How to not panic in every gunfight

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what that we got freeze that looks nothing like your ranked fights the first fight of the V do you see the target confirmation there's a pause where you actually make sure you're I love that that pause does not exist here I know exactly it doesn't exist I genuinely panic I know because you're stressed you're focused on too many things to too many things of course you panic ranked is way harder than Deathmatch the floor becomes literally lava while in Deathmatch it's just the carpet I know but this is your problem we need to overcome that and trust me we can overcome that we get to rank and it's all Rush shots let's go next round I want to find a new fight it's clear as day clear as day clear as day the only only way to fix this is more ranked because your Deathmatch technique is good your rank technique is the problem here are some methods to fixing it method one and I did this myself when I climbed to um Immortal the first time two accounts we call them account a and account B let's say account a is gold one 80 RR and account B is gold one 20 RR I would lock account a as in I would not be allowed to play on account a until account B surpasses it so I'll only play on account B even if i d rank to Silver 2 or whatever then I'll keep playing on account B but eventually account B sometime later will be gold to one RR and you know what I do I lock it no playing on it now I'll play on account one the reason why I'll do this is it means I can never lose my Peak I always have an account that's at my Peak RR because people associate value to their Peak to their rank because you associate value to your rank you rush your shot shots you panic you're worried oh no I'm going to lose I just hit Diamond well now right after you hit Diamond you don't touch that account you play on your platinum 3 account until it passes your diamond account so now you can never lose your prrr it's impossible this is one option boom I'm going to give you multiple options I don't care what you take I'm just trying to help you tackle your anxiety okay so there are pretty obvious Pros to this can't lose our rank you just can't it's impossible to lose your rank works very well uh I find almost everybody who does this they they POG off their gours cons no skins more time and I mean my this is why I have an ALT account you guys have seen my raise practice account tier 3's it's why I have skins on that account too cuz I fell for this Con anyways this is option one this is option one this will help a ton because you can't lose your rank and losing your rank is ultimately a major source of fear in these games jet Breeze gold one just click head oh we've D ranked I mean surely it's Mex Gap right surely like there is no world that this is not Mex capap I mean there's no way there's just no way that your mechanics are even remotely acceptable noxious we can um harb why are there I mean you're just out here to prove me right aren't you you're taking the strategy so seriously when they're coming through you can slow them down and then K can Flash kills and then you Rose make this make sense you spend 40 seconds talking strategy to your teammates and then you willingly buy frenzy on [Laughter] Breeze frenzy on Breeze this has to be the worst map for it too supressed what the is that this guy's like darting back site and it somehow perfectly bounces back it clears nothing I guess it would clear close right or close left ground bro reload you got a friendy right bro reload I'm a FL thank you flash you have to reload thank you what the one enemy remaining nice Spike down a every bet bro pick up the ghost please it's right there it's right there please okay's okay Bulldog heavy I'm down is your gun [Laughter] malfunctioning you're killing me you're killing me you're killing me you're killing me where do I begin let me boot up Breeze okay so we know they're a main I don't like the first angle we played I'll say it but you know sure whatever we're here now this is our life okay so we are here and we know that they're a main you feel my instinct is to smoke the reason why is because um right now the enemy team knows that we're stuck does that make sense and when we're stuck it's a bad thing there's a million things they can do to counter us when we're stuck but the simplest is like I mean they can just hold us and we don't want to Peak into three sheriffs holding us or whatever and so yeah you want to flash but like there's an easy way to be self-sufficient here and it's just toss a smoke down and then you don't even have to move because the smoke it's shinger jet after you throw the smoke the enemy POV blocking sight now you can be back site block sight and that's like all that matters all that matters is that you no longer are definitely stuck and creating that bit of uncertainty is really really really really really important well I don't like that we're just sitting here waiting okay now let's like talk about this so first of all I'll say it I am never going to ask for a k Flash the reason why I'm not going to ask for a KO flash mid round is because it's KO is a stupidly complicated agent to play when it comes to Landing flashes and I consider the onus to be on KO seconds in the mid round to call stuff like this not that I need to of course I think it is up to KO to have like this lineup or whatever uh where is it I forget the corner but but there's there's a main lineup for the Flash and the way I see it is your KO is obligated to call these things and you get what you get at your ELO so we are gold one we have a gold one KO but don't worry they have a gold one Sova so whatever your Ko's capable of just rest easy knowing their SOA is equally as incapable in the mid- round now in the pre- round this is where you can talk to the KO you can be like y KO I want a PK main do you have a flash for me and then he can be like yeah I got you I'll flash for you that's good that's good that's good but in the mid round I want you calling simple utility utility that you could throw if you were filling could you flash aain if you were filling on to no probably not not consistently so don't call it I'm down for you to call fade dog because that's easy you could throw that uh Harbor Cascade easy so any util that you could just like Wing yourself is totally fine to call in the mid- round youtil that's more complicated you sort of have to leave up to the Specialists and yeah the annoying part of that in lower ELO is you're never going to get good coms like that your Ko's almost never are going to be like yo jet I've got the perfect flash for you A M get ready to swing 3 2 1 pop your Ko's not going to do that because they're uh they're gold but that's fine because the enemy SOA is not going to do that either we're chilling we're operating on the same playing field try to avoid calling complicated util it's just it's never going to work it's really annoying in fact you can even see in my rank yesterday this is an extreme example but I told a brimstone to oneway a short off of noise on defense a moral 3 Brimstone and he that up he he smoked lower and he smoked before before any noise was made and if my Brimstone is screwing up that pre-round Comm like in what universe is your KO Landing this flash mid round you know if that makes sense okay Recon yeah and you lose to a classic pistol like at the end of it all you take a a 50/50 against a classic pistol and you lose and this is sort of uh the story of why you're in Gold that's not the best fight this fight's fine all right I don't mind this fight I like getting aggressive we're playing dualist they're on week by I kind of with it is it the best no of course not if this was a radiant player we'd probably talk about it but this is a gold player this fight's totally fine there's nothing wrong with this fight even if we die our gun is easily recoverable the the problem is we lose this fight there's no Universe we should be losing this duel now if they double swung us like right now that another guy swung or they R A flashed or something then then I would I would say yeah we we should have um Fallen back some capacity or we shouldn't have won that or whatever but right here like look at this we just lose a fight um and you can see the graph is trending upwards you know why it's trending upwards you know what that means I'm trying to help you so that way you can V review yourself when the graph when the bars get longer and longer and longer while still remaining orange it means you're not resetting your spray it means you're getting deeper into your spray with each burst because you're not taking enough time between the bursts and when this is happening and a player that's this low ELO I think you know what type of advice I give them I tell them to worry less about what these guys are doing and worry more about how they take their engagements because the human brain is very bad at improving at multiple things at once it's very bad at it it we humans can't text and drive technically if we lived in a world where competitive texting and driving was a thing we could get up to that point but we would generally break it down into Parts we'd first learn how to drive at a very high level we' learn how to text very quickly we'd combine the two in some like simple hecking like drills and courses and eventually we could combine everything into a very complicated course but right now you're you're texting too much and so you suck at driving enem this fight was good you want to know why you lost it's because of this moment right here you actually had this guy but you walked out in the open and now he can body shot you because this guy is trash he can't hit your head just like you can't hit his head but now you've exposed your body and so he body shots you twice and you die well it'll upate there deoy Dash targ focusing on my cross my eyes are last player standing this is annoying so we lose that fight and we take it poorly but I don't like having to get into that position in the first place like the way I want to see you like starting this round is like come over here hop up look for these guys take a fight mid notice I'm not exposed to Elbow you don't see anybody mid peek elbow hop over here like this is how we should be playing jet this is how radians play jets if you play like this in Gold you'll be the first jet a gold player has ever seen play this aggressively and you'll just dominate the whole Lobby we're so passive our impact on the outcomes of the rounds is so muted right now if they fight a m what do we do about it nothing okay think about it this way they can Rush a as five they can Rush b as five they can split a they can split B so that's Rush a rush B split a split B and if we assume they're all equally likely which is totally fine of course they're not but it doesn't matter then what's the least annoying one for us to be not involved in Rush B because we have a sentinel so if they Rush B I'm down to not be involved cuz we we can't be involved in everything we can play in a way that gets us involved in all of these other scenarios just 75% of the rounds we get to have impact on the outcome of it as dualist and that would involve pushing out mid a bit though uh somebody in chat has suggested mid doors mid doors can work and I'm down uh it's a bit of a suboptimal peak I wouldn't recommend it at a higher level however for gold player I don't mind that's fine because yes we get to fight the a split we get to hold for the a rush but you're normally going to see jets do and we did this on the round we had a sheriff is we came out mid like this now we get to fight the split a we get to fight the split B but additionally if you come further out if they start rushing a you can come really fast look for a potential mid lurker and you're you're already here there's no shot at retake yet my ready I'm not happy with this gunfight I was fine with the sheriff gunfight because it looked like you were trying to aim for the head but this fight against jet is uh making me mad Rose because right here you're at head level give or take and as we aim at the jet your crossair actively gets pulled down and you aim Center Mass which tells me that you are not focused on trying to shoot her head I don't need you to actually shoot her head I need you to try to shoot her head and in this gunfight in particular you are clearly satisfied with the body because there's no world you would left click on this Frame if your priority was a head shot so I see your priority here as not dying or something like you're you're Panic my Al ready get out there what are the threats right now mid lurk PA's lurk uh I guess they canel a B I don't see a main as a threat we have three dudes looking at it and the way that you're looking at it is passive because um Harbor has a deeper line so we won't see the main main right now it's like in my head I'm already dropping to look mid or I'm opening door and asking Cipher to tap cam both of these are acceptable but what you're doing right now is so passive one enemy remaining like see you were not needed for this Spike down a bad I'm watching mid B yes exactly good now the way you watched me it got a little passive a little passive for my liking but perfect we we finally did something where we controlled some space goodby yeah I really don't like the gunfight throws I don't like them at all I like the positioning I like that we're taking this engagement but like look what's going on there what can I do better you need to focus on them more you're too willing to shoot at the body it's happening every gunfight you're aiming too low this guy's completely stationary their head's not even moving and once again you you willingly shoot their body like I rarely like looking at head shot rate but it's 17% like silver and gold players are so immobile someone is one enemy remaining on the right side well played okay Ros I don't know how to explain this to you but I want you to be the type of player in this 5v1 that does this so there's like a Viper smoke or whatever here you switch to Classic and you do this like I you have to develop your ego if you're going to play dualist fight this guy there's no downside to dash up drafting and pushing the dude like I'm not even joking it's almost certain tens with Dash upd draft here yeah we're really passive I see you frequently with Dash up in on angles and I don't like it like all of these Peaks that you've done so far I would not have primed dash yet because if you see the enemy like here or here you have cover right here once I get more out like this now I'll Prime Dash because now you'll notice I'm exposed to that and this and now if an enemy appears on my screen I can flick a shot and dash away but right here I don't I don't need Dash where's your DM vods do you have your DM vods Ros what that we got freeze that looks nothing like your ranked fights the first fight of the V do you see the target confirmation there's a pause where you actually make sure you're I love that that pause does not exist here I know exactly it doesn't exist I genuinely panic I know because you're stressed you're focused on too many things too many things of course you panic ranked is way harder than Deathmatch the floor becomes literally lava while in Deathmatch it's just the carpet I know but this is your problem we need to overcome that and trust me we can overcome that cuz it's all in your head in your head ranked let's draw your little room you need to jump from your bed to your chair and the floor is genuinely lava and so it makes it harder to jump the way that you would jump when you're playing DM where it's the same jump but it's a red carpet or whatever it's not real lava and so you know you're not going to die and so it's easy you jump to the chair while over here it's terrifying and So you you're clouded by judgment you're more likely to fail so the perfect example of this is an NBA free throw or basketball free throw because in practice mechanically it's identical to ingame however in game it's so much harder so much harder bo boo study reveals practice free throw percentage is much better than game free throw percentage of course and this is true for everybody in ranked and Deathmatch as well this analogy seems like okay ho if even NBA players can't overcome this then how the hell do I overcome this it's simple the difference is the NBA players are actually playing in front of a huge audience for there's actual stuff on the line in ranked you can completely convince yourself that RR doesn't matter cuz it Doesn't in an in an NBA game that free throw does matter that affects their paycheck it's their job they can't fully convince themselves it doesn't matter because it does okay in ranked I'll tell you right now Rose it doesn't doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you uh whiff on this Raina you're a gold player you don't get paid to play valerant you're not going to get paid to play valerant you do this as a hobby for fun in your free time and you can you can completely suppress this urge to rush as a hobbyist valerant player if you focus on your gunfights more in ranked exclusively because unlike NBA free throws Rose's ranked game the outcome of it does not matter the only problem is you don't believe that to be true at this point in time but we we can we can work on that if that makes sense cuz you're not actually getting paid to hit this shot there's no negative repercussions if you miss they're all in your head you associate negative such as my teammates will be disappointed right like that can be a negative that can hold you back except like you're going to miss shots either way they're going to be disappointed either way you can't control your teammates emotions uh teammates will be disappointed no matter what think about it this way when you're KO died here Flash are you going to go on Twitter later and type an essay about this guy in particular and about how he threw your game and he's hurt you emotionally because of this death probably not Ro driven by your fear of failure perfect even easier you have to you have to understand that that fear is causing failure you will continue to fail if you continue to be afraid of taking aggressive gunfights with patience it's a cycle that will never end um it's it's the dragon so there's this graph which is when you get better at like a task when you integrate some new skill you you'll lose ELO and then you'll go to new heights but what can happen is um boom where's the middle graph sendar you know what I'm talking about not the actual Dragon but the long-term decline thank you this is what happens if you're too afraid to implement that higher order skill that you know is correct you will slowly just get worse and worse and worse and worse and lower ELO because everyone else around you is going to get better the other gold players in your lobby are going to overcome this fear a decade from now the average gold player will be able to take their time on a shot and you'll be silver now or you'll be bronze now or who knows but if you don't get better if you don't overcome this then you're going to be stuck and I can see it clear as day and I think you can see it too now that we pulled up your Deathmatch VOD it's night and day like let's watch a few more Death Match fights yeah like you are so calm you're not worried at all now of course you I don't expect you to match this one to one you're aiming for the head you're not worried you're getting head shots there's no Panic whatsoever we get to rank and it's all Rush shots let's go next round I want to find a new fight it's clear as day clear as day clear as day the only way to fix this is more ranked you because your Deathmatch technique is good your rank technique is the problem here are some methods to fixing it method one and I did this myself when I climbed to um Immortal the first time two accounts we call them account a and account B let's say account a is gold one 80 RR and account B is gold one 20 RR I would lock account a as in I would not be allowed to play on account a until account B surpasses it so I'll only play on account B even if i d rank to Silver 2 or whatever then I'll keep playing on account B but eventually account B sometime later will be gold 2 one RR and you know what I do I lock it no playing on it now I'll play on account one the reason why I'll do this is it means I can never lose my Peak I always have an account that's at my Peak RR because people associate value to their Peak to their rank because you associate value to your rank you rush your shots you p Panic you're worried oh no I'm going to lose I just hit Diamond well now right after you hit Diamond you don't touch that account you play on your platinum 3 account until it passes your diamond account so now you can never lose your prrr it's impossible this is one option boom I'm going to give you multiple options I don't care what you take I'm just trying to help you tackle your anxiety okay so there are pretty obvious Pros to this can't lose our rank you just can't it's impossible to lose your rank works very well uh I find almost everybody who does this they they POG off their gours cons no skins more time and I mean my this is why I have an ALT account you guys have seen my raise practice account tier 3's it's why I have skins on that account too because I fell for this Con anyways this is option one this is option one this will help a ton because you can't lose your rank and losing your rank is ultimately a major source of fear in these games option two accountability right now you're afraid your biggest fear is failure but we can redefine what failure means Define what failure means so for example Rose if we take a friend of similar ELO I'm going to use Dr turnip as an example because she happens to be like the same ELO as you let's say you and Dr turnip now instead of caring about your rank you only care about whether or not you panicked in your gunfights and you hold each other accountable to that now you're afraid of letting your friend down so we just shift that fear to something else a fear that constructively drives us towards the route of improvement so now instead of being afraid of losing a rank game we're afraid that our friend is going to rank up much faster than us because we aren't going to cuz we're not taking our time in our gunfights and they are they're starting to do that so like you get them into a Discord call with you or whatever and they watch your game and they go why the hell does you shoot so fast you weren't ready and option three Zen I can I can't do option three but I know people who have you just sort of like trust talking banana this is route to success Improvement is a spiral and we draw this spiral your rank might be here on the spiral which means later in time your rank will be lower but even later in time your rank will be higher and if you trust me when I tell you that Improvement is like this CU I know it is and I promise it is then you can accept short-term loss because you know it will be followed by long-term gain like imagine me right now it's impossible for me to drop into silver agreed I I'm incapable of being that bad at the game but I could totally drop into ascendant too because that's like the bottom of my current potential spiral way up here but I am way up here so it's like as you get better and better and better then the worst you can be will go up and up and up but the worst you can be will still be somewhere down here on average lower than you're currently rated so this is option three either way whatever route you choose to take your problem is clear as day Deathmatch I see bad aim but good technique right I see bad aim and bad technique playing more dm/ aim training will fix the bad aim the bad technique in rank is a problem of anxiety I have proposed to you multiple approaches to tackle that anxiety take the route you feel resonates you the most do mid round AGL far less and dial in on taking aggressive tools with proper technique hey wojin here did you know that I stream every weekday doing VOD reviews and playing ranked if you enjoy the videos the best way to support me is to show up live if this video was just uploaded it's very likely that I'm streaming right now all of my coaching is free but that means I need to make money in other ways please consider supporting me with a Discord subscription if you can afford to do so I run many live events for my tier three subscribers as a thank you for letting me pursue my passion every day at 2,000 subscribers I'll be booking a flight out to EU and to APAC to play in houses on your servers thank you for supporting me
Channel: Woohoojin
Views: 248,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OxUncfZlc-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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