actually are frustrated with them when you finally get with them but if you got money if you can find a way to give her money then it's quick how do you pass that friend zone like if you're friends with the girl how do you just pass that in ask ask fman over there knocking her off once a girl call you her friend buddy you need a lot of money yeah if you're going to be out here trying to cheat you owe it to the person you love to have another phone they're not expensive right right you owe it to them why would why would you gamble losing the person that you care about when you could just get another phone another phone is what and what do we do with that other phone do we does that come in the house or is that a glove compartment phone don't bring it in the house okay you're going to forget about that ringer or something one day always have a gym bag or a satchel on your motorcycle Satchel or you know spot in the bushes you put it in a potato chip rapper in case it rain you you have to have another F I heard why would I why would I risk losing my girl yeah cuz cuz like when they catch you with that other stuff they they're so upset just have it on another pH how do you get your girl back after she catches you um the the puppy dog face that's the only thing you got going for you the puppy dog but if she's not really into you she's going to leave Woods yeah man what do you feel about Bill Cosby man um you know it's it's a sensitive subject everybody get mad about it but I I I just feel like you know back in the day from what I understand right it was common it's just he's caught right right right right like the qu game yeah it was common it was a common thing that people did so you know so then we look at it you saying 25 30 40 years later we like I can't believe it right they're like oh you're terrible do you know Bill Cosby no I've never met Bill Cosby but I I heard he's actually a funny guy see i' I've never watched none of his stuff from back in the day either ain't that crazy Bill Cosby I've never I've watched I've watched a lot of red fox and Don Rickles right but Bill Cosby I've never watched Bill Cosby what happened one day when he said something about using profanity when he was talking to Richard prior and Eddie Murphy yeah you was done then it turned me off because you know what I'm saying I know that's hypocritical right especially now it's out he was on the quu game he was like don't curse in front of people but put them to sleep don't curse and say the Flim Flam fil right you know that's really what it was with me that's why I never could listen to Bill Cosby cuz when I see him I used to be like uh right he's one of those guys right and then fast forward here we are did you say something about how happy you are you found an abortion clinic that has a pool table in it yeah man I mean like I don't know what they think you're in there for hours sometimes so they just want you to sit down and watch TV all day it gets boring this one they they they also added um iPads in there right so you can wait on your girl you know it's already quiet when you driving home what that drive home afterwards is silent boy I can't do this man you sitting there moving you you know they don't want to hear the radio after that right right that's how they got there listening to that radio music sexy I'm so sexy then you know every song is a it's a song that remind him of something right driveing don't feel too sexy now is there a superior sex are men more Superior than women I mean this may sound chauvinistic but we no not coming from you we are over women we let me tell you something the toughest person is always in charge really though the toughest person is always in charge but what it is a lot of times when you are a gentleman you want to make the woman around you happy So eventually she can be in charge because you want her to be happy cuz it's difficult to be around her when she's upset all the time so that's why you let a lot of things go and you wind up you know what I'm saying be like whatever you want to watch right right right cuz you don't want the drama to come with it so that's why when you had the girls on the side you can relive your fantasy of being the man again go ahead now cuz your side girl you be like you ain't eating no popcorn right do you suggest do you suggest every man have a side girl yes there you go bro I think it's unrealistic to just be with one lady unless you are elderly right right now do do you allow your lady to have a side guy that's insane right okay that's an Abomination right okay all right I think that your woman runs your household and this is the way that you come out and make it seem like she doesn't but you know what big boy I'm gone all the time I'm in I'm I'm home I come back every week being on the road I'm home Monday Tuesday Wednesday so be when I get there on Monday and before I go in that house I'm and then you I get through then normally Thursday I'm flying out go ahead now so the weekends I'm normally by myself alone really by yourself alone yeah it's great feeling are you on Instagram is that you I have Instagram but I mainly deal with my Twitter really though yeah why Twitter um because you get to type crazy stuff and I love the reactions I get from people that get offended what are some of the things that you have put on Twitter if I like to mess with um insecure women right okay cuz secure women yeah you know what I mean I even do I listen I do gay jokes because I feel like I should be able to crack jokes about this you can't shut the game down where you can't crack jokes about something anymore we got so many things that we can't say anymore I get it man and you know I know I risk getting in trouble a lot with with with this um so-called Society right right but I stand behind a lot of stuff I say I've gone too far sometimes where I'm like oh I shouldn't have went there like what I don't even remember the ones I feel like that I think I did a joke one day about a Down syndrome joke or something like that lordy and you know it was funny though it was funny but right just not in in public laugh I felt bad afterwards cuz it was there were people coming back you know my brother has Down syndrome and all that your piece of [ __ ] if you got a traditional relationship don't listen to me just obey and be happy okay all right that's what I'm going to do do we need to have any kind of security escort you out do you think you going to be all right walking no I'll be all right I'm on my motorcycle hard to catch me do you ever get a woman that come up to you and either they say they love you or do you have a woman that say man I I hate what you said up there that's happened to me one day when I was walking with my daughter oh this girl walked up to me and she said all that stuff you say it's going to happen to her wow DN how old is your daughter she's probably about 12 at the time it was funny to me though cuz I don't know her right I don't even know you who are you you know how old how old is your daughter now oh she's um 21 how graduated from college how did you prep her for all the nonsense that's out there um always did the opposite of what her mother did like cuz her mother is the knucklehead right oh okay and you're the same I'm I'm I'm the winner go ahead now hello you know I'm I'm the guy I'm out here doing things you know what I mean so how many kids do you have Cory um two and imposs oh two and the possible I'm pretty sure I got an older a older kid out there I never met before but she was married the lady was married my manager at Kentucky Fried Chicken are you serious I smashed my manager you we got cleaning up one night no I was back there with my shirt off when I was all the shape it went down hey man right next to the Frid where my baby Vicky do you really think you have an older son I'm pretty sure that's my kid really though I just I I never chased it down because um I always worry about the liability cuz he wasn't around me he didn't get my in fluence so what if he a crackhead or right you need to open that box have you seen him no I haven't seen him okay I know how to track the girl now and that's her real name that her name is Vicky are you say Vicky from Kentucky Fried Chicken Vicky from Kentucky Fried Chicken it's been too many years Vicky let's talk about this yeah man and you smashed her in the restaurant no no no we uh okay I don't care we went to her house her husband was out of town I'm pretty sure she's not with him anymore right go ahead now if he's still with her he's in a wheelchair yeah you know what I'm saying he's got the elderly stuff going on and then she went from there to Popeyes you know now Vicky Vicky was Vicky was you know she was a really attractive woman and you know when you a little young broke dude working at Kentucky Fried Chicken and your your manag come on home with me she give you a raise after that no I didn't get a raise I got fired cuz I never rung stuff up I used to work at the cash register I 1050 thank you come see us again we all got this thing Cory of can I say that we all have like a mental editor especially now I don't think you have the same mental editor I like being able to speak my mind yeah and saying what I saying what I feel to say cuz I don't think I'm a bad person but I know how much the truth can get you in trouble in this day and time yeah do you trip off of the cancel culture because you seem like you can't be cancelled well I I believe one day they going to text me somehow they're going to figure out a way to make me shut up but you're not married right technically yes I'm still married um and even though I care about my wife I could never be with her again explain because I I just got too much going on now you know when she left it just opened the door to a whole lot of things and I would never shut down my life you ask me am I in a relationship I would say I have a person that I actually believe in a girl that I I don't even know where she came from sometime I asked God how did I find somebody like this somebody who accepts me for me which is something that it's rare that you really find a girl that be like say your wife left yeah she left she had enough of that [ __ ] she had enough I I ain't even mad at it no more how long were y'all married um I don't know I just got married I'm like the average guy man we just one day we be like all right don't leave I'm married oh man that's what happens to most of us we don't get mared married cuz we be like you know what I got to marry you we get married cuz we be like I put too much work into it just to let her go in my opinion I don't mean this disrespectfully I just don't believe there's a lot of mentally stable women in this world I think that men un facts right I I think that men have issues as well but I don't meet many women that are mentally stable most of the time when I don't do what they want me to do they get me right I be like how' you do me like that and I know it was because I wouldn't give in and when I say give in I mean let the other girls go but they mess with me cuz I mess with girls in poverty and they need me they can't be they can't be who they want to be to the rescue I I have those like $200 to some people it ain't nothing but the girls I mess with they be crying when I give $200 oh so you know which ones to mess with Martin Luther King Drive women all over the all over the country wherever there's one at every city I go go to I'll be like where's my that's that's where I find the women I deal with but you just have different fees cuz you got the $200 a special women well I've spent more than 200 but on average it's about 200 a pop with the girls you know with the purple head the baby shoulders all that you see the struggle in them yeah yeah you see the struggle the struggle is real you see it in their eye it ain't got to be explained can women spend the night at Cory hul's house no you don't you don't never wake up with stress that's part of the that's part of the deal I used to tell whoever the dude whoever messes with my wife will y'all please send her home that's what I do with your girl when I'm do with her just send her home man messing up the neighborhood destroying family so you really don't know how long you were married no I don't a guesstimate uh maybe about 13 years really well I'm still technically married oh okay why not get divorced um that's that's what women say all time why not get divorced it's really an expensive thing to do it's an expensive thing to do but see it's still love on the table but man I'm at the point where I I I'm comfortable with who I am when she left I really was like this is better right cuz I'm never going to slow down I'm never going to be with one girl I'm never I'm never going to do that had you ever been never okay there it is all right I ain't never been with one girl and I admire guys who can do it hey man when do people know you're serious or when they think like oh Cory man he's a comedian he just Clowning people who got um instincts right cuz I think you're serious a lot you know I'm serious big boy you you where you come from you know you know I'm serious and if you this is the reason it works most people don't speak the truth about who they are or nothing that's going on with them right so what winds up happening is when somebody is around me um how I speak honestly about my flaws and my things I'm proud of it rubs off on people I think they be they want to become like me but I never really get credit for that the girls in poverty who are really not the type of women who should be expecting much out of a man I know how to joke with them about it where even though they know I'm telling the truth they be like just give my 200 C you know something they can look forward to at the end of the day they be like oh at least I'm getting to [Laughter] hurry up and get it over with finish your monologue do you think that it's harder for a woman to find a man now when we have all these dating apps like what's the hold up man in this world we're not really people who have principles and uh morality so when you out here in this world now just being honest there's no telling what you're going to run into I think the the the second question after you ask somebody what's your name should be what medications are you on goe now nobody ever ask people hey what medications yeah that should be the second question cuz then when you find out later on oh this person is on this medication it actually explains a lot of stuff that's going on with them okay so you could have just cut right to the chase huh not like you know what's your name n this ain't you this ain't the 60s 7s ' 80s right even '90s right this is a whole new world man do you think that it's hard for a woman to find a date I think it's hard for anybody to find a date really anybody like the two ladies here both of these ladies are attractive but it means nothing really because what men want is to be in a position where they're winning and what women want a lot of times is to be in a position where they're winning I don't think nobody is trying to merge and do right by each other being the side chick can last anywhere from two to 25 years you know how many kids I done watch grow up big boy I would go over girl house I'll be like you driving now boy you was like when I first hey man have you ever Cory had a woman that really got mad at you you ever been cut by a woman you mean cut literally like yeah a woman ever stabbed you I'm not a little guy right right right right it's hard for a girl to cut me right right right I can get away I even though I got no weight on me I still move get away game is good yeah do women get mad at you though yes especially when they realize I'm not going to be what they want me to be I I was with this girl and it hurt when she left cuz I liked her a lot but when she realized I was not going to stop messing with the other uh three girls that were ahead of herad chart yeah she wasn't number one she was number four but I explained to her how blessed how blessed she was to have that slot right right I actually got her computer that's top five I was like I don't buy people Compu computers don't cost $200 that's true I was about to say that and when you know when she really St messing with me I knew she realized I wasn't going to give in cuz she was attractive and she knew I liked her but I tell people all the time it don't matter how good you look I'm not going to bend these rules I have a group of women that I feel like are on the team and they know about each other can the women that you're with be with other men that woman move them further down they'll be like number 14 slot they don't want to give up they don't want to give up the slot being being my number three two or one is a good slot to be back right especially if you come from nothing yeah you done moved up if you in my top three I look out for you but if you mess with other guys that don't make me mad to just move you back down with the girls who mess with guys crew is this all over the country ni uh yeah you're on the road pretty much every weekend yeah so do you have females or ladies everywhere you go no I don't do it like I used to I'm so glad I made it through them years without getting hurt um having strangers around you I I don't even like when I do my shows I go to the back I used to go out there and act like I'm saying hot to the fans but I'm really looking at the girl but I don't even do that no more because it's the only danger out there for a guy like me I I didn't I didn't know people could sue you and you didn't even do nothing they could just say you did something it cost money for you to to beat case is comedy different now with and and not just on the social media side but I'm talking about like even with Chris you know Will Smith slapping Chris Rock people feel like now they could just get on stage do jumps on stage with Dave Chappelle are are you more conscious of the environment of being on stage now I'm just glad I'm not little right I think you know people like big fish eat little fish in the ocean M I think that's what happens on stage sometimes I don't have people run up on stage on me it just doesn't happen to me I'm not bragging I hope don't nobody yeah yeah yeah I hope that don't bring no no drama to me you know what I'm saying this ain't a try me this ain't I wish you would it's not I'm just saying it doesn't happen to me the people like when when when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock it all made sense that's who he would slap you know what I mean did that make you upset as a comedian it made me not like Will Smith no more really like I can't even watch his movies no more and I'm saying like the one movie where he was um jumping out the building onto the next floor I can't even think of the day but it was one of my favorite movies but now it's hard to watch him because I feel like oh you a bully you you hit that man at a time when you really shouldn't have hit that man while he on stage at the Oscars I don't feel like he said nothing vicious about Jada you know what I'm saying I just feel like Will Smith is in a position where he walks the street with a woman he's ashamed up and that that's a dangerous thing that's what I believe if you're not proud of the woman you with you're not feeling like you supposed to feel when you with her cuz they had that open relationship thing I just ain't her typing I know she don't need the 200 so I ain't got a shot right right right right so you can say what you got to say man I ain't got a shot with her really have do you talk or do you talk with Chris Rock or have you had any words like Circle to Circle I talk to him since that happened but Chris Rock has always been one of the guys that walk up to me what's up Cory cuz like ever since I move to LA my mind get blown when people walk up to me remember Eddie Murphy was like Cory H I was like wow oh man it blew my mind because you know what I'm saying I always thought he was one of the top tier comedians top tier guys in the movies his movies are funny you know what I mean so when I meet these people I still I'm blown away if you around somebody that takes away the good energy from you you're not going to be yourself even if you're a good-spirited person if you allow somebody with bad energy to be around you every day you're you're basically dying faster than you normally would die I found that out when my wife left don't mean I don't love my wife and care about her and wish her well but I can't do that again I would never go back to a situation where I'm in a a I live with somebody who I feel like isn't happy all the time or doesn't have that good energy all the time I would never do that again and with Dave Chappelle when you saw that like damn near couple a few weeks later look like a hit really when you saw yeah look like that dude had been sent up there to do that I mean who does that you know you're not going to win right I know oh man did you see my man army look like he was pop locking and they they had my man he he looked like one of them like Mr Potato Heads or something where you could take the arm off and put it on backwards or something like that real do when I saw that I was like yo does that change your comedy that week and I change your material but just let's say that weekend are you more on swivel or you don't even think about what just happened with Dave man I have more like a cult following people who like Corey hul come see Cory H every once in a while you know you might get some guy who might say something but it's I just don't feel like there's nobody G to run up on me if you got slapped at the Oscars that tuxedo would have looked like uh The Tuxedo the clumps head on at the end when he was like give me a minute let me explain and I know will I think will a bad boy yeah he is cuz I I hear you know I I know the the the the C that run with them them all some bad boy but you can't slap me right you can't slap me yeah Oscar be over bro but I wouldn't I I don't think I would have froze I think if he' had came I'd have been like hey what you want you know what I'm saying you know this down you got to give me this don't walk I I and that come from getting hit like that one day one day I froze and I got hit cuz I froze and ever since I got froze ever since I froze I never let nobody when I feel like it's danger I always do this have you watched any of that uh Johnny Depp Amber herd I saw the old girl look like she did some cocaine and that type of stuff make me mad because you know what I'm saying like how did she get away with that MH is that when they say she look like she ripped did did a rip yeah like she ripped the L did you see it yeah come on man it was obvious I'm like d she's bold enough to come to court with cocaine that's a habit bro I don't know nobody who did that and I know people look I had a homeboy he beat Heron and I ain't never heard nobody who beat her but ain't nobody coming to court with it yeah this lady came to court with cocaine Cory do you see yourself getting married not again but never damn you let me have a state sanction relationship again really the lady who I believe in I mean like I do anything for her and my words are not what um prove that what I do for her showed do you believe in marriage oh shoot not in the United States this I got married in the United States I know and I wish you well I think you doing well with yours right yeah I think I am praise God yeah I don't know you can you what oh you going to be gone this weekend you can't even come stay with us huh and just observe I got to go Hustle but big boy like I've seen you out with your wife it seemed like things are okay yeah it is praise God you know what I'm saying Hell Yeah but things are okay for you at 1.2 though right never oh okay it was always me giving in really though cuz I ain't wanted to go cuz I had put too much effort into it and that's why I would tell Will Smith yes she going to take a lot of your money but you better get away from that dog cuz you ain't got no control you can't have the homies over smashing your wife man damn that's just not cool you know what I'm saying people have different rules but when your son friend over there he making SS about it it went too far you know you on your current events for real though huh man but it's out there it's out there you know all this stuff is out here don't bother most of us cuz I ain't in the streets like when people tell me some bad news they heard about me it don't bother me because I'm not in the streets I go to work I come back I don't see y'all I know you looking for the opportunity hey Cory I heard this I be like well you it probably did they don't know what to say after that when you agree with them they be like I was trying to hurt him you know what I'm saying you I ain't even out here no more Do You Believe In Love Of course okay love is the reason people fight to stay alive that's one of the feelings out here that um is real satisfying when you got somebody you know what I'm saying I tell my girl that I'm around now that I feel like is my friend and uh I don't use that word lightly but my girl is my friend I'm like man you the reason I really had a drive to stay alive cuz I'm getting older I know what happened when people lose people when they get older and the insurance company does too yeah you know what I'm saying but I found a friend and I do you trust women no I don't trust most women I don't trust most I don't trust most men they was raised by their mama most of the guys I know they a have no Daddy around to teach him another side of the game that's part of growing up man I'm from Chicago man I call that the fatherless City I don't know a lot of guys who grew up with a dad in the house see I told you and that means something man cuz you growing up with the mentality of your mom and a lot of people don't want to talk bad about their mom nor should they but what was your mom relationship with your dad it means something a lot of people feel like oh Dad you wasn't around I don't [ __ ] with your mama like that I ain't around I don't know your mama I smashed do you have kids Corey I I got two kids that I am pretty sure of mine cuz I ain't never had no DNA test but you know I'm pretty sure they my kids but then there one boy out there who I used to mess with my manager at Kentucky Fried Chicken oh no when I was when I was a young boy I was smashing the manager when you was a young mustache huh yeah when I had just graduated from high school I was smashing my manager Kentucky Fried Chicken she was married and everything and her husband was out of town and I went to her house and you know what I'm saying things happened and she had a boy and you say it probably may be yours I'm pretty sure that's my boy when I saw him I was like that's my boy it's a shame I don't know him but he look like something wrong with him oh I ain't going like he go to church every week and everything I don't get along with them type of people right you don't do church I mean like ever since I got older and I'm I'm like yo I didn't really think about this when I was young so let me get this right uh oh oh man you know my guy Jose over here super Christian he going it's no diss to anybody cuz my mama is super Christian and she be like boy every time I do something wrong I just put a couple of dollars in a pocket she be like God G to bless you though way h i just grew up I just as I got older things that didn't make sense to me I get away from it m i mean I believe there's a God but I don't I don't believe how it was taught to us and that ain't no this to nobody in there whatever they believe in whatever keeps you going Cory have you ever said anything either on your show our show or just somewhere you're like oh man I shouldn't have said that if you run your mouth a lot you going put your foot in your mouth a couple of times yeah if you talk a lot sometimes you gonna say something you gonna be like I wish I wouldn't have said that that's why I don't like this society when they try to act like everything you say oh I'mma hold you to this hold you to this sometimes people be like you know I didn't I didn't say that the way I really meant it or sometimes it just came out of me and I wish I wouldn't have said it not we don't get a chance to make mistakes anymore and also man what we felt 5 10 years ago could be totally different from what we feel now and they can pull that back up Ain crazy and make you live right with it we evolved man yeah just make sure you pick somebody who down with you yeah and that's really the key cuz somebody who down with you ain't going to hang you if it go bad you know who down with you everybody in here if you around somebody that's down with you you know it that's the person that you have patience with and you gamble with if they not down with you don't mess with them I was telling you about a song that you did that I really enjoy man and and I think that it's an Anthem for a lot of people can you tell everybody the name of the song that we were talking about uh I call it I can't sleep it's a song about um having one of them girls that run the streets at night and party and do things like that you really don't want to break up with him so you handle it all and you know it was based off when I was with this girl who liked to go out and party and I was like so this how this feel right and it's called I can't sleep I can't sleep is that what is cuz I call it a different title what do you think I call that song y Street at night and I can't sleep I can't sleep I'm saying my [ __ ] runs the streets at night and I can't sleep I can't hey man what made you hold on to the notes like that it came to me man it's like yo wrot I'll be writing these songs man I really I really think I can take my comedy and turn it into song are you just making this up as you go no no we we uh we script it all all right it's their fault everybody if I did something hold on man what does technically I'm still married mean I'm technically still married what does that mean let me tell you something man I love my wife right I I grabbed my wife while we were still young and to this day I got my wife back you know what I'm saying things I say family members of hers here and they run in tell her because you know the family is miserable they jealous right right right the family is the family is jealous in a lot of situations especially with somebody like me me because my my the money I earn my wife can still get what I earn not because she found a way to use the system against me because if she needs me that's who I marri I'm going to take care of her right do y'all live together no okay that that's no God how long have y'all been in separate households God it's it's look man it's been a while but I but y'all not divorced no why not divorced I don't know man it's not easy say have you ever been divorced no I never have let me tell you something about this divorce game because you don't know what a marriage certificate is and all that stuff like that you really don't know what you're getting into we are brainwashed into thinking when you find somebody you love you're supposed to go down there to the courthouse and let them unite you but it's the worst thing that can happen because if you use their contract their marriage certificate you're in a buy if you find someone you love and you do the research on what a marriage certificate brings you I don't think you'll do it what you can do I would tell anybody who's who's who found someone they love and they want to be with y'all listen to this y'all can make your own contract to protect each other like if we if we don't make it I'm willing to do this for you I'm willing to do that for you if we don't make it you know what I'm saying but what's in a marriage contract is nonsense and it only splits the families up there's not as many family reunions as as it used to be because most of the time if you don't make it with the person that you married y'all wind up in court as defendant and the other thing you know what I'm saying it's like it's it's it's chaos if you don't make it but if you really care about each other why not come up with a contract that you can get signed sealed and delivered that makes it where everybody is not in chaos if we don't make it my wife knows who I am I'm crazy and everything but I got her back when it really boil down to it and when you say got her back what does that mean I mean like if she jammed up I'm the one to call cuz I'mma find a way to fix it I'm not I'm not even even though we might not be together like that I still got you right and that's just how it go and you know what I'm fortunate enough where if I'm around somebody that I hold up they understand what I'm saying I got married so that means something to me but not in the traditional way I'm in love with a lot of people is that is that wrong you you can't love more than one person I guess not huh I mean I don't know I'm talking about like okay so is there one love you supposed to one love you only supposed to love one person huh like you might have a girl that does this real good you could be in love and what about I have love for no that's that's fake I got love for if somebody say I got love for you that mean they don't want to argue right you could be in love with multiple women and a woman can be in love with multiple men there are people I have ran into in my journey that have helped me and they have shown me they got my back and I love them not only for what they did to me they've grown close to my heart you know what I'm saying I'm talking about strictly female strictly ladies yeah strict somebody calling you now huh yeah are y'all airing this live like man he was like man let me go to my Z real quick H off with this off with this 200 like man boy want fix a lot in this hard time but no it's like why why are we afraid to tell the world that you can love more than one person it's like it's taboo you don't think you can love more than one person I mean big boy you give the interview be in love with more than one like in deep like in love yes you know my wife hate when you come and do the show it's some truth to that no no not at all no there ain't no truth to it at all okay trust that no well I'm just saying but my wife do think you crazy and my wife really enjoys you though I think some people who who who can handle the truth cuz sometimes the truth is actually shocking in this day and time do you think that more people get upset with you at your show because of their woman is upset with you definitely definitely it's some guys like man we have a protection mode inside of us and if your woman is upset sometimes you can feel like hey man you destroying my atmosphere you get what I'm saying so but I tell a guy like I've said on stage hey man talk to your girl and calm her down cuz sometimes I've had girls yell out stuff even though I'm being nice what I say in real life hey man check your [ __ ] I say that on stage a lot of times when some girls get mad you know what I'm saying cuz know they coming to a Cory hul show yeah for real well everybody there are people just there people who want to outdo the comedian but I'm built for this I'm ready big boy I'm really that guy in the game I'm that guy I'm I'm I'm bold enough to say that if you come to my shows and you watch what I do you're going to see a difference in me versus your favorite comedian and that's bold to say but it's the truth man and I think when you say hey man tell your girl to calm down you even took something out to do yeah because I let him know you out here in the streets with this girl you ain't got no control over because she talking over you and you've been telling her to be quiet for five minutes you know what I'm saying if I you ever had anyone walk out of course I had couples fighting in the parking lot I'm not going take you to McDonald's I want you to see how well I live and eat and give you something to strive for right you know what I'm saying you want to be up here with me you you want to do stuff like this well do what you supposed to do there godamn it people like Tyler Perry they heavy in the game but they have they see what I do and they I appreciate how they go out their way take a chance on me and give me give me a shot because I'm not going to do nothing to try and mess up nothing nothing like I use Tyler Perry as an example what he's doing most of the time when I'm on set directors always tell me where have you been right you know what I'm saying do you think Hollywood's afraid of you I can't say Hollywood's afraid of me but I think Hollywood thinks I would derail the minds of the people they've programmed to go the way the rail is is heading and you know what I don't think that that's your whole thing where you want to be a part of it you know what I'm saying like you say a part of Hollywood yeah just that whole thing like man I got got to had I got you know what I'm saying like there's some people that just Dro everything some big money I know I take some big money but there are principles I simply cannot set aside to succeed in Hollywood like the show I did Black Jesus they had the episode Black Jesus bro well they had the episode with the dress and I was so scared I was like oh well this my last episode I'm done I'm not going to put the dress on but the director had enough respect for me where he switched it up and I was I was like man that's big of you to do that because I know how it goes so what was the actual episode because I don't remember the dress right you don't remember me in the dress right yeah you're not going to remember me in no dress either damn well don't look at a movie called Deuce Bigalow Mel jiggalo either cuz what happened you may find me in a dress you know man B boy well I look check this out that was that was a while ago yeah it actually be funny to see you in a dress then oh yeah back then oh yeah that's when I was over 500 lb right but yeah I remember I was watching something and they was like man why does every black comedian or somebody that's funny got to put on the dress then they start putting up like Martin and I was like ah damn it it's part of the game it's part of the initiation in Hollywood you know what I'm saying like I say I I I'm before I got to know these people cuz I know people who get down like that I was all like oh man you a whatever but you know what I'm saying when you hit with that reality and you used and this is the way you you you feed your family I don't look at it as bad as I looked at it before because this goes back to the people who are trying to cancel Kyrie if you ask me this goes back to the people they they know what they're doing and they put us in situations you know we feed our families with this you know those people at ESP even back then when I did I didn't even have family so you didn't have family I put on the dress and you know I'm saying especially for dece bigal you don't know them people yeah you're like big uh anything you want to tell your listeners but can I ask you something for real pleas do at that time you was at a different Minds yeah yeah 100% it can happen man we we none of us perfect man we can all do something that we look back on later in life and be like you know what I don't think I'll do that again never again I don't like that hey man let me ask you this have you ever did like a a show or did a radio thing or where you just start getting like hot because you're nervous of what you just said I guess that could happen okay yeah because it happens to me when you come here I think I talk some of the stuff you're thinking so you bring me in so to to say it that's what I think I could be wrong Big Boy n you know what bro I I would have to say you are I'm wrong I just saying you are I no I got a homeboy he a drag queen uhuh and I I I don't condemn him for being a drag queen cuz he he got he works in a place well he works at the airline and sometimes I need his hookups right right right right right like I wouldn't even talk to him otherwise but I like hey man how you been how you I'm all right Cory yeah I need you to switch this flight up how many guys you know have the courage to to tell the world I've never been monogamous it's just not a lot of guys who had a courage to say I've never been with just one woman but most of the guys I know are not with just one woman and if they are is the cheating coming is it cheating because you got more than one woman let me ask you something big boy is it cheating that you have more than one man if you got more than one man you belong to the game so if you have more than one woman do you belong to the game not if I'm holding down you know what I'm saying listen if I got a whole bunch of money and a whole bunch of resources I shouldn't have to lie about the women that I'm dealing with let's take the money out of the game cuz I know if you take the money out of the game I know a lot of guys that don't have the money and they still like they they the most pimp player Hustlers that I know no you don't yeah you might know pimps or somebody who out here on the manipulation side of the game but I'm saying to be straight up and actually go on vacation where it's you and your two women and the family that you want to have that ain't easy to do I don't want to live a situation where I'm lying every day it it bothers me when I was younger I could do it but now that I'm older I can't look at somebody who I actually love and care about and lie to him all the time about who I am it's the sneaking and the hiding that that c that causes a lot of the problems if you bold enough to tell somebody who you are and they still around you then they can't be looking at you like you foul I've told you who I am and you still around me and you know what I'm saying don't act like um I would never do you wrong but I'm going to do what I do because I don't think I could stop it you don't mind a girl not loving you for who you are I'm not here for that love is that that's temporary most of the time most marriages in the United States are doomed because at our way of life in the United States is we lie that's what we do we lie Christ and when you get older and you really believe in yourself you can't you can't keep doing that it is so good to have you in here on your last appearance man you know what I'm saying no it ain't dog cuz the game don't stop yeah it is so y'all get up with me big boy I be like how Stern would say you said it all you don't have like your own social media they'll take it from me if you speak this way they'll take it from you they don't want you derailing the people social media is for girls to be half necked with their makeup on and their filters or fools acting like they doing more than they get you know what I'm saying so have you had accounts that's just been turned off my Twitter they took it oh so you um the Twitter people and I it was some girl said something slick to me and you know I'm clever I had a good comeback and then they said oh you ain't supposed to talk to her like that since then I was like oh I can't do this I'm that voice that you need to hear yeah I can derail the way the average mind in America is set on the rail to you know to travel the train is on the rail system so it go that way I could derail that if you listen to what I got to say yeah and you have many of times with us too you know what I'm saying I mean read the comments oh yeah I did we can't hide what we see forever we have to talk about what we see what we what we see means something if you if you're too afraid to always say what you see I mean what kind of world is this how do you feel about the cap they trying to put on Comedy and we've seen this for years now bro I don't know nothing about it okay I know you don't I can tell I mean I ain't in the game and uh when I say the game I mean like the Hollywood game right but it's not just because I say what I want to say I haven't been chasing it I don't know if I could survive I done booked a television show and I can't really express myself because I might get kicked off the show for telling the truth right right right that's hard but you know I think you would get kicked off the show I believe I would too times I wanted to put you out of here know say Tom Brady and justel bunchin now they just got their divorce and now they say that she was in was it Costa Rica she was she was in Costa Rica with the kids jiujitsu trainer you know that's that's like how it really goes I mean like all these guys that they hold up on a pedestal man they going through it just like the rest of us man he married a girl that's in the game she was a she was a model was she oh man you think that hype they give him is the greatest of all time work at home right when you at home you just the dude Tom Brady you know what I'm saying that Ain nothing obviously she gone and my thing was man I'm like man Jitsu trainer like I can't even whoop on them you know what I'm saying can you imagine thinking that you're in the right and then you get choked out in front of your kids at the same time trying to defend your your household ain't going to be no get off of her you got wait till it thre and try to figure out what happened you don't want to find out what your wife doing while you on the road and everything just just come home and give what's left just come home and tell her to clean it up give her at least an hour window before you come in the house you don't want to know because something going on right you rich guys you don't know how to pick a wife anyway you know what I'm saying you picked the girl that's attractive instead of the girl that's about something so all you rich guys Tom Brady listen to this yes don't check on your wife you don't want to know what's happening while you spiking touchdown hey man no you're on the road a lot touching down and up go ahead do you do you get concerned when you're on the road n could it happen to you nah oh nah I'm Different all right why and why are you different I know know I know who I got around me I mean I know that sounds kind of boastful but uh I know who's around me right I mean like the girls that I get who get out behind my back I know who they are and I don't think it's fair that they get mad at me that I don't move them up in the game I'll be like come on now you think are these the $200 girls that you talking about these are them girls you call their phone and no answer when I call your phone and you don't answer you just step backwards in my life really though you can't not answer the phone if I call what this girl told me she ain't got no money right so I gave her some money and she went grocery shopping and said I'mma cook for you she invited me over do you know she made her son play first oh really I was like how dare she what is wrong with you say she made her son's plate first and you had a problem with that what so she didn't follow the Cory hul pecking order hey man look so if you buy the food nowhere in the world she should feed her child first the little boy didn't even want to come to the table he was playing the game and then when she forced him to eat something he ate a little bit and just left it right there like it wasn't nothing and I'm sitting there like you took care of that boy your son who daddy in jail that boy ain't going to be nothing I'm the light what is wrong with you woman and you should eat first right that's why she needed the $200 cuz she to act around somebody like me most of the women that I I run into are in situations where you know principles aren't the first thing that they're going to come with in fact they don't even really work on principles they're at survival level when you're at a survival level you know what I'm saying you'll compromise yourself and do things these girls that I give $200 to don't really want me right but they need the $200 what this is listen man at least you came to the realization of right the two I'll be with girls that are actually beautiful you know what I'm saying I mean they might had a blue hair and the tattoos on their neck but they're beautiful you know what I'm saying I I don't expect us to make it I expect as long as you are in a struggle situation I am a major player in your life I heard that up until she get on her feet you'll be there man listen man I've always said this man a woman who can take care of herself I probably don't got a shot at you know what I'm saying but why deal with women who found a way I look for the ones who are still lost the sea as men do we want to know our woman's body count most men can't handle their woman's True Body Count especially if she in poverty right right I'm just saying I don't really care about your body count I trust that God will lead me into the right situation where I won't come out of it sick when you older I don't care about a girl's body count all I care is if she can be quiet when I'm around her like a girl who talks a lot that's like oh my God she really thinks I care about her son's Little League game or something like that it's awkward I just have to be quiet until I get what I came for after I get what I'm caring for I'm like will you shut the hell up I'm trying to get dressed and get in my car I'll go over a girl house I feel like if it's drama or something like that I'll just leave I got another one in this neighborhood the batteries and her remote wasn't working I I just felt like it was too much I had to go right yeah but I go pick up a a set of Double A's you left wow right no she wanted me to go to the store and get some hey hey hey you're like if I get in the car I'm leaving Lisa is three blocks away now there was a tweet that went out it said a man shouldn't have to wash dishes or clothes if he has a woman what depends on that's definitely all who the man is some guys need to be watching dishes because they ain't on nothing but I'm saying if you a boss and you providing that's that that that take you away from what you do to come up with what you need to provide for the family you need somebody at the house doing that if you a boss but now if you're not a boss man you need to go in there and wash them dishes right what about if you're washing dishes and you thinking about the next plan you can't think about the next plan okay you know what I'm saying you either got to be you got to be about it or watch the dish really that's just real talk when you in the streets with your woman y'all in danger if you don't know that I'm telling you now the streets are crazy these people out here mixing the zes and the perks together it's wild out here so y'all need to be ready for what can come and what probably will come and one of the ways of being ready is you got to listen to your man so if he tells you look babe let's go to the car I don't want to hear that no she better shut up talking to me and all like that you know what I'm saying okay I got you you got to be like yo I said let's go and if there's any problems after that you post to leave her suppos to leave hey man let the streets show her how it really go you I'm going be safe going where I got to go I told you let go [Music] hey [Music]
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 132,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BigBoyTV, Big Boy TV, Hip Hop, Big Boys Neighborhood, Interview, Full Interview, Radio Big Boy, Big Boy DJ, Real 92.3, Real 923, Big Boy Radio, Big Boy YouTube
Id: A2Kv53v6ugk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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