YOUR SPEECH REVEALS YOUR HEART | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (February 27, 2022)

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[Music] hi i am juliet kukilia ofw here in moscow russia please join us on cardinal chito every sunday on the world exposed on justcom tv see you there [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends greetings of joy and peace i trust that you are well please continue exposing the word with us every sunday subscribe to justcommtv then watch and share the word exposed on your feed thank you [Music] you are watching the word exposed let us behold jesus the word incarnate revealing himself to us in the sunday readings we are on the eighth sunday in ordinary time and in today's gospel we shall hear from jesus how to become a good disciple one must listen to and learn from their teacher one must have self-awareness remove first the wooden beam in your own eye before pointing out the splinter in your brother's eye one must store goodness in their heart to produce good words and good works let us start observing these today brothers and sisters let us listen to our teacher jesus who teaches us through the scriptures let us review our ways and allow jesus to purify us so we may do the good he teaches [Music] a reading from the book of the prophet sirach when a siv is shaken the husks appear so do one's faults when one speaks as the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace so in tribulation is the test of the just the fruit of a tree shows the care it has had so too does one speech disclose the bent of one's mind praise no one before he speaks for it is then that people are tested [Music] the word of the lord [Music] lord [Music] it is good to give you thanks lord it is good to give you thanks lord [Music] it is [Music] it is good to give you thanks it is good to give thanks to the lord to make music to your name to proclaim your love in the morning and your truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is good to give you thanks the just shall flourish [Music] they will flourish [Music] lord [Music] it is [Music] it is good to give you thanks they shall bear fruit when they are old still full of sap still green to proclaim that the lord's love is [Music] is good [Music] you thanks it is [Music] [Music] a reading from the first letter of saint paul to the corinthians brothers and sisters when this which is corruptable clothes itself with incorruptibility and this which is mortal clothes itself with immortality then the word that is written shall come about death is swallowed up in victory where o death is your victory where o death is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brothers and sisters be firm steadfast always fully devoted to the work of the lord knowing that in the lord your labor is not in vain the word of the lord what our speech reveals yeah speech our words some people might think that words are just sounds that we produce or letters that we write but our readings for today caution us they reveal much more than that and we should pay attention to the source of our speech in the first reading from sirach we are told by the wise writer that the speech of one person reveals the content or the bent of the person's mind and heart so speech is not just a matter of speaking or knowing words and knowing grammar knowing the right placement of words or knowing the right syntax or the use of past tense presenters progressive tense yes they're all good and helpful but human speech speech as a human activity as a very human activity is more than that by the speech of the person we get to know what is in the mind what is in the heart of the person in other words the speech of a person is like a fruit that reveals to us the type of tree that the person is that's why we according to syrah we should not praise a person just from impressions that we get of that person wait for the person to speak and be attentive not just to the words be discerning look at the quality of the heart of the mind that produces that type of speech after all we lower we we know from scriptures that words are not just sounds god speaks and the eternal word is the word of love jesus that creates everything that gives life and so jesus is the word comes from the father so where does my word come from does it come from the father in the second reading saint paul gives us a good advice so that our speech and not only our speech but also our works would come from a person that is rooted in god saint paul says be firm steadfast always fully devoted to the work of the lord be devoted to the work of the lord be devoted to the word of the lord so that by that devotion you will produce the works of the lord and you will produce the words of the lord it's a matter of the tree to which we are attached we cannot produce good fruit if we do not attach ourselves as branches to god who is the true tree now in jesus the word of god was able to say to death death that was spreading death that is the fruit of sinfulness spreading around destroying people in jesus christ the word of god what was uttered death where is your sting the word of god in jesus which is the word of life the word of love the speech of compassion the speech that restores human dignity to people in jesus speech is not just words but all of his action speaks of god his healing his liberation of those who have been possessed by evil spirits all of that is the logos the word of god in jesus and the word says death where is your sting before the speech of god who is jesus there is only life and love so we can speak and act we can speak the word of god we can work the works of god only if according to saint paul we are devoted to god my dear brothers and sisters we cannot produce good speech edifying speech speech that builds up rather than destroys if we are not rooted in god especially in jesus who is the word of god where does your speech come from and what does your speech reveal about you this is the question that must disturb us and must make us pause and reflect [Music] a proclamation from the holy gospel according to luke [Music] jesus told his disciples a parable can a blind person guide a blind person will not both fall into a pit no disciple is superior to the teacher but when fully trained every disciple will be like his teacher why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own how can you say to your brother brother let me remove that splinter in your eye when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye you hypocrite remove the wooden beam from your eye first then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother's eye a good tree does not bear rotten fruit nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit for every tree is known by its own fruit for people do not pick figs from thorn bushes nor do they gather grapes from brambles a good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks the gospel of the lord [Music] what our speech reveals when we're talking about speech here yes of course we're talking about the way we use words the way we speak but there is also this wider connotation of speech which includes our works our deeds our relationships for in fact they say our deeds speak louder than our words but our concern based on our readings is what do our our words and our words reveal in the first reading from sirach we are told that a person's speech reveals the quality of the person's mind and heart for it is from the formation or the lack of formation of a person's mind and heart from that will spring a person's speech and also works in the second reading saint paul reminds the corinthians to be constantly rooted in the in the lord for it is by being close to the lord that they will produce works and words that will reveal god apart from the lord how can we say to death itself death where is your sting jesus is the word of god he is the work of god he is the active hand of god and he revealed the source of all his words and actions the father so if we are rooted in jesus then hopefully our speech and our works will also reveal that we are from jesus in the gospel from saint luke the famous comparison between the tree and the human person a good tree produces good fruit whereas an evil tree produces evil fruit the same with a human person from the abundance of goodness of the heart of a person you will find good words and good deeds but what if the heart of the person is filled with evil then from the abundance of evil of hatred and anger will flow words and deeds of anger and destruction so the issue here is not just proper speech the question here is not just strategizing so that our work will be efficient and productive they're all good i'm not saying not to study right speech i'm not saying that we abandoned good communication i'm not saying that we abandoned the rules of grammar i'm not saying that we do not that we should abandon planning for good actions but after all of that has been done the fundamental question is from what type of heart will our words and our actions come from and jesus gives an example of a speech that comes from a heart that does not really care it is telling us a brother or a sister hey let me remove the plank on your eye you don't see clearly you are defective in your vision but jesus says the person who is saying that to somebody else also has planks in his eye instead of saying let me remove first my blindness so that i could guide you this person who does not see well and refuses to see well pretends to be the guide of somebody else it is not guiding jesus calls it hypocrisy hypocritical speech hypocritical action comes from a heart that does not admit one's own fault one's own need for guidance and for purification imagine a hypocritical heart produces hypocritical speech and hypocritical action not caring for the other but just judging to destroy the others my dear brothers and sisters we are grateful to technology during this pandemic we somehow survived we were able to link with one another and we were able even to maintain prayer and the acts of charity thanks to lines of communication to social media but just like any any human work a good tool could be misused depending on the heart of the person using it so this is an invitation for us to purify our hearts so that a heart full of love of caring justice truth and wisdom would produce words that will build up that will encourage rather than destroy and malign we do not need to destroy the world and humanity further we need to build up with love and let us begin with a heart that will produce good words and good works the word has been exposed let us now fulfill it [Music] we have reached the final installment of our series on the healing ministry of jesus he healed many people but we focused on the healing of the blind the lame those with leprosy the death and mute and those enslaved by evil spirits this healing miracle signified god's closeness to his people in jesus the promised messiah these were signs foretold by the prophecies of old the same signs given to john the baptist when he asked jesus are you the one who is to come or should we look for another today let us focus on another powerful sign the racing of the dead in the town of name jesus saw a funeral procession he was moved with pity because the dead was the only son of a widowed mother he touched his coffin and instructed the dead to arise the widow's son arose to the people's exclamation god has visited his people jesus also raced back to life the daughter of a synagogue official perhaps the most memorable of these is the raising of lazarus upon arriving at his tomb in bethany jesus wept he knew the pain of losing a loved one because lazarus was his friend and after praying to the father he cried out in a loud voice [Music] lazarus then came out and jesus instructed them to untie him and let him go what can we learn from this jesus was not indifferent to our pain he would grieve with us but he would also show us what god has in store for us he can call us out from the tomb tomb here can be interpreted in a couple of ways it means the place where the dead rests he will call us out of this tomb in the promised resurrection of the dead as nazarus's sister martha articulated and affirmed also by jesus tomb can also mean in the words of pope francis a space in which our sins buried us he tells us further [Music] the lord tells us to come out of our tombs brothers and sisters daily will we listen to him and come out towards his light and life friends as we have learned from this series jesus heals us from different forms of sickness but at the core of it is this god is near to us god will always recreate us free us restore us to our original image which is his own likeness lord heal us call us out of our tombs we hope we would come out of them in haste amen [Music] we have prepared reflection points for you please share them with your companions the first point is how attentive are we to the formation of the heart and the total personality of the youth the second point is how can we combat hateful and harmful speech papanun at [Music] heavenly father you have blessed this humble program with a decade of mission on air you have gifted it with the talents hard work and financial support of many generous people so that as your word is exposed many more may know love and serve jesus lord jesus be with us always your production staff and partners your viewers and benefactors that we may not run out of courage zeal and charity in fulfilling our mission daily and when our limitations and weaknesses surface please ask the father to send the holy spirit to purify us and set our hearts on fire with renewed faith hope and love so we may serve you for many more years to come amen friends thank you for your company we pray that the word of god would find fulfillment in your life and his blessings be always upon you and we hope you could be with us again next sunday here on the word exposed [Music] is [Music] let us [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JesComTV
Views: 10,270
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Keywords: Thewordexposed, Jescomph, Jescom, Psalms, Cardinal Tagle, WordExposed, Religious, Inspirational, Catholic, Cycle C, Gospel, Readings, Mass, Homily, Christianity, Cardinal Tagle Sunday Sermon, Cardinal Tagle Homily, Cardinal Tagle Youtube, Cardinal Tagle video, Cardinal Tagle message, Cardinal Tagle show, Cardinal Tagle homily today, Cardinal Tagle mass, stella maris, I will sing forever, 500yoc, 500yearsofChristianity, giftedtogive, Epiphany of the Lord
Id: 9gHS88VS3mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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