youtube sent me a thing

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it all started with one man's quest to find the next skywars update he searched through the deserts he searched through the forests [Applause] he even searched on go fluke go you gotta get help flu please you're my only hope don't need these oh it's from YouTube that YouTube sent me fun stuff yes give me the money oh it's this a techno blade we know you don't do it for the reward shot I do it for the rewards you know when I first started this YouTube channel in October 2013 I was just a dumb high schooler with a dream but now so much time has passed and I can proudly say that I am still a dumb high school or if the dream nothing has changed whatsoever and the dream is the same ten million subscribers let's go but this isn't about ten million subscribers this is about a hundred thousand subscribers which is the stepping stone and that's pretty cool as well I mean it's numerically less but it's like it's one percent is cool so I guess that's the thing anyhow shoutouts are in order for this achievement first so like my parents because duh also my dad edited most this video cuz Sony Vegas failed me so shout to him also all my friends in real life for making my life slightly less boring I can't really name them out loud or Isis will figure out where I live and hunt me down and now all the people that make me fan on I love you guys I love all the fan art shout out to Amy the Mudkip for this awesome avatar shout out to summon venom for this banner and also some thumbnails he's pretty cool and now all the thumbnail guys I can't name all of them because this video would go over ten minutes long although in hindsight I get Adsense off that now okay Melissa I met Melissa I don't know if I can round set anyhow your thumbnails are awesome thank you and also Victor thumbnails are also awesome and mr. wolfdog thank you my dude and also shout to all the hypixel admins to making the largest minecraft server in the world for me to leech subs off of shamelessly for years thank you guys so yeah I didn't really write this speech down I'm just I'm just sort of rambling anyhow this is pretty awesome thank you guys for being subscribed I guess for watching my bad minecraft videos and great things in the future probably I can't see the future anyhow I'm sure it'll be fine bye seriously though thanks for thanks for helping me have the best job in the world
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 7,735,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G556WDqLL2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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