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recently a whole bunch of my dry kopecks needed some attention as you can see some of them are looking pretty sad so I ordered a bunch of various ink now this stuff isn't cheap it's like $10 per refill now I could if I were reasonable just sort of refill them all and keep all the sparing for future refills or or before I refill them I could use all of my various igg to create an artwork because that seems like a really wise use of resources this is probably going to be the most expensive video get ours and Joe and welcome to draw with jazzer I'm Java and I have a problem that problem is every time the question enters my mind I wonder if you can make art with that I have to answer it and it's a problem because sometimes you end up spending a ridiculous amount of money on your Copic refills and instead of refilling your Copic straightaway you think or if I could make art out of that so today I'm going to attempt to answer that question and I didn't know whether I should limit myself to only using the bottles or being able to perhaps use brushes so I put the question to you guys on Twitter and you are only letting me use the bottle it's great thank you that's totally unexpected that you guys would have mercy on me oh god this is a lot of various ink this was really expensive which is why I'm so grateful that this video is sponsored so that I'm not gonna have to take a second mortgage out of my house audible has sponsored this video who those of you who are familiar with me and my channel and my vlog know that I can't live without audible this is my audible library I listen to books all the time I'm currently in the midst of listening to you the Lightbringer series by Brent weeks and as you can see I've 3 hours and 10 minutes left and the series of continuing but there are only four books so far so before I finish the artwork today I'm gonna have finished one of my favorite fantasy series on a cliffhanger waiting for the next book to come out but that's ok because there you can see I have three credits left let me know your recommendations I'm going to put a bunch of my favorite books and recommendations in the description am I happy with yes I'm gonna write you're a portable oh wait I already I already rated it I wrote audible is my cocaine look if that's not enough of a plug I don't know what it's portable is my cocaine and if you want to join me in my addiction you can get your first free audio book go to slash jazz up we can text Jazza for 500 500 and get your first audiobook and a 30-day free trial to go check out your first audiobook today I can't recommend audible enough now aside from needing to just use the bottles to apply my colors there aren't many very vibrant or different colors like purples or greens really the vibrant rich colors I don't use as often as these tones that I often use to sort of over blend colors or saturate pieces or add highlights and stuff gonna need to see how this is actually gonna work because I'm a I'm a little bit terrified these are all unopened as you can see so I'm gonna have to actually open up peel the plastic off and here is my collection I can't imagine this is gonna be easy or clean which is why I bought this packet of gloves if anyone has ever refilled a Copic marker with various ink you'll know that that stuff gets everywhere oof sort of menacing this definitely looks like something and put on when you're about to murder someone or rob a house there's something about the black latex that's really disgusting your cameron's was a frog my building all right let's have a look at how this guy that says you can see you take off the lid and you get a little drop of thing happening there you go that's a that's a drop of very high saturation stuff now I'm gonna need to use my fingers in the course of creating this piece now can I move see look at that just sort of spills this is gonna be really hard to control can I'd like a draw if I'm careful enough I can sort of create lines let's get the black and I'm just gonna like be as delicate as I possibly can this is definitely not gonna be effective this is like the thinnest or best I can do lines cuz they sort of come out and a burst and then thin out very quickly it's always gonna look like a little spam the colors look great obviously because it's it's as saturated as the colors gonna get but how it's applied is a whole different thing I mean I guess we could in theory just use my fingers that's which so I guess there's a good thing that I have a lot of really light D saturated because that may enable me to fill areas without overdoing it some of these are very light we have like a number one warm grey brick white barium yellow all these really light filler and blending colors they're actually probably going to show up quite strong on the paper with this heart challenge so you look at that that's the barium yellow this is like the lightest yellow I ever use and it's it's showing you know really strong now let's look at our palette and think about concepts lots of earthy colors with just a couple of punchy colors I'm thinking I'm gonna have to go in the direction of a landscape obviously something a little sort of what's the word figurative a little non-naturalistic a little surrealist and if it's weird or awful enough we can call it abstracts okay the time has come ladies and gentlemen for me to dive in deep deep into the pool of expensive saturation and COBIT ink and the hope is that I will swim through and come out on the other end with an artwork worthy of being proud of it's unlikely but I'm gonna try so before jumping into creating the piece itself I decided to experiment just a little bit more with how to apply the actual ink to the paper with it being alcohol-based it dries really quickly on the page and soaks up really quickly and so in order to cover larger areas with any sort of smoothness I would need to really quickly splodge it down and spread it fast with my whole hand so I attempted to do this with the sky and it looks interesting I figured with I don't know maybe a little bit of detail added later or some objects in the sky I could try and smooth it out a bit moving on to the landscape I feel like I've got a pretty cool texture going on with the mountains and with some of the shadows and highlights and tried to create a bit of an otherworldly aesthetic sort of like colony or giant city you know in a strange space like planet thing with a hint of a Fanta atmosphere to it as you can see it was pretty bloody hard to get any sort of detail or refined aesthetic working with just the tubes in my hands this stuff sort of really spread it bled very quickly and it dried very quickly there was no way to create any sort of detail it just came out faster no matter what angle I held it at I tried to come up with a few little method one of which was to pour the ink into a cup and use the lid of the container to draw in some detail it wasn't perfect but it was a little closer to some semblance of detail and definition but as the piece went on I felt more and more that there was just so much missing there was too much white and it really wasn't getting the otherworldly aesthetic I needed I really had to have more color and this meant using a lot more ink which hurt my soul and I tried really hard to not fear ruining the piece and to try and be brave which I recommend people to do when they're especially trying new things to try and get cool results but at the end I really feel like this was just one massive step towards ruining the piece I don't think it was going anywhere great fast but I think just throwing in a whole bunch of ink to try and shift the aesthetic really just put a bit of a nail in what I felt like was the coffin of the artwork coming together I am throwing in the black rubber gloves on this one I am not liking how this looks I'm not liking how it feels to make and I am not liking the feeling that well the knowledge that I'm not going to be happy with the outcome of this if I persisted with that being said I like the colour mix and all that stuff but the application of not using anything other in my hands and these things I tried my god I tried this is a really irresponsible use of Copic ink I hope you can appreciate the ambition I couldn't do it in a way that I would be happy with them that I feel like it would be worth your time but I'm not giving up I'm just giving up on doing it this big and without any form of application oh my God look how this is so much paint this is such a waste hurts my soul I'm gonna use the failed artwork as a soak underneath what will be my next attempt on a smaller piece of paper I'm gonna use brushes and I'm going to use a pallet and something else I haven't actually realized is I also own a bottle of colorless blender various ink you could use it with colors to dilute the intensity of the saturation and create maybe some textured effects and stuff so I'm going to approach this a little more like a watercolor painting this time I again I like the colors the theme and the concept of my first attempt this time we're gonna go a little more refined take it slower layer things up in a way that I feel is gonna be more beneficial to the medium I'm not going to waste as much ink because I'm working smaller and I'll be able to do more accurately because the brushes and hopefully this time I'll have something I can be proud of and that you guys will enjoy it's time for attempt 2 and I'm really hoping this one works [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before revealing the final piece I thought I'd go back to this doozy because I feel like you need a reminder is the fact that I attempted though horribly to paint without any support other than just using these things in my gloved hands didn't turn out to be quite the vision of what I had in my head with the colors but it is a testament to the sacrifice I'm willing to make to try and do something the amount of ink I use is a little sad anyways what I actually had in my head was this and this is the finished result of my challenge yes I used brushes but I painted only with various inks and it does capture what I had in my head especially what the colors are to work with I guess when all the sudden done though it comes back to that question I opened up with that I asked myself can you paint with these things I wouldn't recommend it but you know what I would recommend the sponsor of this video audible I just finished book 4 in the Lightbringer series really really frustrating cliffhanger but so satisfying and so cool I can't wait till the big book comes out remember to grab your free audiobook and 30-day free trial by going to and claim your audible offer today I can't recommend audible enough I say that a lot but that's because I can't recommend them enough I love audible and know that you guys will too you can listen to audible and great audiobooks by great authors and voice actors and the writers who tell these great stories while you're on the go while you're creating artworks while you're at the gym or doing something where you can just let your mind carry your way to wonderful places like I've experienced this afternoon so a huge thank you laudable of course for sponsoring this video and my recommendations for you to check them out I hope you guys enjoyed this video and the final result of my attempted challenge leave your suggestions for future challenges in the comment section below like this video and subscribe to draw a jazz have more fun with art thank you for watching and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jezza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 3,137,353
Rating: 4.9375787 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: v2d8Ucl44Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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