Your Joy Will Overflow :: FruitFull (Part 5)

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I'm excited about what's gonna happen in this place today and so y'all ready for the word this morning all right pull out your notepads and and anything that you have you're smart or dumb phone we're about to we're about to see God do something awesome we're in week five of a series that we are calling fruitful and I'm thankful for all of the people who spoke while I was out sister Amber Lee Vail and our very own Bri Davis and pastor Paul Cooper they did an awesome job and now we're going to talk about the fruit of the Spirit that is found in Galatians chapter 522 and this is just the anchor scripture for this entire series I want you to look at it it says but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives question who produces this kind of fruit in your life okay so the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control there is no law against these things can I help you that the Holy Spirit is supposed to produce something in your life like when you become a Christian it's not just to come and do a religious duty and come to church and then leave the same it's supposed to start getting in you and affecting you so that it changes in your life and when I look at these you know I don't know about you but I grew up in church some people didn't grow up in church but I'm gonna give you a secret sometimes you read scriptures that you hear them so much that they just become cliche like it's just like the fruit of spirit love joy peace and for a long time I just I just let those scriptures just go past me like you know what I'm saying yeah we want love we want peace we want joy but any ain't really happening but when I really started studying this God was saying I gave you the Holy Spirit so that you could have practical love in your life I'm talking about the love that makes you do something nice for somebody you don't like like I want it to be practical he wants to give you peace that no matter what the storm is in your life that you can be able to know that everything's gonna be okay I remember a story in the Bible where the disciples were on a boat with Jesus and all kinds of stuff was coming at them and they thought they were about to die and guess what Jesus was doing he wasn't not praying he not casting out demons he was three cuz he knew he was the Prince of Peace and he's saying that why would y'all start tripping when I'm in your corner it's because they didn't believe that him being there would produce practical peace in their storm situation and it looks like a bunch of believers today I get people coming up to me all the time cuz I'm like what do you think about the political system what do you think about what's happening in office what do you think about that I think it's there and I think that God's in control and so when I see these things I don't get all frazzled and messed up over them because I have the Holy Spirit working on the inside of me and he produces the fruit of Peace in my life see so many Christians that I don't even know if they're believers because the fruit is not evident when trials come how many y'all know some people that say they believe something but then when it comes down to it they don't act like they believe something okay come on raise your hands if you don't raise your hands you're that person and this is I'm just playing with you and this is one of the things that I want God to help so today we're gonna talk about a fruit of the Spirit that I feel like all of us need we're gonna talk about joy how many people need some more joy in your life come on okay you need some more joy matter of fact let's start off by smiling everybody just smile even if you didn't brush your teeth this morning just smile some of y'all so hateful look at y'all still mean muggin it'll be alright you'll be are anybody into the service okay I believe this is one of the fruits of the spirit that is so powerful because the Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord will be our and many of us are drained but we don't have the fuel for strength you're drained in your wit work week you're drained in your life you're drained through circumstances and situations but he gave you the fuel which was joy and many of us don't know where to get joy we've misplaced it and today I want us to see how joy is supposed to play a major part in our life go to John chapter 15 verse 11 chapter 15 verse 11 and this is Jesus talking and this really is like an anchor scripture for me and maybe more than an anchor scripture it could be the goal that we want to reach we want this goal and Jesus wants this goal for all of us look at it it says I have told you these things Jesus talking so that you we you will be filled with my joy everybody say my joy this is Jesus he has a joy and and I could see some of the disciples cuz that's who he's talking to being like he wants us to be filled with his joy and they start looking like this and then he emphatically says yes look at your joy will over flow somebody say my joy will overflow that's the title of today's message and I want you to realize that that's what God wants for every person in this place he wants joy to overflow in your life he wants you to be joyful or joy full full of joy but if we look at a lot of people's lives they're not full of joy they're full of worry they're full they're full of doubt they're full of anxiety and how can we many people being believers work on the same level eggs eggs eggs ayat e and pain and frustration as everybody and this is what God's saying I got a key but you're missing it I got something I want to give you I don't want to give you happiness because happiness is dictated by circumstance I want to give you joy which is something that I only can give and it's something that starts from the inside see happiness is one of those things that comes and it goes I mean some of us let's be honest like you wake up happy then you find out it's raining and you have a bad day you go to a restaurant and they get your food order wrong and y'all know once they give my food order wrong I'm tripping and it's a bad day see happiness goes up and down like a roller coaster joy is unmovable joy is an anchor and see a lot of people are trying to find joy but they look in the wrong places so they settle for happiness he is gonna be good see see what ends up happening is happiness is a feeling dicta dictated to me by what is happening externally but that is that's busted because I can never control that I can't control if my boss acts crazy I can't control if my car breaks down I can't control if I lose my job and so if I am only happy by what happens on the outside then I am never in control of my own life and that looks like a bunch of people that call themselves Christ followers most of our prayer requests are about things that we can't control most of our attitudes are about things that happen outside and God said I got something better for you I got something that will help you sustain in the middle of any storm I have something that will make you smile when things are broken I got something they can all leave you and you can still say stand there and have joy in your heart but it cannot be happiness it has to be joy and we're confused on the definition of that and so I want you to understand that as I start studying I look up things I get in the dictionary and I start trying to figure out what things mean and I looked up this word joy and I was very disappointed in the 1-dimensional 'no substr dicts dictionary it says joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness that's all it gave three major components it's a feeling of pleasure and happiness when I begin to weigh that against what I see in the Bible that's not enough to make me still serve God and still have joy in the midst of hard circumstances see I think about people like Paul and Silas who were chained in jail and had enough joy to start singing a song now y'all missed it cuz I don't know about you but when I'm mad I'm not ready to sing a song I'm ready to fight now some of y'all are holy and perfect and all that other stuff but when I'm mad I'm ready cuss somebody out y'all fake release teamahma come to y'all y'all the real side but they had something from the inside that allowed them to say blessed be the name of the Lord they were able to lift up a song they were able to sing we go from glory to glory to glory said we up in these chains we'll never be the same like they were able but that wasn't because of their circumstance cuz they weren't happy and being chained wasn't pleasurable and they probably felt bad but the Bible tells us they still had joy and then it makes me think of people like Jobe who lost everything he lost all of his kids he he lost all of his land he lost all of his money but when they told them to stand up and curse God he was able to stand in joy not feeling good he just lost everything not being in a pleasurable state and not even being happy he probably stood in tears and said this statement the Lord gives and the Lord takes away blessed be the name of the Lord how do you say that after everything you had have been taken away from you that's not happiness that's Joey everybody say that's joy and Jesus is saying I want your joy to over flow look at Jesus go to Hebrews 12:2 cuz this one mess me up when I found it it literally says in the Bible for the joy set before him he endured the cross oh hold up Pastor Mike you mean the thing that kept Jesus on the cross from coming down and saying this is just too much cut uh uh eternity hold on I didn't sign up for this what's joy he said I stayed on the cross because I knew there was joy set before me that's not a place of pleasure that's not a place of happiness that's not a place of everything's okay and the reason I'm saying that is because many of you have been told to lie and believe the lie because everything's not going good you can't have joy but I came here this morning to change the narrative that God is the one who can give you joy and not just a little bit but he can make you joy fool in the middle of us hard situation and so that means we must have the dip wrong definition of joy so I want to give you a definition of joy because I don't know about you but my feelings are fleeting I mean they change all the time how many people okay don't leave me up here by myself how many people have felt one way about something and then maybe six months later a year later you felt different about it okay some of y'all loved this pair of shoes last year and hate that same pair of shoes right now can't even wear them no more some and whatever it is for you but our feelings are fleeting I don't know about you but what pleases me sometimes it's not always profitable for me I love ice cream my waistline hates it do you understand what I'm saying like and happiness is so inconsistent so we need to find out what joy is right this definition down because if the only time I can have joy is when my feelings pleasure and happiness online I'll never find it I want you to see this joy is the supernatural delight in the person the purpose is the plan the placement the provision and the people of God I know that's a lot of peace but I want you to remember it see joy is when you are in a place let me just give you the point your joy will overflow as you discover that joy is not a feeling joy is a heart posture it's not feeling something it's where I have my eyes fixed and that's why joy is a supernatural it's not natural to me it's beyond me it's something that is worked in by the Holy Spirit that's why when I spend time with God that's when I pray when I come into his house it's something that he begins to work into my life that lets it be more than natural super natural delight in knowing that God he's good this is how it works in my life I'll say stuff like this god you're good that his purposes are coming to pass that he has a specific plan for my life that I am placed right where I need to be and if I'm off-course his grace will lead me back to the right path everything I need will be provided when I need it and he will give me the right people as community accountability and encouragement what are you trying to say Pastor Mike joy comes from having a fixed perspective on Jesus it comes from having your focus on something that won't change can I help you the reason you haven't been able to find joy is because your focus changes too much that's why you're only finding happiness because I'm happy by what they're saying on social media today I'm happy by the amount of money I make I'm happy by this I'm happy by this relationship I'm happy by these drugs I'm happy by these people liking me but it has to keep changing because nothing is solid enough to fix your focus on and that's why joy cannot come if you do not have a fixed folks keep focus on something that will not change that's why Jesus has to be the center of our life because he is the one who is the one who was and the one that is is to come but what we do in our 21st century is we focus on whatever gives us feelings of pleasure and happiness at the moment so when life starts to change or those things start to change our happiness begins to change and God says I want to give you something wait I want to give you the upgrade I want to give you the upgrade to happiness and you can't find it nowhere but me I want to give you joy it's that thing that nobody can take from you I don't know about you but I have some old-school people in my house and they used to say stuff like this they say umm this joy that I have the world can't take it the world didn't give it you see that was my mama over there correct him and cuz she she said it all my life the world didn't give it what's the rest and the world can't take it away anybody else has somebody and they life saying man quoting it okay the reason they can't take it it's because they don't have it and the reason that they can't give it is because they don't have it and as believers if we choose to live below joy if we choose to let our circumstances dictate how we feel and why we smile and why we get up and why we do things we are no better than any body else who doesn't have Jesus and he said I came that you might have life and life took a fool he wants your life to be fruitful joy full full of everything but we have to take advantage of the promises of God and so you want your joy to overflow you need to know joy is not a feeling joy is a heart posture can I break it down to you cuz some of you like okay Pastor Mike I kind of get with you what you saying but I don't really get it let me just bring it all the way down for people like me who are a little remedial okay joy is a posture of my heart that says two things God's got it and I trust him period when the waves of life come and they fired from me from my job God's got it and I trust him when they leave me at the altar and we were supposed to be married God's got it and I trust him when my investments go down and I sunk my whole savings into it I have joy because God's got it come on help me and I trust him when the economy has turned upside down and my children are acting crazy I have a faith that stands and says God's got it and I trust him when my children are least with sickness with pain when I've lost everything I have to have a stance that God Scottie and I trust him that's the only way you can stay on the cross that's the only way you can lose everything and still say blessed be the name of the Lord that's the only way you can be in Chains and still happy because you have an anchor that is dropped and the waves may blow you're not doing under because my anchor is God's got it and I trust him somebody just say it with a attitude God's got it and I trust him there's a situation you're going through right now and it looks bigger than you but I promise you it's not because God's got oh and I trust him you've been looking at money situations you've been looking at pain in your life you better square up and tell yourself God's got it trust Wow somebody take a moment and give God a shout of praise yeah God's got it in our trust this sickness is not bigger than me this job layoff is not bigger than me who's in government is not bigger than me God's got it and I trust him that's where joy comes from so a situation can come but I'm chilling are my feelings hurt yeah is it uncomfortable yeah is my happiness a little up and down uh-huh but I still have joy why cuz God Scottie and I trust somebody gonna be walking around your house all week you're gonna be you gonna be a god Scott and I y'all better stop playing with me cuz I will take off around this church I am NOT even playin God's got it I don't care what comes God's got it and I somebody's gettin it faith is coming in to somebody God study and I trust it Oh God's got it he's got you he's got your kids he's got your family he's got your career he's got your bitter God's got it and I trust y'all better sit down I'm only on plane 1 I'm all the 0.1 y'all better sit out I'm on an important one but when you remember how God brought you through that situation and you think back about how you don't bring you to this situation all you can step back and say is God's got it and I trust [Applause] [Music] so so when you have that knowing when you have when you know that when you know that it doesn't matter what comes some of y'all I can see you college students I don't know about tuition next year I don't know if I'm gonna get validated and you weren't even supposed to be here this year and God took care of you then why are you getting in doubt now god sky so so this is what God wants for you he wants joy not happiness the unmovable thing that when when when you lose the job and when they when you get incarcerated and they won't give you on it that's it I'll make you an entrepreneur I'll build the business out of you I'll take I'll take everything he's like I got you [Applause] and so what happens second point your joy will overflow as you discover joy is only Jesus generated see this is the problem most people want joy but they look for it in the amount of money that they want they look for it in a relationship they look for it in a career some of y'all got more degrees than a thermometer a PhD a DVD you in the NBA and the NBA like do you understand what I'm saying you got all these degrees but you still don't have joy cuz it's not coming externally it's coming in turn it's only can come from Jesus so I'm trying to let everybody get the key to this thing that God wants your joy to overflow but joy is only Jesus generated we were in John 15 chapter 11 I want to scoot back up six verses into Chapter five I mean verse five and look what Jesus is saying to him he was like yeah yeah guys I know y'all want to do great things for me but I just need you to remember this one thing and I'm gonna paint this picture for you he said um I'm the vine you're the branches okay so don't get it don't get it twisted I'm the source and I'll resource you to do what I've called you to do see we got it so twisted some of y'all think you're the source you don't have any ability to make anything happen you are just the resource but when you remove yourself from God you cut all yourself off from these sources you missed it when Jesus is the source the vine he says you as my child are our a source and I will resource what you mean as long as you stay connected to me and so it says I'm the vine you are the branches he who abides everybody say abide circle that underline it write that tattoo it on your arm abide he who abides in me and I am them bears much fruit or becomes joyful or has full miss of joy for without me you can do nothing doesn't like that ain't true I can do stuff without you you can't do anything that lasts you you only can do temporary things that you have to sustain and some of y'all are so tired of life because you've been trying to sustain whatever you've tried to build and it's wearing you the hell out I know this ain't the church for everybody but I just had to say cuz you look like it it's on your face it's wearing you out and God's standing back like you you want me to do it you want me I can you know I can do that with my pinkie like this ain't this ain't even hard for me but as long as you want to do it I'll let you do it cuz I'm a gentleman I only step in when I'm asked and today God wants to make some of your joy fool but he you're gonna have to invite him into it he said don't forget if you abide in me you will not be able to sustain without the joy of Jesus in this one chapter and these few verses he mentions that word abide seven to ten times and seven verses if you abide in me and my words abide in you and if you don't abide in me he literally was trying to get our point across I want you to abide stay connected that's what that word means it means stay for a long time get with me that's why I don't understand people who try Christianity for a month I try I tried to live say I'll try not to sleep with him I try not to coz I try not to do it I'll try how long did you try baby thirty two days and it's just not working so I went to swing and I went to this and I'm saying no no no no what seed have you ever planted that you kept picking up every day out of the dirt bared fruit and that's what we do I'm am in church right now but I'm not in church now I'm a serve you but it's my birthday y'all know what I'm talking about so how do you expect to bear fruit but you won't stay planted pull up an orange tree every day every month every year and see how much fruit it gives but that's why God's saying just a bi with me stay with me if you mess up come back tell somebody confess your sins one to another you're already saved the salvation is already taken care of your eternity is cool but I don't want you to live hell on earth and then getting escaped to heaven it's like I just want you to live this life I'll pay for I already paid for it will you please order the orders will you please order the desert will you it's just like somebody paying for a five-star meal and all you want is the bread it's already paid for and you did could you just bring more bread there's steak waiting for you and you want bread and ranch [Applause] take full advantage of the life that God has given you and part of that life is being joy full but it only is generated by Jesus let me give you a practical step to abiding just practical read your Bible read the Word of God that's a mighty if you always do that every Sunday I'm gonna say every Sunday from now on cuz it's the whole thing like that's everything like you can be saved and not ever even come here if you just ditch your Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to be alive in you it can change your whole life and I started to think about this analogy it's hard to be joyful naturally when you're hungry how many people get a little attitude when they get hungry come on let's be attitude some of y'all is just evil like something y'all don't talk do not talk to me until I get to Smith double like do not like there's certain times where I know I should stop talking to my wife or and just slide her some chicken nuggets cuz you know you understand what I'm saying but then I started thinking about it in the spiritual it's hard to be joyful when your spirit is hungry let me help you but if we pray over God's Word to eat it as spiritual food it nourishes satisfies and makes us glad but some of y'all are so spiritually starving like you don't spend time in God's Word and so you can't abide and you it's hard to be joyful when your spirit is hungry I saw this commercial and it reminded me of this and I want you to take it out right now take this commercial out check this commercial out now I saw this commercial and it preached to me cuz in the middle of their car ride the friend says everytime you get hungry you turn into a my question is every time your spirit isn't hungry what do you turn into every time you're spiritually hungry and you won't feed it the word you turn into a liar you you turn into a lust bucket is what I call it that's what I used to be that's not my vu but that was me every time I don't feed on the word of God I turn into somebody who will manipulate the situation I'll turn into somebody who's judgmental and some of you are sitting around here starving your spirit man and I'm here to say like the friend said to you every time you get hungry you turn into a and all you have to do is eat on the Word of God and listen to the tagline it says it says you're not you when you're hungry I came to tell you you're not you and your spirit is hungry when you're not able to feed on the Word of God you're not you and some of y'all been walking around saying that's just how I am that's just how I am may I say you're so malnourished that you think this is normal you're so bulimic out here that if you ate a Snickers it changed your whole life if you read Philippians one time it wakes you up and said I've never met me before I'm a brand new person you're not you and you're hungry and the tagline says Snickers it satisfies i'ma steal that and say the word of God it's satisfies I want you to be practically helped today that's how you abide look at this and this blessed me when I found this scripture Jeremiah 15:16 it says when I discovered your words when I discovered when I uncovered it I devoured them y'all know when you're hungry some of y'all will eat without breathing do you understand what I'm saying how many of y'all have eaten food hot because you were so hungry like you're like you're trying to blow on it and take it in you understand what I'm saying but when you're hungry it doesn't matter the flour and God is saying to some of you you need to get in your word and it might be hard and it might be hot but you need to you need to take that mug in oh you can go ahead and give God praise right there yeah now watch how beautifully the Word of God works together it said when I discovered your words I devoured them they are my joy remember what we're talking about we're talking about having joy in our life that our joy would overflow God said practically if you want joy you have to know it's Jesus generated how do I get close to Jesus how do I abide in him and he said if you read my word he said it'll be your joy you read more it will be a joy and your heart's delight joy is only Jesus generated so let me give you my third point your joy will overflow as you discover joy is not an option joy is an outcome joy is not like oh I'm gonna decide to be joyful today no it's an outcome of things that you do get in a place with God let me help you I'm gonna give you this analogy it's a little lengthy but I want you to hear it it says the secret of living is joy the secret of joy is being fruitful the secret of being fruitful is abiding the secret of biting is obeying and then the secret of obeying is loving and the secret of loving is knowing knowing who Jesus you want joy find Jesus you want joy know Jesus you need more joy get more Jesus because once you get to know Jesus it will help you to love him once you love him you'll start obeying him once you obeyed him you'll start a buying or staying close to him once you stay close to him you'll start bearing fruit like him and once you start bearing fruit like him it'll bring you a lot of joy see but that's an outcome of knowing Jesus and testimony can sound like you saying the same thing I really am I'm just trying to get it in our our hearts and our minds in a different way if you want that thing that nobody can steal from you like if you want that thing that's better than happiness know Jesus and in the face of hard circumstances and broken situation you will be able to stand and people will come up to you and be like how are you how are you holding it together why are you still smiling why did you even come to help me I know what you're going through I know you just lost your job I know you just failed that test I know your family's going through like why are you doing this and it's not because of you it's because of who you know and when who you know starts to reflect who you are you found true joy Psalms 30 verse 5 this is David talking and David's real emotional he's emo and and David is always in this paradox he's always fearful but faithful safe but scared hopeful but hiding like he's been in these places and this is what he writes for his anger lasts only a moment but his favor lasts a lifetime weeping may last through the night but what sure comes with the morning I came to encourage somebody that it may look dark right now but this message is you're horny like this message has been the thing that God wanted to remind you that I don't care how dark it is in your life I sinned joy constantly so that you know you always have a brand new opportunity to experience it he could have used the analogy to anything else but he said your joy will come in the morning because one thing is guaranteed no matter how long the night feels like it lasts the mornings coming I came to encourage somebody today that your joy is not far away that I know you're broken and you're downtrodden in the situation's bad right now but joy is coming in the morning but as I start walking this out in my own life I found something for me in my life me and my wife that kind of gave me a new perspective on this the scripture says joy comes in the morning like with the Sun but I found it to be true that many times joy comes in our morning the the things that we feel like we lost the things that we feel like are a disadvantage the things that we feel like in life are unfair God somehow turns those situations to an awesome opportunity to experience joy that doesn't move us by outward circumstance I should be sad I should be broken I should be mad right now but joy is coming out of this morning can I help you in church I'm gonna be very real with you right now because me and my wife have been experiencing this in our life this is my son MJ MJ just celebrated his second birthday and he turned 2 on the 20 what was at the 26th of October he's the most amazingly cute boy in the world so MJ me and my wife this year have been praying serving God serving this church doing everything that we know how to do and we noticed that MJ wasn't developing and talking and doing certain things like Isabella his older sister and so we went to the doctor and there's like yeah he's not he's not developing and doing things like other children are doing he's like I think he has some developmental delays and um me and my wife are like no not our son we prayed we fasted we've cried we've dedicated him to the Lord not happening so he took him to some other therapist and some other people in faith knowing that God is bigger knowing that we trust God and we got him in he said um we're not sure about it he's not old enough to tell yet but he looks like he might have some signs of autism and um I don't know if any parents in this house have ever been told something has happened to your children or something that you can't control but for us me and my wife went through a season and are still going through a season of mourning believing and trusting and what God is saying but knowing that is not always a fair situation and as we celebrate his second birthday and he's not saying any words yet as he sat there yesterday enjoyed his truck and enjoyed his friends and his family being around and being my wife we looked at each other every time he smiled and we were so excited because what we thought was the death of a dream in our life and he he may never play football and he may never do this and he may never do that we saw the grace of God at work in a situation where we had to mourn and I stood in faith and I told the therapist I said I know what the reports are saying and I know we haven't had them tested and I know all these other things that happened but I'm believing God for a miracle said I'm believing God for America then God took me to the scripture that has helped me through many days because the joy is not coming in the Sun that came up it's coming in the loss and in the disappointment of something that I thought and I'm I'm reckoning and trying to figure out what are you doing I served you I've told you I'd serve your people I'd do all this other stuff but how is this all making sense he says son it's not something I'm doing to you it's something I'm doing for you he said I'm using your son that carries your same name to teach you about my faithfulness to teach you about my grace see it's not gonna come from the likes on Instagram cuz he's cute is gonna come from the inside is gonna come from you being connected to me it's gonna come from you trusting that I got it and I have to have the response that I trust you and it took me to James chapter one verse two and it said dear brothers and sisters when troubles of any kind come your way consider it an opportunity for great joy I never looked at that scripture with much with much faith because nothing had happened to me that hit me to my core like this but it changed my perspective on how I was looking at this situation because God knew it was gonna happen and so if God didn't put James chapter 1 verse 2 in the Bible for anybody else he put it in there for me because he said Michael don't worry when troubles of any kind come your way I want you to change your perspective and I want you to consider it an opportunity for your joy to grow for your joy to be fool for you to be joy fool for there to be fruit to come out of this he said four you know when your faith is tested and it has been he said you're a Durance has the chance to grow so then he tells you like it's gonna be okay let it grow don't fight it don't deny it don't try to act like his hand the enemy tried to get me not to share it to think that people will label my son and all this other stuff guys just let it grow he said I'm gonna get the glory out of this I'm gonna do a miracle behind this I'm gonna be the one that is high and lifted up and I'm gonna be the one to get the glory but you gotta know that your joy is not external that your joy is internal that it comes from me and I got it and you have to trust me [Applause] [Music] so let it grow for when your endurance is fully developed you will be perfect and complete needing nothing I can see how that works now cuz I give anything for my son to say words you you wouldn't have to give me no more clothes and God said when I worked this miracle in your behalf you're gonna see that the things that you think are really important and I've learned at all that's how Paul and Silas they had been in jail before they had been shipwrecked the scourging that Jesus got Paul got that so many times it was usual so when they did death threats and all this thing didn't affect his joy he said cuz I've been through things that should have taken my joy but my joy is not external it comes from Jesus today I don't know what the enemy has been trying to tell you about your life but you have so much to be joyful about you abide and you stay connected to him it's the only thing that's kept me in this time that's the best message is that I preached those things that you said pastor you preached and I've been going through crap in the background trying to hold on to my faith but I knew God and so when you come and see me or you see me laughing or anything that's not happiness because my situations not the best but it's true that comes from the inside and the world didn't give it autism didn't give it sickness didn't give it and it can't take it away god I worship you I dare somebody to just thank God for who he is for what he's doing I guess somebody to get joyful if you would just remember who God is and how he's been so good God we trust you cuz you got god I pray over every person under the sound of my voice who the enemy has tried to steal their joy who we've tried to be convinced that it's too bad father I thank you God that we take a posture of knowing who you are father God I thank you Father that our joy will begin to overflow father God that we will begin to keep our mind state on you father God and you will do something in our life that doesn't come from the external father but it comes from the internal being what comes father god I don't care I have faith in you I believe you are good and we as the church will serve you and trust you and we will have joy our smile will not be because of our circumstance our smile won't be because of our feeling but it will be because you are a good father and we are connected to you and we trust you and you've got it in Jesus name somebody give God a shout of praise in this place come on give God a shout of praise in this place the God will make such fruitful hey bring me that water real quick I want to show you this don't cut the tape yet I just need everybody see this I was gonna go without it but just bring it out see this is what I want you to understand real quick um the last point I want to give you right now is that your joy will overflow sit down with two minutes please and I'm following the spirit right now because somebody needs to see this it says your joy will overflow when you change the concentration when you change what you're concentrating on see this is what life looks like this is you remember that John can you put that John 15:11 scripture up real quick because I just want to teach this with an example real quick John 15 verse 11 and it says I've told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy yes your joy will overflow this is your joy okay but the thing about my joy is that I can't control what life throws at me I don't know what is going on and I don't know that God may have some situations that he allows into my life to throw some some disappointment some frustration some hurt I can't control that so what is it doing Pastor Mike it starts affecting my joy and where I was clear I start to look a little blue but put the screws back up there the scripture tells us that now this is your joy but I want to fill you with my joy can you bring me out Jesus joy please see Jesus joy is clear and Jesus joy is full this is the difference though see there's a concentration of blue dye that is in here that has overtaken the amount of trust and purity and clarity that was in here but when we change our concentration to the Word of God so you've been focusing on how blue it is and God says focus on how big I am you've been focused on how it's affected you and God saying focus on how I can affect it and when you start pouring the Word of God in our faith overflows but as it overflows it takes out everything that's it takes out every somebody better rejoice with me and our me our joy begins to over slow I dare you if you're in this place to begin to shout under God with the voice of triumph that he's taken everything that's been blue in your life and he's gonna take your joy and he's gonna overflow and everything that's not like him is coming out [Music] hear me when I tell you change the concentration the only reason joy was restored was because the concentration change there was less dye and more water there was less worry there was more word and it changed the concentration don't ever forget that God through Jesus wants to give you his joy and your joy will over amen give God a shout a phrase in this place [Applause]
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 197,562
Rating: 4.9138718 out of 5
Id: sFftGJ99A4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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