LIVING WITH JOY - Francis Chan

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since hence I tell you his his dad called me a couple hours after his son died on Monday and just the piece of this man who had just lost his son and telling me about the last day in Clayton's life because they he knew he was going I mean his this non-stop nosebleed for like ten hours and they just knew this was the end and in fact I talked to some friends of mine this one guy who was actually working on that film last week that they you know that they were doing right up until the time that he died and and they were saying there was as one point when um when they were on the freeway and one of the cars ran out of gas or two cars one of the cars ran out of gas we pulled aside tried to figure out what's wrong and said okay well we'll go get help the other car drives away to go get help and then that car breaks down so they're like man what are we doing they're running out of time and then they finally get there and the guy that was doing all the filming forgot part of the camera and so everyone's just like whenever everyone was stressed out except for Clayton Clayton they said hit the whole time he's just smiling and humming he was in another world he knew that any day he was going to be out of here and when you have that perspective nothing can get you down it's just this whole that's why just like he says in the video just like he said when he was at our church he just says look I don't I feel sorry for you guys because you don't live like this could be your last day you're living like you could be on this earth forever because I know I know one of these nights and when I fall asleep fall into a coma and never wake up I'm aware of that and it changes my mindset he goes and I'm scared for you guys because you're not thinking about that this next life that's coming and that's everything Paul was saying in Philippians right he's just saying look we're not citizens of this earth we don't have our mind set on earthly things and and I thought what a perfect way to start off this message of Philippians 4 for were says rejoice in the Lord always I'll say it again rejoice men that that was Clayton and no matter what was going on he was rejoicing why because he was in another world he wasn't thinking about things of the earth but I tell you it was amazing to talk to his add that his dad would call me just right after it happened and just tell me the events and tell me what it was like because it's one thing for me to stand up here and tell you guys hey rejoice in the Lord always you know because things were going great in my life right now but it's quite another thing when your son just died your son who's battled leukemia since he was a kid just passes away and you can hear a peace and a joy not that he was you know jumping up and down laughs anything like that but but there was even amidst the pain and the tears of this week there was a piece that was a joy there was rejoicing in his soul and I got to ask you are is that what you're known for do people see you as a rejoice er someone who rejoices in the Lord always no matter what's going on Philippians 4 you know before I get into diverse for I didn't read verses two and three last week and so on I'll just hit those real quick Philippians four he says in verse two he goes I entreat you o dia and I entreat sentai key to agree in the Lord so those were just a couple of women in the church that we're fighting sometimes that happens and and and it's interesting that all Paul does is because hey I'm telling this person this person knock it off get together in the Lord okay I love that I wish it were that easy today see back then there was like an authority in the church it's like wow Paul tells to get along let's get along let's work this thing out we've lost all sense of spiritual leadership or any type of leadership or authority figure in our wouldn't be great if I could just say you know to a married couple that's ready to divorce you guys knock it off you know just work it out you both call yourselves Christians work that really should be that that easy it really should be this idea of look you both call yourselves believers figure out there's something much bigger than your little marriage here so work that thing out because we're trying to paint a picture to the world to people who are dying people who are going to hell work it out and hear Paul saying you know what I'm telling you I'm telling this these two ladies work it out working out agree in the Lord there's something bigger going on here he's talking about eternal things and then he says in verse three he goes yes I asked you also true companion help these women who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers whose names are in the book of life so I love how that's what leads into rejoice in the Lord always easy and help out these other people because they're about the gospel maybe there were some people that were hurting financially or or they just need some help because you want to help them out these are your brothers and sisters in the Lord their names are written in the book of life now when's the last time you rejoice because your name was written in the book of life when's the last time you even thought about your name being in the book of life the thought that in heaven your name is written there for those of you who have decided to follow Jesus I don't know if your names and I don't minds in there you know our but are you rejoicing and when's the last time you rejoiced over that because Jesus Jesus at one point when he sent these disciples out they came back rejoicing they're filled with joy they're going man even the demons submit to us we have power over snakes everything and they're so fired up and Jesus says don't make us don't rejoice that the demons submit to you but rejoice that your names are written in heaven in other words don't rejoice and things that are up and down up and down unstable rejoicing something that's just there God is always there that's why sing rejoice in the Lord your name's written in the book of life are you a rejoice ER because this is a command here and this is this has bugged me about this passage is I never really took it seriously when I was younger because rejoice does not sound like a command right it's too happy to be a command you know command is don't kill anyone you know it's like okay okay I won't kill anyone that's a command but rejoice can God really command us to rejoice see this is an absolute man in fact I don't see another command and all of Scripture that's written like this where he says rejoice in the Lord always then he goes and I'll say it again rejoice you don't have any other commands like they didn't say don't kill anyone let me say it again don't kill anyone he doesn't do that with any other command in scripture and yet here in Philippians when he's he's talked about rejoicing already now he says it again at the end of the letter rejoice in the Lord always I'll say it again rejoice and remember who's writing this this is Paul writing from prison this is not a guy that's got his nice little life and everything set up and he's he's loaded and just don't hate rejoice no there's a guy that's been beat up who's lost everything for the sake of the gospel and now was chained and he's writing this letter rejoice always rejoice and Lord always I wish you could see your faces right now you're all like you're talking about rich in the Lord always man here's the thing it's okay and hey I know I know a lot of you guys are pretty heavy people but there's also there are people and and here's the thing is because we don't take this as a serious command I have yet to and I'm going to do it this service but I don't we don't confront people on this issue of non rejoicing but that's a sin like everything else we'll confront them if they're having an affair but do you confront those people because there are people people in this church man every time I meet with you you're just Europe you suck all the life out of me you know you're mad about something you're bummed always I mean there are people I've come up to before I go hey what are you mad about this week because and and you'll make every excuse well you don't know my life you don't know this you don't know that you guys it's not about that it's not about circumstance man don't you understand God wants to see his children as children of joy see because that's what brings him glory someone was asking me on a plane two days ago they go hey what do you mean by bringing glory to God how do you bring glory to God I said you bring glory to God I mean because he was saying you know what God's already so glorious you can't make him more glorious I don't know you you don't you don't make him more glorious but I go the way I see it is you're sharing his glory with everyone else and telling people how wonderful he is and and it's through your satisfaction in him through your contentment in him where people go man man this God he really is enough for you ago yeah the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want it it makes them go wow what is this that you have with us God that brings you so much joy and peace when everyone else is stressed out right now you seem okay and I tell this guy goes it's like I remember them don't you love it when your kids love being your kids you know and even when they say oh yeah my friends my friends go man I wish I had your dad or I wish I had your fan that's just the greatest it makes you go yeah I'm pretty good dad you know and I remember one time as years ago my daughter came home one of my daughters came home with a test score she got an F on a test now that's unacceptable in my house no no Asian gets an F and even if you're only half it's still it's just not right so she comes home and she knows we I don't I don't we don't do that here and and and so she stressed out right she stressed out and you know I come home you know that day and she shows me this is like okay what are you gonna do what are you gonna do and I just remember looking at her and you know my mind spinning right then and she was what are you gonna do to me to see her face I go okay honey this what I'm going to do we're gonna go out to dinner and I'm gonna take you to a movie and then we get ice cream afterwards and I said and here's why I said I want you to understand what God has done for your father I go do you understand that I've done some terrible things in life your dad's done some bad bad things and God showed me something called mercy where he didn't punish me for those things but then instead he's blessed to me and he's blessed in my life he's given me you your brother your sister he's given me this amazing life down here the church all my friends I go that's called Grace when you're given something you don't deserve and so even though you got this F and you deserve punishment I'm going to show you mercy and not punish you even though you know you deserve some you don't deserve a reward I'm going to reward you anyways because that's Grace when you're given something you don't deserve now this isn't going to happen again so so remember this keep this in your memory but you know I remember I she was telling me the next day at school all her friends were like bid what happened what happened and she told them they're like man you got the greatest dad in the world and I'm like yeah you do honey you got to figure that out and but but there's there's a glory that comes to me when when my friend my kids say you know what everybody wants to be in our family like they love our family like being are out it brings you glory right cuz you're going man you know that's my kid that's my kid they're in a sense glorifying me and take that in the right way not that I'm like this egomaniac but I'm just saying that's that's what happens in the same way with the father I mean don't you understand and that the people ought to see a peace and a joy and this excitement in us where people actually look at you and every time they hang out with you they don't get bummed out they just go man what is this about you and this family you're a part of I want that I want to be a part of this family I want your dad I want your dad you keep talking about even though you lost your job even though you you lost your your home even though you lost your child like there's this I don't get it what is is I want a piece of that man is that the picture of a child of God that you're giving to the world because if not man it's like every other sin rejoice this is a command it's in the imperative rejoice in the Lord always I'll say it again rejoice and send me guys well but that's not me I'm just not you know some people because this is not about a certain gift that you're given man and and understand when I look at this passage this whole idea of rejoicing I'm like some of you were naturally I I'm a problem-solver my mind goes straight to problems and I try to fix it I've always been this way ever since I was a little kid I I just I wasn't a happy kid I was not a happy kid at all I remember I could you know how you remember little things from your childhood and you don't know why you remember those memories but they're just in there I remember my aunt my aunt when when I was a kid every time we'd visit her she'd always say the same thing to me she'd look at me she goes why you're never happy I said you know how you were like certain things are ingrained in your head like I always remembered because it was like shocking I really just looks at all that time you don't never have and I also remember this other time my dad was cooking and you ever a he was cooking a fish and and you know when we cook a fish we cooked the whole fish you know the head everything is just right there and remember just looking at the fish's face and I remember just going up to my dad and go man he looks so sad and I still remember my dad he looked right at me and goes that how you always rook so weird they're like that how I always wrote I mean I always look like that you know it just but that's that was me it was just like this kid that was just this mopey problem filled stress that you know I'm even as a child that just wasn't me you know and I'm not talking about the person that just naturally happy because he's a happy person that was not me at all but you guys there's this person called the Holy Spirit okay and when he comes into you the Bible says you'll see the fruit of him you'll see love and you'll see joy and peace you'll see it it's it's a change in your life because of what's happened to you about God coming in your life and you recognizes and you can rejoice in the Lord always it was such a blessing to me a few years ago when someone was interviewing my daughter unbeknownst to me you know that at a retreat I was speaking out and someone just interviewed my daughter and asked her questions about me the guy that was emceeing the thing and and he asked my daughter what's the first thing you think of when you think of your dad the first thing out of her mouth was joyful joyful that's how I always rub now you know it's just like it was like wow you know it's just again it's one of those but that's what the Holy Spirit does is don't you understand we've got to stop looking at all the junk in all of our past and going on but I could never be this I could never be that no know through the Holy Spirit I'm saying we ought to be children the most peaceful the most joyful people on the planet not that we don't go through difficult times and now that we don't struggle with sometimes but we've got if we've got to fight for our joy we've got to rejoice in the Lord not just something always this morning that are you rejoicing that your names written in the book of life rejoice in the Lord always I'll say it again rejoice and then he says let your reasonableness be made known to everyone okay this is something everyone should see is that you are a reasonable person you don't fly off the handle that's what this reasonable means because let everyone see that everyone should know you if you are a believer in Jesus Christ you should be known as a joyful person and a reasonable person that means something difficult happens in your life you don't get angry like everyone else you don't stress out like ever you just kind of take it and you go well you know what I don't like Clayton you know everything's falling apart but it's okay because this life is almost over anyways my citizenship is in heaven my mind is not set on earthly things so when little earthly things fall apart I'm not going to fall apart but people say well what is it he's so reasonable he goes let everyone see this reasonableness and why are you so reasonable here's the phrase the Lord is at hand why do we just not care about a lot of these things it's because you know what the lord's at hand and what he's talking about he's talking about the return of Jesus Christ he has just said look we don't set our mind on earthly things he says instead our citizenship is in heaven and he says and from it we eat early await a savior we're waiting for him and were eager like come on come Lord Jesus come today come today could you just come today because you're going to come in any moment and he goes you know what the Lord's at hand so we rejoice so everything else it really doesn't matter and this idea of the Lord is at hand men don't miss it I was preaching about this yesterday and and it kind of hit me as I was talking I was realizing wow I've never really thought about the scene to this extent about the return of Christ it's almost like you know when you watch a movie you know like Braveheart or something like that and you know this whole movies just building to this one scene or you know or or you guys see Cinderella man that's like one of my favorite you know it's all just you know this guy got nothing and that final fight and yours like oh come on you know you that battle that moment where your hearts just leaping it's a climax of the movie and it's like how the war is going to take place and and you understand that that sometimes we get so built up to some of these things and yet when we talk about the return of Jesus Christ we go yeah Jesus coming back someday you know that's like why know do you understand the immensity of the Lord is at hand I caught a glimpse of this yesterday when I was preaching I was preaching out of a Matthew 25 where it talks about the sheep and the goat judgment you know when Jesus returns and he separates everyone and says you guys you know he says to those on his left you guys didn't really care about me I was hungry you didn't care you're just into yourself I was thirsty you didn't care you just kind of want to take care of yourself make sure you're taken care of so I'm going to send you into this eternal fire I mean it was originally made for Satan and his demons but now you're going to go there too and then he says those on his right he goes you guys I was hungry and you fed me was thirsty gave me something to drink I was naked and you clothed me you were thinking about me and so come on in come on in and is that lastly and I was preaching about it but if you notice in the beginning of the passage it says when the Son of Man comes in all of his glory and all of his angels with him then he will sit on his glorious throne and he will who will gather all of the nation's together and he'll begin separating them like a like a shepherd would separate the sheep from the goats and I just pictured that scene I don't know if you've ever pictured it but think about this the son of man just first think that when the Son of Man Jesus comes in all of his glory just that just forget everything else right now picture Jesus coming out of heaven in all of his glory coming down right now in all of his glory not as a human being like he did the first time not in the form of an infant like he did the first time no now he's coming in all of his glory nothing else really matters at that moment does it he's coming in all of his glory and then it says not only is he coming in all of his glory but that says that all of his angels are with him now in Revelation 5 it gives a scene of the angels and how there are 10,000 times 10,000 that's a hundred million and try okay try to picture we've never seen a hundred million of anything but picture a hundred million just in your mind right now what would that sky look like a hundred million angels coming down the Son of Man in all of his glory right in the midst of them and then he sits down on a throne and gathers everyone together everyone on this planet I don't care how famous our you're nothing at that point absolutely nothing at that point who are you a little you know human being who couldn't take another breath without this God and you're sitting amidst the Son of God in all of his glory and a hundred million angels and you're sitting there okay that's a serious scene that's a serious climax to this movie and Paul says look you rejoice because you know that that's going to happen any second okay and at that moment because my name is written in that book of life because I've trusted in that Savior who died on that cross for me and I've given my life to following him not just saying I follow him but really following him and what do you want me to do I entrusting he goes you know what so rejoice rejoice in the Lord always I'll say it again rejoice and let everyone see how reasonable you are because you don't care about all this stuff on the other this is the perfect time for this passage man when everyone else in the world is freaking out about our economy for us going I don't care son of man is gonna be coming any moment with a hundred million angels can you imagine what that's gonna be like and he's gonna put me on his right and said Francis over there with the Sheep and he's gonna spend eternity with me he's my son he followed me he looked after me when I was hungry I'm going to look after him forever he gave me something to drink when I was thirsty and I'm going to I'm going to give him living water for the forever for all of eternity it's going to be worth it and that's why the Bible says rejoice rejoice in the Lord always I'll say it again rejoice let your let your reason a bonus be made known to all men the Lord is at hand do not be anxious about anything don't be anxious about anything you anxious about anything right now again this is a command you worried about your future you worried about a lot of money you just lost all that equity you just lost you worried about it he says don't you just don't don't worry about anything don't don't worry about anything okay what if could you imagine if today after service is over you walk out one of these exits and for the rest of your life imagine until the day you die you never worried about a single thing could you imagine try to imagine what type of person you would look like if you never worried for the rest of your existence on this planet can you imagine how happy you'd be at the end of your life you imagine how many people would like you and some of you guys here that you think yeah that would be nice you guys this is a command okay let me remind some times we look at this like it's impossible come on never were that's exactly the look you guys gave me when I talked about this come on okay anyway like anyone could ever not worry because this is command like everything else haven't we don't look at the other commands like that when I says I do not murder you don't look at me like yeah right like I'm gonna go my whole life without killing anyone this is man don't you understand this we gotta start looking at this and go no this is actually God's come in don't you understand that's what the commands are for God gives us these commands not to rob us to steal our joy because no I give you these commands these commands lead to life I'm telling you rejoice in the Lord always don't be anxious about I don't want my kids I don't want people seeing my kids down on that earth all stressed out as though I'm not in control I don't want my own children at home going man I wonder if dad's going to pay the bill I wonder if it it's like you just calm down God's got it dad's got it I just want you to go to school and have fun screw around throw a ball at your friend whatever you know just go do it because you're my kids and I want everyone to know that I got my I got my house taken care of and God's saying the same thing he goes I want my children I don't want them worrying about anything I want them actually believing I'm in control of everything so he says don't be anxious about anything because I'm about to come with all of my Angels and everything's gonna be fine right so I'm in control I know how this thing ends and you as my kids should trust me just don't be anxious about anything is but in everything in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God he goes instead of stressing about it and worrying about I just want you to do one simple thing just tell me what Thanksgiving say hey here's the problem and then don't worry about it anymore just move on just move on go back to rejoice and go go on play again just rejoice that's the way God wants us to be and you guys I used to look at this and think oh no don't really don't be anxious about anything but you know what I'm a pastor and so I worry about important things you know like these are people's lives at stake this people's eternal security at stake so it's okay for me to worry a little bit because that's not what it's saying here saying no I don't want any of my children worrying about anything I want him to pray to me but don't you sometimes pray about things and then worry about it still this was something I was convicted about a few years ago and I shared it with you guys as you go through here because I said this as as a boss some of you guys have some people under you it could be at home or wherever or you know and children workers whatever you you just have people who are supposed to follow your orders somewhere right now have you ever you know when you give someone an assignment like you know you got always tasks to do I'm going to hand this to this guy I'm going to hand this to her i'ma hand this to this person when you give them an assignment do you worry about it getting done when you give someone assignment usually right yeah it depends depends on who it is right I mean usually I mean aren't there those people you give assignments to and you call them the next and hey did you get it done I didn't think you would so that's why I'm calling you you know get it done and there's people like that we all know who those people are and just great that it's none of us right and but but all those people now now are there times though when you give someone a task and once you hand it off to them you have total peace you don't even worry about it you know it's going to get done are there people are other times when that happens why why is it that certain times you can not worry about it trust yeah you trust that person's already proven herself that person's proven himself every time I give him something he gets it done so what does that tell you about when you present a request to God and then you worry about it afterwards yeah you don't trust God that killed me when I figure that out but I don't really believe he's listening to me sometimes I don't really believe that the God of the universe just heard my prayer and I told him you know what here I'm giving it to you you do whatever is going to bring you most glory what's best for me for you for the world you just do it here here's my problem and then afterwards I'm like man is he really going to do it God did you do that you know I asked you a week ago and it doesn't seem like you're doing it the way I think you should you know and we worried worried worried why because we don't trust we don't really trust our prayers then when you don't trust your prayers James says you know you're a double-minded man you shouldn't expect anything from God because you pray and you doubt because and when you doubt don't think and receive anything God wants us to go wait well he did speak the world into existence he could probably fix this if you want he wants this confidence this piece of his children of course you can do this your God Almighty and I'm not going to worry about it afterwards because if there's one person I ought to be able to trust it's you so here it is I told you I prayed about it I give it to you I'm not complaining I'm doing so Thanksgiving so I'm going to go back out and play alright I'm going to go back out and just rejoice in the fact that you're going to return any time and even though I have all this trouble in this world you said that you know what in this world you will have trouble but take heart I've overcome the world and so god I'm just not going to worry about it I gave it to you whatever happens happens I'm going to work my best I'm going to go on but I'm going to keep rejoicing in you because I want the world to be envious of the dad that I have and I want them to want him but when his children are out stressing out freaked out like the rest of the world why would they have any desire to have the God that you have I'm telling you this is a sin like every other sin and I'm not trying to stress you out like okay I'm gonna rejoice if it kills me you know no it's it's but it is I mean really just look at things take things in perspective that's why after he says that he says the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus if you really came in the presence of God and lifted it up to him it says the peace of God think about just that phrase the peace of God the peace that God has can you imagine how much peace God has right now I mean we don't have peace at times because we don't have control right you're at peace when you're in control of everything I'm in control the situation I got to figure it out so I'm at peace it's those times when you realize you don't have control but what if you're God and you can just make anything happen and you never wake up one day going oh what what what and you're never surprised because you've ordained everything the peace of God do you think God's ever stressed worried about the future and he says you see that peace that's the peace you can have because when you're close to God when you're intimate with God and prayer and you realize well that's right you mapped out the beginning and the end in this book you know everything that's going to happen so you're not worried about it I just poured out my heart and you're not even worried you know everything and you see that peace the Bible says that'll be the peace that guards your heart so your hearts not freaking out you're not having all these problems and stressed that why because the peace of God is guarding your heart that's why when other people are losing their mind you're not losing your mind you've got this reasonableness about you why because this peace of God it's a peace that surpasses all comprehension surpasses all understanding I'm not just saying you deal with it a little bit better than someone else but people ought to see a piece in us that's supernatural like well you're really not worried about tomorrow are you you really are not stressed out that you just lost it you you just seriously like it should be shocking because it's talking about a supernatural it's talking about a piece that people don't understand like they should not get you people should not get me and how come I am and how I can just give and not worry and everything's good everything like when I don't get that good because it's a piece that a human being can't understand because it doesn't just come naturally but this peace and this joy that's why it'd be so wonderful for some of you have spent your lives anxious bitter angry you know overreacting to everything the Holy Spirit came into you and actually changed you now because people wouldn't understand that it's like oh man that guy always overreact that guy always blew is that he always lost his temper what happened and you can say the Holy Spirit of God it gave me a peace that I didn't know I didn't know I could be this joyful I was never happy asked my aunt you know I was never peaceful I don't get it I don't even get it completely I just know that this father I have he's changed everything in me and I'm really I'm not worried about I really am not worried about the future and yet difficult things happen I still cry I still have rough days but you know what in general it's all okay because the Lord's near the Lord's at hand and then he says this and we'll close with this his finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there's any excellence if they're anything worthy of praise think about these things CEC when he says after he says all that and we focused on rejoicing on the Lord then he goes he goes now what you dwell on he goes what what do you think about all day because do you dwell when do you dwell on the things that are honorable that are true just pure lovely the things that are excellent the things that are worthy of praise do you dwell is that what you think about all day do you think about the return of Christ do you think about that picture of of that God coming down on the earth with a hundred million angels to take you home do you just think of that and think well my name is written in the book of life and any second I'm just set forever does your mind dwell on that because that's worthy of praise right that's pretty excellent that's pretty pure or do you focus on your problems so that's when we lose it is when we focus on the problems it doesn't matter how small your problem is if it's right there in your face you won't see everything else because you tend to dwell on and that's what I did for many years here's what a lot of you guys do you have a problem so you just stare at increasing you can't see anything else just going man that is a big problem and you're just looking at all facets of it and what stinks is everyone that you see looks at you and goes and it looks like you got a problem and that's all they see in you wow you know wow she's got problems you know it's just that's that's all you know because it's just right there in your face and you're dwelling on it and and and everyone just looks and that's all they see in you rather than a person that's dwelling on the things there true they're excellent that are praiseworthy where's your focus you guys I mean God wants he wants to see his children down here man even through the suffering I remember Paul suffered we're not talking about having the perfect life here and the wonderful life in the sense that aw man you know everything just works my way now we're talking about about a guy that's been beating the guy that's lost everything that guy's has nothing but he is rejoicing and he's not dwelling on his problems his his citizenships in heaven and he just can't wait for that time when Jesus Christ returns and that's what he's known for but what about you what do people see when they see you are they shocked by your supernatural peace and your rejoicing I'm gonna have the worship team come up right now and we're going to sing a song I love this song because it it's it says these words it goes how can I keep from singing your praise how can I ever say enough how amazing is your love it's it's it's it's when you dwell all all day on the goodness of God it's like man how can you help but but scream and how can you help but just shout and say man my God is so good and I understand any and here's the thing is some of you today may go I don't know if I can rejoice right now I don't know I'm having a hard time and that's what the body of Christ is for is that every once in a while you know what you have those days I had one of those days remember couple months ago a bad day you know and and what what happened you know the elders came you know after the service like whoa what's wrong with you you know and this is not you you know snap out of it and they laid hands on me prayed on me and it's like you know what thanks you guys you know that's what the body Christ is supposed to do and there may be some of you today who say you know what I am that is me I am a joyful person I'm just in a rut right now at something you know maybe something's going on something's happened it or maybe it's it's you know what you talk about this rejoicing because the return of Christ and I'm not sure I'm real happy about him returning I might not be on his right side that's why I'm freaked out don't have that piece you have you're like oh yeah my name is written heaven I don't know if mine is maybe that's what you're saying I don't know if my name's up there I don't know if I ever really gave my life to the Lord man pray this prayer but I never saw any fruit and I'm just wondering about this whole thing man I'm telling you that's what the body of Christ is for let us pray for you let's talk this through there'll be there's they'll be pastors up here by the prayer room to pray with you to talk it through with you and maybe today's a day you know where you want to get baptized so you know what I want to be on this side I'm done with that old life I'm ready to follow this Jesus now and rejoice in him and if that's you then come forward and pray during this time but the rest of us there ought to be something in you that's just springing up that's what I love about the song it's like there are times I don't know if you have those times when you just can't even contain your joy you just want to scream you just want to shout and it's like all day long the more I dwell on you god I just want to scream I mean how can I keep from singing your praise and so if that's you man even if it's not you pray that it becomes you and pray that we would be a congregation that doesn't look like the rest of the world that is stressed out right now but we're rejoicing because the Lord's at hand a hundred million angels the Son of God in all of his glory let's stand and us worship Him you
Channel: venetable
Views: 213,076
Rating: 4.8619633 out of 5
Keywords: Francis, Chan, Crazy, Love, Living, with, Joy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 55sec (2455 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2011
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