Youtube Popstar Murdered At Her OWN Concert

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Teen Idol Christina Grimmie was rising to stardom  in 2016, after coming in third place on The Voice.   She amassed over 2 million subscribers on YouTube  and was doing tours in the US and in Europe, back   to back. Her fans adored her, they would travel  for hours just to hear her sing, just to meet   her afterwards. But there was one morbidly obsessed  fan, who didn't have quite pure intentions when he   came to visit Christina at her merch table. For a  long time, this fan had been watching Christina's   every move online. He was learning everything about  her and on the final night of her American tour, he   decided to pay her a visit. Today, we're going to  be talking about the tragic murder of Christina   Grimmie. Before we get into the case, I want  to thank Casetify for sponsoring this video. You   guys already know how much I love Casetify's  phone cases. They are cute, they're protective,   they're drop tested from up to 11.5 feet in  the air! But they're not bulky or heavy or   ugly, they are still cute and protective at the  same time. Those two things are very hard to find   in one product. There's so much variation in their  designs, I love all their prints and they do a   bunch of artist collaborations! These are some of  my favourite artist collaborations at the moment. I   love that you can customise your own phone cases  on there, as well. Over the years, I've had my name   on my phone case, I've had initials and this  time... I've been that girlfriend and I've put   my boyfriend's name on my phone case! I just think  it's really cool it's like, custom phone case merch!   You can put anything you want on there, it's sick!  Now I've got my own merch of my boyfriend. I think   phone cases are very underrated as an accessory  because you can express yourself through them,   they can like, match your outfits, colour coordinate. They can  like, express your interests... I don't know? My- my   interest, it's my boyfriend. But seriously, Casetify  are blooming fabulous. They are sustainable, they   make their cases with 65% recycled and plant-based  materials! And they're always looking to do more to   support the environment and to lower their carbon  footprint and to recycle the unused phone cases   in the world, I just think Casetify are great for so  many reasons! So if you want to treat yourself to a   new phone case that is going to protect your phone  and make you look cute at the same time, then you   can go to forward slash Eleanor.  The link is also down below in the description   and that will automatically apply a 15% discount  code at checkout. Thank you again to Casetify for   sponsoring this video. Quickly before I get into  the case, I just want to give my usual disclaimer   that I'm in absolutely no disrespect to anyone  that I talk about in this video. This video is for   educational purposes and everything that I'm about  to say is just information that myself and my   team have found on the internet and have compiled  into this one video. There are a couple of content   warnings for this case so if any of the following  topics are too sensitive for you right now, please   click out of the video. The topics include stalking,  cancer and suicide. So like I say, if you don't want   to hear about any of that right now, click out, look  after yourself and hopefully I will get to see you   again some other time with a different case but  with all of that being said, let's get into it. So   today's case takes place in Orlando, Florida in  2016. A very recent one again and I'm sure a lot   of you actually remember this one happening. That  summer, 22 year old singer Christina Grimmie was   wrapping up an American tour as the support act  for a band named Before You Exit. She'd had such   a great time on this tour. She loved performing,  she loved singing, she loved hearing her fans sing   the words back to her, she loved going out of the  venues after the concerts to go and meet the fans   on the street. She was really happy with her life  and really, really happy with this career that she   was paving for herself. Christina had always been  really, really into music ever since she was a tiny   baby. She had been in the church choir, she even  taught herself to play a piano! Taught herself, I   don't know how you do that, especially as a child  but she managed it and she was just so into music!   She grew up in New Jersey with her parents Bud and  Tina and she also had an older brother named Mark   or Marcus. He- it's both but for some reason  my brain interchanges those so if that gets   confusing, Mark and Marcus are the same person and  he was like, Christina's best friend because there   wasn't that much of an age gap between them. He  was only like, just over a year older than her so   of course, they were very close in age, they had a  lot of similar interests and one of their like, most   fondest memories of childhood was playing video  games together. They both loved playing video   games especially Super Mario and actually, when  they grew up and became adults, they decided that   they wanted to get matching tattoos. And it was  was those memories of playing Super Mario at home   together that led to them getting matching tattoos  that said Player One and Player Two, which I think   is really cute! Although Christina's childhood  hadn't always been smooth sailing, I mean don't get   me wrong, they were a very happy family and they  always loved and supported each other, they were   always there for each other. Their actual family  unit was great. But things had been tough for the   whole family but especially Tina, the mother who  had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She'd been   through countless rounds of chemotherapy and  just different treatments to try to bring it   under control a little bit more and it was working  to a degree, it was helping to prolong her life and   to make her quality of life better for longer but  they knew it wasn't- it wasn't a complete solution,   it wasn't a complete cure. But even though life could  be quite difficult for the Grimmie family, they all   somehow had a smile on their face, they all kept  going, they all kept achieving their dreams and   just being this wonderful little family unit. The  Grimmie family were Christian and this actually   really influenced Christina all the way through  her life. Her first tattoo, here on her arm, was   actually a quote from her favourite scripture,  it said All is Vanity. She started getting into   singing and piano at the age of six and her  parents really helped her. Once she'd started   like, teaching herself to play a piano, her dad  went and got her piano lessons. They really, really   supported their daughter, every step of the way.  They recognised that she had raw talent, even as   a little girl, like, to be able to teach yourself  to play a piano that shows that this kid was   gifted, very musically gifted and her parents knew  that this was her passion and they wanted to help   fuel that for her. As she grew up, Christina would  record videos of herself singing in her bedroom   room and she wouldn't show them to anyone, really.  I mean, she started showing them to friends and   family after a while but at first, these videos  were just for her own improvement purposes. She   would watch them back and see what she could  do better, what she could do differently, where   she was kind of weaker in places. She was really,  really serious about her music. And it was when she   started showing these videos to friends and family  and they were just so amazed by her talent, they   were like, put these out there, people need to see  these. And that's why YouTube comes in. In the mid   to late 2000s, YouTube was just starting to pick  up. Well, it had been picking up for a while but   videos were just starting to go viral, as we know  a viral video today. You had all them classics at   the time like; Charlie bit my finger and Chocolate  Rain, Nyan Cat, Charlie the Unicorn, why was everyone   called Charlie? But yeah, videos were starting  to get, like, millions of views. You- viral YouTube   videos became a thing in the mid-2000s. YouTube's  slogan at the time was Broadcast Yourself, which   I think sums up YouTube, or especially YouTube  at that time, really really well because normal   people couldn't really be entertainers. You had  to know someone in the film industry or the TV   industry to be able to like, perform, to be able to  be someone but with YouTube, all you needed was a   camera and an internet connection and you can make  your own entertainment, you can be an entertainer.   It's very homemade, yeah but people can make things  and put them out there, that was a brand new like,   concept. At the time in the mid-2000s, some of the  most popular genres of videos were singing covers   and comedy skits. They were completely taken over  YouTube and Christina found herself making both. One   day, one of her friends came up to her and showed  her a video of a girl singing on YouTube and this   video had gone viral, it had like loads of views,  this girl was getting loads of subscribers and   the friend was like... Christina, you're better than  this girl! If this girl can get all these views   and all these fans and all these lovely comments,  imagine what you could get and Christina was like...   you know what, you're right! She realised  that this could actually be an excellent   opportunity for her, this was a brand new way to  put yourself out there and get yourself noticed.   So that night, she went home and she created  her YouTube channel which was called Zelda   X love 64. Christina's first ever YouTube  video was a cover of Don't Want to be Torn   by Hannah Montana. She posted it on July 17  2009 and the video was an overnight success.   Christina woke up the next day to thousands of  views, hundreds of comments from kind strangers   that loved her voice and wanted to hear more of  her voice. They were commenting asking for more...   so she gave them more. Her next upload was a week  later, this time she covered Party in the USA and   when that one was posted, it was met with even more  positivity than the last one and so now, Christina   really got a bug for it, she was really enjoying  making YouTube videos and she decided to make them   a weekly thing. Very quickly, Christina Grimmie  cultivated a huge audience of very loyal and   loving followers. She actually called her fans, her  friends. You know how you- people used to have like,   um fandom names like, Arianators and Beliebers,  hers were just her friends which I think is   so cute! I think that's- that's so YouTube  isn't it because you do feel so much more...   I don't know, on a friend level with YouTubers than  you feel with Ariana or Justin Bieber. I just think   that's really, really sweet and it- it shows how she  saw her audience as well, she didn't see them as an   audience, she saw them as a group of friends that  came to listen to her sing once a week and say   something nice about it. Her fan base grew really,  really quickly because like I say, they were very   very loyal and they were very proud of Christina  so they would share her videos around all over the   Internet and get them circulating, get new people  watching them. Her audience was growing, literally   by the hour and all of this was so exciting for  Christina. She was about 15 years old at this   point and nothing like this had ever happen to  her before, she was getting so giddy and everyone   else was happy for her obviously but her parents  couldn't help but be a little bit nervous about   it because it is the internet after all and this  was the mid-2000s and parents were scared of the   internet and of children putting themselves out  on the internet and who could be seeing that and   who could be talking to them and you know, it's  a bit of an unnerving feeling for a parent that   your 15 year old daughter has all these people  watching her. You don't know who those people   are, you don't know if some of them are creepy men  looking at her with weird intentions and not just   to hear her sing. So for that reason, her mother  and father, I think it was more so her dad Bud, he   started monitoring her comment sections. He wanted  to know what people were saying, he wanted to know   who was watching his baby daughter but when he  went to that comment section, he was overwhelmed   with how much love there was for Christina. There  were so many especially young girls, teenage girls   commenting about how Christina had helped them  through a hard time and they're- they're going   through something at the moment but they just put  her videos on and it- it takes them somewhere else   and her dad was just so proud of his daughter  and so happy for her that she was doing the   thing that she loved the most and she was helping  people. Like, that is the best case scenario! Isn't   that what everyone wants to do with their lives?  Something that they love and that other people   love. And it was more than just her voice that  people loved about Christina Grimmie, a lot of   the reason that she had such a loyal fan base  was because she was just a lovely person as   well! Like, in the intros of her videos before she  started singing, she'd be all like silly, goofy mood   you know very relatable very very sweet!   What the heck was that?! I don't even know! Oh My God, wrong part! Also there's a new- there's a... I don't even know  what I want to say right now. There's a- there's   a- I'm- I'm a. She would chat to her subscribers, she  wouldn't just go on and sing and then leave, like   she actually cared! She cared to have a two-way  dialogue with her friends. People warmed to her   for so many different reasons, she was just very  easy to love. As Christina's videos snowballed in   views, they managed to catch the attention of one  very important person a lady named Mandy Teefey, you   might recognise that name if you're a Selena Gomez  stan because... that's her mom! Mandy Teefey is Selena   Gomez's mum. Selena Gomez's mum was the person  that discovered Christina Grimmie on YouTube,   all the way back then. Mandy was a former actress  and after she'd finished like, acting and being on   the screen, she decided to go into the behind the  scenes of the showbiz industry. She was a manager   now and of course, when she saw Christina's videos  she was like, I want to manage her! She's amazing,   like, she really wanted to find Christina. She  tried to find her actually online, other than   YouTube and she wasn't having much success so  she went to her husband who was also a manager,   I think they kind of worked together on this like,  behind the scenes entertainment stuff and she was   like, please help me find this girl, we need to-  we need to manage this girl, we need to make   her someone. The first video that they saw of hers  was a cover of My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion   and they were just floored! Like, Selena saw it, she  thought it was amazing, as well. So when this offer   finally arrived at Christina's door, when they  finally managed to like track her down, I think   they emailed her brother Mark and once she  heard this offer, it was a total no-brainer   for her. I mean of course, this is Selena Gomez's  mum, she knows what's good and what's not. So with   that, Mandy and Brian, her husband, were Christina  Grimmie's managers. And this absolutely skyrocketed   Christina's career, one of the first gigs that they  managed to get her was as a support act on Selena   Gomez's U.S tour! She did a US tour with Selena  Gomez and the Scene. Do you remember the Scene?   That band that she used to have with her, I miss  Selena Gomez and the Scene! This was such a huge,   life-changing opportunity for Christina, she would  be in front of hundreds of thousands of potential   fans, just waiting to discover her. But all of  this excitement about the tour was a short-lived   because unfortunately, Christina's mother was just  way too sick to be able to come with her and   that also meant that her dad couldn't come with  her because he would have to stay at home and look   after her mother. So she had no one to take her on  this tour and because she was a minor, she needed   someone over the age of 18 with her at all times  to supervise her across the U.S. But lucky for   Christina, her brother Mark was eligible. He was  over 18 and he was a musician! This was perfect   for him, he would love to go on tour. So Marcus,  very kindly, put his life on hold for a couple   of months to take his sister touring the U.S, to go  and achieve her dreams. The two of them had so much   fun together on this tour, Mark was kind of like her  tour manager and he would also perform in her band   because he could play the guitar! So they'd both  be on stage at the same time which I- I think is so   sweet that they got to share that. The whole tour  was a blast and coming out of it, Christina was   more motivated and inspired and passionate than  ever and she was eagerly awaiting her next big   opportunity which came in 2013. This time, Selena  Gomez was going on tour again but on her own this   time, she ditched the Scene and it was just the  Selena Gomez U.S tour and once again, Christina   Grimmie was invited along to be a support act.  Christina and Selena became really, really close   through this whole time, there's like videos and  photos of them online because obviously, Christina   would make these funny, goofy little YouTube videos  and every now and again, Selena would be in the   background and Christina would turn a laptop  and Selena would just be like, walking by saying   something. They got on really, really well clearly  and Selena really, really believed in Christina's   talent. She thought she was amazing, hence why she  asked to get her back for tar once again because   Selena's fans loved Christina and so did Selena.  Christina was doing some really cool stuff through   the years, like, in between these tours she went  on the Ellen show, she opened a show for the Jonas   Brothers, she was in an episode of So Random. You  know how they- you know Sonny with a Chance,   the Disney Channel show, when they made So Random  like an actual separate show like a skit show and   they used to have musical performers, she was on  that! I never knew that but she was on that. I've   watched all of those so I've probably seen that  and I had no idea. It was around this time that   Christina's whole family moved from New Jersey  to LA so that she could be closer to the pulse of   the entertainment industry. And this was a really  big and difficult decision for the family to make.   I mean obviously, her mother was very very ill  and they would be moving from all of their home   comforts, all of their extended family, everything  that they know in New Jersey. They were just gonna   leave it all behind for LA and that was something  that her mother never wanted to do. She never   wanted to leave New Jersey, she loved New Jersey,  she loved her life but she could see how important   this dream was for Christina and that was more  important to Tina than her home comforts and   living in the house that she liked in New Jersey.  She wanted to see her daughter achieve her dreams   and go touring and become this super powerful  superstar! And that was enough for Tina, you know,   she no longer wanted to stay in New Jersey. If LA  was the place that her daughter needed to be, then   that was where they were going to be. So they all  moved to LA and around the same time, this was when   Christina hit 2 million subscribers on YouTube  which in today's uh- economy, YouTube economy,   that's kind of- well I mean I have two million,  it's not as hard to get now. Back in the day, two   million would have been about six or seven million  today, into- in today's money with the inflation of   YouTube subscribers! But yeah, back then there were  less people on YouTube so 2 million subscribers   meant more than 2 million today. Christina was  getting quite frankly too famous for public school,   um- this was back in New Jersey. When she moved to  LA, she was homeschooled for this exact reason but   back in New Jersey, the kids at her school reacted  to her fame very differently and in very jarring   ways. So there was- there was a group of people  that thought it was cool and just were happy for   her and that's what you want everyone to be really,  isn't it? But there were two other further ends of   this scale. There were people that like, thought her  followers were really, really cool and like wanted   to use her and wanted to be posted and wanted to  be shouted out, you know? People that were going   to use her for what she has created and on the  other end of that, there were people that thought   she was really weird for posting videos on YouTube. They would make fun of her, they would think it was   stupid. Trust, I've seen all ends of that scale. So  there was that reason that she was homeschooled   but also, being homeschooled made it so much easier  for her to follow her dreams when she didn't have   to spend most of her week in school, she could get  her education but also write songs and perform and   go on tour. And she was doing so much cool stuff!  I already told you about a lot of it but there   was even more that came when she moved to LA like,  she helped to write a song with Dove Cameron for   the Disney Channel show Liv and Maddie which is  really cool! A Disney Channel song! She also wrote   her own EP and an album, her album was called With  Love and it peaked at 101 on the Billboard charts.   She did write most of the album herself but Avril  Lavigne actually has writing credits on Christina   Grimmie's album which again, really really cool!  I can't imagine how fun it must have been to   be Christina Grimmie and to be such an aspiring  and passionate musician and to get all of these   opportunities at such a young age, in your late  teens your early 20s, she was- she was really living   the dream. But her biggest break was still yet to  come when she went on The Voice in 2014. I'm sure   most of you do know what the Voice is and the  whole concept of that show but for someone that   doesn't watch The Voice, I actually had to research  this so I'll tell you, just in case you don't know.   So obviously, it's a TV singing competition but not  like the X Factor. I'm used to the X Factor where   there's like they have good singers and then they  throw in a couple of s**t ones and it's supposed   to be like, comedy value and you're supposed  to laugh at the people that are bad at singing.   It's actually really mean when you think about it!  But the voice isn't like that, they don't do like,   the comedy value thing like, they only have good  singers on there to compete against each other to   find the best one like, it's a serious competition.  They actually invite you to audition for The Voice,   you can't like apply, it's not open to the general  public, they invite you to audition if they think   you're a good enough singer for The Voice. The  first audition is called a Blind Audition because   the judges- there's four judges and they're not  allowed to see the person that's singing. So all of   their chairs are like, turned to the audience and  the singer is behind them on stage, singing their   little heart out and basically when they decide  that they like that singer and they want to give   them a yes, they press a button and their chair  turns around. Actually quite a cool concept because   then they can't be sweared by like, the person's  looks or their stage presence or... anything, nothing!   The only thing that matters to these judges is the  voice that they are hearing... the voice!   I just understood it! And basically once the judges  turn their chairs around, that's like getting a yes   um- and however many chairs the singer has turned  round at the end, they can choose from those judges   to make one of them their mentor for the rest of  the competition. So there it is a little bit like X   Factor, you know what... I think I just explained that  in the most confusing way possible. I'm sure you   already knew what the Voice was but just in case  you're like me and you don't watch TV, I don't know   what the Voice is. So when Christina auditioned for  The Voice she did another Miley Cyrus classic, she   did Wrecking Ball and she absolutely knocked it  out of the park. All four judges were so impressed   by her that they all turned round, most of them-  three of them had even turned round before she   even reached the chorus! That was Shakira, Usher  and Adam Levine from Maroon 5. And if those three   people think you have an amazing voice before  you've even got to the damn chorus, that's insane!   All four of the judges did turn in the end, like I  said and because all four of them wanted her, that   meant that Christina got her pick of the judges,  who she wanted to be her mentor and she chose Adam   Levine. She made it all the way to the finals and  finished in third place which is just incredible,   isn't it, for such a young woman. Especially given  that the bar is very, very high for the Voice, like,   there's only good singers on there so you have to  be the absolute cream of the crop to win. But her   placement in the actual competition hardly even  mattered because point is, she'd been on TV for   ages and loads of people knew who Christina  Grimmie was now. Loads of people had heard   her voice and loads of big people in the music  industry wanted to get to know her and wanted   her to work with them. She had a bunch of record  labels fighting over her after she was on The   Voice. One of them was Adam Levine, he wanted her  on his own record label. Another one was Lil Wayne...   he wanted to earn Young Money, which I find quite  interesting?! Um- but she actually ended up turning   both of them down and she went with Island Records.  But regardless of how mainstream famous she was,   Christina never forgot about her fans which  I think is really, really sweet. She was always   making those YouTube videos like, whenever she had  a spare few minutes to sing them a song or come   and drop in and speak to them. She'd go on her  Snapchat story and keep them all updated. They   were still her friends and they still meant the  world to her, they were still there with her every   step of the way and she was always really, really  connected with them. She never forgot that they   were the reason why she was living her dream, why  she was in the position that she was in, why she   could have a record label and why all these people  could know her name and she would get invited on   The Voice and make a Disney Channel song and go on  tour with Selena, it's all because of those people   that watched her YouTube videos and she was so  so grateful for that, the whole time. She took   absolutely every chance that she got to be able  to meet fans and take photos with them and just   get to know them, just get to know them, like the  friends that they were to her. After her appearance   on the Voice, Christina was obviously booked and  busy. Everyone wanted to know her, everyone wanted   to work with her, every big artist wanted her  as a support act on their tour because I mean   even though she was known now, she wasn't quite big  enough to have her own tour but she was definitely   big enough that people were fighting over her for  the support act slot. So a few of the tours that   she did, she went across Europe with a band called  Before You Exit, she did a U.S tour with a singer   named Rachel Platten and then she joined Before  You Exit again on their U.S tour. She was loving   every second of it but that doesn't mean it wasn't  very, very tiring. She was exhausted, so was Mark. I   mean this was their dream to be musicians and to  perform and to and to sing to an audience but in   such quick succession, it was really really tiring  for them and so the two of them had kind of come   to this realisation that, okay after this American  tour finishes, let's you know chill out a little   bit, let's have a little bit of time off. To be fair,  Christina wanted to get back home and get writing.  She wanted to be creating a new body of work, she  wanted a new album or a new EP or new- just new   songs in general because she'd been playing the  same ones the whole time that she'd been on all   these tours and that's not to say she didn't like  them but she was- she was getting ready for a new   era. June 10th 2016 was the night of their final  performance on the American tour with Before You   Exit. Christina and Mark had already packed all  their suitcases, ready to leave the next day but   not before one last banger of a show. The venue  of the night was the Plaza Live, it was in Orlando   did I tell you that? I think I- anyway! The  Plaza Live had a capacity of about 1,250 People.   Christina was so excited to perform that night,  she'd been posting on socials all day saying come   down, come meet me like, if you're in the Orlando  area come to our last show. Hey guys, what's up?   Um, we're in Orlando today, please come to  the show if you live near Orlando, Florida. We   are at the Plaza live, please come out, bye! That night the  show went perfectly, Christina was pretty much on   autopilot at this point, like, she knew her set  inside and out. She would just like, go into her   own little- own little place whenever she was on  stage. Her brother was supporting in her band, as   always and she sang a mixture of covers that  the audience could sing along to and her   own original songs. After the show as she did with  every other show, Christina would go and sit at   the merch table afterwards and meet anyone that  wanted to meet her. People would come and make a   little line at the merch table and buy a shirt  or a CD and get her to sign it and they'd take   pictures and they'd laugh and they'd get to know  each other. Her fans absolutely loved this about   her, I think- I think this is what makes Christina  so different to any other like, young pop star is   that she had this connection with her fans because  she had such a social media presence that like... I   don't know, they were her friends. And she wouldn't  charge them money, she would do this for free. She   went and sat at the merch table because she wanted  to give back to the people that had just given her   such a great show. So after her final show finished  at about 10 pm, Christina headed over to the merch   table and her brother Marcus was there with her,  of course he was her chaperone for like, all of   her tours and he would just always like, hang  around. You know, partly to keep an eye on her,   partly to act as like, a little bit of security  just in case. And also because quite a few of   Christina's fans actually knew who he was because  they had this connection with her, they knew more   about her than they knew about mainstream singers  because she had this social media presence, they'd   seen her brother on her socials before they  wanted pictures with him too, they wanted his   autograph. He'd also just help her out with like  the merch table, she'd be there meeting and talking   to people and he'd be like, stacking the shirts up  and taking the money and stuff like that, he   was a really really supportive brother, all the  way throughout. But above all at the end of the   day, he was there to keep Christina safe. That was  the main reason he was on tour was, you know, to just   keep an eye on her, she was a 22 year old woman at  this point. She wasn't his baby sister anymore but   she was still his sister and he was still gonna  gonna watch over her. So the line for Christina's   meet and greet was nearing an end at about 20 past  ten, she'd been doing this for a little while and   there were about 15 people left in the queue when  an older man approaches Christina's table. A couple   of people around had already noticed this man  waiting in the queue and they thought it was a   little bit odd. They just thought he was a bit too  old to be there, I know that sounds horrible but   he wasn't in Christina's usual demographic of like,  teeny boppers like there were loads of young girls   in this queue and then just like an older man and  then loads of more young girls. And you know, people   didn't really want to judge this man for his music  taste, anyone can like any kind of music no matter   what you look like. But naturally, when people saw  this older man approaching this young woman at a   table, they were like... what- what's his intentions,  what's gonna happen here? And it wasn't just that   he didn't look like your typical Christina Grimmie  fan, he was also just acting a bit weird! Like, he   was giving people reason to be suspicious of him,  he was a bit shifty and awkward and he was very   sweaty and red, even though it wasn't that warm  in there, like no one else was sweaty and red. It   didn't seem that Christina thought much of this,  I mean she'd met nervous, shy fans before and- and   that's just what this guy seemed to be. He- he was  quiet, he was silent actually when he walked up   to the table. He just looked at Christina, he didn't  say anything um- but she thought that was to- due to   nerves, she thought he was speechless. So Christina  did what she always did with nervous fans, she just   opened her arms and offered him a hug. Let him  just walk into her arms so that she could embrace   him and tell him thank you for being a fan. She  always felt that was one of the best way to deal   with these like, anxious fans. Usually like, little  girls that would come up to her like, shaking, not   being able to get their words out, she'd just give  him a big squeeze. So Christina opened her arms to   this man and that was when everyone realised  that he wasn't there as a fan, he was there to   murder Christina Grimmie. This man was 27 year  old Kevin Loibel. He was a Florida native and   had driven two hours that day, well- gotten a taxi,  two hours that day to go and see Christina at her   final show after seeing her advertising it on her  Snapchat. Kevin had been unhealthily obsessed with   Christina for quite some time now. The obsession  had developed over the years, at first it started   with him just being a regular fan that had found  this girl singing online but as the years went by,   he became very delusional about it and he withdrew  from the rest of his life that- that wasn't   Christina. His life literally consisted of sitting  in the house and watching Christina's videos, over   and over again and checking on her socials to see  if she'd posted anything new and just waiting for   another video to be posted. He did have a job but  that was it. He would go out to work at Best Buy   and even then, he wasn't like front facing with  the public because his management thought that he   was very awkward and slightly off-putting so they  put him in the back, they put him on the Geek Squad   which- which you know. Which I think meant that he  was dealing with like, I don't know, Electronics or   something in the back. He only really had like, one  co-worker that he worked with and that was it for   his social interaction. He would go home at the end  of the day where he lived with his father and his   brother and he wouldn't really speak to them. He  would just go up into his bedroom and shut himself   in for the rest of the night until he had to get  up for work the next day. He literally only worked   to make money to keep his laptop on so that he  could watch Christina videos. Kevin Loibel was like,   in love with Christina, well he thought he  was anyway because he thought he knew her,   he thought he really knew this girl's personality  because he'd watched so many of her videos and like   I said, she would do these like silly goofy intros  and like pull faces and stuff and even though, yes   you are seeing a glimmer into her personality, he  didn't know her as a person at all! But because he   was so delusional, he didn't even think about the  fact that he didn't actually know this woman. He   just decided that he wanted to be with her, he  wanted to marry her one day. He always thought   that he was going to meet her one day and that  she was just gonna fall head over heels in love   with him and they were going to be together  but there was a problem... well there was a lot   of problems, actually but one of his particular  problems was that he was a very, very insecure   person. He didn't feel confident enough to meet  Christina yet, the way that he was looking and   so he embarked on a whole journey to change  his appearance, like, pretty much every element   of his appearance was changed for Christina  because he thought that that would make her   fall in love when she saw him. He spent so much  money doing this as well, he got laser eye surgery   so he wouldn't have to wear glasses anymore, he  got hair implants. He whitened his teeth, he even   went vegan for a couple of reasons actually.  Christina was, I think she was also a vegan   and an animal rights activist so. But he also went  vegan to lose weight, specifically to lose weight.   He lost 50 pounds being vegan and that's not  the only like, lifestyle change that he made for   Christina, he also converted to Christianity after  being an atheist all his life, he said that it   was Christina that made him believe in God. All of  this for a woman that doesn't even know he exists.   He is so deluded and so in love with this  woman that he has created in his head based   on these little clips, that he's doing all this!  Putting- throwing all this money at his appearance...   thinking that that is the missing puzzle piece? To  get them together? Like, that's- you've got a whole   load more problems than just how you look. And I  mean I- I don't want to be mean but I feel like   your appearance is the last thing you should be  worrying about when your personality is strange   beyond comprehension and you're a very off-putting  person. The murder aside, this man was weird, strange   in every single way. Like I said, he barely left  his bedroom because he didn't like socialising,   he didn't like seeing people and it actually got  that bad that he put tin foil up on his windows to   block out the light! Are you a vampire? He didn't  have any friends, um- well outside of work. He   had one person that he considered a friend but I  don't think that person considered himself Kevin's   friend. It was just a co-worker that was the  closest person in his life because it was the only   person he ever blooming to talk to so Kevin  saw this co-worker as a friend as his only friend.   And this friend was aware of Kevin's obsession  with Christina, I don't think he knew quite how   bad it was but he knew that his co-worker had a  crush on this YouTuber/singer. Kevin would watch   Christina's videos at work even, like, he couldn't  even have a break while he was on the clock. And   he would even tell his friend/ co-worker about  Christina and about her journey and about how   she was on The Voice and all of this stuff like,  he would talk about her as if he was his girl- she   was his girlfriend back at home. Obviously, this  co-worker was aware that Kevin had this crush on   an internet celebrity and he would kind of tease  him for it, that's the kind of thing that you tease   your friends for having like a unattainable crush. He'd be like, oh is it your girlfriend? Kevin didn't   like that. Kevin did not like that! And in the month  or so before the Orlando show, Kevin's delusions   were getting worse than ever about Christina.  He was telling this work friend that they were   gonna be together soon, like, he was gonna meet  her and they were going to be together soon. He   told him about the Orlando show and the meet up  and everything and this co-worker turned to him   and obviously because Kevin's quite sensitive  about this subject, the co-worker tried to give   him logic and reason and he was, like, you know I  don't think she's gonna fall in love with you at   the meet and greet, like, I don't think she's gonna  see you when it's gonna be love at first sight.   Well, Kevin took that even worse! He was so angry, he  was like shouting at this man and threatening to   end their friendship over this. He was adamant  that his co-workers didn't know anything about   him or his relationship or Christina, he told  them that he did know her and they played video   games together all the time! That's not true, uh-  but he told his co-workers that, I guess to make   it more believable, like, no trust! Like, we play  video games online all the time! No they didn't,   no they didn't, Christina had no idea who this  man was, they had never interacted before. And   that shows just how embarrassed he was to have a  crush on someone that didn't even know he existed,   like, once people pointed that out to him, he had to  lie and get defensive and say, well no! No we- she   does know who I am! In the month before the Orlando  incident, Kevin's co-worker, his friend, someone that   he considered a friend actually reported him to  management because of this weird behaviour because   of all these weird things that he was saying about  Christina and how obsessed he was. It was just...   weird to be around, it was just very uncomfortable.  I'm sure you can imagine, like, if someone was so   delusionally obsessed with a celebrity and  was talking about them all the time as if it   was their boyfriend or girlfriend, you would be a  bit like... go away weirdo! This co-worker was just   quite disturbed by Kevin at this point so he went  to management and told them everything about his   weird obsession with Christina and management, like,  they were like, yeah okay sorry that does sound   really weird but like... he's not breaking any rules,  he's not like going against any store policies or   like... he's not breaking the law. Really what can  management do? Tell him to stop- stop fancying   the girl on the Internet. It's a bit of a sticky  one, he was just over sharing his weird thoughts.   There wasn't really anything that management  could really do, they felt like it just wasn't   their place to- to change this man's personality  when it wasn't impacting his work. June 5th was   five days before the Orlando show and that was the  last time that Kevin spoke to that co-worker. He   went into work that day and brought in a bunch  of comic books that he borrowed from this guy,   he returned them all, told him that he loved him  but he was tired and he was ready to ascend. Which   in hindsight, definitely sounds concerning when-  especially when you know more about this man and   like, the- the thoughts going on inside his brain.  But this co-worker didn't know any of that really,   he just had a very surface level relationship  with this... weirdo that really likes this singer   online and like, he just kind of put up with him at  work so how was he supposed to know what ready to   ascend meant? Kevin was a weird guy that said weird  things like that all the time, like, if they were to   flag every single weird thing he said, they would  never stop. Kevin had already bought his ticket to   Christina's show and a month before this, he'd gone  out and bought his murder weapons. Weapons, multiple.   He had had this plan in the works for at least  a month. On the night before the show, June 9th,   Kevin got a taxi all the way to Orlando. It was  about a two-hour journey from wherever he lived   um- and he booked a room in the Marriott  hotel. With him he took a backpack and   that's it, he took a backpack with a change of  clothes in, some toiletries, his concert ticket   and murder weapons. Those murder weapons that he  purchased a month prior included a hunting knife,   two shotguns and a whole load of ammunition. On the  day of the concert, he hid all of these weapons on   his person so when he got to the venue, he was able  to just walk straight inside. Back then, they only   really did like bag searches outside of venues  and I mean... they still do that at most venues now.   Security really needs to step up at music venues,  I've always said this. But you know at least now in   like, big venues, they have metal detectors and  stuff that you have to walk through and they   actually- actually do kind of search you. Well back  then, there was nothing of the sort. He had three   weapons just like, in different waistbands and  stuff and he was able to walk into that concert...   freely. Kevin stood at the back of the audience for  the whole show and there's a few videos that you   can see him in and he's not even, like, dancing or  singing along or smiling. He's literally like stood   at the back of the room just staring at Christina.  Like I don't know what I expected him to be doing   but it wasn't that, like, I know that he's got  this plan in his head but you would at least-   would you not act the part when you're in the  crowd? He just looked so suspicious the whole   night But actually, that makes a little bit  of sense when you hear that Kevin was angry   at Christina that day. On the day of the  concert, he was angry at this woman that   he'd never met or interacted with because he  had recently found out that Christina had a   boyfriend or at least she was seeing someone.  I think it was her producer and there were a   bunch of pictures of them online looking all  cute, you know, together. Kevin had seen those   and he did not like it one bit. Kevin was so mad  at Christina for wanting to be with someone that's   not him, he felt betrayed. He is so deluded that the  thoughts and emotions that he was experiencing in   relation to this whole situation, were very similar  to that of being cheated on. Even though Christina   didn't even know he existed, he- in his head had  been in a relationship with her and was gonna   get married to her, they were going to be together  and then all of a sudden, he sees these photos and   that just shatters this illusion for him and he  can no longer see Christina in the same light.   He feels so betrayed by her and he is so angry at  her and he feels as though she has done something   specifically to him. Like I say, he feels cheated  on even though Christina has done nothing wrong   here, he feels like she's wronged him. And that  is believed to be his motive for what he went   on to do at her meet and greet that day. When  Kevin walked over to her merch table, she saw   how nervous he looked so she stood up, opened her  arms to him for a hug and he pulled a shotgun out   of his waistband and shot her multiple times at  point blank range. Reports differ on exactly how   many shots were fired, we've kind of come to the  conclusion that it was three. One in the head and   two in the chest. Christina instantly fell to the  ground. There was no screaming, there was no nothing.   She didn't have time to react to this, Christina  just fell to the ground and her brother Marcus   was standing right next to her as this happened.  And hearing him tell this story is so harrowing,   he said that he just heard this popping noise and  it sounded like a fake gun, it didn't even feel   real. And the next thing he knew, his little sister  just fell to the ground. He'd heard these bangs, his   sister is on the ground and then everyone starts  screaming. It just sounded, like, almost like a fake   gun, just a loud pop and Christina's just on the  ground. And without even thinking, just on raw   instinct, Marcus launched himself over the merch  table and lunged at his sister's attacker. He   tackled Kevin to the ground and tried to wrestle  the shotgun away from him but Kevin was determined   to keep hold of this shotgun, he was putting up  a fight. But Mark has feared what could happen   if this man kept hold of the gun. If no one got it  off him, who else was he gonna shoot? Was he gonna   turn around and massacre this whole concert venue?  Marcus finally managed to get the gun away from   Kevin and when he did, his grip on actual Kevin  loosened a little bit because he was no longer   armed and he didn't feel like as much of a threat.  He managed to wriggle out of Marcus's grip and   everyone thought that he had been disarmed... nobody  knew that he had another shotgun in his waistband.   As Kevin pulled this gun out and everyone saw it,  Marcus remembered thinking... that's it, he was   gonna be dead and this man was gonna shoot up  this entire place, this was where they all die.   But to everyone's surprise, Kevin Loibel backed up  into the wall, raised the gun to his own head and   shot himself. Kevin Loibel died instantly. This  whole interaction from when he arrived at the   merch table to when he himself died was no more  than a minute. All of this had happened so quickly,   just a minute ago Marcus had been stood at the  side of his little sister, 22 years old achieving   her dreams, touring the world, doing meet and greets  signing autographs for fans. And now just like that,   some man arrived and killed her. And now she was  laying on the floor, dead. In the middle of her meet   and greet, in the middle of doing the thing that  she loved doing the most, putting herself out there   for free to her fans to connect to make friends to  sign autographs and take pictures, she wanted to do   this because she loved her fans and someone did  this to her. A medic in the building was alerted   and he rushed over to come and see Christina,  he felt for her pulse and he actually found one,   although it was very weak and he was worried that  it wouldn't stay. He was trying to give her CPR,   just trying to keep her alive until an ambulance  could come. However after one shot to the head and   two to the chest, it was very unlikely that she  was gonna survive this. Christina was rushed to a   nearby hospital but later that evening, thousands  of miles away from her parents, Christina Grimmie   was pronounced dead. Mark was absolutely crushed  that he hadn't managed to save his sister that   day. He felt almost responsible for being her  guardian on that tour, he was the one there that   was looking over and making sure that she was  okay but in this one instance, how could he have?   How could he have possibly known that that man  had a gun in his waistband and how could he have   possibly stopped him before he shot his sister, he  couldn't have. I think that's one of the scariest   parts of this case for me is that... no one could  have really stopped this, other than having better   security on the door at the venue but you know,  they didn't so he did manage to get in with a   gun. No one could have stopped him at that point, I  really don't think they could have, how was anyone   supposed to know that he was gonna do this? Other  than better security at the venue, this is just   one of those unpreventable crimes that scares me  so much. Later that night, the news of Christina   Grimmie's untimely death hit the internet and  everyone was just so devastated. There were so   many tweets and photos and loving messages and fan  edits and videos and little collections of like,   everyone coming together and posting pictures  and holding signs and it was lovely, the-   the fan response to this. I mean it was- it was  heartbreaking but it was heartwarming to see   how many people loved and were so affected by  Christina, in her life and the content that she   made and the talent that she had and the joy  that she brought to the world. So many people   were so moved by this woman that they wanted to  pay their respects. And among all of those people   paying their respects, there were of course a bunch  of celebrities because Christina had friends in   the industry. Selena Gomez posted a memorial photo  for Christina. Adam Levine, the band Before You Exit,   there were tons of people, tons of YouTubers  as well! Of course because she was a YouTuber   at the heart of it all, that's where she got big,  that's- that's where she started. And actually, Adam   Levine was so affected by Christina's death that  he offered to pay for all of the funeral costs   and he actually paid to get her body transported  from Orlando back to California, where her family   could have her funeral. On her next tour, Selena  actually dedicated a bunch of songs to Christina   and she actually broke down into tears as she  was speaking about Christina and how wonderful   and talented she was. It was such a tragic loss for-  for everyone. For her family for her friends for   her fans for the industry for everyone! She really  was something special. So that very night, a police   investigation was opened into this murder and  I mean, there was no question of who did it, they   literally had the suspect dead at the scene, along  with his victim. Kevin was identified very quickly,   he had his wallet in his pocket that had his ID in  it so immediately, they knew who their shooter was.   And when police got in contact with Kevin's family  and... friend? I was going to say family and friends   but family and one co-worker that he spoke to. When  police spoke them and found out how morbid his   obsession was with Christina, the story pretty  much told itself. I mean it was- it was obvious   the pipeline of what had happened here. He got  into Christina as a normal fan and then became   horrifically deluded and obsessed, to the point  where he viewed her as his! As his object and   when her real life version of herself goes out and  dates a new man, he couldn't handle it because his   in mind version of Christina was married to him.  That was his wife that was cheating on him! He   couldn't differentiate what was going on in his  mind from reality and that this woman has no idea   who he is. They concluded that he had become very  jealous and angry finding out that Christina was   seeing a new man and he felt like if he couldn't  have Christina, then no one could. Police gathered   a bunch of evidence that showed that this  was premeditated as well, like, the fact that   he bought his weapons in May and carried this out  in June. He'd been telling his co-worker that they   were gonna be together soon... for a good few weeks.  So I have a feeling he'd already made that plan   in his head and he knew how they were going to be  together. Police actually discovered on a search of   Kevin's bedroom that he'd wiped his hard drive  on his computer before he left for the concert   that day and I don't know if they managed to like  find what was on it. I know police have their ways   of getting back, like, deleted and wiped information  but I couldn't find anything about this hard drive   online so I- I guess they didn't recover the  information? I wonder what was on there. It's   actually really scary to think what could have  been on there because it might not have just been   Christina related. We don't know what else this man  was getting up to in his bedroom on his own, day in   day out when he wasn't socializing or joining in  with the rest of the world. Kevin Loibel's family   are reportedly devastated and disgusted with  their son's actions, although they haven't spoken   publicly on this case much but they did leave  a note on their door for reporters, kind of in   the immediate aftermath of this. And the note read  "deepest sorrow for the loss to the family, friends   and fans of the talented, loving Christina Grimmie.  No further comments." Christina's family have   since set up the Christina Grimmie Foundation  which is a non-profit charity that helps   um- victims of gun violence and I think homicide  in general, in the immediate aftermath of the   attack, of the incident. The help is concentrated in  that very immediate aftermath to help victims and   survivors to meet their basic needs in those first  few days, you know like, paying bills and getting   food and and maybe somewhere to live if they can't  stay at home. A hotel room, something like that.   Because in those first few days, you're in such  shock and your brain isn't processing anything,   the last thing that you want to be worrying about  is your basic needs and where you're going to get   your food from, you know? It just allows victims  to have a bit of space and a bit of time to   deal with what's going on in their head and in  their lives without, you know, all those other...   annoying little things about human life.  Christina's mother, Tina Grimmie, sadly lost   her battle with breast cancer in 2018, just two  years after the death of her daughter. Tina was   such a strong woman, she had had that cancer for  23 years. 23 years that she was just muscling    through, going to chemotherapy and living through  it regardless. It's just an incredible woman and   she was always so proud of her incredible  daughter, as well. Over the years, Christina   Grimmie's like, musical team have released a bunch  of her recorded tracks that were never released   while she was still here. And I believe, don't quote  me on this but I think a percentage of the money   that's earned from these posthumous tracks goes  straight to the Christina Grimmie Foundation. It's   absolutely tragic that something like this was  even able to happen, that the security on that   venue wasn't tighter and I mean ,security even  today in 2023, I know this case wasn't so long   ago but in 2016, yeah maybe the security wasn't  as great but even still today in the aftermath   of something as harrowing as Christina Grimmie's  murder so many venues don't even check bags. I   think venues should learn from this story and  many other stories of people managing to sneak   things into concerts because clearly lives are  still being lost to this day from people being   able to smuggle weapons into places where they  shouldn't be allowed them. But that is all I have on   this case, there will be a link to the Christina  Grimmie Foundation below in the description of   this video. Please do check it out, please do donate  to them, I'm sure it would mean the absolute world.   But other than that, thank you so much for watching  this video. Thanks again to Casetify for sponsoring   this video! Remember if you go through the link  down below in the description, forward   slash Eleanor, you can get 15% off of your new phone  case, you're very welcome! That's everything from me,   thank you so so much for watching! If you enjoyed,  please leave a thumbs up or you can subscribe   to my channel. You can click this little circle  with my face in or if you want to watch another   one of my videos, there's one on screen right  now! Cool, I'll see you in the next video! Bye!
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,092,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, christina grimmie, christina, grimmie, concert, meet and greet, popstar, youtuber, popstar murdered, popstar killed, youtuber killed, youtuber murdered, murderer, killer, social media, tiktok, the voice, adam levine, youtube singer, selena gomez, christina grimmie videos, true crime story, true crime case, stalker, kevin loibl
Id: pnYMyiYgi2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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