YouTube Censors 3D2A Content | Here's Why

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welcome back to Hoffman tactical so YouTube is cracking down on 3D printing and Firearms videos let's talk about it you might have noticed I have not uploaded a video in a couple weeks I did not upload last week's video and that was because I received a channel strike a little over a week ago and that prevented me from uploading a video for a week I got put in YouTube jail I actually had I've had four of my videos removed in the last few weeks and three of them all last week and I'm gonna talk about those three videos today and why they got removed so it wasn't just me who had videos removed there were other prominent uh 3d2a creators who had their videos removed as well um 3D print general actually I believe had three videos removed almost lost his channel over it um the Smoky shoot shoot had I actually did lose his channel he had four strikes or three strikes all at once and they took his channel down and I believe booglin also got a video removed and there was another I think there was another smaller channel that had it removed as well I'm not sure though those are the ones that I I can remember right now off the top of my head so it was all at once it was all later last week it was like all um it seemed as if like suddenly YouTube would just removing a whole bunch of videos that quite frankly did not violate the terms of service so we were all quite curious about why this happened and then last week earlier this week I saw why it did happen and the reason was that a article was published by Giffords The prominent anti-gun lobbyist organization and they basically wrote like an open article almost like an open letter to YouTube that YouTube needs to be more strict with their policies and they need to they have a lot there's a lot of videos on YouTube they claimed that we're in violation of YouTube's current policies and they need to crack down and remove those that dangerous content that was published on the 14th and all these videos that were removed happened after that and they all happened very quickly one after the other so obviously someone at YouTube said oh look we're not we're not living up to uh Gifford's standards so they they try to live up to those standards by removing videos which which did not violent terms of service and we're not dangerous in any way or hurting anyone okay okay so what can we do about it there's a few things so obviously if you're watching this you've already found my channel you probably already found everybody else's Channel as well the best thing for you to do is to start following myself and other creators in this area on alternative media so the best site for myself and this is in my opinion like my favorite alternative media site to YouTube is Odyssey o d y s e that is where I keep all of my videos backed up all my videos are out there and you can go follow me out there that's a great website I am not going to put the link in the description because YouTube will not like that for various reasons unfortunately however it's super easy to find my channel if you just search Odyssey o d y s e and then put down Hoffman tactical or whoever your favorite Creator is you're trying to find out on Odyssey uh Google ironically will actually bring their page right up on the first page it's really easy to find the Odyssey search engine is not the best so that is the best way to find channels in my opinion just use Google which is ironic but it works okay so I'm out in Odyssey definitely follow me there if you're already watching this on Odyssey big thumbs up that's excellent now I'm also on other alternative media obviously there's Rumble I just set in a count up with Rumble I don't have any videos out there yet but I'm going to start uploading out on Rumble I have an account on YouTube and I also just set up same deal I have to get the videos out there and I have to get it I have to get a link to my YouTube account so we can start getting everything synced up so I'm also on uh Brady on and bit shoot which are not as good really nowadays I mean Brighton's pretty good as far as things go but they're not as popular but I am out there as well I'm not active though I don't intend to be active right now those are kind of like backup backups so follow myself follow other creators out there now what's my plan here on YouTube what am I going to do probably what'll end up what I'll end up doing is I'm going to continue uploading regularly here on YouTube because YouTube is the place where you reach people YouTube is where new people get involved in 3D printing they learn about Firearms it's a good place to help educate people who you wouldn't be able to reach anyway so I want to try to stay here on YouTube so there's a few things I've done and I think some of the other creators have done this as well the first ones I looked through all my videos I had like 130 of them and I deleted basically half my videos I had a lot of views from those videos but I I don't want to lose the YouTube channel so I thought it was the best thing to do was to just get rid of all the videos I thought were remotely controversial keep in mind none of these violated the terms of service otherwise I would have deleted them a long time ago however just anything that YouTube did what any of it looks scary basically that had guns in it um that YouTube might think was assembly or think was instructional videos they might remove so that's why I deleted a lot of my videos I deleted my slicing video Even if you want to watch that it's out on Odyssey so I'm going to continue uploading content here on YouTube but I'm going to do either basically I'm going to put videos in two categories I'm going to do educational 3D printing videos so not firearm specific videos which has absolutely no issue with the terms of service and YouTube Share no have no problem with them and then the other videos I'm going to upload are going to be fun shooting videos at the range there's plinking shooting guns like like the big channels do which is not in violation in terms of service in any way and should be just fine if you're looking for firearms related instructional content I'm going to start doing videos just for alternative media on those subjects because YouTube is simply not going to tolerate that all right so a bit of a rambling video just to kind of get you guys updated I did the video I was going to do last week was on testing the taloman alloy the ptoleman glass fiber nylon which I did make some some tests with moisture and annealing to see what his properties were very interesting results unfortunately I was not able to upload the video because I had a strike obviously I do intend to actually go ahead and get that video finished and upload it here to YouTube maybe it'll be next week's video so you guys can see that um that's what you guys missed but if you're looking for the results now you can find it on my website I did a blog post just talking about the results of that test you can check it out there okay so I think that is about it basically to summarize go ahead and follow myself and others on alternative media whatever they say that media is Google it put their put their channel name in there and you should be able to find it pretty easily also that that that's basically if you're already on alternative media big thumbs up that's really good um here on YouTube I intend to stay on YouTube as absolutely long as I can most likely myself and others will be removed at some point just because they don't like us even though we're not violating any terms of service we're not violating your laws we're not doing anything wrong I'm not hurting anybody um they still don't like us so we'll we'll stay here I intend to stay on YouTube as long as I can until I get removed and I'm going to try to keep all my videos absolutely as clean as possible to give them as little reason as possible to remove me all right guys hope you found today's video um at least you know letting letting you know what was going on and I'll catch you again I hope next week thanks for watching
Channel: Hoffman Tactical
Views: 16,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8LO6Tsg1Ju8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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