Damage Control :: Damaged Goods (Part 5)

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I want to close on my portion of what God is doing through this particular story of Mephibosheth um by giving us what I'm calling damage control principles because we've been following the life of a guy named Mephibosheth who's been damaged from a young age he was 5 years old when somebody dropped him he was in line to be royalty all of it was taken away from him he had a better future that something happened and it robbed him of that opportunity like many of us some of us had a scholarship and then one wrong play got hurt and it felt like we were robbed of what we were destined for or you had all the self esteem in the world and then somebody sexually abused you and took advantage of you and it crushed your spirit see many people come into these doors and act like life doesn't happen you were over the youth ministry and you made one mistake and they demoted you and took the position away from you and you never want to delete again you were married to the one you thought was your forever and they committed adultery and left the relationship and you felt like you could never recover hey I don't know what's damaged you in your life but all of us have an area at least one but if we're honest many of us have many areas that are damaged if we if we look at our history and our behavior and why we do things and why we don't do things I mean some of us right now are scared to be a part of things that don't look like what they used to be let me help you you used to be on a praise and worship team and now you see these young people up here jumping around and doing all this other stuff and you could be an asset that's the praising worship team y'all heard them they say AHA yes but you can be an asset but somebody told you along the way that your voice sounded a little funny and so instead of working on it and coming to another level and being everything that you could be you just stopped damaged and today I want you to understand like mephibosheth that God's goal for your life is to restore every damaged area of your life he does not want you to die damaged I want you to hear me say that again when I was when I was studying and I was praying God said Michael Michael I want my people to know that it is not my goal for them to die damaged whatever area does your anger he said I don't want you to die damaged angry every time something doesn't go your way you you roar up and you become the incredible how many people have an Incredible Hulk yeah I come if it's the right situation the right thing then you turn into somebody that the what I call it uh mister uh dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde I mean you just erupt other people have the inverse when they get discouraged they go and become a hermit crab they isolate how many people when something doesn't go your way you isolate come on let's be honest like damaged and God saying to every single one of us no matter if I've named your situation or not God said I don't want you to die damaged so what do we have to do like mephibosheth when God comes to us when the King calls and when we get in front of him we have to submit to him we got a bow and then the Kings gonna restore us he was stored Mephibosheth after years of being in a place called lo debar a place of nothing there's years where nothing happened and one day God restored everything back to him I came to tell everybody today that it is God if you don't remember anything else that I say I want you to know that God's plan for your life is restoration more and better than what was even if it's broken now and we see that in Mephibosheth life he goes up and he gets seated at the Kings table and that boy went from eating ramen noodles to having his choice of whatever he wanted and the beautiful thing about Mephibosheth life he was damaged in his legs that's what the Bible tells us when he pulled up a seat at the Kings table his damaged area was what covered it was covered it's covered see this is what somebody yelled healed and I'm glad you did that because healing is a process covered is instant so I can still be healing but God's got me see what we want to do is I don't feel any pain no more or it doesn't affect me or if I fully forgiving them no no no we're gonna walk out your deliverance but we're gonna keep working on that but if you keep reminding everybody you're hurt then you uncover yourself but in the grace that I've given you I've covered you and what we have to do is agree with the grace of God on our life and not the situation we're still healing from because once you receive the grace the unmerited undeserved unearned favor of God and some of you looking at me like I don't understand Pass I'm like I'm trying to tell you right now there are things that you are holding on to that God has said just let it go because I've already covered that I've already let go of that I've already changed the trajectory of your future but you're holding on to something and I'm pulling you this way and you won't let it go so you're stuck because my grace is pulling you forward but your will is keeping you back and got a sing let it go because if you let me do the restoration it'll be more than you've ever experienced Mephibosheth again went from eating ramen noodles to having his choice he had land that that the king ordered a guy named zipper and all 35 of his servants to to work for him this man he literally went from not having anything to having it done for him there are things that God wants to place the Bible tells us that there is you will live in houses you didn't build you you'll have land that you get in farm you didn't tell this what restoration looks like God gives you and placing you in areas that you don't deserve but it's because of his goodness and his favor on your life that he says yeah you're my child you received me you accepted me here you go you see there's nothing my daughter Isabella does to deserve what I do for her it's because she's mine and we don't look at God like that we look at him like we have to earn every single thing that he does for us oh I know why I got that blessing it's cuz I gave that five dollars in that offering no boo-boo that five dollars or that night he's trying to make you more like him he's trying to give you the character and the discipline to do the right things but do you really think you deserved what God gave you do you really think you deserved another chance at the marriage after you screwed it up do you really think that you did no but we serve a good god that looks past all of our faults and he sees our needs and he says I can't even do this because of what they did but I can do it cuz they're mine and I want you to hear me if you don't hear anything else cuz they're these people going through this damage good series and getting healed I want you to hear me say this it's not going to be by works it's not gonna be by works like okay now I'm serving and now I'm read my Bible 50 minutes a day and now I'm no I'm serious because we think that somehow we want all of those things but if the motivation is wrong the outcome is going to be wrong god I want you to know like Mephibosheth that your damaged area did not disqualify you to the king and he's still looking to do good for you and he still wants more for you so last week then we saw this wack guy come into the picture and his name was zipper if you could just put a picture a mental picture up for everybody to see what I feel like zipper looks like this is what I don't know why you know he fights a little kids and stuff you know what I'm saying I I just feel like this is what zipper looks like to me Yala really realized real quick that I'm just crazy okay but I want to paint this picture so mephibosheth is getting restored from everything that was stolen from him zipper comes along and it's supposed to be serving with him be careful that everybody that's around you that God places around you to work with you it's not always for you you will be naive to think that and mephibosheth was so excited just to be restored he's not even looking you ain't even looking at who's taking care of his stuff you know there could have been I know there was at least one sign that that that this guy's Eber wasn't really out for the best but he's like you know what this is the best thing I've ever had just keep doing it keep restoring he's he's he's farming the land his sons are working he he's doing all this other stuff in one day I told you last week David's family he's the king at the time he has a problem his sons are crazy his sons beginning to fight one of the sons kills the other son he sends his son away and then the son come back then he is mad and was like I'm about to take over dad's throwing him and kill him I bit I put you I put that on Erik died and then they get ready to go and kill King David in the palace I'm just trying to catch you up because I'm gonna give you some damage control principles what ends up happening in this story is that David runs from the kingdom and when Mephibosheth who's been restored by God been restored by the King hears that they're they're leaving the palace he tells zipper hey bro hey my source is moving the the person who restored me the one who is my sustainer the one who is who is the one who brought me from a dark place to this place he's moving so I need to move too and let me stop there because we could but let me just say if God ever moves you need to move to like like you've got if God's doing something new and you're stuck in the way he was doing it you need to move and in Mephibosheth knowing that the only reason he's in the place he's in now is because of his right relationship with the king he was like hey get the donkeys bro get get a backpack we we oughtta hear if the King goes we go but zippers little hating self he goes and I know he's just thinking cuz he's just a hater and he's like man the fool can't move by himself anyway he's still damaged in some areas let me take advantage of what used to him let me take advantage hear me hear what I'm saying let me take advantage and bring back to his memory his damaged area cuz up into this point everything's good because he can get carried anywhere he can move anywhere he needs to he has all the resource he's not worried about food he's not worried about housing he's almost forgot that he's damaged and then somebody with the wrong motive comes in to try to take advantage of his damaged area again I'm supposed to be working for him but I ain't he can't move without me he wanted a piggyback ride here and get one and he takes an opportunity that was a complete normal thing and he damages mephibosheth again I said it last week but it's worth being said again even when you're healed in a damaged area it has the opportunity to be damaged again and if you don't know that you're playing yourself you you I'm out of that I'm free from lust I am free I am free no I don't look at women that's my sister hey sister hey sister hey sister y'all know what I'm saying we try to get this thing that if it's been healed it could never get that's why you have to have accountability that's why you got to have if it was me I was just thinking about this I think about the Bible if it was me and I was Mephibosheth I would have called my boy a maker um that was down in lo debar see cuz there was a guy that allowed mephibosheth to stay with him all those years while he was damaged I would have caught hey King could y'all go get my boy and bring him to be with with me because he cared for me when I was still damaged he was around in my struggle and I need some accountability in this new space that I'm in just because you get elevated doesn't mean that you don't need protection just cuz you've been better than you've ever been doesn't mean you don't need to be accountable to somebody just because you're the leader now do you know as the past official I've people I'm accountable to so I get up here and say something crazy somebody can boo-boo-boo-boo-boo Mike is up here acting a fool could you please get up why because as god takes me up as the elevator keeps going up i need accountability how will you be in the position that God has you in and not have people around see cuz accountability is not just to correct its to protect see cuz if maker was there but do who was with me all the time he would have salt like um bro zipper is getting lost with our donkeys bro and and he would have done something so what are you saying Pastor Mike when you know you've been damaged never walk alone' this ain't even a point but I feel the Holy Spirit shifting well when you've been damaged in the area don't walk alone in that area if you know you deal with pride don't be prideful and not tell nobody you need a hey this is what I struggle with hey this is why I'm at hey this is still my problem I've trouble getting around sometimes could you just be around so if I ever need to get around could you help me that's what hey I have trouble around midnight I start thinking wrong thoughts in my head and I go to website I started off looking at some Yeezys but I ended up with nessam mmm and so a double D ZZZ and I just don't it just came to my head I'm sorry but but hear me but hear me if you're not that real with somebody if you're not that humble open and transparent with somebody hey this guy is coming around and I feel myself getting weak around him we want to say so I'll just messed up I just messed up I was with you when you took the text message and you didn't say anything I'm just saying you have problems stealing money you probably shouldn't have any accounts with you just on them because if you're damaging you don't have accountability in that area it is more susceptible to be damaged again and that's what happened to mephibosheth restored healed more than he's ever had now the people who were supposed to be around him that watch this watch this watch is the beautiful thing about accountability Thank You Holy Spirit accountability is solicited not assigned the king assigned zipper to serve him but he still needed to go find somebody he trusted to be accountable to cuz you'll never be accountable to somebody you don't trust you will never be accountable that's why all these people going around struggling yes him how you doing I'm good I'm good and Hale is breaking loose in your life but the reason you didn't tell them the real deal cuz you don't trust them and the reason you don't trust them is because you didn't bring them into the circle and the reason you didn't bring them into the circles you think they were gonna judge you because you're damaged in an area but when you know everybody's damaged it's easier to bring people in and say hey I'm not telling everybody this but I need you I need you I think about my boy John who is just up here doing transition me and him are accountable to each other there have been times when when when that brothers called me and being like Mike I just need to confess some stuff that's him and he was like my wife don't know this yet but nobody else knows it but I need to tell you because I know if I let this cancer sit it's not just going to be where I could cut it out it's going to spread to a place where I'm gonna have to get chemo around my whole life and and and because of that trust I've been able to help him be um literally get out of situations that would have led to his destruction the same thing I'm saying with you I'm not telling you to go around and get 50 people to have a community meeting every night about everything you do wrong like this is me my name is John and I am a sinner like don't do that Oh what I am saying is if mephibosheth would have had real accountability he wouldn't have got played a second time if he had true friends around him he wouldn't have been able to be damaged again and many of us are damaged because we're alone and God just wanted to switch everything up just for a minute and let you know that walking alone was never his plan for your life that's why he created Eve in the garden he said it is not good for you to be alone that's why sent the disciples out how many by how many too much he said none of y'all by yourselves is gonna do this right so I'm encouraging you to not get played like mephibosheth cuz he was damaged again Zipit and gone off and met King David and said King haha it's your boys ever I'm here I brought all these camera camels and I mean donkeys I brought this bread for the people to eat I brought this wine for everybody to drink and the first thing the King said he didn't even acknowledge zipa he said where's your master where's Mephibosheth and then he had to lie and then he had to slander and I want us to pick this thing up right here in second samuel chapter 19 and I want you to see it chapter 19 verse 17 because what happened is zipper lied on on mephibosheth and the king got frustrated and said well cool everything I gave to him everything I'll restored to him I'm now giving it to you that messed me up when I read it the first time cuz I was like hold on now how is this liar this thief this hater getting elevated and he's wrong I mean I wrestle with to see some of us we read the Bible but I wrestle with the Bible like I cuz if you don't make sense I'm like God you have to give me some revelation cuz if you represent the king and you a great king and you a good good father and all this other stuff and now the hater gets away and you give him all my stuff but you don't know I'm in a broken place and I'm damaging he left me and I was really trying to do the right thing but he's doing the wrong thing and then you rewarding him God told me so clearly he said the reason he rewarded Zipporah was to test Mephibosheth heart your hater is a part of your growth see this was never about zipper cuz you reap what you sow this was about Mephibosheth God wanted to make sure that his heart was still in the right place and he would use somebody that shouldn't have been elevated to see cuz you will never see what's in your heart till you're done wrong I'm just telling you do do something do something to somebody's kids let somebody do something to your kids and then the prince will be like well that's just what happens that's just what happens i'ma tell you what happened get the baby bring about three or five like you yall already know in your minivan scope it is that they're telling y'all all the kids going when I say John I'm a run up you jump out knock them I'll meet you at the end y'all triflin [Applause] on site you know sick but what I'm saying is adversity trial injustice it will expose your heart really quick and the reason zipper got this was not about silver it was about Mephibosheth and so now we pick up King David gnam they win the victory they're headed back to the palace to rule and Absalon is dead his son and now this is where we pick up in second samuel chapter 19 verse 17 all these people are coming now to help the king and all his family and all his concubines get back to the city and it says there were a thousand Benjamites verse 17 along with zebra the steward of Saul's household and his 15 sons in 20 servants the 35 people that were supposed to be loyal to Mephibosheth they rushed to the Jordan where the king was they took the king and his household over and did whatever they wish I can just see them with their coats and just oh king please don't let your royal feet be be bothered by the water they're just in here trying to brown-nose their way because when you don't deserve a position you have to work your way to keep the position y'all see what it says at the inner it says they the household all of them went over to do whatever he wished when you get into a spot that's yours you can rest in it jump down to verse 24 says Mephibosheth Sol's grandson also went down to meet the king now this trips me out see this how I read the Bible how do you get there how the guy that was supposed to help him plate him he's been literally sitting at the same spot and now it's saying that Mephibosheth come down to the Jordan to meet the king this is what see you gotta look past what it says and see what God is trying to say there's always a ram in the bush if they left your life God will send somebody else if they didn't work out God will send if that business didn't work and he said you'd be a CEO he'll send somebody else it doesn't even give their name who they are cuz they don't need credit God will use people to get you to the place you're supposed to be at I want you to see this so clearly instead mephibosheth saw the damaged guy the broken guy it says he also went down to meet the king but look at his condition he had not taken care of his feet trimmed his mustache or washed his clothes from the day the King left until the day he returns safely that was a funky meeting but I want to give you my first point right here this is a damage control principle this is the thing that will help you if you've been hurt before that if a damaging situation is trying to come back then it won't hurt you the same way cuz you're gonna know now you're gonna be able to say y'all know what damage control is right like it's when your wife asks you how do I look in this dress and you're not really paying attention anybody look cool and then she said cool and then men automatically have this switch that goes on - damage control we just start seeing whatever needs to be said I mean cool when I said cool I meant like a Bahamas breeze and 72 degrees so that you know what I'm saying because we don't we don't want them problems it's it's trying to contain the damage that could be done and what I'm saying is things are gonna come in your life to try to damage you again but these principle these four principles I'm going to give you that we learn from a fibia chefs like it's going to give you the opportunity to control some of those areas that could destroy things you're gonna be like I know what's happening the first one that you have to realize is you have to stay faithful to the king through your trial this is the first damage control principle that Mephibosheth gives us the reason he does some of y'all like why didn't he take a bath why didn't he shave why didn't he clip them toenails it's because since he could not go he had to show a sign that he was still faithful to the king this was his sign that no matter what happens to me I need you to know that I'm gonna be faithful to trust you in this horrible season and see many of us when we go through a trial we become unfaithful to the king just honestly it didn't go the way that we wanted to go we go out and find fun ourselves we go back to the club we go hang out with the person we was not supposed to we stop coming to church we stop doing those things and and the thing that you have to understand is yeah you'll be damaged but don't stop being faithful to the king just cuz you got damaged again he got played but he stayed faithful he said I'm going to consecrate myself I'm going to sacrifice something so that the King knows that whenever we get back in right relationship I stayed faithful what does that look like I'm gonna parallel this with the situation in my life a few years back I had the most horrible business transaction ever happened in my life and what ended up happening is through a series of events we went through a situation trying to build a home the contracts were bad stuff started happening our house didn't get finished all this other stuff happened and I was still coming here I was preaching I was I was doing all kinds of stuff not trying not to let it come I was mad I was pissed I was frustrated I I would I would pray for people and they'd have turn around and pray for myself cuz I was like Lord why not I'm just being real okay but in that season I fasted every Wednesday I mean when I say every Wednesday I fasted every one it was the hardest season of my life but I said God I'm gonna do something too even in a place where I don't understand I'm serving you I'm praying for people we run in internships I'm doing all it why is this have out and gave I don't I don't soon see I don't done all of this and it looks like you're nowhere to be found but I know if I unplug from being faithful to you even when I don't hear you even when I don't see you even when it feels like you've left me that's just gonna be bad for me so every Wednesday I push away my plate and I wouldn't be I wouldn't eat and I'd pray and some of those prayers were hard y'all I mean God Hey thank you thank you for breath thank you for life thank you for my wife yeah thank you for my wife lord thank you for my my daughter lord you know we had to sleep in this house and it's too cold this winter and we don't have any heat in our home and we just brought our baby home yeah no I gave the money to get heat and they didn't put a heating system in so now it's winter and my firstborn is covered up and we're wearing full winter clothes to bed and I just feel like you've left me when I feel I feel like I don't know if I can go minister to people this Sunday and I just need you to give me grace to do it one more time I do love you but I don't feel you amen now and you know what God does when he's not talking you're in a test no good teacher talks during the test they they giving you everything you needed for this and now I'm going through what I got to go through but he's not talking cuz it's a test that's what Mephibosheth was going through he wasn't up places alone and he felt like God wasn't talking because it was not about Zambo remember it was about my faith it was a test to see if he would stay faithful when he didn't feel like anything was happening on his behalf you may be in here today and you like I haven't heard god I come to this church everybody act like he's moving where he at them like ah I don't understand I don't understand it it seems like everybody else's marriage is happy it's in my everybody else's kids is doing good and getting a's at school junior at junior objects come on like it you just I'm just serious because it just looks like nothing's lining up all my other friends are getting married and all my other friends getting houses and all my other friends and I'm just sitting out here and God says you're in a test I came to tell you Shh be quiet steel yourself and remember the past seasons that he's taking you through cuz he's trying to allow you to pass the test of right now I know it's uncomfortable I know it doesn't feel good I know it feels like you were not prepared for this but it's in you and if you use what's already been given to you you're gonna pass this test and so that's what Mephibosheth did his way of passing the test was showing God that he would not give up on him so he didn't shave he didn't wash his clothes he did he didn't shave he didn't clip his toenails cuz he wanted whenever the teacher came back see I did this and I passed it won't be because I walked away it won't because I brought extra problems into my life by going back to drinking and going back to alcohol and going back to gossip if that's not what have I stayed faithful even when I didn't feel you I kept coming to church when I felt like everybody was looking at me I kept serving when everybody was out to look at leave differently and my damaged air I kept on so god it will not be because I quit because your word says that the righteous man falls seven times but he gets back up again and so after I've done all to stand I must stand and some of you need to get that resolved because you're in the fight of your life and you want to run and god says stay faithful to me even when you don't feel me some of you are believing God for healing right now I feel the Spirit of God and the doctor's report keeps coming back bad and God's just trying to see is your confession gonna change I'm healed well mr. Todd this is not looking good I'm healed well we ran the tests we said we were gonna run we did the 6-week biopsy and it looks exactly worse than it did before we came in here I mean he's just trying to work in you the stamina to stay faithful even in the trial my marriage is healed uh I want a divorce my marriage is restored I'm leaving you okay Bob I'll be there where are you gonna because I'm coming with you I God is waiting for somebody to stay faithful through the trial and mephibosheth stayed faithful through the trial second thing verse 27 it says my lord the king is like an angel of God so do whatever you wish this is what happens he comes before the king and he said why why why'd you leave me he said this dude lied on me he slandered my name he betrayed me he said but I haven't shaved I haven't done anything look at me I'm in a broken state right now because I've been waiting for you to come back and speak to me and he said but you know what I'm not even worthy of all of this you can do whatever you wish this is the second point I want to give you to have damage control you need to trust the king with the outcome see mephibosheth was so confident in his relationship with God that even though he was in a trial even though he was in a bad situation he didn't go to explaining everything that happened and trying to build the case against zipper I love this cuz when you read this whole narrative that I can't go into but I wish we had like two hours so I could just do it he never blamed zipper he never made it about him he just said my man betrayed me he slandered my name if that was me I would have built a case February 26 you know what I'm saying I would I would have I would have built that case so hard and just said and it is his fault and he is guilty restart to me he didn't do that cuz he knew right relationship with the King would restore everything that he needed he said so I trust you do whatever you wish cuz you know better you know why that person left my life you know how you took me off that job you know why you have me at this church you know better some of us just need that needs to be our prayer life from now on God you know better this is what I want but you know better there's a reason I didn't finish school at the time I was supposed to there's a reason that you took me through this trial because you know better God says in Jeremiah 29:11 that I have plans for you plans to prosper you not to harm you to give you a hope in the future what is he trying to say I know better and so when you know God knows better you can be confident in trusting that all things are really working together for your good proverbs 3:5 my life scripture trust in the Lord with all your heart this is the greatest part for me and lean not to your own because in my understanding I would have done this completely different I mean all the way back from the garden I would have just killed Adam and even started over with Abram a meeting like you don't say like I would have started over but God said my ways are not your ways my thoughts are higher than you so when you trust in the Lord with all your heart you have to divorce your own understanding when you really trust God you have it is the prerequisite to divorce what makes sense to you that's why many people go through college and get these degrees and then God have you worked in a whole nother field and you know what he said because when you really started trusting me he said I had to cut your understanding and I have to do it to a place where you can trust me and that's what Mephibosheth did he trusted the king with the outcome today God wants you to trust him third thing mephibosheth was grateful to the King for what he already had verse 28 says all my grandfather's descendants deserve nothing but death from my lord the king but you gave your servant a place among those who eat at your table so what right do I have to make anymore appeals to the king this man in his damaged state was so aware of how good the king was still to him and many times we miss that when we go through a bad situation we forget how far and how good god has been to us I mean if you really think about the last 10 years of your life and how God delivered you he's changing you he's renewing you your marriage was on the brink it was over you had made the decision your mind was made up to commit suicide and God literally has brought you but he has restored you and then we get into one thing my Jack was short God is a tithe I did what you said and now look and I know God if I he's just like Lord Jesus or maybe Lord me like I mean just it's like they haven't learned yet like anything I do to make it feel a little uncomfortable because I'm trying to make their character more like me they didn't get it yet I am I purposely told them to give that seed that made them $30 short and they bills so I could see what they would do at the last moment you know they don't even know I've already discounted they hold cell phone bill for the next month but they just won't trust me in this three hours it's never what it looks like it's all about God trying to make you look like him and so when damaged situations come into our life again I'm making a conscious effort effort to stop and think about how good God's been to me now I mean just stop just that I don't stop talking to God thank you mmm this is this sucks it sucks yeah this is a big one but man I I didn't I don't even qualify to be a part of this decision right now God you've been so faith God I thank you that me and my wife made it six years marry I mean this is argument I mean this look like it's gonna be it it's gonna be over at six but God thank you cuz I know we I remember thinking we wasn't gonna make it - and we're here at 6:00 God thank you for providing this home we don't have the money to read renovate it but God I just think I think if you stop and think how good God's already I know I'm dealing with this disease but the one they gave me before this that they said was gonna kill me huh I'm still breathing it changes your perspective on what's happening when you get thankful for what God's already done yeah we need more business but God we got a deal God we do need God we do need my children do need better great thing you need to do better but father I thank you that our relationship is kind of somewhat halfway getting a little better I mean sometimes you have to reach for gratefulness but when you reach for it gratitude fills up areas in your heart that will give you the fuel to continue to move forward and that's what mephibosheth did he said you know what King cool I ain't got now I have my other home he bring me up here to just tell you what happened but I know all my family deserve death anyway when my grandfather and father died I should have died - and you didn't just let me live but you restored me so at this point I know what I deserve so you know what is cool because you've already done so much for me it doesn't even matter what happens out of this situation see what does it look like when we get to the point when we're in a damaged situation where you say God you done so much to me I really would like you to come through but it don't even matter I'm not even supposed to be here but you have been faithful you have been good you have restored me once and so he said Who am I to even ask the king or make any more Appeals I trust you and you already been good so what do you do now last point in the words I'm just gonna read the scripture first verse 29 now let's trip me out said the king said to him after he said all of this stuff why say more I ordered you zipper the hater the one who has caused all of this to be in control of this situation and now you divide the land now this messed me up this is me wrestling again with Scripture coz mephibosheth was done wrong but zipper gets to divide it now it was my land in the first place but when I you know you have to restore and do everything right you'll give the hater the upper hand to be the one to divide the land first off why are we dividing the land it was all mine and he came in lied we've we got that slandered my name made up stuff and he still walks away with half of my stuff he walks away with some of my friends they walked away with the with the business proposal I made I want to recall back to your attention that the trial and the hater is never about them it's all about your heart and this is where I would have messed it all up like me personally I'm like okay King haha great mighty king that's how you gonna do this I don't think you heard me I said he came light on me took my donkeys you see and then he came in like and he didn't even defend it look what he says he said Mephibosheth said to the king let him take everything now that my lord the king has returned home safely now this is the difference between immaturity and maturity because immaturity is worried about the stuff maturity is worried about the source of the stuff you missed it immaturity worries about well they got the promotion and they got the girl and and they got the stuff Mephibosheth said forget all that I am back in right relationship with the one who gave it to me in the first place so if I have right relationship with the king what is the land that zipper has I am back with the restorer so anything I need has the potential to be restored and I came to tell many of us we need to take a cue from Mephibosheth and the great psalmist Elsa and we need to let it go oh yes she is a psalmist to our generation if you didn't know see many of us are holding on to things and forfeiting our right relationship with the restorer but Mephibosheth knew as long see this is the thing the hater wasn't coming back I love it Thank You Holy Spirit you got to see that he got the land but he lost his job there's no way after Moffatt you remember what his job description what you work for Mephibosheth for the rest of your life you and all your sons as long as he lived you work for at the moment he got his land that's all he would ever get he just cut off the inheritance for his children's children you reap what you sow there's no way my favorite chef would bring him back bro you thought you had me man get out of here I bet you will never set foot on this land again he lost his job he lost a legacy and he lost his credibility so anybody in the whole kingdom if they heard his name it was synonymous with what he did the Mephibosheth not that he was a servant of the king or anything this is what I'm saying God's got your haters stop stop worrying about who doesn't like you and who's not for you and who didn't pick you and who keeps overlooking them just just let that go see Mephibosheth was focused on the king because he knew the king just got all his territory back he knows I didn't lie I stayed faithful to him I stand the test of time he gave me he started me back out with half of what I had catch the revelation sometimes when you're damaged God won't start you back where you were he'll start you back with half of what you had and see how you would steward over it but you can't think of it as a loss because you have right relationship with the king and this is this is what I felt as I close this morning this is what I felt that mephibosheth had in his mind I'm not going trip and I'm gonna let that unforgiveness I'm gonna let it go I'm gonna let the pain I'm gonna let the right to talk about this to other people I'm gonna let it go and you may be in here and you're saying well you don't know what they did to me pass the mic and I'm damaged because this and I was free from that and then they did it again you need to what let it go let it go everybody just an act of faith just hold something right here and then just drop it let it go see cuz if you do that I believe this was what God gave everybody in this place is giving everybody in this place and this is what Mephibosheth thought if the King did it before he can do it again
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 326,408
Rating: 4.8916168 out of 5
Id: IFOOtid3rKw
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Length: 50min 47sec (3047 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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