Your PSP Can Play This (And much More)

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the year is 2005. you just left the mall movie theater after a screening of the Cinematic Masterpiece known as robots eager to maximize the amount of fun that could be had on this outing you scan the retail Horizon for your next Target after locking eyes with a GameStop just a few stores down you ask your dad if you can go inside he says not to be gone any longer than 15 minutes which was alright because that's all the time you needed he wanders off into Circuit City to look for a new 5-disc CD changer and you make a beeline for GameStop you are here for the opportunity to command one of the most advanced pieces of portable technology that you had ever laid your eyes and hands on the Sony PSP conveniently affixed to a kiosk for your demoing pleasure my DS is great you thought but this this is on another level and 17 years later I'm still thinking the same thing [Music] okay let's get one thing straight the DS was amazing for what it was it took portable gaming to the next level and innovated in ways that only Nintendo could but the Sony PSP had a much simpler goal in mind make this into that Sony didn't set out to make a portable game console they set out to make a game console portable and they did a damn good job the PSP was leagues above the DS especially the original DS when it came to well anything that was not playing Nintendo games and uh spoiler alert this reason was very quickly invalidated Graphics we got them analog controls we got those two removable storage hell yeah Optical media weird flex but okay freaking TV out dude hell yeah I don't know you want to like you want to call Grandma on the PSP huh you want to call your grandma look at that who's gonna stop you the PSP had some real wacky features too you could even play your PS3 games with this thing remotely that was a first part feature and a lot of these things left modders drooling over the potential of the PSP as a platform for home brew and emulation and remember this was 2005. you couldn't just hop onto AliExpress and pick up the first 401 video game console retro portable mini handheld game 3.0 inch color LCD kids color game player built in 400 games that you saw we had limited resources to work with here and the PSP was looking incredibly appealing to fill that void unlike the DS the PSP doesn't really have a digital cartridge slot to play games from just a weird proprietary optical drive so devices such as a flash cart were kind of completely out of the question and I do hear you saying wait didn't you say earlier that there was removable storage and yes there was but for the majority of PSPs out there you couldn't just slap an emulator on the memory stick and call it a day programs that you run from the memory stick have to be digitally signed by Sony in order to run and Sony had no interest in allowing emulators and such to run on their console so that's it then right we just say GG to Sony wrap up our controller and go home no this is where the greatest thing in video game console modding history comes into play the soft mod there have been many many of them over the years and it's not exclusive to the PSP on my PSP I'm running the pro C2 custom firmware it's kind of the gold standard nowadays custom firmware is kind of like a hacked system update that does all the heavy lifting for you and after it's installed that's it you just load up your memory stick with Homebrew but what Homebrew like the DS you've got a few basic categories of things that you can do with a Homebrew enabled PSP you've got community made games and applications to check out retro consoles you can emulate and backups you can play which is a very G-rated way to say that you're just gonna pirate the out of the entire PSP Library okay I'm actually going to take one step back now to show off something that you actually don't need a modded PSP to do web portals were all the rage back in the day didn't have a Windows Vista computer well look at that now you do wished you bought the inferior game console well gee look there it is now you did web portals on the PSP are just little tiny self-contained websites that you can load up from the memory stick on the built-in PSP web browser all it really was is a little HTML some JavaScript a pinch a Shockwave player nothing the browser couldn't handle it's just a fun little toy more than anything else but it's something I completely forgot that I used to do until I started doing research for this video and I wanted to show it off to anyone that never got a chance to check these out back in the day most of them were just made to simulate another electronic device of the time like Windows Vista the DS and there's an iPhone one out there too that I remember playing around with I found a video of it here but the download links are all long gone and if anybody happens to have the files for the iPhone web portal for PSP send me an email with it because I'd actually love to give it a go one last time here's something that you do need a properly soft modded PSP for Minecraft like Doom is kind of just on everything now including an unofficial version called lamecraft here on the PSP like dscraft on the DS flamecraft's lack of analog stick camera input really degrades the experience and makes the whole thing kind of frustrating to use these shaders here are actually a really nice touch though and I think the lighting looks really good it's a neat little proof of concept and not much more very similar to the DS version okay this one is an early 2000s classic jelly car I played the we wear sequel of this game when I was a kid but this one plays pretty similar to what I remember oh in jelly Car 2 the one that I've played was an actual game that was published for the PSP at the time but jelly car one which is what this is a port of was only ever developed for the Xbox 360 iOS and windows this home report of the first game is using the Xbox 360 version as a base and it's developed by the same guy that made lanecraft it's a pretty fun little game I think that the official sequel probably plays a little bit better but that's to be expected and I'm still just glad it's here okay this one is a little bit bizarre your eyes do not deceive you this is Halo on the Sony PSP okay well your eyes do deceive you like a little bit because it's actually Quake albeit a very heavily modded Homebrew Port of quake and it's uh it's Halo I guess I could not even get past these two dudes right here at the beginning to be honest with you the PSP just really Falls flat with first person shooter controls it just needs another analog stick so bad either way this Homebrew is really wacky and cool and I thought it was worth a mention but I don't recommend trying it yourself it's just kind of it's just kind of there okay admittedly The Homebrew games that we've tried so far have been a little bit hit and miss I know for a fact that there are way better ones out there that are worth trying but to be honest I didn't really dabble in that kind of community back in the day like Homebrew Community made games and all that my interest was in emulation a couple videos ago when we checked out the DS it did its best it wasn't too bad but the PSP I well okay let me just put into perspective here the PSP has a DS emulator truthfully it's not very good and most games are completely unplayable but the fact that it can even emulate its rival at all is a huge slap in the face to Nintendo and it's just a testament to how freaking can overbuilt this thing was when it came out this video is sponsored by PCB way alright let me tell you what PCB way does they specialize in prototyping and low volume production of printed circuit boards you know these things they really are a One-Stop shop for all your electronic prototyping needs they do standard pcbs Advanced multi-layer HDI pcbs flex pcbs and the cherry on top is that they'll even give you the option to have them pre-assembled for you at their Factory and in addition to pcbs they're also branching out into some new services that includes 3D printing and CNC Machining personally I am really excited to give those Services a try since I've always wanted to have the shells of my projects printed professionally and CNC Machining oh my God it could open up a world of new options for custom heatsinks in my mini consoles I am so excited that I get to work with PCB Way new users get a five dollar welcome bonus on their first order and 10 pcbs are just five dollars so it's literally just free plus their build time is only 24 hours pre-assembly services start at thirty dollars for 10 plus you get free global Shipping and if anything I talked about piqued your interest head down to the link in the description in to see what pcby can offer you the traditional emulators are all here as well we have NES game boy even dos boxes on this thing SNES emulation in particular is very decent the PSP runs most Nest games at full speed without a care in the world while the DS over there kind of just like shoots its pants and then dips out sick Genesis performance is very tight no complaints to be had here really consoles of these calibers don't put up much of a fight on the PSP GBA is fantastic as well and to be honest this is the first way I really played some of the old GBA Pokemon games when I was a kid the PSP form factor is actually just perfect for it and it upscales really nicely and once again no performance issues whatsoever it's like the PSP was just purpose built for this now here is where the PSP gets to stretch its legs and show off a little N64 is pretty trivial to run on the PSP at least for the games that do run on it the compatibility list is just okay a lot of the big hitters though are running really really nice here if not perfect minus a few texture glitches N64 games translate over to the PSP pretty well because you know just a single analog stick and the control layout is only missing a few buttons compared to the N64 controller it's usually not a problem though because of the way the N64 controller is held shout out to everyone that does not have three hands you're the ones that are making it work here and I can't talk about emulators on the PSP without mentioning the official PS1 emulator so the PSP natively supports a lot of PS1 games you can purchase them on the PlayStation Store back in the day just like any other game and obviously the officially supported games run great and the list of games that made it over is pretty staggering having the PSP run PS1 games was a huge selling point for the PSP at least for me sure the DS could run its previous gen games but the PSP could run previous gen Home console games Sony drew a line in the sand on Where the boys and the men stood with that one anyways eventually the official emulator was cracked wide open you could inject any CD-ROM image of a PS1 game that you wanted into the games it would end up leaving you with a nice little clean way to play any of your favorite that we're missing and you got to have separate game icons on the home screen for all those titles as well it was pretty cool there's a lot of community assembled ports of exclusive DLC for other consoles like Tomb Raider unfinished business I'm pretty sure that was a Tomb Raider DLC that never made it over to the PS1 but someone decided to throw it together as a PSP file so there you go now you can just play it on the PSP the official emulator on this thing is some black magic the rule is essentially if you have the bin and Q the PSP will play it meanwhile Step Inside Me sheep I'm going to share you a wonderful world of games that you can play all you want and you wouldn't even have to pay a dime me laughs but no seriously these things are dumb and these things are good say with me everybody Optical media bad playing official games off the memory stick is the way to go also this is going to be a complete dumbass moment on my part but when I was a kid and I got my first PSP I thought that the shell on the outside of the umds was just a casing that could be opened and removed so I kind of just pried one open because I needed to clean the disc and then I quickly found out that they do not snap back together so I kind of just Scotch taped it back together and and like it kind of worked but the game always had some weird issues after that like it just wouldn't load some levels I think it was like Wally but uh yeah Optical media is a mistake especially with children but anyways nowadays you can just toss your games in dot ISO format under your memory stick and that's pretty much it they'll just show up right on the menu easier than ever ISO dumps for PSP games are plentiful out there on the internet so go ahead and just go download the tool to dump the games that you own so you can play them legally and stay safe from legal harm this is a message from legal disclaimer bot9000. the PSP to me holds a place in my heart that the original Xbox also occupies but you know like a little off to the side because it's a Home console and the PSP is portable so you know oh look at that there's even like some bionicles in here this is sick anyway by that I mean that it's a platform with exceptional hardware for the time that got cracked wide open by modders and it let you really realize the whole system potential the PSP may not have won any sales awards for Sony but it sure won a place in the hearts and minds of Gamers like myself who couldn't get what the PSP was offering anywhere else I still think that to this day it's a fantastic platform for Homebrew on the go you know like with emulation and all that and with smartphones Nintendo switches and steam decks being the size of what they are now it's looking like a lot more viable of an option to just keep a PSP in your pocket with you you know whenever you get those gamer urges if you know what I mean all right I want to give my patrons a shout out for being the awesome people that they are as well as PCB way for sponsoring today's video and you know what screw it while we're at it I'm gonna shout out the entire bringish Studios Community as a whole you guys are actually the best YouTube community that I've seen in ages I I get like a really good laugh out of some of the comments I see that you guys are leaving on my videos and I also see some really good suggestions and feedback with what I'm trying to do here so thanks everyone you know we actually have a lot of fun out here over on the studio main page we vote on daily polls that are part of larger tournaments we finished up one already that was for the best video game OST which Super Mario Galaxy ultimately won understandably there have been some real spicy matchups and I will admit I've I've shed a few tears myself we've we've lost some good weapons but anyway it's a good time that's it for this video let me know some of the best memories you have with the PSP scene back in the day in the comments and I will see you in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 606,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3_pE_V8AZQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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