Putting Steam Deck OS on a pricey boy (ONEXPLAYER 2)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FattieTunaTTV ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 02 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
foreign [Music] X player specifically the uh the one with the ryzen 7 6800u 1X player two I believe it's got windows 11. it's got 16 gigs of RAM it's got a 512 gig nvme wait a second what am I doing this is way too nice to be on my channel I I can't no I can't cover anything like this screw this thing no bring me bring me back this is this is all the portable gaming I need right here we no yeah we portable gaming PC no this literally the Pinnacle of gaming but it's not healthy to over indulge so despite having the console of the Gods we'll have to put it aside for now and take a look at something a little more pedestrian so 1X players marketing department is crazy because they sent me this thing it's a loner I don't get to keep it but apparently I'm gonna be enjoying my time anywhere and anytime but I accepted this device to take a look at because I have a burning question on my mind can the king be dethroned that's what we're gonna find out I haven't gotten to look at this thing until now oh that's heavy boy holy hold on I'm gonna grab something to compare this to so here's this and here's a Nintendo switch holy crap dude this thing is enormous yeah I wonder what they based their design off of you can see the rails and everything it's all like very very similar okay so then if this is the console then I imagine these are the joy cons this is like a leather cardboard I mean that's a stupid thing to say but like look at this it has the texture of leather for some reason the fine dining of gaming PCs I'm the manual I'm the Manuel this is the back of my brevity hey Google define brevity go yourself Windows OS install the games you like who do they think I am we'll at least boot it up and see what windows has to offer on this thing because I'm sure they've got like a customized install however the main reason that I wanted to take a look at this thing is to do what I do best and install a little Steam OS I want to see if this thing can outdo the steam Deck with the steam deck's own operating system and we're gonna find out but right now we gotta find out where the controllers are dude the leather box is so funny to me well here's these I wonder if these are like joy-cons where you can use them detached I don't think so because they're pretty light there's not much to these they're like as heavy as regular joy-cons but way bigger you the joy-con she tells you not to worry about yeah these are Big Boys the joystick looks like it's just a hair bigger than the joy-con joystick just a little bit it feels better though it feels a lot better than the joy-con the throw is longer it feels like yeah I definitely like this better [Music] all right well let's get this guy all hooked up god dude this is a chunky boy wow big boy it feels good I like bigger controllers so I'd like this it's got a built-in kickstand like the switch which is nice can I do one of those it's got a full-size USB port here that's nice to see actually going to be very useful we got X1 X2 and turbo and we're once again reminded of the hardcore Gamers can't live with them can live without them all right well let's turn it on perhaps there's a blue light oh there we go all right Windows 11 here we come no stop please please spare me okay well we'll just get this set up oh you know what there's another type c on this thing that's really nice to see I wish the steam deck had two type C's on it let's name your device steam deck two [Music] oh all right fine stream death two you guys want to see a fun trick so I definitely do not want to sign into my Microsoft account and they used to give you some options here to not need one you could just say make an offline account and go from there but they don't let you do that anymore because I don't know if you noticed but you're the product now and they need your sweet sweet data but we can just do this we can use my favorite account no at thank you.com hit enter type literally anything and then it errors out and then bam offline account thank me later gamer foreign if we do this no just Windows 11 things I guess oh that's real nice there we go all right so I imagine this is their app of some kind doesn't seem to do a whole lot of anything oh all right so there's a whole lot going on here so we got battery percentage CPU wattage I'm guessing can you just like overclock this thing and like just on the Fly just with this right here fan speed 30 we just like Max fan go go maximum fan go fan go okay well maybe you can't change that well I'm sure there's lots of cool interesting features you can do in there uh I'm gonna go get steam where the keyboard at though uh am I else stupid yes is there like a keyboard button yes no it was in the manual dumb ass actually doesn't Windows 11 have like a tablet mode or something the keyboard worked fine in the setup on-screen keyboard oh my God it's this one not the keyboard I wanted but it's the keyboard we're getting steam go steam oh my God where's the installer for the love of God sure Apex Legends play game I need steam there we go Flawless win okay to help the rest of this go as smoothly as possible we're gonna get this guy on the ethernet here all right steam next let's go install it doesn't appear to have too much bloatware which is nice I mean minus the Microsoft bloatware well you don't want tick tock on your freshly installed OS huh you don't want Tick Tock huh you don't want WhatsApp what's wrong with you dude you don't want ESPN well you're you're a idiot all right I'm gonna get some games installed here and then we will come back to this thing it appears for some reason that One X player has decided to split the SSD up into two different partitions here uh kind of weird that they did that that but that's a thing okay 10 decades later games are done downloading let's check them out something tells me this is not the optimal resolution you can set the resolution to 2560 by 1600 actually what is the resolution on this thing oh wow I knew the screen looked pretty sharp but that's kind of nuts I am not sure if I should run games at this resolution or at 720p like the steam deck to give it like an apt comparison I'm really not sure I don't know we'll see how it goes man this screen is a fingerprint magnet though okay let's turn on the Xbox uh what's it called Xbox on Happy Easter Xbox launch a new game to get FPS info very helpful the scale on this screen is crazy all I want to do is change this slider that's all I want to do and it's too small God this sucks oh my God Windows needs to fix its scaling so bad yes I've done it all right beautiful we've got an FPS counter what is the refresh rate of this screen okay it's just 60 hertz okay we're going with the medium preset oh that's how you bring up the keyboard I thought this was a volume button but no brings up the keyboard oh okay oh and that brings up the desktop okay yeah you know maybe I should read the manual [Music] oh my God that's loud that scared me why can I bruh actually might help to turn off the lights all right so black Mesa is running pretty good here in Full Resolution like 40 to 50 FPS it's okay I think that the screen resolution on this thing is just a mistake I don't think this should be this hot really like 1080p at best should be fine with the resolution reduced at 1080p there's not even a difference in sharpness on this thing do get a good little FPS boost as well yeah I don't I don't know why you would play anything at full resolution on this thing we ever getting like 60 to 70 FPS now Okay cool so that one's pretty decent Doom's looking pretty sharp I will say so we're back medium preset 1080p just like black Mesa and we're getting like 60 FPS again 60 to 70. this is quite enjoyable I crouched and I don't know how to uncrouch oh well that's what you get I guess okay that's Doom oh my God rocket league has copyrighted music I Gotta cover it there's no menu holy crap okay something is very wrong here my Nifty desktop button doesn't work anymore all right screw this I'm plugging in a keyboard and mouse got windows on touch screen interfaces it's just so bad bruh I can't use my keyboard all right I don't know what's going on I'm just gonna hold down the power button what the heck rocket league is just utterly broken I think it's got something to do with the resolution that it's trying to run at we're gonna set these launch options and see if it fixes it okay we're closer okay this should work oh nope there's still no menu what what the heck I don't think this is a problem with this device but I I I I don't know what to do changing the date and time fixed it yo Honda Civic Type R Wheels all right we're going with the quality preset 1080p dude this desktop button really just craps out sometimes it was just working there we go what the heck all right well rocket League's playing great appears to be locked at 60 FPS yeah the game looks great none of these games need to be running at 1600 P or whatever the heck the max resolution is this is this is just fine oh that is not fine I was also going to test GTA 5 but this thing is like a hundred gigabytes and I don't really have the time to download it so we're gonna call that good for our Windows exhibition it's time for the question on everybody's mind maybe not everybody but it's on my mind I'll tell you that how is this thing with Steam OS we got our keyboard plugged in I'll just hit it from behind with this guy and I believe the BIOS key is the turbo button I never even pressed the turbo button I should have pressed the turbo button I don't know what the turbo button does oh that is cursed and since I have Stockholm syndrome we're gonna go back to Holo ISO even though it's never really worked that well for me however my thinking this time is that this is not an absolute pile of unlike everything else I've tried this on and this is like all AMD just like the steam deck so probably fine holy crap that was quick I'm not used to these computers that I mess with being actually fast oh my God it's made for ants again oh changes will come into effect after restart we can't change the scale okay I'm just gonna change the resolution then this is just the installer anyway so it's fine [Music] oh that's not what I wanted huh yeah I didn't like that one oh are you coming back please oh there it is oh it's five by eight that's why the resolution's so wacky five by eight very weird I'm editing right now and I just now realized that five by eight is just 16 by 10 but reduced because it's a fraction yeah anyway I can't see anything I believe this says installed Steam OS on this machine oh so now the scale is kind of fine sort of I don't know I'm gonna wipe this guy right here see ya bye yo sudo crashed if we don't have sudo what do we have gaming gaming gamer uh guess what it's gonna be gaming gaming for the fourth time all data on Drive will be lost that's what I'd like to hear all right set her up Bambino let's go oh hell no the zoom ring on the camera is adjusting the focus all right well this guy's gonna take some time doing this so through the power of editing it's finished all right so we've got ourselves a steam deck now this whole process is so much less painful when uh you're not installing it on absolutely hot garbage we just installed it set it up and nothing catastrophic happened it just goes from a 1x player to a uh a uh a uh steam deck isn't it crazy how stuff just kind of works nowadays I know Linux is better with this than Windows as well but like the fact that I can just like tap it and it just works like this Steam OS just has the driver for this touch screen like it just knows how to use it it's just kind of nuts we are truly living in the future when I don't have to connect a mouse and keyboard to something and then go get the driver manually welcome to steam deck this is the steam button oh this this right here this is the steam button this is the quick access button right here right yep that's the one maybe this guy nope okay we don't have it that's not true but okay have fun okay so we're in I mean right off the bat it just kind of works so we're gonna install the same set of games here so we'll get Rocket League oh you know what there's probably quite a few system updates that I have to get done okay I'm gonna get all the games installed and get this thing updated and then we'll come back to it and right when I said that everything just works yeah I don't know what the deal is but it's been on the screen for like 20 minutes so we're gonna drop to the terminal here and I'm gonna try this fix that somebody on GitHub said to do always foolproof advice oh well we got to the desktop okay well this isn't exactly the fix I was hoping for see if we can go back to the regular interface okay well that didn't work however somebody else was also saying that if you plug in a monitor it forces some kind of update and then things just magically work so we'll see how magical it is for me oh what the heck yeah look at that it just works now that is wacky well I don't know why that happens but we're back all right so now let's get some baseline numbers to see how these games run on an actual steam deck on Steam OS so we have something to compare it to navigating like computer desktop interfaces like with most games is just it's so much easier when you've got this touchpad when you don't have to constantly be switching between controls and touching the screen and trying to like Mouse navigate with a freaking joystick these touch pads are just just so integral to the experience that's what a lot of other portable gaming PCs are lacking and I just can't I I can't not have these it just makes it so much better so we're getting pretty similar performance here to what the 1X player was getting in Windows now granted this is 720p and I don't really want to compare this kind of gameplay to the Windows Experience on the 1X player too much because that's not really the point of what we're doing here I just wanted to see the windows performance initially just to compare the 1X player against itself in Steam OS and then in Windows until we see how the 1X player runs with Steam OS on it uh we can't really make any comparisons but this seems pretty decent uh every once in a while there'll be a little bit of a slow down but it's like 60 FPS almost the whole time medium settings just like last time Doom is doing pretty damn good all right yeah this is fantastic 60 FPS the entire time pretty much [Music] I love that cool cool all right well doesn't matter which device I'm playing on doesn't fix the fact that I suck but we're getting 60 FPS It's a grand old time I don't know how that was my goal but okay all right it's gonna be hard to beat when everything runs good I need to test a game that the steam deck just can't handle I don't really think I own one though I mean I guess I could just Jack the settings way up yeah let's go back to Doom okay so we're gonna change this to have 8X TSS AAA anti-aliasing and we're going to set overall quality to ultra oh wow I think this thing can just handle it okay well this is awkward because the steam deck is just handling it fine Ultra quality maximum anti-aliasing I didn't realize that this game wasn't really that hard to run and I mean I've got do maternal to test as well but I haven't played it yet and I don't want to spoil it for myself so I don't I don't want to run it okay well yeah that's not gonna work all right I have another idea if PC games won't challenge this thing console games might I have not played this in years let's go dude okay there we go so this is actually pushing this thing it's definitely not running at full speed it's not bad but it's it's not quite there we're hovering around like 30 to 45 FPS it should be 60. if it was full speed it'd be at 60. um and there's probably something we can do to make this run better on here but due to the nature of what we're trying to do here I'm going to leave it exactly like it is I'm going to leave the configuration the same on both of these I haven't changed any settings at all God this game is this game is something dude I got really into this game a while ago like years and years ago it's not really that bad honestly I mean I don't know maybe it's bad I enjoy it not when it's running like this though okay I'm glad we actually have something to compare this to now so let's grab the 1X player no I don't want to play the tutorial no oh the overlays in the middle of the screen and it's real small this thing is loud if this thing is popping off yeah this is a hell of a lot louder than the steam deck and the steam deck's already not that quiet okay so it's kind of hard to see because this screen's resolution is so high uh but we are getting 60 FPS it's certainly performing better than the steam deck the CPU built into this thing is quite decent all right well yeah this thing for sure oh man the menu is not having a good time but it for sure performs better than the steam deck whoa sensitivities very high oh my God I'm fairly certain that this is running at 720p because that's what the when you're in game scope I think it limits everything to 720p with FSR yes okay we're 800 close enough and you can sort of tell from like a normal distance away you can definitely see it especially on that uh wet floor sign right there that's for sure kind of messed up yeah if you could run this at 1080p it would look a lot better uh if you're on desktop mode it would work but anyway this seems like it runs all right about 60 FPS total time something I don't like as much on here is that the sticks are just noticeably smaller they're obviously physically smaller but it's just something you notice this feels a lot more like joy-cons and the steam deck feels a lot more like an Xbox controller I don't know why they wouldn't have gone with bigger joysticks on this thing I mean it's got the real estate just seems like a very weird decision to me these games don't push the steam deck and they don't push this this thing either I know those games out there that do I just I don't really have any on hand if there's any games you want me to take a look at next time I do something like this that really pushed the steam deck and might even push Hardware like this let me know if it's like fairly cheap or something on Steam I can get a hold of it for next time actually FPS is kind of going down a bit here okay so that was with anti-aliasing set to 8tx oh okay that was in opengl that might be why the performance wasn't quite as good okay yeah Vulcan with the lower anti-aliasing settings it's just locked 60. I'm gonna put the anti-aliasing back up and then turn the quality back up and then leave it on Vulcan that's how I had it set up on the steam deck right before I'd wanted to go and try rpcs3 the performance is is definitely better here opengl was just causing a little bit of a dip before but yeah no it's great now yeah up this thing is absolutely balling get it because there's a ball ball just went in the goal 60 FPS nothing bad to say here you know it's almost kind of boring when the hardware works this good I like to keep my Hardware around the 7.99 price point personally what the heck is the MSRP of this thing actually hold on holy crap okay so this thing is one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars would I pay that for this uh no and the reason I say that is because I have this which is like 90 of the performance probably not this is way more powerful to be honest with you guys but for what you actually experience it's pretty it's pretty close again though I also didn't test the most demanding games in the world like if you want to specifically play Playstation All-Stars this is better you know for PS3 games Xenia emulation in general this thing's probably gonna do a little bit better on switch is probably a little bit better but if the price is just a it's just a big ask this boy ain't cheap it's good Hardware don't get me wrong the build quality is nice too I like this thing a lot you get two USB type-c ports get a kickstand you get controllers that disconnect for some reason still not really sure why they decided to do this other than to just look like a switch but it's a cool device the lack of touch pads I'm not a big fan of I really really like those uh track pads that are on the steam deck and to answer the question does Steam OS improve this thing it's a little bit buggy there's some stuff to work out like how you have to plug in a monitor for no apparent reason to get past the validation screen that's kind of weird but I bet you I haven't even looked it up but I bet you there's already people out there with this thing that have put Steam OS on it that have already started working out these Kinks I'm not going to bother because I'm not really spending that much time with it but this thing with Windows was not really a fan and that's not this thing's problem that's windows's problem I've heard they're working on something to fix that but for now Windows honestly should stay on devices with a keyboard in the mouse and with this too with Steam OS you also get to configure all of the cool controller remapping stuff that they have built into here where you can you can have your joysticks like emulate a mouse and all this and all the super crazy stuff this is honestly one of the best parts of Steam OS right here is this super crazy customization that you can do I think this thing benefits quite a bit from Steam OS I'm really glad that this is fairly portable enough at this point to just kind of install on whatever I mean as long as your CPU supports it I guess but yeah the fact that it's all AMD probably makes this work even better it's cool I like it if I didn't have a steam deck though and I had to pick I'm still I'm still picking the steam deck for me it comes down to like the track pads alone they're just so useful like when I've got this thing docked I use a PS5 controller because it has a track pad and I can use my mouse and it's super useful for PC games and when I actually want to sit down and play something and not mess with stuff it's nice to know that I've got the console that's just got the first party support ready to go the Discord there's going to be a link in the description we talk about all kinds of crazy stuff steam deck related stuff console mods Hardware mods cat pictures it's all there my patreon is in the description if you want to help make more stuff like this happen and let me know in the comments which one of these you guys would pick either taking the price into account or not I don't know just let me know I'm curious but that's gonna be it I'll see you guys in the next one thank you [Music]
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 153,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, steam deck os, steam os, valve, bringus, bringus studios, linux, linux gaming, onexplayer, ryzen 7, handheld gaming pc, gaming pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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