Your Self-Defense Ammo Could Send You To Jail?!

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can using a certain ammo and self-defense make you look guilty or guiltier in court Tom have you heard of a case or been involved in a case or thought about a case in which somebody using a certain style of firearm maybe a certain type of ammunition or maybe even a caliber if somebody's out there you know at the 44 Magnum or a 10 millimeter where when they get to court that is used against them the prosecutor is like well this guy must be guilty because of this style of firearm type caliber or something like that yes I've been in court when both prosecutors and judges have attacked people for carrying ammunition that expands on impact like a hollow like a hollow point like the police carry right and also ammunition that does not expand on impact because that's military grade and no civilian ought to possessed substance military grade that's almost a direct quote don't shoot me the messenger I'm I'm paraphrasing well that might be verbatim actually yeah so that just shows exactly how crazy things can get in the courtroom it's a total lack of gun knowledge is just what it is and and there's no other way around that and it was a failure on the defense attorney's part to a not anticipate that and B not address that before it happened and there's a lot of things that defense attorneys have to deal with on the Fly um a prosecutor makes some comment on the left field someone in the gallery shouts something or whatever okay there was no planning for that but if you're in a county that's you know typically in kind of more urban metropolitan areas where it's entirely reasonable to anticipate that you're prosecutor your judge may have never even handled a firearm before they don't know the difference between these things all they know is that hey when I googled this it came up as military-grade ammunition you know regulated by the Geneva or Hague convention yeah um that sounds scary and why did this guy have this scary thing obviously those kind of fall on to my view the ridiculous end of the spectrum right um sorry New Jersey but uh it falls on it falls on the ridiculous side of the spectrum I'm pausing the video quickly to remind you that we have a secret giveaway going on that ends really soon and it's free to enter just click the link in the description below to reveal what you could win now back to the video it falls on it falls on the ridiculous side of the spectrum right and for those who don't know New Jersey bans the use of expanding ammunition you must use military-grade ammo outside the home at least yeah I'm not a New Jersey attorney that's not legal advice but um you know on the more serious note I mean look so let's let's kind of take this part one at a time I guess let's start with caliber right most common self-defense calibers you know nine millimeter probably 22 um and probably 380 maybe 38 Special or something like that you know throwing a 40s and W and a 45 ACP we've probably covered you know 90 of the spectrum if I had to guess by at least by frequency probably much higher than that any prosecutor judge as I just Illustrated which was the reason why I started with that they can say anything at any time whether or not has any relationship with reality we have to isolate and control for those because we can't if that happens that happens we can try to address it but if that if that's what's going to happen that's what's going to happen I think once you kind of get outside those mainstream I can imagine that an enterprising prosecutor who probably doesn't know any better may try to make hay so to speak they may try to use your 10 millimeter well I Googled it and that's an Alaskan bear defense gun you know the glock G20 until millimeter I mean he's hunting for Bears on in in our shopping malls and wherever this self-defense incident took place so sure and again don't shoot the messengers here right can I imagine a prosecutor or judge saying that unfortunately yes um am I suggesting that 10 millimeter is some sort of uh totally outside the box you know like a 500 Smith and Wesson uh or something like that no I'm I'm not suggesting that and I'm not trying to tell people don't carry 500 Smith and Wesson's I'm just saying this if you're going to use a firearm self-defense know how to shoot it know how to shoot it accurately and keep in mind over penetration is very real and if you decided to carry a 400 grain Underwood loaded 500 Smith and Wesson uh you know with what probably 2500 pounds of of energy at the muzzle um you know that was entirely foreseeable as you'll hear the attorneys read back to in court that even if you shot the bad guy that it was going to go through the bad guy with your hard cast extreme penetrator bullets and you know it's gonna keep going yeah through his car through the next house hey great exactly um I say this somebody who owns 500 Smith and Wesson and likes 500 Smith and Wesson so I'm not not beating up 500 Smith and Wesson here what I'm beating up is the fact that certain things are foreseeable when we talk about handguns we talk about calibers and as long as you can to my view effectively use that great in a perfect world do we want kind of the gray man gun as I've heard a wise man say um yeah I think that you're eliminating variables for your attorney to deal with right and you're eliminating uh odd things that the prosecutor judge can try to throw at you right in a perfect world I'd probably want my client to be using the same firearm the same caliber the same ammo as that bailiff and Court you know as another man once said right that's that's about as safe as Lane as you could be in at that point uh what I feel constrained to do only that absolutely not yeah and I think the long and short of this is to make sure that if if you're in that situation you have a knowledgeable defense attorney who understands Firearms who isn't going into this blind or or without you know an understanding of what it is you are carrying and why and maybe that's for you to explain to your defense attorney or hopefully you get one who knows that sort of stuff right and those are very few and far between and that goes back to you know just being able to talk to a defense attorney head of a case ever happening and you know try to pick their brain you don't have to be a drug addict to defend a drug case just like you don't have to be a cancer surgeon who have had cancer before to be good at it but I will I will pick a bone there when we're talking about firearm cases I think having a firsthand knowledge not just yeah I went out to the range and squeezed off a few rounds on Saturday morning I mean being flocked away putting it being a a gun man or woman defense attorney who really understands this stuff now that should not overshadow the other qualifications of being a great attorney yeah I don't want to hire a crappy attorney who happens to be a great shooter right so you need to find a balance of those two but uh and and if push comes to shove I'm Aaron on the side of getting the great attorney but um all right there's ways of messing it up you know the firearm selection the ammo selection the caliber selection but uh and just keep in mind the more you deviate from kind of those boring Plain Jane middle of the road sure you're opening up those attack angles but until we get to the extremes or unless we're talking about certain things like you know zombie you know uh zombie killer ammo and that kind of stuff which you know the prosecutor's opening argument writes itself at that point yeah I would avoid things like that kind of the gimmick ammo which is fine don't get me wrong but not what I'm putting myself defense gun as long as you avoid those sorts of things you probably are going to be on pretty solid ground
Channel: USCCA
Views: 791,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ammo, ammo shortage, concealed carry, ammo shortage update, ammo shortage 2023, gun laws, gun law, what ammo to use, what is the best ammo, best self defense ammo
Id: RkG-7fP4SyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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