Your Wii Can Play This (And Much More)

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so you can see right here I'm getting ready to serve all I do is throw that ball up in the air and we're like oh man I miss those days uh the Nintendo Wii a console that has its feet firmly planted in the past yet somehow feels more present than ever nowadays when you think of games along the lines of Super Mario Galaxy Skyward Sword Super Paper Mario Etc you don't immediately think oh yeah those old games well unless you fall outside my target age range I guess on the younger end and you do immediately think that and to the rest of us I extend an invitation to the we're getting old support group because these games are 15 11 and 16 years old respectively those with glasses a little less Rose tinted than mine are probably thinking yeah no that was a while ago sounds about right and deep down while I do realize that it still feels like it was just the other day that I was hearing this sound for the first time and while back then hearing this sound meant that you were about to go on some incredible Adventure or create some awesome memories nowadays I just hear it and I think wow the DVD drive still works on this one it sucks to hear but just like us this thing's getting old too oh also the support group does have smash night on Tuesdays and Fridays but it's byoc the sticks are getting a little too worn out on the community controllers so yeah the upside to the Wii being fairly prehistoric at this point is that I've had a long time to make a lot of good memories with it the Wii is home to countless amazing games the best of which is easily the one you played the most man what a great game that was huh truly the best and like a fine wine these games just kept getting better and better throughout the Wii's lifespan any decent console would have loved to have games like skyward Swords Xenoblade Chronicles and Driver San Francisco released during their Twilight years and while the Wii was flourishing above ground things were getting just as hot for everybody under it [Music] foreign [Music] the Wii was the first game console I personally ever modded I vividly remember being a 9 or 10 year old kid just watching YouTube one day and seeing a video where someone was playing Pokemon fire red on their Wii man let me tell you my mind was blown they used some weird Channel called The Homebrew Channel and some app called visual Boy advanced GX I went and frantically booted up my Wii and then went to the Wii Shop Channel and looked for both The Homebrew Channel and visual Boy advanced GX oh to be this naive again obviously couldn't find him and looking back to me this whole experience was like finding the hidden laser suit Super Mario World video and trying to jump right between these two blocks for hours on end to try and get the laser gun even though there was absolutely no chance that was gonna happen and yes I did do this for hours on end I was a pretty gullible child the point is that this video of Pokemon Fire Red that I had watched lit a fire in me that's still burning to this day that day I realized that we're not bound by what Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft lets us do with our consoles no it's like the other way around really my console is not about to be bound by what I decided I was going to do with it and God damn it I decided it was going to be playing Pokemon Fire Red even if it took secretly stealing the SD card out of the family Canon PowerShot camera after a week of trial and error with outdated YouTube tutorials and GBA temp threads using the power of a Lego Batman save file hack I had installed The Homebrew Channel my first emulator and my first soft mod on any console but that was all 13 years ago and playing GBA games on the Wii is far from the coolest thing that you can do with it nowadays but what can you do with it nowadays a shining example of what a Homebrew game Port should be is Quake on the Wii it runs amazing it's compatible with the PC version's assets as well all you got to do is drag and drop pack files along with the Wii binaries to your SD card and the controls will already be set up and ready to play with the GameCube controller this is a fantastic port and I really have nothing bad to say about it at all it's genuinely a great way to play quick there's also a control method for using the Wii remote to aim which is pretty nifty and after playing Quake I naturally decided to go seek out Half-Life there's a project out there called Dash 3D Wii which aims to Port zash3d the open source version of valve's gold Source game engine to the Wii but unfortunately this Project's been left unfinished which really surprises me because zash3d has been ported to all kinds of consoles like the 3DS and the switch I assumed that it already would have been done on the Wii there is source code available for what they have done so far but I couldn't figure out if the current code is going to be all that functional and I don't really want to go down the rabbit hole of compiling it myself just for it to not work at all I'll leave a link to the GitHub page for in the description if you want to check it out yourself I'd love to see this project keep going but you know what I do want to go down the rabbit hole of compiling though is Super Mario 64 for the week and I already hear you saying bruh there's already Mario 64 on the Wii Virtual Console LOL big idiot oh yeah well does your Virtual Console copy do this so this is a port of the decompiled source code for Super Mario 64. it's pretty and like I said I did have to compile this myself but it wasn't too bad the author has a Docker guide available on GitHub so it's as simple as entering a few commands if you've already got a Docker environment set up then you just Supply your own ROM to pull assets from and it spits out a DOL file obviously the code doesn't do a very good job but between the flying SpaghettiOs text boxes and Mario's extra large mustache this port had me on my ass for a few minutes at the sheer absurdity of what's happening on the screen it's some pretty good it seems like the game itself is still really playable it's just graphical glitches that you're seeing here so if you already know what you're doing in Mario 64 this is still pretty playable and I already know what I'm doing in Mario 64. so that kind of makes me want to stream a playthrough of this or something I'm sure the deeper into this you get the crazier it gets let me know if that's something you guys would watch I'm down to do it and you know one game that I didn't even know how to decompilation project until now was a little game called Sonic Mania and it's running great on the Wii it feels like this could have just come out as regular we wear or something obviously the Wii wasn't still relevant when Mania came out but you know I mean I didn't stop Just Dance 2019 just saying Sega the only times that it runs less than Stellar are during load screens which take a relatively fat minute to load and during the special stage which nearly grinds the whole thing to a halt the regular stages from what I did play though feel great this is easily one of my favorite games to get on a modded Wii now and while messing around with Homebrew consoles is one of my favorite things to do it's not the only thing I do I've done countless Hardware mods as well and one service that I like to make use of is the sponsor of today's video PCB way so recently I made a 2.3 to 1 scale model of the weed that actually works and during that project I needed to tap the USB ports on the back to Power the rear exhaust fan somehow so faced with this dilemma I figured out how to use Altium designer and made myself a PCB that does just that and creating my own PCB has been something that I've wanted to do for a really long time and something this simple seemed like a pretty good excuse to try it out finally designing the PCB took me a super long time to figure out since I've never done anything like this before but getting it made manufactured was a breeze thanks to PCB way I'll admit I didn't get everything right on my first submission to them my board was electrically correct but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what kind of Gerber file I needed or if I included the drill file correctly or if I exported all the layers correctly or if everything was in the proper CNC format screw all this stuff I just wanted a PCB PCB way makes sure that you don't have to waste any of your time or money on dumb stuff like that because throughout my entire order a real PCB way employee would let me know just what was wrong with my submission each time that I screwed something up this level of customer service was crucial to making my first PCB happen because I I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with this kind of stuff they primarily do PCB work but they also provide 3D printing and even CNC Machining services and say you don't know the first thing about designing your own stuff that's fine too they have an entire Community section on here where hobbyists can upload their own projects and you can order the parts for them directly from PCB way and if you're a new user to PCB way you can sign up now and get five dollars off your first order anyway back to the Wii left covered Minecraft a few times already on this channel we've looked at DS Craft on the DS lame Craft on the PSP and questcraft on the Oculus Quest 2. and that train or mine cart isn't derailing here nope because I've got yet another Homebrew Minecraft clone for you called cavex it aims to simulate the Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 experience specifically which it does at a rock solid 60fps I might add and I'm not really certain which side of the port versus remake scale cavex lands on since it's written in C and not Java and the game doesn't really feel right considering you're permanently no clipping around however it is close enough to the original that you can load maps from similar beta versions that were made on PC which is kind of nuts other than the Perma no clipping some other unfortunate drawbacks to this version include a sadism-inspired control scheme considering you look with the nunchuck and move with the d-pad I just don't really understand why it's like this here because you have a perfectly good and genuinely accurate camera control method right here here and I know we Homebrew Dev but it seems like it would just make a hell of a lot more sense to implement motion controls over asking my left thumb to violate its employment contract janky control method aside this is probably the second most fleshed out version of Homebrew Minecraft that I've ever personally tested the first being questcraft which runs the latest version of Minecraft Java for PC but you know what this is just playable enough on here to create a mug with only little difficulty so A Plus in my book [Music] sidestepping from ports the Wii's emulation potential is pretty well known at this point it's extremely similar to that of the original Xbox and its capability to play retro games but the Wii does have one additional Ace up its sleeve and that is virtual console there are countless official Nintendo license emulators on the Wii already from NES to Genesis to N64 and with N64 emulation specifically the existence of virtual console is great because the N64 emulator that Nintendo developed is really good and we can just steal their homework and swap out their ROMs for one of ours and for the most part it'll just work these are known as VC injections and it's a great way to play N64 games on the Wii if you do want to take a more traditional approach though there are both not 64 and Wii 64 which are also pretty good emulators made by the community anything less powerful than the N64 will run fantastic on the Wii the Wii is great for NES game boy GBA Genesis see all that good stuff but there are three particular consoles that intrigued me when it comes to emulation on the Wii the first being PlayStation one I wanted to know just how well it would do here because PlayStation 1 is a particular weak point on the original Xbox and unfortunately it is here too this was using pcsxr for the Wii and the performance was well I mean it's hard to call it performance at all really so I turned to Wii SX another PS1 emulator for the Wii which almost worked I tried both Spyro the Dragon and PaRappa the Rapper but neither of them would get more than a few seconds past their Splash screens according to this compatibility list both of these games should work so I don't really know maybe I have a shitty SD card or something and I've ran these ROMs on other consoles and they've ran fine so I don't know I can't personally recommend PS1 on the Wii to me it's more trouble than just using a modded PS1 classic or something but supposedly this emulator is good when it works uh I don't know take that as you will but the thought of emulating DS on the Wii is even more mind-blowing to me these two systems were out at the same time and I guess the DS was weak Hardware but something just feels so wrong about booting up a game that has a Wii connection feature on a Wii but booting is as far as you're about to get though because it's lag City baby it technically Works which in emulation is the worst kind of works don't expect to seriously play any DS games here also this compatibility chart for the emulator is very misleading there's a whole rank here called Works decently which is implied to be worse than works because it's yellow and error is red yet the Pokemon games are all worked and not worked decently despite running at a sub 10 FPS and it's not even just me living in my own little world here with a up install or anything because even they specify that it runs very slow anyways question for you have you ever played this not gonna lie it kind of sucks but it's worth playing once or twice in real life on the arcade machine it was made for so I played it on my Wii the Mario Kart arcade GP series of arcade machines runs on a system called the Triforce which was more or less just a repackaged GameCube made by Nintendo Sega and Namco if you look at tear Downs of this thing they literally just have GameCube motherboard sandwiched in between other custom pcbs made by Sega and Namco and come to think of it you know what else is more or less a repackaged GameCube you you guessed it through the use of a custom myos or mios I don't know which is kind of like custom firmware for specifically the GameCube part of the Wii you can boot into some of these Triforce games on the Wii I only tested Mario Kart arcade gp2 here and aside from some stuttering in the menus the game itself runs really well there's only a handful of games that were ever made for the Triforce system and even less of them will really even run here but it's a really cool Oddity and I'm glad that someone decided to make them playable on the Wii it just adds to the already wacky nature of Wii Homebrew and you know if you want to see another wacky repackaged GameCube click the link at the top corner here where you can see my GameCube mini version 2 that I built from scratch last year it's less than half the size of a regular GameCube this thing is sick okay I'm gonna quickly touch on the two big names in backup loading on the Wii USB loader GX and Nintendo between these two they allow you to load up Wii and GameCube games right from the SD card or USB port on the Wii there's a ton that you can do here in USB loader GX it might as well just be a replacement for the default Wii menu to be honest with you it can load your regular Wii channels as well as your backups and Homebrew all from one app Nintendo on the other hand they work super well to run GameCube isos and it also supports memory card emulation you don't even have to break out the old Mad Catz memory Cube anymore this is crazy the best part about Nintendo in my opinion though is that you can load usb hid drivers as well as some Bluetooth ones for all kinds of controllers like the entire DualShock family Works Xbox 360 controllers work and Xbox One the switch Pro Controller and most importantly the official USB GameCube controller adapter and why is that important we've got these right here well there's a good percentage of Wii's out there that don't have GameCube controller ports due to some brain dead cost cutting from Nintendo and no Wii U's have GameCube ports so to play GameCube on the Wii U with a GameCube controller this is far and away your best option oh yeah did I mention that almost all Wii Homebrew is also compatible with the Wii U yeah it's pretty neat something that I had never really got a chance to mess with much as a kid were mods for existing Wii games back in 2010 the closest thing I ever got to modifying Wii games was with Ocarina codes which are essentially the same thing as Action Replay if you've ever used one of those on the DS or the GameCube Ocarina codes are their own kind of fun but what I really want to show off are some full-blown Community developed mods one of which being newer Super Mario Bros I think you can probably figure out what the premise of this one is the newer team who worked on this spent three years developing this thing and they cranked out 128 unique levels that feel right at home with the original ones it's got new graphics new music new worlds new bosses it's basically the Super Mario Galaxy 2 moment for New Super Mario Bros I can't recommend this game enough if you're like me and you've already decimated the original game like three times over keeping with the theme of adding more content to existing games Mario Kart Wii ctgpr is an amazing mod that lets you play over 200 Community made tracks many of which bring back retro tracks that Nintendo never ported over like my personal series favorite here Wario Coliseum which I might add is a travesty because this course pops off super hard and I really want to see Nintendo add it to a booster update very badly anyway it kind of Pops off a little too hard here CT GPR also back ports 200cc mode which as you can see kinda breaks the courses I played with 200cc ranged from easy to hard to skill issue to completely broken I'm glad it's here but you have to play it differently than you might expect and I'm not talking about like using your brake like you have to in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe here the extra momentum that you get has to be managed properly you can't just full send it off a boosted ramp and expect to make it to the other side in one piece the courses don't compensate for that but anyway this mod also brings back online play something never in a million years I would have thought was possible I didn't personally try it but from what I've been able to see it looks no different than what I remember Mario Kart Wii online being like back when I used to play it and it was still supported by Nintendo years ago between stuff like this and x-link Kai it makes me really happy to see that online play is coming back for these older games that I never ever would have thought we'd ever be able to play online again and there's a whole lot more to CT GPR than I'm gonna even cover here so I seriously recommend you check it out if you're a big fan of Among Us bet you thought I was gonna say Mario Kart we here get pranked Sonia sussy little vodka next up is Project M this is Ahmad I am personally super familiar with this single mod created loads of friendships with people that I still hang out with to this day so many memories of hooking this thing up at my high school with a portable LCD click GameCube sticks with some buddies for hours until the activity bus would arrive at like 5 PM oh man good times as for the mod itself it's a mod for Super Smash Brothers Brawl that makes it more melee-like and encourages competitive play a lot more than stock brawl does and take it from me your local melee hater this mod is great it reintroduces high-speed gameplay and more advanced Tech and it leaves all the silliness out you know like tripping over yourself for no goddamn reason God I hate stock brawl just about every single character's moves and movements have been changed as well so it may not play exactly like a brawl if that's what you're used to but they're all pretty close and they're worthy changes in the name of better balancing I'm not as good as I was back in the day a lot of my muscle memory for Project M has evolved for Smash 4 and then for ultimate but it's still a really enjoyable smash game and if you're picking from the three options that still have an active community on the Wii between melee brawl and project M I'm picking Project M and like ctgpr you can play online but I'm not really as familiar with this process or if you can even do it on real Wii Hardware I've only seen it done in dolphin and I've only ever played couch multiplayer myself also a little footnote all the mods that I've touched on here have their own installation processes but for a lot of other mods you are gonna probably end up using Revolution it's like the bug standard mod loader on the Wii but have you ever wanted to play Guitar Hero on your Wii but didn't have this game no no you didn't okay well have you ever wanted to make a sick beat on the menu screen foreign then well have you ever wanted to play guitar hero with a GameCube controller no no no no no yes I hear the people saying no yes we do no no and we're just gonna mute these guys real quick okay yes yes let's do it all right well I have the game just for you it's guitars on fire a I struggle to say original Homebrew game for the Wii more than likely inspired by the PC Guitar Hero clone Frets on fire and while this is a fine game I don't have a Wii Guitar Hero controller so I'm left to Fumble around with a GameCube controller instead the buttons are mapped with r being green a being blue X being red y being yellow and B being orange intuitively also you get insulted when you lose it's a nice touch you've just found a new way to suck and that brings me to xcaxis [Music] all right man what the supposedly it's a procedurally generated shooter in reality God help me I couldn't figure out how to move from this pivot point or even if you're supposed to at all and there's only two guns neither of which have an ammo counter and have similar cooldown times but there's one that shoots rockets and it's so much better than this other one I don't even I don't even know why you'd use this tennis ball gun looking ass one the rockets that the other one fires seems like they have a way better AOE and they also home to their targets this gun is just way better in every way I got past level one but for the life of me I cannot beat level 2. snakes and Eldritch Horrors I can handle but when you break out the like I God I don't even know man I can't even think of a joke for this one what is this supposed to be I don't understand what I'm looking at and then there's dinosaurs or something and oh yeah also the borok from Bionicle are here I do want to see what other nightmare creatures await you in this game but I genuinely can't get past level two so unfortunately we're going to be living in mystery for the rest of our lives this right here is another original Homebrew game called nuo niwo no I'm gonna go with nuo shooter which I imagine was inspired by early Star Fox games it's pretty technically impressive according to mine never made a Wii game before ass it controls pretty jankily you're supposed to use the pointer to shoot and then the d-pad to move but this kind of hurt my brain so I enabled waggle controls but this was a mistake because I underestimated how awful it would be to try to point at a particular spot on the screen but also rotate the Wii remote around at the same time you have to move like one of these robotic arm things and keep the pointer in exactly the same spot while you shimmy around but in general Hunger Games like this are good fun but whenever I play them there's always this like Primal caveman voice in the back of my head it's the same one that gets excited by bright and beautiful graphics and Grand cinematic experiences and when Homebrew games don't live up to the expectations that I subconsciously have for what a video game should be it almost makes them feel pointless I mean you can argue that they're the ultimate expression of not only persistence but also creativity and freedom in the gaming world but something in me will always wonder if Homebrew games really have value despite being this result of passionate hobbyists who reject the idea that you have to be a real Game Dev in order to create a game does it matter does any of that matter it doesn't really change anything even though these people made something without Publishers or without Dev kits and without budgets at the end of the day the only thing that comes from that is a worse product comparatively sure they make do with only a fraction of what Nintendo's got but again at the end of the day all that results in is a worse experience there's nothing stopping you from putting nuo shooter up against a game like Panzer Dragoon orta and nitpick it to death the graphics here are better the gameplay is better the control scheme is better the art style is better you could sit here and tear nuo shooter apart piece by piece all day long and you would be objectively correct about everything that you say about it and it's not even the dev's fault all the effort in the world isn't enough for a single guy to hold their own against multi-million dollar companies that make games like these so then does nuo shooter have any value the developer probably went through hell and back developing it I mean I'm sure all they had to work with was unofficial tools and documentation which is bound to be a hindrance but as admirables that whole struggle is the struggle itself can't give nuo shooter any intrinsic value and let me Define what I mean by intrinsic value here if something has intrinsic value it means it has value by itself because of what it is for example true happiness may be the most pure form of intrinsic value because well-being happy feels good and feeling good is valuable happiness doesn't depend on anything else to be valuable to you it just it just is and then as the opposite of that you could think of money and I'm not trying to say here oh money can't buy you happiness because that's some false Boomer what I'm saying is that money is valuable because it buys you happiness when you win a 100 bill you don't value it for being what it is because what it is is a green piece of paper you value that green piece of paper for what it represents the physical 100 bill is merely a vessel to lead you to what is actually valuable this is called extrinsic value in order for these kinds of things to be valuable they depend on something with intrinsic value to back them up extrinsic value can also be taken away if what it depends on is taken away so if money didn't let you buy the things that you want or the things that you need it would no longer have any value at all and with Homebrew games they have a value beyond what you can see and Beyond what you experience while playing them and I realize it's a gross generalization to say that no Homebrew game is good or no Homebrew game has any intrinsic value but at least for some of the things you'll find on game consoles like the DS or Wii some of these Homebrew games's value comes from something more than just a game that they are these games matter so much because of what they represent they represent the Persistence of people who refuse to stay inside of the Walled Garden that a Nintendo or a Sony will set up for us to play safely in and probably most important of all they represent the idea you I want to do this so I'm going to do it Homebrew games are not just games they're what drive people to keep the Homebrew and hacking community alive they inspire people to push the limits of what's possible with their old video game technology statements that can do that have incredible value and for that reason so do the games that represent them and as long as people value being able to make whatever they want with their own Hardware nobody can take that value away congratulations you made it to the end I also want to note that I'm not dogging on nuo shooter for any particular reason here it's just an example you could swap it out with any other Homebrew game I have nothing but respect for people that Dev Homebrew stuff I want to make that clear they're way more skilled at programming than I will ever be and the same Dev that made nuo shooter actually made like 10 different games for the Wii and he's still active in developing for the Wii to this day he's a goddamn Legend but I'll even drop his Twitter in the description and if you want to see more Homebrew overviews like this I've got videos out for the DS the PSP the 3DS and the Quest 2 all on my Channel right now and there's always more coming so get subscribed and let me know which console you want to see me cover next in the comments and if you want to see me the boringo man himself I am going to be at LTX this year in Vancouver Canada and the first person that approaches me there will get a uh you know like the meaty part of your hand like right under your thumb I'll sign that and if you're looking for more Wii videos I just published one where I created my own Wii XL it's over 12 times the volume of the original so if you're into thick wheeze I got you check out my patreon if you want to support the creation of new videos and with that I'll see you in the next one thank you
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 241,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wii, nintendo wii, nintendo, wii hacking, wii homebrew, modded wii, ctgpr, project m, project plus, smash bros wii, modded smash, dolphin, wii mods, bringus, bringus studios, wii xl, gamecube mini, steamos, steam deck
Id: DfSfEuEA_eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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